30 CFR 550 Subpart C


30 CFR Part 550, Subpart C, Pollution Prevention and Control

30 CFR 550 Subpart C

OMB: 1010-0057

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pmangrum on DSK3GDR082PROD with CFR

Ocean Energy Management, Interior

§ 550.302

pay, porosity, water saturations, pressures, formation volume factor);
(3) Appropriate well logs, including
digital well log (i.e., gamma ray, resistivity, neutron, density, sonic, caliper
curves) curves in an acceptable digital
(4) Sidewall core/whole core and pressure-volume-temperature analysis;
(5) Structure maps, with the existing
and proposed penetration points and
subsea depths for all wells penetrating
the reservoirs, fluid contacts (or the
lowest or highest known levels in the
absence of actual contacts), reservoir
boundaries, and the scale of the map;
(6) Interpreted structural cross sections and corresponding interpreted
seismic lines or block diagrams, as necessary, that include all current
wellbores and planned wellbores on the
leases or units to be developed, the reservoir boundaries, fluid contacts, depth
scale, stratigraphic positions, and relative biostratigraphic ages;
(7) Isopach maps of each reservoir
showing the net feet of pay for each
well within the reservoir identified at
the penetration point, along with the
well name, labeled contours, and scale;
(8) Estimates of original oil and gas
in-place and anticipated recoverable oil
and gas reserves, all reservoir parameters, and risk factors and assumptions;
(9) Plat map at the same scale as the
structure maps with existing and proposed well paths, as well as existing
and proposed penetrations;
(10) Wellbore schematics indicating
proposed perforations;
(11) Proposed wellbore utility chart
showing all existing and proposed
wells, with proposed completion intervals indicated for each borehole;
(12) Appropriate pressure data, specified by date, and whether estimated or
(13) Description of reservoir development strategies;
(14) Description of the enhanced recovery practices you will use or, if you
do not plan to use such practices, an
explanation of the methods you considered and reasons you do not intend to
use them;
(15) For each reservoir you do not intend to develop:

(i) A statement explaining the reason(s) you will not develop the reservoir, and
(ii) Economic justification, including
costs, recoverable reserve estimate,
production profiles, and pricing assumptions; and
(16) Any other appropriate data you
used in performing your reservoir evaluations and preparing your reservoir
development strategies.
§ 550.298 How long will BOEM take to
evaluate and make a decision on
the CID?
(a) The Regional Supervisor will
make a decision within 150 calendar
days of receiving your CID. If BOEM
does not act within 150 calendar days,
your CID is considered approved.
(b) BOEM may suspend the 150-calendar-day evaluation period if there is
missing, inconclusive, or inaccurate
data, or when a well reaches total
depth during the evaluation period.
BOEM may also suspend the evaluation
period when a well penetrating a hydrocarbon-bearing structure reaches
total depth during the evaluation period and the data from that well is
needed for the CID. You will receive
written notification from the Regional
Supervisor describing the additional
information that is needed, and the
evaluation period will resume once
BOEM receives the requested information.
(c) The Regional Supervisor will approve or deny your CID request based
on your commitment to develop economically producible reservoirs according to sound conservation, engineering,
and economic practices.
§ 550.299 What operations require approval of the CID?
You may not begin production before
you receive BOEM approval of the CID.

Subpart C—Pollution Prevention
and Control
§§ 550.300–550.301


§ 550.302 Definitions


For purposes of §§ 550.303 and 550.304
of this part:


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pmangrum on DSK3GDR082PROD with CFR

§ 550.303

30 CFR Ch. V (7–1–17 Edition)

Air pollutant means any combination
of agents for which the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) has established, pursuant to section 109 of the
Clean Air Act, national primary or secondary ambient air quality standards.
Attainment area means, for any air
pollutant, an area which is shown by
monitored data or which is calculated
by air quality modeling (or other methods determined by the Administrator
of EPA to be reliable) not to exceed
any primary or secondary ambient air
quality standards established by EPA.
(BACT) means an emission limitation
based on the maximum degree of reduction for each air pollutant subject to
regulation, taking into account energy,
environmental and economic impacts,
and other costs. The BACT shall be
verified on a case-by-case basis by the
Regional Supervisor and may include
reductions achieved through the application of processes, systems, and techniques for the control of each air pollutant.
Emission offsets mean emission reductions obtained from facilities, either
onshore or offshore, other than the facility or facilities covered by the proposed Exploration Plan or Development and Production Plan.
Existing facility is an OCS facility described in an Exploration Plan or a Development and Production Plan submitted or approved prior to June 2,
Facility means any installation or device permanently or temporarily attached to the seabed which is used for
exploration, development, and production activities for oil, gas, or sulphur
and which emits or has the potential to
emit any air pollutant from one or
more sources. All equipment directly
associated with the installation or device shall be considered part of a single
facility if the equipment is dependent
on, or affects the processes of, the installation or device. During production, multiple installations or devices
will be considered to be a single facility if the installations or devices are
directly related to the production of
oil, gas, or sulphur at a single site. Any
vessel used to transfer production from
an offshore facility shall be considered

part of the facility while physically attached to it.
Nonattainment area means, for any air
pollutant, an area which is shown by
monitored data or which is calculated
by air quality modeling (or other methods determined by the Administrator
of EPA to be reliable) to exceed any
primary or secondary ambient air quality standard established by EPA.
Projected emissions mean emissions,
either controlled or uncontrolled, from
a source(s).
Source means an emission point. Several sources may be included within a
single facility.
Temporary facility means activities
associated with the construction of
platforms offshore or with facilities related to exploration for or development
of offshore oil and gas resources which
are conducted in one location for less
than 3 years.
Volatile organic compound (VOC)
means any organic compound which is
emitted to the atmosphere as a vapor.
The unreactive compounds are exempt
from the above definition.
§ 550.303 Facilities described in a new
or revised Exploration Plan or Development and Production Plan.
(a) New plans. All Exploration Plans
and Development and Production Plans
shall include the information required
to make the necessary findings under
paragraphs (d) through (i) of this section, and the lessee shall comply with
the requirements of this section as necessary.
(b) Applicability of § 550.303 to existing
facilities. (1) The Regional Supervisor
may review any Exploration Plan or
Development and Production Plan to
determine whether any facility described in the plan should be subject to
review under this section and has the
potential to significantly affect the air
quality of an onshore area. To make
these decisions, the Regional Supervisor shall consider the distance of the
facility from shore, the size of the facility, the number of sources planned
for the facility and their operational
status, and the air quality status of the
onshore area.
(2) For a facility identified by the Regional Supervisor in paragraph (b)(1) of
this section, the Regional Supervisor


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Ocean Energy Management, Interior

§ 550.303

shall require the lessee to refer to the
information required in § 550.218 or
§ 550.249 of this part and to submit only
that information required to make the
necessary findings under paragraphs (d)
through (i) of this section. The lessee
shall submit this information within
120 days of the Regional Supervisor’s
determination or within a longer period of time at the discretion of the Regional Supervisor. The lessee shall
comply with the requirements of this
section as necessary.
(c) Revised facilities. All revised Exploration Plans and Development and
Production Plans shall include the information required to make the necessary findings under paragraphs (d)
through (i) of this section. The lessee
shall comply with the requirements of
this section as necessary.
(d) Exemption formulas. To determine
whether a facility described in a new,
modified, or revised Exploration Plan
or Development and Production Plan is
exempt from further air quality review,
the lessee shall use the highest annualtotal amount of emissions from the facility for each air pollutant calculated

in § 550.249(a) or § 550.218(a) of this part
and compare these emissions to the
emission exemption amount ‘‘E’’ for
each air pollutant calculated using the
following formulas: E = 3400D 2⁄3 for carbon monoxide (CO); and E = 33.3D for
total suspended particulates (TSP),
sulphur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides
(NOX), and VOC (where E is the emission exemption amount expressed in
tons per year, and D is the distance of
the proposed facility from the closest
onshore area of a State expressed in
statute miles). If the amount of these
projected emissions is less than or
equal to the emission exemption
amount ‘‘E’’ for the air pollutant, the
facility is exempt from further air
quality review required under paragraphs (e) through (i) of this section.
(e) Significance levels. For a facility
not exempt under paragraph (d) of this
section for air pollutants other than
VOC, the lessee shall use an approved
air quality model to determine whether
the projected emissions of those air
pollutants from the facility result in
an onshore ambient air concentration
above the following significance levels:

Averaging time (hours)
Air pollutant

pmangrum on DSK3GDR082PROD with CFR

SO2 ............................................................
TSP ...........................................................
NO2 ............................................................
CO .............................................................









(f) Significance determinations. (1) The
projected emissions of any air pollutant other than VOC from any facility
which result in an onshore ambient air
concentration above the significance
level determined under paragraph (e) of
this section for that air pollutant,
shall be deemed to significantly affect
the air quality of the onshore area for
that air pollutant.
(2) The projected emissions of VOC
from any facility which is not exempt
under paragraph (d) of this section for
that air pollutant shall be deemed to
significantly affect the air quality of
the onshore area for VOC.
(g) Controls required. (1) The projected
emissions of any air pollutant other


than VOC from any facility, except a
temporary facility, which significantly
affect the quality of a nonattainment
area, shall be fully reduced. This shall
be done through the application of
BACT and, if additional reductions are
necessary, through the application of
through the acquisition of offshore or
onshore offsets.
(2) The projected emissions of any air
pollutant other than VOC from any facility which significantly affect the air
unclassifiable area shall be reduced
through the application of BACT.
(i)(A) Except for temporary facilities,
the lessee also shall use an approved


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§ 550.303

30 CFR Ch. V (7–1–17 Edition)

air quality model to determine whether
the emissions of TSP or SO2 that remain after the application of BACT
cause the following maximum allow-

able increases over the baseline concentrations established in 40 CFR 52.21
to be exceeded in the attainment or
unclassifiable area:

Averaging times
Air pollutant
Annual mean 1



Class I:
TSP .....................................................................................................
SO2 ......................................................................................................




TSP .....................................................................................................
SO2 ......................................................................................................




TSP .....................................................................................................
SO2 ......................................................................................................




Class II:

Class III:

pmangrum on DSK3GDR082PROD with CFR

1 For

TSP—geometric; For SO2—arithmetric.

(B) No concentration of an air pollutant shall exceed the concentration permitted under the national secondary
ambient air quality standard or the
concentration permitted under the national primary air quality standard,
whichever concentration is lowest for
the air pollutant for the period of exposure. For any period other than the annual period, the applicable maximum
allowable increase may be exceeded
during one such period per year at any
one onshore location.
(ii) If the maximum allowable increases are exceeded, the lessee shall
apply whatever additional emission
controls are necessary to reduce or offset the remaining emissions of TSP or
SO2 so that concentrations in the onshore ambient air of an attainment or
unclassifiable area do not exceed the
maximum allowable increases.
(3)(i) The projected emissions of VOC
from any facility, except a temporary
facility, which significantly affect the
onshore air quality of a nonattainment
area shall be fully reduced. This shall
be done through the application of
BACT and, if additional reductions are
necessary, through the application of
through the acquisition of offshore or
onshore offsets.
(ii) The projected emissions of VOC
from any facility which significantly
affect the onshore air quality of an attainment area shall be reduced through
the application of BACT.

(4)(i) If projected emissions from a facility significantly affect the onshore
air quality of both a nonattainment
and an attainment or unclassifiable
area, the regulatory requirements applicable to projected emissions significantly affecting a nonattainment area
shall apply.
(ii) If projected emissions from a facility significantly affect the onshore
air quality of more than one class of
attainment area, the lessee must reduce projected emissions to meet the
maximum allowable increases specified
for each class in paragraph (g)(2)(i) of
this section.
(h) Controls required on temporary facilities. The lessee shall apply BACT to
reduce projected emissions of any air
pollutant from a temporary facility
which significantly affects the air
quality of an onshore area of a State.
(i) Emission offsets. When emission
offsets are to be obtained, the lessee
must demonstrate that the offsets are
equivalent in nature and quantity to
the projected emissions that must be
reduced after the application of BACT;
a binding commitment exists between
the lessee and the owner or owners of
the source or sources; the appropriate
air quality control jurisdiction has
been notified of the need to revise the
State Implementation Plan to include
the information regarding the offsets;
and the required offsets come from
sources which affect the air quality of


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Ocean Energy Management, Interior

§ 550.304

the area significantly affected by the
lessee’s offshore operations.
(j) Review of facilities with emissions
below the exemption amount. If, during
the review of a new, modified, or revised Exploration Plan or Development
and Production Plan, the Regional Supervisor determines or an affected
State submits information to the Regional Supervisor which demonstrates,
in the judgment of the Regional Supervisor, that projected emissions from an
otherwise exempt facility will, either
individually or in combination with
other facilities in the area, significantly affect the air quality of an onshore area, then the Regional Supervisor shall require the lessee to submit
additional information to determine
whether emission control measures are
necessary. The lessee shall be given the
opportunity to present information to
the Regional Supervisor which demonstrates that the exempt facility is
not significantly affecting the air quality of an onshore area of the State.
(k) Emission monitoring requirements.
The lessee shall monitor, in a manner
approved or prescribed by the Regional
Supervisor, emissions from the facility. The lessee shall submit this information monthly in a manner and form
approved or prescribed by the Regional
(l) Collection of meteorological data.
The Regional Supervisor may require
the lessee to collect, for a period of
time and in a manner approved or prescribed by the Regional Supervisor,
and submit meteorological data from a

pmangrum on DSK3GDR082PROD with CFR

§ 550.304

Existing facilities.

(a) Process leading to review of an existing facility. (1) An affected State may
request that the Regional Supervisor
supply basic emission data from existing facilities when such data are needed for the updating of the State’s emission inventory. In submitting the request, the State must demonstrate
that similar offshore and onshore facilities in areas under the State’s jurisdiction are also included in the emission inventory.
(2) The Regional Supervisor may require lessees of existing facilities to
submit basic emission data to a State

submitting a request under paragraph
(a)(1) of this section.
(3) The State submitting a request
under paragraph (a)(1) of this section
may submit information from its emission inventory which indicates that
emissions from existing facilities may
be significantly affecting the air quality of the onshore area of the State.
The lessee shall be given the opportunity to present information to the
demonstrates that the facility is not significantly affecting the air quality of
the State.
(4) The Regional Supervisor shall
evaluate the information submitted
under paragraph (a)(3) of this section
and shall determine, based on the basic
emission data, available meteorological data, and the distance of the facility or facilities from the onshore area,
whether any existing facility has the
potential to significantly affect the air
quality of the onshore area of the
(5) If the Regional Supervisor determines that no existing facility has the
potential to significantly affect the air
quality of the onshore area of the State
submitting information under paragraph (a)(3) of this section, the Regional Supervisor shall notify the
State of and explain the reasons for
this finding.
(6) If the Regional Supervisor determines that an existing facility has the
potential to significantly affect the air
quality of an onshore area of the State
submitting information under paragraph (a)(3) of this section, the Regional Supervisor shall require the lessee to refer to the information requirements under § 550.218 or § 550.249 of this
part and submit only that information
required to make the necessary findings under paragraphs (b) through (e)
of this section. The lessee shall submit
this information within 120 days of the
Regional Supervisor’s determination or
within a longer period of time at the
discretion of the Regional Supervisor.
The lessee shall comply with the requirements of this section as necessary.
(b) Exemption formulas. To determine
whether an existing facility is exempt
from further air quality review, the
lessee shall use the highest annual


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§ 550.304

30 CFR Ch. V (7–1–17 Edition)

total amount of emissions from the facility for each air pollutant calculated
in § 550.218(a) or § 550.249(a) of this part
and compare these emissions to the
emission exemption amount ‘‘E’’ for
each air pollutant calculated using the
following formulas: E = 3400D2/3 for CO;
and E = 33.3D for TSP, SO2, NOX, and
VOC (where E is the emission exemption amount expressed in tons per year,
and D is the distance of the facility
from the closest onshore area of the
State expressed in statute miles). If the
amount of projected emissions is less
than or equal to the emission exemp-

tion amount ‘‘E’’ for the air pollutant,
the facility is exempt for that air pollutant from further air quality review
required under paragraphs (c) through
(e) of this section.
(c) Significance levels. For a facility
not exempt under paragraph (b) of this
section for air pollutants other than
VOC, the lessee shall use an approved
air quality model to determine whether
projected emissions of those air pollutants from the facility result in an onshore ambient air concentration above
the following significance levels:

Averaging time (hours)
Air pollutant

pmangrum on DSK3GDR082PROD with CFR

SO2 ............................................................
TSP ...........................................................
NO2 ............................................................
CO .............................................................









(d) Significance determinations. (1) The
projected emissions of any air pollutant other than VOC from any facility
which result in an onshore ambient air
concentration above the significance
levels determined under paragraph (c)
of this section for that air pollutant
shall be deemed to significantly affect
the air quality of the onshore area for
that air pollutant.
(2) The projected emissions of VOC
from any facility which is not exempt
under paragraph (b) of this section for
that air pollutant shall be deemed to
significantly affect the air quality of
the onshore area for VOC.
(e) Controls required. (1) The projected
emissions of any air pollutant which
significantly affect the air quality of
an onshore area shall be reduced
through the application of BACT.
(2) The lessee shall submit a compliance schedule for the application of
BACT. If it is necessary to cease operations to allow for the installation of
emission controls, the lessee may apply
for a suspension of operations under
the provisions of 30 CFR 250.174.
(f) Review of facilities with emissions
below the exemption amount. If, during
the review of the information required
under paragraph (a)(6) of this section,


the Regional Supervisor determines or
an affected State submits information
to the Regional Supervisor which demonstrates, in the judgment of the Regional Supervisor, that projected emissions from an otherwise exempt facility will, either individually or in combination with other facilities in the
area, significantly affect the air quality of an onshore area, then the Regional Supervisor shall require the lessee to submit additional information to
determine whether control measures
are necessary. The lessee shall be given
the opportunity to present information
to the Regional Supervisor which demonstrates that the exempt facility is
not significantly affecting the air quality of an onshore area of the State.
(g) Emission monitoring requirements.
The lessee shall monitor, in a manner
approved or prescribed by the Regional
Supervisor, emissions from the facility
following the installation of emission
controls. The lessee shall submit this
information monthly in a manner and
form approved or prescribed by the Regional Supervisor.
(h) Collection of meteorological data.
The Regional Supervisor may require
the lessee to collect, for a period of


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Ocean Energy Management, Interior

§ 550.1153

time and in a manner approved or prescribed by the Regional Supervisor,
and submit meteorological data from a

Subpart D—Leasing Maps and
§ 550.400 Leasing maps and diagrams.
(a) Any area of the OCS, which has
been appropriately platted as provided
in paragraph (b) of this section, may be
leased for any mineral not included in
an existing lease issued under the Act
or meeting the requirements of subsection (a) of section 6 of the Act. Before any lease is offered or issued an
area may be:
(1) Withdrawn from disposition pursuant to section 12(a) of the Act; or
(2) Designated as an area or part of
an area restricted from operation
under section 12(d) of the Act.
(b) BOEM will prepare leasing maps
and official protraction diagrams of
areas of the OCS. The areas included in
each mineral lease will be in accordance with the appropriate leasing map
or official protraction diagram.
[81 FR 18152, Mar. 30, 2016]

Subparts E–I [Reserved]
Subpart J—Pipelines and Pipeline

(1) Provide and maintain a $300,000
bond (in addition to the bond coverage
required in 30 CFR part 256 and 30 CFR
part 556) that guarantees compliance
with all the terms and conditions of
the rights-of-way you hold in an OCS
area; and
(2) Provide additional security if the
Regional Director determines that a
bond in excess of $300,000 is needed.
(b) For the purpose of this paragraph,
there are three areas:
(1) The Gulf of Mexico and the area
offshore the Atlantic Coast;
(2) The areas offshore the Pacific
Coast States of California, Oregon,
Washington, and Hawaii; and
(3) The area offshore the Coast of
(c) If, as the result of a default, the
surety on a right-of-way grant bond
makes payment to the Government of
any indebtedness under a grant secured
by the bond, the face amount of such
bond and the surety’s liability shall be
reduced by the amount of such payment.
(d) After a default, a new bond in the
amount of $300,000 shall be posted within 6 months or such shorter period as
the Regional Supervisor may direct.
Failure to post a new bond shall be
grounds for forfeiture of all grants covered by the defaulted bond.

§ 550.1011 Bond requirements for pipeline right-of-way holders.
(a) When you apply for, or are the
holder of, a right-of-way, you must:

Subpart K—Oil and Gas Production Requirements.

pmangrum on DSK3GDR082PROD with CFR

§ 550.1153 When must I conduct a static bottomhole pressure survey?
(a) You must conduct a static bottomhole pressure survey under the following
If you have . . .

Then you must conduct . . .

(1) A new producing reservoir,

A static bottomhole pressure survey within 90 days after the date of first continuous production.
Annual static bottomhole pressure surveys in a sufficient number of key wells to
establish an average reservoir pressure. The Regional Supervisor may require
that bottomhole pressure surveys be performed on specific wells.

(2) A reservoir with three or more producing completions,


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