MEMORANDUM OMB # 1850-0888 v.5
TO: Robert Sivinski
Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget
FROM: Mary Coleman
National Center for Education Statistics
THROUGH: Kashka Kubzdela
National Center for Education Statistics
SUBJECT: 2018 Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS 2018) Main Study Recruitment and Field Test - Questionnaires Change Request 83C
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) completed reviewing the adaptations to be made to the U.S. versions of the TALIS 2018 field trial questionnaires. Pilot versions of international versions of the questionnaires were included as part of the recently approved TALIS 2018 Recruitment and Field Test clearance package (OMB# 1850-0888 v.4). This request amends the TALIS 2018 Recruitment and Field Test record with the final versions of the adapted U.S. versions of the TALIS 2018 field trial questionnaires (see the attached updated Appendix B). Accordingly, this memo details the changes made to the international source versions in preparation for the U.S. field trial in spring 2017. The changes listed below are arranged by questionnaire (e.g., principal, teacher), and then by the four types of changes made: U.S. adaptations; revised wording or structure; new items; and deleted items (where applicable). Because a few new questionnaire items have been added, NCES is announcing in the Federal Register another 30-day public comment period to accompany this change request. None of these changes affect the approved respondent burden or the cost to the federal government for this study.
The international source versions of the TALIS questionnaire are authored in U.K. English with terms to-be-standardized marked inside angle brackets (< >). These changes are referred to as adaptations of common terms in the tables below. Along with adaptations of common terms, changes have been made to items that (1) reflect U.S. convention (e.g., to map educational levels to the ISCED 2011 U.S. education levels, adding dimensions to preserve trend comparability to TALIS 2013 U.S. data, removing irrelevant options for U.S. respondents, adjusting grammar to U.S. standard usage, etc.) or (2) were suggested by the OECD during survey refinement. These changes are referred to as items requiring revised wording or structure in the tables below. The OECD and the international contractors have also deleted several items from the questionnaires, as well as added a few new items. Straightforward adaptations of U.K. English to American English (e.g., favourite to favorite) are not included in the tables below, as these do not require explanation. As in past cycles, the U.S. will include items of national interest within the background questionnaires. These are also provided below. All changes are also reflected in the final versions of the questionnaires provided in the revised Appendix B.
Summary of Changes to Field Test School and Student Questionnaire Items
School Questionnaire
Adaptations of common terms
Items with revised wording or structure
New items
Deleted items
New national questions
Teacher Questionnaire
Adaptations of common terms
Items with revised wording or structure
New items
Deleted items
New national questions
School Questionnaire
Adaptation of common terms*
2018 Field Test |
Int’l term |
U.S. adaptation |
Item(s) |
ISCED 2011 level x |
grades 7, 8, and/or 9 |
Title screen, PQ-17 |
<When questions refer to 'this school' we mean by 'school': national school definition.> |
When questions refer to 'this school' we mean by 'school': a division of the school system consisting of students in one or more grades and organized to give instruction of a defined type. One school may share a building with another school or one school may be housed in many buildings. |
Title screen |
[National centre contact information, phone number and preferably e-mail address] |
TALIS Help Desk: Phone: 1-855-545-1163 Email: [email protected]
Or write to us directly at the following mailing address: Teaching and Learning International Survey National Center for Education Statistics Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education Potomac Center Plaza 550 12th Street, SW Washington, DC 20202, USA |
Title screen |
[National Return Procedures and Date] |
none |
Title screen, last page |
Church |
Religious institution |
PQ12, PQ24 |
ISCED 2011 levels |
Grade levels |
PQ15 |
<Local, municipality/regional, state, or national/federal> |
Local school district
or Representatives of a local school district or state education authority |
PQ24 |
<Country of survey> |
United States |
PQ52 |
<national/regional> |
State and district |
PQ20 |
* Items in yellow highlighted text not listed here were maintained as-is with the angle brackets removed. |
Items with revised wording or structure
2018 FT draft Int’l Version |
2018 U.S. Field Test version |
Item # |
Item |
Final item# |
Adapted Item |
3 |
What is the highest level of formal education you have completed? Please mark one choice. 1 Below <ISCED 2011 Level 3> 2 <ISCED 2011 Level 3> 3 <ISCED 2011 Level 4> 4 <ISCED 2011 Level 5> 5 <ISCED 2011 Level 6> 6 <ISCED 2011 Level 7> 7 <ISCED 2011 Level 8> |
3 |
Note: this item has been adapted to fit U.S. ISCED 2011 context. Level 4 is N/A as in other NCES data collections. What is the highest level of formal education you have completed? Please mark one choice. 1 I did not complete high school. 2 High school
4 Associate’s degree (2-year college program) 5 Bachelor’s degree (4-year college program) 6 Master’s degree or professional degree (MD, DDS, lawyer, minister) 7 Doctorate (Ph.D., or Ed.D) |
12 |
Is this school publicly- or privately-managed? Please mark one choice. 1Publicly-managed This is a school managed by a public education authority, government agency, municipality, or governing board appointed by government or elected by public franchise. 2Privately-managed This is a school managed by a non-government organization (e.g.,) <a church>, trade union, business or other private institution. |
12 |
Note: This item adapted to preserve trend descriptions. Is this school publicly- or privately-managed? Please mark one choice. 1 Publicly-managed This is a school managed by a public education authority, government agency, or governing board appointed by government or elected by public franchise.
2 Privately-managed This is a school managed by a non-government organization (e.g.,) a religious institution, trade union, business or other private institution. |
15 |
Are the following <ISCED 2011 levels> and/or programmes taught in this school and, if yes, are there other schools in your location that compete for students at that level and/or programme? Please indicate ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ in part (A) for each of the levels and/or programmes listed below. If ‘Yes’ in part (A), please indicate in part (B) the number of other schools in this location that compete for your students. a) <ISCED 2011 Level 0> b) <ISCED 2011 Level 1> c) <ISCED 2011 Level 2> d) <ISCED 2011 Level 3> general education programmes e) <ISCED 2011 Level 3> vocational or technical education programmes |
15 |
Note: this item has been adapted to fit U.S. ISCED 2011 context and to preserve trend. Are
the following education levels and/or programs taught in this
school and, if yes, are there other schools in the area that
compete for students at that level and/or program? Please indicate ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ in part (A) for each of the levels and/or programs listed below. If ‘Yes’ in part (A), please indicate in part (B) the number of other schools in this area that compete for students. a) Pre-primary education (pre-kindergarten, preschool, or kindergarten) b) Primary education (any of grades 1-6) c) Lower secondary education (any of grades 7-9) d) Upper secondary (any of grades 10-12) general education programs e) Upper secondary (any of grades 10-12) vocational or technical education programs |
17 |
Please estimate the broad percentage of [<ISCED level x> or 15-year-old] students in this school who have the following characteristics. <Special need students cover those for whom a special learning need has been formally identified because they are mentally, physically, or emotionally disadvantaged. [Often they will be those for whom additional public or private resources (personnel, material or financial) have been provided to support their education.]> <‘Socioeconomically disadvantaged homes’ refers to homes lacking the basic necessities or advantages of life, such as adequate housing, nutrition or medical care.> Students may fall into multiple categories. Please mark one choice in each row. |
17 |
Note: This item stem and instruction been adapted to include common adapted terms and descriptions modified to preserve trend. Item ‘d)’ and the term ‘Refugee’ definition and description were added internationally. Please estimate the broad percentage of students in grades 7, 8, and/or 9 in this school who have the following characteristics.
Students with special needs are those for whom a special learning need has been formally identified because they are mentally, physically, or emotionally disadvantaged. Often they will be those for whom additional public or private resources (personnel, material or financial) have been provided to support their education.
'Socioeconomically disadvantaged homes’ refers to homes lacking the basic necessities or advantages of life, such as adequate income, housing, nutrition or medical care.
A ‘refugee’ is one who, regardless of legal status, fled to another country seeking refuge from war, political oppression, religious persecution, or a natural disaster.
Students may fall into multiple categories. Please mark one choice in each row. |
22 & 23 |
Please indicate how frequently you engaged in the following activities in this school during the last 12 months. Please mark one choice in each row. |
22 |
Note: The item is exactly the same, though items ‘k)’ and ‘l)’ were added internationally from now deleted item 23. Please indicate how frequently you engaged in the following activities in this school during the last 12 months. Please mark one choice in each row. k) I worked on a professional development plan for this school. l) I used student results to develop the school’s educational goals. |
26 |
Are the following currently represented on this school’s <governing board>? Please mark one choice in each row. a) Representatives of a <local, municipality/regional, state, or national/federal> authority b) Members of the school management team c) School administrative personnel d) Teachers e) Parents or guardians f) Students g) Trade unions h) Representatives of business [labour market institutions, a church,] or other private institutions i) Other, please specify |
24 |
Note: This item has been adapted to preserve trend. Are the following currently represented on this school's governing board? Please mark one choice in each row. a) Representatives of a local school district or state education authority b) Members of the school management team c) School administrative personnel d) Teachers e) Parents or guardians f) Students g) Trade unions h) Representatives of business, religious institutions, or other private institutions i) Other, please specify |
30 |
Who performs the following tasks as part of the formal appraisal of teachers’ work in this school? Please mark as many choices as appropriate in each row. a) Direct observation of classroom teaching b) Student surveys about teaching c) Assessments of teachers’ content knowledge d) Analysis of students’ external results (e.g. national test scores) e) Analysis of school-based and classroom-based results (e.g. performance results, project results, test scores) f) Discussion of teachers’ self-assessments of their work (e.g. presentation of a portfolio assessment, analysis of teaching using video) g) Discussion about feedback received from parents or guardians |
28 |
Note: This item has been reworked internationally. Who performs the following tasks as part of the formal appraisal of teachers’ work in this school? Please mark as many choices as appropriate in each row. a) Observations of classroom teaching b) Student survey responses related to teaching c) Assessments of teachers’ content knowledge d) Students’ external results (e.g., national test scores) e) School-based and classroom-based results (e.g., performance results, project results, test scores) f) Self-assessments of teachers’ work (e.g., presentation of a portfolio assessment, analysis of teaching using video) |
24 & 32 |
24. How strongly do you agree or disagree with these statements as applied to this school? Please mark one choice in each row. a) This school provides staff with opportunities to actively participate in school decisions. b) This school provides parents or guardians with opportunities to actively participate in school decisions. c) This school provides students with opportunities to actively participate in school decisions. d) I make the important decisions on my own. e) There is a collaborative school culture which is characterised by mutual support. f) This school encourages staff to propose and implement new initiatives.
32. Thinking about the general climate in this school, how strongly do you agree or disagree with these statements as applied to this school? Please mark one choice in each row. b) This school has a culture of shared responsibility for school issues. d) The school staff enforce rules for student behaviour consistently for students throughout the school. |
30 |
Note: Items 24 and 32 have been synthesized into one item. Item ‘d)’ is new. Thinking about the general climate in this school, how strongly do you agree or disagree with these statements? Please mark one choice in each row. a) This school provides staff with opportunities to actively participate in school decisions. b) This school provides parents or guardians with opportunities to actively participate in school decisions. c) This school provides students with opportunities to actively participate in school decisions. d) This school has a culture of shared responsibility for school issues. e) I make the important decisions on my own. f) There is a collaborative school culture which is characterized by mutual support. g) The school staff share a common set of beliefs about teaching and learning. h) The school staff enforces rules for student behavior consistently throughout the school. i) This school encourages staff to lead new initiatives. |
32 |
Thinking about the general climate in this school, how strongly do you agree or disagree with these statements as applied to this school?
c) The teachers and students usually get on well with each other. e) Teachers can rely on this school’s management for professional support. f) As principal, I have confidence in the expertise of my school’s teachers. g) Even in difficult situations, teachers in this school can depend upon each other. h) Teachers trust each other in this school. i) The students have to be closely supervised for misbehaviour reasons. j) Students can be counted on to do their work. l) It is difficult to overcome cultural barriers between parents and teachers. |
31 |
Note: Many of the remaining items from 32 (‘c, f, g, e, I, j, l) have been synthesized into a new item. Item ‘h)’ has been reworded. Thinking about the general climate in this school, how strongly do you agree or disagree with these statements? a) Teachers and students usually get along well with each other. b) Teachers can rely on this school’s management for professional support. c) As principal, I have confidence in the expertise of my school’s teachers. d) Even in difficult situations, teachers can depend upon each other. e) Teachers can rely on each other. f) Students have to be closely supervised for misbehavior. g) Students can be counted on to do their work. h) It is difficult to overcome cultural barriers between parents/guardians and teachers. |
36 |
To what extent do the following characterise your school? Please mark one choice in each row. |
32 |
Note: this item is exactly the same, though the stem has been slightly altered and the item has been renumbered. To what extent do the following statements apply to this school? Please mark one choice in each row. |
33 |
Thinking about the teachers in your school, to what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Please mark one choice in each row. a) Most teachers in this school are always moving toward the development of new answers. b) Most teachers in this school are open to change. c) Most teachers in this school are always searching for new ways of looking at problems. d) Most teachers in this school share resources in the application of new ideas. e) Most teachers in this school provide practical support to each other for the application of new ideas. f) Teachers are encouraged to seek new ideas. g) Teachers are continually learning new ideas. |
33 |
Note: The stem has been refined and the items reduced. Thinking about the teachers in this school, how strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Please mark one choice in each row. a) Most teachers in this school strive to develop new ideas for teaching and learning. b) Most teachers in this school are open to change. c) Most teachers in this school search for new ways to solve problems. d) Most teachers in this school provide practical support to each other for the application of new ideas.
34 |
Thinking about your school, to what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Please mark one choice in each row. a) The school is quick to respond to changes when needed. b) The school management is quick to identify the need to do things differently. c) New ideas are readily accepted here. d) The school is very flexible (e.g. it can quickly change procedures to meet new conditions). e) Assistance in developing new ideas is readily available. |
34 |
Note: The stem has been refined and the items reduced. How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements? a) This school quickly identifies the need to do things differently. b) This school quickly responds to changes when needed. c) This school readily accepts new ideas. d) This school makes assistance readily available for the development of new ideas.
35 |
To what extent is this school’s capacity to provide quality instruction currently hindered by any of the following issues? Please mark one choice in each row. a) Shortage of qualified and/or [well performing] teachers b) Shortage of teachers with competence in teaching students with special needs c) Shortage of vocational teachers d) Shortage or inadequacy of instructional materials (e.g. textbooks) e) Shortage or inadequacy of computers for instruction f) Insufficient Internet access g) Shortage or inadequacy of computer software for instruction h) Shortage or inadequacy of library materials i) Shortage of support personnel j) Shortage or inadequacy of physical infrastructure (e.g. school buildings, heating/cooling, and lighting) k) Shortage or inadequacy of instructional space (e.g. classrooms) l) Shortage of teachers with competence in teaching students in a multilingual setting m) Shortage of teachers with competence in teaching students with needs due to socioeconomic disadvantage challenges n) Other, please specify |
35 |
Note: The items in this question have been slightly reworded. Items’k)’ and ‘o)’ are new. To what extent is this school’s capacity to provide quality instruction currently hindered by any of the following issues? Please mark one choice in each row. a) Shortage of qualified teachers b) Shortage of teachers with competence in teaching students with special needs c) Shortage of vocational teachers d) Shortage or inadequacy of instructional materials (e.g., textbooks) e) Shortage or inadequacy of digital technology for instruction (e.g., computers, tablets, iPads) f) Insufficient internet access g) Shortage or inadequacy of digital software for instruction h) Shortage or inadequacy of library materials i) Shortage of support personnel j) Shortage or inadequacy of instructional space (e.g., classrooms) k) Shortage or inadequacy of classroom furniture for students (e.g., desks, chairs, materials storage) l) Shortage or inadequacy of physical infrastructure (e.g., school buildings, heating/cooling, and lighting) m) Shortage of teachers with competence in teaching students in a multilingual setting n) Shortage of teachers with competence in teaching students with needs due to socioeconomic disadvantage challenges o) Shortage or inadequacy of necessary materials to train vocational skills p) Other, please specify |
New items
2018 Field Test |
51 |
52 |
53 |
54 |
55 |
Deleted Items
7 |
During the last 12 months, did you participate in any of the following professional development activities aimed at you as a principal? Professional development is defined as activities that aim to develop an individual’s professional skills, knowledge and expertise.
Please mark one choice in each row. a) Courses/workshops on subject matter, teaching methods or pedagogical topics (e.g. fostering social skills) b)Courses/workshops on leadership c)Online professional development courses/seminars d)Education conferences where teachers and/or researchers present/discuss their research e)Formal qualification programme (e.g. a degree programme) f)Peer and/or self observation and coaching as part of a formal arrangement g)Mentoring as part of a formal arrangement h)Participation in a network of principals formed for the professional development of principals i) Individual or collaborative research on a topic of interest to you professionally j)Reading professional literature k) Engaging in professional dialogue with colleagues about how to improve your leadership l) Other, please specify |
National items
USP01 (ques. 3) |
Are you of Hispanic or Latino origin? (Please select only one response.)
![]() ![]() 1 Yes
![]() No
USP02 (ques. 4) |
USP03 (ques. 23) |
Teacher Questionnaire
Adaptation of common terms*
2018 Field Test |
Int’l term |
U.S. adaptation |
Item(s) |
ISCED 2011 level x |
grades 7, 8, and/or 9 7th, 8th, and/or 9th grade |
Title screen, TQ14, TQ15, TQ16, TQ17, TQ68, ‘Teaching in the Target Class’ description |
<When questions refer to 'this school' we mean by 'school': national school definition.> |
When questions refer to 'this school' we mean by 'school': a division of the school system consisting of students in one or more grades and organized to give instruction of a defined type. One school may share a building with another school or one school may be housed in many buildings. |
Title screen |
[National centre contact information, phone number and preferably e-mail address] |
TALIS Help Desk: Phone: 1-855-545-1163 Email: [email protected]
Or write to us directly at the following mailing address: Teaching and Learning International Survey National Center for Education Statistics Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education Potomac Center Plaza 550 12th Street, SW Washington, DC 20202, USA |
Title screen |
[National Return Procedures and Date] |
Title screen, last page |
ISCED 2011 levels |
Grade levels |
TQ7 |
<Local, municipality/regional, state, or national/federal> |
Local school district
or Representatives of a local school district or state education authority |
TQ64 |
<Country of survey> |
United States |
TQ3, TQ72 |
* Items in yellow highlighted text or angled brackets in the previously submitted pilot version not listed here were maintained as-is with the angle brackets removed. |
Items with revised wording or structure
2018 Pilot Int’l Version |
2018 U.S. Field Test version |
Item # |
Item |
Item # |
Item |
TQ18 & 20 |
18. Were the following elements included in your formal <education or training>? Please mark one choice in each row. a) Content of the subject(s) I teach b) Pedagogy of the subject(s) I teach c) Classroom practice in the subject(s) I teach d) General pedagogy e) General classroom practice 20. To what extent do you feel prepared through your initial formal <education or training> for the elements below? Please mark one choice in each row. a) General pedagogy b) Content of the subject(s) I teach c) Pedagogy of the subject(s) I teach d) Classroom practice in the subject(s) I teach e) Teaching in a mixed ability setting f) Teaching in a multicultural or multilingual setting g) Teaching cross-curricular skills (e.g. creativity, critical thinking, and problem solving) h) ICT (information and communication technology) i) Teaching students with special needs j) Student behaviour and classoom management k) Student career guidance and counselling l) Teaching about equity and diversity |
TQ8 |
Note: Items 18 and 20 were combined and additional items added internationally. Were the following elements included in your formal education or training and, if yes, to what extent do you feel prepared for each element in your teaching?
For each element, please indicate ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ in part (A). If ‘Yes’ in part (A), please indicate your preparedness in part (B). a) Content of some or all subject(s) I teach b) Pedagogy of some or all subject(s) I teach c) General pedagogy d) Classroom practice in some or all subject(s) I teach e) Teaching in a mixed ability setting f) Teaching in a multicultural or multilingual setting g) Teaching cross-curricular skills (e.g., creativity, critical thinking, problem solving) h) Use of ICT (information and communication technology) for teaching i) Student behavior and classroom management j) Student career guidance and counseling k) Teaching about equity and diversity l) Monitoring students’ development and learning m) Teaching entrepreneurship and innovation n) Content related to child-adolescent socio-emotional and motor development o) Content related to child-adolescent cognitive and self-regulation development p) Learning theories (e.g., behavioral, cognitive, constructivist) q) Teaching with a children’s rights perspective r) Facilitating students’ transitions from pre-primary education (pre-kindergarten, preschool, kindergarten) to primary education (any of grades 1-6) |
TQ21 & 22 |
21. Were any of the subject categories listed below included in your formal education or training?
22. During this current school year, do you teach the subjects below to any [<ISCED 2011 Level X> / 15-year-old] students in this school? |
TQ17 |
Note: items 21 and 22 have been combined into a single item for the field test. The categories remain the same so they are not shown below, only the new stem is provided. Were the following subject categories included in your formal education or training, and do you teach them during the current school year to any 7th, 8th, and/or 9th grade students in this school? |
TQ31 |
In your first regular employment as a teacher, did you take part in any induction activities? ‘Induction activities’ are designed to support new teachers’ introduction into the teaching profession and to support experienced teachers who are new to a school. Induction activities might be presented in formal structured programmes (for example, regular supervision by the principal, reduced teaching load, formal mentoring by experienced teachers), or they might be informally arranged as separate activities available to support new teachers (for example, informal peer work with other new teachers, a welcome handbook for new teachers). Please mark one choice in each row. |
TQ24 |
Note: the stem has been reworded and the description simplified. The categories and items are unchanged, thus they are not shown below. Did you take part in any induction activities? 'Induction activities’ are designed to support new teachers’ introduction into the teaching profession and to support experienced teachers who are new to a school, and they are either organized in formal structured programs or informally arranged as separate activities. Please mark one choice in each row. |
TQ33 |
When you began work at this school, in which of the following induction activities did you participate? Please mark one choice in each row. a) Mentoring b) Courses/seminars attended in person c) Courses/seminars completed online d) Online activities (e.g. virtual communities) e) Scheduled meetings with principal and/or experienced colleagues f) Regular supervision by principal and/or experienced colleagues g) Networking/collaboration with other new teachers h) Team teaching with experienced teachers i) Portfolios/diaries/journals j) Reduced teaching load k) General/administrative introduction l) Other, please specify |
TQ25 |
Note: this item has been heavily modified to include both stem and item changes. When you began work at this school, were the following provisions part of your induction?
Please mark one choice in each row. a) In-person courses/seminars b) Online courses/seminars c) Online activities (e.g. virtual communities) d) Planned meetings with principal and/or experienced colleagues e) Supervision by principal and/or experienced colleagues f) Networking/collaboration with other new teachers g) Team teaching with experienced teachers h) Portfolios/diaries/journals i) Reduced teaching load j) General/administrative introduction k) Other, please specify |
TQ35 |
During the last 12 months, did you participate in any of the following professional development activities? Please mark one choice in each row. a) Courses/workshops on subject matter, teaching methods or pedagogical topics (e.g. fostering social skills) b) Online professional development courses/seminars c) Education conferences where teachers and/or researchers present/discuss their research d) Formal qualification programme (e.g. a degree programme) e) Observation visits to other schools f) Observation visits to business premises, public organisations, non-governmental organisations g) Peer and/or self-observation and coaching as part of a formal school arrangement h) Participation in a network of teachers formed specifically for the professional development of teachers i) Individual or collaborative research on a topic of interest to you professionally j) Reading professional literature k) Engaging in dialogue with colleagues about how to improve your teaching l) Other, please specify |
TQ27 |
Note: this item has been heavily modified to include both stem and item changes. During the last 12 months, did you participate in any of the following professional development activities? Please mark one choice in each row. a) In-person courses/seminars b) Online courses/seminars c) Education conferences where teachers and/or researchers present/discuss their research d) Formal qualification program (e.g., a degree program) e) Observation visits to other schools f) Observation visits to business premises, public organizations, non-governmental organizations g) Peer and/or self-observation and coaching as part of a formal school arrangement h) Participation in a network of teachers formed specifically for the professional development of teachers i) Research on a topic of interest to me professionally j) Reading professional literature k) Engaging in professional dialogue with colleagues about how to improve my teaching l) Other, please specify
TQ36 |
Were any of the topics listed below included in your professional development activities during the last 12 months? Please mark one choice in each row. a) Knowledge and understanding of my subject field(s) b) Pedagogical competencies in teaching my subject field(s) c) Knowledge of the curriculum d) Student assessment practices e) ICT (information and communication technology) skills for teaching f) Student behaviours and classroom management g) School management and administration h) Approaches to individualised learning i) Teaching students with special needs j) Teaching in a multicultural or multilingual setting k) Teaching cross-curricular skills (e.g. problem solving, learning-to-learn) l) Student career guidance and counselling m) Internal evaluation or self-evaluation of schools n) Use of evaluation results analysis and use o) Teacher-parent cooperation p) Second language teaching q) Communicating with people from different cultures or countries r) Teaching about equity and diversity s) Implementation of national/state curriculum standards or Common Core standards t) Other, please specify |
TQ28 |
Note: this item has been heavily modified to include both stem and item changes.
b) Pedagogical competencies in teaching my subject field(s) c) Knowledge of the curriculum d) Student assessment practices e) ICT (information and communication technology) skills for teaching f) Student behaviors and classroom management g) School management and administration h) Approaches to individualized learning i) Teaching students with special needs j) Teaching in a multicultural or multilingual setting k) Teaching cross-curricular skills (e.g., creativity, critical thinking, problem solving) l) Student career guidance and counseling m) Internal evaluation or self-evaluation of schools n) Analysis and use of student assessments o) Teacher-parent cooperation p) Communicating with people from different cultures or countries q) Teaching about equity and diversity r) Implementation of national/state curriculum standards or Common Core standards s) Other, please specify
TQ37 & 38 |
37. For the professional development in which you participated in the last 12 months, did you receive any of the following benefits? Please mark one choice in each row. a) Monetary supplements for activities outside working hours b) Non-monetary rewards (e.g. classroom resources/materials, book vouchers, trial software/apps) c) Non-monetary professional benefits (e.g. fulfilling professional development requirements, improving my promotion opportunities)
38. For the professional development in which you participated in the last 12 months, what level of support did you receive for each of the following? Please mark one choice in each row. a) Scheduled time for activities that took place during regular working hours b) Non-monetary support for activities outside working hours (reduced teaching, days off, study leave, etc.) c) Costs associated with the activities (participation fees, travel, accommodation, materials, etc.) |
TQ29 |
Note items 37 and 38 have been combined into a single item for the field test.
For the professional development in which you participated during the last 12 months, did you receive any of the following? Please mark one choice in each row. a) Release from teaching duties for activities during regular working hours b) Non-monetary support for activities outside working hours (e.g., reduced teaching time, days off, study leave) c) Costs associated with the activities were paid for or reimbursed to me d) Materials needed for the activities were provided to me e) Monetary supplements for activities outside working hours f) Non-monetary rewards (e.g., classroom resources/materials, book vouchers, trial software/apps) g) Non-monetary professional benefits (e.g., fulfilling professional development requirements, improving my promotion opportunities h) Increased salary |
TQ43 |
How would you characterise your participation in the professional development activities available to you in general? Please mark one choice in each row. a) I am required to take part because of an official requirement b) I choose to take part because I am entitled to it |
TQ34 |
Note: the items have been reworded and the stem has been modified internationally. An additional item has also been added internationally
How would you characterise your participation in the professional development activities available to you? a) I have to participate because of official requirements. b) I choose to participate for career reasons. c) I choose to participate for my own professional improvement. |
TQ44 |
In this school, who provides the following types of feedback information to you? ‘External individuals or bodies’ as used below refer to, for example, inspectors, municipality representatives, or other persons from outside the school. Please mark as many choices as appropriate in each row. a) Feedback following direct observation of my classroom teaching b) Feedback from student surveys about my teaching c) Feedback following an assessment of my content knowledge d) Feedback following an analysis of my students’ external results (e.g,national test scores) e) Analysis of school-based and classroom-based results (e.g. performance results, project results, test scores) f) Feedback following your self-assessment of my work (e.g. presentation of a portfolio assessment, analysis of your teaching using video) g) Feedback following surveys or discussions with parents or guardians |
TQ55 |
Note: this item has been heavily modified to include both stem and item changes. In this school, who uses the following types of information to provide feedback to you?
‘External individuals or bodies’ as used below refer to, for example, inspectors, municipality representatives, or other persons from outside the school. Please mark as many choices as appropriate in each row. a) Observation of my classroom teaching b) Student survey responses related to my teaching c) Assessment of my content knowledge d) My students’ external results (e.g., national test scores) e) School-based and classroom-based results (e.g., performance results, project results, test scores) f) Self-assessment of my work (e.g., presentation of a portfolio assessment, analysis of my teaching using video)
TQ22 |
Reading, writing and literature Includes reading and writing (and literature) in the mother tongue, in the language of instruction, or in the tongue of the country (region) as a second language (for non-natives); language studies, public speaking, literature English as Second Language (ESL) ESL of bilingual education in support of students’ subject matter Mathematics Includes mathematics, mathematics with statistics, geometry, algebra, etc. Science Includes science, physics, physical science, chemistry, biology, human biology, environmental science, agriculture/horticulture/forestry Social studies Includes social studies, community studies, contemporary studies, economics, environmental studies, geography, history, humanities, legal studies, studies of the own country, social sciences, ethical thinking, philosophy Modern foreign languages Includes languages different from the language of instruction Ancient Greek and/or Latin Technology Includes orientation in technology, including information technology, computer studies, construction/surveying, electronics, graphics and design, keyboard skills, word processing, workshop technology/design technology Arts Includes arts, music, visual arts, practical art, drama, performance music, photography, drawing, creative handicraft, creative needlework Physical education Includes physical education, gymnastics, dance, health Religion and/or ethics Includes religion, history of religions, religion culture, ethics Business studies Includes accounting, business management, business principles and ethics, marketing and distribution Practical and vocational skills Includes vocational skills (preparation for a specific occupation), technics, domestic science, accountancy, business studies, career education, clothing and textiles, driving, home economics, polytechnic courses, secretarial studies, tourism and hospitality, handicraft Interdisciplinary subject Includes integration of content and perspective of several traditional school subjects Special education Education of students with special needs Other, please specify |
TQ45 |
note: This item has been adapted to preserve trend. Reading, writing and literature Includes reading and writing (and literature) in English, language arts, public speaking, composition, communications, journalism English as a Second Language (ESL) Includes ESL or bilingual education in support of students’ subject matter learning. Mathematics Includes mathematics, basic and general mathematics, geometry, pre-algebra, algebra, business and applied mathematics, statistics and probability, trigonometry, calculus, and pre-calculus Science Includes general or integrated science, physics, physical science, chemistry, biology or life science, human biology, environmental science, Earth science Social studies/Social science Includes general social studies, anthropology, economics, geography, government or civics, history, humanities, philosophy, psychology, sociology
Modern foreign languages Includes languages other than English (e.g., French, German, Spanish, ASL) Classical Greek and/or Latin Technology Includes orientation in technology, including information technology, computer studies, construction/surveying, electronics, graphics and design, keyboard skills, word processing, workshop technology/design technology Arts Includes arts, music, visual arts, practical art, drama, performance music, photography, drawing, creative handicraft, creative needlework Physical and health education Includes physical education, gymnastics, dance, health Religion and/or ethics Includes religion, history of religions, religion culture, ethics Business studies Includes accounting, business management, business principles and ethics, marketing and distribution Practical and vocational skills Includes vocational skills (preparation for a specific occupation), agriculture and natural resources, domestic science, career education, clothing and textiles, construction trades, cosmetology, culinary arts, driving, health occupations, home economics, mechanics and repair, polytechnic courses, secretarial studies, tourism and hospitality, handicraft Special Education Includes education of students with special needs Other, please specify |
TQ49 |
We would like to ask about your personal beliefs on teaching and learning. Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each of the following statements. Please mark one choice in each row.
a) My role as a teacher is to facilitate students’ own inquiry. b) Effective/good teachers demonstrate the correct way to solve a problem. c) Students learn best by finding solutions to problems on their own. d) Instruction should be built around problems with clear, correct answers, and around ideas that most students can grasp quickly. e) Students should be allowed to think of solutions to practical problems themselves before the teacher shows them how they are solved. f) How much students learn depends on how much background knowledge they have – that is why teaching facts is so necessary. g) Thinking and reasoning processes are more important than specific curriculum content. h) A quiet classroom is generally needed for effective learning. |
TQ36 |
Note: this item has been heavily modified to include both stem and item changes. Item e) has been added. We would like to ask about your beliefs on the following statements. Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each of the following statements. Please mark one choice in each row. a) My role as a teacher is to facilitate students’ own inquiry. b) Effective teachers demonstrate a way to solve a problem. c) Students learn best by finding solutions to problems on their own. d) Instruction should be built around problems with clear, correct answers. e) My role as a teacher is to select an appropriate teaching practice. f) Students should be allowed to think of solutions to practical problems themselves before the teacher shows them how they are solved. g) How much students learn depends on how much background knowledge they have – that is why teaching facts is so necessary. h) Thinking and reasoning processes are more important than specific curriculum content. i) A quiet classroom is generally needed for effective learning. j) Providing students with problems to investigate in small groups is an effective way to teach. |
TQ50 |
Thinking of all of the collaborative activities in this school, how often do you engage in the following, on average? Please mark one choice in each row. a) Teach jointly as a team in the same class b) Provide feedback to other teachers’ about their practice c) Discussions about teaching approaches d) Engage in joint activities across different classes and age groups (e.g. projects) e) Exchange teaching materials with colleagues f) Discussions about the learning development of specific students g) Work with other teachers in my school to ensure common standards in evaluations for assessing student progress h) Attend team conferences i) Take part in collaborative professional learning |
TQ37 |
Note: stem and items have been reworded internationally. Item ‘c)’ from the pilot version has been deleted. On average, how often do you do the following in this school? Please mark one choice in each row. a) Teach jointly as a team in the same class b) Observe other teachers’ classes and provide feedback c) Engage in joint activities across different classes and age groups (e.g., projects) d) Exchange teaching materials with colleagues e) Engage in discussions about the learning development of specific students f) Work with other teachers in my school to ensure common standards in evaluations for assessing student progress g) Attend team conferences h) Take part in collaborative professional learning |
TQ53 |
In your teaching, to what extent can you do the following? Please mark one choice in each row a) Get students to believe they can do well in school work b) Help my students value learning c) Craft good questions for my students d) Control disruptive behaviour in the classroom e) Motivate students who show low interest in school work f) Make my expectations about student behaviour clear g) Help students think critically h) Get students to follow classroom rules i) Calm a student who is disruptive or noisy j) Use a variety of assessment strategies k) Provide an alternative explanation for example when students are confused l) Implement alternative instructional strategies in my classroom m) Help students develop cross-curricular skills (e.g. creativity, critical thinking, and problem solving) n) Use digital technology to support student learning. o) Use digital technology to support collaboration between students . |
TQ38 |
Note: Items ‘k)’ – ‘o)’ have been modified. In your teaching, to what extent can you do the following? Please mark one choice in each row. a) Get students to believe they can do well in school work b) Help my students value learning c) Craft good questions for my students d) Control disruptive behavior in the classroom e) Motivate students who show low interest in schoolwork f) Make my expectations about student behavior clear g) Help students think critically h) Get students to follow classroom rules i) Calm a student who is disruptive or noisy j) Use a variety of assessment strategies k) Provide an alternative explanation (e.g., when students are confused) l) Vary instructional strategies in my classroom m) Help students develop cross-curricular skills (e.g., creativity, critical thinking, problem solving) n) Support student learning through the use of digital technology (e.g., computers, tablets, smart boards) o) Support student collaborative learning through the use of digital technology (e.g., computers, tablets, smart boards) |
TQ54 |
Suppose that you have a very heterogeneous class where students’ competence varies from very weak to very strong. You have just taught a new topic, and you are about to give your students hands-on activities/tasks. What would you do? For each suggestion, mark the option that best applies to your teaching. a) I give different tasks to different students. b) I give tasks that are slightly more difficult than what I taught and ask students to collaborate. c) I give tasks with a different context than the one(s) I used when teaching the topic. d) I give tasks with different solutions and ask them to explain their answers. e) I give the same tasks to all student. |
TQ39 |
Note: the stem and items have been slightly reworded. Item ‘a)’ has been combined with ‘e)’, thus ‘e)’ is removed from the field test version. Suppose that you have a heterogeneous class where students’ competence varies from very weak to very strong. You have just taught a new topic and you are about to give students hands-on activities/tasks. What would you do? For each suggestion, mark the option that best applies to your teaching. a) Give the same tasks to different students b) Give tasks that are slightly more difficult than what I taught and ask students to collaborate c) Give tasks that require students to apply what they have learned to new contexts d) Give tasks with different solutions and ask students to explain their answers |
TQ57 |
Suppose your students are working on tasks. Most students in the class have finished the tasks, but some students are struggling. You soon need to go on teaching a new topic. What would you do? For each suggestion, mark the option that best applies to you. a) I provide extra help for those that need it, even if it requires some time. b) I ask unfinished students to complete the task as homework and go on teaching the new topic. c) I help the struggling students learn from their mistakes. d) I give new and harder tasks to students as they complete the current task. e) The students who struggle are provided extra help by one teacher, and the rest are taught the new topic by another teacher. |
TQ42 |
Note the stem and items have been reworded. Item ‘d)’ is new, and item ‘e)’ from the pilot version has been deleted. Suppose your students are working on tasks and most of them have finished the tasks. Some students are struggling yet you need to move on to teach a new topic. What would you do? For each suggestion, mark the option that best applies to you. a) Provide extra help for students who need it, even if it takes some time b) Ask students who have not finished to complete the task as homework and move on to teach the new topic c) Give new and harder tasks to students as they complete the current task d) Ask students who have finished the task to help the students who are struggling |
TQ64 |
To what extent do you have direct control over the following areas of your planning and teaching in this <target class>?
TQ49 |
Note: The stem has been reworded. The rest of the item remained the same, thus only the stem is shown below. How strongly do you agree or disagree that you have control over the following areas of your planning and teaching in this target class? |
TQ65 |
Thinking about the general climate in the <target class>, how strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Please mark one choice in each row. a) When the lesson begins, I have to wait quite a long time for students to quiet down. b) Students in this class take care to create a pleasant learning atmosphere. c) I lose quite a lot of time because of students interrupting the lesson. d) There is much disruptive noise in this classroom. |
TQ50 |
Note: items ‘e)’ and ‘f)’ are new. Thinking about the general climate in the target class, how strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Please mark one choice in each row. a) When the lesson begins, I have to wait quite a long time for students to quiet down. b) Students in this class take care to create a pleasant learning atmosphere. c) I lose quite a lot of time because of students interrupting the lesson. d) There is much disruptive noise in this classroom. e) Students can work well during class time. f) Students listen to what I say. |
TQ66 |
Thinking about your teaching in the <target class>, how often do you do the following? Please mark one choice in each row. a) I present a summary of recently learned content. b) I set goals at the beginning of instruction. c) I explain what I expect the students to learn. d) I explain how new and old topics are related. e) I ask questions to check if the students have understood what I taught. f) I give different work to the students of different ability levels. g) I give extra help when students need it. h) I continue teaching until the students understand . i) I adapt my teaching to differences in students’ cultural background. j) I help my students to learn from their mistakes. k) I present tasks for which there is no obvious solution. l) I present tasks that require students to apply what they have learned to new contexts. m) I give tasks that require students to think critically. n) I have students work in small groups to come up with a joint solution to a problem or task. o) I ask my students to decide on their own procedures for solving complex tasks. p) I tell students to follow classroom rules. q) I tell students to listen to what I say. r) I calm students who are disruptive. s) When the lesson begins, I tell students to quiet down quickly. t) I clarify consequences if students do not follow the classroom rules. u) I give students projects that require at least one week to complete. v) I let students use ICT (information and communication technology) for projects. |
TQ51 |
Note: many of the items have been reworded and some new items have been added (e.g., g, h, i). Thinking about your teaching in the target class, how often do you do the following? Please mark one choice in each row. a) I present a summary of recently learned content. b) I set goals at the beginning of instruction. c) I explain what I expect the students to learn. d) I explain how new and old topics are related. e) I ask questions to check if the students have understood what I taught. f) I present tasks for which there is no obvious solution. g) I present tasks that require students to apply what they have learned to new contexts. h) I give tasks that require students to think critically. i) I have students work in small groups to come up with a joint solution to a problem or task. j) I ask my students to decide on their own procedures for solving complex tasks. k) I tell students to follow classroom rules. l) I tell students to listen to what I say. m) I calm students who are disruptive. n) When the lesson begins, I tell students to quiet down quickly. o) I clarify consequences if students do not follow the classroom rules. p) I refer to a problem from everyday life or work to demonstrate why new knowledge is useful. q) I let students practice similar tasks until I know that every student has understood the subject matter. r) I check my students’ exercise books or homework. s) I give students projects that require at least one week to complete. t) I let students use ICT (information and communication technology) for projects or class work. |
TQ67 |
How often do you use the following feedback methods in the <target class>? Please mark one choice in each row. a) I give students feedback on their strengths. b) I tell students in which areas they can still improve. ...... c) I tell my students how they can improve their performance. d) I provide written feedback on student work in addition to a <mark, i.e. numeric score or letter grade>. |
TQ52 |
Note: the stem and items have been updated. The response categories have also changed to fit the stem. Thinking about your teaching in the target class, how strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Please mark one choice in each row. a) I give different work to students of different ability levels. b) I give extra help when students need it. c) I continue teaching until the students understand. d) I adapt my teaching to differences in students’ cultural background. e) I help students with their learning. f) I help students to learn from their mistakes. |
TQ68 |
How often do you use the following methods of assessing student learning in the <target class>? Please mark one choice in each row. a) I develop and administer my own assessment. b) I administer a standardised test. c) I have individual students answer questions in front of the class. d) I let students evaluate their own progress. e) I observe students when working on particular tasks and provide immediate feedback. f) I check students’ homework (e.g., assignments, portfolios, project documentation). |
TQ53 |
Note: Items ‘e)’ and ‘f)’ from the pilot version have been deleted. Item ‘d)’ has been adapted to preserve trend How often do you use the following methods of assessing student learning in the target class? Please mark one choice in each row. a) I develop and administer my own assessment. b) I administer a standardized test that has been developed by someone else. c) I have individual students answer questions in front of the class. d) I provide written feedback on student work in addition to a letter grade or numeric score. e) I let students evaluate their own progress. f) I observe students when working on particular tasks and provide immediate feedback. |
TQ69 |
To what extent is your capacity to provide quality instruction in the <target class> currently hindered by any of the following issues? Please mark one choice in each row. |
TQ54 |
Note: items ‘g)’ and ‘h)’ have been added for the field test internationally. The rest of the item is exactly the same, thus only the stem and added items are shown below. To what extent is your capacity to provide quality instruction in the target class currently hindered by any of the following issues?
Please mark one choice in each row. g) Shortage or inadequacy of classroom furniture for students (e.g., desks, chairs, materials storage) i) Shortage or inadequacy of necessary materials to train vocational skills |
TQ70 |
Thinking about the general climate in this school, how strongly do you agree or disagree with these statements as applied to this school? Please mark one choice in each row.
i) All teachers are involved in decision making. |
TQ58 |
Note: The stem has been reworded and item ‘i)’ has been deleted. How strongly do you agree or disagree with these statements as applied to this school?
Please mark one choice in each row. |
TQ72 |
Thinking about the general climate in this school, how strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements about what happens in this school? Please mark one choice in each row. a) In this school, teachers and students usually get on well with each other. b) Most teachers believe that the students’ well-being is important. c) Most teachers are interested in what students have to say. d) If a student from this school needs extra assistance, the school provides it. e) Teachers can rely on the principal for professional support. f) The principal has confidence in the expertise of the teachers. g) Even in difficult situations, teachers in this school can depend upon each other. h) Teachers can trust each other in this school. i) The students have to be closely supervised for misbehaviour reasons. j) Students can be counted on to do their work. k) Teachers can count on parental support. l) It is difficult to overcome cultural barriers between parents and teachers. |
TQ59 |
Note: the items have been reworded. Item ‘k)’ has been deleted.
Thinking about the general climate in this school, how strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements about what happens in this school? Please mark one choice in each row. a) Teachers and students usually get along well with each other. b) Most teachers believe that the students’ well-being is important. c) Most teachers are interested in what students have to say. d) If a student needs extra assistance, the school provides it. e) Teachers can rely on the school's management for professional support. f) The principal has confidence in the expertise of the teachers. g) Even in difficult situations, teachers can depend upon each other. h) Teachers can rely on each other. i) Students have to be closely supervised for misbehavior. j) Students can be counted on to do their work. k) It is difficult to overcome cultural barriers between parents/guardians and teachers. |
TQ75 |
Thinking of your career, when do you expect the following to occur? Please mark one choice in each row.
a) I would work at a different school. b) I would leave the teaching profession for another career. c) I would retire from work.
For how many years do you want to continue to be a teacher? Please write a number. Years
What will you do when you leave the principal role? Please mark one choice. 1 Become a principal 2 Work as a teacher educator 3 Work an education job not in a school 4 Work in a different job not in the education sector 5 Attend to family 6 Volunteer for unpaid community work (e.g., projects, activities, programs) 7 Retire from work 8 Other, please specify |
TQ61 & 62 |
Note: the alternative questions proposed in the pilot version have been made into two separate items – 61 and 62. 61. For how many years do you want to continue to be a teacher? Please write a number. Years 62. What is the most likely reason for you to leave teaching? Please mark one choice. 1 Become a school leader/manager 2 Work as a teacher educator 3 Work in an education job not in a school 4 Work in a different job not in the education sector 5 Attend to family responsibilities 6 Volunteer for unpaid community work (e.g., projects, activities, programs) 7 Retire from work 8 Return as a student to an education program 9 Other, please specify
TQ77 |
Thinking about your job at this school, to what extent are the following sources of stress in your work? Please mark one choice in each row. a) Having too much class preparation work to do (e.g. lesson preparation and marking) b) Having too much administrative work to do (e.g. filling out forms) c) Having extra duties due to absent teachers d) Being responsible for students’ achievement e) Maintaining classroom discipline f) Dealing with students’ impolite behaviour g) Keeping up with requirements from <local, municipality/regional, state, or national/federal> authority h) Addressing parent concerns i) Modifying lessons for students with special learning needs j) Adapting lessons for multicultural classrooms of students k) Other, please specify |
TQ64 |
Note: the items have been reworded, and some new items have been added (c, i, j). Thinking about your job at this school, to what extent are the following sources of stress in your work? Please mark one choice in each row. a) Having too much lesson preparation b) Having too many lessons to teach c) Having too much grading d) Having too much administrative work to do (e.g., filling out forms) e) Having extra duties due to absent teachers f) Being held responsible for students’ achievement g) Maintaining classroom discipline h) Dealing with students’ misbehavior outside of the classroom i) Having poor relationships with staff j) Being intimidated or verbally abused by students k) Keeping up with changing requirements from local, district, state or national authorities l) Addressing parent or guardian concerns m) Modifying lessons for students with special learning needs n) Adapting lessons for multicultural classrooms of students o) Other, please specify |
TQ79 |
Thinking about your job at this school, how strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Please mark one choice in each row. g) I would choose to continue working at this school. |
TQ66 |
Note: Item ‘g)’ from the pilot version has been deleted. Thinking about your job at this school, how strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Please mark one choice in each row. |
TQ80 |
How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Please mark one choice in each row. a) My students value me as a teacher b) Parents values me as a teacher c) Teachers views are valued by policymakers in this country/region. d) Teachers can influence educational policy in this country/region. |
TQ67 |
Note: Items ‘c)’ and ‘d)’ have been added while item ‘b)’ has been slightly reworded. How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Please mark one choice in each row. a) My students value me as a teacher. b) Parents or guardians value me as a teacher. c) My local community values me as a teacher. d) My principal values me as a teacher. e) Teachers' views are valued by policymakers in this country/region. f) Teachers can influence educational policy in this country/region |
TQ88 |
How do you judge your own competence to teach in a class with a high degree of cultural diversity? Please mark one choice in each row. a) I am able to cope with the challenges of a multicultural classroom. b) I am able to adapt my teaching to the cultural diversity of students. c) I am able to adequately respond to students with different abilities and cultural preconditions. d) I am able to improve the relationship between students with and without migration background. e) I am able to take care that students with and without migrant background work together. f) I am able to raise awareness for cultural differences amongst the students. g) I am able to contribute to greater mutual understanding between students from different cultural groups. h) I am able to deal with problems which result from cultural difference. i) I am able to contribute to reducing ethnic stereotypes between the students. |
TQ70 |
In teaching a culturally diverse class, to what extent can you do the following? Please mark one choice in each row. a) Cope with the challenges of a multicultural classroom. b) Adapt my teaching to the cultural diversity of students. c) Respond to the needs of students with different cultural backgrounds. d) Improve the relationship between students with and without migration background. e) Ensure that students with and without migration background work together. f) Raise awareness for cultural differences among students. g) Contribute to greater mutual understanding between students from different cultural groups. h) Deal with problems which result from cultural differences. i) Reduce ethnic stereotyping among students.
New items
2018 U.S. Field Test |
TQ56 |
TQ71 |
Does this school include students of more than one cultural or ethnic background? Please mark one choice. 1 Yes 2 No --> Please go to Question NN |
TQ72 |
TQ73 |
Deleted items
2018 Int’l Pilot Version |
TQ6 |
In <secondary school>, how well did you do in comparison to your whole year level? Please mark one choice. 1 Generally near the top of my year level. 2 Generally above average for my year level. 3 Generally about average for my year level. 4 Generally below average for my year level. |
TQ13 |
How did you receive your teaching qualifications? Please mark one choice. 1 A <regular concurrent teacher education or training programme> 2 A <regular consecutive teacher education or training programme> 3 An <alternative pathway> 4 Education or training in another pedagogical profession 5 Subject-specific <education or training> only 6 I have no qualification related to the subject I am teaching or to any type of pedagogical education. Please go to Question [15]. 7 Other, please specify
TQ14 |
When did you complete the formal <education or training> that qualified you to teach? Please write in a number. An approximate year is sufficient.
TQ26 |
Have you ever been abroad for professional purposes in your career as a teacher or during your teacher education/training? Please mark as many choices as appropriate. 1 No Please go to Question [27]. 1 Yes, as a student as part of my teacher education 1 Yes, as a teacher in an EU programme (e.g. Comenius) 1 Yes, as a teacher in a regional or national programme 1 Yes, as a teacher as arranged by my school or school district 1 Yes, as a teacher by my own initiative 1 Other, please specify |
TQ27 |
What were the purposes of your visits abroad? Please mark as many choices as appropriate. 1 Studying, as part of my teacher education 1 Language learning 1 Learning of other subject areas 1 Accompanying visiting students 1 Establishing contact with schools abroad 1 Teaching 1 Other, please specify |
TQ28 |
How long did you stay abroad? Please mark one choice. 1 For less than three months 2 For three to twelve months 3 For more than a year |
TQ29 |
Thinking about your teaching, to what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Please mark one choice in each row. Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree a) I enjoy trying out new teaching ideas. 1 2 3 4 b) I consider myself to be creative in my teaching. 1 2 3 4 c) I seek out new ways of teaching. 1 2 3 4 d) I am an inventive teacher. 1 2 3 4 e) I am receptive to new teaching ideas. 1 2 3 4 |
TQ19 |
How long did your classroom practicum, internship or student teaching last? Please mark one choice. 1 4 weeks or less 2 5-7 weeks 2 8-11 weeks 2 12 weeks or more |
TQ32 |
In your first regular employment as a teacher, how often did/do you take part in the induction program or informal induction activities? Please mark one choice. 1 A few occasions 2 Multiple occasions across several months of my first year of teching 3 Consistently thoughout my first year of teaching |
TQ45 |
When you receive feedback at this school, what is the emphasis placed on the following areas? Please mark one choice in each row. a) Student performance/results b) Knowledge and understanding of my subject field(s) c) Pedagogical competencies in teaching my subject field(s) d) Student assessment practices e) Student behaviour and classroom management f) Teaching of students with special needs g) Teaching in a multicultural or multilingual setting h) The feedback I provide to other teachers to improve their teaching i) Feedback from parents or guardians j) Feedback from students k) Collaboration or working with other teachers l) Ensuring I receive an appropriate amount of feedback. m) Linking feedback to my professional development needs. n) Other, please specify |
TQ48 |
We would like to ask you about teacher appraisal and feeback in this school more generally. How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements about this school? Here, ‘appraisal’ is defined as a review of teachers’ work. This appraisal can be conducted in a range of ways from a more formal approach (e.g. as part of a formal performance management system, involving set procedures and criteria) to a more informal approach (e.g. through informal discussions). When a statement does not apply in your context, please skip the item. Please mark one choice in each row. a) The best performing teachers in this school receive the greatest recognition (e.g. rewards, additional training or responsibilities). b) Teacher appraisal and feedback have little impact on the way teachers teach in the classroom. c) Teacher appraisal and feedback are largely done to fulfill administrative requirements. d) A development or training plan is established for teachers to improve their work as a teacher. e) Feedback is provided to teachers based on a thorough assessment of their teaching. f) If a teacher is consistently under-performing, he/she would be dismissed. g) Measures to remedy any weaknesses in teaching are discussed with the teacher. h) A mentor is appointed to help the teacher improve his/her teaching. i) High-performing teachers are promoted to positions of greater influence and authority. j) Struggling teachers are provided with additional support to improve their performance. |
TQ71 |
In this school, do teachers have a significant responsibility for the following tasks? A ‘significant responsibility’ is one where an active role is played in decision making. Please mark as one choice in each row. a) Appointing or hiring teachers b) Dismissing or suspending teachers from employment c) Establishing teachers’ starting salaries, including setting payscales d) Determining teachers’ salary increases e) Deciding on budget allocations within the school f) Establishing student disciplinary policies and procedures g) Establishing student assessment policies, including <national/regional> assessments h) Approving students for admission to the school i) Choosing which learning materials are used j) Determining course content, including <national/regional> curricula k) Deciding which courses are offered l) Other, please specify |
TQ74 |
How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements about your career goals and prospects? Please mark one choice in each row. a) In this school there are good opportunities for career progression. b) In future, I would like to take on a leadership/management role (e.g. principals, <vice/deputy principals>. c) I know what I need to do if I want to progress into a leadership/management role. d) I would prefer staying in the classroom to taking on leadership/management roles. e) I would prefer a leadership/management role that would allow me to stay in the classroom at least part of the time. f) I would prefer a leadership/management role that is focused on providing professional support without administrative duties. |
TQ82 |
In this school, how often do the following occur among students in your school? Please mark one choice in each row. a) Vandalism and theft b) Intimidation or bullying among students (or other forms of verbal abuse) c) Physical injury caused by violence among students d) Intimidation or verbal abuse to teachers or staff e) Use/possession of drugs and/or alcohol f) A student or parent reported to you about postings of hurtful information on the internet about students g) A student or parent reported to you about sharing of other students’ private information on the internet h) A student or parent reported to you about unwanted electronic contact among students (via texts, e-mails, gaming) |
TQ84 |
Many schools have students from different cultures. The statements below are about your views on this diversity. Note that the statements ask for your attitudes and do not require that you currently teach in multicultural classrooms.To what extent do you agree with the following statements? Please mark one choice in each row. a) It is beneficial for the academic success of students from diverse cultures when schools regard their cultural differences. b) It is crucial for the academic success of multilingual students that schools offer courses in their heritage language. c) It is best for school cohesion when the school encourages the expression of cultural differences amongst their students. d) In order to achieve the school’s goals it is necessary that the school continually adapts its structures and practices to the needs of students from different cultures. e) It is best for school cohesion when the school encourages linguistic diversity in school. f) It is important that students from different cultures get the same attention during class. g) It is important that students of different cultures work together and help each other. h) When activities are planned it is important to ensure that students from all cultures can participate. i) It is important that school rules are applied uniformly regardless of the cultural background of students. j) It is important that schools have procedures for dealing with cultural discrimination. |
TQ85 |
Do the following practices for multicultural learning apply in this school? Please mark one choice in each row. a) In my school, students learn about the histories of diverse ethnic and cultural groups that live in <country of survey>. b) In my school, students learn about the cultures (e.g. beliefs, norms, values, customs, or arts) of diverse ethnic and cultural groups that live in <country of survey>. c) In my school, students learn about different ethnic and cultural perspectives on historical and social events. d) My school supports activities or organisations that encourage student’s expression of diverse ethnic and cultural identities (e.g. artistic groups). e) My school organises multicultural events (e.g. multicultural diversity day). f) In my school, we celebrate festivities from other cultures. g) In my school we teach students how to work with students from other ethnic and cultural backgrounds. h) In my school we teach students how to deal with ethnic and cultural discrimination. i) In my school there are policies to ensure that students from all ethnic and cultural backgrounds receive a fair treatment. j) In my school we teach students how to deal with gender differences. k) In my school we have policies to avoid student discrimination based on gender. l) In my school we teach students how to deal with socioeconomic differences among students (children from rich and poor students). m) In my school we have policies how to avoid discrimination based on socioeconomic differences (children from rich and poor students). |
TQ86 |
How many teachers in your school would agree with the following statements? Please mark one choice in each row. a) In the classroom, it is important to be responsive to differences between cultures. b) It is important for children to learn that people from other cultures can have different values. c) Respecting other cultures is something that children should learn as early as possible. d) Intercultural communication should be emphasised in teacher training. e) Schools should aim to foster and support the similarities between students from different cultural backgrounds. f) In the classroom, it is important that students of different origins recognise the similarities that exist between them. g) When there are conflicts between students of different origins, they should be encouraged to resolve the argument by finding common ground. h) Children should learn that people of different cultural origins often have a lot in common. i) In the classroom, it is important to recognise that male and female student are different from each other. j) Students learn how to avoid gender discrimination. k) Schools should stimulate that students from poor and rich backgrounds work together. l) In the classroom, it is important to treat students from poor and rich background in the same manner. |
New national items
UST01 (ques. 3) |
Are you of Hispanic or Latino origin? (Please select only one response.)
![]() ![]() 1 Yes
![]() No
UST02 (ques. 4) |
UST03 (ques. 23) |
In the past 12 months, professional development was available to teachers at THIS school: (Please mark one or more responses.)
1 or work days) when students are NOT in school
1 During regular school days when students are in school
1 During summer and other extended school breaks |
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | ERSMCGILL |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-22 |