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pdfThe Defense Security Service has in\rited you to participate in the NISP Security Cost Data
.lil. the E.'l(eCU!j\-e .!J...,o-=y for the National Industrial Security Program {NISP) 11Dder
Executive Order 12829, the Department of Defense is required to prmride the Jnimmat:ion
Security Oversight Office (ISOO) with an e~ted l!llmlal cost to Industry of complying
with NISP securit)• requirements. We determine the com by surveying contractors "to
possess classified information at their cleared f.lcility.
To meet this requirement, DSS conducts a stratiftui random sampk Sllr\'ey of oontractor
facilities using a web-based survey and Office cxfMmiagement and Budget (O.MB~proved
survey methodology. Since the sample of facility participants is randomly selected,
not all facilities will receive the survey. Verification of the legitim!!:cy of the Survey URL
C!lll be obtained through yom Cognizant Security Office.
We appreciate your cooperatioo and submission of the cost information within 2 weeks..
Please click on the link below to complete.
Take Survey
Defe!l3e Se..'"llrity Service
Quantico, VA
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File Type | application/pdf |
File Modified | 2017-02-09 |
File Created | 2017-02-09 |