FSS POS Tracking Sheet

Questionnaire Documentation 072216.xlsx

Federal Statistical System Public Opinion Survey

FSS POS Tracking Sheet

OMB: 0607-0969

Document [xlsx]
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Codes Sept 22 - Oct 12
Codes Oct 13 - Oct 27
Codes Oct 28 -

Sheet 1: P&E

Item Number English Sept 22, 2014- Jan 12, 2015 Jan 13 - Feb 10, 2015 Feb 11 - April 7, 2015 April 8, 2015 - April 22, 2015 April 23 - May 21, 2015 May 22 - July 31, 2015 August 1 - August 31, 2015 Sept 1 - October 26, 2015 (NO DATA COLLECTION) Oct 27, 2015 - Feb 4, 2016 Feb 5, 2015 - April 20, 2016 April 11, 2016 - July 20, 2016 Aug 1, 2016 - Nov. 9, 2016
FS65 The census, the number of deaths in the U.S. by different diseases, the crime rate, and the (unemployment rate/Consumer Price Index) are examples of federal statistics produced by federal statistical agencies that are part of the federal government. Have you ever used federal statistics for study or work? x x x x x x x
x x x x
FS6 Personally, how much trust do you have in the federal statistics in the United States? Would you say that you tend to trust federal statistics or tend not to trust them? x x x x x x x
x x x x
FS84A (FS84A1, FS84A2, FS84A3) Why do you say that? (1st, 2nd, 3rd response) x x x x x x x
x x x x

Please tell me whether you Strongly agree, Somewhat agree, Neither agree nor disagree, Somewhat disagree, or Strongly disagree with the following statements: (Interviewer: Read and rotate FS7-FS14) x x x x x x x
x x x x
FS7 Policy makers need federal statistics to make good decisions about things like federal funding. x x x x x x x
x x x x
FS84B (FS84B1, FS84B2, FS84B3) Why do you say that? (1st, 2nd, 3rd response) x x x x x x x
x x x x
FS11 People can trust federal statistical agencies to keep information about them confidential x x x x x x x
x x x x
FS84C (FS84C1, FS84C2, FS84C3) Why do you say that? (1st, 2nd, 3rd response) x x x x x x x
x x x x
FS52 Would you say that federal statistical agencies often invade people's privacy, or generally respect people's privacy? x x x x x x x
x x x x
FS84D (FS84D1, FS84D2, FS84D3) Why do you say that? (1st, 2nd, 3rd response) x x x x x x x
x x x x
FS85 (FS85A1, FS85A2, FS85A3) What, if anything, have you heard recently about Federal Statistics or Federal Surveys? (1st, 2nd, 3rd response) x x x x x x x
x x x x
FS86 Every 10 years, the Census Bureau counts everyone living in the United States by collecting information from each address. For the next census in 2020, how would you prefer to be contacted by the Census Bureau? Would you rather be
x x x

FS87 For the 2020 Census, would you rather the Census Bureau contact you to get your census information OR would you rather have the Census Bureau use information you have provided to other government agencies?
x x x

FS89 For people who do not respond to their census form, do you think it would be better to get their information from their neighbors OR to get their information from other government agencies?
x x x

FS53 Some cell phones are called “smartphones” because of certain features they have. Do you own a smartphone, such as an iPhone®, Android®, Blackberry®, or Windows® phone, or are you not sure?
x x x

FS54 Do you own a tablet computer like an iPad®, Samsung® Galaxy, Motorola® Xoom, or Kindle® Fire?
x x x

If you were to get a new job that asked you to use your own smartphone/tablet would you be willing to use it…
x x x

FS55 To make and receive phone calls for work purposes?
x x x

FS56 For work email?
x x x

FS57 To download and use apps for your job?
x x x

FS58 What concerns you MOST about using your own smartphone/tablet?
x x x

FS90 One way the Census Bureau could save money is by asking Census interviewers to use their own devices instead of government devices when they do interviews in people's homes. Would you be strongly in favor of the Census workers using their own devices for collecting data, somewhat in favor of it, neither in favor nor against it, somewhat against it, or strongly against it? (ASKED ONLY OF PEOPLE IN THE WORKFORCE)

FS91 What are you most concerned about when it comes to Census workers using their own smartphone or tablet for data collection?

FS92 Some people are concerned about their data being stored on personally-owned smartphones or tablets. If you knew that the data was sent directly to the Census Bureau and not stored on the device, would it make you more comfortable with Census workers using personally-owned devices, less comfortable, or would it not make a difference?

FS93 One way the Census Bureau could save money is by asking Census interviewers to use their own devices instead of government devices when they do interviews in people's homes. Would you be strongly in favor of the Census workers using their own devices for collecting data, somewhat in favor of it, neither in favor nor against it, somewhat against it, or strongly against it? (ASKED OF TOTAL POPULATION)


FS94 What are you most concerned about when it comes to Census workers using their own smartphone or tablet for data collection?


FS95 Some people are concerned about their data being stored on personally-owned smartphones or tablets. If you knew that the data was sent directly to the Census Bureau and not stored on the device, would it make you more comfortable with Census workers using personally-owned devices, less comfortable, or would it not make a difference?


FS96 One way the Census Bureau could save money is by asking Census interviewers to use their own smartphones or tablets instead of government devices when they do interviews in people's homes. Would you be strongly in favor of the Census workers using their own devices for collecting data, somewhat in favor of it, neither in favor nor against it, somewhat against it, or strongly against it? (ASKED OF TOTAL POPULATION; added the words "smartphone or tablets")

x x

FS97 What are you most concerned about when it comes to Census workers using their own smartphone or tablet for data collection?

x x

FS98 Some people are concerned about their data being stored on personally-owned smartphones or tablets. If you knew that the data was sent directly to the Census Bureau and not stored on the device, would it make you more comfortable with Census workers using personally-owned devices, less comfortable, or would it not make a difference?

x x

FS99 Every ten years, the United States Census Bureau conducts a nationwide census, or a count of all individuals living in the United States. If the Census were held today, how likely would you be to provide your census information? Would you say you…definitely would, probably would, might or might not, probably would not, or definitely would not?

x x

FS100 In general, which of the following comes closest to your views about hiring people for jobs?

x x

The Census Bureau hires temporary employees to visit people's homes to collect census data and to process data back at the offices. I would like to get your views about some potential hiring practices for the Census.

FS101 If the Census Bureau considered everyone applying for temporary jobs, including people who had prior criminal convictions, would that make you more likely to trust the Census Bureau, less likely to trust the Census Bureau, or would it make no difference?

x x

FS102 (If code 1 in QNSA, read:) If people who are hired by the Census Bureau to process information collected during the census have not been screened for prior criminal convictions, would that make you more or less likely to provide your census information, or would it make no difference?
(If code 2 in QNSA, read:) If people who are hired by the Census Bureau to process information collected during the census have been screened for prior criminal convictions, would that make you more or less likely to provide your census information, or would it make no difference?

x x

FS103 (If code 1 in QNSA, read:) If people who are hired by the Census Bureau to conduct interviews at people's homes have not been screened for prior criminal convictions, would that make you more or less likely to provide your census information, or would it make no difference?
(If code 2 in QNSA, read:) If people who are hired by the Census Bureau to conduct interviews at people's homes have been screened for prior criminal convictions, would that make you more or less likely to provide your census information, or would it make no difference?

x x

If the Census Bureau was hiring people to conduct interviews at people's homes, please tell me if each of the following hiring practices would make you more likely to provide your census information, less likely, or if it would make no difference.

x x

FS104 (If code 1 in QNSA, read:) If the Census Bureau considered everyone applying for a job, including people who have served time in prison for violent crimes, would that make you more or less likely to provide your census information, or would it make no difference?
(If code 2 in QNSA, read:) If the Census Bureau did not hire people applying for a job if they have served time in prison for violent crimes, would that make you more or less likely to provide your census information, or would it make no difference?

x x

FS105 (If code 1 in QNSA, read:) What if the Census Bureau considered everyone applying for a job, including people who have served time in prison for crimes including dishonesty, like fraud?
(If code 2 in QNSA, read:) What if the Census Bureau did not hire people applying for a job if they have served time in prison for crimes including dishonesty, like fraud?
(Interviewer: Read if necessary:) Would that make you more or less likely to provide your census information, or would it make no difference?)

x x

FS106 (If code 1 in QNSA, read:) How about if the Census Bureau considered everyone applying for a job, including people who have served time in prison for sexual crimes?
(If code 2 in QNSA, read:) How about if the Census Bureau did not hire people applying for a job if they have served time in prison for sexual crimes?
(Interviewer: Read if necessary:) Would that make you more or less likely to provide your census information, or would it make no difference?)

x x

FS32A For the next census in 2020, if the Census Bureau got information that you already provided to the Social Security Administration, they may not need to ask you for this information on a questionnaire. If you knew this information was being obtained from the Social Security Administration only to produce statistics, and that your personal information would remain unavailable to anyone outside the Census Bureau, would you be strongly in favor of the Census Bureau getting your information from the Social Security Administration, somewhat in favor of it, neither in favor nor against it, somewhat against it, or strongly against it?


Now I will read you some reasons why some people like the idea of the Census getting your information from the Social Security Administration. For each statement, please tell me if this reason would make you strongly in favor of this, somewhat in favor of it, neither in favor nor against it, somewhat against it, or strongly against it.


FS32C Because some people choose not to respond to the Census, getting information from the Social Security Administration could help the Census Bureau get a better idea of population sizes informing [(If code 1 in FORMCD, read:) where the community should build new schools, hospitals, roads, and firehouses/(If code 2 in FORMCD, read:) how to distribute the seats in the U.S. House of Representatives].


FS35A You seem to be not in favor of the Census obtaining your information from the Social Security Administration. Can you tell me why?


FS35B You seem to be neither strongly in favor of nor against the Census obtaining your information from the Social Security Administration. Can you tell me why?


FS38 Which of the following best describes your concern?


FS107 How likely are you to respond to government sponsored surveys? Would you say you are very likely to respond, somewhat likely, or not likely?


FS108 You may or may not have recently heard that the Office of Personnel Management, or OPM, which is a government agency that conducts background checks and issues security clearances for federal employees, announced a data breach. Before today, how aware would you say you were of the OPM data breach? Were you not at all aware, somewhat aware, or very aware?


FS109 Have you, or an immediate family member, received notification from OPM that personal data was stolen in the data breach?


FS110 The U.S. Constitution requires a count, or census, of the United States population every ten years. The 2010 Census cost over $10 billion. The Census Bureau is looking at saving money. If the census were held today, how likely would you be to provide the Census Bureau with the number of people living or staying in your house, apartment, or mobile home? Would you say you definitely would, probably would, might or might not, probably would not, or definitely would not?

FS111 Imagine standing at your front door looking out to your right. Picture your neighbor's house, apartment, or mobile home immediately to your right. Do you know or do you not know if anyone is living in that house?

FS112 Still thinking of your neighbor to the right, do you know or do you not know the number of people living in your neighbor's house?

FS113 Still thinking of your neighbor to the right, do you know or do you not know the name of one person living in your neighbor's house?

FS114 In order to help the Census Bureau save money, if asked and you knew the answer, how likely would you be to provide the Census with each of the following types of information. For each, tell me if you definitely would provide the Census with the information, probably would, might or might not, probably would not, or definitely would not provide the information. How about __________?

FS114A With the information that someone is or is not living in the house to the right of yours?

FS114B With the number of people living in the house to the right of yours?

FS114C With the name of one person living in the house to the right of yours?

FS115 For the next census in 2020, if the Census Bureau got information from (Government Data/Third party data/Administrative data/External data/Big data) they may not need to ask you for this information on a questionnaire and could save government money. This information would be obtained to produce statistics, and the Census Bureau would keep your personal information confidential. I'm going to read three types of information and ask if you would be strongly in favor of the Census Bureau getting your information from(Government Data/Third party data/Administrative data/External data/Big data), somewhat in favor of it, neither in favor nor against it, somewhat against it, or strongly against it? How about __________?

FS115A Whether an address was occupied or vacant on a particular date

FS115B Basic information about each person living at an address, such as name, age, and sex

FS115C Contact information, like phone numbers, physical addresses, and email addresses

FS116 For people who do not respond to their census form, do you think it would be better to get their information from their neighbors or to get their information from (Government Data/Third party data/Administrative data/External data/Big data)?

FS117 Can you tell me why you are not in favor of using data from (Government Data/Third party data/Administrative data/External data/Big data) for the census?

FS118 Which of the following best describes your concern?

FS119 For the next census in 2020, the Census Bureau is considering ways to save money, minimize inconvenience to households, and improve the accuracy of the data by using information that people have already provided to other government agencies, such as the Social Security Administration. Thinking about the following ways the Census Bureau might use this information from other agencies, please tell me whether you feel each one would or would not be an invasion of your privacy.

FS120 If your household did not return a census form in 2020, do you feel it would or would not be an invasion of your privacy to use information from other government agencies such as the Social Security Administration to find out IF ANYONE was living at your address? (Would/Would NOT)

FS121 If your household did not return a census form in 2020, do you feel it would or would not be an invasion of your privacy to use information from other government agencies such as the Social Security Administration to find out HOW MANY PEOPLE were living at your address? (Would/Would NOT)

FS122 If your household did not return a census form in 2020, do you feel it would or would not be an invasion of your privacy to use information from other government agencies such as the Social Security Administration to find out the NAMES AND AGES of the people living at your address? (Would/Would NOT)

FS123 Do you feel it would or would not be an invasion of your privacy if the Census Bureau used information from other government agencies such as the Social Security Administration to complete your census form for you INSTEAD of mailing a questionnaire to your address? (Would/Would NOT)

FS124 If your household did not return a census form in 2020, do you feel it would or would not be an invasion of your privacy if the Census Bureau used information provided by your NEIGHBOR to complete your census form for you? (Would/Would NOT)

FS125 If your household did not return a census form in 2020, the Census Bureau could ask your neighbors to provide information about your household or it could use information you've already provided to other government agencies such as the Social Security Administration. Do you think it is more respectful of your privacy to get missing information from your neighbors or to get it from other government agencies? (Neighbors/Government Agencies)

FS126 For the next census in 2020, the Census Bureau is considering ways to save money, minimize inconvenience to households, and improve the accuracy of the data by using information that people have already provided to other government agencies, such as the Social Security Administration. Thinking about the following ways the Census Bureau might use this information from other agencies, please tell me whether you feel each one would or would not be an invasion of your privacy.

FS127 If your household did not return a census form in 2020, do you feel it would or would not be an invasion of your privacy to use information from other government agencies such as the Social Security Administration to find out IF ANYONE was living at your address? (Would/Would NOT)

FS128 If your household did not return a census form in 2020, do you feel it would or would not be an invasion of your privacy to use information from other government agencies such as the Social Security Administration to find out HOW MANY PEOPLE were living at your address? (Would/Would NOT)

FS129 If your household did not return a census form in 2020, do you feel it would or would not be an invasion of your privacy to use information from other government agencies such as the Social Security Administration to find out the NAMES AND AGES of the people living at your address? (Would/Would NOT)

FS130 Do you feel it would or would not be an invasion of your privacy if the Census Bureau used information from other government agencies such as the Social Security Administration to complete your census form for you INSTEAD of mailing a questionnaire to your address? (Would/Would NOT)

FS131 If your household did not return a census form in 2020, do you feel it would or would not be an invasion of your privacy if the Census Bureau used information provided by your NEIGHBOR to complete your census form for you? (Would/Would NOT)

FS132 If your household did not return a census form in 2020, the Census Bureau could ask your neighbors to provide information about your household or it could use information you've already provided to other government agencies such as the Social Security Administration. Do you think it is more respectful of your privacy to get missing information from your neighbors or to get it from other government agencies? (Neighbors/Government Agencies)


Sheet 2: WB

Item Number English Sept 22, 2014- Nov 2, 2014
FS65 The census, the number of deaths in the U.S. by different diseases, the crime rate, and the (unemployment rate/Consumer Price Index) are examples of federal statistics produced by federal statistical agencies that are part of the federal government. Have you ever used federal statistics for study or work? x
FS6 Personally, how much trust do you have in the federal statistics in the United States? Would you say that you tend to trust federal statistics or tend not to trust them? x

Please tell me whether you Strongly agree, Somewhat agree, Neither agree nor disagree, Somewhat disagree, or Strongly disagree with the following statements: (Interviewer: Read and rotate FS7-FS14)
FS7 Policy makers need federal statistics to make good decisions about things like federal funding. x
FS11 People can trust federal statistical agencies to keep information about them confidential x
FS52 Would you say that federal statistical agencies often invade people's privacy, or generally respect people's privacy? x

Sheet 3: Codes Sept 22 - Oct 12

**Verbatims were collected 100% during this time and coded using the updated code list adopted on 10/28/14.





QID:512128 Why do you say that?
QID:512130 Why do you say that?
QID:512131 Why do you say that?
QID:512133 Why do you say that?
QID:512124 What, if anything, have you heard recently about Federal Statistics or Federal Surveys?

1 Other (list)
1 Other (list)
1 Other (list)
1 Other (list)

2 Negative:  General negative comment about the government (not specifically related to statistics)/Don't trust them
2 Negative:  General negative comment about the government/Don't trust the government (not specifically related to statistics)
2 Negative:  General negative comment about the government (not specifically related to statistical agencies or confidentiality)
2 Negative:  General negative comment about the government (not specifically related to privacy)
1 Other (list)
3 Negative: Collected or reported government statistics are biased/inaccurate/manipulated
3 Negative: Don't trust numbers/skewed/manipulated/inaccurate/poor quality
3 Negative: Do not trust the government/government has too much info about everything
3 Negative: Do not trust the government
2 General about the government or political issues (not specifically related to federal statistics or surveys)
4 Negative: Security breaches in the news/scandals
4 Negative: Data not safe/secure/always in media
3 Inaccurate reporting/doing a poor job with statistics/false reporting
5 Negative: Need more information than just statistics
5 Negative: Information isn’t secure/info can be leaked/hackers can access info
5 Negative: Government is too invasive/wants to know too much
4 Employment reports/unemployment rate
6 Negative: Waste of money to collect statistics
5 IRS scandal
7 Negative: Government won’t use it to make good decisions
6 No privacy/spying/drones
8 Positive: General positive comment about the government (not specifically related to statistics)
8 Positive: General positive comment about the government (not specifically related to statistics)
8 Positive: General positive comment about the government (not specifically related to statistical agencies or confidentiality)
8 Positive: General positive comment about the government (not specifically related to privacy)
7 Climate change/Environmental statistics
9 Positive: data seem reliable/consistent/historically proven/accurate
9 Positive: Statistics are trustworthy/accurate
9 Positive: General trust in the government/trust to keep secure
9 Positive: Trust the government/good public servants/government needs information
8 Obamacare/Healthcare/Healthcare.gov
10 Positive: Information is needed to make good decisions/need facts and data
10 Positive: Personal experience/my info has never been released
10 Positive: No reason to think otherwise/personal experience
9 Crime rates
11 Positive: Privacy acts/HIPAA laws/laws against releasing
11 Positive: Laws in place/ethical standards
10 Presidential/Congressional/Other elected official approval ratings
11 Economic reports/forecasts
12 Census/demographic reports
13 Snowden/NSA
16 Diseases/CDC/Ebola stats
98 (Don't know/No special reason/Just my opinion/No reason not to trust)
98 (Don’t know/No special reason/Just my opinion)
98 (Don’t know/No special reason/Just my opinion)
98 (Don’t know/No special reason/Just my opinion)
17 Immigration statistics
99 (Refused)
99 (Refused)
99 (Refused)
99 (Refused)
18 Poverty

19 Education

20 Government spending/federal funding

14 Nothing/Haven't heard anything

15 Nothing specific/What I have seen in the news

98 (DK)

99 (Refused)

Sheet 4: Codes Oct 13 - Oct 27

** First precoded list adopted





QID:512128 Why do you say that?
QID:512130 Why do you say that?
QID:512131 Why do you say that?
QID:512133 Why do you say that?
QID:512124 What, if anything, have you heard recently about Federal Statistics or Federal Surveys?

1 Other (list)
1 Other (list)
1 Other (list)
1 Other (list)
1 Other (list)
2 Negative:  General negative comment about the government (not specifically related to statistics)
2 Negative:  General negative comment about the government (not specifically related to statistics)
2 Negative:  General negative comment about the government (not specifically related to statistical agencies or confidentiality)
2 Negative:  General negative comment about the government (not specifically related to privacy)
2 General negative comment about the government (not specifically related to federal statistics or surveys)
3 Negative: Collected or reported government statistics are biased/inaccurate/manipulated
3 Negative: Government can skew the numbers/manipulate data
3 Negative: Do not trust the government/government has too much info about everything
3 Negative: Do not trust the government
3 Inaccurate reporting/doing a poor job with statistics/false reporting
4 Negative: Poor quality data/inaccurately collected
4 Negative: Security breaches in the news/scandals
4 Negative: Data not safe/secure/always in media
4 Employment reports/unemployment rate
5 Negative: Need more information than just statistics
5 Negative: Information isn’t secure/info can be leaked/hackers can access info
5 Negative: Government is too invasive/wants to know too much
5 IRS scandal
6 Negative: Waste of money to collect statistics
6 No privacy/spying/drones
7 Negative: Government won’t use it to make good decisions
7 Climate change
8 Positive: General positive comment about the government (not specifically related to statistics)
8 Positive: General positive comment about the government (not specifically related to statistics)
8 Positive: General positive comment about the government (not specifically related to statistical agencies or confidentiality)
8 Positive: General positive comment about the government (not specifically related to privacy)
8 Obamacare/Healthcare/Healthcare.gov
9 Positive: data seem reliable/consistent/historically proven
9 Positive: Statistics are trustworthy/accurate
9 Positive: General trust in the government/trust to keep secure
9 Positive: Trust the government/good public servants
9 Crime rates
10 Positive: Information is needed to make good decisions/need facts and data
10 Positive: Personal experience/my info has never been released
10 Positive: No reason to think otherwise/personal experience
10 Presidential approval ratings
11 Positive: Privacy acts/HIPAA laws/laws against releasing
11 Positive: Laws in place/ethical standards
11 Economic reports/forecasts
12 Census/demographic reports
13 Snowden/NSA
14 Nothing
15 No special reason/just my opinion
15 No special reason/just my opinion
15 No special reason/just my opinion
15 No special reason/just my opinion
15 No special reason/Just my opinion
98 (DK)
98 (DK)
98 (DK)
98 (DK)
98 (DK)
99 (Refused)
99 (Refused)
99 (Refused)
99 (Refused)
99 (Refused)

Sheet 5: Codes Oct 28 -

**The code lists were refined, additional codes added to FS84D, DK/no special reason combined into same code





QID:512128 Why do you say that?
QID:512130 Why do you say that?
QID:512131 Why do you say that?
QID:512133 Why do you say that?
QID:512124 What, if anything, have you heard recently about Federal Statistics or Federal Surveys?

1 Other (list)
1 Other (list)
1 Other (list)
1 Other (list)

2 Negative:  General negative comment about the government (not specifically related to statistics)/Don't trust them
2 Negative:  General negative comment about the government/Don't trust the government (not specifically related to statistics)
2 Negative:  General negative comment about the government (not specifically related to statistical agencies or confidentiality)
2 Negative:  General negative comment about the government (not specifically related to privacy)
1 Other (list)
3 Negative: Collected or reported government statistics are biased/inaccurate/manipulated
3 Negative: Don't trust numbers/skewed/manipulated/inaccurate/poor quality
3 Negative: Do not trust the government/government has too much info about everything
3 Negative: Do not trust the government
2 General about the government or political issues (not specifically related to federal statistics or surveys)
4 Negative: Security breaches in the news/scandals
4 Negative: Data not safe/secure/always in media
3 Inaccurate reporting/doing a poor job with statistics/false reporting
5 Negative: Need more information than just statistics
5 Negative: Information isn’t secure/info can be leaked/hackers can access info
5 Negative: Government is too invasive/wants to know too much
4 Employment reports/unemployment rate
6 Negative: Waste of money to collect statistics
5 IRS scandal
7 Negative: Government won’t use it to make good decisions
6 No privacy/spying/drones
8 Positive: General positive comment about the government (not specifically related to statistics)
8 Positive: General positive comment about the government (not specifically related to statistics)
8 Positive: General positive comment about the government (not specifically related to statistical agencies or confidentiality)
8 Positive: General positive comment about the government (not specifically related to privacy)
7 Climate change/Environmental statistics
9 Positive: data seem reliable/consistent/historically proven/accurate
9 Positive: Statistics are trustworthy/accurate
9 Positive: General trust in the government/trust to keep secure
9 Positive: Trust the government/good public servants/government needs information
8 Obamacare/Healthcare/Healthcare.gov
10 Positive: Information is needed to make good decisions/need facts and data
10 Positive: Personal experience/my info has never been released
10 Positive: No reason to think otherwise/personal experience
9 Crime rates
11 Positive: Privacy acts/HIPAA laws/laws against releasing
11 Positive: Laws in place/ethical standards
10 Presidential/Congressional/Other elected official approval ratings
11 Economic reports/forecasts
12 Census/demographic reports
13 Snowden/NSA
16 Diseases/CDC/Ebola stats
98 (Don't know/No special reason/Just my opinion/No reason not to trust)
98 (Don’t know/No special reason/Just my opinion)
98 (Don’t know/No special reason/Just my opinion)
98 (Don’t know/No special reason/Just my opinion)
17 Immigration statistics
99 (Refused)
99 (Refused)
99 (Refused)
99 (Refused)
18 Poverty

19 Education

20 Government spending/federal funding

14 Nothing/Haven't heard anything

15 Nothing specific/What I have seen in the news

98 (DK)

99 (Refused)
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