1850-NEW PD TPREP OMB Part B-video study

1850-NEW PD TPREP OMB Part B-video study.pdf

Impact Study of Feedback for Teachers Based on Classroom Videos

OMB: 1850-0938

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Impact Study of Feedback for
Teachers Based on Classroom
Part B: Collection of Information
Employing Statistical Methods
May 2, 2017
Submitted to:
U.S. Department of Education
National Center for Education Evaluation
Institute of Education Sciences
550 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20202
Project Officer: Elizabeth Warner
Contract Number: ED-IES-16-C-0021
Submitted by:
Mathematica Policy Research
P.O. Box 2393
Princeton, NJ 08543-2393
Telephone: (609) 799-3535
Facsimile: (609) 799-0005
Project Director: Susanne James-Burdumy
Reference Number: 50330

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Collection of information employing statistical methods ........................................................ 2

Respondent universe and sampling methods ............................................................. 2


Procedures for the collection of information ................................................................ 2


Methods to maximize response rates and deal with nonresponse ............................. 8


Tests of procedures or methods to be undertaken ..................................................... 9


Individuals consulted on statistical aspects of the design and on collecting
and analyzing data .................................................................................................... 10

REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................................ 12


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B.1. Minimum detectable impacts with 100 teachers per treatment arm ...................................................... 8
B.2. Individuals consulted on statistical design ........................................................................................... 10
B.3. Individuals responsible for data collection and analysis ...................................................................... 11



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This package requests clearance for data collection activities to support a rigorous
evaluation of video-based observations and feedback for novice and early career teachers. This
evaluation is being conducted by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES), National Center for
Education Evaluation, U.S. Department of Education (ED). It is being implemented by
Mathematica Policy Research, Inc. (Mathematica) and its partners: Clowder Consulting, LLC;
Decision Information Resources, Inc. (DIR); Educopia; IRIS Connect; Pemberton Research;
WestEd; and Teachstone.
The goal of this evaluation is to examine the impact of video-based observations and
feedback on the classroom practices and student achievement of novice teachers (in their first
year of teaching) and early career teachers (in their second through fourth years of teaching).
This study provides an important test of whether intensive, individualized support for teachers
improves their instructional practices and ultimately student achievement. By focusing on novice
teachers, the study can inform both teacher induction policies and potentially teacher preparation
programs. Examining the impact of this intervention on novice and early career teachers can also
inform the effectiveness of providing individualized feedback as a model for teacher professional
development programs.
We will implement two versions of the intervention – the full intervention and a less
intensive version of the intervention. The full and less intensive versions of the interventions will
differ in the number of feedback and coaching sessions that the teachers will receive from the
coach. Teachers assigned to the less intensive version of the intervention will participate in 5
feedback cycles that include one-on-one sessions with a coach to review the teacher’s
performance and provide feedback based on videos of their teaching in their classroom. Teachers
assigned to the full version of the intervention will participate in an additional 5 feedback cycles
and one-on-one sessions with a coach to review the teacher’s performance and provide feedback
– for a total of 10 sessions over the course of the school year.
The evaluation will include implementation and impact analyses. The impact analysis will
draw on data from teacher surveys, assessments of teachers’ pedagogical knowledge and their
attitudes towards teaching, video observations of their classroom practices1, and district
administrative records. The implementation analysis will use information on teachers’
participation, the amount and type of feedback received, and teaching practices covered to
document program implementation.2 We will also use responses to the teacher survey to describe
teachers’ professional support and development experiences.


We are not requesting OMB approval for the collection of this information because they will be collected by the
study team and will not impose any burden on teachers or district staff.





Collection of information employing statistical methods

B1. Respondent universe and sampling methods
The evaluation will rely on a purposive sample of approximately 200 novice teachers and
300 early career fourth- and fifth-grade teachers from approximately 12 school districts in the
United States. The study will not statistically sample districts or teachers, and thus we will not
make statements that generalize beyond the districts and teachers in the study. By June 2017, we
plan to recruit 200 novice teachers from 12 school districts from across the country who will be
teaching fourth or fifth grade in the study districts during the 2017-2018 school year. We will
group these 200 teachers into pairs based on similarity of their upcoming teaching assignments
and route into teaching (traditional or alternative). We will then randomly assign teachers within
each group to either the full intervention group or the control group.
The early career teacher sample will include 300 teachers who we will identify prior to the
2018 summer teacher training session. Within each district, we will group 4th and 5th grade
early career teachers (entering their second, third, or fourth year of teaching) into clusters of 3
teachers each, based on the similarity of their upcoming teaching assignments for the 2018-2019
school year, their route into teaching, and their years of teaching experience. Within each group,
we will randomly assign one teacher to the full intervention group, one teacher to the less
intensive intervention group, and one teacher to the control group prior to the 2018 summer
teacher training session.
B2. Procedures for the collection of information

Statistical methods for sample selection

The study will include a purposive sample of approximately 12 districts that currently do not
offer intensive teacher coaching. We will recruit teachers from those districts, focusing on
districts with enough eligible novice teachers to meet our sample size targets of 200 novice
teachers (approximately 17 per district) and 300 early career teachers (approximately 25 per
district). Additionally, to provide a sufficient contrast to the study intervention, districts must not
already be providing intensive feedback to novice and early career teachers. Finally, the
evaluation will be limited to districts and teachers who are willing to participate. This will result
in a purposive sample of eligible districts that are willing and eligible to participate, and teachers
from within those districts that are willing and eligible to participate. Although we will not be
able to generalize to all novice and early career fourth- and fifth-grade teachers, we will obtain
valid estimates of the impact of the interventions for districts and teachers that meet our
eligibility requirements and are willing to participate. Below we explain in more detail how we
will select districts, teachers, and students for the study.




Selection of school districts. School districts must have at least 25 novice fourth- and fifthgrade teachers to be eligible to participate in this study. Using information from the Common
Core of Data, we will begin with the 193 school districts that have at least 30 schools with
fourth- or fifth-grade teachers, which we believe will roughly correspond to the set of districts
with at least 25 novice fourth- and fifth-grade teachers. To help achieve geographic diversity, we
will classify districts by region. We will then reach out to the largest districts in each region (as
these are the districts most likely to have a sufficient number of eligible teachers), and ask
further questions to verify (1) there are enough eligible teachers in their districts and (2) they
don’t currently offer similar intensive coaching and feedback to those teachers. We will recruit
suitable districts until we reach our sample size target of 12 districts.
Selection of teachers. Within the participating districts we will invite eligible teachers to
participate. We will include 200 novice fourth- and fifth-grade teachers for the 2017-2018 school
year. After we meet our 2017-2018 sample targets we will cease enrolling new teachers. For the
2018-2019 school year, we will recruit 300 early career fourth- and fifth-grade teachers from the
same districts. Teachers will be randomly assigned as described in B1 above.
Selection of students. We will include all students enrolled in the classes of teachers
participating in the study. The study team will have access to administrative data on student
characteristics and test scores through MOUs established with participating districts.
Additionally, the study team will request parent consent for students to be included in video
recordings of the study classrooms.

Estimation procedures

The evaluation will include four broad sets of analyses: (1) impact analyses, estimating the
effects of the study interventions on student and teacher outcomes; (2) subgroup analyses,
estimating the effects of the interventions on various subgroups of interest; (3) nonexperimental
analyses, estimating the relative effectiveness of interventions based on key intervention and
teacher characteristics; and (4) implementation analyses, to learn about implementation
experiences and challenges.
Impact analyses. We will estimate the impact of the study interventions after both year 1
and year 2 of the evaluation, using a regression model to compare the outcomes of the teachers
randomly assigned to the different intervention groups and the control group as well as the
outcomes of their students.
To estimate impacts on student achievement, we will use the following model:
(1) Yij    1Tj1   2Tj2  X ij'    ij ,

where Yij is the outcome of interest for student i of teacher j; α is an intercept term; T j is an
indicator for the full intervention group equal to one if the teacher is assigned to that treatment

group and zero otherwise; T j is an indicator for the less intensive intervention group, equal to
one if the teacher is assigned to that treatment group and zero otherwise; X ij is a vector of




baseline school, teacher, or student characteristics;  is a coefficient vector; and

 ij is a random

error term. The baseline characteristics in X ij will include:

student characteristics, such as test scores from the year before the intervention, gender,
race/ethnicity, free- or reduced-price lunch eligibility, special education status, and English
learner status


teacher characteristics, such as demographic characteristics, age, experience and educational


school-level characteristics, such as school-level student achievement and demographic
The coefficients  1 and  2 represent the average impacts of the full and less intensive

feedback and coaching interventions, respectively. We will test the equivalence of  1 and  2 to
compare impacts of the two versions of the intervention. We will estimate a version of the model
that pools teachers from the novice and early career samples as well as separate models for the

two samples. The model for the novice teacher sample will not include the T j indicator for the
less intensive intervention group (or the associated  coefficient) because no novice teachers
will be assigned to that group.

When estimating student achievement models, the outcome of interest will be a student’s
state standardized test score in reading or math. For comparability across states, we will convert
state test scores to z-scores, subtracting off the mean and dividing by the standard deviation of
scores for all students in that state and grade level. To estimate impacts on teacher-level
outcomes, such as teachers’ practices, pedagogical knowledge, and survey responses, we will
estimate a similar model at the teacher level. When using continuous outcomes, such as student
test scores, we will estimate Equation (1) using ordinary least squares. When using binary
outcomes, such as yes/no answers to teacher survey questions, we will estimate Equation (1)
using probit models. In all cases, we will give equal weight to each teacher (regardless of the
number of students assigned to teachers) and cluster standard errors at the teacher level.
Subgroup analyses. To help districts and preparation programs develop plans for
supporting teachers who might benefit most, we will estimate impacts for various teacher
subgroups, including:

Teachers with different years of teaching experience (2, 3, or 4 years, for those in the early
career teacher sample)


Teachers who received different amounts of support from their preparation programs


Teachers with higher versus lower baseline performance (as measured by the teachers’
knowledge of teaching practices and classroom observation ratings)


Teachers prepared through different routes to certification (traditional versus alternative)





Teachers with higher versus lower levels of confidence in their ability to teach reading and
math at baseline


Teachers with higher versus lower proportions of disadvantaged students


Teachers with higher versus lower quality coaches (as measured based on observations of
coach feedback sessions)

Non-experimental analyses. We will conduct several types of non-experimental analyses to
better understand the effectiveness of the studied interventions and their potential application for
policy and practice.
1. Correlational analyses to examine the relationship between teacher effectiveness and
practices, attitudes, and beliefs. We will conduct correlational analyses to explore which
teaching practices, attitudes, and beliefs are most important for effective teaching. We will
use baseline measures from the Praxis PLT, classroom observation rubric, Haberman Star
Teacher Pre-Screener and the teacher survey to examine how baseline teacher knowledge of
practices, skill in implementing those practices, and beliefs and attitudes relate to impacts on
student achievement. We will examine how differences in teacher practices, knowledge,
beliefs, and attitudes within matched groups of teachers relate to teacher effectiveness (as
measured by differences in student achievement for teachers in these same matched groups),
holding constant the teacher’s treatment status. We will augment our main impact model as
(2) Yij    1Tj1   2Tj2  X ij'   Cij'    ij
where Yij is end-of-year student achievement; Cij is a vector of teachers’ baseline practices,
attitudes, and beliefs; and all other terms are as previously defined. The coefficient vector
 will represent the correlations between these aspects of teachers’ baseline characteristics
and teacher effectiveness, over and above any effects of the interventions. These analyses
will draw primarily from the novice teacher sample, for which we will have measures of
baseline practices, knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs. Results may inform teacher preparation
programs seeking to predict the future teaching effectiveness of their candidates and school
districts seeking to predict teacher effectiveness at the time of hiring.

Mediation analyses to examine the mechanisms through which the interventions affect
student achievement. If we find that the interventions affected student achievement, we
will conduct mediation analyses to learn about the mechanisms through which this occurred.
In these mediation analyses, which we will conduct on the novice and early career samples,
we will determine if impacts on specific teaching practices (from classroom observation
rubrics) or teachers’ knowledge of practices (from the Praxis PLT) explain impacts on
student outcomes. Results will be relevant to teacher preparation programs, coaching
providers, and school districts interested in understanding the mechanisms through which
individualized teacher coaching influences teacher effectiveness. Specifically, the analysis
will include four stages.





Estimate the impact of the interventions on the mediators, using a model similar to
the main impact model (Equation 1), with observation rubric scores or Praxis PLT
scores as the outcome.


Estimate the marginal effect of each mediator on student achievement, using a model
similar to those used in other correlational analyses (Equations 2 and 3), where we
include measures of teaching practices and pedagogical knowledge, as follows:
(3) Yij    1Tj1   2Tj2  X ij'   M ij'    ij


is end-of-year student achievement, M ij is a vector of mediators, and all

other terms are as previously defined. The coefficient vector  will capture the
mediators’ marginal effects on student achievement. These coefficients will not
necessarily reflect causal effects, as the mediators may be correlated with
unmeasured teacher characteristics. They will, however, provide suggestive evidence
of the relationship between mediators and student achievement.



Estimate the implied contribution of each mediator to each intervention’s total
impacts on student achievement by multiplying the coefficient on each mediator
(from stage ii) by the intervention’s impact on that mediator (from stage i).


Calculate the percentage of each intervention’s total impact on student achievement
that can be explained by impacts on each mediator. To do this, we will divide the
implied contribution of the mediator (from stage iii) by the intervention’s total
impact on student achievement (from stage i). For example, if the total impact of an
intervention on student achievement is 0.10 standard deviations and the implied
impact of teachers’ classroom management skills is 0.05 standard deviations, this
would suggest roughly half of the intervention’s impact is explained by its effect on
teachers’ classroom management skills.

Cost-effectiveness analysis. We will conduct cost-effectiveness analyses to determine each
intervention’s per-student cost of generating a given increase in student achievement. To do
this, we will consider both tangible costs (for example, the cost of hiring coaches and
providing feedback) and opportunity costs (such as the time teachers spend receiving
feedback). This will allow us to compare the costs of the full and less intensive interventions
to each other and to the costs of other similar interventions. We will conduct this analysis
using novice and early career samples. Results will be relevant for teacher preparation
programs and school districts that are considering implementing similar interventions;
furthermore, if the interventions do improve teacher effectiveness, cost-effectiveness
information will be critical for promoting their adoption.

Implementation analyses. Understanding the implementation experiences and challenges
of districts, schools, and teachers participating in the intervention will provide important
information for districts and teacher preparation programs considering similar interventions. The
implementation analyses will support replication of the interventions in other districts and
teacher preparation programs and provide necessary context for impact results.



We will conduct several implementation analyses. First, we will describe the interventions
in terms of their intensity, teaching practices covered, use of videos and rubric ratings, and
structure of the feedback sessions. Second, we will assess implementation fidelity, focusing on
teacher participation, the amount and type of feedback received, and teaching practices covered.
Third, we will measure the contrast in professional development and support experienced by
teachers in the treatment and control groups. Finally, we will analyze teachers’ perspectives on
implementation challenges and on the quality of supports provided.

Degree of accuracy needed

We estimate that the targeted sample sizes for the study will achieve a minimum detectable
effect (MDE) size of 0.09 standard deviations (SDs) on student achievement and 0.36 SDs on
teacher classroom observation scores, as well as a minimum detectable impact of 19 percentage
points on binary outcomes from the teacher survey. Using a 50 percent subsample – such as for
subgroup analyses based on teacher preparation route or baseline performance – the study is
designed to achieve MDEs of 0.13 SDs on student achievement, 0.51 SDs on teacher classroom
observation scores, and 26 percentage points on teacher survey outcomes.
These target MDEs represent meaningful but realistic impacts, which balance policy
relevance against the costs of data collection. Prior studies of coaching interventions have found
effect sizes larger than these MDEs. For example, evaluations of the MyTeachingPartner
coaching program found impacts of approximately 0.20 to 0.50 SDs on students’ end-of-year test
scores (Allen et al. 2011, 2015), and Kraft and Blazar (forthcoming) found impacts of about 0.60
SDs on teacher practice outcomes for a coaching intervention. Our proposed sample sizes will be
sufficient to detect impacts of these magnitudes.
Table B.1 displays MDE sizes for the full sample of teachers as well as a 50 percent
subsample. The full sample will include 100 teachers in each intervention arm for both the
novice and early career teacher samples. Two key aspects of the study design maximize power to
detect impacts. First, we randomize teachers, rather than schools, to the intervention groups. For
a given number of teachers, teacher random assignment improves statistical power relative to
school random assignment because outcomes will not be clustered within schools. Second, we
will include only fourth- and fifth-grade teachers, because their students will have baseline test
scores from third-grade assessments. We will use students’ prior test scores as controls to
increase statistical power.
The calculations in Table B.1 assume the following: (1) 80 percent power and a 5 percent
significance level for a two-tailed test; (2) each teacher will have an average of 22 students; (3)
we will obtain outcome test score data for 95 percent of students, (4) 85 percent of teachers will
respond to the survey and have classroom observation ratings; (5) the teacher intracluster
correlation is 0.16 for student outcomes; (6) covariates explain 80 percent of the between-school
variance and 50 percent of the within-school variance of student test scores, 30 percent of the
variance for classroom observation outcomes, and 20 percent of the variance for teacher survey
outcomes; and (7) 64 percent of control group teachers will feel well prepared or very well
prepared to handle a range of classroom management situations. Assumptions on the clustering
of outcomes and the explanatory power of covariates for the student analyses are based on data
from five large random assignment evaluations in K–12 education (Deke et al. 2010).




Table B.1. Minimum detectable impacts with 100 teachers per treatment arm
Minimum detectable impact

Data source


Full sample

50 percent

District records

Students’ reading and math test scores

0.09 SDs

0.13 SDs

Classroom observations

Teacher practices (e.g., scale measure of
achievement of lesson aim)

0.36 SDs

0.51 SDs

Teacher survey

Percentage of teachers who felt prepared to
handle a range of classroom management or
discipline situations

19 percentage

26 percentage

SD = standard deviation.


Unusual problems requiring specialized sampling procedures
We do not anticipate any unusual problems that require specialized sampling procedures.


Use of periodic (less frequent than annual) data collection cycles to reduce burden

These data will be collected during the 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 school years and fall 2019
for 2018-2019 student test scores.
B3. Methods to maximize response rates and deal with nonresponse
There are multiple strategies to maximize response while minimizing burden on
respondents. The following techniques will facilitate high response rates: establishing positive
relationships with respondents and school and district staff; sending letters to teachers to alert
them to an upcoming request to complete the survey; and establishing efficient and flexible
scheduling. We will include a statement on confidentiality and data collection requirements
(Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002, Title I, Part E, Section 183) in all letters and data
collection instruments. We will include a statement indicating that participation is voluntary, yet
emphasize the importance of each response for the study findings.
We anticipate full district participation for administrative records and their support for
teacher participation. To further solidify administrators’ cooperation, we will adhere to
additional data collection requirements that districts may have such as preparing research
applications and seeking institutional review board (IRB) approvals. Reducing districts’ burden
in the submission of study data will facilitate attaining a response rate of at least 85 percent on
student records and educator administrative data. Federal rules permit ED and its designated
agents to collect student demographic and existing achievement data from schools and districts
without prior parental or student consent (Family Educational and Rights and Privacy Act
(FERPA) (20 U.S.C. 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99)). To maximize the response rate and minimize
burden on schools and parents, we will follow these federal rules.
Based on Mathematica’s experience in conducting surveys with teachers, we expect at least
an 85 percent response rate for the teacher survey and novice teacher assessments. Because
teachers will receive full information on study commitments we anticipate high levels of
cooperation. To ensure completion of surveys, we will take the following main steps. First, we




will send teachers an invitation letter both by mail and email with a link to the web-based survey.
In previous studies in similar settings, we have found that some teachers do not check school
email accounts frequently. Therefore, we will also give teachers the option of completing a hardcopy survey, which will be mailed to them at their schools. Over a 12-week data collection
period, we will send teachers email and mail reminders (see Appendix B). We propose to offer
$30 to teachers who complete the teacher survey. We will also coordinate in-person school visits
with our field staff during the last four weeks of data collection to provide teachers with a hardcopy version of the teacher survey. This in-person connection has helped motivate teachers to
participate in past surveys. By using these methods, we expect that 85 percent of sampled
teachers will submit a teacher survey each round.
We have pretested the survey instrument for clarity, accuracy, length, flow, and wording.
Based on the pretest, the instrument is estimated to take 30 minutes to complete. The web-based
survey will not allow respondents to enter out-of-range or inconsistent responses, and data entry
programs will also check for these. For surveys that are completed on paper, trained quality
control staff will identify item nonresponse and reporting errors, by checking for complete and
reasonable answers as soon as a hard copy questionnaire is received and follow up with
respondents if problems are identified. Weekly reviews of web survey data will allow us to
identify potential errors and follow-up with respondents prior to the end of data collection.
The baseline novice teacher assessments will be administered during the teacher training
prior to the implementation of the evaluation. The follow-up assessment will be offered in a
convenient location in the district. Follow-up will include administering assessments at teachers’
schools as needed.
Finally, we will be courteous but persistent in our follow up with participants who do not
respond quickly to our attempts to reach them.
B4. Tests of procedures or methods to be undertaken
As much as possible, the data collection instrument for the study draws on surveys and
protocols that have been used successfully in previous studies. The pretest assessed the content
and wording of individual questions, organization and format of the questionnaire, respondent
burden time, and potential sources of response error. We piloted the teacher survey which is an
adaptation and extension of existing surveys, and that has limited information on reliability and
validity for the population in this study.
We conducted a pretest of the teacher survey with nine elementary school teachers (4th and
5th grade teachers) across nine districts. The purpose of the pretest was to identify problems that
study respondents might have providing the requested information and to confirm the level of
burden. We sent a full survey packet to pretest respondents and asked them to complete the
survey. Respondents returned completed forms by mail. The study’s instrument design team
conducted a debriefing telephone interview with each respondent reviewing problems teachers
may have encountered and following a protocol to probe on a number of items to be sure the
survey questions were communicated clearly and collected accurate information. The results of
the pretest were used to revise and improve the survey instrument. Respondent burden was
estimated at 30 minutes to complete the survey.




The teacher survey was modeled on instruments used in previous studies, the Impact
Evaluation of Teacher Preparation Models and the Impact Evaluation of the Teacher Incentive
Fund. The school records data collection form was modeled on forms developed for the Impact
Evaluation of the Teacher Incentive Fund. The school records data request will not be pretested
for this study as it has been used effectively in previous studies for similar purposes. The teacher
assessments will not be pretested in light of their established use as teacher assessments.
The parent consent forms will not be pretested as they were modeled on consent forms that
were successfully used for the Impact Evaluation of Teacher Preparation Models and the
Evaluation of the Impact of Teacher Induction Programs. They also meet requirements of the
Institutional Review Board and individual district requirements.
We will provide a help desk for questions and our field staff will be available throughout the
data collection period and trained to respond to frequently asked questions about the study and
individual forms, so they can provide technical assistance and report any issues that come up in
the field.
B5. Individuals consulted on statistical aspects of the design and on collecting and
analyzing data
The following individuals were consulted on the statistical aspects of the study:
Table B.2. Individuals consulted on statistical design


Telephone Number

Hanley Chiang

Senior Researcher, Mathematica


Melissa Clark

Senior Researcher, Mathematica


Jill Constantine

Vice President of Human Services Research, Mathematica


Mark Dynarski

Founder and President, Pemberton Research


Brian Gill

Senior Fellow, Mathematica


Susanne James-Burdumy

Senior Fellow and Area Leader, Mathematica


Alison Wellington

Senior Researcher, Mathematica





The following individuals will be responsible for data collection and analysis:
Table B.3. Individuals responsible for data collection and analysis


Telephone Number

Tim Bruursema

Survey Researcher, Mathematica


Melissa Clark

Senior Researcher, Mathematica


Kristin Hallgren

Senior Researcher, Mathematica


Sheila Heaviside

Associate Director of Survey Research, Mathematica


Mariesa Herrmann

Researcher, Mathematica


Susanne James-Burdumy

Senior Fellow and Area Leader, Mathematica


Jeffrey Max

Senior Researcher, Mathematica


Catherine McClellan

Principal Scientist, Clowder Consulting


Alison Wellington

Senior Researcher, Mathematica


Emilyn Whitesell

Researcher, Mathematica


Eric Zeidman

Associate Director of Survey Research, Mathematica






Allen, Joseph P., Christopher A. Hafen, Anne C. Gregory, Amori Y. Mikami, and Robert Pianta
(2015). “Enhancing Secondary School Instruction and Student Achievement: Replication
and Extension of the My Teaching Partner-Secondary Intervention.” Journal of Research on
Educational Effectiveness, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 475–489.
Allen, Joseph P., Robert C. Pianta, Anne Gregory, Amori Yee Mikami, and Janetta Lun (2011).
“An Interaction-Based Approach to Enhancing Secondary School Instruction and Student
Achievement.” Science, vol. 333, no. 6045, pp. 1034–1037.
Deke, John, Lisa Dragoset, and Ravaris Moore (2010). “Precision Gains from Publicly Available
School Proficiency Measures Compared to Study-Collected Test Scores in Education
Cluster- Randomized Trials.” NCEE 2010-4003. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of
Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Evaluation and
Regional Assistance.
Kraft, Matt, and David Blazar (forthcoming). “Improving teachers' practices across grades and
subjects: Experimental evidence on individualized teacher coaching.” Educational Policy.


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File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleImpact Study of Feedback for Teachers Based on Classroom Videos: Part B, Collection of Information Employing Statistical Methods
File Modified2017-05-05
File Created2017-05-01

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