Follow-up Case Study Interview Guide for DP13-1314 Progr

Assessing the Impact of Targeted Training and Technical Assistance Efforts on the Implementation of Comprehensive Cancer Control

Att 7a_ Follow up Case Study Interview Guide for DP13-1314 PD PM

Follow-up Case Study Interview of DP13-1314 Program Director or Manager

OMB: 0920-1193

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Shape2 Follow-Up Case Study Interview Guide for DP13-1314 Program Directors or Managers


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OMB No. 0920-xxxx

Exp. Date xx/xx/20xx


Thank you for agreeing to speak with me today. As you know, we are conducting a series of case studies with leadership and staff from programs funded under the Consortium of National Networks to Impact Populations Experiencing Tobacco-Related and Cancer Health Disparities (DP13-1314) cooperative agreement to learn more about programs’ efforts to support and build capacity among CDC’s National Comprehensive Cancer Control Programs (NCCCPs) and State-Based Tobacco Control Programs (NSBTs) through training and technical assistance (TTA). In program year [#], you participated in a case study interview to provide us with insight into the management, design, and/or implementation of your organization’s TTA efforts under the DP13-1314 cooperative agreement. The purpose of this interview is to follow up on your organization’s efforts, including any changes to management, design, and/or implementation efforts.

Please note that responses to these questions will not impact you or your program negatively in any way, and will not impact your eligibility for future CDC funding. We are simply interested in learning more about the planning and implementation of TTA offered to NCCCP and NSBT grantees as part of the DP13-1314 cooperative agreement.

Do you have any initial questions before we begin?

[Pause to allow for questions].

Great, I’m going to begin by reviewing the informed consent.

[Read informed consent statement. If respondent gives verbal consent, proceed with the interview. If the respondent declines participation, thank the respondent and end the interview]

Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 60 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to: CDC/ATSDR Information Collection Review Office, 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS D-74, Atlanta, GA 30333; ATTN: PRA 0920­17AW.

Interview Questions

  1. Implementation of FOA Components

I would like to begin by discussing your organization’s ongoing efforts to implement the components of the Funding Opportunity Agreement (FOA).

  1. Describe your organization’s national comprehensive cancer control (NCCCP) network.

    1. How does your network operate? Describe your network’s governing structure (e.g., decision making, communication).

    2. How is your network structured? For example, is your network centralized (e.g., core group of network members who provide TTA) or decentralized (e.g., no formal group of members)?

    3. Describe the number and types of organizations that comprise your network.

    4. Describe key activities of your network (e.g., engagement opportunities, trainings).

    5. Has the national network changed since the beginning of the FOA? If so, please describe.

  2. Describe your organization’s goals and objectives for the NCCCP network.

    1. How would you describe the vision of the network and how does this align with what your organization wants to achieve?

    2. Have your organization’s goals and/or objectives, or your national network, changed since the beginning of the FOA? If so, please describe.

  3. You mentioned that your key network activities include ___ [List key network activities reported for question #1]. In what ways has your organization promoted evidence-based interventions for tobacco control and cancer prevention?

    1. What trainings has your organization offered to promote evidence-based interventions among network participants?

    2. What technical assistance resources/materials does your organization offer to promote evidence-based interventions among network participants?

    3. What efforts has your organization made to educate CDC about your network, its participants, and/or your target audience?

  4. In what ways has your organization worked to develop and maintain other partnerships related to your national network (e.g., other partner organizations that help to support FOA components)?

    1. In what ways has your organization engaged other partners over time (e.g., regular communication, meetings, MOUs, etc.)?

    2. How has your organization convened other partners to promote health system interventions (e.g., meetings, conference calls, etc.)?

    3. What strategies or methods has your organization used to promote health system interventions among other partners? Please provide any examples.

  5. In what ways has your organization worked to promote community-clinical linkages network participants?

    1. What types of community resources, if any, has your organization promoted?

    2. What types of community-clinical linkages, if any, has your organization promoted?

    3. How often has your network promoted community resources?

    4. What strategies or activities has your organization used to promote community resources?

  6. In what ways has your organization translated and/or disseminated target audience data to network participants?

    1. Describe any data your organization has translated and/or disseminated. Please provide any specific examples.

    2. How often has your organization disseminated data about the target audience?

    3. What strategies or methods does your organization use to disseminate data?

  7. What factors have affected your organization’s ability to implement the DP13-1314 FOA components? Please note and describe any factors that have changed since the beginning of the FOA.

    1. Are there any contextual factors that have affected your organization’s ability to implement FOA components? If so, which factors and components?

      1. Costs/funding

      2. Staffing/personnel

      3. Amount of time

      4. Program maturity/infrastructure

      5. Staff capacity

      6. Access to those with subject matter expertise

      7. Partnerships

    2. Are there any factors within your organization that have affected your ability to implement FOA components? If so, which factors and components?

      1. History

      2. Maturity

      3. Mission

      4. Leadership

    3. Are there any aspects of the cooperative agreement that have affected your organization’s ability to implement FOA components? If so, which factors and components?

      1. CDC TA received

      2. Tools/resources made available by CDC

    4. Have other organizations that comprise the network affected your organization’s ability to implement the FOA? If so, which partnerships and in what ways?

  1. Implementation of TTA Framework

Now I would like to talk about the TTA that your organization has offered to NCCCP and NSBT grantees and partners. For the purpose of this evaluation, when we talk about TTA we are referring to any individualized or broad-based education, supportive activities, or resource distribution that assists NCCCP and NSBT grantees and partners with meeting program objectives, achieving program outcomes, and sustaining program progress and success.

  1. Describe your organization’s activities aimed at planning TTA for TTA recipients.

    1. How does your organization determine TTA needs among TTA recipients? Describe any specific strategies/methods used (e.g., needs assessment).

    2. What types of TTA planning activities has your organization implemented?

    3. How many TTA planning activities has your organization implemented since the beginning of the FOA?

    4. Have your organization’s TTA activities changed since the beginning of the FOA? If so, please describe.

  1. Describe your organization’s efforts to build and maintain partnerships among network members.

    1. What strategies does your organization use to facilitate partnership building/engagement (e.g., communication)?

    2. What specific activities has your organization implemented to facilitate partnership building/engagement (e.g., meetings, calls)?

  2. Describe any trainings your organization has offered to increase capacity among TTA recipients.

    1. What types of trainings has your organization offered?

    2. How many trainings has your program offered since the beginning of the FOA? How often have they occurred?

    3. What channels were used to deliver these trainings (e.g., webinars, in-person)

    4. What topics were addressed in these trainings?

    5. What evidence-based interventions and/or promising practices were promoted during trainings? Please provide specific examples.

    6. What resources were provided to training attendees (e.g., information, tools)?

  3. Describe any technical assistance your organization has offered to increase capacity among TTA recipients.

    1. What types of technical assistance has your organization offered?

    2. How often is technical assistance offered?

    3. What topics are addressed?

    4. What evidence-based interventions and/or promising practices were promoted? Please provide specific examples.

    5. What resources were provided (e.g., information, tools)?

  4. Describe your organization’s efforts to evaluate TTA provided to TTA recipients.

    1. Has your organization planned/implemented process evaluation activities to assess TTA? If so, please describe.

    2. Has your organization planned/implemented outcome evaluation activities to assess TTA? If so, please describe.

    3. Describe key findings from your organization’s TTA evaluation activities.

  5. Are there any contextual factors that have affected your organization’s ability to implement the TTA framework components? If so, which factors and components? Please note and describe any factors that have changed since the beginning of the FOA.

    1. Characteristics of your network?

    2. Characteristics of the NCCCP/ NSBT programs?

    3. Characteristics of the organizations of participating coalition members and partners

    4. Demographic or behavioral characteristics of the specific populations?

    5. Characteristics of the population-specific evidence-based interventions?

    6. Characteristics of your organization and the strategies you are using?

  1. Achievement of Short-Term Outcomes

Thank you for your responses thus far. These next few questions focus on your perceptions related to the impact of your organization’s TTA efforts on short-term outcomes.

  1. Describe how your organization measures the implementation of the network supported under the DP13-1314 FOA?

    1. What data do you collect?

    1. Who is responsible for measuring/monitoring implementation?

    2. Are other staff members involved in data collection? How so?

    3. Are there plans to expand or change how your organization monitors implementation of the network? If so, please explain?

    4. Have your organization’s methods for measuring/monitoring implementation changed since the beginning of the FOA? If so, please describe.

  1. Describe how your organization measures the extent to which your network implemented under DP13-1314 has achieved short-term outcomes?

    1. What data do you collect?

    2. Who is responsible for measuring/monitoring implementation?

    3. Are other staff members involved in data collection? How so?

    4. Are there plans to expand or change how your organization monitors implementation of the network? If so, please explain?

    5. Have your organization’s methods for measuring short-term outcomes changed since the beginning of the FOA? If so, please describe.

  2. To what extent have TTA recipients adopted tobacco use prevention and/or cancer prevention interventions as a priority?

    1. To your knowledge, have NCCCP state programs adopted tobacco use prevention and/or cancer prevention interventions as a priority? Please provide any evidence.

    2. To your knowledge, have NCCCP state coalition members have adopted tobacco use prevention and/or cancer prevention interventions as a priority? Please provide any examples.

    3. To your knowledge, have other organizations adopted tobacco use prevention and/or cancer prevention interventions as a priority? Please provide any examples.

  3. To what extent have TTA recipients strengthened their support for tobacco use prevention and/or cancer prevention interventions?

    1. How have NCCCP state programs strengthened their support?

    2. How have NCCCP state coalition members strengthened their support?

    3. How have other organizations strengthened their support?

  4. To what extent do TTA recipients report using newly adopted evidenced-based population-specific practice and/or service strategies for tobacco use prevention and/or cancer prevention?

    1. Have NCCCP state programs reported adopting new evidence-based population-specific practices? Service strategies?

    2. Have NCCCP state coalition members reported adopting new evidence-based population-specific practices? Service strategies?

    3. Have other organizations reported adopting new evidence-based population-specific practices? Service strategies?

  5. To what extent has your organization disseminated culturally appropriate population specific strategies for tobacco use prevention and/or cancer prevention to network participants?

    1. Have you disseminated culturally appropriate strategies to NCCCP state programs? Please describe.

    2. Have you disseminated culturally appropriate strategies to NCCCP state coalitions? Please describe.

    3. Have you disseminated culturally appropriate strategies to other organizations? Please describe.

  6. From your perspective, to what extent have culturally appropriate, population-specific strategies “spread” within network member organizations?

    1. To what extent have culturally appropriate strategies been adopted throughout NCCCP state programs? Please provide any evidence.

    2. To what extent have culturally appropriate strategies been adopted by NCCCP state coalitions? Please provide any evidence.

    3. To what extent have culturally appropriate strategies been adopted by other organizations? Please provide any evidence.

  1. NCCCP Priorities and Goals

Now I would like to learn more about your perspective on the effectiveness of your organization’s TTA on NCCCP implementation and the achievement of goals, as well as any aspects of the TTA framework that could be improved.

  1. From your perspective, do stakeholders perceive your organization’s TTA as effective in contributing to NCCCP implementation and achievement of goals? Please explain.

    1. Do NCCCP state program staff see your TTA as effective? How do you know this? Please provide any evidence.

    2. Do NCCCP state coalition members see your TTA as effective? How do you know this? Please provide any evidence.

    3. Do other organizations see your TTA as effective? How do you know this? Please provide any evidence

    4. What aspects of your TTA do you think stakeholders see as most effective?

    5. What aspects of your TTA do you think stakeholders see as least effective?

    6. Has the perceived effectiveness of your organization’s TTA efforts changed since the beginning of the FOA? If so, please describe.

  1. What suggestions, if any, have stakeholders provided for improving the effectiveness of your organization’s TTA? Please provide specific examples.

  1. Essential Elements of TTA Model

Great! For these last few questions, I would like to hear your perspective on the impact of your network on NCCCP grantees’ capacity and programmatic outcomes, as well as factors that may have impacted the effectiveness of your organization’s TTA.

  1. From your perspective, how has the network model increased NCCCP capacity?

    1. Which strategy, if any, resulted in increased capacity? How?

    2. From your perspective, which strategies would network members deem most essential for increasing capacity? Please explain.

    3. Which activities, if any, resulted in increased capacity? How?

    4. From your perspective, which activities would network members deem most essential for increasing capacity? Please explain.

  1. Overall, which aspects of the TTA model do you see as most essential for improving NCCCP capacity?

    1. Which strategies are most essential? Why?

    2. Which activities are most essential? Why?

  2. From your perspective, how has the network model improved NCCCP programmatic outcomes?

    1. Which strategies, if any, resulted in improved outcomes? How?

    2. From your perspective, which strategies would network members deem most essential for improving outcomes? Please explain.

    3. Which activities, if any, resulted in improved outcomes? How?

    4. From your perspective, which activities would network members deem most essential for improving outcomes? Please explain.

  3. Overall, which aspects of the TTA model do you see as most essential for improving NCCCP programmatic outcomes?

    1. Which strategies are most essential? Why?

    2. Which activities are most essential? Why?

  4. Describe any lessons learned from implementing the TTA under the DP13-1314 FOA.

    1. What recommendations do you have for improving the TTA model used?

  5. Describe any contextual factors that have impacted the effectiveness of the network TTA model under DP13-1314?

    1. Have any external factors increased or decreased the effectiveness of the TTA model used?

      1. Characteristics of the FOA

      2. Characteristics of the population-specific networks

      3. Characteristics of the NCCCP state programs

      4. Characteristics of the organizations of participating coalition members and partners

      5. Demographic or behavioral characteristics of the specific populations

      6. Characteristics of the population-specific evidence-based interventions

      7. Characteristics of the systems and environmental strategies


That is all of the questions I have for you at this time. Thank you so much for taking the time to talk with me! This has been very informative and will be important in understanding DP13-1314 grantees’ TTA efforts. Do you have any questions for me at this time? [Pause for participant questions]

Again, if any questions do arise after today, please feel free to contact the ICF Project Manager, Sarah O’Dell at 404-321-3211.

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