Title III, Title V, and Title VII APR

Annual Performance Reports for Title III, Title V, and Title VII Grantees

APR Components Revised June

Title III, Title V, and Title VII APR

OMB: 1840-0766

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Section 1—Executive Summary

Unless otherwise stipulated, please answer each question in 1,000 words or less.

When answering, please organize your responses according to the following focus areas:

  • Academic Quality

  • Student Services

  • Institutional Management

  • Fiscal Stability

Keep in mind that these questions, unless otherwise stated, pertain to the most recent grant year.

1-A. Use this section to summarize how your grant is enabling your institution to fulfill the legislative intent of the Title III, V, or VII Program during the current grant year.

1-B. From the list of questions below, select at least two questions that document your institution’s experience with the grant during this reporting period.




Type and control of institution (2 year or 4 year)

Section 1-A


The goals of Title III, V, and VII grants are to strengthen an institution’s capacity to serve low-income and minority students. Summarize, in 1,000 words or less, the impact your institution’s Title III, Title V, or Title VII grant has had this year on the following institutional measures: (a) Enrollment, (b) Graduation, (c) Retention, and/or (d) Fiscal Stability.

2 yr. and 4 yr.


Summarize, in 250 words or less, some of the major milestones reached this year as a result of the grant project(s).

2 yr. and 4 yr.


Summarize, in 250 words or less, where your institution needs support for the grant project(s).

2 yr. and 4 yr.


Has your institution’s project(s) contributed to (a) research, (b) knowledge, (c) practice, and/or (d) policy over the past year? If so, how? These may be presentations, publications, program development and/or expansion, and recommendations for policy changes due to the work being conducted on campus.

2 yr. and 4 yr.


How has the grant helped to carry out the mission of your institution this year?

2 yr. and 4 yr.


For continuous improvement, what modifications do you wish to make to your grant project(s) during the upcoming reporting year?

2 yr. and 4 yr.


If applicable, how did the cooperative arrangement aspect of the grant benefit the institutions involved?

2 yr. and 4 yr.


For those programs that required standards of evidence in the application (ANNH, AANAPISI, NASNTI, SIP, etc.…), how are you meeting the standards you cited in your grant application?

2 yr. and 4 yr.


If you have conducted program evaluation, assessment, or research related to the grant, please summarize your results. If you have any documents (journal articles, institutional publications, presentations, etc.…) that provide greater detail of your results that you would like to highlight, please attach them for review.

Section 1-B


Besides this grant, please provide how you are leveraging other Office of Postsecondary Education (OPE) grants (Title III, V, VII, SSS, GEAR UP, etc.) and discuss the long-range impact these grants have had on your institution’s capacity to fulfill the goals of the legislation.

2 yr. and 4 yr.


If your institution has experienced any unexpected results due to this grant, which affect for better or worse its capacity to fulfill the goals of the legislation, tell us about them here.

2 yr. and 4 yr.


Tell us about any challenges that you have had during the reporting period or that you anticipate in the coming year which may affect your ability to meet the goals of your grant. Include, if applicable, your institution’s plans to combat these challenges.

2 yr. and 4 yr.


Has the grant facilitated or contributed to bringing additional resources to your institution, for example, new Federal, State, or local dollars that can be attributed partly to your grant activities? Please explain.

2 yr. and 4 yr.


How would you improve or change the Grant Program (e.g., customer service, allowable activities, regulations, statute)?

2 yr. and 4 yr.

Section 2—Institutional Profile

Institutional Measures (GPRA indicators):

The Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 (GPRA) is a statute that requires all Federal agencies to manage their endeavors and corresponding results. Each agency states what it intends to accomplish, identifies the resources required, and periodically reports its progress to Congress. It is expected GPRA indicators will contribute to improvements in accountability for the expenditures of public funds, improve congressional decision-making through more objective information on the effectiveness of Federal programs, and promote a new government focus on results, service delivery, and customer satisfaction. As of 2017, the GPRA indicators for Title III, Title V, and Title VII grants within the Higher Education Act (HEA) are (1) Enrollment, (2) Retention, (3) Graduation, and (4) Fiscal Stability.

Complete the following table based on this grant year’s data. The Annual Performance Reports are typically completed from November until January. Your “Total Fall Enrollment” and “Fall-to Fall Retention %” will be from the most recent Fall Census Data.

Grant Year

Collection Year



Year 1


Year 2


Year 3


Year 4


Year 5


Total Fall Enrollment

Fall-to-Fall Retention %

2-Year Graduation Rate (2-Year)

4-Year Graduation Rate (2- & 4-Year)

6-Year Graduation Rate (4-Year)

Institutional Leadership:

Have there been changes in institutional leadership (presidents, vice-presidents, provosts, etc.) or in the Grant leadership (project director, activity director, etc.)? Yes ___ No ___

If yes, how has this affected the grant?


Which is your institution's primary accrediting agency? [Please check only one.]

Accrediting agencies

Middle States Commission on Higher Education

New England Association of Schools and Colleges, Commission on Institutions of Higher Education

The Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools

Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities

Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, Commission on Colleges

Western Association of Schools and Colleges Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges

Western Association of Schools and Colleges Senior College and University Commission

Other (please specify)

Accreditation Changes (For PPOHA and HSI STEM only):

Has the accreditation of your institution changed since you began the project (e.g., status changes or the addition of new programs)? (Include guidance around accreditation changes in user manual and FAQs).

Yes__ No__

If yes, please explain, in 500 words or less, in the space below.

Costs per Successful Outcome (For PPOHA and HSI STEM only):

Costs per Successful Outcome will generate automatically. We will compute costs as follows:

Total Federal Grant Cost for FY 2009-2010 [Total listed in Line 1 of Section 3] divided by the total reported in the following Institutional Profile Tables: Total Number of Degrees Awarded [4 yr. institutions] or Awards/Degrees Conferred [2 yr. institutions]

Instructions will be posted on screen in the APR, in the user manual, and in the FAQs.


Has an audit that complies with OMB Circular A-133 been completed?

Yes ___ No ___ N/A ___

Were there any findings in the audit?

Yes ___ No ___

Year the most recent audit was conducted: _____

Please attach the report with the findings and explain how these findings are being addressed.


Do you have an Endowment Challenge Grant?

Yes ___ No ___

Are grant funds being used for an Endowment activity?
Yes ___ No ___

Do you have an endowment on a previous award not matured?

Yes ___ No ___
If yes, what is the award number?

Section 3: Grant Activities and Focus Area

Section Guide

See tables below by program type.



Type and control of institution (2 year or 4 year)

Activities and Focus Areas

Grantees describe their activities during the reporting period and amount spent on each activity. They also identify a focus area for each activity: Academic Quality, Fiscal Stability, Student Services, and Institutional Management.

2 yr. and 4 yr.

Legislative Allowable Activity (LAA)

Grantees complete the LAA table to create a profile of how program funds are distributed within the various categories for their institution.

2 yr. and 4 yr.

Focus Area Outputs

Grantees report on outputs measured during the grant period.

2 yr. and 4 yr.

Section 3: LAA Tables

Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander-Serving Institutions (AANAPISI 84.031L)

LAA Category
[Note: All listed activities are directly from legislation.]

Dollars spent

% of Activity

Purchase, rental, or lease of scientific or laboratory equipment for educational purposes, including instructional and research purposes.

Renovation and improvement in classrooms, libraries, laboratories, and other instructional facilities.

Support of faculty exchanges, and faculty development and faculty fellowships to assist in attaining advanced degrees in the faculty‘s field of instruction.

Curriculum development and academic instruction.

Purchase of library books, periodicals, microfilm, and other educational materials.

Funds and administrative management, and acquisition of equipment for use in strengthening funds management.

Joint use of facilities such as laboratories and libraries.

Academic tutoring and counseling programs and student support services.

Establishing community outreach programs that will encourage elementary school and secondary school students to develop the academic skills and the interest to pursue postsecondary education.

Establishing or improving an endowment fund.

Academic instruction in disciplines in which Asian Americans and Native American Pacific Islanders are underrepresented.

Conducting research and data collection for Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander populations and subpopulations.

Establishing partnerships with community-based organizations serving Asian Americans and Native American Pacific Islanders.



Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander-Serving Institutions (AANAPISI 84.382B)

LAA Category
[Note: All listed activities are directly from legislation.]

Dollars spent

% of Activity

Purchase, rental, or lease of scientific or laboratory equipment for educational purposes, including instructional and research purposes.

Construction, maintenance, renovation, and improvement in classrooms, libraries, laboratories, and other instructional facilities, including the integration of computer technology into institutional facilities to create smart buildings.

Support of faculty exchanges, faculty development, and faculty fellowships to assist in attaining advanced degrees in the field of instruction of the faculty.

Development and improvement of academic programs.

Purchase of library books, periodicals, and other educational materials, including telecommunications program material.

Tutoring, counseling, and student service programs designed to improve academic success.

Funds management, administrative management, and acquisition of equipment for use in strengthening funds management.

Joint use of facilities, such as laboratories and libraries.

Establishing or improving a development office to strengthen or improve contributions from alumni and the private sector.

Establishing or improving an endowment fund.

Creating or improving facilities for Internet or other distance learning academic instruction capabilities, including purchase or rental of telecommunications technology equipment or services.



Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian Serving Institutions Program (ANNH)

LAA Category
[Note: All listed activities are directly from legislation.]

Dollars spent

% of Activity

Purchase, rental, or lease of scientific or laboratory equipment for educational purposes, including instructional and research purposes.

Renovation and improvement in classrooms, libraries, laboratories, and other instructional facilities.

Support of faculty exchanges, faculty development, and faculty fellowships to assist in attaining advanced degrees in the field of instruction of the faculty.

Curriculum development and academic instruction.

Purchase of library books, periodicals, and other educational materials.

Funds management, administrative management, and acquisition of equipment for use in strengthening funds management.

Joint use of facilities, such as laboratories and libraries.

Academic tutoring and counseling programs and student support services.



Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU)

LAA Category
[Note: All listed activities are directly from legislation.]

Dollars spent

% of Activity

Purchase, rental, or lease of scientific or laboratory equipment for educational purposes, including instructional and research purposes.

Construction, maintenance, renovation, and improvement in classrooms, libraries, laboratories, and other instructional facilities, including purchase or rental of telecommunications and technology equipment or services.

Support of faculty exchanges, faculty development, and faculty fellowships to assist in attaining advanced degrees in the field of instruction of the faculty.

Academic instruction in disciplines in which Black Americans are underrepresented.

Purchase of library books, periodicals, and other educational materials, including telecommunications program material.

Tutoring, counseling, and student service programs designed to improve academic success.

Funds management, administrative management, and acquisition of equipment for use in strengthening funds management.

Joint use of facilities, such as laboratories and libraries.

Establishing or improving a development office to strengthen or improve contributions from alumni and the private sector.

Establishing or enhancing a program of teacher education designed to qualify students to teach in a public elementary or secondary school in the State that shall include, as part of such program, preparation for teacher certification.

Establishing community outreach programs which will encourage elementary and secondary students to develop the academic skills and the interest to pursue postsecondary education.

Establishing or improving an endowment fund.

Acquisition of real property in connection with the construction, renovation, or addition to or improvement of campus facilities.

Education or financial information designed to improve the financial literacy and economic literacy of students or the students' families, especially with regard to student indebtedness and student assistance programs under subchapter IV of this chapter and part C of subchapter I of chapter 34 of title 42.

Services necessary for the implementation of projects or activities that are described in the grant application and that are approved, in advance, by the Secretary, except that not more than two percent of the grant amount may be used for this purpose.



Historically Black Colleges and University (SAFRA)

LAA Category
[Note: All listed activities are directly from legislation.]

Dollars spent

% of Activity

Purchase, rental, or lease of scientific or laboratory equipment for educational purposes, including instructional and research purposes.

Construction, maintenance, renovation, and improvement in classrooms, libraries, laboratories, and other instructional facilities, including purchase or rental of telecommunications technology equipment or services.

Academic instruction in disciplines in which Black Americans are underrepresented.

Purchase of library books, periodicals, microfilm, and other educational materials, including telecommunications program material. 

Establishing or enhancing a program of teacher education designed to qualify students to teach in a public elementary or secondary school in the State that shall include, as part of such program, preparation for teacher certification. 

Other activities, consistent with the institution's comprehensive plan and designed to increase the institution's capacity to prepare students for careers in the physical or natural sciences, mathematics, computer science or information technology or sciences, engineering, language instruction in the less-commonly taught languages or international affairs, or nursing or allied health professions.



Historically Black Graduate Institutions (HBGI)

LAA Category
[Note: All listed activities are directly from legislation.]

Dollars spent

% of Activity

Purchase, rental, or lease of scientific or laboratory equipment for educational purposes, including instructional and research purposes.

Construction, maintenance, renovation, and improvement in classrooms, libraries, laboratories, and other instructional facilities, including purchase or rental of telecommunications and technology equipment or services.

Purchase of library books, periodicals, technical and other scientific journals, microfilm, microfiche, and other educational materials, including telecommunications program materials.

Scholarships, fellowships and other financial assistance for needy graduate and professional students to permit the enrollment of the students in and completion of the doctoral degree in medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, veterinary medicine, law, and the doctorate degree in the physical or natural sciences, engineering, mathematics, or other scientific disciplines in which African Americans are underrepresented.

Establishing or improving a development office to strengthen or improve contributions from alumni and the private sector.

Assisting in the establishment or maintenance of an institutional endowment fund.

Funds and administration management, and the acquisition of equipment, including software, for use in strengthening funds management and management information systems.

Acquisition of real property that is adjacent to the campus in connection with the construction, renovation, or addition to or improvement of campus facilities.

Education or financial information designed to improve the financial literacy and economic literacy of students or the students' families, especially with regard to student indebtedness and student assistance programs [under subchapter IV of this chapter and part C of subchapter I of chapter 34 of title 42].

Services necessary for the implementation of projects or activities that are described in the grant application and that are approved, in advance, by the Secretary, except that not more than two percent of the grant amount may be used for this purpose.

Tutoring, counseling, and student service programs designed to improve academic success.



Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSI)

LAA Category
[Note: All listed activities are directly from legislation.]

Dollars spent

% of Activity

Purchase, rental, or lease of scientific or laboratory equipment for educational purposes, including instructional and research purposes.

Construction, maintenance, renovation, and improvement in classrooms, libraries, laboratories, and other instructional facilities.

Support of faculty exchanges, faculty development, curriculum development, academic instruction, and faculty fellowships to assist in attaining advanced degrees in the fellow's field of instruction.

Purchase of library books, periodicals, and other educational materials, including telecommunications program materials.

Tutoring, counseling, and student service programs designed to improve academic success.

Funds management, administrative management, and acquisition of equipment for use in strengthening funds management.

Joint use of facilities, such as laboratories and libraries.

Establishing or improving a development office to strengthen or improve contributions from alumni and the private sector.

Establishment or improving an endowment fund.

Creating or improving facilities for Internet or other distance learning academic instruction capabilities, including purchase or rental of telecommunications technology equipment or services.

Establishing or enhancing a program or teacher education designed to qualify students to teach in public elementary schools and secondary schools.

Establishing community outreach programs that will encourage elementary school and secondary school students to develop the academic skills and the interest to pursue postsecondary education.

Expanding the number of Hispanic and other underrepresented graduate and professional students that can be served by the institution by expanding courses and institutional resources.



Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSI) STEM

LAA Category
[Note: All listed activities are directly from legislation.]

Dollars spent

% of Activity

Purchase, rental, or lease of scientific or laboratory equipment for educational purposes, including instructional and research purposes.

Construction, maintenance, renovation, and improvement in classrooms, libraries, laboratories, and other instructional facilities.

Support of faculty exchanges, faculty development, curriculum development, academic instruction, and faculty fellowships to assist in attaining advanced degrees in the fellow's field of instruction.

Purchase of library books, periodicals, and other educational materials, including telecommunications program materials.

Tutoring, counseling, and student service programs designed to improve academic success.

Funds management, administrative management, and acquisition of equipment for use in strengthening funds management.

Joint use of facilities, such as laboratories and libraries.

Establishing or improving a development office to strengthen or improve contributions from alumni and the private sector.

Establishment or improving an endowment fund.

Creating or improving facilities for Internet or other distance learning academic instruction capabilities, including purchase or rental of telecommunications technology equipment or services.

Establishing or enhancing a program or teacher education designed to qualify students to teach in public elementary schools and secondary schools.

Establishing community outreach programs that will encourage elementary school and secondary school students to develop the academic skills and the interest to pursue postsecondary education.

Expanding the number of Hispanic and other underrepresented graduate and professional students that can be served by the institution by expanding courses and institutional resources.

Support for low-income postbaccalaureate students including outreach, academic support services, mentoring, scholarships, fellowships, and other financial assistance to permit the enrollment of such students in postbaccalaureate certificate and postbaccalaureate degree granting programs.



Minority Science and Engineering Improvement Programs (MSEIP)

LAA Category
[Note: All listed activities are directly from legislation.]

Dollars spent

% of Activity

Institutional Grants

Faculty development programs

Development of curriculum materials



Cooperative Grants

Assisting institutions in sharing facilities and personnel

Disseminating information about established programs in science and engineering

Supporting cooperative efforts to strengthen the institutions’ science and engineering programs

Carrying out a combination of any of the other cooperative grant activities



Special Programs

Advanced science seminars

Science faculty workshops and conferences

Faculty training to develop specific science research or education skills

Research in science education

Programs for visiting scientists

Preparation of films or audio-visual materials in science

Development of learning experiences in science beyond those normally available to minority undergraduate students

Development of pre-college enrichment activities in science



Native American-Serving Nontribal Institutions Program (NASNTI)

LAA Category
[Note: All listed activities are directly from legislation.]

Dollars spent

% of Activity

Purchase, rental, or lease of scientific or laboratory equipment for educational purposes, including instructional and research purposes.

Renovation and improvement in classroom, library, laboratory, and other instructional facilities.

Support of faculty exchanges, faculty development, and faculty fellowships to assist in attaining advanced degrees in the degrees in the faculty’s field of instruction.

Curriculum development and academic instruction.

Purchase of library books, periodicals, microfilm and other educational materials.

Academic tutoring, counseling, and student service programs designed to improve academic success.

Funds and administrative management and acquisition of equipment for use in strengthening funds management.

Joint use of facilities, such as laboratories and libraries.

Education or counseling services designed to improve the financial and economic literacy of students or student’s families.



Predominantly Black Institutions

LAA Category
[Note: All listed activities are directly from legislation.]

Dollars spent

% of Activity

Purchase, rental, or lease of scientific or laboratory equipment for educational purposes, including instructional and research purposes.

Construction, maintenance, renovation, and improvement in classrooms, libraries, laboratories, and other instructional facilities, including the integration of computer technology into institutional facilities to create smart buildings.

Support of faculty exchanges, faculty development, and faculty fellowships to assist in attaining advanced degrees in the field of instruction of the faculty.

Development and improvement of academic programs.

Purchase of library books, periodicals, and other educational materials, including telecommunications program material.

Tutoring, counseling, and student service programs designed to improve academic success.

Funds management, administrative management, and acquisition of equipment for use in strengthening funds management.

Joint use of facilities, such as laboratories and libraries.

Establishing or improving a development office to strengthen or improve contributions from alumni and the private sector.

Establishing or improving an endowment fund.

Creating or improving facilities for Internet or other distance learning academic instruction capabilities, including purchase or rental of telecommunications technology equipment or services.

Academic instruction in disciplines in which Black Americans are underrepresented.

Establishing or enhancing a program of teacher education designed to qualify students to teach in a public elementary school or secondary school in the State that shall include, as part of such program, preparation for teacher certification.

Establishing community outreach programs that will encourage elementary school and secondary school students to develop the academic skills and the interest to pursue postsecondary education.



Promoting Postbaccalaureate Opportunities For Hispanic Americans (PPOHA) Program

LAA Category
[Note: All listed activities are directly from legislation.]

Dollars spent

% of Activity

Purchase, rental, or lease of scientific or laboratory equipment for educational purposes, including instructional and research purposes.

Construction, maintenance, renovation, and improvement of classrooms, libraries, laboratories, and other instructional facilities, including purchase or rental of telecommunications technology equipment or services.

Purchase of library books, periodicals, technical and other scientific journals, microfilm, microfiche, and other educational materials, including telecommunications program materials.

Support for low-income postbaccalaureate students in­cluding outreach, academic support services, mentoring, schol­arships, fellowships, and other financial assistance to permit the enrollment of such students in postbaccalaureate certificate and postbaccalaureate degree granting programs.

Support of faculty exchanges, faculty development, fac­ulty research, curriculum development, and academic instruc­tion.

Creating or improving facilities for Internet or other distance education technologies, including purchase or rental of telecommunications technology equipment or services.

Collaboration with other institutions of higher edu­cation to expand postbaccalaureate certificate and postbaccalaureate degree offerings.

Other activities proposed in the application submitted pursuant to section 14 that­-

(A) contribute to carrying out the purposes of this part; and

(B) are approved by the Secretary as part of the review and acceptance of such application



Strengthening Institutions Program (SIP)

LAA Category
[Note: All listed activities are directly from legislation.]

Dollars spent

% of Activity

Purchase, rental, or lease of scientific or laboratory equipment for educational purposes, including instructional and research purposes.

Construction, maintenance, renovation, and improvement in classrooms, libraries, laboratories, and other instructional facilities, including the integration of computer technology into institutional facilities to create smart buildings.

Support of faculty exchanges, faculty development, and faculty fellowships to assist in attaining advanced degrees in the field of instruction of the faculty.

Development and improvement of academic programs.

Purchase of library books, periodicals, and other educational materials, including telecommunications program material.

Tutoring, counseling, and student service programs designed to improve academic success.

Funds management, administrative management, and acquisition of equipment for use in strengthening funds management.

Joint use of facilities, such as laboratories and libraries.

Establishing or improving a development office to strengthen or improve contributions from alumni and the private sector.

Establishing or improving an endowment fund.

Creating or improving facilities for Internet or other distance learning academic instruction capabilities, including purchase or rental of telecommunications technology equipment or services.



Tribally Controlled Colleges and Universities (TCCU)

LAA Category
[Note: All listed activities are directly from legislation.]

Dollars spent

% of Activity

Purchase, rental, or lease of scientific or laboratory equipment for educational purposes, including instructional and research purposes.

Construction, maintenance, renovation, and improvement in classrooms, libraries, laboratories, and other instructional facilities, including purchase or rental of telecommunications and technology equipment or services.

Support of faculty exchanges, faculty development, and faculty fellowships to assist in attaining advanced degrees in the field of instruction of the faculty.

Academic instruction in disciplines in which Indians are underrepresented.

Purchase of library books, periodicals, and other educational materials, including telecommunications program material.

Tutoring, counseling, and student service programs designed to improve academic success.

Funds management, administrative management, and acquisition of equipment for use in strengthening funds management.

Joint use of facilities, such as laboratories and libraries.

Establishing or improving a development office to strengthen or improve contributions from alumni and the private sector.

Establishing or enhancing a program of teacher education designed to qualify students to teach in public elementary schools or secondary schools, with a particular emphasis on teaching Indian children and youth, which shall include, as part of such program, preparation for teacher certification.

Establishing community outreach programs that encourage Indian elementary school and secondary school students to develop the academic skills and the interest to pursue postsecondary education.

Establishing or improving an endowment fund.



Section 3: Focus Area Outputs

The following are institutional outcomes that can be categorized according to the four focus areas. Please provide information on at least two of the measures in each focus area (eight measures total) that you feel are most reflective of your activities supported by Title III/V/VII funds for the current reporting period. You have the option of entering your own unique outcome goals in the area marked “Other.”

You should indicate whether you achieved the related outcome during this reporting period. Remember, you are only required to select at least two outcomes. Many grantees might be in their first grant year and unable to report on any outcomes. If this is the case, you should indicate which goals you will report on next year. If applicable, you have the option of defining the cohort of students for which this outcome is being measured. Among other things, your cohort might be based on your academic year, a sub-population of students (e.g., students with deficiencies in basic skills), or another point in time. Please be concise in this area.

In some instances, it might be necessary to provide a statement that supports your response. (Your supporting statement should be limited to 2 to 3 sentences.)

Row below each item: If you indicate that you have achieved a certain goal, please provide supporting data elements: the initial data point related to the outcome goal, the final data point related to the outcome goal, and the actual outcome goal at stated in your grant application. Note that certain intangible goals will require you to select an appropriate "rating" (e.g., poor, fair, good, excellent).

Focus Area

Measures Questions




Supporting Statement

(150 words)



Academic Quality

Has the number of new academic programs changed?

Has the number of specialized accreditations changed?

Has retention of full time tenure track faculty changed?

Has recruitment of faculty for full time tenure track positions changed?

Has the institution’s library holdings changed?

Has the institution’s education technology infrastructure changed?

Has the quality of the institution’s classroom space changed?

Has the quantity of the institution’s classroom space changed?

Has the enrollment of non-traditional students changed?

Has the enrollment of part time students changed?

Has the enrollment of minority students changed?

Has the enrollment of rural students changed?

Has the enrollment of low-income students changed?

Has the completion rate of non-traditional students changed?

Has the completion rate of part time students changed?

Has the completion rate of minority students changed?

Has the completion rate of rural students changed?

Has the completion rate of low-income students changed?




Fiscal Stability

Has the institution’s net assets changed?

Has the institution’s net income changed?

Has the institution’s endowment changed?

Has state institutional financial support changed?

Has private institutional financial support changed?

Has the number of private sector donors changed?

Was there a change in the amount of institutional borrowing?

Have grant activities been taken over financially by the institution?




Institutional Management

Has the number of specialized accreditations changed?

Has the institution’s information management infrastructure changed?

Has the institution’s information management capabilities changed?

Has the institution’s conformance with external standards changed?

Has the institution’s teaching classroom space changed?

Has the institution’s deferred maintenance needs changed?

Has the institution’s research facilities space changed?

Has the institution’s library space changed?

Has the institution’s teaching laboratory space changed?

Have outreach programs to increase enrollment of secondary school students been established?

Has the enrollment of the outreach targeted secondary students changed?

Have outreach programs to increase the academic attainment of secondary school students been established?

Has the academic attainment of the outreach targeted secondary students changed?




Student Services

Has the institution’s retention rate changed?

Has the average number of credits completed by students changed?

Has the average GPA of students changed?

Has the number of students continuing to further postsecondary education changed?

Has the retention rate of students who received academic counseling changed?

Has the retention rate of students who received tutoring services changed?

Has the retention rate of students who participated in other student services programs changed?

Has the average number of credits completed by students who received academic counseling changed?

Has the average number of credits completed by students who received tutoring services changed?

Has the average number of credits completed by students who participated in other student services changed?

Has the average GPA of students who received academic counseling changed?

Has the average GPA of students who participated in other student services programs changed?

Has the average GPA of students who received tutoring changed?

Has the number of students continuing to further postsecondary education who received academic counseling changed?

Has the number of students continuing to further postsecondary education who received tutoring changed?




Section 4: Project Status and Budget

Project Objective Status Report

Number of Project Objectives:

Project Goal:

Grantees report on the status of their grant’s project objectives (as stated in their original application). Please provide the information requested for each project objective in the following table. In the narrative of this section please address the quality of the change (positive or negative). {These should pre-populate from grant application/Section 3}

Project Objective

Performance Measure

Measure Type (Dropdown)

Quantitative Data


  • Institutional Management

  • Fiscal Stability

  • Student Service

  • Academic Quality


Actual Performance Data

Raw Number



Raw Number



Date Measure

Frequency Measured

Objective Status (Dropdown)

# 1



Status Narrative

# 2



Status Narrative

Frequency Measured:

These data may only be measured at different intervals depending on your specific project. You can provide various data collections based on these intervals. For example, a campus learning center may collect data on tutoring and/or Supplemental Instruction each semester. Please provide these data to provide the best information that highlight your campus. Data may be collected monthly, bi-monthly, semester/trimester, annually, etc…

Objective Status (Dropdown):

  • On Schedule: The objective has no specific ending date, or is scheduled to conclude at a date that falls outside of the reporting period. “On Schedule” suggests that substantial progress is being made towards meeting this objective.

    • Status Narrative: Please provide a brief statement, with data and references to goals stated in your application as appropriate, to document the work towards this project objective during the current reporting period. Please describe any unexpected results due to this project objective.

  • Completed: The objective was met on time and in full within the reporting period.

    • Status Narrative: Please provide a brief statement, with data and references to goals stated in your application as appropriate, to document the project objectives completion during the current reporting period. Please describe any unexpected results due to this project objective.

  • Change in Schedule: The objective was not met for a specified reason(s), and may or may not be met at a later date. This option allows grantees to explain why they were unable to complete an objective.

    • Status Narrative: Please provide a brief statement, with data and references to goals stated in your application as appropriate, to support and explain the need for project objective schedule changes. Please include an updated completion date.

  • Change in Objective: The objective was not met, or, will not be met, and a future change to this objective is anticipated. Grantees must have approval by ED for any change of objective prior to this APR.

    • Status Narrative: Please provide a brief statement, with data and references to goals stated in your application as appropriate, to support and explain the need for project objective changes. Please include (1) the proposed project objective change, (2) the reason for the change, (3) an updated completion date, and (4) whether the Department of Education program office has been notified and approved the change.

  • Not Achieved: The objective was not met, or, will not be met.

    • Status Narrative: Please provide a brief statement, with data and references to goals stated in your application as appropriate, to support and explain why the project objective will not be met.



Type and control of institution

(2 year or 4 year)


The budget and expenditure table accepts dollar amounts for the following line item categories:

  • Personnel

  • Fringe Benefits

  • Travel

  • Equipment

  • Supplies

  • Contractual

  • Construction

  • Other

  • Endowment

The budget and expenditure table allows reporting by the above categories for the following seven columns:

  • Carryover Balance from Previous Year

  • Actual Budget

  • Expenditures

  • Non-Federal Expenditures

  • Carryover Balance (Will show the percentage and the actual number)

  • Next Year's Actual Budget

  • Changes

2 yr. and 4 yr.

Changes by Line Item

Grantees checking the “Changes” box in the Budget section are able to provide a narrative discussing relevant details on the corresponding line item.

2 yr. and 4 yr.

Summary Budget Narrative

Please explain budget changes, as needed, particularly the use of funds from cost savings, carryover funds and other expanded authorities changes to your budget. Provide an explanation if you are NOT expending funds at the expected rate. Describe any significant changes to your budget resulting from modifications of project activities.

2 yr. and 4 yr.

Budget Narrative Questions

1a. Have all funds that were to be drawn down during this respective performance period been drawn down?

Yes__ No__

1b. If no, please provide a description of the funds (i.e. the amount) that have not been drawn down in the GAPS/G5 system, and WHY they haven’t been drawn down. (1,000 word limit)

2 yr. and 4 yr.

2a. Did you have any unexpended funds at the end of the performance period?

Yes__ No__

2b. If you did, explain why, provide the amount, and indicate how you plan to use the unexpended funds (carryover) in the next budget period. (1,000 word limit)

3a. Do you anticipate any changes in your budget for the next performance period that will require prior approval from the Department (as designated by EDGAR, 34 CFR 74.25 and 80.30, as applicable).

Yes__ No__

3b. Describe any anticipated changes in your budget for the next budget period (see EDGAR, 34 CFR 74.25 and 80.30, as applicable). (1,000 word limit)

4a. Is this a cooperative arrangement grant?

Yes__ No__

4b. If yes, describe the type of cooperative arrangement you are in. (1,000 word limit)

5a. Many grantees include community partners, other institutions of higher education, and secondary schools in their work. Please complete the table below (if applicable) with information related to any partners that you might be working with on your grant.

Partner Name (if applicable)

Description of Partner’s role





5b. In the space below, please describe if and how these partners have changed or been added during the reporting period. If partners changed, describe whether this impacted your ability to achieve your approved project objectives and/or project activities.

Partner’s name whose

role has changed

How their role has changed

What if any impact this has had on your ability to achieve approved project objectives/activities





6a. Do you wish to make any changes in the grant’s activities for the next budget period?

Yes__ No__

6b. If yes, describe any changes that you wish to make in the grant’s activities for the next budget period that are consistent with the scope, objectives, and/or personnel of your approved application. (*Further approval for these proposed changes may be required. Please contact your program officer.) (1,000 word limit)

7a. Were there any changes to key personnel during this reporting period?

Yes__ No__

7b. If yes, did you receive approval from your Program Officer?

Yes__ No__

(*If no, you were supposed to and you should contact your program officer)

8. Have you met your goals and objectives as outlined in your approved activities for this reporting period?

Yes ___ No ___ Partially ___

If “No” or “Partially” please explain. (1,000 word limit)

9. Provide any other appropriate information about the status of your project including any unanticipated results or benefits from your project in the space below; (500 words or less)

Programs: PPOHA


The budget and expenditure table accepts dollar amounts for the following line item categories:

  • Personnel

  • Fringe Benefits %

  • Travel

  • Equipment

  • Supplies

  • Contractual

  • Construction

  • Other

  • Scholarships

  • Student Stipends

The budget and expenditure table allows reporting by the above categories for the following seven columns:

  • Carryover balance from Previous FY

  • Current FY recommended budget

  • TOTAL (*columns 2 + 4)

  • Actual expenditures for current FY

  • Non Federal Expenditures of current FY

  • Current FY carryover Balance (column 5 – column 4)

  • % of carryover into next year (c7/c4) (Will show the percentage with the actual number)

  • Next year’s recommended budget

  • Changes? Y/N

4 yr.

Changes by Line Item

Grantees checking the “Changes” box in the Budget section are able to provide a narrative discussing relevant details on the corresponding line item.

4 yr.

Budget Narrative

1a. Have all funds that were to be drawn down during this respective performance period been drawn down?

Yes__ No__

1b. If no, please provide a description of the funds (i.e. the amount) that have not been drawn down in the GAPS system, and WHY they have not been drawn down.

4 yr.

2a. Have your project activities had to be modified?

Yes__ No__

2b. If YES, please describe any significant changes to your budget resulting from modification of project activities.

3a. Did you have any unexpended funds at the end of the performance period?

Yes__ No__

3b. If you did, explain why, provide the amount, and indicate how you plan to use the unexpended funds (carryover) in the next budget period.

4a. Do you anticipate any changes in your budget for the next performance period that will require prior approval from the Department (as designated by EDGAR, 34 CFR 74.25 and 80.30, as applicable).

Yes__ No__

4b. Describe any anticipated changes in your budget for the next budget period (see EDGAR, 34 CFR 74.25 and 80.30, as applicable).

Section 5: Institutionalization (PPOHA and HSI STEM Only)



What are your institution’s plans to institutionalize or assume the costs incurred from the projects and activities created from this grant? The desire is for there to be continuity in the work begun by this grant and the work that is done in the future. Detail your plans to accomplish that goal.

This matrix will be self-populating and cascading based upon responses.

1a. Complete the chart below detailing your plans to institutionalize the costs created by the activities of your project. In the three columns below, each activity name from the objectives is to be listed, then an approved line item (i.e. teacher salary), then actual financial cost.

Activity Name1

Approved line items*

Financial cost ($)

Activity Name

Institutionalization Plan

1b. In the two columns below, the cost numbers from the columns above will be transferred and automatically populated in this two column chart. Please describe your plan to institutionalize the costs.

Cost #

Institutionalization plan

1c. In the space provided below please explain any notable experiences you have had in institutionalizing this project. Please list any considerable challenges, successes, or failures. (500 word limit)

1 The activity name will be pulled automatically from Section 3 to pre-populate the table.


File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorCottrell, Jason
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-23

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