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Project LAUNCH Systems Activities and Outcomes Survey
are conducting a study to learn about the social and emotional
development of children from birth through eight years of age. This
study is funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
Administration (SAMHSA), an agency within the U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services (HHS). By collecting information from
Project LAUNCH grantees, we seek to gain a better understanding of
the systems change activities that are being conducted to further
child health and well-being in LAUNCH communities. We estimate this
survey will take approximately 8 hours to complete, including the
time it may take to gather the information needed to respond to the
questions. Your participation in the survey is voluntary, and your
responses will be kept private to the extent permitted by law. As
described in the (XXXX grantee number entered here) cooperative
agreement award this data collection must be completed by the
agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to
respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a
currently valid OMB control number. The OMB number for this
information collection is 0970-0373 and the expiration date is
Did you implement
any coalition building activities during the current reporting
(Next page)
Add Activity
Please list all of the
coalition building activities
you have implemented during the current reporting period and select
the outcomes these activities were working towards. Please click on
“Add activity” to add new activities to the table and
then select the outcome(s) that the activities were working towards.
What is the activity name?
What outcome(s) were you working towards by implementing this
Which outcome did you spend most of your time working towards?
Activity 1
Select all that apply.
Policies and guidelines that
relate to health insurance (e.g., Medicaid reimbursement
policy) Please describe: _________
Policies and guidelines that
relate to health providers (e.g., policy to include
regular behavioral health screening in pediatric primary care
practices) Please describe: _________
Policies and guidelines that
relate to education (e.g., Policy to include mental health
specialists into education settings) Please describe: _______
Policies and guidelines that
relate to home visiting. Please describe: _____________
Policies and guidelines that
relate to parenting. Please describe: ________________
Change in other policies,
rules, and guidelines (e.g., Change in eligibility criteria
for child-serving programs) Please describe: ________________
Increased levels of
collaboration (e.g., Development of a coalition specific
to early childhood health) Please describe: _______
Development/improvement of
referral systems (e.g., common referral form among service
systems) Please describe: _____
Development/improvement of data
systems (e.g., data-sharing agreements) Please describe:
Integrated funds across
organizations (e.g., Use of funds to increase access to
high-quality early childhood education programs) Please describe:
Submit an application
for funding (e.g., Applications for federal, state, local, or
other grants) Please describe: __________
Other outcome. Please describe: ______________
Select one.
Did you implement
any public information campaigns during the current reporting
(Next page)
Add Activity
Please list all of the
public information campaigns you
have implemented during the current reporting period and select the
outcomes these campaigns were working towards. Please click on “Add
activity” to add new activities to the table below and then
select the outcome(s) that the campaigns were working towards.
What outcome(s) were you working towards by implementing this
Which outcome did you spend most of your time working towards?
Activity 1
Select all that apply.
Educate the public about the
importance of childhood mental health. Please describe:
Promote policies and guidelines
that integrate behavioral health screening into pediatric
primary care. Please describe: _________
Promote the importance of
evidence-based practices for childhood wellness. Please
describe: _________
Promote policies and guidelines
that relate to health insurance (e.g., Medicaid
reimbursement policy). Please describe: _________
Promote policies and guidelines
that relate to education (e.g., Policy to include mental
health specialists into education settings). Please describe:
Promote change in other
policies, rules, and guidelines (e.g., Change in eligibility
criteria for child-serving programs) Please describe:
Promote need for integrated
services for childhood mental health at local, tribal, or
state level. Please describe: _____
Educate about importance of
integrated funding sources for childhood mental
health (e.g., Use of funds to increase access to high-quality
early childhood education programs). Please describe: _____
Educate about need for
sustainable funding sources. Please describe: __________
Other outcome. Please describe: ______________
Select one.
Did you implement
any advocacy activities during the current reporting period?
Please list all
of the advocacy activities you have implemented during the
current reporting period and select the outcomes these activities
were working towards. Please click on “Add activity” to
add new activities to the table and then select the outcome(s) that
the activities were working towards.
Add Activity
What outcome(s) were you working towards by implementing this
Activity 1
Select all that apply.
Policies and guidelines that
relate to health insurance (e.g., Medicaid reimbursement
policy) Please describe: _________
Policies and guidelines that
relate to health providers (e.g., policy to include
regular behavioral health screening in pediatric primary care
practices) Please describe: _________
Policies and guidelines that
relate to education (e.g., Policy to include mental health
specialists into education settings) Please describe:_______
Policies and guidelines that
relate to home visiting. Please describe: _____________
Policies and guidelines that
relate to parenting. Please describe: ________________
Rule changes at private or
non-profit institutions
Other policies, rules, and
guidelines (e.g., Change in eligibility criteria for
child-serving programs) Please describe: ________________
Increased or reallocated
state or institutional funding (e.g., Use of funds to
increase access to high-quality early childhood education
programs) Please describe: _____
Getting state or
municipality for applying for state or federal funds
Other outcome. Please describe: ______________
Did you implement
any activities to build funding during the current reporting
Please list all
of the activities you have implemented to build funding during
the current reporting period and select the outcomes these activities
were working towards. Please click on “Add activity” to
add new activities to the table and then select the outcome(s) that
the activities were working towards.
What outcome(s) were you working towards by implementing this
Activity 1
Select all that apply.
Use of integrated funding
sources (e.g., Use of funds to increase access to
high-quality early childhood education programs) Please describe:
Use of or application to
receive sustainable funding sources (e.g., Applications
for federal, state, local, or other grants) Please describe:
Other outcome. Please describe: ______________
Did you implement
any other systems-change activities during the current
reporting period?
Please list all
of the other systems-change activities you have implemented
during the current reporting period and select the outcomes these
activities were working towards. Please click on “Add activity”
to add new activities to the table and then select the outcome(s)
that the activities were working towards.
What outcome(s) were you working towards by implementing this
Activity 1
Select all that apply.
Policies and guidelines that
relate to health insurance (e.g., Medicaid reimbursement
policy) Please describe: _________
Policies and guidelines that
relate to health providers (e.g., policy to include
regular behavioral health screening in pediatric primary care
practices) Please describe: _________
Policies and guidelines that
relate to education (e.g., Policy to include mental health
specialists into education settings) Please describe:_______
Policies and guidelines that
relate to home visiting. Please describe: _____________
Policies and guidelines that
relate to parenting. Please describe: ________________
Other policies, rules, and
guidelines (e.g., Change in eligibility criteria for
child-serving programs) Please describe: ________________
Increased levels of
collaboration (e.g., Development of a coalition specific
to early childhood health) Please describe:____
Development/improvement of
referral systems (e.g., Common referral form among service
systems) Please describe: _____
Development/improvement of data
systems (e.g., Data-sharing agreements) Please describe:
Use of integrated funding
sources (e.g., Use of funds to increase access to
high-quality early childhood education programs) Please describe:
Use of or application to
receive sustainable funding sources (e.g., Applications
for federal, state, local, or other grants) Please describe:
Other outcome. Please describe: ______________
The following
table lists the outcomes that you had indicated your project was
working towards during the current reporting period. For each
outcome, please answer the questions listed in each column.
1. Was this change achieved during the reporting period?
1a. At what level did this change occur?
2. [For policy outcomes only]: Indicate the furthest stage of
the policy process that was reached during the reporting period.
3. Other information about the change you would like to provide
Yes, change was achieved.
Change was not achieved, but
made progress toward completion. Please describe: ________
No, change was not achieved and no progress was made.
Select all that apply.
Were there any
major systems changes that occurred outside of LAUNCH
activities/funding during the current reporting period?
Please indicate
which major systems changes occurred outside of LAUNCH
activities/funding during the current reporting period.
What outcome(s) were you working towards by implementing this
Activity 1
Select all that apply.
Policies and guidelines that
relate to health insurance (e.g., Medicaid reimbursement
policy) Please describe: _________
Policies and guidelines that
relate to health providers (e.g., policy to include
regular behavioral health screening in pediatric primary care
practices) Please describe: _________
Policies and guidelines that
relate to education (e.g., Policy to include mental health
specialists into education settings) Please describe:_______
Policies and guidelines that
relate to home visiting. Please describe: _____________
Policies and guidelines that
relate to parenting. Please describe: ________________
Other policies, rules, and
guidelines (e.g., Change in eligibility criteria for
child-serving programs) Please describe: ________________
Increased levels of
collaboration (e.g., Development of a coalition specific
to early childhood health) Please describe:____
Development/improvement of
referral systems (e.g., Common referral form among service
systems) Please describe: _____
Development/improvement of data
systems (e.g., Data-sharing agreements) Please describe:
Use of integrated funding
sources (e.g., Use of funds to increase access to
high-quality early childhood education programs) Please describe:
Use of or application to
receive sustainable funding sources (e.g., Applications
for federal, state, local, or other grants) Please describe:
Other outcome. Please describe: ______________
The following
table lists the outcomes that you had indicated occurred outside of
LAUNCH activities/funding during the current reporting period. For
each outcome, please answer the questions listed in each column.
1. At what level did this change occur?
2. (For policy outcomes only): Indicate the furthest stage of
the policy process that was reached during the reporting period.
3. Other information about the change you would like to provide
Select all that apply.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Estefan, Lianne |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-22 |