Form 1334 Awareness and Availability of CPS Information Resources

Awareness and Availability of Child Passenger Safety Information Resources

AACPSIR Form 1334 Survey

Awareness and Availability of CPS Information Resources Survey

OMB: 2127-0726

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OMB Control Number: 2016XX-2127-XXX

Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXXX

Awareness & Availability of Child Passenger Safety Information Resources


Under the Paperwork Reduction Act, a federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act unless that collection of information displays a current valid OMB Control number. The OMB Control Number for this information collection is XXXX-XXXX (expiration date: MM/DD/YYYY). The average amount of time to complete this survey is 15 minutes. All responses to this collection of information are voluntary. If you have comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden send them to Information Collection Clearance Officer, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 1200 New Jersey Ave, S.E., Washington, DC, 20590.

Section 1. Current Use of Car Seats

[In this section for questions 1-1 – 1-5 a specific selection will be made from the screener – it will be of the child riding most frequently (S14) who is still riding in a car seat (S15, Responses A, B, C, D, E) – NOTE in cases in which there is more than one child riding in car seats at the same frequency the selection will be random using a pre-generated random number]

1-1. How did you get the [fill in car seat type] that [child name] rides in?

  1. Purchase

  2. As a loan

  3. As a gift

  4. Provided by parents

  5. Other, Specify:__________

1-2. Was the [fill in car seat type] new or used when you got it?

  1. New

  2. Used

  3. Don’t know

1-3. How confident are you that this [fill in car seat type] is attached correctly?

  1. Extremely confident (Go to 1-4)

  2. Very confident (Go to 1-4)

  3. Moderately Confident (Go to 1-4)

  4. Slightly confident (Go to 1-5)

  5. Not at all confident (Go to 1-5)

1-4. Why are you [fill in response from 1-3 extremely, very, moderately] confident that this [fill in car seat type] is attached correctly?

(Check all that apply.)

  1. I followed the instructions

  2. It seems right

  3. I followed a video

  4. Someone helped me attach the seat

  5. I check the car seat often

  6. Other, Specify: _________

[All options go to 1-6]

1-5. Why aren’t you confident that this [fill in car seat type] is attached correctly?

(Check all that apply.)

  1. The instructions were very complicated.

  2. It seems wrong.

  3. It seems too loose.

  4. Someone told me the seat was not attached correctly.

  5. Other, Specify: _________

1-6. How frequently do you move this [fill in car seat type] [[for infant seats] including the base] in and out of the vehicle?

  1. Every day

  2. Almost every day

  3. A few days a week

  4. A few days a month

  5. A few days a year

  6. Never

1-7. To you, is it acceptable or not acceptable for a child to not ride in a car seat when…


Not Acceptable

A. Going only a short distance?

B. Riding in a taxi cab?

C. The child is sleeping?

D. Riding in an Uber, Lyft, or other Rideshare?

E. The child is fussy and complaining?

F. You’re in a rush to get somewhere?

G. Riding in a carpool?

H The child does not fit in the car seat?

1-8. In the event of a low speed (30 mph or less) crash, how useful will your [fill in car seat type] be in preventing [fill with child’s name] from being injured?

  1. Extremely useful

  2. Very useful

  3. Moderately useful

  4. Slightly useful

  5. Not at all useful

1-9. If your [fill in car seat type] is not used correctly, how likely is it that [fill in child’s name] would be injured in a crash?

  1. Very likely

  2. Somewhat likely

  3. Neither likely nor unlikely

  4. Unlikely

  5. Very unlikely

Section 2: Experience Attaching a Car Seat

[In this section a specific selection will be made from the screener – it will be of the child riding most frequently who is still riding in a car seat (responses to S14 and S15)]

2-1. Who has attached the [fill in car seat type] used by [child name] to your vehicle?

(Check all that apply.)

  1. I have

  2. Spouse/Partner

  3. Daughter/Son

  4. Another relative

  5. Friend

  6. Person formally trained in car seats

  7. Other, Specify: _________

[Only if A – “I have” – to 2-1, if in 2-1 response option A not selected go to Section 3]

2-2. Which of the following did you do the first time you attached this [car seat type] in your vehicle?

(Mark one response for each row)



  1. Read car seat instructions

  1. Looked up information on social media, mobile apps, or a website

  1. Read vehicle manual

  1. Watched an installation video

  1. Called or emailed manufacturer

  1. Got help from a friend or family member

  1. Got help from a person formally trained in car seats

  1. Looked at the pictures on the box

  1. Looked at the labels on the seat

  1. Other, Specify: ________

2-3. The first time you attached this [car seat type] and buckled [child name] in, how confident were you that you did it right?

  1. Extremely confident

  2. Very confident

  3. Moderately confident

  4. Slightly confident

  5. Not at all confident

For the next three questions, please think about your [car seat type].

2-4. Compared to assembling a crib, attaching the [car seat type] to a vehicle is...

  1. Easier

  2. About the same

  3. Harder 

2-5. Compared to adjusting a stroller, attaching the [car seat type] to a vehicle is...

  1. Easier

  2. About the same

  3. Harder 

2-6. Compared to changing a tireattaching the [car seat type] to a vehicle is...

  1. Easier

  2. About the same

  3. Harder 

Section 3. Experience Searching for Car Seat Information

Please consider all your experiences when searching for information about any car seats, for any child.

3-1. What information have you looked for about car seats for children? By car seats please consider all types, including booster seats.

(Check all that apply.)

  1. How to attach my car seat (Go to 3-2)

  2. When my child will outgrow the car seat

  3. When to move to the next car seat

  4. How to buckle my child in the car seat

  5. What kind of car seat to buy

  6. Costs of car seats

  7. Why a car seat is needed

  8. Ratings or reviews of car seats

  9. Recalls of car seats

  10. Car seat laws or fines

  11. Other, Specify:_______

  12. I have never looked for any information on car seats for children (Go to Section 4)

[Respondents who answered in 3-1 A.]

3-2. What information about attaching a car seat were you looking for?

(Check all that apply.)

  1. Which direction the seat should face

  2. Which seat in the car to attach it to

  3. Using LATCH – lower anchors and/or the top tether

  4. Which vehicles are suitable for the car seat

  5. Steps for attaching the car seat

  6. Weight and height restrictions

  7. Other, Specify: ________

3-3. Did you get the information you were looking for about child car seats from…

(Mark one response for each row)



  1. A doctor or medical professional?

  1. A child care provider?

  1. A family member or friend?

  1. A police or Fire Department?

  1. A car seat company (hotline, website, product QR codes)

  1. Social media, a mobile app, or a website?

  1. A book or magazine?

  1. TV or radio?

  1. A safety hotline?

  1. Someone formally trained in car seats?

  1. Car seat instruction manual?

  1. Other, Specify: ___________________

Section 4. Awareness and Use of Car Seat Inspections

Many counties or communities have car seat inspections: People who have been formally trained on car seats and child passenger safety, check whether the seats are attached to the vehicle and children are buckled up correctly.

4-1. Before today, had you ever heard of these car seat inspections that provide help on how to attach a car seat?

  1. Yes

  2. No (Go to 4-10)

4-2. How did you find out about these car seat inspections?

(Check all that apply.)

  1. Obstetrician, OB/GYN

  2. Pediatrician

  3. TV or Radio

  4. Local paper

  5. Friend

  6. Family member

  7. Social Worker

  8. Birthing Classes

  9. Social media, mobile apps, website

  10. Drove by a location that offers these services

  11. Childcare or parenting class

  12. Saw a sign

  13. Other, Specify: _________________

4-3. Are car seat inspections available in your area?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Don’t know / Not sure

4-4. Have you ever gotten any help at a car seat inspection from someone who has formal training? Please consider help you received for seats for any child you drive with now or in the past.

  1. Yes

  2. No (Go to 4-8)

[If R selects “Yes” show instruction]: Please answer the following questions about the most recent time you got help at a car seat inspection from someone who has formal training.

4-5. Where did you get the car seat inspection?

  1. State or County Agency

  2. Hospital

  3. Other Medical Facility

  4. Fire Station

  5. Police Station

  6. Car Seat Check Event

  7. Car Dealership

  8. Retail Store

  9. Church

  10. At a location for the Safe Kids Organization

  11. At my home or a friend’s home

  12. Other, Specify: _______________________

4-6. Which of the following led you to get help at a car seat inspection?

(Check all that apply.)

  1. Expected birth of a child

  2. Got a different car seat

  3. Got a different vehicle

  4. Needed to move a child to a new seat

  5. Expected someone else would drive with my child

  6. Expected driving with a child passenger

  7. I just wanted to be sure the car seat was attached correctly

  8. Other, Specify: _______________

4-7. Why did you decide to get help at a car seat inspection?

(Check all that apply.)

  1. Someone recommended the service

  2. The instructions for the car seat were confusing

  3. I wasn’t sure I attached it right

  4. I felt it was important to get this service

  5. I saw an advertisement for this service

  6. Other, Specify: ______

4-8. Do you know anyone else who has gotten help at a car seat inspection?

  1. Yes (Go to 4-9)

  2. No (Go to Section 5)

4-9. Who else do you know got help at a car seat inspection?

(Check all that apply)

  1. A friend

  2. A family member

  3. A child care provider

  4. Other, Specify: ______________

[If A – “Yes” – to 4-4 go to Section 5]

4-10. Why didn’t you ever get help at a car seat inspection?

(Mark one response for each row)



  1. I wasn't aware these services existed

  1. I considered it but I never did anything

  1. I called but I never went

  1. I already know how to install a seat

  1. I don’t have time for it

  1. The service is too far away

  1. You need to set up an appointment in advance

  1. The service costs money

  1. I haven’t gotten a car seat yet

  1. Other, Specify

[All options for 4-10 go to Section 6]

Section 5. Experience with Car Seat Inspections

[This section is only if A – “Yes” – to 4-4]

5-1. How many times did you get help at a car seat inspection from someone who had formal car seat training? Please consider all seats and all children you have driven.

  1. Only one time

  2. More than one time

  3. I don’t know

[If R selects “More than one time” show instruction]: Please answer the following questions about the most recent time.

5-2. How long ago did you get help at a car seat inspection?

  1. Less than 30 days ago

  2. 30 days to less than 6 months ago

  3. 6 to 12 months ago

  4. More than 12 months ago

  5. I don’t know

5-3. What type of car seat(s) did you get help with?

(Check all that apply.)

  1. Infant Seat

  2. Rear Facing Seat

  3. Forward Facing Seat

  4. High back Booster

  5. Low Back Booster

[Will include images -- along with names of seats]

5-4. Did you call to set up an appointment for the car seat inspection?

  1. Yes

  2. Someone else set up the appointment

  3. No appointment was necessary (Go to 5-6)

5-5. How many days were you told you needed to wait for an appointment?

____ days (up to 3 digits)

Don’t Know

5-6. What was the charge for the car seat inspection?

  1. $__.00 (up to 3 digits)

  2. No charge

  3. Request for donation

  4. Don’t know/Don’t remember

5-7. How many miles away is the nearest location offering car seat inspection?

  1. __ miles

5-8. How many minutes did it take to drive to the location where you received a car seat inspection?

  1. Under 15 minutes

  2. 15-30 minutes

  3. Over 30 minutes

  4. I got help at home

  5. Don’t know

5-9. What type of help did you receive?

(Check all that apply.)

  1. Instruction in attaching the seat to the vehicle

  2. Instruction in buckling the child in the seat

  3. Checking car seat for recalls

  4. Checking car seat for the expiration date

  5. Educational materials on child safety

  6. Information about the next car seat stage for the child

  7. Practice installing it myself

  8. Other, Specify: _________

5-10. After receiving a car seat inspection, how comfortable were you with attaching the seat and securing your child in it on your own?

  1. Extremely comfortable

  2. Very comfortable

  3. Moderately comfortable

  4. Slightly comfortable

  5. Not at all comfortable

5-11. Overall, how satisfied were you with the service you received?

  1. Very satisfied

  2. Satisfied

  3. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

  4. Dissatisfied

  5. Very dissatisfied

5-12. Would you consider getting additional help at a car seat inspection?

  1. Yes (go to 5-13)

  2. No (go to 5-14)

5-13. Under which of the following conditions would you consider getting additional help at a car seat inspection?

(Check all that apply.)

  1. Driving a different vehicle

  2. Changing to a different seat

  3. Driving a different child

  4. Having a substitute or temporary driver for a child

  5. Other, Specify: ___________

[Continue to Section 6]

5-14. Why wouldn’t you consider getting additional car seat help?

(Check all that apply.)

  1. The child[ren] [is/are] too old now

  2. I already know how to install a seat

  3. The service takes too long

  4. You need to set up an appointment in advance

  5. It is too far away

  6. The car seat inspection costs money

  7. I wasn’t satisfied with my previous experience

  8. I learned all I needed to know from my previous experience

  9. Other, Specify: __________

[All responses go to Section 6]

Section 6. Preferences for Car Seat Inspections

6-1. Which of the following would be the best locations for you to get car seat inspections? (Check all that apply)

  1. Child care provider/school

  2. Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)

  3. Doctor’s office

  4. Vehicle Dealership

  5. Social services

  6. Women, Infant and Children (WIC) Program

  7. Hospital

  8. Emissions inspection

  9. Places car seats are sold

  10. Community center

  11. Police station

  12. Firehouse

  13. Other, Specify: _____

6-2. Which one of the following services is most important to you to have at an inspection location?

  1. Playground/play area

  2. Food services

  3. Carwash

  4. Oil Change

  5. Car seat sales

  6. Other, Specify: _____

6-3. Which one of the following is most important to you at a car seat inspection?

  1. No appointments necessary

  2. Parent education services

  3. Help with other child safety topics

  4. Different language options

  5. Other, Specify: _____

6-4. Which of the following might prevent you from using a car seat inspection?

(Mark one response for each row)



  1. Location -- too far away

  1. Long waiting time

  1. Difficulty contacting the car seat inspection

  1. Car seat inspection costs money

  1. Difficulty communicating with staff

  1. Bad previous experience

  1. Don’t think it’s necessary

  1. Schedule conflicts

  1. Other, Specify: ____

6-5. Which one of the following is most likely to keep you from using a car seat inspection?

(Check one.)

Based on selections from questions 6-4, a subset of response options will be provided here. Specifically, any item with a response of “Yes” will be listed as a response option for this question. Note if all response options are “No” or only one response option is “Yes” in 6-4, this question is skipped.

Section 7. About You

7-1. In your state, there is

  1. A Car Seat law

  2. A Booster Seat law

  3. Both a Car Seat and a Booster Seat law

  4. Neither

  5. I don’t know

    1. Where you drive, how much is the fine for driving with a child who is not buckled in a car seat according to the local law?

  1. Up to $25

  2. $26 to $50

  3. $51 to $100

  4. Over $100

  5. I don’t know

7-3. Are you of Hispanic or Latino origin?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. I don’t know

7-4. What is your race?

(Check all that apply)

  1. White

  2. Black of African American

  3. Asian

  4. American Indian or Alaska Native

  5. Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander

  6. I don’t know

7-5. What is the highest level of education you have completed?

  1. Less than 12th grade

  2. High school diploma or GED

  3. Some college or associates degree

  4. Bachelor’s degree

  5. Graduate degree or professional degree

  6. I don’t know

7-6. How old are you?

  1. Enter Number

7-7. Are you male or female?

  1. Male

  2. Female

  3. I prefer not to answer

7-8. Was your annual household income from all sources in 2016?

  1. Less than $25,000

  2. Greater than $25,000 but less than $35,000

  3. Greater than $35,000 but less than $50,000

  4. Greater than $50,0000 but less than $75,000

  5. $75,000 or more

NHTSA Form Number 1334

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorSharon Levi
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-23

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