Form FY2016 SLAA Survey FY2016 SLAA Survey FY2016 SLAA Survey

State Library Agencies (StLA) Survey

SLAA Survey FY 2016_clean_Old and New Line Numbers

State Library Agency Survey

OMB: 3137-0072

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State Library Administrative Agency Survey, FY 2016
Survey Instrument
Part A: State Library Administrative Agency Identification
A-010 (001) SLAA Name ___________________________________________________________
Physical location address:
A-020 (002) Street


A-030 (003) City


A-040 (004) State

_________________________________ A-050 (005) ZIP _________ A-060 (006) ZIP+4 __________

Mailing Address:
A-070 (007) Street


A-080 (008) City


A-090 (009) State

_________________________________ A-100 (010a) ZIP ________ A-110 (010b) ZIP+4 _________

A-120 (011) Web address http:// ___________________________________________________
Chief Officer of State Library Administrative Agency:
A-130 (012) Name


A-140 (013) Title _______________________________
A-150 (014) Telephone
A-160 (015) Fax



A-170 (016) Email address


Survey Respondent:
A-180 (017) Name


A-190 (018) Title _________________________________
A-200 (019) Telephone
A-210 (020) Fax



A-220 (021) Email address


Reporting Period, Report data for State fiscal year 2015-2016 (except parts B&I)
A-230 (022) FY Starting date (mm/dd/yyyy)
A-240 (023) FY Ending date (mm/dd/yyyy)



Part B: Governance

What is the SLAA’s location in State government as of October 1, 2016? Specify either the legislative or executive
branch. If the SLAA is located in the Executive branch, specify whether the SLAA is an independent agency or part of
a larger agency.
Branch of government:
B-010 (025)


Legislative branch – Skip to question 2.
Executive branch – Provide information in A or B, as appropriate:


Independent agency (i.e., not part of a cabinet-level agency) - Specify to whom the Agency reports:
B-020 (026) _ Governor – Skip to question 2.
_ Board/commission – Specify selection method:
B-030 (027) _ Appointed by Governor
B-040 (028) _ Appointed by other official


Part of larger agency - Specify:
B-050 (029) _ Department of education
_ Department of cultural resources
_ Department of state
_ Other agency
_ Specify:
B-060 (030) __________________________

If you specified 029 above, does your SLAA have a board or commission?
B-070 (031) _ Yes – Specify the Board/commission selection method:
B-080 (032) _ Appointed by Governor
B-090 (033) _ Appointed by other official
_ No


Part C: Allied Operations, State Resource or Reference/Information Service Center, and State
Center for the Book

Are any of the following allied operations combined with SLAA? Select applicable items. Specify Yes or No for each
item. Do not report Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped or State Center for the Book, or a contract with
another library or other entity to provide a service on behalf of the SLAA.
C-010 (040) _ Yes _ No
C-020 (041) _ Yes _ No
C-030 (042) _ Yes _ No
C-040 (043) _ Yes _ No
C-050 (044) _ Yes _ No


State archives
Primary State legislative research organization
State history museum/art gallery
State records management service
Other allied operation
Specify C-060 (045)_________________________________________

Does the SLAA contract with a local public library or academic library to serve as a state resource center or
reference/information service center? Specify Yes or No.
C-070 (046) _ Yes _ No


Does the SLAA host or provide any funding to a State Center for the Book? Specify Yes or No.
C-080 (047) _ Yes _ No


Part D: Services to Libraries and Library Cooperatives

Which of the following services are provided directly or by contract by the SLAA to libraries or library cooperatives?
Specify Directly, Contract, or Not Provided for each service, for each type of library and library cooperatives.
Note: A Library Cooperative may serve single-type of multi-type libraries. Services provided directly by the SLAA are
those provided without any intermediary by the SLAA to libraries or library cooperatives. Services provided by
contract by the SLAA are those provided by a third party or intermediary under legal contract to the SLAA.

Types of Services
Services to libraries and
library cooperatives
D_SV-010 (48)
D_SV-020 (50)
D_SV-030 (51)
D_SV-040 (52)
D_SV-050 (53)
D_SV-060 (57)
D_SV-070 (64)
D_SV-080 (71)
D_SV-090 (75)
D_SV-100 (76)
Operational Assistance
D_OA-010 (55)
D_OA-020 (56)
D_OA-030 (62)
D_CI-010 (65)
D_CI-020 (66)

D_CI-030 (67)
D_CI-040 (70)

D_CI-050 (74)
D_CI-060 (72)

Program Assistance
D_PA-010 (54)
D_PA-020 (58)
D_PA-030 (59)
D_PA-040 (61)
D_PA-050 (68)
D_PA-060 (73)



Type of Library


Accreditation of libraries
Administration of State aid
Certification of librarians
Collection of library statistics
Consulting services
Library legislation
State standards/guidelines
Administration of library
system support
LSTA state program grants
LSTA statewide services

Cooperative purchasing of
library materials
Interlibrary loan referral
Reference referral services

Statewide coordinated digital
program or service
Statewide public
relations/library promotion
Statewide virtual reference
Universal Service Program
(review and approval of
technology plans)
Statewide resource sharing
Involvement in the
acquisition of other federal
program funds

Continuing education
Literacy programs
Summer reading programs
Statewide reading programs


Follow-up Questions
D_SV-050.1 (53.1.)

Which of the following consulting services do you provide? Please answer each of the
questions below by selecting one of the choices provided.
Consulting Service

D_SV-050.1.1 (53.1.1)


⃝ yes

⃝ no

⃝ don't know

D_SV-050.1.2 (53.1.2)

Library management/organizational development

⃝ yes

⃝ no

⃝ don't know

D_SV-050.1.3 (53.1.3)

Continuing Education

⃝ yes

⃝ no

⃝ don't know

D_SV-050.1.4 (53.1.4)


⃝ yes

⃝ no

⃝ don't know

D_SV-050.1.5 (53.1.5)


⃝ yes

⃝ no

⃝ don't know

D_SV-050.1.6 (53.1.6)


⃝ yes

⃝ no

⃝ don't know

D_SV-050.1.7 (53.1.7)

Adult literacy

⃝ yes

⃝ no

⃝ don't know

D_SV-050.1.8 (53.1.8)

Youth services

⃝ yes

⃝ no

⃝ don't know

D_SV-050.1.9 (53.1.9)

D_SV-050.1.10 Other: _______

D_CI-060.1 (72.1.)

Which federal agencies other than IMLS do you apply for funding from? Please answer
each of the questions below by selecting one of the choices provided.

write in (250 characters max)

Federal agency
D_CI-060.1.1 (72.1.1)

Department of Education

⃝ yes

⃝ no

⃝ don't know

D_CI-060.1.2 (72.1.2)

Department of Agriculture

⃝ yes

⃝ no

⃝ don't know

D_CI-060.1.3 (72.1.3)

Federal Communication Commission/Universal
Service Administrative Company

⃝ yes

⃝ no

⃝ don't know

D_CI-060.1.4 (72.1.4)

Department of Labor

⃝ yes

⃝ no

⃝ don't know

D_CI-060.1.5 (72.1.5)

D_CI-060.1.6 Other:________________

D_PA-030.1 (59.1.)

Which of the following types of literacy programs do you support? Please answer each of
the questions below by selecting one of the choices provided.

write in (250 characters max)

Type of Literacy Programs
D_PA-030.1.1 (59.1.1)

Language literacy

⃝ yes

⃝ no

⃝ don't know

D_PA-030.1.2 (59.1.2)

Numerical literacy

⃝ yes

⃝ no

⃝ don't know

D_PA-030.1.3 (59.1.3)

Information literacy

⃝ yes

⃝ no

⃝ don't know

D_PA-030.1.4 (59.1.4)

Digital literacy

⃝ yes

⃝ no

⃝ don't know

D_PA-030.1.5 (59.1.5)

Financial literacy

⃝ yes

⃝ no

⃝ don't know

D_PA-030.1.6 (59.1.6)

Health literacy

⃝ yes

⃝ no

⃝ don't know

D_PA-030.1.7 (59.1.7)

Family/Intergenerational literacy

⃝ yes

⃝ no

⃝ don't know


D_PA-060.1 (73.1)

Do you support the following statewide reading programs for target populations listed below?
Please mark those that apply.

D_PA-060.1.1 (73.1.1)

Early Childhood/ Preschool (0-5 years old)

⃝ yes

⃝ no

⃝ don't know

D_PA-060.1.2 (73.1.2)

Middle Childhood (6-12 years old)

⃝ yes

⃝ no

⃝ don't know

D_PA-060.1.3 (73.1.3)

Young Adults/High School (13-18 years)

⃝ yes

⃝ no

⃝ don't know

D_PA-060.1.4 (73.1.4)

Adults (19-65 years)

⃝ yes

⃝ no

⃝ don't know

D_PA-060.1.5 (73.1.5)

Older Adults (65+ years)

⃝ yes

⃝ no

⃝ don't know


Part E: Public Service Hours, Outlets, and User Groups

Enter the total hours open in a typical week for ALL SLAA outlets, regardless of whom they serve. Do not report an
allied operations outlet as an SLAA outlet. Example: If the SLAA has a main outlet with no bookmobile or other outlets
and is open for public service 40 hours in a typical week, report 40 hours. If the SLAA has a main outlet, a
bookmobile, and two other outlets open 40, 20, 35, and 35 hours respectively, in a typical week, report 130 hours
(40+20+35+35=130 hours per typical week).
E-010 (077a)


Total hours/week (all SLAA outlets, regardless of whom they serve)

Enter the total hours that the main or central SLAA outlet is open in a typical week to serve the general public or state
government employees, by the following categories. Only one outlet may be designated as the main or central outlet.
E-020 (077b)
E-030 (078)
E-040 (079)


Enter the total number of SLAA outlets by type, regardless of whom they serve. Only one outlet may be designated as
the main or central outlet. Do not report an allied operations outlet as an SLAA outlet.
E-050 (082)
E-060 (083)
E-070 (084)
E-080 (085)


Total hours/week (main or central outlet)
Monday-Friday after 5:00 p.m. (main or central outlet)
Saturday and Sunday (main or central outlet)

Main or central outlet
Other outlets, excluding bookmobiles


Enter the number of SLAA outlets that serve the following user groups, in whole or in part, by type of outlet.

User Groups

E-090 (086)

handicapped individuals

E-100 (087)

Residents of state
correctional institutions

E-110 (088)

Residents of other state

E-120 (089)

State government
employees (executive,
legislative, or judicial)

E-130 (090)

General public

Main or
Central outlet

Type of outlet
Book- mobiles
Other outlets,
excluding bookmobiles



Part F: Collections
10. Enter the total number of volumes or physical units in the following selected formats in all SLAA outlets (main or
central, bookmobiles, and other outlets) that serve the general public and/or state government employees.
Selected formats
F-010 (091)

Book and serial volumes (exclude microforms) (exclude collections of braille
books owned by the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically
Handicapped, Library of Congress)

F-020 (092)

Audio materials (exclude collections of talking books owned by the National
Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, Library of Congress)

F-030 (094)

Video materials

F-040 (095)

Current serial subscriptions (titles, not individual issues) (include print
subscriptions only) (exclude microform, electronic, and digital subscriptions)

F-050 (096)

Government documents (include only government documents not accessible
through the library catalog and not reported elsewhere)


11. Is the SLAA designated as a Federal or State depository library for government documents? Specify Yes or No for
each item.
F-060 (106) _ Yes
F-070 (107) _ Yes

_ No
_ No

State depository library
Federal depository library – Specify Yes or No for each item:
F-080 (108) _ Yes
_ No
F-090 (109) _ Yes
_ No


Part G: Library Service Transactions
12. Enter ANNUAL totals for the following types of service transactions in all SLAA outlets (main or central, bookmobiles,
and other outlets) that serve the general public and/or state government employees.

G-010 (110)

Service transactions
Circulation (Exclude items checked out to another library)


Interlibrary loan/document delivery:
G-020 (111)
G-030 (112)

Provided to other libraries
Received from other libraries and document delivery services

G-040 (113)

Reference transactions

G-050 (114)

Library visits


Part H: Library Development Transactions
13. Enter ANNUAL totals for the following types of library development transactions of the SLAA.

H-010 (115)

Library development transactions
LSTA and State grants: Grants awarded

H-020 (117)

Continuing education programs: Number of events

H-030 (118)

Total attendance at events



Part I: Staff
14. Enter total number of SLAA staff in FTEs (full-time equivalents) (to two decimal places), by type of service. Report all
staff on the payroll as of October 1, 2016, and unfilled but budgeted positions.
Note: Forty hours per week is the measure of full-time employment for this survey. FTEs (full-time equivalents) of
employees in any category may be computed by taking the number of hours worked per week by all employees in that
category and dividing it by 40. Report staff based on the SLAA organization chart. A given position (e.g., State Data
Coordinator) may be part of administration in one agency, library development in another, and library services in
another agency. If an employee provides more than one service, allocate the FTE among appropriate categories.
Type of Service

I-010 (119)


I-020 (120)

Library development

I-030 (121)

Library services

I-040 (122)

Other services

I-050 (123)



Librarians And

And NonProfessional)

Total Staff

Prior Year


Part J: Revenue
15. Are all public library state funds administered by the SLAA? Specify Yes or No.
Note: Answer this question based on state funds distributed to individual public libraries and library cooperatives
serving public libraries only in state fiscal year 2016. If no state funds are reported in Part K in items K_FA-010(b)
(179(b)) or K_FA-020(b) (180(b)), the answer should be No.
J-010 (152) _ Yes

_ No

16. Does SLAA administer any state funds for the following types of libraries? Specify Yes or No.
Note: Answer this question based on state funds distributed to libraries and library cooperatives in state fiscal
year2016. If no state funds are reported in Part K in items K_FA-010(b) (179(b)) to K_FA-050(b) (183(b)) or K_FA-070(b)
(185(b)), the answer should be No.
J-020 (153a) _ Yes
J-030 (153b) _ Yes
J-040 (153c) _ Yes
J-050 (153d) _ Yes

_ No
_ No
_ No
_ No

Academic libraries
School library media centers
Special libraries
Library cooperatives

17. Enter total SLAA revenue, by source and type of revenue. Exclude carryover funds. Include revenue for allied
operations only if it is part of SLAA budget. Include all funds distributed to libraries and library cooperatives if the
funds are administered by the SLAA. Specify other sources of federal revenue and the amount of funding received for
each of the other sources.

J-070 (154)

J-080 (155)

J-080.1 – J-080.10

J-090 (157)

Federal revenue
LSTA (Library Services and Technology Act) Grants to States Programs
(Report the funds drawn down from the federal government from the LSTA Grants to
States Program during state fiscal year 2016, whether drawn from one or more
federal fiscal year allotments. Do not include IMLS Discretionary funds such as
National Leadership Grants, Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program, or Sparks!
Ignition -- report these grants in item J-080 (155) (Other Federal revenue).)
Other Federal revenue:
(If the SLAA received federal revenue other than LSTA Grants to States funds (e.g.,
National Endowment for the Humanities grants, National Historical Publications and
Records Commission grants, LSTA National Leadership Grants, Laura Bush 21st
Century Librarian grants, etc.), report that revenue in this item. If your state acts as
the fiscal agent for a multi-state grant, report only the funds designated for your
Specify program(s), title(s), and funding amount for each source of revenue if other
federal revenue is reported in item J-080 (155).


Program and Title: ______________________________________________

State and other revenue


State Revenue
J-100 (167)

SLAA operation

J-110 (168)

State aid to libraries

J-120 (169)

Other State revenue

J-130 (170)


J-140 (171)

Other revenue

J-150 (172)



Part K: Expenditures
18. Enter total SLAA expenditures, by source of revenue and type of expenditure. Include all LSTA expenditures. Include
expenditures for allied operations only if the expenditures are from the SLAA budget. Include all funds distributed to
libraries and library cooperatives if the funds are administered by the SLAA.
Operating expenditures
for SLAA and allied operations
(Do not include funds distributed to libraries and
library cooperatives in items K_AO-010 (173) to
K_AO-060 (178)
K_AO-010 (173)
Salaries and wages
K_AO-020 (174)

Employee benefits

K_AO-030 (175)


K_AO-040 (176)

Collection expenditures

K_AO-050 (177)

Other operating expenditures

K_AO-060 (178)

Amount by source




Other expenditures for SLAA and allied operations only
K_OE-010 (187)

Capital outlay

K_OE-020 (188)

Other expenditures

Financial assistance to libraries and library cooperatives
(include all funds distributed to libraries and library cooperatives if the funds are administered by the SLAA)
K_FA-010 (179)
Individual public libraries
Library cooperatives serving public
K_FA-020 (180)
libraries only
K_FA-030 (181)
Other individual libraries
Library cooperatives serving more
K_FA-040 (182)
than one type of library
Single agency or library providing
K_FA-050 (183)
statewide service
K_FA-060 (184)
Library construction
K_FA-070 (185)

Other assistance

K_FA-080 (186)


K_TE-010 (189)



Part L: LSTA State Program Expenditures
19. Enter total SLAA state program expenditures, by type of expenditure. Report expenditures in one and only one
category. These expenditures should also be reported in Part K.

L-010 (190)
L-020 (191)

Type of expenditure
Statewide service (exclude sub-grants to single libraries or agencies providing
statewide services)


Grants (include sub-grants to single libraries or agencies providing statewide

L-030 (192)
LSTA administration. Expenditures of LSTA funds for administrative costs in
connection with programs and services carried out under this Act.
Note: These are the costs associated with the SLAA’s management, oversight,
and administration of the IMLS LSTA Grants to States program and are costs that
would be considered administrative costs and subject to the 4% cap.
L-040 (193)



Part M: Electronic Services and Information (a)
21. Does the SLAA fund or facilitate any of the following electronic networking functions at the state level? Specify Yes or
No for each item.
M-010 (206) _ Yes
M-020 (207) _ Yes

_ No
_ No

Database development:
M-030 (208) _ Yes
_ No
M-040 (209) _ Yes
_ No

Electronic network planning or monitoring
Electronic network operation

Bibliographic databases
Full text or data files

22. Does the SLAA fund or facilitate digitization or digital programs or services in any of the following instances? Specify
Yes or No for each item.
M-050 (210a) _ Yes
M-060 (210b) _ Yes
M-070 (210c) _ Yes

_ No
_ No
_ No

For the SLAA itself
Via grants or contracts to other state agencies
Via grants or contracts to other libraries or library cooperatives

23. Does the SLAA fund or facilitate library access to the Internet in any of the following ways? Specify Yes or No for
each item.
Training or consulting to facilitate access:
M-080 (211a) _ Yes
_ No
Library staff (state and local)
M-090 (211b) _ Yes
_ No
State library end users
M-100 (212) _ Yes
M-110 (213) _ Yes
M-120 (214) _ Yes
M-130 (215) _ Yes

_ No
_ No
_ No
_ No

Providing direct funding for Internet access
Providing equipment
Providing access to directories, databases, or online catalogs via the Internet
Managing a Web site, file server, bulletin boards, or electronic mailing lists

24. Enter the number of workstations that are used for Internet access by the general public in all SLAA outlets that serve
the public, by the following categories. Include terminals used by both the SLAA staff and the public. Exclude
terminals that are for SLAA staff use only.

M-140 (220a)

M-150 (220b)

Internet workstations available to the general public
Library-owned public-access graphical workstations that connect to the Internet
for a dedicated purpose (e.g., to access an OPAC or specific database, or to train
the public) or multiple purposes. (For this count, the term “library-owned” includes
computers leased by the state library agency.)


All other public access Internet workstations in the library. (Report non-library
computers placed in the library by other agencies or groups. Report non-graphical


Part M: Electronic Services and Information (b)
25. How much does the SLAA expend for statewide database licensing, by source of revenue? These expenditures
should also be reported in Part K.




M-160 (223) Statewide database licensing

26. Do your statewide database licenses, paid for by funds reported in question 25, include access by the following?
Specify Yes or No for each item.
M-170 (224) _ Yes
M-180 (225) _ Yes
M-190 (226) _ Yes
M-200 (227) _ Yes
M-210 (228) _ Yes
M-220 (229) _ Yes
M-230 (230) _ Yes

_ No
_ No
_ No
_ No
_ No
_ No
_ No

Public libraries
Academic libraries
School library media centers
Special libraries
Library cooperatives
Other state agencies
Remote users

27. Does the SLAA facilitate or subsidize electronic access to the bibliographic records or holdings of other libraries in
the state in any of the following ways? Specify Yes or No for each item.
M-240 (234) _ Yes
M-250 (236) _ Yes

_ No
_ No

Web-based union catalog (international, national, statewide, multistate, regional)
Other type of electronic access
M-260 (237) Specify __________________________

28. Is the SLAA an applicant for the Universal Service (E-rate discount) Program? Specify Yes or No for each item.
M-270 (238) _ Yes

_ No


File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorShelton, Mark
File Modified2016-11-04
File Created2016-11-04

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