Attach J K

2018 NSDUH_PDF 7 (attach J K).pdf

2018 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH)

Attach J K

OMB: 0930-0110

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2018 NSDUH, Supporting Statement
Attachment J – Unable-to-Contact, Controlled
Access, and Call-Me Letters

Unable to Contact Letters


Dear Resident:
Recently, a professional interviewer from RTI International attempted to contact your household about
participating in the National Survey on Drug Use and Health*. So far, we have been unable to speak
with anyone in your household. Your participation in this study is important—this is why we continue to
try and reach you.
Some people are cautious about speaking to a stranger at the door, and that is understandable. Please
know that we are not soliciting or selling anything—we have just a few general questions to ask that will
take about five minutes.
It is not necessary for you to let the interviewer into your home—you can answer the questions right at
your door.
After these initial questions, someone in your household may or may not be randomly selected to
participate in the full interview. If anyone is selected for the full interview, that person will receive
$30 in cash at the end of the interview as a token of appreciation.
A limited number of households were randomly selected to represent the population of the U.S. Your
household cannot be replaced. If you choose not to participate, your experiences and views—as well as
the thousands of people you represent—will not have a chance to be heard.
Thank you for your time. I hope you’ll choose to participate in this extremely important and beneficial

[FS NAME], Field Supervisor

P.S. Please, if you have any questions or would like to set up an appointment, telephone me toll-free at

*The National Survey on Drug Use and Health is conducted by RTI International for the Substance Abuse and
Mental Health Services Administration, an agency in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
[] [] []


Unable to Contact Letters



Attention: [age] year old [gender] resident

Dear Resident:
Recently, a professional interviewer from RTI International came to your home and asked you to
participate in the National Survey on Drug Use and Health*. You were not available to complete the
interview at that time and have been away or unavailable each time the interviewer has returned since
then. Your participation in this study is important—this is why we continue to try and reach you.
A limited number of people were randomly selected to represent the population of the U.S. You cannot
be replaced. If you choose not to participate, your experiences and views—as well as the thousands of
people you represent—will not be heard.
Your answers are combined with the answers of thousands of other people and reported only as overall
numbers. To further protect your privacy, the study is set up so that you record most of your own
answers—the interviewer never sees or hears them. Also, the option to refuse to answer any question is
always available.
The results of this study help state and national policymakers learn about health issues—including
information on alcohol, tobacco, and drug use, non-use, and opinions—so that informed decisions about
policies and programs can be made. By participating in this study, you will make a direct impact on
important health-related decisions.
Your participation is critical to the success of this study, and we are happy to make a special effort to
work around your schedule so that you can be included. Please feel free to call me to set up an
appointment time—the interview can also be conducted at a neutral location such as a public library.
We appreciate that your time is precious. As a token of our appreciation, you will receive $30 in cash
at the end of the interview.
Thank you for your time. I hope you’ll choose to participate in this extremely important and beneficial
[FS NAME], Field Supervisor
P.S. Please, if you have any questions or would like to set up an appointment, telephone me toll-free at
* The National Survey on Drug Use and Health is conducted by RTI International for the Substance Abuse and
Mental Health Services Administration, an agency in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
[] [] []


Controlled Access Flyer

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is conducting a
national survey on health-related issues in order to provide better future
services to all segments of the population. RTI International has been
contracted to complete the work.
Some residences in this building were randomly selected for
participation in this survey. A representative, [FIELD INTERVIEWER],
will be at your complex:
• [DATE]
The initial questions will only take a few minutes and then one or two
persons from your household may be asked to participate in a voluntary
interview. It is also possible that no one will be selected to participate.
All data collected will be kept completely confidential. This study is
covered by the Confidential Information Protection and Statistical
Efficiency section of the E-Government Act of 2002 (Public Law 107347) which ensures that any information provided will only be used for
statistical purposes and cannot be used for any other purpose.
You may contact Field Supervisor [FS NAME] at [FS PHONE NUMBER]
or visit for more information and to verify the
legitimacy of the study.
Your participation is extremely important to the success of this
study and we thank you in advance for your cooperation.


Call Me Letters
Dear Resident:
Recently we sent a letter requesting your help with the National Survey on Drug Use and Health
conducted by RTI International for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
A limited number of household addresses—including yours—were randomly chosen to take part in this
important study. No other household or person can take your place. Information gathered from this study
is used by researchers and local, state and federal health agencies in developing various medical and
health-related policies and programs.
Typically, a professional interviewer from RTI International visits each selected residence in person. We
respect the policies of [COMPLEX/COMMUNITY NAME] and appreciate your desire for privacy, so
we are contacting you by mail instead. Your participation in this study is very important or we would not
continue to try to reach you.
Since we cannot contact you in person, we ask you to please call our supervisor for your area, [FIRST &
LAST NAMES] to set an appointment for an interviewer to visit your household.
Please call:
[PHONE NUMBER] (toll free)
The interviewer only needs a few minutes of your time to see if someone in your household will be
chosen for an interview. Every person who is chosen and completes the full interview will receive $30
in cash at the end of the interview as a token of appreciation. Any information you provide is kept
completely confidential and will be used only for statistical purposes.
For more details about the study, please visit
Your call to [MR./MS. LAST NAME] is extremely important to the success of this study, and I thank
you in advance for your cooperation.

Ilona S. Johnson
National Field Director

Call Me Letters

Attention: [age and gender of respondent]

Dear Resident:
Recently, an interviewer from RTI International came to your [HOME /RESIDENCE HALL] and asked
you to participate in the National Survey on Drug Use and Health*. Your participation in this study is
important—which is why we continue to try to reach you.
We want to provide you with additional information about the study:

A limited number of individuals—including you—were randomly chosen to take part. No other
person can take your place in this study.


As a token of our appreciation, you will receive $30 in cash at the end of the interview.


Any information you provide is kept completely confidential and will be used only for statistical


For more details about the study, please visit

We are happy to work around your schedule so that you can be included. Please contact our supervisor
for your area, [FIRST & LAST NAME], to set up an appointment.
Please call:
[PHONE NUMBER] (toll free)
If [MR./MS. LAST NAME] is not available when you call, please leave your phone number, address
and the time you wish to be interviewed. [HE/SHE] will call you to confirm your appointment.
Thank you for your time. Your call to [MR./MS. LAST NAME] is very important to the success of this
study, and I thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Ilona S. Johnson
National Field Director
*The National Survey on Drug Use and Health is conducted by RTI International for the Substance Abuse and
Mental Health Services Administration, an agency in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
[] [] []


Call Me Letters

Attention: Parent of [age and gender of respondent]

Dear Resident:
Recently, an interviewer from RTI International came to your home and asked your
[SON/DAUGHTER] to participate in the National Survey on Drug Use and Health*. [HIS/HER]
participation in this study is important—which is why we continue to try to reach you.
We want to provide you with additional information about the study:

A limited number of individuals—including your [SON/DAUGHTER]—were randomly chosen
to take part. No other person can take [HIS/HER] place in this study.


As a token of our appreciation, [HE/SHE] will receive $30 in cash at the end of the interview.


All information provided is kept completely confidential and will be used only for statistical


For more details about the study, please visit

We are happy to work around your family’s schedule so that your [SON/DAUGHTER] can be included.
Please contact our supervisor for your area, [FIRST & LAST NAME], to set up an appointment.
Please call:
[PHONE NUMBER] (toll free)
If [MR./MS. LAST NAME] is not available when you call, please leave your phone number, address
and the time you wish to be visited for your [SON’S/DAUGHTER’S] interview. [HE/SHE] will call you
to confirm the appointment.
Thank you for your time. Your call to [MR./MS. LAST NAME] is very important to the success of this
study, and I thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Ilona S. Johnson
National Field Director
*The National Survey on Drug Use and Health is conducted by RTI International for the Substance Abuse and
Mental Health Services Administration, an agency in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
[] [] []


Call Me Letters

Dear Resident:
Recently we sent a letter requesting your help with the National Survey on Drug Use and Health
conducted by RTI International for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
A limited number of household addresses—including yours—were randomly chosen to take part in this
important study. No other household or person can take your place. Information gathered from this study
is used by researchers and local, state and federal health agencies in developing various medical and
health-related policies and programs.
Typically, a professional interviewer from RTI International visits each selected residence in person. We
appreciate your desire for privacy, so we are contacting you by mail instead. Your participation in this
study is very important or we would not continue to try to reach you.
Since we cannot contact you in person, we ask you to please call our supervisor for your area, [FIRST &
LAST NAMES] to set an appointment for an interviewer to visit your household.
Please call:
[PHONE NUMBER] (toll free)
The interviewer only needs a few minutes of your time to see if someone in your household will be
chosen for an interview. Every person who is chosen and completes the full interview will receive $30
in cash at the end of the interview as a token of appreciation. Any information you provide is kept
completely confidential and will be used only for statistical purposes.
For more details about the study, please visit
Your call to [MR./MS.] [LAST NAME] is extremely important to the success of this study, and I thank
you in advance for your cooperation.

Ilona S. Johnson
National Field Director

Call Me Letters
Dear Resident:
We need your assistance with the National Survey on Drug Use and Health conducted by RTI
International for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
A limited number of addresses—including yours—were randomly chosen to take part in this study. No
other household or person can take your place. Information gathered from this study is used by
researchers and local, state and federal health agencies in developing various medical and health-related
policies and programs.
Typically, a professional interviewer from RTI International visits each selected residence in person. We
NAME] and appreciate your desire for privacy, so we are contacting you by mail instead. Your
participation in this study is very important or we would not continue to try to reach you.
Since we cannot contact you in person, we ask you to please call our supervisor for your area, [FIRST &
LAST NAMES] to set an appointment for an interviewer to visit your residence.
Please call:
[PHONE NUMBER] (toll free)
The interviewer only needs a few minutes of your time to see if someone living at your residence will be
chosen for an interview. Every person who is chosen and completes the full interview will receive $30
in cash at the end of the interview as a token of appreciation. Any information you provide is kept
completely confidential and will be used only for statistical purposes.
For more details about the study, please visit
Your call to [MR./MS.] [LAST NAME] is extremely important to the success of this study, and I thank
you in advance for your cooperation.

Ilona S. Johnson
National Field Director

Call Me Letters

Dear Resident:
Recently we sent a letter requesting your help with the National Survey on Drug Use and Health
conducted by RTI International for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
A limited number of household addresses—including yours—were randomly chosen to take part in this
important study. No other household or person can take your place. Information gathered from this study
is used by researchers and local, state and federal health agencies in developing various medical and
health-related policies and programs.
Typically, a professional interviewer from RTI International visits each selected residence in person. We
have been unable to contact you in this manner, so we are contacting you by mail instead. Your
participation in this study is very important or we would not continue to try to reach you.
Since we cannot contact you in person, we ask you to please call our supervisor for your area, [FIRST &
LAST NAMES] to set an appointment for an interviewer to visit your household.
Please call:
[PHONE NUMBER] (toll free)
The interviewer only needs a few minutes of your time to see if someone in your household will be
chosen for an interview. Every person who is chosen and completes the full interview will receive $30
in cash at the end of the interview as a token of appreciation. Any information you provide is kept
completely confidential and will be used only for statistical purposes.
For more details about the study, please visit
Your call to [MR./MS.] [LAST NAME] is extremely important to the success of this study, and I thank
you in advance for your cooperation.

Ilona S. Johnson
National Field Director

Controlled Access Letters
Dear [DR./MR./MS.] [NAME]:
Recently one of our interviewers, [FIRST & LAST NAMES], attempted to contact specific [ROOMS/
RESIDENCES] on the [COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY NAME] campus that were randomly selected to
participate in the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) conducted by RTI International for
the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. So far, [MR./MS.] [LAST NAME] has been unable
we are asking for your help.
We understand your responsibility to protect the students on campus and want to provide you with
additional information about the study:
• We are not selling anything. This is not a marketing survey.
• NSDUH provides valuable national and state-level information about important health-related
issues including experiences with and opinions about the use or non-use of alcohol, drugs, and
tobacco. For this reason, it is just as important that we talk to people who have not used drugs as
it is that we talk to people who have.
• A limited number of [ROOMS/HOUSEHOLDS] were randomly chosen to take part. We do not
have any information about the residents other than an address.
• The interviewer only needs a few minutes of the residents’ time to see if someone in the
[ROOM/HOUSEHOLD] will be asked to participate in an interview. If selected, those
completing the interview receive a cash incentive.
• All information provided is kept completely confidential and used for statistical purposes only in
compliance with the Confidential Information Protection and Statistical Efficiency Act of 2002
(PL 107-347).
• For more details about the study, please visit
A current Institutional Review Board (IRB) summary package is included for your review. By helping
us access the selected [ROOMS/HOUSEHOLDS] at [COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY NAME], you will
make a direct contribution to this important research effort. [FIRST & LAST NAMES], our supervisor
in your area, will contact you soon to address any questions, or you may call [HIM/HER] toll free at
Your assistance is extremely important, and I thank you in advance for your help.

Ilona S. Johnson
National Field Director

Controlled Access Letters
Dear [MR./MS.] [LAST NAME]:

Recently one of our interviewers, [FIRST & LAST NAME], attempted to contact specific
[RESIDENCES/UNITS] within your [TYPE OF GQU] that were randomly selected to participate in the
National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) conducted by RTI International for the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services. So far, [MR./MS.] [LAST NAME] has been unable to
[GAIN ACCESS/GAIN FULL ACCESS] to [GQU NAME OR ADDRESS], and we are asking for your
We understand your responsibility to protect your residents and want to provide you with additional
information about the study:

We are not selling anything. This is not a marketing survey.


NSDUH provides valuable national and state-level information about important health-related
issues including experiences with and opinions about the use or non-use of alcohol, drugs, and
tobacco. For this reason, it is just as important that we talk to people who have not used drugs as
it is that we talk to people who have.


A limited number of addresses were randomly chosen to take part. We do not have any
information about the residents other than an address.


The interviewer only needs a few minutes of the residents’ time to see if someone in the
[HOUSEHOLD/UNIT] will be asked to participate in an interview. If selected, those completing
the interview receive a cash incentive.


All information provided is kept completely confidential.


For more details about the study, please visit

By helping our interviewer access the selected [RESIDENCES/UNITS] in [NAME OF GQU], you will
make a direct contribution to this important research effort. [FIRST & LAST NAMES], our supervisor
in your area, will contact you soon to address any questions, or you may call [HIM/HER] toll free at
Your assistance is extremely important to the success of this study, and I thank you in advance for your

Ilona S. Johnson
National Field Director

Controlled Access Letters
RTI International will be in your area conducting the National Study on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH)
for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services during the months of [FILL IN MONTHS OF
We understand your responsibility to protect the residents of [CITY/COUNTY NAME]. Since the public
may ask your department about the legitimacy of this national study, we seek your cooperation in providing
information about the study to staff members who may receive such inquiries.

We are not selling anything. This is not a marketing survey.


NSDUH is the primary source of national and state-level data concerning alcohol, tobacco, and
drug use. Information from this study is used by government agencies, policy makers, and
researchers to monitor substance abuse trends, design and support prevention, treatment, and
education programs.


A limited number of household addresses are randomly selected to represent the population of
the U.S. Once a household has been chosen, it cannot be replaced.


A professional interviewer from RTI International will only visit the selected households and
needs a few minutes of the residents’ time to see if someone in the household will be asked to
participate in an interview. If selected, those completing the interview will receive a cash


All information provided is kept completely confidential as required by federal law*.


For more details about the study, please visit

Thank you in advance for sharing this information with all pertinent staff in your department. Your
efforts are important to the success of this study, and I thank you in advance for your help. If you have
any questions, please contact our supervisor for your area, [FIRST & LAST NAME] toll free at [TOLL
Ilona S. Johnson
National Field Director
* The Confidential Information Protection and Statistical Efficiency section of the E-Government Act of 2002 (Public Law 107-347)
ensures that any information residents provide will only be used for statistical purposes and cannot be used for any other purpose. Any
unlawful use of these data may result in a jail term of up to 5 years, a fine of $250,000, or both.


Controlled Access Letters

List of Enclosures
2018 National Survey on Drug Use and Health

A. Lead Letter
Prior to the interviewer’s arrival at a household, a “lead letter” will be mailed to the selected address briefly
explaining the survey and requesting the residents’ assistance. The interviewer will visit the household a few days later, refer
the resident to this letter, and answer questions if necessary. If the resident has no knowledge of the lead letter, the
interviewer will provide another copy. All NSDUH interviewers prominently display their ID badge, which is referenced on
this letter.

B. Authorization Letter
Each NSDUH interviewer will carry a personal identification letter which is provided by the Substance Abuse and
Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), the agency within the U.S Department of Health and Human Services
(DHHS) that sponsors the study. This letter serves as documentation that SAMHSA formally authorizes the interviewer to
work on the NSDUH for RTI International.

C. Study Description
When an in-person contact is made with an adult member of a selected household and an introductory exchange is
completed, the interviewer will follow consent procedures that include presenting a “Study Description” and answering any
questions the respondent might have. Upon respondent permission, the interviewer will proceed to create a list of all
members of the household using a tablet computer. This list includes information such as the member’s age, gender, and race,
but does not include names or any other personally identifying information. The tablet will process this roster of the
household members and apply a statistical algorithm to randomly select zero, one, or two persons age 12 and older to be
interviewed. The selected respondent(s) will be asked to complete an interview using a laptop computer.

D. Question and Answer Brochure
Entitled “Answers to your questions,” the NSDUH Question and Answer Brochure provides a ready reference to the
study, including answers to commonly asked questions. This brochure is given to each adult interview respondent or parent
or guardian of youth respondents.

E. Highlights from the 2016 Study
Each year SAMHSA releases results of the study, and this document highlights some of the findings from the 2016


Controlled Access Letters
Please be advised that [MR./MS.] [FIRST & LAST NAMES], an authorized representative of RTI
International, is collecting data for the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH). This
important research study is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (OMB No.
We understand and respect your responsibility to protect individuals living on [NAME OF BASE] and
want to provide you with additional information about the study:

We are not selling anything. This is not a marketing survey.


NSDUH provides valuable national and state-level information about important health-related
issues including experiences with and opinions about the use or non-use of alcohol, drugs, and
tobacco. For this reason, it is just as important that we talk to people who have not used drugs as
it is that we talk to people who have.


The interviewer only needs a few minutes of the residents’ time to see if any civilian members
of the household will be asked to participate in an interview (active-duty members of the
military are not eligible for this study). If selected, those completing the interview receive a
cash incentive at the end of the interview.


All information provided is kept completely confidential and used for statistical purposes only
in compliance with the Confidential Information Protection and Statistical Efficiency Act of
2002 (PL 107-347).


For more details about the study, please visit

An Institutional Review Board (IRB) summary package is included for your review. By helping us
access the selected households on [NAME OF BASE], you will make a direct contribution to this
important research effort. [FIRST & LAST NAMES], our supervisor in your area, will contact you soon
to address any questions, or you may call [HIM/HER] toll free at [TOLL FREE NUMBER].
Your assistance is extremely important to the success of this study, and I thank you in advance for your
Ilona S. Johnson
National Field Director

Controlled Access Letters

Dear [MR./MS.] [NAME]:
One of our interviewers, [FIRST & LAST NAMES], needs to contact specific residences within
[COMPLEX/COMMUNITY NAME] that were randomly selected to participate in the National Survey
on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) conducted by RTI International for the U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services.
We understand your responsibility to protect your residents and want to provide you with additional
information about the study:

We are not selling anything. This is not a marketing survey.


NSDUH provides valuable national and state-level information about important health-related
issues including experiences with and opinions about the use or non-use of alcohol, drugs, and
tobacco. For this reason, it is just as important that we talk to people who have not used drugs as
it is that we talk to people who have.


A limited number of household addresses were randomly chosen to take part. We do not have
any information about the residents other than an address.


The interviewer only needs a few minutes of the residents’ time to see if someone in the
household will be asked to participate in an interview. If selected, those completing the interview
receive a cash incentive.


All information provided is kept completely confidential.


For more details about the study, please visit

By helping our interviewer access the selected households in [NAME OF COMPLEX/COMMUNITY],
you will make a direct contribution to this important research effort. [FIRST & LAST NAMES], our
supervisor in your area, will contact you soon to address any questions, or you may call [HIM/HER] toll
Your assistance is extremely important to the success of this study, and I thank you in advance for your
Ilona S. Johnson
National Field Director

Controlled Access Letters

Dear [MR./MS.] [NAME]:
Recently one of our interviewers, [FIRST & LAST NAMES], attempted to contact specific residences
within [COMPLEX/COMMUNITY NAME] that were randomly selected to participate in the National
Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) conducted by RTI International for the U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services. So far, [MR./MS.] [LAST NAME] has been unable to [GAIN
your help.
We understand your responsibility to protect your residents and want to provide you with additional
information about the study:
• We are not selling anything. This is not a marketing survey.

NSDUH provides valuable national and state-level information about important health-related
issues including experiences with and opinions about the use or non-use of alcohol, drugs, and
tobacco. For this reason, it is just as important that we talk to people who have not used drugs as
it is that we talk to people who have.


A limited number of household addresses were randomly chosen to take part. We do not have
any information about the residents other than an address.


The interviewer only needs a few minutes of the residents’ time to see if someone in the
household will be asked to participate in an interview. If selected, those completing the interview
receive a cash incentive.


All information provided is kept completely confidential.


For more details about the study, please visit

By helping our interviewer access the selected households in [NAME OF COMPLEX/COMMUNITY],
you will make a direct contribution to this important research effort. [FIRST & LAST NAMES], our
supervisor in your area, will contact you soon to address any questions, or you may call [HIM/HER] toll
Your assistance is extremely important to the success of this study, and I thank you in advance for your
Ilona S. Johnson
National Field Director

Public Health Authorization Letter

Dear [MR./MS.] [NAME]:
This letter is to confirm that RTI International is authorized to conduct data collection for the 2017
National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) for the U.S. Department of Health and Human
The NSDUH began in 1971 and has maintained an outstanding level of participation, primarily through
a rigorous commitment to respondent confidentiality as well as an increased public awareness of the
effects of drug abuse. The data from this study provide information for tracking drug use in the general
population and for monitoring drug control policies.
I want to assure you that this agency and RTI International are committed to full compliance with all
policies regarding security on your property. RTI International's representative will work with you to
develop a mutually agreeable procedure for contacting selected units for voluntary participation in our
Thank you for your assistance. If you have any questions, you may call me at (240) 276-1265 (9:00 a.m.
to 5:00 p.m., ET, Monday through Friday).

Joel Kennet, Ph.D.
National Study Director
Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality


Meet Me Letter

Dear Resident:
We need your help with the National Survey on Drug Use and Health conducted by RTI International
for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
A limited number of addresses—including yours—were randomly chosen to take part in this important
study. No other household or person can take your place.
Typically a professional interviewer from RTI International visits each selected residence in person. We
respect the policies of [NAME OF COMPLEX/UNIVERSITY] so we are asking you to speak with our
interviewer, who only needs a few minutes of your time to see if someone in your
[HOUSEHOLD/ROOM] will be chosen for an interview. Every person who is chosen and completes
the full interview will receive $30 in cash at the end of the interview as a token of appreciation.
Please meet with our interviewer [FI FIRST/LAST NAME] in [MEETING PLACE]:
Please meet in [MEETING PLACE]:




If you are unable to speak with [MR/MS] [LAST NAME], call [FS FIRST/LAST NAME], our
supervisor for your area, at [TOLL FREE NUMBER] (toll free) to request another meeting time.
Any information you provide is kept completely confidential and used only for statistical purposes.
Information gathered from this study is used by researchers and local, state and federal health agencies
in developing various medical and health-related policies and programs.
For more details about the study, please visit
Your visit with [MR/MS] [FI LAST NAME] or call to [MR/MS] [FS LAST NAME] is extremely
important to the success of this study, and I thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Ilona S. Johnson
National Field Director

Thank You Letter

Dear [MR./MS.] [LAST NAME]:
On behalf of our client, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, I would like to express our
most sincere appreciation for the assistance you recently provided our [FI/FS] [CIRCUMSTANCES] at
[NAME OF COMPLEX/COMMUNITY]. It was your cooperation that made it possible for us to meet
our response rate goals in this important national study. Every completed interview helps ensure that the
data collected for the 2018 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) are statistically sound.
The information generated from the 2018 NSDUH will provide the nation’s policymakers with accurate
data on a number of important health issues.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me during 9:00 am and 5:00 pm (Eastern Time),
Monday through Friday, at 1-800-848-4079. Once again, thank you for your cooperation.

Ilona S. Johnson
National Field Director


2018 NSDUH, Supporting Statement
Attachment K – Refusal Letters

Interview [Adult]—Too Busy/No Time (I1)


Attention: [age] year old [gender] resident

Dear Resident:
Recently, a professional interviewer from RTI International came to your home and asked you to
participate in the National Survey on Drug Use and Health*. At the time, you expressed some reluctance
about spending the time necessary to do the interview.
A limited number of people were randomly selected to represent the population of the U.S. You cannot be
replaced. If you choose not to participate, your experiences and views—as well as the thousands of people
you represent—will not be heard.
As you know, this nation is made up of all kinds of people, and so we are interviewing all kinds of
people—including busy people like you. If we only interviewed people who have a lot of free time, then
active people like yourself would not be fairly represented. Your participation is critical to the success of
this study, and we are happy to make a special effort to work around your schedule so that you can be
We appreciate that your time is precious. As a token of our appreciation, you will receive $30 in cash
at the end of the interview.
We combine your answers with the answers of thousands of other people and report them only as overall
numbers. The interview is set up so that you record most of your own answers—the interviewer never
sees or hears them. Also, the option to refuse to answer any question is always available.
The results of this study help state and national policymakers learn about health issues—including
information on alcohol, tobacco, and drug use, non-use, and opinions—so informed decisions about
policies and programs can be made. By participating in this study, you will have a direct impact on
important health-related decisions.
Thank you for your time. I hope you’ll reconsider and choose to participate in this extremely beneficial

[FS NAME], Field Supervisor
P.S. Please, if you have any questions or would like to set up an appointment, contact me toll-free at
*The National Survey on Drug Use and Health is conducted by RTI International for the Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Services Administration, an agency in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. []
[] []

Interview [Adult]—Surveys/Government Too Invasive (I2)


Attention: [age] year old [gender] resident

Dear Resident,
Recently, a professional interviewer from RTI International came to your home and asked you to
participate in the National Survey on Drug Use and Health*. At the time, you expressed some concerns
about participating in the study.
We understand that your privacy is important—RTI International does not provide individual answers to
anyone. Your answers are combined with the answers of thousands of other people and reported only as
overall numbers. Also, we never ask for your name.
To further protect your privacy, the interview is set up so that you record most of your own answers—the
interviewer never sees or hears them. Also, the option to refuse to answer any question is always
A limited number of people were randomly selected to represent the population of the U.S. You cannot be
replaced. If you choose not to participate, your experiences and views—as well as the thousands of people
you represent—will not be heard.
We also appreciate that your time is precious. As a token of our appreciation, you will receive $30 in
cash at the end of the interview.
The results of this study help state and national policymakers learn about health issues—including
information on alcohol, tobacco, and drug use, non-use, and opinions—so informed decisions about
policies and programs can be made. By participating in this study, you will have a direct impact on
important health-related decisions.
Thank you for your time. I hope you’ll reconsider and choose to participate in this extremely important
and beneficial study.

[FS NAME], Field Supervisor
P.S. Please, if you have any questions, contact me toll-free at [TOLL FREE NUMBER].
*The National Survey on Drug Use and Health is conducted by RTI International for the Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Services Administration, an agency in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. []
[] []

Interview [Adult]—Needs Clarification (I3)

Attention: [age] year old [gender] resident

Dear Resident,
Recently, a professional interviewer from RTI International came to your home and asked you to
participate in the National Survey on Drug Use and Health*. At the time, you expressed some concerns
about the study.
A limited number of people were randomly selected to represent the population of the U.S. You cannot be
replaced. If you choose not to participate, your experiences and views—as well as the thousands of people
you represent—will not be heard.
Your answers are combined with the answers of thousands of other people and reported only as overall
numbers. To further protect your privacy, the interview is set up so that you record most of your own
answers—the interviewer never sees or hears them. Also, the option to refuse to answer any question is
always available.
The results of this study help state and national policymakers learn about health issues—including
information on alcohol, tobacco, and drug use, non-use, and opinions—so informed decisions about
policies and programs can be made. By participating in this study, you will make a direct impact on
important health-related decisions.
Your participation is critical to the success of this study, and we are happy to make a special effort to
work around your schedule so that you can be included.
We appreciate that your time is precious. As a token of our appreciation, you will receive $30 in cash
at the end of the interview.
Thank you for your time. I hope you’ll reconsider and choose to participate in this extremely important
and beneficial study.


[FS NAME], Field Supervisor
P.S. Please, if you have any questions or would like to set up an appointment, contact me toll-free at
* The National Survey on Drug Use and Health is conducted by RTI International for the Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Services Administration, an agency in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. []
[] []


Interview [Adult]—"Nothing in it for me"/Uncooperative (I4)


Attention: [age] year old [gender] resident

Dear Resident,
Recently, a professional interviewer from RTI International came to your home and asked you to
participate in the National Survey on Drug Use and Health*. At the time, you were not interested in
participating. We are writing this letter to ask you to reconsider.
The results of this study help state and national policymakers learn about health issues—including
information on alcohol, tobacco, and drug use, non-use, and opinions—so informed decisions about
policies and programs can be made. By participating in this study, you will make a direct impact on
important health-related decisions.
Without adequate levels of participation, these health-related decisions might not be sufficiently
informed, and money for programs that might be needed in your state or community could be directed
A limited number of people were randomly selected to represent the population of the U.S.—and you
were one of them! You cannot be replaced. If you choose not to participate, your experiences and
views—as well as the thousands of people you represent—will not be heard.
We appreciate that your time is precious. As a token of our appreciation, you will receive $30 in cash
at the end of the interview.
Thank you for your time. I hope you’ll reconsider and choose to participate in this extremely important
and beneficial study.

[FS NAME], Field Supervisor
P.S. Please, if you have any questions, contact me toll-free at [TOLL FREE NUMBER].
* The National Survey on Drug Use and Health is conducted by RTI International for the Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Services Administration, an agency in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. []
[] []

Interview [Adult]—Spouse/HH Member will not allow Participation (I5)


Attention: [age] year old [gender] resident

Dear Resident,
Recently, a professional interviewer from RTI International came to your home and asked you to
participate in the National Survey on Drug Use and Health*. At the time, you expressed some concerns
about participating in the study.
We understand that your privacy is important—RTI International does not provide individual answers to
anyone. Your answers are combined with the answers of thousands of other people and reported only as
overall numbers. Also, we never ask for your name.
To further protect your privacy, the interview is set up so that you record most of your own answers—the
interviewer never sees or hears them. Also, the option to refuse to answer any question is always
A limited number of people were randomly selected to represent the population of the U.S. You cannot be
replaced. If you choose not to participate, your experiences and views—as well as the thousands of people
you represent—will not be heard.
Your participation is critical to the success of this study, and we are happy to make a special effort to
work around your schedule so that you can be included. Please feel free to call me to set up an
appointment at a time that would be convenient for you.
We appreciate that your time is precious. As a token of our appreciation, you will receive $30 in cash
at the end of the interview.
Thank you for your time. I hope you’ll reconsider and choose to participate in this extremely important
and beneficial study.

[FS NAME], Field Supervisor
P.S. Please, if you have any questions, contact me toll-free at [TOLL FREE NUMBER].
* The National Survey on Drug Use and Health is conducted by RTI International for the Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Services Administration, an agency in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. []
[] []

Interview [Teen]—Too Busy/No Time (M1)


Attention: [age] year old [gender] resident

Dear Resident,
Recently, a professional interviewer from RTI International came to your home and asked you to
participate in the National Survey on Drug Use and Health*. At the time, you expressed some reluctance
about spending the time necessary to do the interview.
A limited number of teenagers were randomly selected to represent the teenage population of the U.S.
You cannot be replaced. If you choose not to participate, your experiences and views—as well as a
thousand other teenagers you represent—will not be heard.
We understand that you have many demands on your time. However, if we only interviewed teenagers
who had lots of free time, then active teenagers like yourself would not be fairly represented. Your
participation is critical to the success of this study, and we are happy to make a special effort to work
around your schedule so that you can be included.
We appreciate that your time is precious to you. As a token of our appreciation, you will receive $30 in
cash at the end of the interview.
Please know that your privacy will be protected. Your answers cannot be viewed by anyone—including
your parents. We combine your answers with the answers of thousands of other teenagers and report them
only as overall numbers. Also, the interview is set up so that you record most of your own answers—the
interviewer never sees or hears them. The option to refuse to answer any question is always available.
Thank you for your time. I hope you’ll reconsider and choose to participate in this extremely important
and beneficial study.

[FS NAME], Field Supervisor
P.S. Please, if you have any questions or would like to set up an appointment, contact me toll-free at

* The National Survey on Drug Use and Health is conducted by RTI International for the Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Services Administration, an agency in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. []
[] []

Interview [Parent]—Teen Exposure (M2)


Attention: Parent/Guardian of [age] year old [gender] resident

Dear Resident,
Recently, a professional interviewer from RTI International asked permission for a young person in your
home to participate in the National Survey on Drug Use and Health*. At the time, you expressed some
reluctance about exposing your teen to questions related to substance use.
We understand your concern. Please know that if you allow your teen to participate, the option is always
available for him or her to answer “I don’t know” to any question.
The interview also includes other questions related to school and community topics, such as participation
in different types of school-based activities.
A limited number of teens were randomly selected to represent the teenage population of the U.S. Your
teenager cannot be replaced. We need responses from everyone selected to get an accurate picture of
teenage health issues. For example, in order to know how many teens are using various substances, we
need to hear from the thousands of teens who are not using any substances.
We also appreciate that your teen’s time is precious. As a token of our appreciation, your teen will
receive $30 in cash at the end of the interview. Also, the interviewer can give your teen a Certificate of
Participation—some participants have been able to go to their schools with this certificate and get class or
community service credit for participating.
Thank you for your time. I hope you’ll reconsider and choose to let your teenager participate in this
extremely important and beneficial study.

[FS NAME], Field Supervisor
P.S. Please, if you have any questions or would like to set up an appointment, contact me toll-free at

* The National Survey on Drug Use and Health is conducted by RTI International for the Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Services Administration, an agency in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. []
[] []

Interview [Teen]—Needs Clarification (M3)


Attention: [age] year old [gender] resident

Dear Resident,
Recently, a professional interviewer from RTI International came to your home and asked you to
participate in the National Survey on Drug Use and Health*. At the time, you expressed some concerns
about the study.
The results of this study help state and national policymakers learn about health issues—including
information on alcohol, tobacco, and drug use, non-use, and opinions—so informed decisions about
policies and programs can be made. By participating in this study, you will have a direct impact on
important health-related decisions.
A limited number of teenagers were randomly selected to represent the teenage population of the U.S.
You cannot be replaced. If you choose not to participate, your experiences and views—as well as a
thousand other teenagers you represent—will not be heard.
Please know that your privacy will be protected. Your answers cannot be viewed by anyone—including
your parents. We combine your answers with the answers of thousands of other teenagers and report them
only as overall numbers. Also, the interview is set up so that you record most of your own answers—the
interviewer never sees or hears them. The option to refuse to answer any question is always available.
Your participation is critical to the success of this study, and we are happy to make a special effort to
work around your schedule so that you can be included.
We appreciate that your time is precious. As a token of our appreciation, you will receive $30 in cash
at the end of the interview.
Thank you for your time. I hope you’ll reconsider and choose to participate in this extremely important
and beneficial study.

[FS NAME], Field Supervisor
P.S. Please, if you have any questions or would like to set up an appointment, contact me toll-free at

* The National Survey on Drug Use and Health is conducted by RTI International for the Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Services Administration, an agency in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. []
[] []

Interview [Teen]—"Nothing in it for me"/Uncooperative (M4)


Attention: [age] year old [gender] resident

Dear Resident,
Recently, a professional interviewer from RTI International came to your home and asked you to
participate in the National Survey on Drug Use and Health*. At the time, you were not interested in
participating. We are writing this letter to ask you to reconsider.
A limited number of teenagers were randomly selected to represent the teenage population of the U.S.—
and you were one of them! You cannot be replaced. If you choose not to participate, your experiences
and views—as well as a thousand other teenagers you represent—will not be heard.
The results of this study help state and national policymakers learn about health issues—including
information on alcohol, tobacco, and drug use, non-use, and opinions—so informed decisions about
policies and programs can be made. By participating in this study, you will have a direct impact on
important health-related decisions.
We appreciate that your time is precious. As a token of our appreciation, you will receive $30 in cash
at the end of the interview. Also, your interviewer can give you a Certificate of Participation—some
participants have been able to go to their schools with this certificate and get class or community service
credit for participating.
Thank you for your time. I hope you’ll reconsider and choose to participate in this extremely important
and beneficial study.

[FS NAME], Field Supervisor
P.S. Please, if you have any questions, contact me toll-free at [TOLL FREE NUMBER].

* The National Survey on Drug Use and Health is conducted by RTI International for the Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Services Administration, an agency in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. []
[] []

Interview [Parent]—Parent /HH Member will not allow Participation (M5)


Attention: Parent/Guardian of [age] year old [gender] resident

Dear Resident,
Recently, a professional interviewer from RTI International asked permission for a young person in your
home to participate in the National Survey on Drug Use and Health*. At the time, you expressed some
reluctance about allowing your teen to participate in the study. We are writing this letter to ask you to
A limited number of teens were randomly selected to represent the teenage population of the U.S. Your
teenager cannot be replaced. It is not necessary that he or she know anything about drugs, alcohol, or
tobacco to participate in the study. In fact, in order to know how many teens are using various substances,
we need to hear from the thousands of teens who are not.
If you allow your teen to participate, the option is always available for him or her to answer “I don’t
know” or to refuse any question.
We understand that the privacy of your family is important—RTI International does not provide
individual answers to anyone. Your teen’s answers would be combined with the answers of thousands of
other teens and reported only as overall totals.
We also appreciate that your teen’s time is precious. As a token of our appreciation, your teen will
receive $30 in cash at the end of the interview. Also, the interviewer can give your teen a Certificate of
Participation—some participants have been able to go to their schools with this certificate and get class or
community service credit for participating.
Thank you for your time. I hope you’ll reconsider and choose to let your teenager participate in this
extremely important and beneficial study.

[FS NAME], Field Supervisor
P.S. Please, if you have any questions or would like to set up an appointment, contact me toll-free at

* The National Survey on Drug Use and Health is conducted by RTI International for the Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Services Administration, an agency in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. []
[] []

Screening—Too Busy/No Time (S1)

Dear Resident,
Recently, a professional interviewer from RTI International contacted someone in your household about
participating in the National Survey on Drug Use and Health*. We are sorry we called on your household
at an inconvenient time.
The initial questions for the study only take about five minutes and ask for very general information.
After these initial questions, someone in your household may or may not be randomly selected to
participate in the full interview.
If anyone is selected for the full interview, that person will receive $30 in cash at the end of the
interview as a token of appreciation.
A limited number of households were randomly selected to represent the population of the U.S. Your
household cannot be replaced. If you choose not to participate, your experiences and views—as well as
the thousands of people you represent—will not have a chance to be heard.
As you know, this nation is made up of all kinds of people, and therefore we are talking to all kinds of
people—including busy people like you. If we only interviewed people who have a lot of free time, then
active people like yourself would not be fairly represented. Your participation is critical to the success of
this study, and we are happy to make a special effort to work around your schedule so that you can be
Thank you for your time. I hope you’ll reconsider and choose to participate in this extremely important
and beneficial study.

[FS NAME], Field Supervisor
P.S. Please, if you have any questions or would like to set up an appointment, contact me toll-free at

* The National Survey on Drug Use and Health is conducted by RTI International for the Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Services Administration, an agency in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. []
[] []

Screening—Surveys /Government Too Invasive (S2)

Dear Resident,
Recently, a professional interviewer from RTI International contacted someone in your household about
participating in the National Survey on Drug Use and Health*. We understand that some concerns were
expressed about participating in the study.
Your privacy is important—RTI International does not provide individual answers to anyone. Your
answers are combined with the answers of thousands of other people and reported only as overall
numbers. Also, we never ask for your full name. To further protect your privacy, the interview is set up so
that you record most of your own answers—the interviewer never sees or hears them.
A limited number of households were randomly selected to represent the population of the U.S. Your
household cannot be replaced. If you choose not to participate, your experiences and views—as well as
the thousands of people you represent—will not have a chance to be heard.
If you agree to participate, the option to refuse to answer any question is always available. The initial
questions for the study only take about five minutes and ask for very general information. After these
initial questions, someone in your household may or may not be randomly selected to participate in the
full interview.
If anyone is selected for the full interview, that person will receive $30 in cash at the end of the
interview as a token of appreciation.
Thank you for your time. I hope you’ll reconsider and choose to participate in this extremely important
and beneficial study.

[FS NAME], Field Supervisor
P.S. Please, if you have any questions, contact me toll-free at [TOLL FREE NUMBER].

* The National Survey on Drug Use and Health is conducted by RTI International for the Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Services Administration, an agency in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. []
[] []

Screening—Needs Clarification (S3)

Dear Resident,
Recently, a professional interviewer from RTI International contacted someone in your household about
participating in the National Survey on Drug Use and Health*. We understand that some concerns were
expressed about participating in the study.
A limited number of households were randomly selected to represent the population of the U.S. Your
household cannot be replaced. If you choose not to participate, your experiences and views—as well as
the thousands of people you represent—will not have a chance to be heard.
If you agree to participate, the option to refuse to answer any question is always available. The initial
questions for the study only take about five minutes and ask for very general information. After these
initial questions, someone in your household may or may not be randomly selected to participate in the
full interview.
Your answers are combined with the answers of thousands of other people and reported only as overall
numbers. Also, we never ask for your full name. To further protect privacy, the interview is set up so that
the participant records most answers—the interviewer never sees or hears them.
If anyone is selected for the full interview, that person will receive $30 in cash at the end of the
interview as a token of appreciation.
Thank you for your time. I hope you’ll reconsider and choose to participate in this extremely important
and beneficial study.

[FS NAME], Field Supervisor
P.S. Please, if you have any questions or would like to set up an appointment, contact me toll-free at

* The National Survey on Drug Use and Health is conducted by RTI International for the Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Services Administration, an agency in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. []
[] []

Screening—"Nothing in it for me"/Uncooperative (S4)

Dear Resident,
Recently, a professional interviewer from RTI International contacted someone in your household about
participating in the National Survey on Drug Use and Health*. We understand that at the time, there was
no interest in participating. We are writing to ask you to reconsider.
The initial questions for the study only take about five minutes and ask for very general information.
After these initial questions, someone in your household may or may not be randomly selected to
participate in the full interview.
If anyone is selected for the full interview, that person will receive $30 in cash at the end of the
interview as a token of appreciation.
A limited number of households were randomly selected to represent the population of the U.S. Your
household cannot be replaced. If you choose not to participate, your experiences and views—as well as
the thousands of people you represent—will not have a chance to be heard.
The results of this study help state and national policymakers learn about health issues—including
information on alcohol, tobacco, and drug use, non-use, and opinions—so that informed decisions about
policies and programs can be made. By participating in this study, you can make a direct impact on
important health-related decisions.
Thank you for your time. I hope you’ll reconsider and choose to participate in this extremely important
and beneficial study.

[FS NAME], Field Supervisor
P.S. Please, if you have any questions, contact me toll-free at [TOLL FREE NUMBER].

* The National Survey on Drug Use and Health is conducted by RTI International for the Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Services Administration, an agency in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. []
[] []

Screening—Spouse/HH Member will not allow Participation (S5)

Dear Resident,
Recently, a professional interviewer from RTI International contacted someone in your household about
participating in the National Survey on Drug Use and Health*. We understand that some concerns were
expressed about participating in the study.
Your privacy is important—RTI International does not provide individual answers to anyone. Your
answers are combined with the answers of thousands of other people and reported only as overall
numbers. Also, we never ask for anyone’s full name. To further protect privacy, the interview is set up so
that the participant records most answers—the interviewer never sees or hears them.
If you agree to participate, the option to refuse to answer any question is always available. The initial
questions for the study only take about five minutes and ask for very general information. After these
initial questions, someone in your household may or may not be randomly selected to participate in the
full interview.
If anyone is selected for the full interview, that person will receive $30 in cash at the end of the
interview as a token of appreciation.
A limited number of households were randomly selected to represent the population of the U.S. Your
household cannot be replaced. If you choose not to participate, your experiences and views—as well as
the thousands of people you represent—will not have a chance to be heard.
Your participation is critical to the success of this study, and we are happy to make a special effort to
work around your schedule so that you can be included. Please feel free to call me to set up an
appointment at a time that would be convenient for you.
Thank you for your time. I hope you’ll reconsider and choose to participate in this extremely important
and beneficial study.
[FS NAME], Field Supervisor
P.S. Please, if you have any questions, contact me toll-free at [TOLL FREE NUMBER].

* The National Survey on Drug Use and Health is conducted by RTI International for the Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Services Administration, an agency in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. []
[] []

File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2017-02-14
File Created2017-02-14

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