FS-2400-4 Forest Products Contract and Cash Receipt

Forest Products Removal Permits and Contracts

FS-2400-004 v04-2013

Individuals or Households - Forest Service

OMB: 0596-0085

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USDA Forest Service Contract FS-2400-004 (V. 04/2013)

OMB No. 0596-0085


National Forest:      

Ranger District:      

Forest Products Contract And Cash Receipt

(Ref. FSM 2430, FSH 2409.18, and FSH 6509.17)

Purchaser's Name and Complete Address:

TSA Contract No.

Sale Name

Total Sale Acres





Award Date

Termination Date

Acres to be Cut




Type of Sale:      

Payment Method:      

Sale Condition:      

Purchaser's Tax Identification Number:      

Load Ticket Numbers: From:      


Sale Area Description:

Vehicle Information:      


License Plate:      






Performance Bond Amount: $     

Original Contract:      

Modification No.:      




Unit of Measure

Estimated Quantity

Rate per Products

UOM $ Assoc. Charges

$ Total Products

$ Total Assoc. Charges









































Total Quantity







Minimum Specifications


Piece Required to be Removed



Unit of Measure

DBH (Inches)

No. of Min. Pieces per Tree

Length (Feet)

DIB at Small End (Inches)

Net Volume in % of Gross Volume

Maximum Stump


















































Unit of




+ or -

Rate per



Assoc. Charges

$ Total


$ Total

Assoc. Charges














































Revised Total Quantity



Revised Total





Payment Amount

Bill No.


Payment Amount

Bill No.


Payment Amount

Bill No.






























Refund Amount


Refund Amount


Refund Amount


Refund Amount











Quantity Removed


Quantity Removed


Quantity Removed


Quantity Removed


Quantity Removed



























































According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0596-0085. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 5 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or part of an individual’s income is derived from any public assistance. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA’s TARGET Center at 202-720-2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call toll free (866) 632-9992 (voice). TDD users can contact USDA through local relay or the Federal relay at (800) 877-8339 (TDD) or (866) 377-8642 (relay voice). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.


The Purchaser, by signing Page 1, binds the Purchaser and the Forest Service, acting through the Contracting Officer, to the contract terms.

  1. The boundaries of the sale area, payment unit, and any cutting or harvesting areas are as shown on the attached sale area map, which is made a part of this contract. All sale area map detail indicating location is approximate; therefore, actual locations, as the Forest Service has designated on the ground, take precedence over the sale area map. The location of the sale area and its estimated acreage are shown on Page 1. Valid claims are excluded from the sale area, unless the claimant authorizes, in writing, timber cutting or product harvesting on the claim, except for valid claims on which timber cutting or product harvesting is authorized under the Act of July 23, 1955 (30 USC 612, 613, and 614).

  2. The Purchaser's failure to execute and return this contract in conformance with the terms, conditions, and requirements contained in the Contracting Officer's letter of award shall constitute repudiation of the Purchaser's bid and breach of this contract. The Purchaser agrees that the Purchaser's bid guarantee, if required in the advertisement, shall be retained by the Contracting Officer to be applied toward damages due the United States.

  3. The Purchaser shall complete all requirements of this contract prior to the termination date. A time extension may be granted at the discretion of the Contracting Officer if the Purchaser has operated in a diligent manner.

  4. The Forest Service has determined the estimated quantities of included products listed on Page 1 prior to award of this contract. The Contracting Officer or designee will determine any additional designated products prior to felling or harvesting during the term of the contract. The Forest Service makes no representation, warranty, or guarantee of the accuracy of the estimate.

  5. This contract is non-transferable.

  6. No Congress Member or Resident Commissioner shall benefit from this contract unless made with a corporation for its general benefit (18 USC 431,433).

  7. The conditions of this contract are completely set forth, and none of its terms can be varied or modified, except by written agreement between the Purchaser and the Contracting Officer approving the contract, or the Contracting Officer's successor, or superior officer, and in accordance with the regulations of the Secretary of Agriculture.

  8. No Purchaser, contractor, subcontractor, agent, or employee shall discriminate in performance of this contract against any person because of race, color, religion, age, sex, or national origin.

  9. The Forest Service agrees to sell and the Purchaser agrees to purchase, cut or harvest, and remove all included products described on Page 1. Designation(s) for cutting is (are) shown in Other Conditions. Title to all timber or forest products included in this contract shall remain with the United States until its estimated quantities have been determined by the Contracting Officer or designee and paid for and removed from the sale area by the Purchaser. The Purchaser shall not cut or harvest any timber or forest products until the Contracting Officer or designee has determined the estimated quantities and the timber or forest products has been paid for by the Purchaser.

The Purchaser shall cut or harvest and remove included products in strict accordance with the conditions on Page 1, the General Conditions, and with all conditions and requirements in the attached Other Conditions, which are hereby made a part of this contract, and with the regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Agriculture.

The Contracting Officer or designee may designate additional timber products, if included products is timber, not included in the original volume estimate for cutting within the sale area, as needed to utilize damaged trees, trees to be removed in authorized clearings, or trees unnecessarily damaged or cut by the Purchaser. The Purchaser shall pay for additional timber at rate per products and associated charges per unit of measure listed on Page 1, in addition to any payments for liquidated damages under General Condition 15 and/or in Other Conditions. The additional timber will become included products when designated by the Contracting Officer or designee.

The Contracting Officer or designee and the Purchaser may agree in writing to make minor adjustments in boundaries of cutting units or in the timber individually marked for cutting.

  1. As a further guarantee of the faithful performance of the provisions of this contract, the Purchaser shall maintain a cash performance bond in the amount listed on Page 1.

  2. The Purchaser shall pay to the USDA Forest Service by the time the contract is required to be executed and returned by the Purchaser, the total sale value for total products and total associated charges stated on Page 1, for product values which includes sale area betterment funds (Act of June 9, 1930, 16 USC 576b), slash disposal funds (Act of April 24, 1950, 16 USC 490), and road maintenance deposits, if any.

  3. The Contracting Officer or designee may, in writing, suspend operations on the sale area, including removal of included products, if the Purchaser violates contract requirements, or the Contracting Officer may terminate this contract for the Purchaser's serious or continued violations of its terms.

The Purchaser agrees to interrupt or delay operations under this contract, in whole or in part, upon the written request of the Contacting Officer: (a) to prevent serious environmental degradation or resource damage that may require termination of the contract, (b) to comply with a court order, or (c) upon determination of the appropriate Regional Forester, that conditions existing on this contract area are the same as, or nearly the same as, conditions existing on contract(s) named in such an order as described in paragraph (b).

  1. The Contracting Officer may terminate this contract, without liability to the Government, to prevent serious environmental degradation, to comply with a court order, or for the convenience of the Government.

  2. All monies paid under the contract shall, upon the Purchaser's failure to fulfill the terms of the contract, be retained by the Contracting Officer to be applied toward completion of Purchaser's uncompleted work or damages due the United States.

  3. The Purchaser shall pay for unnecessary damage to or negligent or willful cutting of merchantable timber, if timber is an included product, meeting utilization standards on Page 1 at an amount equivalent to the bid rate. In view of the difficulty in determining the actual damage to the United States, the amounts specified above shall be considered liquidated damages; provided, that, if such damage involves small amounts of material, and in the judgment of the Contracting Officer or designee, is justified by existing conditions, the payments may not be required. In addition to liquidated damages, if designated for removal by the Contracting Officer or designee under General Condition 9, the Purchaser shall make payments at the rate per products listed on Page 1 for timber meeting utilization standards and for associated charges for the total quantity of material involved.


The Contracting Officer or designee shall determine rates for products per unit of measure for standing timber or other forest products if they are not included products using standard Forest Service appraisal methods.

The right, title, and interest to any product for which payment of liquidated damages has been made or which has been regularly paid for, cut, but not removed, shall remain in or revert to the United States, if not removed from the sale area at the expiration or termination of this contract.

  1. This contract is subject to The Contract Disputes Act of 1978 (Pub. L. 95-563). Purchaser claims under this contract shall be submitted in writing to the Contracting Officer not later than 60 days after receipt of the Contracting Officer's written notice to the Purchaser that the sale is closed.

  2. Prior to entering into a covered transaction with another person at the next lower tier, Purchaser must verify that the person with whom Purchaser intends to do business is not excluded or disqualified. Purchaser must do this by: (a) Checking the System for Award Management (SAM) web site; (b) Collecting a certification from that person; or (c) Adding a clause or condition to the covered transaction with that person (2 CFR 180.300). Purchaser must include a term or condition in lower tier covered transactions requiring lower tier participants to comply with guidance in 2 CFR part 180 (2 CFR 417.332). The Purchaser shall provide a copy of such verifications or certifications to the Contracting Officer at the Contracting Officer's written request. The Purchaser shall have 30 calendar days within which to supply such verifications or certifications and may continue timber removal operations in the interim.

  3. The Contracting Officer may designate in writing a Forest Service Representative to: (a) receive notices in regard to performance under this contract, (b) take action in relation to this contract, and (c) be readily available to the area of harvest operations.

The Contracting Officer or the Forest Service Representative may designate other Forest Service on-the-ground representatives. The Contracting Officer or Forest Service Representative shall name these persons in writing along with their specific contractual responsibilities and authority and the Contracting Officer shall provide a copy to the Purchaser. The Contracting Officer shall make these delegations within 30 days of award of the contract.

  1. The Purchaser shall buck harvested trees, if trees are included products, to use the entire merchantable stem, cut stumps no higher than the maximum specified on Page 1 when measured on the uphill side, and use material to the minimum utilization standards listed on Page 1.

  2. The Purchaser and Purchaser's employees shall take reasonable action to prevent and suppress forest fire. Further, the Purchaser, in all phases of logging or harvesting operations, shall protect insofar as practicable: all land survey corners, telephone lines, ditches, fences, and other improvements. If the Purchaser's operations damage such improvements under this contract, the Purchaser shall restore these improvements immediately to the condition existing immediately prior to operations. The Purchaser shall handle slash and other refuse as listed in Other Conditions. The Purchaser shall pay for road maintenance commensurate with the Purchaser's use. The Purchaser shall promptly restore roads or trails damaged through such use. Specific road maintenance requirements are listed in Other Conditions and costs are included in associated charges listed on Page 1.

The Purchaser's use of existing roads may be restricted, as indicated on the sale area map and in the Other Conditions.

The Purchaser shall comply with the rules and regulations governing operation on premises that are occupied, and the Purchaser shall perform the contract in a manner that will not interrupt or interfere with the conduct of Forest Service business.





Instructions: See FSH 2409.18, section 53.2.

WO-2450-4 Other Conditions (7/00)


Type of

Sale * Provision

T,P WO-1# Product Designation (7/98)

T,P WO-2 Product Quantity Removal Record (7/98)

T,P WO-3 Load Tickets (7/98)

T WO-4 Product Identification (11/99)

T WO-5 Use of Timber (7/98)

T,P WO-6 Erosion Control (7/98)

T,P WO-7 Streamcourse Protection (7/98)

T,P WO-8 Temporary Facilities (7/98)

T,P WO-9# Reserve Trees (7/98)

T,P WO-10 # Use of Roads by Purchaser (6/99)

T,P WO-11 Wetlands Protection (7/98)

T,P WO-12 Protection of Improvements Not Owned by Forest Service (7/98)

T,P WO-13 # Road Maintenance Requirements (6/99)

T,P WO-14 Equipment Cleaning (7/00)

* T: Tree Measurement

P: Forest Products

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