National Water Trails System Application (Individual)

Application for Designation as National Recreation Trail or National Water Trail

NWTS Online Application Screenshot 12062016

National Water Trails System Application (Individual)

OMB: 1024-0283

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National Water
Trails System

0MB Control N o . 1024-####
Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXXX
Pr i vacy Act Statement:
Author i ty: 16 U.S.C. 1241·51, the National Trails System.Act of 1 968 .

Purpose: The information is collected to process candidate applications, i nc lUd ing determ i ni ng tt eligbi ily
requ rements have been met, for designation as a National Recreation Tra l or National Water
Trai l i n the National Tra ils System. This application process is for trails on federal, state, local, or privatel lands i or waters (except those on or in cooperation with US Forest Service ilands
or waters). If
your trai lis on US Forest Service lands or waters you should contact the US Forest Service National Recreation Trails Program.
Routi ne Uses: The information is disclosed to the US Forest Service (Department of Agriculture), the US Army Corps of Eng i neers (Department of Defense), the Bureau of Land Management, and the
US Fish aJ'KI W ik:l lffe Service (Department of the Interior) for the review of applications and the track ii'{! of d0Signated trails on their respective lands or waters.
D i sclosur&: Voluntary, however , fa ilure to provide the requested information may il11)8de the proposed water tra ilapplication from consideration for designation and i nclusion in lh9 NationaJ Trails
PAPERWORK REDUCTI ON ACT STATEMENT: We are collecti ng this information stb]ect to the Paperwork Reduction.Act (44 U.S.C. 3501) to evaluate the suitab i lity of trails or trai lsystems for
slt>mission to the Secretary of the Interior for designation as a National Recreation Trai l or as a National Water Tran. All applicable parts of the form must be corrpleted in order to receive consideration
for the requested benefit. A Federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not requi red to respond a collection of i nformation unless tt displays a currently valid 0MB control nurrter.
0MB has approved this collection and assigned tt control nurrber 1024--##-1111.
ESTIMATED BURDEN STATEMENT: Ptblic reporti ng burden for this form is estimated to average 8 hoursper response for National Recreation Trail stbmissions and 11 hoursper response for
National Water Tra slt>missions, inc ud i ng the time tt takes to read, gather and ma.i nta i n data, review i nstructions and coOl)lete the form. Direct comments regard illQ this burden estimate, or any
aspects of this formi l, to the Informationl Collection
Clearance Officer, National Park Service, 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive, Mai lStop 242, Reston, VA 20192. Please do not send your form to this

National Water Trails System

Application Form

Please note: You have one hour to complete this webpage before you are automatically logged out by the server. Once you sumbit th i s page, you may return
and ed i t it l ater by logging back into your account. It is recommended that you prepare your trail description ahead of t ime and paste it into the appropri ate

Section 1 of 7:Trail Information



Trail Name

Cl 2nd: lSelect an Agency

f S�lect an Agency

Trail Location


"'In Brand o n St at e Pa rk n ea r S pri ngfi el d, IA."' or "Ralltr ail t hat c onn ects Mm.erv flle with Fo rt Cl a remo nt a l ong the
the Blue River n orthwest of Cl ar k City. "'
ex amp e s:


so u th

shor e or

Mapping Information
Pl ease provide the Information below. Provide a l atitude and longitude coordin ate that is representati ve
of your water trail. Th i s could be at the center of your trail or at any other locati on along the trail. This
Information will be used to create a map "pin" of your trail to be Inc luded o n the NWTS website, if the
trail is designated.



Directions to Trail


ex amp e :



"fro m Sprin gf iel d, ta ke SR 897 we st c. 6 mil es to

park ent ra nce: " or


City{ies) / Townshlp(s)
crossed by the trail:
Separate mu t p e dties/townsh.i p-s w th commas : Ch cago, Oak Park,
l i l



Separate multi pl e Cou nties with comm as: Kl amath,


_ _]

Abbrevi ati ons onl y
Separate multi pl e States w ith commas: CA, OR:, WA


Forest Pane



"Man y access points b et wee n Ta mpa and Fo rt My ers off of

Separate multi pl e Di s trids with commas: 1, 3. Sp ecify Stat e abbr ev i ations for tra il-s that s pan m ulti pl e States: OR·l, WA-3

Short Description of

A quick "'s napshot" for n ews

re leas es,

75 words i s the reco mmend ed

max mum .


Long Description of

Fo r use on the NRT website. 500...SOO wo rds re commended. Stat e how your t rail fs nation ally s igni ficant , what sets your tra il apart from
Hi ghlight the tra il s' m ai n features, em p hasizing such facto
File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2016-12-06
File Created2016-12-01

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