Revenue Procedure 2004-18

Rev Proc_2004-18.pdf

Average Area Purchase Price Safe Harbors and Nationwide Purchase Prices under section 143 - Revenue Procedure 2004-18

Revenue Procedure 2004-18

OMB: 1545-1877

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surance - satisfies the requirements for implemenring dlis decision, including ad"qualified health insurancc'' for all HCTC dress and tclcphone numiher;
( 2 ) Specifies the category ur categories
eligible individuals withnut any actioil rcnf health coveragc chosen by the state
quircd by any state.
.07 Coverage described in paragraphs (from anlollg thc categories described in
p a r a ~ a p h s(2) throu& (8) of section 1.05
(2) through (8) of section 2.05 of t h ~ revs
enue procedure (state-bascd contlnuaunn o f this revenue procedure (state-bawd
coverage or other state-based p!ar~r)satis- continuation cuverage or other shtc-bdsrd
fies the requirements for qualitird Ilealth plans));
insurance unly ifthe state elects to have
(3) Provides the name and policy foml
such cnverage keatcd as qualified health number or o h c r unique identifier for each
insurance and the coverage satisfies tllc clualifyjng plan in each category, and provides a narne ;and c o ~ ~ t unumber
for the
following requirements:
(I) Qt~ahfyingindividuals (as defined plan adminitrator or insurance carrier ufin scctinn 7.08 of this revenue procedurc) ficial who can provide additional infnrmamusr he guaranteed enrollment regardless tion, if necessary. Thih infurmation is reof their medical stanls and must be permit- quired only fur ccjvrrage described in pwated to remain enrolled sn long as they pay graphs ( 3 ) thruugh (81 of section 2.05 of
the premium;
:his sevenue procedurc; it need not be pro(2) No preexisting condition restriction vided for state-based continuation covermay be imposed on qualifying ind~v~duals; age described in paragraph ( 2 ) of scction
(3) The premiuln charged for ;1 qualify- 2.05 of this revenue procedurc; and
ing individual may not ht: prestzr than the
(4) Certifies that the four requiren~cnts
premium for a similarly SI t11:lted individual described in section 2.07 uf this revenue
who is not a quiilifying ~ndividual;a d
procedurc are met for each plat1 being
(4) Benefits for qualifying individual:, clected under each category.
;Ire the same as (or substantially similar to)
.03 The letter must bc scnt tu:
the benefits provided to similarly situated
Director, Hr.;llth Coverage Tax Credit
individuals who are not qualifying individInte~nalRevenue S ~ r v i c c
I ! l I Constitutio~~
Avc., N.W.
-08 "Qual~fying individui~ls"arz HCTC
eligtble individuiils who have at least 3
IV;ishingwn, l3 C. 20124
months of '-creditable coverage" (within
the meaning of $980 I of the Code) prior to
seeking enrollment in covcr;tgc described SECTION 4. EFFECTWE DATE
in paragraphs (2) thrclugh (P) of section
2.05 of this revenue procedure.

.01 T h ~ ssection scts forth the ptocedures h a t ;t statc must fr~lluwin order
lu eiect to have covcragc dcscribcd In
paragraphs (2) ttlrough (8) of section 2.135
of tl1i5 revenue pn~cedurt: (state-based
clorlrinuation covcragc or covcragc undcr
* h e r  an election, eligible residents of h e
srate [nay be able to more easily find qual]tied health insurance for which they can
claim the HCTC.
The likely respondents atre states. The
estitr~atedtotal annual reporting burden is
26 hours. The estimated annual burden per
respcwlent vanes fro111'/.I hour t c ~1 hour,
depending on individual circumstances,
with an estimated averdge of 112 hour. The
estimated total number o f respondents is
5 1. Toe euirnatrd frequency of responses
is one-tlmu.
B u ~ ~or
k srzcorcl:: rtlatrng to a collection
of information must be rchined as long
as their contcnts may become material in
the administration of any intern;$] revenue
law. Gc~lcrallyt ~ returns
and t;lx return
information are confidential, al; rcqrljrcd
by 26 U.S.C. 6103.

The principal authur of h i s revenue
proctdmc is Shush;inna Tanner of the Officc of Divjsi~lnCounseUAssnciate Chief
Cuuncrl (Tax Exempt and Govcrnmcnt
Entitie<). For further information regilrd~ng this revenue procedure, contact
Mr. Stcphcn Finan at (202) 622-1446
ur Ms. Tanr~rrat (202) 6226080 (not
toll-kec numbers).

This rcvenuc prucedure is effective
M x c h 1,2004. Electiolhs made bcfclrc thc
effectivc date uf this rrvcnue p~ocedure
continue to be effectivc, ~ncludingthcne
26 CFK 601.2OI: Rulinx,* c~ndd r ~ u n n r n u l i ,I,e~~~ l t , n
sent to a different address; they do not (Also. Purr l, i.42.5,103. 143.1
need to be renewed


Rev. Proc. 2004-18

The collcction of information contined in this revenue procedure has bccn
rcv~cwcd and approved hy the O f i c e
of Matlagcrncnt and Budget in accord:inuc. with the Paperwork Reduction Act
(44 U.S.C.3507) under control nunlbcr
1545-1 875.
An agency tnay IIDI curlduct or sponsur,
and ;I pcrsun is not rrrluiretl tcl rt..rpnnd
to, ii collection uf ~nfi~rmatiun
unless the
culIectiur1 nf i t ~ f i > r ~ i ~display:,
~ t i i > ~a ~valid
OMB control number.

This rzvrnue procedure provides issuers of qi~alificd mortgage bonds, aq
defined i n section 143(a) of thc Intcrnal
Rcvetluc Cudc. and issuers of mortgage
cscdit ccnificates, as defined in sectinn
75(c), with ( I ) the nationwide average
purchase price for residences located in
the United States, and (2) average area
purcl~isepricc safc h w h r s for rcsidcncua
lucated in statistics1 are,)> In rach m t e ,
the District of Columbia. Pucrto Krco,

March 1. 2004

File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2007-03-28
File Created2007-03-28

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