Department of Health and Human Services OMB No. 0915-0184
Health Resources and Services Administration Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXXX
700 North 4th Street
Richmond, VA 23219
Main Phone: 804-782-4800
Name of Histocompatibility Laboratory:
Laboratory Address:
City, State, & Zip Code:
Contact Person/Title:
Phone Number: |
PUBLIC BURDEN STATEMENT: An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB control number for this project is 0915-0184. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 2 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to HRSA Reports Clearance Officer, 5600 Fishers Lane, Room 14N-39, Rockville, Maryland 20857.
The undersigned, a duly authorized representative of the applicant, does hereby certify that the answers and attachments to this application are true, correct and complete, to the best of his or her knowledge after investigation. I understand that the intentional submission of false data to the OPTN may result in action by the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, and/or civil or criminal penalties. By submitting this application to the OPTN, the applicant agrees: (i) to be bound by OPTN Obligations, including amendments thereto, if the applicant is granted membership and (ii) to be bound by the terms, thereof, including amendments thereto, in all matters relating to consideration of the application without regard to whether or not the applicant is granted membership.
Date: |
Signature: |
Print Name: |
Title: |
OPTN Member Code: |
OPTN Change in Key Personnel Application - Histocompatibility Laboratory
Part 1: General Information
1. Upon receipt of your application, these materials will be forwarded to American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics (ASHI) or the College of American Pathologists (CAP), which have been granted deemed status to perform histocompatibility laboratory inspections for the OPTN. By completion of this application, the applicant hereby grants ASHI and/or CAP the authority to provide all ASHI and CAP accreditation records and information relevant to histocompatibility testing for organ transplantation.
Indicate whether ASHI or CAP is the agency selected by the laboratory to perform this review for the OPTN.
[Insert detailed response here. Table will expand automatically] |
2. Indicate which change(s) in key personnel is being submitted and complete the relevant section(s) of this application (Section A, B, C, or D).
Check all that apply |
Type |
Name |
Effective Date of Change (MM/DD/YY) |
Primary Laboratory Director |
Primary Technical Supervisor |
Primary Clinical Consultant |
Primary General Supervisor |
3. Describe the histocompatibility laboratory coverage plan. Plan must address in detail the elements required in the OPTN Bylaws and any changes that are occurring as a result of this change in key personnel. If there is more than one histocompatibility director, technical supervisor, clinical consultant, or general supervisor, indicate all areas in which the primary personnel will be involved and, if appropriate, in which area they have primary responsibility. The coverage plan must also explain the role of each additional director, technical supervisor, clinical consultant, general supervisor, as well as the designation of responsibilities to other staff.
[Insert detailed response here. Table will expand automatically] |
Part 2: Section A - Personnel Qualifications, Primary Histocompatibility Laboratory Director
The individual identified below as the Primary Histocompatibility Laboratory director must complete this section. If two or more individuals share the histocompatibility laboratory director’s responsibilities, one person must be designated as the primary director.
Complete questions below and submit a copy of the following:
Current board certification
Current licensure if a state requirement
Current curriculum vitae or resume
If the proposed director has not previously served in the role of primary lab director, the OPTN Bylaws require that the following documents be provided:
Portfolio of cases
Letter of reference from histocompatibility laboratories where training obtained
Proof of active interactions with transplant professionals
Letter from the applicant that describes all experience in immunology and clinical histocompatibility testing, including a summary of time spent in the laboratory, technologies used, level of responsibility, and specific tasks performed
Documentation demonstrating participation in transplant or clinical laboratory professional conferences or publications in peer-reviewed journals
If the primary histocompatibility laboratory director will not serve as the primary clinical consultant and primary technical supervisor, Section 2B and 2C of this application must also be completed.
1. Provide the following information:
Name of primary laboratory director |
Start date at this laboratory (DD/MM/YY) |
Degree(s) |
Discipline(s) |
Effective date of appointment (DD/MM/YY) |
State licensure in the state/district where the lab is located (provide copy of current license, if applicable) |
Yes |
No |
Not required |
Has this individual served in the role of primary laboratory director previously? |
Yes |
No |
2. Is this appointment for an interim period, a specific term, or not term limited?
If the appointment is interim or for a specific term, indicate term beginning and end dates (MM/DD/YY) and explain the recruitment plan, including timeline.
[Insert detailed response here. Table will expand automatically] |
3. List the director’s current board certification(s) below. If board certification is pending, indicate the date the exam has been scheduled. If the director has been recertified, use that date. Provide a copy of certification(s). If the director does not possess current American board certification, provide documentation that demonstrates the foreign education or training is equivalent to that obtained in the United States.
Certification Type |
Certificate Effective Date (MM/DD/YY) |
Certificate Valid Through Date (MM/DD/YY) |
Certification Number |
4. List all professional positions (director, technical supervisor, clinical consultant, instructor, etc.) currently held by the director and estimated time commitment (hours/week) of each. Include projected hours for this laboratory. Expand rows as needed.
Professional Position |
Institution |
Location City/State |
Estimated Time Commitment (hours/week) |
5. Post-Doctoral experience in human histocompatibility testing for solid organ transplantation. List all laboratory specialties in which post-doctoral training was received. Expand rows as needed.
Laboratory Name |
Title |
Dates |
Description of Duties |
6. Doctoral training in directing or supervising clinical histocompatibility testing for solid organ transplantation. List all laboratory specialties in which doctoral training was received, including exact dates and specific training received for each. Add additional sections below as necessary.
Institution Name |
Laboratory Name |
Laboratory Specialty |
Instructor Name |
Dates |
Specific Training |
Hours/week |
Institution Name |
Laboratory Name |
Laboratory Specialty |
Instructor Name |
Dates |
Specific Training |
Hours/week |
7. Laboratory Involvement
a. Detail the review process for each laboratory report including the histocompatibility laboratory director’s role. If the histocompatibility laboratory director does not review all reports, include the percentage that are reviewed and how they are selected.
[Insert detailed response here. Table will expand automatically] |
b. Indicate the approximate number of cases up to 500 (after that just indicate >500) that the proposed laboratory director reviewed in each of the following categories:
Category |
Method |
# of Cases |
Kidney: Deceased donor typing |
Kidney: Deceased donor crossmatch |
Kidney: Living donor typing |
Kidney: Living donor crossmatch |
Other Organs: Deceased donor typing |
Other Organs: Deceased donor crossmatch |
Islet Cell transplantation |
Allele level typing |
HLA antibody screening |
HLA antibody characterization |
Flow cytometry crossmatch |
Part 2: Section B - Personnel Qualifications, Primary Technical Supervisor
The individual identified below as the Primary Technical Supervisor must complete this section if they are not named as the primary histocompatibility laboratory director in Section 2A of this application. If two or more individuals share the technical supervisor’s responsibilities, one person must be designated as the primary.
Complete questions below and submit a copy of the following:
Current board certification
Current licensure if a state requirement
Current curriculum vitae or resume
If the proposed primary technical supervisor has not previously served in this role before, the OPTN Bylaws require that the following documents be provided:
Portfolio of cases
Letter of reference from histocompatibility laboratories where training obtained
Letter from the applicant that describes all experience in immunology and clinical histocompatibility testing, including a summary of time spent in the laboratory, technologies used, level of responsibility, and specific tasks performed
Documentation demonstrating participation in transplant or clinical laboratory professional conferences or publications in peer-review journals
1. Provide the following information:
Name of primary technical supervisor |
Start date at this laboratory (DD/MM/YY) |
Effective date of this appointment (DD/MM/YY) |
Degree(s) |
Discipline(s) |
State licensure in the state/district where the lab is located (provide copy of current license if applicable) |
Yes |
No |
Not required |
Has this person served in the role of technical supervisor previously? |
Yes |
No |
Has this person served in the role of primary lab director previously? |
Yes |
No |
Does the proposed primary technical supervisor meet the qualifications defined in CLIA (42 CFR 493)? |
Yes |
No |
2. Is this appointment for an interim period, a specific term, or not term limited?
If the appointment is interim or for a specific term, indicate term beginning and end dates (MM/DD/YY) and explain the recruitment plan, including timeline.
[Insert detailed response here. Table will expand automatically] |
3. List the technical supervisor’s current board certification(s) below. If board certification is pending, indicate the date the exam has been scheduled. If the technical supervisor has been recertified, use that date. Provide a copy of certification(s). If the technical supervisor does not possess current American board certification, provide documentation that demonstrates the foreign education or training is equivalent to that obtained in the United States.
Certification Type |
Certificate Effective Date (MM/DD/YY) |
Certificate Valid Through Date (MM/DD/YY) |
Certification Number |
4. List all professional positions (director, technical supervisor, clinical consultant, instructor, etc.) currently held by the technical supervisor and estimated time commitment of each (hours/week). Include projected hours for this laboratory. Expand rows as needed.
Professional Position
Institution |
Location (City/State) |
Estimated Time Commitment (hours/week) |
5. Post-Doctoral experience in human histocompatibility testing for solid organ transplantation: List all laboratory specialties in which post-doctoral training was received. Expand rows as needed.
Laboratory Name |
Title |
Dates |
Description of Duties |
6. Doctoral Training in directing or supervising clinical histocompatibility testing for solid organ transplantation: List all laboratory specialties in which doctoral training was received, including exact dates and specific training received for each. Add additional sections below as needed.
Institution Name |
Laboratory Name |
Laboratory Specialty |
Instructor Name |
Dates |
Specific Training |
Hours/week |
Institution Name |
Laboratory Name |
Laboratory Specialty |
Instructor Name |
Dates |
Specific Training |
Hours/week |
7. Histocompatibility Laboratory Involvement
a. Describe the technical supervisor’s role in the report review process for this laboratory. Include the percentage of reports review reviewed and how they are selected.
[Insert detailed response here. Table will expand automatically] |
b. Indicate the approximate number of cases up to 500 (after that just indicate >500) that that the proposed technical supervisor reviewed in each of the following categories:
Category |
Method |
# of Cases |
Kidney: Deceased donor typing |
Kidney: Deceased donor crossmatch |
Kidney: Living donor typing |
Kidney: Living donor crossmatch |
Other Organs: Deceased donor typing |
Other Organs: Deceased donor crossmatch |
Islet Cell transplantation |
Allele level typing |
HLA antibody screening |
HLA antibody characterization |
Flow cytometry crossmatch |
Part 2: Section C – Personnel Qualifications, Primary Clinical Consultant
The individual identified below as the primary clinical consultant must complete this section if they are not named as the primary histocompatibility laboratory director or technical supervisor in Sections 2A or 2B of this application. If two or more individuals share the clinical consultant’s responsibilities, one person must be designated as the primary. Complete questions below and submit a copy of the following:
Current certification
Current licensure if a state requirement
Current curriculum vitae or resume
If the proposed clinical consultant has not previously served in the role of primary laboratory director or clinical consultant, the following documents must be provided:
• Portfolio of cases
• Letter of reference from histocompatibility laboratories where training was obtained
• Proof of active interactions with transplant professionals
Letter from the applicant that describes all experience in immunology and clinical histocompatibility testing, including a summary of time spent in the laboratory, technologies used, level of responsibility, and specific tasks performed
Documentation demonstrating participation in transplant or clinical laboratory professional conferences or publications in peer-reviewed journals
1. Provide the following information:
Name of primary clinical consultant |
Degree(s) |
Discipline(s) |
Start date at this laboratory (DD/MM/YY) |
Effective date of this appointment (DD/MM/YY) |
State licensure in the state/district where the lab is located (provide copy of current license, if applicable) |
Has this individual served in the role of clinical consultant previously? |
Yes |
No |
Has this individual served in the role of primary lab director previously? |
Yes |
No |
Does the proposed Clinical Consultant meet the qualifications defined by CLIA (42 CFR 493)? |
Yes |
No |
2. Is this appointment for an interim period, a specific term, or not term limited?
If the appointment is interim or for a specific term, indicate term beginning and end dates (MM/DD/YY) and explain the recruitment plan, including timeline.
[Insert detailed response here. Table will expand automatically] |
3. List the clinical consultant’s current board certification(s) below. If board certification is pending, indicate the date the exam has been scheduled. If the applicant has been recertified, use that date. Provide a copy of certification(s). If the applicant does not possess current American board certification, provide documentation that demonstrates the foreign education or training is equivalent to that obtained in the United States.
Certification Type |
Certificate Effective Date (MM/DD/YY) |
Certificate Valid Through Date (MM/DD/YY) |
Certification Number |
4. List all professional positions (director, technical supervisor, clinical consultant, instuctor, etc.) currently held by the clinical consultant and estimated time commitment of each (hours/week). Include projected hours for this laboratory. Expand rows as needed.
Professional Position |
Institution |
Location (City/State) |
Estimated Time Commitment (hours/week) |
5. Describe the clinical consultant’s responsibilities in this laboratory:
[Insert detailed response here. Table will expand automatically] |
6. Describe the clinical consultant’s experience in clinical transplantation:
[Insert detailed response here. Table will expand automatically] |
Part 2: Section D - Personnel Qualifications, Primary General Supervisor
This section of the application must be completed for the primary general supervisor. If the histocompatibility laboratory director serves as general supervisor, indicate this in Question 1 below and leave the remainder of this section blank.
If two or more individuals share the general supervisor responsibilities, one person must be designated as the primary. Complete questions below and submit a current curriculum vitae or resume.
1. Provide the following information:
Name of primary general supervisor |
Start date at this laboratory (MM/DD/YY) |
Effective date of this appointment (MM/DD/YY) |
Does the general supervisor meet the qualifications defined by CLIA (42CFR. §493? (Yes/No) |
2. Provide description of general supervisor’s duties in this position:
[Insert detailed response here. Table will expand automatically] |
3. Describe how the general supervisor meets the qualifications for having at least 3 years of experience in human histocompatibility or transplant immunology testing under the supervision of a qualified histocompatibility director or technical supervisor:
[Insert detailed response here. Table will expand automatically] |
XX/XX/XXXX version
File Type | application/msword |
Author | aungiesh |
Last Modified By | Emily P. Kneipp |
File Modified | 2016-08-01 |
File Created | 2016-08-01 |