2012 Commercial Buildings Energy
Consumption Survey (CBECS)
Building Questionnaire – Form EIA-871A
The 2012 Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey (CBECS) will be conducted using a computer-assisted interview programmed using a software called Blaise. A professional interviewer will administer the questionnaire to the building respondent using a laptop computer. The purpose of this paper representation of the questionnaire is to document the question text, fills, and skip patterns within the 2012 CBECS questionnaire.
PLEASE NOTE: All the question fills and skip patterns were handled automatically by the software and will be transparent to the interviewer, so this document appears much more complex that the actual CBECS instrument.
Each question is formatted as follows:
A1 |
Question name SASVAR |
Question text
The black box (A1 here) contains a question number, followed by the Question name and the SAS variable (if applicable) in the same row. If the SAS variable area says “see below,” the variables are found within the Question text box.
The ASK line describes what needs to be true for a question to be asked for a particular building.
There is one variable that is preloaded into each case and used for routing in some questions:
Freestanding – a building that is not attached on any sides
The FILL line describes any question fills and the conditions under which each appears. If the fill appears as something such as “A6 [Square footage]” this means that the figure given in question A1 will be filled in.
The Question text box shows the question text, and any other elements for each question, such as Show Card indicators or instructions, and the answer choices for each question.
The RANGE line is only applicable to numeric questions. It shows the range of answers that will be accepted by Blaise.
The NEXT line details the routing for the next question. Follow these instructions in order. Once a true statement is reached, go to the question indicated by the arrow ().
R1 |
Consent |
All Buildings |
Some parts of this interview will be recorded for quality control purposes. I'd like to continue now unless you have any questions.
For FAQs, press [F1] - Help
1 Gives consent to record interview 2 Does not give consent to record interview
IF First time case started OR Restart but not done with Section E R2 [Worksheet 1] OTHERWISE R4 [Respondent function] |
R2 |
Worksheet 1 R1WS1 – RXWS1 |
All cases not yet done with Section E |
Do you have Worksheet 1 with you and completed?
1 Yes 2 No
IF First time case started R3 [Respondent function] IF Restart R4 [Respondent function] |
R3 |
Respondent function R1JOB |
All cases on first start |
Take out the Show Card booklet or make sure the respondent has access to them. It is very important to use these cards, as some of them contain more information than can be found on your CAPI screens
Before we get started, we need to make sure that we have Show Cards available for some of the questions. Please turn to Show Card 1.
Looking at this list, please tell me which of these best describes your job function.
1 Operations, maintenance, or engineering 2 Property management 3 Store management 4 Mall management 5 Administration or company management 6 Energy or environmental management 7 Building owner 8 Business owner 9 Accounting, finances, or payroll 10 Executive official 11 School official 12 Religious official 13 Support staff 14 Other
IF Other R5 [Other job function] Anything but Other A1 [Building name] |
R4 |
Respondent function R2JOB – RXJOB |
All restarted cases |
ASK if interview is with a new respondent
If interview is with same respondent as previous interview, ENTER "0"
Before we get started, we need to make sure that we have Show Cards available for some of the questions. Please turn to Show Card 1.
Looking at this list, please tell me which of these best describes your job function.
0 Same respondent as previous interview 1 Operations, maintenance, or engineering 2 Property management 3 Store management 4 Mall management 5 Administration or company management 6 Energy or environmental management 7 Building owner 8 Business owner 9 Accounting, finances, or payroll 10 Executive official 11 School official 12 Religious official 13 Support staff 14 Other
IF Other R5 [Other job function] Anything but Other A1 [Building name] |
R5 |
Other job function R1JOBX – RXJOBX |
IF R3 [Respondent function] = Other OR R4 [Respondent function] = Other |
What is your job function?
R6 [Building boundaries] |
R6 |
Building boundaries |
All Buildings |
The building that we’re going to be talking about today is…
EXP: [Describe the boundaries of the building as described in the header. The amount of detail necessary will vary by the situation.]
ENTER “1” to continue
A1 [Building name] |
A1 |
Building name BLDGNAM |
All Buildings |
By what name is this building most commonly referred?
EXP: [This may be the name of the building or the name of the largest business or organization within the building.]
A2 [Street address] |
A2 |
Street address ADDRESS |
All Buildings |
Please tell me the address of the building, beginning with the street address.
A3 [City] |
A3 |
City CITY |
All Buildings |
What is the city?
A4 [State] |
A4 |
State STATE |
All Buildings |
What is the state?
ENTER the two letter abbreviation
A5 [ZIP code] |
A5 |
ZIP code ZIP |
All Buildings |
And what is the ZIP code?
A6 [Square footage] |
A6 |
Square footage SQFT |
All Buildings |
{Worksheet1Intro} IF R has Worksheet 1 = “Please refer to Worksheet 1 for some of these next questions on general characteristics.” OTHERWISE = BLANK |
What is the gross or total square footage of all the space in this building both finished and unfinished, including basements, hallways, lobbies, stairways, elevator shafts, and indoor parking levels?
DEF: [Total square footage = Length of building multiplied by width of building multiplied by the number of floors.]
VERIFY number digit by digit
1 to 999,999,999 |
IF DK/RF A12 [Square footage category] IF 1,000 square feet or less A13 [End of interview] OTHERWISE A7 [Square footage includes parking] |
A7 |
Square footage includes parking SQFTPRK |
IF A6 [Square footage] ≠ DK/RF |
Does this square footage include any parking areas?
1 Yes 2 No
IF Yes A8 [Parking enclosed or open] IF No/DK/RF A11 [Square footage includes common] |
A8 |
Parking enclosed or open PRKENCL |
IF A7 [Square footage includes parking] = Yes |
Are these parking areas completely enclosed, such as underground parking levels, or are they open to the outside, with open spaces in the walls?
1 Completely enclosed 2 Open to the outside
IF Completely enclosed OR DK/RF A9 [Parking separate or part of building] IF Open to the outside A10 [Sq ft of open or separate parking] |
A9 |
Parking separate or part of building PRKSEP |
IF A8 [Parking enclosed or open] = Completely enclosed OR DK/RF |
Are these parking areas in a completely separate structure, connected to the building only by a walkway or tunnel, or are they a part of the building itself?
1 Completely separate 2 Connected by walkway or tunnel 3 Part of the building
IF Completely separate, Connected by walkway or tunnel OR DK/RF A10 [Sq ft of open or separate parking] IF Part of the building A11 [Square footage includes common] |
A10 |
Sq ft of open or separate parking PRKSQFT |
IF A8 [Parking enclosed or open] = Open to the outside OR A9 [Parking separate or part of building] = Completely separate, Connected by walkway or tunnel OR DK/RF |
What is the square footage of these parking areas (that you included in the total square footage of the building)?
PROBE for estimate if DK
1 to 999,999,999 |
A11 [Square footage includes common] |
A11 |
Square footage includes common SQFTCOM |
IF A6 [Square footage] ≠ DK/RF |
{SqFt} = “A6 [Square footage]” |
Does the building’s {SqFt} square feet include all the common and unoccupied areas such as hallways, lobbies, stairways, and mechanical rooms?
1 Yes 2 No
A14 [Wall construction material] |
A12 |
Square footage category SQFTC |
IF A6 [Square footage] = DK/RF |
I understand that it may be difficult to give an exact figure for square footage. However, the size of your building is very important in helping understand its use of energy.
Please look at Show Card A1 and tell me which category best describes the total gross square footage in this building. There are examples provided to help you estimate.
If respondent gives the category code, VERIFY the response by reading the full answer
1 1,000 square feet or less 2 1,001 to 5,000 square feet 3 5,001 to 10,000 square feet 4 10,001 to 25,000 square feet 5 25,001 to 50,000 square feet 6 50,001 to 100,000 square feet 7 100,001 to 200,000 square feet 8 200,001 to 500,000 square feet 9 500,001 to 1 million square feet 10 Over 1 million square feet
IF 1,000 square feet or less A13 [End of interview] IF Over 1,000 square feet OR DK/RF A14 [Wall construction material] |
A13 |
End of interview |
IF A6 [Square footage] ≤ 1000 |
{CollectWorksheet} IF R has Worksheet 1 = “However, I would like to collect Worksheet 1 and any other worksheets that you may have completed.” |
Thank you, that’s all the questions that I have at this time, since we are only interviewing buildings that are larger than one thousand square feet. {CollectWorksheet}
Thank you for your time and help.
A14 |
Wall construction material WLCNS |
All Buildings |
Please look at Show Card A2 for a list of different types of construction materials. Which of these best describes the major type of exterior wall construction material used on this building?
1 Brick, stone, or stucco 2 Pre-cast concrete panels 3 Concrete block or poured concrete (above grade) 4 Aluminum, asbestos, plastic, or wood siding, shingles, tiles, or shakes 5 Sheet metal panels 6 Window or vision glass (glass that can be seen through) 7 Decorative or construction glass 8 IF VOLUNTEERED: No one major type 9 IF VOLUNTEERED: Other
A15 [Roof construction material] |
A15 |
Roof construction material RFCNS |
All Buildings |
Please look at Show Card A3 for a list of different types of roofing materials. Which of these best describes the building's predominant exterior roof surface?
1 Built-up (tar, felts, or fiberglass and a ballast, such as stone) 2 Slate or tile shingles 3 Wood shingles, shakes, or other wooden materials 4 Asphalt, fiberglass, or other shingles 5 Metal surfacing 6 Plastic, rubber, or synthetic sheeting (single or multiple ply) 7 Concrete 8 IF VOLUNTEERED: No one major type 9 IF VOLUNTEERED: Other
A16 [Cool roof materials] |
A16 |
Cool roof materials RFCOOL |
All Buildings |
Is the roof of this building designed to reduce solar heat gain, also known as a "cool roof"?
EXP: [Roofs with a highly reflective surface, a ballasted roof system, a vegetated roof system, or any combination of these technologies should be considered a “cool roof”.]
1 Yes 2 No
A17 [Roof tilt] |
A17 |
Roof tilt RFTILT |
All Buildings |
Looking at Show Card A4, please tell me which best describes the tilt or pitch of the roof of this building.
1 Flat 2 Shallow pitch 3 Steeper pitch
IF Freestanding A18 [Building shape] OTHERWISE A22 [Number of floors] |
A18 |
Building shape BLDSHP |
IF Freestanding |
Looking at Show Card A5, which of these shapes most resembles the floorplan of this building at ground level? This is sometimes called the "footprint" of the building.
1 Square 2 Wide rectangle 3 Narrow rectangle 4 Rectangle or square with an interior courtyard 5 "H" shaped 6 "U" shaped 7 "E" shaped 8 "T" shaped 9 "L" shaped 10 "+" or cross shaped 11 Other shape
A19 [Percent exterior glass] |
A19 |
Percent exterior glass GLSSPC |
IF Freestanding |
Which of the ranges on Show Card A6 best describes the percent of the exterior wall surface of this building that is covered with window glass or glass doors?
1 1 percent or less 2 2 to 10 percent 3 11 to 25 percent 4 26 to 50 percent 5 51 to 75 percent 6 76 to 100 percent
A20 [Equal glass on all sides] |
A20 |
Equal glass on all sides EQGLSS |
IF Freestanding |
Is the amount of glass about the same for all sides of the building?
1 Yes 2 No
IF Yes A22 [Number of floors] IF No OR DK/RF A21 [Glass sides most sunlight] |
A21 |
Glass sides most sunlight SUNGLS |
IF Freestanding & A20 [Equal glass on all sides] = No OR DK/RF |
Do the sides receiving direct sunlight have more or less glass area than the sides that do not receive direct sunlight?
1 More glass area 2 Less glass area 3 IF VOLUNTEERED: About the same amount
A22 [Number of floors] |
A22 |
Number of floors NFLOOR |
All Buildings |
How many floors are in the tallest section of the building, including basements, parking levels, or any other floors below ground level, but excluding half-floors, mezzanines, balconies, and lofts?
PROBE for estimate if DK
1 to 999 |
IF Only one floor OR DK/RF A24 [Floor-to-ceiling height] IF More than one floor A23 [Number of underground floors] |
A23 |
Number of underground floors BASEMNT |
IF A22 [Number of floors] > 1 |
How many of these floors are below ground (or partially below ground)?
PROBE for estimate if DK
0 to 999 |
A24 [Floor-to-ceiling height] |
A24 |
Floor-to-ceiling height FLCEILHT |
All Buildings |
{Floors} IF A22 [Number of floors] = 1 = “in this building” ELSE IF A22 [Number of floors] = DK/RF = “of the floors in this building” OTHERWISE = “of these floors” |
What is the typical floor-to-ceiling height {Floors}?
DEF: [Floor-to-ceiling height is the distance, in feet, from the floor to the ceiling surface.]
EXP: [If it varies by floor, ask for the height of the majority of floors.]
5 to 500 |
A25 [Attic] |
A25 |
Attic ATTIC |
All Buildings |
Does the building have an attic?
1 Yes 2 No
IF A22 [Number of floors] = 1 A30 [Year of construction] IF A22 [Number of floors] > 1 OR DK/RF A26 [Elevators] |
A26 |
Elevators ELEVTR |
IF A22 [Number of floors] >1 OR DK/RF |
Are there any elevators in this building?
1 Yes 2 No
IF Yes A27 [Number of elevators] IF No OR DK/RF A28 [Escalators] |
A27 |
Number of elevators NELVTR |
IF A26 [Elevators] = Yes |
How many elevators are there?
PROBE for estimate if DK
1 to 999 |
A28 [Escalators] |
A28 |
Escalators ESCLTR |
IF A22 [Number of floors] >1 OR DK/RF |
Are there any escalators in this building?
EXP: [“Moving sidewalks” should be included as escalators.]
1 Yes 2 No
IF Yes A29 [Number of escalators] IF No OR DK/RF A30 [Year of construction] |
A30 |
Year of construction YRCON |
All Buildings |
What year was this building constructed? If there have been major additions, give the year the largest portion of the building was completed.
1600 to 2013 |
IF DK/RF A31 [Year of construction category] IF 2012 A33 [Month ready for occupancy] IF 2013 A32 [End of interview] IF 2007 or earlier A34 [Renovations] IF 2008 or later B1 [One activity in building] |
A31 |
Year of construction category YRCONC |
IF A30 [Year of construction] = DK/RF |
Please look at Show Card A7 and tell me which range best describes when this building was constructed.
1 Before 1920 2 1920 to 1945 3 1946 to 1959 4 1960 to 1969 5 1970 to 1979 6 1980 to 1989 7 1990 to 1999 8 2000 to 2003 9 2004 to 2007 10 2008 to 2012 12 IF VOLUNTEERED: 2013
IF 2013 A32 [End of interview] IF Any category (OR DK/RF) except 2008 to 2012 A34 [Renovations] IF 2008 to 2012 B1 [One activity in building] |
A32 |
End of interview |
IF A30 [Year of construction] OR A31 [Year of construction category] = 2013 |
{CollectWorksheet} IF R has Worksheet 1 = “However, I would like to collect Worksheet 1 and any other worksheets that you may have completed.” |
Thank you, that’s all the questions that I have at this time, since we are only interviewing structures that were ready for occupancy before January 1, 2013. {CollectWorksheet}
Thank you for your time and help.
A33 |
Month ready for occupancy MONCON |
IF A30 [Year of construction] = 2012 |
In what month of 2012 was this building first ready for occupancy?
1 January 2 February 3 March 4 April 5 May 6 June 7 July 8 August 9 September 10 October 11 November 12 December
B1 [One activity in building] |
A34 |
Renovations RENOV |
IF A30 [Year of construction] = 2007 or earlier OR A31 [Year of construction category] = Any category (OR DK/RF) except 2008 to 2012 |
{Since1990orConstructed} IF A30 [Year of construction] = 1990 or later OR A31 [Year of construction category] = 1990 to 1999, 2000 to 2003, OR 2004 to 2007 = “since it was constructed” OTHERWISE = “since 1990” |
Has any portion of this building undergone renovations {Since1990orConstructed}?
1 Yes 2 No
IF Yes A35 [What renovations] IF No OR DK/RF B1 [One activity in building] |
A35 |
What renovations see below |
IF A34 [Renovations] = Yes |
{Since1990orConstructed} IF A30 [Year of construction] = 1990 or later OR A31 [Year of construction category] = 1990 to 1999, 2000 to 2003, OR 2004 to 2007 = “since it was constructed” OTHERWISE = “since 1990” |
Please look at Show Card A8 and tell me which types of renovations have been done {Since1990orConstructed}.
PROBE for any others
ENTER all that apply
1 Addition or annex RENADD 2 Reduction of enclosed floorspace RENRDC 3 Interior or exterior cosmetic improvements RENCOS 4 Interior wall re-configuration RENINT 5 Roof replacement RENRFF 6 Exterior wall replacement RENWLL 7 Window replacement RENWIN 8 HVAC equipment upgrade RENHVC 9 Lighting upgrade RENLGT 10 Plumbing system upgrade RENPLB 11 Electrical upgrade RENELC 12 Insulation upgrade RENINS 13 Fire, safety, or security upgrade RENSAF 14 Structural upgrade RENSTR 15 Other RENOTH
IF Other A36 [Other renovation] OTHERWISE B1 [One activity in building] |
A36 |
Other renovation |
IF A35 [What renovations] = Other |
Please describe the other type of renovation.
RECORD in open box
B1 [One activity in building] |
B1 |
One activity in building ONEACT |
All Buildings |
Looking at the list of activities on Show Card B1, does one single activity account for 75 percent or more of the floorspace in the building?
1 Yes 2 No
IF Yes B2 [Primary activity] IF No OR DK/RF B3 [Activities in building] |
B2 |
Primary activity ACT |
IF B1 [One activity in building] = Yes |
Which one of the activities listed on Show Card B1 accounts for 75 percent or more of the floorspace in the building?
11 Office/Professional 12 Data center/Computer "server farm" 13 Warehouse/Storage 14 Food sales or service 15 Enclosed mall 16 Retail (other than mall) 17 Education 18 Religious worship 19 Public assembly 20 Health care 21 Service 22 Lodging 23 Public order and safety 24 Residential 25 Industrial 26 Agricultural 27 Vacant 28 Other
IF Office/Professional B5 [Office type] IF Data center/Computer "server farm" B6 [Verify data center] IF Warehouse/Storage B9 [Warehouse type] IF Food sales or service B10 [Food sales or service type] IF Enclosed mall B41 [Food court] IF Retail B11 [Retail type] IF Education B13 [Education type] IF Religious worship B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Religious worship] IF Public assembly B14 [Assembly type] IF Health care B15 [Health care type] IF Service B16 [Service type] IF Lodging B18 [Lodging type] IF Public order and safety B19 [Public order type] IF Residential B20 [Residential type] IF Industrial B8 [Used as warehouse] IF Agricultural B22 [Space for retail sales] IF Vacant B23 [Vacant for noncommercial] IF Other B25 [Other type] IF DK/RF B42 [On a multibuilding complex] |
B3 |
Activities in building ACT1, ACT2, ACT3 |
IF B1 [One activity in building] = No OR DK/RF |
Which activities listed on Show Card B1 occupy the most space in this building? Choose up to three.
PROBE for any others (up to three)
11 Office/Professional 12 Data center/Computer "server farm" 13 Warehouse/Storage 14 Food sales or service 15 Enclosed mall 16 Retail (other than mall) 17 Education 18 Religious worship 19 Public assembly 20 Health care 21 Service 22 Lodging 23 Public order and safety 24 Residential 25 Industrial 26 Agricultural 27 Vacant 28 Other
IF Activities given B4 [Percents for activities] IF DK/RF B42 [On a multibuilding complex] |
B4 |
Percents for activities ACT1PCT, ACT2PCT, ACT3PCT |
For each activity given in B3 [Activities in building] |
{ActivityLabel} IF Office/Professional = “office space” IF Data center/Computer "server farm" = “used as a data center” IF Warehouse/Storage = “warehouse space” IF Food sales or service = “used for food sales or service” IF Enclosed mall = “enclosed mall” IF Retail = “used for retail” IF Education = “used for education” IF Religious worship = “used for religious worship” IF Public assembly = “used for public assembly” IF Health care = “used for health care” IF Service = “used for service” IF Lodging = “used for lodging” IF Public order and safety = “used for public order and safety” IF Residential = “residential” IF Industrial = “industrial or manufacturing” IF Agricultural = “agricultural” IF Vacant = “vacant” IF Other = “used for another activity” |
About what percent of the total space is {ActivityLabel}?
1 to 100 |
IF There is an activity with a maximum percent, assign that as the primary activity IF There are equal maximum percents (e.g. 50% an 50%), or if they are all DK/RF, assign the primary activity as the most energy-intensive one (based on 2003 CBECS data)
THEN, follow here based on the assigned primary activity:
IF Office/Professional B5 [Office type] IF Data center/Computer "server farm" B6 [Verify data center] IF Warehouse/Storage B9 [Warehouse type] IF Food sales or service B10 [Food sales or service type] IF Enclosed mall B41 [Food court] IF Retail B11 [Retail type] IF Education B13 [Education type] IF Religious worship B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Religious worship] IF Public assembly B14 [Assembly type] IF Health care B15 [Health care type] IF Service B16 [Service type] IF Lodging B18 [Lodging type] IF Public order and safety B19 [Public order type] IF Residential B20 [Residential type] IF Industrial B8 [Used as warehouse] IF Agricultural B22 [Space for retail sales] IF Vacant B23 [Vacant for noncommercial] IF Other B25 [Other type] |
B5 |
Office type OFFCSP |
IF B2 [Primary activity] OR B4 [Percents for activities] assigned activity = Office/Professional |
{ActivityExplanation} IF (B1 [One activity in building] ≠ Yes) = “For the purposes of this survey, I will include your building in the general category of office.” OTHERWISE = BLANK |
Looking at the list on Show Card B3, what type of office is this?
1 Administrative or professional office building (e.g. consulting, insurance, law, utility/telephone company, publishing, or college administration 2 Government office 3 Mixed-use office 4 Bank or other financial institution 5 Doctor's or dentist's office 6 Sales or leasing office (e.g. vehicles or real estate) 7 Contractor's office (e.g. construction, plumbing, or HVAC) 8 Non-profit or social services office 9 Research and development office 10 City hall or city center 11 Religious office 12 Call center 13 Courthouse or probation office 14 Library 15 Veterinarian's office 16 Vacant 17 Other type of office
IF Administrative or professional office building; Government office; Mixed-use office; Bank or other financial institution; Doctor's or dentist's office; Sales office; Contractor's office; Non-profit or social services office; Research and development office; City hall or city center; Religious office; OR Call center B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Office] IF Courthouse or probation office B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Public order and safety] IF Library B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Public assembly] IF Veterinarian’s office B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Outpatient health] IF Vacant: IF More than one activity B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Vacant] IF Only one activity OR Establishment OR Anchor B24 [Completely vacant] IF Other type of office B26 [Specify other activity] |
B6 |
Verify data center DATCTR |
IF B2 [Primary activity] OR B4 [Percents for activities] assigned activity = Data center/Computer “server farm” |
{ActivityExplanation} IF (B1 [One activity in building] ≠ Yes) = “For the purposes of this survey, I will include your building in the general category of data center.” OTHERWISE = BLANK |
A data center or server farm is a group of networked computer servers that are housed in one location, usually a secure area, and perform no other tasks besides server tasks such as data storage and processing.
There are usually many servers stacked in rows of racks, which operate continuously, day and night. Data centers are generally kept very cool and require a dedicated uninterruptible power supply.
Does this accurately describe your building?
1 Yes 2 No
IF Yes B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Data center] IF No OR DK/RF B7 [Classify as office] |
B7 |
Classify as office NODCTR |
IF B6 [Verify data center] = No OR DK/RF |
Then, for the purposes of this study, I am going to classify your building as an office.
ENTER "1" to continue
B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Office] |
B8 |
Used as warehouse WARECHK |
IF B2 [Primary activity] OR B4 [Percents for activities] assigned activity = Industrial |
Is this building used primarily as a warehouse or distribution center?
1 Yes 2 No
IF Yes B9 [Warehouse type] IF No OR DK/RF B21 [Space for retail sales] |
B9 |
Warehouse type WARESP |
IF B2 [Primary activity] OR B4 [Percents for activities] assigned activity = Warehouse/Storage |
{ActivityExplanation} IF (B1 [One activity in building] ≠ Yes) = “For the purposes of this survey, I will include your building in the general category of warehouse.” OTHERWISE = BLANK |
Looking at the list on Show Card B4, what type of warehouse is this?
1 Non-refrigerated warehouse or storage building 2 Refrigerated warehouse 3 Distribution or shipping center 4 Public rental storage units 5 Vehicle storage and/or maintenance (car barn) 6 Airplane hangar 7 Vacant 8 Other type of warehouse
IF Non-refrigerated warehouse; Distribution or shipping center; OR Public rental storage units B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Nonrefrigerated warehouse] IF Refrigerated warehouse B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Refrigerated warehouse] IF Vehicle storage and/or maintenance B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Service] IF Airplane hangar B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Other] IF Vacant: IF More than one activity B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Vacant] IF Only one activity OR Establishment OR Anchor B24 [Completely vacant] IF Other type of warehouse B26 [Specify other activity] |
B10 |
Food sales or service type FOODSP |
IF B2 [Primary activity] OR B4 [Percents for activities] assigned activity = Food sales or service |
{ActivityExplanation} IF (B1 [One activity in building] ≠ Yes) = “For the purposes of this survey, I will include your building in the general category of food sales or service.” OTHERWISE = BLANK |
Looking at list on Show Card B5, what type of food sales or service is this?
1 Restaurant or cafeteria 2 Fast food 3 Bar, pub, or lounge 4 Grocery store or food market 5 Gas station with a convenience store 6 Convenience store 7 Beer, wine, or liquor store 8 Reception hall 9 Catering service 10 Coffee, doughnut, or bagel shop 11 Ice cream or frozen yogurt shop 12 Bakery 13 Vacant 14 Other type of food sales or service
IF Restaurant or cafeteria; Fast food; Bar, pub, or lounge; Reception hall; Catering service; Coffee, doughnut, or bagel shop; OR Ice cream or frozen yogurt shop B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Food service] IF Grocery store or food market; Gas station with a convenience store; Convenience store; OR Bakery B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Food sales] IF Beer, wine, or liquor store B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Retail] IF Vacant: IF More than one activity B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Vacant] IF Only one activity OR Establishment OR Anchor B24 [Completely vacant] IF Other type of food sales or service B26 [Specify other activity] |
B11 |
Retail type RETLSP |
IF B2 [Primary activity] OR B4 [Percents for activities] assigned activity = Retail |
{ActivityExplanation} IF (B1 [One activity in building] ≠ Yes) = “For the purposes of this survey, I will include your building in the general category of retail.” OTHERWISE = BLANK |
Looking at the list on Show Card B6, what type of retail is this?
1 Retail store (e.g. department store, furniture, clothing, hardware, drugstore, bookstore, building supplies, auto parts, lumber, home improvement, farm equipment, lawn and garden, floral, crafts, gifts, antiques, pawn shop, or wholesale club) 2 Bank or other financial institution 3 Convenience store 4 Beer, wine, or liquor store 5 Rental center (e.g. equipment, furnishings, movies) 6 Dealership or showroom for vehicles or boats 7 Studio or gallery 8 Grocery store or food market 9 Photo processing shop 10 Copy center or printing service 11 Distribution or shipping center 12 Gas station with a convenience store 13 Gas station (without convenience store) 14 Post office or postal center 15 Recreation (e.g. gymnasium, health club, bowling alley, ice rink, field house, or indoor racquet sports) 16 Repair shop 17 Vacant 18 Other type of retail
IF Store B12 [Type of store] IF Alcoholic beverage store; Rental center; Dealership or showroom; OR Studio or gallery B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Retail] IF Bank or other financial institution B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Office] IF Convenience store; Grocery store or food market; OR Gas station with a convenience store B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Food sales] IF Photo processing shop; Copy center or printing service; Gas station; Post office or postal center; OR Repair shop B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Service] IF Distribution or shipping center B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Nonrefrigerated warehouse] IF Recreation B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Public assembly] IF Vacant: IF More than one activity B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Vacant] IF Only one activity OR Establishment OR Anchor B24 [Completely vacant] IF Other type of retail B26 [Specify other activity] |
B12 |
Type of store STORE |
IF B11 [Retail type] = Store |
Looking at the list on Show Card B7, please tell me the type of retail store.
1 Apparel specialty 2 Drug store 3 Home center or hardware store 4 Electronics or appliance store 5 Other specialty merchandise (hard-line goods) 6 Department store 7 Warehouse club 8 Discount or supercenter 9 Other type of store
B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Retail] |
B13 |
Education type EDUCSP |
IF B2 [Primary activity] OR B4 [Percents for activities] assigned activity = Education |
{ActivityExplanation} IF (B1 [One activity in building] ≠ Yes) = “For the purposes of this survey, I will include your building in the general category of education.” OTHERWISE = BLANK |
Looking at the list on Show Card B8, what type of education is this?
1 Elementary or middle school 2 High school 3 College or university 4 Preschool or daycare 5 Adult education 6 Career or vocational training 7 Religious education 8 Library 9 Laboratory 10 Vacant 11 Other type of classroom education
IF Elementary or middle school; High school; College or university; Preschool or daycare; Adult education; Career or vocational training; OR Religious education B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Education] IF Library B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Public assembly] IF Laboratory B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Laboratory] IF Vacant: IF More than one activity B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Vacant] IF Only one activity OR Establishment OR Anchor B24 [Completely vacant] IF Other type of classroom education B26 [Specify other activity] |
B14 |
Assembly type ASSMSP |
IF B2 [Primary activity] OR B4 [Percents for activities] assigned activity = Public assembly |
{ActivityExplanation} IF (B1 [One activity in building] ≠ Yes) = “For the purposes of this survey, I will include your building in the general category of public assembly.” OTHERWISE = BLANK |
Looking at the list on Show Card B9, what type of public assembly is this?
1 Social or meeting (e.g. community center, lodge, meeting hall, convention center, or senior center 2 Recreation (e.g. gymnasium, health club, bowling alley, ice rink, field house, or indoor racquet sports) 3 Entertainment or culture (e.g. museum, theater, cinema, sports arena, casino, or night club) 4 Library 5 Religious worship 6 Funeral home 7 Student activities center 8 Armory 9 Exhibition hall 10 Broadcasting studio 11 Transportation terminal (e.g. airport terminal, bus station, or train station) 12 Elementary or middle school 13 High school 14 Restaurant or cafeteria 15 Fast food 16 Bar, pub, or lounge 17 Vacant 18 Other type of public assembly
IF Social or meeting; Recreation; Entertainment or culture; Library; Funeral home; Student activities center; Armory; Exhibition hall; Broadcasting studio; OR Transportation terminal B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Public assembly] IF Religious worship B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Religious worship] IF Elementary or middle school; OR High school B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Education] IF Restaurant or cafeteria; Fast food; OR Bar B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Food service] IF Vacant: IF More than one activity B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Vacant] IF Only one activity OR Establishment OR Anchor B24 [Completely vacant] IF Other type of public assembly B26 [Specify other activity] |
B15 |
Health care type HLTHSP |
IF B2 [Primary activity] OR B4 [Percents for activities] assigned activity = Health care |
{ActivityExplanation} IF (B1 [One activity in building] ≠ Yes) = “For the purposes of this survey, I will include your building in the general category of health care.” OTHERWISE = BLANK |
Looking at the list on Show Card B10, what type of health care is this?
1 Doctor's or dentist's office 2 Clinic or other outpatient health care building 3 Hospital (inpatient) 4 Outpatient rehabilitation center 5 Inpatient rehabilitation center 6 Nursing home, assisted living center, or other residential care building 7 Retirement home 8 Veterinarian's office 9 Laboratory 10 Vacant 11 Other type of health care
IF Clinic or other outpatient health care building; Outpatient rehabilitation center; OR Veterinarian’s office B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Outpatient health care] IF Hospital (inpatient); OR Inpatient rehabilitation B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Inpatient health care] IF Doctor's or dentist's office B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Office] IF Nursing home, assisted living center, or other residential care building B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Nursing] IF Retirement home B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Lodging] IF Laboratory B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Laboratory] IF Vacant: IF More than one activity B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Vacant] IF Only one activity OR Establishment OR Anchor B24 [Completely vacant] IF Other type of health care B26 [Specify other activity] |
B16 |
Service type SERVSP |
IF B2 [Primary activity] OR B4 [Percents for activities] assigned activity = Service |
{ActivityExplanation} IF (B1 [One activity in building] ≠ Yes) = “For the purposes of this survey, I will include your building in the general category of service.” OTHERWISE = BLANK |
Looking at the list on Show Card B11, what type of service is this?
1 Auto service or auto repair shop 2 Vehicle storage and/or maintenance (car barn) 3 Contractor's office (e.g. construction, plumbing, or HVAC) 4 Building and grounds maintenance shop 5 Repair shop 6 Dry cleaner or laundromat 7 Post office, postal center, or mail sorting 8 Bank or other financial institution 9 Restaurant or cafeteria 10 Fast food 11 Bar, pub, or lounge 12 Car wash 13 Gas station with a convenience store 14 Gas station (without convenience store) 15 Telephone switching facilities 16 Photo processing shop 17 Beauty parlor or barber shop 18 Tanning salon 19 Funeral home 20 Airplane hangar 21 Copy center or printing shop 22 Distribution or shipping center 23 Kennel 24 Library 25 Non-profit or social services office 26 Preschool or daycare 27 Recreation (e.g. gymnasium, health club, bowling alley, ice rink, field house, or indoor racquet sports) 28 Rental center (e.g. equipment, furnishings, movies) 29 Public rental storage units 30 Student activities center 31 Transportation terminal (e.g. airport terminal, bus station, or train station) 32 Indoor parking garage 33 Vacant 34 Other type of service
IF Dry cleaner or Laundromat B17 [Dry cleaning onsite] IF Auto service or auto repair shop; Building and grounds maintenance shop; Vehicle storage and/or maintenance; Repair shop; Post office or postal center; Car wash; Gas station (without convenience store); Photo processing shop; Beauty parlor or barber shop; Tanning salon; Copy center or printing shop; OR Kennel B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Service] IF Contractor's office; Bank or other financial institution; OR Non-profit or social services office B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Office] IF Restaurant or cafeteria; Fast food; OR Bar, pub, or lounge B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Food service] IF Gas station with convenience store B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Food sales] IF Telephone switching facilities OR Airplane hangar B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Other] IF Distribution or shipping center OR Public rental storage units B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Nonrefrigerated warehouse] IF Funeral home; Library; Recreation; Student activities center; OR Transportation terminal B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Public assembly] IF Preschool or daycare B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Education] IF Rental center B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Retail] IF Indoor parking garage: IF B1 [One activity in building] = Yes B28 [End of interview] IF B1 [One activity in building] ≠ Yes B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Other] IF Vacant: IF More than one activity B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Vacant] IF Only one activity OR Establishment OR Anchor B24 [Completely vacant] IF Other type of service B26 [Specify other activity] |
B17 |
Dry cleaning onsite DRYCL |
IF B16 [Service type] = Dry cleaner or laundromat |
Is the dry cleaning or laundry done in this building, or is it done off-site?
1 In this building 2 Off-site
B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Service] |
B18 |
Lodging type LODGSP |
IF B2 [Primary activity] OR B4 [Percents for activities] assigned activity = Lodging |
{ActivityExplanation} IF (B1 [One activity in building] ≠ Yes) = “For the purposes of this survey, I will include your building in the general category of lodging.” OTHERWISE = BLANK |
Looking at the list on Show Card B12, what type of lodging is this?
1 Motel or inn 2 Hotel 3 Dormitory, fraternity, or sorority 4 Retirement home 5 Nursing home, assisted living center, or other residential care building 6 Convent or monastery 7 Shelter, orphanage, or children's home 8 Halfway house 9 Jail, reformatory, or penitentiary 10 Vacant 11 Other type of lodging
IF Motel or inn; Hotel; Dormitory, fraternity, or sorority; Retirement home; Convent or monastery; Shelter, orphanage, or children's home; OR Halfway house B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Lodging] IF Nursing home, assisted living center, or other residential care building B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Nursing] IF Jail, reformatory, or penitentiary B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Public order and safety] IF Vacant: IF More than one activity B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Vacant] IF Only one activity OR Establishment OR Anchor B24 [Completely vacant] IF Other type of lodging B26 [Specify other activity] |
B19 |
Public order type ORDRSP |
IF B2 [Primary activity] OR B4 [Percents for activities] assigned activity = Public order and safety |
{ActivityExplanation} IF (B1 [One activity in building] ≠ Yes) = “For the purposes of this survey, I will include your building in the general category of public order and safety.” OTHERWISE = BLANK |
Looking at the list on Show Card B13, what type of public order and safety is this?
1 Police station 2 Fire station 3 Combination police and fire station 4 Jail, reformatory, or penitentiary 5 Courthouse or probation office 6 Halfway house 7 Armory 8 City hall or city center 9 Vacant 10 Other type of public order and safety
IF Police station; Fire station; Combination police and fire station; Jail, reformatory, or penitentiary; OR Courthouse or probation office B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Public order and safety] IF Halfway house B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Lodging] IF Armory B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Public assembly] IF City hall or city center B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Office] IF Vacant: IF More than one activity B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Vacant] IF Only one activity OR Establishment OR Anchor B24 [Completely vacant] IF Other type of public order and safety B26 [Specify other activity] |
B20 |
Residential type RESDSP |
IF B2 [Primary activity] OR B4 [Percents for activities] assigned activity = Residential |
{ActivityExplanation} IF (B1 [One activity in building] ≠ Yes) = “For the purposes of this survey, I will include your building in the general category of residential.” OTHERWISE = BLANK |
Looking at the list on Show Card B14, what type of residential is this?
1 Hotel 2 Motel or inn 3 Retirement home 4 Shelter, orphanage, or children's home 5 Convent or monastery 6 Dormitory, fraternity, or sorority 7 Nursing home, assisted living center, or other residential care building 8 Halfway house 9 Other type of residential
IF Hotel; Motel or inn; Retirement home; Shelter, orphanage, or children's home; Convent or monastery; Dormitory, fraternity, or sorority; OR Halfway house B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Lodging] IF Nursing home, assisted living center, or other residential care building B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Nursing] IF Other type of residential B27 [End of interview] |
B21 |
Space for retail sales INDRET |
IF (B2 [Primary activity] OR B4 [Percents for activities] assigned activity = Industrial) & B8 [Used as warehouse] = No OR DK/RF |
Is any of the space in this building used for retail sales of the products that are made here?
1 Yes 2 No
IF Yes B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Other] IF No OR DK/RF B27 [End of interview] |
B22 |
Space for retail sales AGRRET |
IF B2 [Primary activity] OR B4 [Percents for activities] assigned activity = Agricultural |
Is any of the space in this building used for retail sales of the products that are grown here?
1 Yes 2 No
IF Yes B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Other] IF No OR DK/RF B27 [End of interview] |
B23 |
Vacant for noncommercial VACUSE |
IF B2 [Primary activity] OR B4 [Percents for activities] Assigned activity = Vacant |
Was the vacant space used for or intended to be used for either agricultural, industrial, manufacturing, or residential purposes or as a parking garage?
1 Yes 2 No
IF Yes B29 [End of interview] IF No OR DK/RF: IF B1 [One activity in building] ≠ Yes B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Vacant] OTHERWISE B24 [Completely vacant] |
B24 |
Completely vacant VACANT |
IF B1 [One activity in building] = Yes & B2 [Primary activity] = Vacant |
Is this building completely vacant?
1 Yes 2 No
B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Vacant] |
B25 |
Other type OTHRSP |
IF B2 [Primary activity] OR B4 [Percents for activities] assigned activity = Other |
{ActivityExplanation} IF (B1 [One activity in building] ≠Yes) = “For the purposes of this survey, I will include your building in the general category of other types of buildings.” OTHERWISE = BLANK |
Looking at the list on Show Card B15, what type of other activity is this?
1 Airplane hangar 2 Broadcasting studio 3 Crematorium 4 Entertainment or culture (e.g. museum, theater, cinema, sports arena, casino or night club) 5 Funeral home 6 Laboratory 7 Library 8 Recreation (e.g. gymnasium, health club, bowling alley, ice rink, field house, or indoor racquet sports) 9 Telephone switching facilities 10 Transportation terminal (e.g. airport terminal, bus station, or train station) 11 Vehicle storage and/or maintenance (car barn) 12 Post office, postal center, or mail sorting 13 Distribution or shipping center 14 Veterinarian's office 15 Vacant 16 Indoor parking garage 17 Agricultural building with some retail space 18 Manufacturing or industrial building with some retail space 19 Other type of building 20 50 percent commercial (for coding use only)
IF Airplane hangar; Crematorium; Telephone switching facilities; Agricultural building with some retail space; Manufacturing or industrial building with some retail space; OR 50 percent commercial B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Other] IF Broadcasting studio; Entertainment or culture; Funeral home; Library; Recreation; OR Transportation terminal B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Public assembly] IF Laboratory B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Laboratory] IF Vehicle storage and/or maintenance OR Post office, postal center, or mail sorting B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Service] IF Distribution or shipping center B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Nonrefrigerated warehouse] IF Veterinarian’s office B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Outpatient health care] IF Vacant: IF More than one activity B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Vacant] IF Only one activity OR Establishment OR Anchor B24 [Completely vacant] IF Indoor parking garage: IF B1 [One activity in building] = Yes B28 [End of interview] IF B1 [One activity in building] ≠ Yes B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Other] IF Other type of building B26 [Specify other activity] |
B26 |
Specify other activity |
F B5 [Office type] = Other type of office OR IF B9 [Warehouse type] = Other type of warehouse OR IF B10 [Food sales or service type] = Other type of food sales or service OR IF B11 [Retail type] = Other type of retail OR IF B13 [Education type] = Other type of classroom education OR IF B14 [Assembly type] = Other type of public assembly OR IF B15 [Health care type] = Other type of health care OR IF B16 [Service type] = Other type of service OR IF B18 [Lodging type] = Other type of lodging OR IF B19 [Public order type] = Other type of public order and safety OR IF B25 [Other type] = Other type of building |
Please describe this other type of activity.
RECORD in open box
IF Previous question was: B5 [Office type] B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Office] B9 [Warehouse type] B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Nonrefrigerated warehouse] B10 [Food sales or service type] B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Food service] B11 [Retail type] B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Retail] B13 [Education type] B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Education] B14 [Assembly type] B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Public assembly] B15 [Health care type] B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Outpatient health care] B16 [Service type] B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Service] B18 [Lodging type] B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Lodging] B19 [Public order type] B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Public order and safety] B25 [Other type] B30 [Assign CBECS Activity = Other] |
B28 |
End of interview |
IF B16 [Service type] OR B25 [Other type] = Indoor parking garage |
{CollectWorksheet} IF R has Worksheet 1 = “However, I would like to collect Worksheet 1 and any other worksheets that you may have completed.” |
Thank you, that’s all the questions that I have at this time, since this study does not cover parking garages. {CollectWorksheet}
Thank you for your time and help.
B29 |
End of interview |
IF B23 [Vacant for noncommercial] = Yes |
{CollectWorksheet} IF R has Worksheet 1 = “However, I would like to collect Worksheet 1 and any other worksheets that you may have completed.” |
Thank you, that’s all the questions that I have at this time, since we are only interviewing buildings intended for commercial use. {CollectWorksheet}
Thank you for your time and help.
B30 |
Assign CBECS Activity PBA |
IF Office IN B3 [Activities in building] OR CBECS Activity = Office B31 [Open plan office space]
1 Vacant B42 [On a multibuilding complex] 2 Office B31 [Open plan office space] 3 Data center B42 [On a multibuilding complex] 4 Laboratory B42 [On a multibuilding complex] 5 Nonrefrigerated warehouse B42 [On a multibuilding complex] 6 Food sales B42 [On a multibuilding complex] 7 Public order and safety B42 [On a multibuilding complex] 8 Outpatient health care B42 [On a multibuilding complex] 11 Refrigerated warehouse B42 [On a multibuilding complex] 12 Religious worship B34 [Religious worship seating capacity] 13 Public assembly B35 [Assembly seating capacity] 14 Education B36 [Number of classroom seats] 15 Food service B37 [Food service seating capacity] 16 Inpatient health care B38 [Licensed bed capacity] 17 Nursing B39 [Licensed bed capacity] 18 Lodging B40 [Number of guest rooms] 24 Enclosed mall B41 [Food court] 25 Retail B42 [On a multibuilding complex] 26 Service B42 [On a multibuilding complex] 91 Other B42 [On a multibuilding complex]
B31 |
Open plan office space CUBE |
IF Office IN B3 [Activities in building] OR CBECS Activity = Office |
Is any of the office space in this building set up as open plan offices, such as cubicles?
1 Yes 2 No
IF Yes B32 [Percent open plan] IF No OR DK/RF: IF CBECS Activity = Enclosed Mall B41 [Food court] OTHERWISE B42 [On a multibuilding complex] |
B32 |
Percent open plan CUBEC |
IF B31 [Open plan office space] = Yes |
For the office areas in your building, approximately what percentage would you say is open plan? Would you say 1 to 20 percent, 21 to 50, or more than 50 percent of the office space is open plan?
1 1 to 20 percent 2 21 to 50 percent 3 More than 50 percent
B33 [Location of open plan] |
B33 |
Location of open plan CUBELOC |
IF B31 [Open plan office space] = Yes |
Is most of the open plan office space located near the perimeter of the building, that is, within about 15 feet of the exterior walls, or in the core of the building?
1 Near perimeter of building 2 In core of building 3 IF VOLUNTEERED: Entire building is open plan
IF CBECS Activity = Enclosed Mall B41 [Food court] OTHERWISE B42 [On a multibuilding complex] |
B34 |
Religious worship seating capacity RWSEAT |
IF B30 [CBECS Activity] = Religious worship |
What is the total seating capacity of the religious worship areas in this building?
PROBE for estimate if DK
0 to 99,999 |
B42 [On a multibuilding complex] |
B35 |
Assembly seating capacity PBSEAT |
IF B30 [CBECS Activity] = Public assembly |
What is the fixed seating capacity of the public assembly areas in this building?
0 to 99,999 |
B42 [On a multibuilding complex] |
B36 |
Number of classroom seats EDSEAT |
IF B30 [CBECS Activity] = Education |
How many students can be seated in all of the classrooms in this building at one time?
PROBE for estimate if DK
0 to 99,999 |
B42 [On a multibuilding complex] |
B37 |
Food service seating capacity FDSEAT |
IF B30 [CBECS Activity] = Food service |
What is the total seating capacity of the food service areas in this building?
PROBE for estimate if DK
0 to 99,999 |
B42 [On a multibuilding complex] |
B38 |
Licensed bed capacity HCBED |
IF B30 [CBECS Activity] = Inpatient health care |
What is the inpatient licensed bed capacity in this building?
PROBE for estimate if DK
0 to 99,999 |
B42 [On a multibuilding complex] |
B39 |
Licensed bed capacity NRSBED |
IF B30 [CBECS Activity] = Nursing |
What is the skilled or residential care licensed bed capacity in this building?
PROBE for estimate if DK
0 to 99,999 |
B42 [On a multibuilding complex] |
B40 |
Number of guest rooms LODGRM |
IF B30 [CBECS Activity] = Lodging |
How many guest rooms or occupant rooms are there in this building?
PROBE for estimate if DK
0 to 99,999 |
B42 [On a multibuilding complex] |
B41 |
Food court COURT |
IF CBECS Activity = Enclosed mall |
Is there a food court in this mall?
EXP: [A food court is a public area with tables and chairs surrounded by various food service establishments which generally offer only counter service.]
1 Yes 2 No
B42 [On a multibuilding complex] |
B42 |
On a multibuilding complex FACIL |
All Buildings |
Is this building part of a multibuilding campus or complex?
DEF: [A campus or complex is a group of two or more buildings on the same site that are owned or operated by a single organization or individual. It may also be referred to as a multibuilding facility.]
1 Yes 2 No
IF Yes B43 [Federal complex] IF No OR DK/RF C1 [Government owned] |
B43 |
Federal complex FEDFAC |
IF B42 [On a multibuilding complex] = Yes |
Is this campus or complex owned by the Federal government?
1 Yes 2 No
B44 [Type of complex] |
B44 |
Type of complex FACACT |
IF B42 [On a multibuilding complex] = Yes |
Looking at the list on Show Card B16, what is the primary business or function of this group of buildings as a whole?
1 College, university, or junior college 2 Primary or secondary school [GRADES K-12] 3 Other type of school 4 Office complex 5 Retail complex 6 Storage complex 7 Religious campus or complex 8 Hospital or other health care complex 9 Lodging or resort complex 10 Post office complex 11 Prison or correctional facility 12 Other type of government complex 13 Industrial complex 14 Transportation complex such as a terminal, depot, or airport 15 Other type of campus or complex
IF Industrial complex B45 [Manufacturing industrial] IF Any other type B48 [Central physical plant] |
B45 |
Manufacturing industrial MANIND |
IF B44 [Type of complex] = Industrial complex |
Is it a manufacturing industrial complex?
DEF: [Manufacturing industrial complexes involve the production or processing of goods, merchandise, raw materials, or food.]
1 Yes 2 No
IF Yes B46 [Same owner as manufacturing] IF No OR DK/RF B48 [Central physical plant] |
B46 |
Same owner as manufacturing MANFAC |
IF B45 [Manufacturing industrial] = Yes |
Does this building have the same owner and operator as the manufacturing campus or complex?
1 Yes 2 No
IF Yes B47 [End of interview] IF No OR DK/RF B48 [Central physical plant] |
B47 |
End of interview |
IF B46 [Same owner as manufacturing] = Yes |
{CollectWorksheet} IF R has Worksheet 1 = “However, I would like to collect Worksheet 1 and any other worksheets that you may have completed.” |
Thank you, that’s all the questions that I have at this time, since this study does not include buildings on manufacturing facilities. {CollectWorksheet}
Thank you for your time and help.
B48 |
Central physical plant PLANT |
IF B42 [On a multibuilding complex] = Yes & NOT (B44 [Type of complex] = Industrial complex & B45 [Manufacturing industrial] = Yes & B46 [Same owner as manufacturing] = Yes) |
Does this campus or complex have a central physical plant that produces and distributes district hot water, district steam, district chilled water, or electricity to more than one building?
1 Yes 2 No
IF Yes B49 [Plant produces district steam] IF No OR DK/RF C1 [Government owned] |
B49 |
Plant produces district steam FACDST |
IF B48 [Central physical plant] = Yes |
Does the central physical plant produce...
District steam?
1 Yes 2 No
B50 [Plant produces district hot water] |
B50 |
Plant produces district hot water FACDHW |
IF B48 [Central physical plant] = Yes |
(Does the central physical plant produce...)
District hot water?
1 Yes 2 No
B51 [Plant produces district chilled water] |
B51 |
Plant produces district chilled water FACDCW |
IF B48 [Central physical plant] = Yes |
(Does the central physical plant produce...)
District chilled water?
1 Yes 2 No
B52 [Plant produces electricity] |
B52 |
Plant produces electricity FACELC |
IF B48 [Central physical plant] = Yes |
(Does the central physical plant produce...)
1 Yes 2 No
B53 [Central plant in building] |
B53 |
Central plant in building BLDPLT |
IF B48 [Central physical plant] = Yes |
Is the central physical plant for this campus or complex located in the building?
1 Yes 2 No
C1 [Government owned] |
C1 |
Government owned GOVOWN |
All Buildings |
{BldgIntro} IF B42 [On a multibuilding complex] = Yes = “For the rest of this survey, I will be asking you only about the building, not the entire campus or complex.” OTHERWISE = BLANK {SchoolExample} IF B13 [Education type] = Elementary or middle school OR High school = “, such as a local school district” OTHERWISE = BLANK |
Is this building owned by a government agency {SchoolExample}?
1 Yes 2 No
IF Yes C2 [Type of government] IF No OR DK/RF C3 [Owner] |
C2 |
Type of government GOVTYP |
IF C1 [Government owned] = Yes |
Is it owned by the Federal government, a State government, or a local government?
1 Federal 2 State 3 Local
IF B24 [Completely vacant] = Yes C11 [Owner operates] OTHERWISE C5 [Number of businesses] |
C3 |
Owner OWNER |
IF C1 [Government owned] ≠ Yes |
Looking at Show Card C1, please tell me which category best describes the owner of this building.
1 Real estate investment trust (REIT) 2 Other public or private corporation, partnership, LLC, or LLP 3 Individual owner(s) 4 Religious organization 5 Non-profit organization (other than religious or government) 6 Private academic institution 7 Other
IF Other C4 [Other owner] OTHERWISE: IF B24 [Completely vacant] ≠ Yes C5 [Number of businesses] IF B24 [Completely vacant] = Yes: IF Owner known C11 [Owner operates] IF DK/RF C18 [Months in use] |
C4 |
Other owner |
IF C3 [Owner] = Other |
Please describe this other owner.
RECORD in open box
IF B24 [Completely vacant] = Yes C11 [Owner operates] OTHERWISE C5 [Number of businesses] |
C5 |
Number of businesses NOCC |
IF B24 [Completely vacant] ≠ Yes |
0 to 9,999 |
How many different businesses or organizations use space full-time in this building?
IF Zero C6 [Any occupants] IF =1 & NOT (C1 [Government owned] = DK/RF & C3 [Owner] = DK/RF) C9 [Single occupant owner occupies] IF >1 & NOT (C1 [Government owned] = DK/RF & C3 [Owner] = DK/RF) C10 [Multi-occupant owner occupies] IF ≥1 & (C1 [Government owned] = DK/RF & C3 [Owner] = DK/RF) C18 [Months in use] IF DK/RF C8 [Number of businesses category] |
C6 |
Any occupants VACCHK |
IF C5 [Number of businesses] = Zero & B24 [Completely vacant] ≠ Yes |
{OccExpl} IF CBECS Activity = Nonrefrigerated warehouse or Refrigerated warehouse = “If goods are stored in the warehouse, then it should be considered to have at least one occupant. Is this warehouse being used for storage?” OTHERWISE = Unless a building is completely vacant and unused, it should be considered to have at least one occupant. At this time, is any space used by a company, business, school, organization, non-profit company, religious organization, government agency or establishment? |
I do not have this building recorded as being completely vacant. {OccExpl}
1 Yes 2 No
IF Yes C7 [Re-ask number of businesses] IF No & NOT (C1 [Government owned] = DK/RF & C3 [Owner] = DK/RF) C11 [Owner operates] IF No & (C1 [Government owned] = DK/RF & C3 [Owner] = DK/RF) C18 [Months in use] IF DK/RF C8 [Number of businesses category] |
C7 |
Re-ask number of businesses NOCC2 |
IF C5 [Number of businesses] = Zero & C6 [Any occupants] = Yes |
With this new information, please tell me again, how many businesses or organizations are there?
1 to 9,999 |
IF DK/RF C8 [Number of businesses category] IF Number given=1 & NOT (C1 [Government owned] = DK/RF & C3 [Owner] = DK/RF) C9 [Single occupant owner occupies] IF Number given>1 & NOT (C1 [Government owned] = DK/RF & C3 [Owner] = DK/RF) C10 [Multi-occupant owner occupies] IF Number given & (C1 [Government owned] = DK/RF & C3 [Owner] = DK/RF) C18 [Months in use] |
C8 |
Number of businesses category NOCCAT |
IF C5 [Number of businesses] = DK/RF OR C6 [Any occupants] = DK/RF OR C7 [Re-ask number of businesses] = DK/RF |
Which category on Show Card C2 best describes the number of businesses or organizations that use space full-time in this building?
0 Zero 1 One 2 2 to 5 3 6 to 10 4 11 to 20 5 21 to 50 6 51 to 100 7 More than 100
IF One & NOT (C1 [Government owned] = DK/RF & C3 [Owner] = DK/RF) C9 [Single occupant owner occupies] IF Any category except Zero OR One & NOT (C1 [Government owned] = DK/RF & C3 [Owner] = DK/RF) C10 [Multi-occupant owner occupies] IF Any category except Zero & (C1 [Government owned] = DK/RF & C3 [Owner] = DK/RF) C18 [Months in use] IF Zero OR DK/RF & NOT (C1 [Government owned] = DK/RF & C3 [Owner] = DK/RF) C11 [Owner operates] IF Zero OR DK/RF & (C1 [Government owned] = DK/RF & C3 [Owner] = DK/RF) C18 [Months in use] |
C9 |
Single occupant owner occupies OWNOCC |
IF NOT (C1 [Government owned] = DK/RF & C3 [Owner] = DK/RF) & C5 [Number of businesses] = 1 OR C8 [Number of businesses category] = One |
Does the owner occupy the building or is it leased to a tenant?
1 Owner occupies 2 Leased to tenant
C11 [Owner operates] |
C10 |
Multi-occupant owner occupies OWNOCC |
IF NOT (C1 [Government owned] = DK/RF & C3 [Owner] = DK/RF) & C5 [Number of businesses] > 1 OR C8 [Number of businesses category] > One |
Is the space in this building occupied by the owner, leased to tenants, or a combination of both?
1 Owner occupies 2 Leased to tenants 3 Combination of occupied and leased
C11 [Owner operates] |
C11 |
Owner operates OWNOPR |
IF NOT (C1 [Government owned] = DK/RF & C3 [Owner] = DK/RF) |
Is the building owner responsible for the operation and maintenance of the energy systems?
1 Yes 2 No
IF Yes C12 [Owner has purchasing power] IF No C14 [Nonowner operator] IF DK/RF C18 [Months in use] |
C12 |
Owner has purchasing power OWNPPR |
IF C11 [Owner operates] = Yes |
Does the building owner also have direct input on decisions regarding purchases of energy-related equipment?
1 Yes 2 No
IF Yes OR DK/RF C18 [Months in use] IF No C13 [Nonowner with purchasing power] |
C13 |
Nonowner with purchasing power NWNPPR |
IF C12 [Owner has purchasing power] = No |
Looking at Show Card C3, please tell me who does have direct input (on decisions regarding purchases of energy-related equipment).
3 Facilities personnel employed directly by the building owner 4 Facilities or energy management consultant 5 Volunteer member of the organization 6 Manager with general supervisory duties 7 Other
IF Other C17 [Other with purchasing power] OTHERWISE C18 [Months in use] |
C14 |
Nonowner operator NWNOPR |
IF C11 [Owner operates] = No |
Looking at Show Card C3, please tell me who is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the energy systems.
3 Facilities personnel employed directly by the building owner 4 Facilities or energy management consultant 5 Volunteer member of the organization 6 Manager with general supervisory duties 7 Other
IF Other C15 [Other operator] OTHERWISE C16 [Who has purchasing power] |
C15 |
Other operator |
IF C14 [Nonowner operator] = Other |
Please describe who is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the energy systems.
RECORD in open box
C16 [Who has purchasing power] |
C16 |
Who has purchasing power WHOPPR |
IF C11 [Owner operates] = No |
Who has the most direct input on decisions regarding purchases of energy-related equipment - the building owner or the party who is responsible for the energy systems?
1 Building owner 2 Party responsible for building operations 3 IF VOLUNTEERED: Both (either they have equal input, or are the same person) 4 IF VOLUNTEERED: Other
IF Other C17 [Other with purchasing power] OTHERWISE C18 [Months in use] |
C17 |
Other with purchasing power |
IF C16 [Who has purchasing power] = Other |
Please describe who has the most direct input on decisions regarding purchases of energy-related equipment.
RECORD in open box
C18 [Months in use] |
C18 |
Months in use MONUSE |
All Buildings |
Thinking of calendar year 2012, for how many months was this building in use?
0 to 12 |
IF Zero D1 [Heating] IF 1-12: IF B24 [Completely vacant] = Yes C19 [Previous use] IF C6 [Any occupants] = No OR C8 [Number of businesses category] = Zero D1 [Heating] IF CBECS Activity = Office or Enclosed Mall OR Outpatient health care C20 [Percent occupancy]
IF B18 [Lodging type] = Hotel OR Motel or inn OR Retirement home
OR B15 [Health care type] = Retirement home C21 [Lodging room percent occupancy] IF B14 [Assembly type] = Social or Meeting AND A6 [Square footage] > 50,000 OR A12 [Square footage category] > 50,001 to 100,000 sq ft C22 [Social/meeting events] IF B10 [Food sales or service type] = Restaurant or cafeteria OR B14 [Assembly type] = Restaurant or cafeteria OR B16 [Service type] = Restaurant or cafeteria C23 [Restaurant meals] OTHERWISE C24 [Seasonal use] IF DK/RF C24 [Seasonal use] |
C19 |
Previous use |
IF B24 [Completely vacant] = Yes AND C18 [Months in use] > 0 |
Since this building was not completely vacant for all of 2012, I'd just like to remind you to think about the equipment and the energy that was used during the time that the building was in use when answering this questionnaire.
Also, would you please briefly tell me what the building was used for during the months that it was used in 2012.
RECORD in open box
D1 [Heating] |
C20 |
Percent occupancy OCCUPYP |
IF CBECS Activity = Office OR Enclosed Mall OR Outpatient health care |
{MonthsInUse} IF C18 [Months in use] < 12 = “Thinking about the months that this building was in use in 2012, about “ OTHERWISE = 'In 2012, about ' |
{MonthsInUse} what percent of the total floorspace of this building was occupied? If occupancy varied, please provide an average percent occupancy."
0 to 100 |
C24 [Seasonal use] |
C21 |
Lodging room percent occupancy LODOCCP |
IF B18 [Lodging type] = Hotel OR Motel or inn OR Retirement home OR B20 [Residential type] = Hotel OR Motel or inn OR Retirement home OR B15 [Health care type] = Retirement home |
{LodgeRooms} IF B40 [Number of guest rooms] known = “B40 [Number of guest rooms]” IF B40 [Number of guest rooms] = DK/RF = BLANK |
In 2012, on average, what percent of the {LodgeRooms} guest or occupant rooms in this building were occupied per night?
0 to 100 |
C24 [Seasonal use] |
C22 |
Social/meeting events EVENTN |
IF B14 [Assembly type] = Social or Meeting AND A6 [Square footage] > 50,000 OR A12 [Square footage category] > 50,001 to 100,000 sq ft |
About how many events were held in this public assembly building in 2012?
0 to 999,999 |
C24 [Seasonal use] |
C23 |
Restaurant meals MEALN |
IF B10 [Food sales or service type] = Restaurant or cafeteria OR B14 [Assembly type] = Restaurant or cafeteria OR B16 [Service type] = Restaurant or cafeteria |
About how many meals were served in this food service building in the year 2012?
0 to 999,999,999 |
C24 [Seasonal use] |
C24 |
Seasonal use SEASONAL |
IF B24 [Completely vacant] ≠ Yes & C6 [Any occupants] ≠ No & C8 [Number of businesses category] ≠ Zero & C18 [Months in use] ≠ Zero |
Is this a seasonal building, that is, were there any months during 2012 when the hours of operation were significantly greater than the rest of the year?
EXP: [For example, we are looking for buildings in resort towns that drastically reduce their hours during the off season. Do not include retail buildings that are open for extended hours during the holiday season.]
1 Yes 2 No
IF Yes C25 [Months of high season] IF No/DK/RF C26 [Open 24 hours a day] |
C25 |
Months of high season MONHIGH |
IF C24 [Seasonal use] = Yes |
How many months of 2012 were in the “high season,” that is, the months when the hours of operation were significantly greater than the rest of the year?
1 to 12 |
C26 [Open 24 hours a day] |
C26 |
Open 24 hours a day OPEN24 |
IF B24 [Completely vacant] ≠ Yes & C6 [Any occupants] ≠ No & C8 [Number of businesses category] ≠ Zero & C18 [Months in use] ≠ Zero |
{SeasonalFill} IF C24 [Seasonal use] = Yes = “Thinking of the months of high seasonal use, now' OTHERWISE = “Now” |
{SeasonalFill} I have some questions about the hours that this building is normally open.
"Normally open" means the hours when the usual activities occur. Do not consider the building to be open if only maintenance, housekeeping, or security personnel are present.
Is this building normally open 24 hours a day, seven days a week?
1 Yes 2 No
IF No OR DK/RF C27 [Open during week] IF Yes: IF C24 [Seasonal use] = Yes C32 [Open during the off season] OTHERWISE C34 [Number of employees] |
C27 |
Open during week OPNMF |
IF C26 [Open 24 hours a day] = No OR DK/RF |
Thinking of Monday through Friday, is this building open all five days, open some of these days, or is it not open at all Monday through Friday?
1 All five days 2 Some of these days 3 Not open at all Monday through Friday
C28 [Open on weekend] |
C28 |
Open on weekend OPNWE |
IF C26 [Open 24 hours a day] = No OR DK/RF |
[F1]-HELP Is this building normally open at all on the weekend?
EXP: [If only open one day of the weekend, consider to be open.]
1 Yes 2 No
IF C27 [Open during week] = Not open at all Monday through Friday & C28 [Open on weekend] = No C29 [No operating hours] OTHERWISE C30 [Total hours open per week] |
C29 |
No operating hours NOHRS |
IF C27 [Open during week] = Not open at all Monday through Friday & C28 [Open on weekend] = No |
I would just like to confirm that this building does not have any normal operating hours?
1 True, no operating hours 2 False, there are operating hours
IF False, there are operating hours OR DK/RF C30 [Total hours open per week] IF True, no operating hours: IF C24 [Seasonal use] = Yes C32 [Open during the off season] OTHERWISE C34 [Number of employees] |
C30 |
Total hours open per week WKHRS |
IF (C27 [Open during week] = All five days OR Some of these days) OR C28 [Open on weekend] = Yes OR C29 [No operating hours] = False, there are operating hours |
[F1]-HELP How many total hours per week is the building normally open?
DEF: ["Normally open" means the hours when the usual activities occur. Press F1 for detailed definitions by building type.]
EXP: [If the hours vary for different parts of the building, ask for the hours for most of the building, based on square footage.]
0 to 168 |
IF DK/RF C31 [Weekly hours category] IF C24 [Seasonal use] = Yes C32 [Open during the off season] OTHERWISE C34 [Number of employees] |
C31 |
Weekly hours category WKHRSC |
IF C30 [Total hours open per week] = DK/RF |
Which category on Show Card C4 best describes the total hours per week that the building is normally open?
DEF: ["Normally open" means the hours when the usual activities occur. Press F1 for detailed definitions by building type.]
EXP: [If the hours vary for different parts of the building, ask for the hours for most of the building, based on square footage.]
1 1 to 39 2 40 to 48 3 49 to 60 4 61 to 84 5 85 to 167 6 168
IF C24 [Seasonal use] = Yes C32 [Open during the off season] OTHERWISE C34 [Number of employees] |
C32 |
Open during the off season OFFSEASN |
IF C24 [Seasonal use] = Yes |
Is this building normally open at all during the months that are not in the high season?
DEF: [“Normally open” means the hours when the usual activities occur.]
1 Yes 2 No
IF Yes C33 [Off season hours category] IF No OR DK/RF C34 [Number of employees] |
C33 |
Off season hours category LOWHRSC |
IF C32 [Open during the off season] = Yes |
{LowMonths} IF C25 [Months of high season] ≠ DK/RF = 12-C25 [Months of high season] IF C25 [Months of high season] = DK/RF = BLANK |
Thinking of the {LowMonths} months that are not in the high season, which category on Show Card C4 best describes the total hours per week that the building is normally open?
DEF: [“Normally open” means the hours when the usual activities occur.]
1 1 to 39 2 40 to 48 3 49 to 60 4 61 to 84 5 85 to 167 6 168
C34 [Number of employees] |
C34 |
Number of employees NWKER |
IF B24 [Completely vacant] ≠ Yes & C6 [Any occupants] ≠ No & C8 [Number of businesses category] ≠ Zero & C18 [Months in use] ≠ Zero |
How many employees work in the building during the main shift, that is, when most employees are present?
EXP: [Include any volunteer workers. Do not include employees who always work outside the building (such as drivers with delivery routes), customers, patients, students, or institutionalized residents.]
0 to 99,999 |
IF Number given: IF B19 [Public order type] = Fire station OR Combination police and fire station C27a [Fire station personnel] OTHERWISE D1 [Heating] IF DK/RF C35 [Number of employees category] |
C35 |
Number of employees category NWKERC |
IF C34 [Number of employees] = DK/RF |
Which category on Show Card C5 best describes how many employees work in the building during the main shift?
1 None 2 1 to 4 3 5 to 9 4 10 to 19 5 20 to 49 6 50 to 99 7 100 to 249 8 250 to 499 9 500 to 999 10 1,000 to 2,499 11 2,500 to 4,999 12 5,000 or More
IF B19 [Public order type] = Fire station OR Combination police and fire station C36 [Fire station personnel] OTHERWISE D1 [Heating] |
C36 |
Fire station personnel FIREWKER |
IF B19 [Public order type] = Fire station OR Combination police and fire station |
Are the personnel at this fire station career only, volunteer only, or a combination of career and volunteer?
1 Career only 2 Volunteer only 3 Combination of career and volunteer
D1 [Heating] |
D1 |
Heating HT1 |
All Buildings |
{Worksheet1Intro} IF R has Worksheet 1 = “Please continue to refer to Worksheet 1 for some of these next questions on energy sources, uses, and equipment.” OTHERWISE = BLANK |
For the next five questions, please tell me if energy was used in this building for any of these purposes during calendar year 2012.
Was any energy used for heating the building?
1 Yes 2 No
D2 [Cooling] |
D2 |
Cooling COOL |
All Buildings |
(Was any energy used...)
For air conditioning?
1 Yes 2 No
D3 [Water heating] |
D3 |
Water heating WATR |
All Buildings |
(Was any energy used...)
For heating water for purposes such as washing hands, dishes, or clothes?
1 Yes 2 No
D4 [Cooking] |
D4 |
Cooking COOK |
All Buildings |
(Was any energy used...)
For cooking?
EXP: [If there is only minimal cooking, such as microwaves, hot plates, or toaster ovens, answer "No."]
1 Yes 2 No
IF D1 [Heating] = DK/RF & D2 [Cooling] = DK/RF & D3 [Water heating] = DK/RF & D4 [Cooking] = DK/RF D5 [Missing end uses] OTHERWISE D6 [Manufacturing] |
D5 |
Missing end uses |
IF D1 [Heating] = DK/RF & D2 [Cooling] = DK/RF & D3 [Water heating] = DK/RF & D4 [Cooking] = DK/RF |
INTERVIEWER: You have entered DK or RF for the four major end use questions. This information is important for understanding how energy is used in this building. You may need to find a new respondent at this point. Explain to the current respondent that the remainder of the questionnaire contains technical information about energy use and equipment and ask whether the respondent would want us to consult someone else in the building for these questions.
ENTER "1" when you are ready to continue
D6 [Manufacturing] |
D6 |
Manufacturing MANU |
All Buildings |
(Was any energy used...)
For manufacturing?
1 Yes 2 No
IF No & D1 [Heating] = No & D2 [Cooling] = No & D3 [Water heating] = No & D4 [Cooking] = No D7 [Any energy used] OTHERWISE D8 [Electricity generation capability] |
D7 |
Any energy used ANYEGY |
IF D1 [Heating] = No & D2 [Cooling] = No & D3 [Water heating] = No & D4 [Cooking] = No & D6 [Manufacturing] = No |
I did not record any uses of energy for this building. Did this building use any energy in 2012 for other purposes, such as lighting or appliances?
1 Yes, some energy was used in 2012 2 No, no energy was used
IF Yes, some energy was used OR DK/RF D8 [Electricity generation capability] IF No, no energy was used E83 [Window glass type] |
D8 |
Electricity generation capability CAPGEN |
IF D1 [Heating] = Yes OR D2 [Cooling] = Yes OR D3 [Water heating] = Yes OR D4 [Cooking] = Yes OR D6 [Manufacturing] = Yes OR D7 [Any energy used] = Yes, some energy was used OR DK/RF |
Does this building have the ability to generate electricity, including for emergency backup?
1 Yes 2 No
D9 [Energy sources used] |
D9 |
Energy sources used see below |
IF D1 [Heating] = Yes OR D2 [Cooling] = Yes OR D3 [Water heating] = Yes OR D4 [Cooking] = Yes OR D6 [Manufacturing] = Yes OR D7 [Any energy used] = Yes, some energy was used OR DK/RF |
Looking at this list of energy sources on Show Card D1, please tell me which ones were used in this building for any purpose in 2012. EXP: [Include fuel oil, diesel, or kerosene if it was purchased or delivered in 2012, even if it was not used during that time.]
EXP: [Do not include any fuels used in vehicles outside the building.]
PROBE for any others
ENTER all that apply
11 Electricity ELUSED 12 Natural gas NGUSED 13 Fuel oil, diesel, or kerosene FKUSED 14 Bottled gas, also known as LPG or propane PRUSED 15 District steam piped in from a separate building or utility STUSED 16 District hot water piped in from a separate building or utility HWUSED 17 District chilled water piped in from a separate building or utility CWUSED 18 Wood, coal, or solar 24 Other source or sources OTUSED
IF Fuel, oil, diesel, or kerosene selected D10 [Fuel oil, diesel, or kerosene] IF Wood, coal, or solar selected D11 [Wood, coal, or solar] IF Other source or sources selected D12 [Other energy source 1] IF District steam or District hot water selected & B48 [Central physical plant] = Yes & B53 [Central plant in building] = No D15 [From central plant] IF DK/RF: IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] = Yes D84 [Energy for generation] IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] ≠ Yes E1 [Section E Routing] OTHERWISE: IF D1 [Heating] = Yes D17 [Source for main heating] IF D2 [Cooling] = Yes D48 [Sources for cooling] IF D3 [Water heating] = Yes D75 [Sources for water heating] IF D4 [Cooking] = Yes D80 [Sources for cooking] IF D6 [Manufacturing] = Yes D82 [Sources for manufacturing] IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] = Yes D84 [Energy for generation] OTHERWISE D90 [Any other sources] |
D10 |
Fuel oil, diesel, or kerosene FKTYPE |
IF Fuel oil, diesel, or kerosene IN D9 [Energy sources used] |
VERIFY if volunteered in previous question
You mentioned fuel oil, diesel, or kerosene. Which of these were used (in this building in 2012)?
ENTER all that apply
1 Fuel oil 2 Diesel 3 Kerosene
IF Wood, coal, or solar IN D9 [Energy sources used] D11 [Wood, coal, or solar] IF Other source or sources IN D9 [Energy sources used] D12 [Other energy source 1] IF District steam or District hot water IN D9 [Energy sources used] & B48 [Central physical plant] = Yes & B53 [Central plant in building] = No D15 [From central plant] OTHERWISE: IF D1 [Heating] = Yes D17 [Source for main heating] IF D2 [Cooling] = Yes D48 [Sources for cooling] IF D3 [Water heating] = Yes D75 [Sources for water heating] IF D4 [Cooking] = Yes D80 [Sources for cooking] IF D6 [Manufacturing] = Yes D82 [Sources for manufacturing] IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] = Yes D84 [Energy for generation] OTHERWISE D90 [Any other sources] |
D11 |
Wood, coal, or solar see below |
IF Wood, coal, or solar IN D9 [Energy sources used] |
VERIFY if volunteered in previous question
You mentioned wood, coal, or solar. Which of these were used (in this building in 2012)?
ENTER all that apply
1 Wood WOUSED 2 Coal COUSED 3 Solar SOUSED
IF Other source or sources IN D9 [Energy sources used] D12 [Other energy source 1] IF District steam or District hot water IN D9 [Energy sources used] & B48 [Central physical plant] = Yes & B53 [Central plant in building] = No D15 [From central plant] OTHERWISE: IF D1 [Heating] = Yes D17 [Source for main heating] IF D2 [Cooling] = Yes D48 [Sources for cooling] IF D3 [Water heating] = Yes D75 [Sources for water heating] IF D4 [Cooking] = Yes D80 [Sources for cooking] IF D6 [Manufacturing] = Yes D82 [Sources for manufacturing] IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] = Yes D84 [Energy for generation] OTHERWISE D90 [Any other sources] |
D12 |
Other energy source 1 OTUSDX1 |
IF Other source or sources IN D9 [Energy sources used] |
What was the first other energy source used (in this building in 2012)?
ENTER the first energy source used
D13 [Other energy source 2] |
D13 |
Other energy source 2 OTUSDX2 |
IF Other source or sources IN D9 [Energy sources used] |
Were there any other energy sources used (in this building in 2012)?
ENTER the next energy source
[ENTER] if no others
IF Source entered here D14 [Other energy source 3] IF No source entered here: IF District steam or District hot water IN D9 [Energy sources used] & B48 [Central physical plant] = Yes & B53 [Central plant in building] = No D15 [From central plant] OTHERWISE: IF D1 [Heating] = Yes D17 [Source for main heating] IF D2 [Cooling] = Yes D48 [Sources for cooling] IF D3 [Water heating] = Yes D75 [Sources for water heating] IF D4 [Cooking] = Yes D80 [Sources for cooking] IF D6 [Manufacturing] = Yes D82 [Sources for manufacturing] IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] = Yes D84 [Energy for generation] OTHERWISE D90 [Any other sources] |
D14 |
Other energy source 3 OTUSDX3 |
IF Source was entered in D13 [Other energy source 2] |
Were there any other energy sources used (in this building in 2012)?
ENTER the next energy source
[ENTER] if no others
IF District steam or District hot water IN D9 [Energy sources used] & B48 [Central physical plant] = Yes & B53 [Central plant in building] = No D15 [From central plant] OTHERWISE: IF D1 [Heating] = Yes D17 [Source for main heating] IF D2 [Cooling] = Yes D48 [Sources for cooling] IF D3 [Water heating] = Yes D75 [Sources for water heating] IF D4 [Cooking] = Yes D80 [Sources for cooking] IF D6 [Manufacturing] = Yes D82 [Sources for manufacturing] IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] = Yes D84 [Energy for generation] OTHERWISE D90 [Any other sources] |
D15 |
From central plant DHFRPL |
IF District steam or District hot water IN D9 [Energy sources used] & B48 [Central physical plant] = Yes & B53 [Central plant in building] = No |
Is the district steam or hot water piped in from a central plant that is part of the same campus or complex as your building?
1 Yes 2 No
IF No OR DK/RF D16 [Purchase from offsite] IF Yes: IF D1 [Heating] = Yes D17 [Source for main heating] IF D2 [Cooling] = Yes D48 [Sources for cooling] IF D3 [Water heating] = Yes D75 [Sources for water heating] IF D4 [Cooking] = Yes D80 [Sources for cooking] IF D6 [Manufacturing] = Yes D82 [Sources for manufacturing] IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] = Yes D84 [Energy for generation] OTHERWISE D90 [Any other sources] |
D16 |
Purchase from offsite DHOFF |
IF D15 [From central plant] = No OR DK/RF |
Is it (the district steam or hot water) purchased from somewhere off-site, such as a commercial or municipal plant?
1 Yes 2 No
IF D1 [Heating] = Yes D17 [Source for main heating] IF D2 [Cooling] = Yes D48 [Sources for cooling] IF D3 [Water heating] = Yes D75 [Sources for water heating] IF D4 [Cooking] = Yes D80 [Sources for cooking] IF D6 [Manufacturing] = Yes D82 [Sources for manufacturing] IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] = Yes D84 [Energy for generation] OTHERWISE D90 [Any other sources] |
D17 |
Source for main heating see below |
IF D1 [Heating] = Yes |
{Ht1SourcesList} = List of all energy sources used {Electricity} – {Other3} = If a source is used, it appears in this list; if not, the line is blank {FuelOilType} = Type or types specified in D10 [Fuel oil, diesel, or kerosene] {Other1} – {Other3} = Sources specified in D12 [Other energy source 1] – D14 [Other energy source 3] |
What was the main energy source for heating? (Was it {Ht1SourcesList}?)
DEF: [The main energy source for heating is the energy source used to heat most of the square footage in this building most of the time.]
EXP: [Do not include electricity if it is used only to run fan motors.]
Only sources already selected are shown here
11 {Electricity} ELHT1 12 {Natural gas} NGHT1 13 {FuelOilType} FKHT1 14 {Bottled gas} PRHT1 15 {District steam} STHT1 16 {District hot water} HWHT1 18 {Wood} WOHT1 19 {Coal} COHT1 20 {Solar} SOHT1 21 {Other1} OTHT1 22 {Other2} OTHT1 23 {Other3} OTHT1 24 Some other energy source
IF Some other energy source D18 [Other source for main heating] IF Anything but Some other energy source OR DK/RF: IF More than one energy source used D19 [Which other sources for heating] IF Only one energy source used D20 [Any other sources for heating] |
D18 |
Other source for main heating see below |
IF D17 [Source for main heating] = Some other energy source |
What was the other energy source used for main space heating?
11 Electricity ELHT1 12 Natural gas NGHT1 13 Fuel oil/Diesel/Kerosene FKHT1 14 Bottled gas PRHT1 15 District steam STHT1 16 District hot water HWHT1 18 Wood WOHT1 19 Coal COHT1 20 Solar SOHT1 24 Some other energy source OTHT1
D20 [Any other sources for heating] |
D19 |
Which other sources for heating HT2 & see below |
IF D1 [Heating] = Yes & More than one energy source used |
{Ht2SourcesList} = List of all energy sources used, minus the one used for main heating {Electricity} – {Other3} = If a source is used (other than for main space heating), it appears in this list; if not, the line is blank {FuelOilType} = Type or types specified in D10 [Fuel oil, diesel, or kerosene] {Other1} – {Other3} = Sources specified in D12 [Other energy source 1] – D14 [Other energy source 3] |
Which other energy sources, if any, were used for heating? ({Ht2SourcesList})
EXP: [Do not include electricity if it is used only to run fan motors.]
Only sources already selected are shown here
PROBE for any others
ENTER all that apply
11 {Electricity} ELHT2 12 {Natural gas} NGHT2 13 {FuelOilType} FKHT2 14 {Bottled gas} PRHT2 15 {District steam} STHT2 16 {District hot water} HWHT2 18 {Wood} WOHT2 19 {Coal} COHT2 20 {Solar} SOHT2 21 {Other1} OTHT2 22 {Other2} OTHT2 23 {Other3} OTHT2 24 Some other energy source 99 No other sources for heating
IF Some other energy source D21 [Other source for heating] IF Anything but Some other energy source OR DK/RF D22 [Percent heated] |
D20 |
Any other sources for heating HT2 |
IF D1 [Heating] = Yes & Only one energy source used |
Were there any other energy sources used for heating?
1 Yes 2 No
IF Yes D21 [Other source for heating] IF No OR DK/RF D22 [Percent heated] |
D21 |
Other source for heating |
IF D19 [Which other sources for heating] = Some other energy source OR D20 [Any other sources for heating] = Yes |
What was the other energy source used for secondary space heating?
11 Electricity ELHT2 12 Natural gas NGHT2 13 Fuel oil/Diesel/Kerosene FKHT2 14 Bottled gas PRHT2 15 District steam STHT2 16 District hot water HWHT2 18 Wood WOHT2 19 Coal COHT2 20 Solar SOHT2 24 Some other energy source OTHT2
D22 [Percent heated] |
Throughout the rest of this questionnaire, there will be references such as “Electricity used” or “Natural gas used.” In addition to the energy sources that were given in D9 [Energy sources used], if sources are added along the way, such as in D18 [Other source for main heating] OR D21 [Other source for heating], those sources are then also considered to be used.
D22 |
Percent heated HEATP |
IF D1 [Heating] = Yes |
{SqFt} IF A6 [Square footage] known = “A6 [Square footage]” IF A6 [Square footage] = DK/RF = “floorspace” |
What percent of the {SqFt} in this building was heated to at least 50 degrees Fahrenheit during 2012, including basements and indoor parking levels if they were heated to at least 50 degrees?
If heated square footage is known, but not the percent, RECORD square footage in comments, then code DK
PROBE for estimate if DK
0 to 100 |
IF Zero D23 [Heated to less than 50 degrees] IF Anything else D24 [Heating equipment types] |
D23 |
Heated to less than 50 degrees HTLS50 |
IF D22 [Percent heated] = Zero |
Was any of this building heated to less than 50 degrees Fahrenheit?
EXP: [Areas may be heated to less than 50 degrees to prevent pipes from freezing.]
1 Yes 2 No
IF Yes OR DK/RF D24 [Heating equipment types] IF No: IF D2 [Cooling] = Yes D48 [Sources for cooling] IF D3 [Water heating] = Yes D75 [Sources for water heating] IF D4 [Cooking] = Yes D80 [Sources for cooking] IF D6 [Manufacturing] = Yes D82 [Sources for manufacturing] IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] = Yes D84 [Energy for generation] OTHERWISE D90 [Any other sources] |
D24 |
Heating equipment types see below |
IF D22 [Percent heated] > 0 OR D23 [Heated to less than 50 degrees] = Yes OR DK/RF |
Looking at the list of heating equipment types on Show Card D2, please tell me which types are used in this building.
PROBE for any others
ENTER all that apply
1 Furnaces that heat air directly, without using steam or hot water FURNAC 2 Packaged central unit (roof mounted) PKGHT 3 Boilers inside (or adjacent to) the building that produce steam or hot water BOILER 4 District steam or hot water piped in from outside the building STHW 5 Heat pumps (other than components of a packaged unit) HTPMPH 6 Individual space heaters, other than heat pumps SLFCON 7 Other heating equipment OTHTEQ
IF Furnaces D25 [Type of furnace] IF Boilers D28 [Type of boiler system] IF District steam or hot water D29 [Type of district heat system] IF Other heating equipment D30 [Other heating components] IF Packaged central unit D36 [Type of packaged heating] IF Heat pumps D38 [Heat pump heating system] IF Individual space heaters D41 [Type of individual heater] IF DK/RF: IF D2 [Cooling] = Yes D48 [Sources for cooling] OTHERWISE D66 [Building automation system] |
D25 |
Type of furnace |
IF Furnaces IN D24 [Heating equipment types] |
Looking at Show Card D3, please tell me the type or types of furnace systems used in the building.
ENTER all that apply
2 Split system (residential-type furnace with DX cooling unit) 3 Duct furnace (installed in air distribution duct) 4 Individual room furnace (freestanding or floor-mounted)
IF Packaged central unit OR Duct furnace D26 [Classify furnace as packaged] IF Individual room furnace D27 [Classify furnace as space heater] OTHERWISE: IF Boilers IN D24 [Heating equipment types] D28 [Type of boiler system] IF District steam or hot water IN D24 [Heating equipment types] D29 [Type of district heat system] IF Other heating equipment IN D24 [Heating equipment types] D30 [Other heating components] IF Packaged central unit IN D24 [Heating equipment types] D36 [Type of packaged heating] IF Heat pumps IN D24 [Heating equipment types] D38 [Heat pump heating system] IF Individual space heaters D41 [Type of individual heater] OTHERWISE: IF More than one energy source used for heating D42 [Explain sources for heating] OTHERWISE D43 [Heating ventilation types] |
D26 |
Classify furnace as packaged |
IF Packaged central unit OR Duct furnace IN D25 [Type of furnace] |
For the purposes of this study, I am going to refer to the packaged central furnace as a "packaged unit."
ENTER "1" to continue
IF Individual room furnace IN D25 [Type of furnace] D27 [Classify furnace as space heater] OTHERWISE: IF Boilers IN D24 [Heating equipment types] D28 [Type of boiler system] IF District steam or hot water IN D24 [Heating equipment types] D29 [Type of district heat system] IF Other heating equipment IN D24 [Heating equipment types] D30 [Other heating components] OTHERWISE D36 [Type of packaged heating] |
D27 |
Classify furnace as space heater |
IF D25 [Type of furnace] = Individual room furnace |
For the purposes of this study, I am going to refer to the individual room furnace as an "individual space heater."
ENTER "1" to continue
IF Boilers IN D24 [Heating equipment types] D28 [Type of boiler system] IF District steam or hot water IN D24 [Heating equipment types] D29 [Type of district heat system] IF Other heating equipment IN D24 [Heating equipment types] D30 [Other heating components] IF Packaged central unit IN D24 [Heating equipment types] D36 [Type of packaged heating] IF Heat pumps IN D24 [Heating equipment types] D38 [Heat pump heating system] IF Individual space heaters D41 [Type of individual heater] OTHERWISE: IF More than one heating equipment D45 [Percent heated by each type] IF Only one equipment, assign it as Main heating equipment, THEN IF Main heating equipment ≠ District steam or hot water & (A30 [Year of construction] < 1990 OR A31 [Year of construction category] ≠ 2000 to 2003 OR 2004 to 2007 OR 2008 to 2012) D47 [Main heating replaced] OTHERWISE: IF D2 [Cooling] = Yes D48 [Sources for cooling] OTHERWISE D66 [Building automation system] |
D28 |
Type of boiler system |
IF Boilers IN D24 [Heating equipment types] |
Looking at Show Card D4, please tell me the type or types of distribution systems used with the boiler.
ENTER all that apply
2 Fan coil units in rooms (or areas) BLRFNCL 3 Induction units BLRINDC 4 Water loop heat pump BLRWATR 5 Central air handler (hydronic/steam coils) BLRAIR 6 Packaged unit (hydronic/steam coils) BLRPKG 7 Duct reheat (hydronic/steam coils) BLRDUCT
IF District steam or hot water IN D24 [Heating equipment types] D29 [Type of district heat system] IF Other heating equipment IN D24 [Heating equipment types] D30 [Other heating components] IF Packaged central unit IN D24 [Heating equipment types] D36 [Type of packaged heating] IF Heat pumps IN D24 [Heating equipment types] D38 [Heat pump heating system] IF Individual space heaters D41 [Type of individual heater] OTHERWISE: IF Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat given here OR Any type except Individual room furnace IN D25 [Type of furnace] OR Packaged central unit IN D24 [Heating equipment types] D43 [Heating ventilation types] IF More than one heating equipment D45 [Percent heated by each type] IF Only one equipment, assign it as Main heating equipment, THEN IF Main heating equipment ≠ District steam or hot water & (A30 [Year of construction] < 1990 OR A31 [Year of construction category] ≠ 2000 to 2003 OR 2004 to 2007 OR 2008 to 2012) D47 [Main heating replaced] OTHERWISE: IF D2 [Cooling] = Yes D48 [Sources for cooling] OTHERWISE D66 [Building automation system] |
D29 |
Type of district heat system |
IF District steam or hot water IN D24 [Heating equipment types] |
Looking at Show Card D4, please tell me the type or types of distribution systems used with the district steam or hot water.
ENTER all that apply 1 Radiators DHRAD 2 Fan coil units in rooms (or areas) DHFNCL 3 Induction units DHINDC 4 Water loop heat pump DHWATR 5 Central air handler (hydronic/steam coils) DHAIR 6 Packaged unit (hydronic/steam coils) DHPKG 7 Duct reheat (hydronic/steam coils) DHDUCT
IF Other heating equipment IN D24 [Heating equipment types] D30 [Other heating components] IF Packaged central unit IN D24 [Heating equipment types] D36 [Type of packaged heating] IF Heat pumps IN D24 [Heating equipment types] D38 [Heat pump heating system] IF Individual space heaters D41 [Type of individual heater] OTHERWISE: IF Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat given here OR Any type except Individual room furnace IN D25 [Type of furnace] OR Packaged central unit IN D24 [Heating equipment types] D43 [Heating ventilation types] IF More than one heating equipment D45 [Percent heated by each type] IF Only one equipment, assign it as Main heating equipment, THEN IF Main heating equipment ≠ District steam or hot water & (A30 [Year of construction] < 1990 OR A31 [Year of construction category] ≠ 2000 to 2003 OR 2004 to 2007 OR 2008 to 2012) D47 [Main heating replaced] OTHERWISE: IF D2 [Cooling] = Yes D48 [Sources for cooling] OTHERWISE D66 [Building automation system] |
D30 |
Other heating components |
IF Other heating equipment IN D24 [Heating equipment types] |
Looking at Show Card D5, please tell me if the other heating equipment includes any of these components.
ENTER all that apply
1 Heating coil or electric heat strip OTSTRP 2 Duct reheat or electric reheat OTDUCT 3 Powered induction units (PIU) OTPIU 4 None of these components
IF Any components: IF Packaged central unit IN D24 [Heating equipment types] OR Packaged central unit OR Duct furnace IN D25 [Type of furnace]) D31 [Classify other as part of packaged] IF Boiler IN D24 [Heating equipment types] D32 [Classify other as part of boiler] IF District steam or hot water IN D24 [Heating equipment types] D33 [Classify other as part of district] OTHERWISE D34 [Classify other as packaged] IF None of these components OR DK/RF D35 [Other heat specify] |
D31 |
Classify other as part of packaged |
IF Any components given in D30 [Other heating components] & Packaged central unit IN D24 [Heating equipment types] OR Packaged central unit OR Duct furnace IN D25 [Type of furnace] |
For the purposes of this study, I am going to consider the other heating equipment to be part of the packaged unit.
ENTER "1" to continue
D36 [Type of packaged heating] |
D32 |
Classify other as part of boiler |
IF Any components given in D30 [Other heating components] & Boiler IN D24 [Heating equipment types] |
For the purposes of this study, I am going to consider the other heating equipment to be part of the boiler system.
ENTER "1" to continue
IF Packaged central unit IN D24 [Heating equipment types] D36 [Type of packaged heating] IF Heat pumps IN D24 [Heating equipment types] D38 [Heat pump heating system] IF Individual space heaters D41 [Type of individual heater] OTHERWISE: IF Any type except Individual room furnace IN D25 [Type of furnace] OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat IN D28 [Type of boiler system] OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat IN D29 [Type of district heat system] OR Any components given in D30 [Other heating components] OR Packaged central unit IN D24 [Heating equipment types] D43 [Heating ventilation types] IF More than one heating equipment D45 [Percent heated by each type] IF Only one equipment, assign it as Main heating equipment, THEN IF Main heating equipment ≠ District steam or hot water & (A30 [Year of construction] < 1990 OR A31 [Year of construction category] ≠ 2000 to 2003 OR 2004 to 2007 OR 2008 to 2012) D47 [Main heating replaced] OTHERWISE: IF D2 [Cooling] = Yes D48 [Sources for cooling] OTHERWISE D66 [Building automation system] |
D33 |
Classify other as part of district |
IF Any components given in D30 [Other heating components] & District steam or hot water IN D24 [Heating equipment types] |
For the purposes of this study, I am going to consider the other heating equipment to be part of the district heating system.
ENTER "1" to continue
IF Packaged central unit IN D24 [Heating equipment types] D36 [Type of packaged heating] IF Heat pumps IN D24 [Heating equipment types] D38 [Heat pump heating system] IF Individual space heaters D41 [Type of individual heater] OTHERWISE: IF Any type except Individual room furnace IN D25 [Type of furnace] OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat IN D28 [Type of boiler system] OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat IN D29 [Type of district heat system] OR Any components given in D30 [Other heating components] OR Packaged central unit IN D24 [Heating equipment types] D43 [Heating ventilation types] IF More than one heating equipment D45 [Percent heated by each type] IF Only one equipment, assign it as Main heating equipment, THEN IF Main heating equipment ≠ District steam or hot water & (A30 [Year of construction] < 1990 OR A31 [Year of construction category] ≠ 2000 to 2003 OR 2004 to 2007 OR 2008 to 2012) D47 [Main heating replaced] OTHERWISE: IF D2 [Cooling] = Yes D48 [Sources for cooling] OTHERWISE D66 [Building automation system] |
D34 |
Classify other as packaged |
IF Any components given in D30 [Other heating components] & NOT(Packaged central unit IN D24 [Heating equipment types] OR Packaged central unit OR Duct furnace IN D25 [Type of furnace] OR Boiler IN D24 [Heating equipment types] OR District steam or hot water IN D24 [Heating equipment types]) |
For the purposes of this study, I am going to refer to the other heating equipment as a “packaged unit.” In the next couple questions I just need to verify some of the components of the packaged system.
ENTER "1" to continue
D36 [Type of packaged heating] |
D35 |
Other heat specify |
IF Other heating equipment IN D24 [Heating equipment types] & D30 [Other heating components] = None of these components |
Please describe the other type of heating equipment.
RECORD in open box
IF Packaged central unit IN D24 [Heating equipment types] D36 [Type of packaged heating] IF Heat pumps IN D24 [Heating equipment types] D38 [Heat pump heating system] IF Individual space heaters D41 [Type of individual heater] OTHERWISE: IF Any type except Individual room furnace IN D25 [Type of furnace] OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat IN D28 [Type of boiler system] OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat IN D29 [Type of district heat system] OR Any components given in D30 [Other heating components] OR Packaged central unit IN D24 [Heating equipment types] D43 [Heating ventilation types] IF More than one heating equipment D45 [Percent heated by each type] IF Only one equipment, assign it as Main heating equipment, THEN IF Main heating equipment ≠ District steam or hot water & (A30 [Year of construction] < 1990 OR A31 [Year of construction category] ≠ 2000 to 2003 OR 2004 to 2007 OR 2008 to 2012) D47 [Main heating replaced] OTHERWISE: IF D2 [Cooling] = Yes D48 [Sources for cooling] OTHERWISE D66 [Building automation system] |
D36 |
Type of packaged heating PKGHTTYP |
IF Packaged central unit IN D24 [Heating equipment types] OR Packaged central unit OR Duct furnace IN D25 [Type of furnace] OR Any components given in D30 [Other heating components] & NOT(Packaged central unit IN D24 [Heating equipment types] OR Packaged central unit OR Duct furnace IN D25 [Type of furnace] OR Boiler IN D24 [Heating equipment types] OR District steam or hot water IN D24 [Heating equipment types]) |
Please look at Show Card D6 and tell me if the packaged unit is a factory-assembled unitary packaged unit or a custom built-up unit?
1 Factory-assembled unitary packaged unit 2 Custom built-up packaged unit 3 IF VOLUNTEERED: Both factory-assembled and custom built-up packaged units
IF Any type given D37 [Packaged heating components] IF DK/RF: IF Heat pumps IN D24 [Heating equipment types] D38 [Heat pump heating system] IF Individual space heaters D41 [Type of individual heater] OTHERWISE D43 [Heating ventilation types] |
D37 |
Packaged heating components |
IF Any type given in D36 [Type of packaged heating] |
Looking at the second list on Show Card D6, please tell me which heating components are part of this packaged system.
ENTER all that apply
1 Furnace PKGFURN 2 Heat pump PKGHTP 3 Heating coil PKGCOIL 4 Powered induction unit (PIU) PKGPIU 5 Duct reheat PKGDUCT
IF Heat pumps IN D24 [Heating equipment types] D38 [Heat pump heating system] IF Individual space heaters D41 [Type of individual heater] OTHERWISE D43 [Heating ventilation types] |
D38 |
Heat pump heating system see below |
IF Heat pumps IN D24 [Heating equipment types] |
Please look at the first list on Show Card D7 and tell me which heat pump systems are used for heating in this building.
ENTER all that apply
1 Packaged unit HPHPKG 2 Split system (residential-type) HPHSPLT 3 Individual room heat pump (packaged terminal heat pump or PTHP) HPHROOM 4 Ductless mini-split system HPHMINI 5 Variable refrigerant flow (VRF) system HPHVRF
D39 [Heat pump heating type] |
D39 |
Heat pump heating type see below |
IF Heat pumps IN D24 [Heating equipment types] |
Looking at the second list on Show Card D7, which types of heat pumps are these?
ENTER all that apply
1 Air source heat pump HPHAIR 2 Ground source or ground water heat pump (geothermal) HPHGRD 3 Dual source heat pump (combination air source and geothermal) HPHDUAL 4 Water loop heat pump HPHWTR
IF Air source heat pump & Natural gas OR Bottled gas used for heating D40 [Heat pump backup] IF Individual space heaters D41 [Type of individual heater] OTHERWISE: IF Any type except Individual room furnace IN D25 [Type of furnace] OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat IN D28 [Type of boiler system] OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat IN D29 [Type of district heat system] OR Any components given in D30 [Other heating components] OR Packaged central unit IN D24 [Heating equipment types] OR Packaged unit OR Split system IN D38 [Heat pump heating system] D43 [Heating ventilation types] IF More than one heating equipment D45 [Percent heated by each type] IF Only one equipment, assign it as Main heating equipment, THEN IF Main heating equipment ≠ District steam or hot water & (A30 [Year of construction] < 1990 OR A31 [Year of construction category] ≠ 2000 to 2003 OR 2004 to 2007 OR 2008 to 2012) D47 [Main heating replaced] OTHERWISE: IF D2 [Cooling] = Yes D48 [Sources for cooling] OTHERWISE D66 [Building automation system] |
D40 |
Heat pump backup HPHBKUP |
IF D39 [Heat pump heating type] = Air source heat pump & Natural gas OR Bottled gas used for heating |
{NatGasBotGas} IF Natural gas but not bottled gas for heating = “natural gas” IF Bottled gas but not natural gas for heating = “bottled gas” IF Both natural gas and bottled gas for heating = “natural gas or bottled gas” { NatGasBotGasList} IF Natural gas but not bottled gas for heating = “Natural gas” IF Bottled gas but not natural gas for heating = “Bottled gas” IF Both natural gas and bottled gas for heating = “Natural gas or bottled gas” |
Does the air source heat pump have electric resistance backup, is it a dual fuel heat pump with {NatGasBotGas} backup, or is there no backup source for the heat pump?
DEF: [Air source heat pumps do not operate efficiently when outside temperatures are sub-freezing for extended periods of time. An air source heat pump may use electric resistance coils to provide supplemental heat. Other air source heat pumps may use a natural gas or bottled gas furnace that operates at colder temperatures (these are also known as duel fuel heat pumps)]
1 Electric resistance backup 2 {NatGasBotGasList} backup (dual fuel) 3 No backup source
IF Individual space heaters D41 [Type of individual heater] OTHERWISE: IF Any type except Individual room furnace IN D25 [Type of furnace] OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat IN D28 [Type of boiler system] OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat IN D29 [Type of district heat system] OR Any components given in D30 [Other heating components] OR Packaged central unit IN D24 [Heating equipment types] OR Packaged unit OR Split system IN D38 [Heat pump heating system] D43 [Heating ventilation types] IF More than one heating equipment D45 [Percent heated by each type] IF Only one equipment, assign it as Main heating equipment, THEN IF Main heating equipment ≠ District steam or hot water & (A30 [Year of construction] < 1990 OR A31 [Year of construction category] ≠ 2000 to 2003 OR 2004 to 2007 OR 2008 to 2012) D47 [Main heating replaced] OTHERWISE: IF D2 [Cooling] = Yes D48 [Sources for cooling] OTHERWISE D66 [Building automation system] |
D42 |
Explain sources for heating |
IF ONLY Boiler, Furnace, OR District heat as heating equipment but more than one energy source used for heating |
{HeatEquip} IF Boilers = “boiler” IF Furnace = “furnace” IF District heat = “district heating system” {HeatSources} = list of the energy sources given for heating |
I've recorded just one type of heating equipment - a {HeatEquip} - but more than one energy source – {HeatSources} - for heating. For clarification, will you please briefly explain how these sources are used for operating the {HeatEquip}.
RECORD in open box
IF Any type except Individual room furnace IN D25 [Type of furnace] OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat IN D28 [Type of boiler system] OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat IN D29 [Type of district heat system] OR Any components given in D30 [Other heating components] OR Packaged central unit IN D24 [Heating equipment types] OR Packaged unit OR Split system IN D38 [Heat pump heating system] D43 [Heating ventilation types] OTHERWISE: IF More than one heating equipment D45 [Percent heated by each type] IF Only one equipment, assign it as Main heating equipment, THEN IF Main heating equipment ≠ District steam or hot water & (A30 [Year of construction] < 1990 OR A31 [Year of construction category] ≠ 2000 to 2003 OR 2004 to 2007 OR 2008 to 2012) D47 [Main heating replaced] OTHERWISE: IF D2 [Cooling] = Yes D48 [Sources for cooling] OTHERWISE D66 [Building automation system] |
D44 |
Heating ventilation specify |
IF D43 [Heating ventilation types] = None of these types |
Please describe the ventilation system that is used with the heating system.
RECORD in open box
IF More than one heating equipment D45 [Percent heated by each type] IF Only one equipment, assign it as Main heating equipment, THEN IF Main heating equipment ≠ District steam or hot water & (A30 [Year of construction] < 1990 OR A31 [Year of construction category] ≠ 2000 to 2003 OR 2004 to 2007 OR 2008 to 2012) D47 [Main heating replaced] OTHERWISE: IF D2 [Cooling] = Yes D48 [Sources for cooling] OTHERWISE D66 [Building automation system] |
D45 |
Percent heated by each type FURNP, PKGHP, BOILP,STHWP, HTPHP, SLFCNP, OTHTP |
For each equipment type given in D24 [Heating equipment types] |
{Introduction} IF First equipment = “The next questions are about the percent of floorspace heated by the equipment you just mentioned. Please keep in mind:” OTHERWISE = BLANK {Explanation} IF First equipment and D22 [Percent heated] ≠ 100 = “We are talking only about the heated portion of the floorspace, so these percents must add up to at least 100, but since more than one type of equipment can heat the same area, it is also possible for them to add up to more than 100.” IF First equipment and D22 [Percent heated] = 100 = “These percents must add up to at least 100, but since more than one type of equipment can heat the same area, it is also possible for them to add up to more than 100.” OTHERWISE = BLANK {Equipment} IF Furnaces that heat air directly IN D24 [Heating equipment types] = “furnace” IF Packaged heating units IN D24 [Heating equipment types] = “packaged heating” IF Boilers inside the building IN D24 [Heating equipment types] = “boiler” IF District steam or hot water IN D24 [Heating equipment types] = “district steam or hot water” IF Heat pumps IN D24 [Heating equipment types] = “heat pump” IF Individual space heaters IN D24 [Heating equipment types] = “space heater” IF Other heating equipment IN D24 [Heating equipment types] = “other heating equipment” |
Please look at Show Card D10. What percent of the heated area in this building is served by the {Equipment}?
PROBE for estimate if DK
0 to 100 |
IF There are equal maximum percents OR DK/RF D46 [Main heating equipment] IF There is an equipment with a maximum percent, assign that equipment as the Main heating equipment [MAINHT]. THEN: IF Main heating equipment ≠ District steam or hot water & (A30 [Year of construction] < 1990 OR A31 [Year of construction category] ≠ 2000 to 2003 OR 2004 to 2007 OR 2008 to 2012) D47 [Main heating replaced] OTHERWISE: IF D2 [Cooling] = Yes D48 [Sources for cooling] OTHERWISE D66 [Building automation system] |
D46 |
Main heating equipment MNHTEQ |
IF D45 [Percent heated by each type] has equal maximum percents OR DK/RF |
{EquipmentList} = List of the equipments with equal maximum percents {Furnace} – {Other heating equipment} = Each equipment with an equal maximum percent appears on this list; otherwise the line is blank |
Which do you consider to be your main heating equipment – {EquipmentList} ?
Only equipment types with equal percentages are shown here
1 {Furnace} 2 {Packaged heating} 3 {Boiler} 4 {District steam or hot water} 5 {Heat pump} 6 {Space heater} 7 {Other heating equipment}
IF Main equipment NOT (District steam or hot water OR DK/RF) & (A30 [Year of construction] < 1990 OR A31 [Year of construction category] ≠ 2000 to 2003 OR 2004 to 2007 OR 2008 to 2012) D47 [Main heating replaced] OTHERWISE: IF D2 [Cooling] = Yes D48 [Sources for cooling] OTHERWISE D66 [Building automation system] |
D47 |
Main heating replaced NWMNHT |
IF Main heating equipment known & NOT District steam or hot water & (A30 [Year of construction] < 1990 OR A31 [Year of construction category] ≠ 2000 to 2003 OR 2004 to 2007 OR 2008 to 2012) |
{MainHeatEquip} IF Main heating equipment = Furnace = “Has the furnace” IF Main heating equipment = Boiler = “Has the boiler” IF Main heating equipment = Packaged heating = “Has the packaged heating unit” IF Main heating equipment = Individual space heater = “Have any of the individual space heaters” IF Main heating equipment = Heat pump = “Has the heat pump” IF Main heating equipment = Other = “Has the other type of heating equipment” |
{MainHeatEquip} been replaced since 1990?
EXP: [If there is more than one of this equipment type and at least one has been replaced, answer "Yes."]
1 Yes 2 No
IF D2 [Cooling] = Yes D48 [Sources for cooling] OTHERWISE D66 [Building automation system] |
D48 |
Sources for cooling see below |
IF D2 [Cooling] = Yes |
{CoolSourcesList} = List of all possible air conditioning energy sources used {Electricity} – {Other3} = If a source is used, it appears in this list; if not, the line is blank {FuelOilType} = Type or types specified in D10 [Fuel oil, diesel, or kerosene] {Other1} – {Other3} = Sources specified in D12 [Other energy source 1] – D14 [Other energy source 3] |
Which energy sources were used for air conditioning? ({CoolSourcesList})
Only sources already selected are shown here
PROBE for any others
ENTER all that apply
11 {Electricity} ELCOOL 12 {Natural gas} NGCOOL 13 {FuelOilType} FKCOOL 14 {Bottled gas} PRCOOL 15 {District steam} STCOOL 16 {District hot water} HWCOOL 17 {District chilled water} CWCOOL 21 {Other1} OTCOOL 22 {Other2} OTCOOL 23 {Other3} OTCOOL 24 Some other energy source
IF Some other energy source selected D49 [Other source for cooling] OTHERWISE D50 [Percent cooled] |
D49 |
Other source for cooling see below |
IF Some other energy source IN D48 [Sources for cooling] |
What was the other energy source used for air conditioning?
11 Electricity ELCOOL 12 Natural gas NGCOOL 13 Fuel oil/Diesel/Kerosene FKCOOL 14 Bottled gas PRCOOL 15 District steam STCOOL 16 District hot water HWCOOL 17 District chilled water CWCOOL 24 Some other energy source OTCOOL
D50 [Percent cooled] |
D50 |
Percent cooled COOLP |
IF D1 [Cooling] = Yes |
{SqFtIn} IF A6 [Square footage] known = A6 [Square footage] IF A6 [Square footage] = DK/RF = “floorspace” |
What percent of the {SqFt} in this building was cooled by air conditioning equipment during 2012?
If cooled square footage is known, but not the percent, RECORD square footage in comments, then code DK
PROBE for estimate if DK
0 to 100 |
IF 1-100, DK/RF D51 [Cooling equipment types] IF Zero: IF More than just Individual space heaters IN D24 [Heating equipment types] D74 [Regular HVAC maintenance] IF D3 [Water heating] = Yes D75 [Sources for water heating] IF D4 [Cooking] = Yes D80 [Sources for cooking] IF D6 [Manufacturing] = Yes D82 [Sources for manufacturing] IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] = Yes D84 [Energy for generation] OTHERWISE D90 [Any other sources] |
D51 |
Cooling equipment types see below |
IF D50 [Percent cooled] = 1 to 100 OR DK/RF |
Looking at the list of cooling equipment types on Show Card D11, please tell me which types are used in this building.
PROBE for any others
ENTER all that apply
1 Residential-type central air conditioners, other than heat pumps, that cool air directly and circulate it without using chilled water RCAC 2 Packaged air conditioning units, other than heat pumps PKGCL 3 Central chillers inside (or adjacent to) the building that chill water for air conditioning CHILLR 4 District chilled water piped in from outside the building CHWT 5 Heat pumps for cooling HTPMPC 6 Individual room air conditioners, other than heat pumps ACWNWL 7 "Swamp" coolers or evaporative coolers EVAPCL 8 Other cooling equipment OTCLEQ
IF Packaged air conditioning units D52 [Type of packaged cooling] IF Central chillers D53 [Type of chiller] IF District chilled water D56 [Type of district chilled water system] IF Heat pumps for cooling AND NOT Heat pumps for heating D57 [Heat pump cooling system] IF Other cooling equipment D59 [Other cool specify] IF DK/RF D66 [Building automation system] OTHERWISE: IF Any source(s) other than electricity or chilled water reported in D48 [Sources for cooling] OR D49 [Other source for cooling] D60 [Cool source explanation] IF Residential-type central air & D1 [Heating] = Yes & D43 [Heating ventilation types] ≠DK/RF D61 [Cooling ventilation same as heating] IF Residential-type central air & (D1 [Heating] ≠ Yes OR D43 [Heating ventilation types] =DK/RF) D62 [Cooling ventilation types] OTHERWISE: IF More than one selected D63 [Percent cooled by each type] IF Only one selected, assign as Main cooling equipment. THEN: IF (A30 [Year of construction] < 1990 OR A31 [Year of construction category] ≠ 2000 to 2003 OR 2004 to 2007 OR 2008 to 2012) D65 [Main cooling replaced] OTHERWISE D66 [Building automation system] |
D52 |
Type of packaged cooling PKGCLTYP |
IF Packaged central unit IN D24 [Heating equipment types] OR Packaged central unit OR Duct furnace IN D25 [Type of furnace] OR Any components given in D30 [Other heating components] & NOT(Packaged central unit IN D24 [Heating equipment types] OR Packaged central unit OR Duct furnace IN D25 [Type of furnace] OR Boiler IN D24 [Heating equipment types] OR District steam or hot water IN D24 [Heating equipment types]) |
Please look at Show Card D6 and tell me if the packaged unit for cooling is a factory-assembled unitary packaged unit or a custom built-up unit?
1 Factory-assembled unitary packaged unit 2 Custom built-up packaged unit 3 IF VOLUNTEERED: Both factory-assembled and custom built-up packaged units
IF Central chillers D53 [Type of chiller] IF District chilled water D56 [Type of district chilled water system] IF Heat pumps for cooling AND NOT Heat pumps for heating D57 [Heat pump cooling system] IF Other cooling equipment D59 [Other cool specify] OTHERWISE: IF Any source(s) other than electricity or chilled water reported in D48 [Sources for cooling] OR D49 [Other source for cooling] D60 [Cool source explanation] OTHERWISE: IF D1 [Heating] = Yes & D43 [Heating ventilation types] ≠DK/RF D61 [Cooling ventilation same as heating] IF D1 [Heating] ≠ Yes OR D43 [Heating ventilation types] =DK/RF D62 [Cooling ventilation types] |
D53 |
Type of chiller see below |
IF Central chillers IN D51 [Cooling equipment types] |
Please look at Show Card D12 and tell me whether the chiller is air-cooled, water cooled, or an absorption chiller?
ENTER all that apply
2 Water cooled CHLWTRCL 3 Absorption CHLABSRP
IF Absorption D54 [Heater chiller] OTHERWISE D55 [Type of chiller system] |
D54 |
Heater chiller HTRCHLR |
IF Absorption IN D53 [Type of chiller] |
A “heater chiller” is a type of absorption chiller can produce both chilled and hot water and can provide both cooling and heating. Does this absorption chiller have this capability?
1 Yes 2 No
D55 [Type of chiller system] |
D55 |
Type of chiller system see below |
IF Central chillers IN D51 [Cooling equipment types] |
Please look at Show Card D13 and tell me which system or systems are used for distributing the water from the chiller.
ENTER all that apply
1 Central air handler (hydronic coils) CHLAIR 2 Fan coil units in rooms (or areas) CHLFNCL 3 Induction units CHLINDC 4 Water loop heat pump CHLWATR 5 Chilled beam CHLBEAM 6 Packaged unit (hydronic coils) CHLPKG 7 Duct reheat CHLDUCT
IF District chilled water D56 [Type of district chilled water system] IF Heat pumps for cooling AND NOT Heat pumps for heating D57 [Heat pump cooling system] IF Other cooling equipment D59 [Other cool specify] OTHERWISE: IF Any source(s) other than electricity or chilled water reported in D48 [Sources for cooling] OR D49 [Other source for cooling] D60 [Cool source explanation] IF D1 [Heating] = Yes & D43 [Heating ventilation types] ≠DK/RF & Residential-type central air IN D51 [Cooling equipment types] OR Packaged unit IN D51 [Cooling equipment types] OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat IN D55 [Type of chiller system] OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat IN D56 [Type of district chilled water system] OR Packaged unit OR Split system IN D57 [Heat pump cooling system] D61 [Cooling ventilation same as heating] IF D1 [Heating] ≠ Yes OR D43 [Heating ventilation types] = DK/RF & Residential-type central air IN D51 [Cooling equipment types] OR Packaged unit IN D51 [Cooling equipment types] OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat IN D55 [Type of chiller system] OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat IN D56 [Type of district chilled water system] OR Packaged unit OR Split system IN D57 [Heat pump cooling system] D62 [Cooling ventilation types] OTHERWISE: IF More than one selected D63 [Percent cooled by each type] IF Only one selected, assign as Main cooling equipment. THEN: IF (Main equipment NOT District chilled water OR DK/RF) & (Main cooling equipment NOT Packaged cooling if the Main heating equipment was Packaged heating) & (Main cooling equipment NOT Heat pump if the main heating equipment was Heat pump) & (A30 [Year of construction] < 1990 OR A31 [Year of construction category] ≠ 2000 to 2003 OR 2004 to 2007 OR 2008 to 2012) D65 [Main cooling replaced] OTHERWISE D66 [Building automation system] |
D56 |
Type of district chilled water system see below |
IF District chilled water IN D51 [Cooling equipment types] |
Please look at Show Card D13 and tell me which system or systems are used for distributing the district chilled water.
ENTER all that apply
1 Central air handler (hydronic coils) DCWAIR 2 Fan coil units in rooms (or areas) DCWFNCL 3 Induction units DCWINDC 4 Water loop heat pump DCWWATR 5 Chilled beam DCWBEAM 6 Packaged unit (hydronic coils) DCWPKG 7 Duct reheat DCWDUCT
IF Heat pumps for cooling AND NOT Heat pumps for heating D57 [Heat pump cooling system] IF Other cooling equipment D59 [Other cool specify] OTHERWISE: IF Any source(s) other than electricity or chilled water reported in D48 [Sources for cooling] OR D49 [Other source for cooling] D60 [Cool source explanation] IF D1 [Heating] = Yes & D43 [Heating ventilation types] ≠DK/RF & Residential-type central air IN D51 [Cooling equipment types] OR Packaged unit IN D51 [Cooling equipment types] OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat IN D55 [Type of chiller system] OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat IN D56 [Type of district chilled water system] OR Packaged unit OR Split system IN D57 [Heat pump cooling system] D61 [Cooling ventilation same as heating] IF D1 [Heating] ≠ Yes OR D43 [Heating ventilation types] = DK/RF & Residential-type central air IN D51 [Cooling equipment types] OR Packaged unit IN D51 [Cooling equipment types] OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat IN D55 [Type of chiller system] OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat IN D56 [Type of district chilled water system] OR Packaged unit OR Split system IN D57 [Heat pump cooling system] D62 [Cooling ventilation types] OTHERWISE: IF More than one selected D63 [Percent cooled by each type] IF Only one selected, assign as Main cooling equipment. THEN: IF (Main equipment NOT District chilled water OR DK/RF) & (Main cooling equipment NOT Packaged cooling if the Main heating equipment was Packaged heating) & (Main cooling equipment NOT Heat pump if the main heating equipment was Heat pump) & (A30 [Year of construction] < 1990 OR A31 [Year of construction category] ≠ 2000 to 2003 OR 2004 to 2007 OR 2008 to 2012) D65 [Main cooling replaced] OTHERWISE D66 [Building automation system] |
D57 |
Heat pump cooling system see below |
IF Heat pumps IN D51 [Cooling equipment types] & Heat pumps NOT IN D24 [Heating equipment types] |
Please look at the first list on Show Card D7 and tell me which heat pump systems are used for cooling in this building.
ENTER all that apply
1 Packaged unit HPCPKG 2 Split system (residential-type) HPCSPLT 3 Individual room heat pump (packaged terminal heat pump or PTHP) HPCROOM 4 Ductless mini-split system HPCMINI 5 Variable refrigerant flow (VRF) system HPCVRF
D58 [Heat pump cooling type] |
D58 |
Heat pump cooling type see below |
IF Heat pumps IN D51 [Cooling equipment types] & Heat pumps NOT IN D24 [Heating equipment types] |
Looking at the second list on Show Card D7, which types of heat pumps are these?
ENTER all that apply
1 Air source heat pump HPCAIR 2 Ground source or ground water heat pump (geothermal) HPCGRD 3 Dual source heat pump (combination air source and geothermal) HPCDUAL 3 Water loop heat pump HPCWTR
IF Other cooling equipment D59 [Other cool specify] OTHERWISE: IF Any source(s) other than electricity or chilled water reported in D48 [Sources for cooling] OR D49 [Other source for cooling] D60 [Cool source explanation] IF D1 [Heating] = Yes & D43 [Heating ventilation types] ≠DK/RF & Residential-type central air IN D51 [Cooling equipment types] OR Packaged unit IN D51 [Cooling equipment types] OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat IN D55 [Type of chiller system] OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat IN D56 [Type of district chilled water system] OR Packaged unit OR Split system IN D57 [Heat pump cooling system] D61 [Cooling ventilation same as heating] IF D1 [Heating] ≠ Yes OR D43 [Heating ventilation types] = DK/RF & Residential-type central air IN D51 [Cooling equipment types] OR Packaged unit IN D51 [Cooling equipment types] OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat IN D55 [Type of chiller system] OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat IN D56 [Type of district chilled water system] OR Packaged unit OR Split system IN D57 [Heat pump cooling system] D62 [Cooling ventilation types] OTHERWISE: IF More than one selected D63 [Percent cooled by each type] IF Only one selected, assign as Main cooling equipment. THEN: IF (Main equipment NOT District chilled water OR DK/RF) & (Main cooling equipment NOT Packaged cooling if the Main heating equipment was Packaged heating) & (Main cooling equipment NOT Heat pump if the main heating equipment was Heat pump) & (A30 [Year of construction] < 1990 OR A31 [Year of construction category] ≠ 2000 to 2003 OR 2004 to 2007 OR 2008 to 2012) D65 [Main cooling replaced] OTHERWISE D66 [Building automation system] |
D59 |
Other cool specify |
IF Other cooling equipment in D51 [Cooling equipment types] |
Please describe the other type of cooling equipment.
RECORD in open box
IF Any source(s) other than electricity or chilled water reported in D48 [Sources for cooling] OR D49 [Other source for cooling] D60 [Cool source explanation] IF D1 [Heating] = Yes & D43 [Heating ventilation types] ≠DK/RF & Residential-type central air IN D51 [Cooling equipment types] OR Packaged unit IN D51 [Cooling equipment types] OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat IN D55 [Type of chiller system] OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat IN D56 [Type of district chilled water system] OR Packaged unit OR Split system IN D57 [Heat pump cooling system] D61 [Cooling ventilation same as heating] IF D1 [Heating] ≠ Yes OR D43 [Heating ventilation types] = DK/RF & Residential-type central air IN D51 [Cooling equipment types] OR Packaged unit IN D51 [Cooling equipment types] OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat IN D55 [Type of chiller system] OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat IN D56 [Type of district chilled water system] OR Packaged unit OR Split system IN D57 [Heat pump cooling system] D62 [Cooling ventilation types] OTHERWISE: IF More than one selected D63 [Percent cooled by each type] IF Only one selected, assign as Main cooling equipment. THEN: IF (Main equipment NOT District chilled water OR DK/RF) & (Main cooling equipment NOT Packaged cooling if the Main heating equipment was Packaged heating) & (Main cooling equipment NOT Heat pump if the main heating equipment was Heat pump) & (A30 [Year of construction] < 1990 OR A31 [Year of construction category] ≠ 2000 to 2003 OR 2004 to 2007 OR 2008 to 2012) D65 [Main cooling replaced] OTHERWISE D66 [Building automation system] |
D60 |
Cool source explanation |
IF Any source(s) other than electricity or chilled water reported in D48 [Sources for cooling] OR D49 [Other source for cooling] & Central chillers NOT IN D51 [Cooling equipment types] |
{CoolSources} = List of the energy sources given for cooling, other than electricity or chilled water {IsAre} = IF Only one cooling source in list = “is” IF More than one cooling source in list = “are” |
Among the sources for cooling, I have recorded that {CoolSources} {IsAre} used. Because it is somewhat unusual to use sources other than electricity or chilled water for cooling, will you please briefly describe how the {CoolSources} {IsAre} used with the cooling equipment.
RECORD in open box
IF D1 [Heating] = Yes & D43 [Heating ventilation types] ≠DK/RF & Residential-type central air IN D51 [Cooling equipment types] OR Packaged unit IN D51 [Cooling equipment types] OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat IN D55 [Type of chiller system] OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat IN D56 [Type of district chilled water system] OR Packaged unit OR Split system IN D57 [Heat pump cooling system] D61 [Cooling ventilation same as heating] IF D1 [Heating] ≠ Yes OR D43 [Heating ventilation types] = DK/RF & Residential-type central air IN D51 [Cooling equipment types] OR Packaged unit IN D51 [Cooling equipment types] OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat IN D55 [Type of chiller system] OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat IN D56 [Type of district chilled water system] OR Packaged unit OR Split system IN D57 [Heat pump cooling system] D62 [Cooling ventilation types] OTHERWISE: IF More than one cooling equipment D63 [Percent cooled by each type] IF Only one equipment, assign as Main cooling equipment. THEN: IF (Main equipment NOT District chilled water OR DK/RF) & (Main cooling equipment NOT Packaged cooling if the Main heating equipment was Packaged heating) & (Main cooling equipment NOT Heat pump if the main heating equipment was Heat pump) & (A30 [Year of construction] < 1990 OR A31 [Year of construction category] ≠ 2000 to 2003 OR 2004 to 2007 OR 2008 to 2012) D65 [Main cooling replaced] OTHERWISE D66 [Building automation system] |
D61 |
Cooling ventilation same as heating |
IF D1 [Heating] = Yes & D43 [Heating ventilation types] ≠(No ventilation or DK/RF) & Residential-type central air IN D51 [Cooling equipment types] OR Packaged unit IN D51 [Cooling equipment types] OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat IN D55 [Type of chiller system] OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat IN D56 [Type of district chilled water system] OR Packaged unit OR Split system IN D57 [Heat pump cooling system] |
Is the ventilation system for cooling the same as the one for heating?
1 Yes 2 No
IF No D62 [Cooling ventilation types] OTHERWISE: IF More than one cooling equipment D63 [Percent cooled by each type] IF Only one equipment, assign as Main cooling equipment. THEN: IF (Main equipment NOT District chilled water OR DK/RF) & (Main cooling equipment NOT Packaged cooling if the Main heating equipment was Packaged heating) & (Main cooling equipment NOT Heat pump if the main heating equipment was Heat pump) & (A30 [Year of construction] < 1990 OR A31 [Year of construction category] ≠ 2000 to 2003 OR 2004 to 2007 OR 2008 to 2012) D65 [Main cooling replaced] OTHERWISE D66 [Building automation system] |
D62 |
Cooling ventilation types |
IF D61 [Cooling ventilation same as heating] = No |
Show Card D9 provides a list of mechanical ventilation equipment types. Please tell me which types are used with the cooling system.
PROBE for any others
ENTER all that apply
1 Central air handling unit(s) with constant air volume (CAV) control CLVCAV 2 Central air handling unit(s) with variable air volume (VAV) control CLVVAV 3 Underfloor air distribution CLVFLR 4 Dedicated outside air system (DOAS) CLVOAS 5 Demand controlled ventilation CLVDEM 6 None of these types CLVNON
IF None of these types D62a [Cooling ventilation specify] OTHERWISE: IF More than one cooling equipment D63 [Percent cooled by each type] IF Only one equipment, assign as Main cooling equipment. THEN: IF (Main equipment NOT District chilled water OR DK/RF) & (Main cooling equipment NOT Packaged cooling if the Main heating equipment was Packaged heating) & (Main cooling equipment NOT Heat pump if the main heating equipment was Heat pump) & (A30 [Year of construction] < 1990 OR A31 [Year of construction category] ≠ 2000 to 2003 OR 2004 to 2007 OR 2008 to 2012) D65 [Main cooling replaced] OTHERWISE D66 [Building automation system] |
D62a |
Cooling ventilation specify |
IF D62 [Cooling ventilation types] = None of these types |
Please describe the ventilation system that is used with the cooling system.
RECORD in open box
IF More than one cooling equipment D63 [Percent cooled by each type] IF Only one equipment, assign as Main cooling equipment. THEN: IF (Main equipment NOT District chilled water OR DK/RF) & (Main cooling equipment NOT Packaged cooling if the Main heating equipment was Packaged heating) & (Main cooling equipment NOT Heat pump if the main heating equipment was Heat pump) & (A30 [Year of construction] < 1990 OR A31 [Year of construction category] ≠ 2000 to 2003 OR 2004 to 2007 OR 2008 to 2012) D65 [Main cooling replaced] OTHERWISE D66 [Building automation system] |
D63 |
Percent cooled by each type RCACP, PKGCP, CHILP, CHWTP, HTPCP, ACWNWP, EVAPP, OTCLP |
For each equipment type given in D51 [Cooling equipment types] |
{Introduction} IF First equipment = “The next questions are about the percent of floorspace cooled by the equipment you just mentioned. Please keep in mind:” OTHERWISE = BLANK {Explanation} IF First equipment and D50 [Percent cooled] ≠ 100 = “We are talking only about the cooled portion of the floorspace, so these percents must add up to at least 100, but since more than one type of equipment can cool the same area, it is also possible for them to add up to more than 100.” IF First equipment and D50 [Percent cooled] = 100 = “These percents must add up to at least 100, but since more than one type of equipment can cool the same area, it is also possible for them to add up to more than 100.” OTHERWISE = BLANK {Equipment} IF Residential-type central air conditioners IN D51 [Cooling equipment types] = “central air conditioner” IF Packaged air conditioning units IN D51 [Cooling equipment types] = “packaged cooling” IF Central chillers inside the building IN D51 [Cooling equipment types] = “central chiller” IF District chilled water IN D51 [Cooling equipment types] = “district chilled water” IF Heat pumps for cooling IN D51 [Cooling equipment types] = “heat pump” IF Individual room air conditioners IN D51 [Cooling equipment types] = “room air conditioner” IF "Swamp" coolers or evaporative coolers IN D51 [Cooling equipment types] = “swamp cooler” IF Other cooling equipment IN D51 [Cooling equipment types] = “other cooling equipment” |
Please look at Show Card D14. What percent of the cooled area in this building is served by the {Equipment}?
PROBE for estimate if DK
0 to 100 |
IF there are equal maximum percents OR DK/RF D64 [Main cooling equipment] IF there is an equipment with a maximum percent, assign that equipment as the Main cooling equipment [MAINCL9]. THEN: IF (Main equipment NOT District chilled water OR DK/RF) & (Main cooling equipment NOT Packaged cooling if the Main heating equipment was Packaged heating) & (Main cooling equipment NOT Heat pump if the main heating equipment was Heat pump) & (A30 [Year of construction] < 1990 OR A31 [Year of construction category] ≠ 2000 to 2003 OR 2004 to 2007 OR 2008 to 2012) D65 [Main cooling replaced] OTHERWISE D66 [Building automation system] |
D64 |
Main cooling equipment MNCLEQ |
IF D63 [Percent cooled by each type] has equal maximum percents OR DK/RF |
{EquipmentList} = List of the equipments with equal maximum percents {Packaged cooling} – {Other cooling equipment} = Each equipment with an equal maximum percent appears on this list; otherwise the line is blank |
Which do you consider to be your main cooling equipment – {EquipmentList} ?
Only equipment types with equal percentages are shown here
1 {Central air conditioner} 2 {Packaged cooling} 3 {Central chiller} 4 {District chilled water} 5 {Heat pump} 6 {Room air conditioner} 7 {Swamp coolers} 8 {Other cooling equipment}
IF (Main equipment NOT District chilled water OR DK/RF) & (Main cooling equipment NOT Packaged cooling if the Main heating equipment was Packaged heating) & (Main cooling equipment NOT Heat pump if the main heating equipment was Heat pump) & (A30 [Year of construction] < 1990 OR A31 [Year of construction category] ≠ 2000 to 2003 OR 2004 to 2007 OR 2008 to 2012) D65 [Main cooling replaced] OTHERWISE D66 [Building automation system] |
D65 |
Main cooling replaced NWMNCL |
IF Main cooling equipment known & NOT District chilled water & (Main cooling equipment NOT Packaged cooling if the Main heating equipment was Packaged heating) & (Main cooling equipment NOT Heat pump if the main heating equipment was Heat pump) & (A30 [Year of construction] < 1990 OR A31 [Year of construction category] ≠ 2000 to 2003 OR 2004 to 2007 OR 2008 to 2012) |
{MainCoolEquip} IF Main cooling equipment = Packaged cooling = “Has the packaged air conditioning unit” IF Main cooling equipment = Central air conditioner = “Has the central air conditioner” IF Main cooling equipment = Room air conditioner = “Have any of the room air conditioners” IF Main cooling equipment = Heat pump = “Has the heat pump” IF Main cooling equipment = Central chiller = “Has the central chiller” IF Main cooling equipment = Swamp coolers = “Has the swamp cooler” IF Main cooling equipment = Other cooling equipment = “Has the other type of cooling equipment” |
{MainCoolEquip} been replaced since 1990?
EXP: [If there is more than one of this equipment type and at least one has been replaced, the answer is "Yes."]
1 Yes 2 No
D66 [Building automation system] |
D66 |
Building automation system EMCS |
IF D22 [Percent heated] > 0 OR D50 [Percent cooled] > 0 |
Does this building have a “Building Automation System” which may also be referred to as BAS, smart building controls, an energy management and control system, or EMCS?
DEF: [These systems monitor changes in ambient temperature and operating conditions and automatically modify the heating and cooling levels in different interior zones. This is accomplished by means of remote sensing and control instruments, and interpretive and control software.]
1 Yes 2 No
IF D22 [Percent heated] > 0 D67 [Reduce heating] OTHERWISE D69 [Reduce cooling] |
D67 |
Reduce heating RDHTNF |
IF D22 [Percent heated] > 0 |
{TimesNotInFullUse} IF C26 [Open 24 hours a day] = Yes OR C30 [Total hours open per week] = 168 OR C31 [Weekly hours category] = 168 = “Are there any periods during a normal 24-hour day when there is” OTHERWISE = “When this building is not in full use, is there” |
{TimesNotInFullUse} a change in the temperature setting for heating?
1 Yes 2 No
IF Yes D68 [How reduce heating] IF No OR DK/RF: IF D50 [Percent cooled] > 0 D69 [Reduce cooling] OTHERWISE: IF More than just Individual space heaters IN D24 [Heating equipment types] D74 [Regular HVAC maintenance] IF D3 [Water heating] = Yes D75 [Sources for water heating] IF D4 [Cooking] = Yes D80 [Sources for cooking] IF D6 [Manufacturing] = Yes D82 [Sources for manufacturing] IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] = Yes D84 [Energy for generation] OTHERWISE D90 [Any other sources] |
D68 |
How reduce heating HWRDHT |
IF D67 [Reduce heating] = Yes |
{PartOfBAS} IF D66 [Building automation system] = Yes = ‘as part of the Building Automation System’ OTHERWISE = BLANK |
How is the temperature for heating usually changed – {PartOfBAS}, using a programmable thermostat, manually changing the thermostat, or manually shutting down the equipment?
DEF: [A programmable theromstat, or ""time-clock thermostat"" is programmed to automatically change thermostat settings for times when the building is unoccupied.]
1 {Part of the Building Automation System} 2 Programmable thermostat 3 Manually reset thermostat 4 Manually shut down equipment
IF D50 [Percent cooled] > 0 D69 [Reduce cooling] OTHERWISE: IF More than just Individual space heaters IN D24 [Heating equipment types] D74 [Regular HVAC maintenance] IF D3 [Water heating] = Yes D75 [Sources for water heating] IF D4 [Cooking] = Yes D80 [Sources for cooking] IF D6 [Manufacturing] = Yes D82 [Sources for manufacturing] IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] = Yes D84 [Energy for generation] OTHERWISE D90 [Any other sources] |
D69 |
Reduce cooling RDCLNF |
IF D50 [Percent cooled] > 0 |
{TimesNotInFullUse} IF C26 [Open 24 hours a day] = Yes OR C30 [Total hours open per week] = 168 OR C31 [Weekly hours category] = 168 = “Are there any periods during a normal 24-hour day when there is” OTHERWISE = “When this building is not in full use, is there” |
{TimesNotInFullUse} a change in the temperature setting for cooling?
1 Yes 2 No
IF Yes D70 [How reduce cooling] IF No OR DK/RF: IF More than just Individual room air conditioners IN D51 [Cooling equipment types] D71 [Economizer cycle] IF Packaged air conditioning units OR Central chillers OR Heat pumps for cooling IN D51 [Cooling equipment types] D73 [Cooling tower] IF More than just individual space heaters IN D24 [Heating equipment types] D74 [Regular HVAC maintenance] IF D3 [Water heating] = Yes D75 [Sources for water heating] IF D4 [Cooking] = Yes D80 [Sources for cooking] IF D6 [Manufacturing] = Yes D82 [Sources for manufacturing] IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] = Yes D84 [Energy for generation] OTHERWISE D90 [Any other sources] |
D70 |
How reduce cooling HWRDCL |
IF D69 [Reduce cooling] = Yes |
{PartOfBAS} IF D66 [Building automation system] = Yes = ‘as part of the Building Automation System’ OTHERWISE = BLANK |
How is the temperature for cooling usually changed – {PartOfBAS}, using a programmable thermostat, manually changing the thermostat, or manually shutting down the equipment?
DEF: [A programmable theromstat, or ""time-clock thermostat"" is programmed to automatically change thermostat settings for times when the building is unoccupied.]
1 {Part of the Building Automation System} 2 Programmable thermostat 3 Manually reset thermostat 4 Manually shut down equipment
IF More than just Individual room air conditioners IN D51 [Cooling equipment types] D71 [Economizer cycle] IF Packaged air conditioning units OR Central chillers OR Heat pumps for cooling IN D51 [Cooling equipment types] D73 [Cooling tower] IF More than just individual space heaters IN D24 [Heating equipment types] D74 [Regular HVAC maintenance] IF D3 [Water heating] = Yes D75 [Sources for water heating] IF D4 [Cooking] = Yes D80 [Sources for cooking] IF D6 [Manufacturing] = Yes D82 [Sources for manufacturing] IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] = Yes D84 [Energy for generation] OTHERWISE D90 [Any other sources] |
D71 |
Economizer cycle ECN |
IF More than just Individual room air conditioners IN D51 [Cooling equipment types] |
Does this building have any equipment that uses outside air for cooling, often called an "economizer cycle"?
1 Yes 2 No
IF Yes D72 [Type of economizer cycle] OTHERWISE: IF Packaged air conditioning units OR Central chillers OR Heat pumps for cooling IN D51 [Cooling equipment types] D73 [Cooling tower] OTHERWISE D74 [Regular HVAC maintenance] |
D72 |
Type of economizer cycle ECNTYPE |
IF D71 [Economizer cycle] = Yes |
Looking at Show Card D15, is this an air-side economizer or a water-side economizer?
1 Air-side economizer 2 Water-side economizer
IF Packaged air conditioning units OR Central chillers OR Heat pumps for cooling IN D51 [Cooling equipment types] D73 [Cooling tower] OTHERWISE D74 [Regular HVAC maintenance] |
D73 |
Cooling tower CTOWER |
IF Packaged air conditioning units OR Central chillers OR Heat pumps for cooling IN D51 [Cooling equipment types] |
Does this building have a cooling tower for the cooling equipment?
DEF: [A cooling tower is used to dispose of unwanted heat from the cooling equipment.]
1 Yes 2 No
D74 [Regular HVAC maintenance] |
D74 |
Regular HVAC maintenance MAINT |
IF More than just Individual space heaters IN D24 [Heating equipment types] OR More than just Individual room air conditioners IN D51 [Cooling equipment types] |
{HeatCool} IF Heating only = “heating” IF Cooling only = “cooling” IF Heating & Cooling = “heating and cooling” |
Is there any regularly scheduled maintenance and repair for the {HeatCool} system?
1 Yes 2 No
IF D3 [Water heating] = Yes D75 [Sources for water heating] IF D4 [Cooking] = Yes D80 [Sources for cooking] IF D6 [Manufacturing] = Yes D82 [Sources for manufacturing] IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] = Yes D84 [Energy for generation] OTHERWISE D90 [Any other sources] |
D75 |
Sources for water heating see below |
IF D3 [Water heating] = Yes |
{WatrSourcesList} = List of all energy sources used {Electricity} – {Other3} = If a source is used, it appears in this list; if not, the line is blank {FuelOilType} = Type or types specified in D10 [Fuel oil, diesel, or kerosene] {Other1} – {Other3} = Sources specified in D12 [Other energy source 1] – D14 [Other energy source 3] |
Which energy sources were used for water heating? ({WatrSourcesList})
Only sources already selected are shown here
PROBE for any others
ENTER all that apply
11 {Electricity} ELWATR 12 {Natural gas} NGWATR 13 {FuelOilType} FKWATR 14 {Bottled gas} PRWATR 15 {District steam} STWATR 16 {District hot water} HWWATR 18 {Wood} WOWATR 19 {Coal} COWATR 20 {Solar} SOWATR 21 {Other1} OTWATR 22 {Other2} OTWATR 23 {Other3} OTWATR 24 Some other energy source
IF Some other energy source selected D76 [Other water heating source] OTHERWISE D77 [Water heating equipment] |
D76 |
Other water heating source see below |
IF Some other energy source IN D75 [Sources for water heating] |
What was the other energy source used for water heating?
11 Electricity ELWATR 12 Natural gas NGWATR 13 Fuel oil/Diesel/Kerosene FKWATR 14 Bottled gas PRWATR 15 District steam STWATR 16 District hot water HWWATR 18 Wood WOWATR 19 Coal COWATR 20 Solar SOWATR 24 Some other energy source OTWATR
D77 [Water heating equipment] |
D77 |
Water heating equipment WTHTEQ |
IF D3 [Water heating] = Yes |
Does this building have one or more centralized water heaters, one or more "point-of-use" water heaters, or both of these types (of water heaters)?
1 One or more centralized water heaters 2 One or more "point-of-use" water heaters 3 Both types
IF D77 [Water heating equipment] = One or more point-of-use OR Both types & CBECS Activity = Food service OR Inpatient health OR B16 [Service type] = Dry cleaner or Laundromat OR Car wash D78 [Booster water heaters] IF CBECS Activity = Lodging D79 [Instant hot water] OTHERWISE: IF D4 [Cooking] = Yes D80 [Sources for cooking] IF D6 [Manufacturing] = Yes D82 [Sources for manufacturing] IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] = Yes D84 [Energy for generation] OTHERWISE D90 [Any other sources] |
D78 |
Booster water heaters BOOSTWT |
IF D77 [Water heating equipment] = One or more point-of-use OR Both types & CBECS Activity = Food service OR Inpatient health OR B16 [Service type] = Dry cleaner or Laundromat OR Car wash |
How many of the point-of-use water heaters are “booster” water heaters, which are used to increase service water temperature up to 180 degrees, often for the purpose of sanitizing?
0 to 99 |
IF D4 [Cooking] = Yes D80 [Sources for cooking] IF D6 [Manufacturing] = Yes D82 [Sources for manufacturing] IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] = Yes D84 [Energy for generation] OTHERWISE D90 [Any other sources] |
D79 |
Instant hot water INSTWT |
IF D3 [Water heating] = Yes & CBECS Activity = Lodging |
Is the water hot as soon as you turn on the faucet?
1 Yes 2 No
IF D4 [Cooking] = Yes D80 [Sources for cooking] IF D6 [Manufacturing] = Yes D82 [Sources for manufacturing] IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] = Yes D84 [Energy for generation] OTHERWISE D90 [Any other sources] |
D80 |
Sources for cooking see below |
IF D4 [Cooking] = Yes |
{CookSourcesList} = List of all energy sources used {Electricity} – {Other3} = If a source is used, it appears in this list; if not, the line is blank {FuelOilType} = Type or types specified in D10 [Fuel oil, diesel, or kerosene] {Other1} – {Other3} = Sources specified in D12 [Other energy source 1] – D14 [Other energy source 3] |
Which energy sources were used for cooking? [ {CookSourcesList} ]
Only sources already selected are shown here
PROBE for any others
ENTER all that apply
11 {Electricity} ELCOOK 12 {Natural gas} NGCOOK 13 {FuelOilType} FKCOOK 14 {Bottled gas} PRCOOK 15 {District steam} STCOOK 16 {District hot water} HWCOOK 18 {Wood} WOCOOK 19 {Coal} COCOOK 20 {Solar} SOCOOK 21 {Other1} OTCOOK 22 {Other2} OTCOOK 23 {Other3} OTCOOK 24 Some other energy source
IF Some other energy source selected D81 [Other cooking source] OTHERWISE: IF D6 [Manufacturing] = Yes D82 [Sources for manufacturing] IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] = Yes D84 [Energy for generation] OTHERWISE D90 [Any other sources] |
D81 |
Other cooking source |
IF Some other energy source IN D80 [Sources for cooking] |
What was the other energy source used for cooking?
11 Electricity ELCOOK 12 Natural gas NGCOOK 13 Fuel oil/Diesel/Kerosene FKCOOK 14 Bottled gas PRCOOK 15 District steam STCOOK 16 District hot water HWCOOK 18 Wood WOCOOK 19 Coal COCOOK 20 Solar SOCOOK 24 Some other energy source OTCOOK
IF D6 [Manufacturing] = Yes D82 [Sources for manufacturing] IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] = Yes D84 [Energy for generation] OTHERWISE D90 [Any other sources] |
D82 |
Sources for manufacturing see below |
IF D6 [Manufacturing] = Yes |
{ManuSourcesList} = List of all energy sources used {Electricity} – {Other3} = If a source is used, it appears in this list; if not, the line is blank {FuelOilType} = Type or types specified in D10 [Fuel oil, diesel, or kerosene] {Other1} – {Other3} = Sources specified in D12 [Other energy source 1] – D14 [Other energy source 3] |
Which energy sources were used for manufacturing? [ {ManuSourcesList} ]
Only sources already selected are shown here
PROBE for any others
ENTER all that apply
11 {Electricity} ELMANU 12 {Natural gas} NGMANU 13 {FuelOilType} FKMANU 14 {Bottled gas} PRMANU 15 {District steam} STMANU 16 {District hot water} HWMANU 18 {Wood} WOMANU 19 {Coal} COMANU 20 {Solar} SOMANU 21 {Other1} OTMANU 22 {Other2} OTMANU 23 {Other3} OTMANU 24 Some other energy source
IF Some other energy source selected D83 [Other manufacturing source] OTHERWISE: IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] = Yes D84 [Energy for generation] IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] ≠ Yes D90 [Any other sources] |
D83 |
Other manufacturing source see below |
IF Some other energy source IN D82 [Sources for manufacturing] |
What was the other energy source used for manufacturing?
11 Electricity ELMANU 12 Natural gas NGMANU 13 Fuel oil/Diesel/Kerosene FKMANU 14 Bottled gas PRMANU 15 District steam STMANU 16 District hot water HWMANU 18 Wood WOMANU 19 Coal COMANU 20 Solar SOMANU 24 Some other energy source OTMANU
IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] = Yes D84 [Energy for generation] IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] ≠ Yes D90 [Any other sources] |
D84 |
Energy for generation GENR |
IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] = Yes |
Was any energy actually used for generating electricity in this building during 2012, even if just a small amount was used for emergency backup or for testing generators?
1 Yes 2 No
IF Yes D85 [Sources for electricity generation] IF No OR DK/RF D90 [Any other sources] |
D85 |
Sources for electricity generation see below |
IF D84 [Energy for generation] = Yes |
{Other1} – {Other3} = Sources specified in D12 [Other energy source 1] – D14 [Other energy source 3] |
Looking at Show Card D16, please tell me which energy sources were used for electricity generation.
PROBE for any others
ENTER all that apply
12 Natural gas NGGENR 13 Fuel oil/Diesel/Kerosene FKGENR 14 Bottled gas/LPG/Propane PRGENR 18 Wood WOGENR 19 Coal COGENR 20 Solar SOGENR 21 {Other1} OTGENR 22 {Other2} OTGENR 23 {Other3} OTGENR 24 Some other energy source OTGENR
D86 [Generation technologies] |
D86 |
Generation technologies see below |
IF D84 [Energy for generation] = Yes |
Looking at Show Card D17, were any of the technologies on the list used on-site for generating electricity?
PROBE for any others
ENTER all that apply
1 Photovoltaic cells PVC 2 Fuel cells FUELCL 5 Large turbines LRGTRB 3 Microturbines MCROTB 4 Wind turbines WNDTRB 6 Reciprocating engines ENGINE 7 IF VOLUNTEERED: None of these
D87 [Use of generated electricity] |
D87 |
Use of generated electricity GENUSE |
IF D84 [Energy for generation] = Yes |
During 2012, was the electricity generated in this building used: primarily for emergency back-up or testing, during periods of high electricity demand, or whenever electricity was used?
1 Primarily for emergency back-up or testing 2 During periods of high electricity demand 3 Whenever electricity was used
IF Primarily for emergency back-up and testing OR DK/RF D90 [Any other sources] IF During periods of high electricity demand OR Whenever electricity was used D88 [Cogeneration system] |
D88 |
Cogeneration system COGEN |
IF D87 [Use of generated electricity] = During periods of high electricity demand OR Whenever electricity was used |
Is the electric power generating system also a cogeneration system? That is, in addition to producing electric power, does the same system simultaneously produce heat that is used in this or another building for space heating, water heating, or industrial processes?
1 Yes 2 No
D89 [Deliver electricity to grid] |
D89 |
Deliver electricity to grid TOGRID |
IF D87 [Use of generated electricity] = During periods of high electricity demand OR Whenever electricity was used |
Is the generation system interconnected with an electric utility so that it is able to deliver or sell electricity to the grid?
1 Yes 2 No
D90 [Any other sources] |
D90 |
Any other sources |
IF D9 [Energy sources used] was answered |
{SourcesList} = List of all energy sources used |
As a final check, were there any energy sources used in this building other than {Sources List} ?
1 Yes 2 No
IF Yes D91 [Other sources] IF No OR DK/RF: Check that every energy source given in D9 [Energy sources used] (other than electricity or district chilled water) was assigned an end use. THEN: IF Yes: IF Electricity used D94 [How purchase electricity] IF Natural gas used D96 [How purchase natural gas] IF Bottled gas used D97 [Bottled gas amount] IF Wood used D99 [Amount wood burned] IF No D93 [Missed {energy source} use] |
D91 |
Other sources see below |
IF D90 [Any other sources] =Yes |
{Electricity} – {Solar} = If a source has NOT been mentioned, it appears in this list; if it has, the line is blank |
What other sources were used?
PROBE for any others
ENTER all that apply
11 {Electricity} ELUSED 12 {Natural gas} NGUSED 13 {Fuel/Diesel/Kerosene} FKUSED 14 {Bottled gas} PRUSED 15 {District steam} STUSED 16 {District hot water} HWUSED 17 {District chilled water} CWUSED 18 {Wood} WOUSED 19 {Coal} COUSED 20 {Solar} SOUSED 24 Other OTUSED
D92 [{Energy source} use] |
D92 |
{Energy source} use see below where {XX} is the energy source abbreviation |
For each source selected in D91 [Other sources] |
{EnergySource} IF Electricity IN D91 [Other sources] = “electricity” IF Natural gas IN D91 [Other sources] = “natural gas” IF Fuel oil/Diesel/Kerosene IN D91 [Other sources] = “fuel oil/diesel/kerosene” IF Bottled gas IN D91 [Other sources] = “bottled gas” IF District steam IN D91 [Other sources] = “district steam” IF District hot water IN D91 [Other sources] = “district hot water” IF Wood IN D91 [Other sources] = “wood” IF Coal IN D91 [Other sources] = “coal” IF Solar IN D91 [Other sources] = “solar energy” IF Other IN D91 [Other sources] = “other fuel” {Cooling} Does not appear as a choice for Wood use, Coal use, OR Solar use {Electricity generation} Does not appear as a choice for Electricity use, District steam use, OR District hot water use |
What was the {EnergySource} used for?
1 Heating {XX}HT1/HT2 2 {Cooling} {XX}COOL 3 Water heating {XX}WATR 4 Cooking {XX}COOK 5 Manufacturing {XX}MANU 6 {Electricity generation} {XX}GENR 7 Some other use {XX}OTH 8 Incorrectly recorded--source not used
Check that every energy source given in D9 [Energy sources used] (other than electricity or district chilled water) was assigned an end use: IF Yes: IF Electricity used D94 [How purchase electricity] IF Natural gas used D96 [How purchase natural gas] IF Bottled gas used D97 [Bottled gas amount] IF Wood used D99 [Amount wood burned] IF No D93 [Missed {energy source} use] |
In addition to the end uses given in D1 [Heating], D2 [Cooling], D3 [Water heating], D4 [Cooking], and D6 [Manufacturing], it is now possible that an end use was added in D92 [{Energy source} use] OR D93 [Missed {energy source} use]. For the rest of this questionnaire, end uses will just simply be stated, for example: “IF Cooking” would mean: IF D4 [Cooking] =Yes OR Cooking was added as an end use in D92 [{Energy source} use] OR in D93 [Missed {energy source} use].
“Any energy used” will be used to refer to:
IF D1 [Heating] = Yes OR D2 [Cooling] = Yes OR D3 [Water heating] = Yes OR D4 [Cooking] = Yes OR D6 [Manufacturing] = Yes OR D7 [Any energy used] = Yes, some energy was used OR DK/RF
D94 |
How purchase electricity see below |
IF Electricity used |
In some areas of the country, consumers may purchase their electricity from more than one supplier. Looking at Show Card D18, please tell me all the ways that electricity is purchased for this building.
EXP: [If electricity is bought from the city, that is considered to be the local utility.]
PROBE for any others
ENTER all that apply
1 Bought from the local utility ELLOCUT 2 Contracted or bought from an independent power producer or non-local utility ELNONLU 3 Bought from someone else, such as a broker ELOTSRC 4 IF VOLUNTEERED: Produced by a central plant on campus ELCPLT
IF more than one selected, including Bought from the local utility D95 [Percent from local utility] OTHERWISE: IF Natural gas used D96 [How purchase natural gas] IF Bottled gas used D97 [Bottled gas amount] IF Wood used D99 [Amount wood burned] OTHERWISE D103 [AMI smart metering] |
D95 |
Percent from local utility ELLUPCT |
IF More than one response selected in D94 [How purchase electricity], including Bought from the local utility |
About what percent of the electricity would you estimate was obtained from the local utility?
1 to 100 |
IF Natural gas used D96 [How purchase natural gas] IF Bottled gas used D97 [Bottled gas amount] IF Wood used D99 [Amount wood burned] OTHERWISE D103 [AMI smart metering] |
D96 |
How purchase natural gas NGSRC & see below |
IF Natural gas used |
{Introduction} IF Electricity used = “Consumers may also be able to purchase their natural gas from more than one supplier.” IF Electricity not used = “In some areas of the country, consumers may purchase their natural gas from more than one supplier.” |
{Introduction} Was the natural gas in this building bought from the local utility, bought from someone else, such as a non-utility or a broker, or bought both of these ways?
1 Bought from the local utility NGLOCUT 2 Bought from someone else, such as a non-utility or a broker NGOTSRC 3 Bought both ways
IF Bottled gas used D97 [Bottled gas amount] IF Wood used D99 [Amount wood burned] IF Electricity used D103 [AMI smart metering] OTHERWISE: IF Heating OR Cooling D104 [Energy management plan] OTHERWISE E1 [Section E Routing] |
D97 |
Bottled gas amount PRAMTC |
IF Bottled gas used |
You mentioned that bottled gas is used in this building. Looking at Show Card D19, which range best describes the amount of bottled gas used in 2012?
1 Less than 100 2 100 to 499 3 500 to 999 4 1,000 or more
IF Amount given D98 [Bottled gas units] IF DK/RF: IF Wood used D99 [Amount wood burned] IF Electricity used D103 [AMI smart metering] OTHERWISE: IF Heating OR Cooling D104 [Energy management plan] OTHERWISE E1 [Section E Routing] |
D98 |
Bottled gas units PRUNIT |
IF D97 [Bottled gas amount] was answered |
VERIFY if volunteered in previous question
Is that in gallons or pounds?
1 Gallons 2 Pounds
IF Wood used D99 [Amount wood burned] IF Electricity used D103 [AMI smart metering] OTHERWISE: IF Heating OR Cooling D104 [Energy management plan] OTHERWISE E1 [Section E Routing] |
D99 |
Amount wood burned WOAMT |
IF Wood used |
Looking at Show Card D20, which range best describes how much wood was burned in this building in 2012?
1 Less than 1 cord 2 1 to 9 cords 3 10 to 20 cords 4 More than 20 cords
D100 [How obtain wood] |
D100 |
How obtain wood WOSRC |
IF Wood used |
Did you purchase all the wood, obtain it all free of charge, or was some purchased and some free?
1 Purchased all the wood 2 Obtained it all free of charge 3 Some purchased and some free
IF Purchased all the wood OR Some purchased and some free D101 [Expenditures for wood] IF Electricity used D103 [AMI smart metering] OTHERWISE: IF Heating OR Cooling D104 [Energy management plan] OTHERWISE E1 [Section E Routing] |
D101 |
Expenditures for wood WOEXP |
IF D100 [How obtain wood] = Purchase all the wood OR Some purchased and some free |
Please give me an estimate of the total amount spent for the wood used in 2012.
Do not enter cents
VERIFY number digit by digit
1 to 99,999 |
IF DK/RF D102 [Wood expenditures category] IF Electricity used D103 [AMI smart metering] OTHERWISE: IF Heating OR Cooling D104 [Energy management plan] OTHERWISE E1 [Section E Routing] |
D102 |
Wood expenditures category WOEXPC |
IF D101 [Expenditures for wood] = DK/RF |
Looking at Show Card D21, which range best describes the total amount spent for the wood used in 2012?
1 $1 to $100 2 $101 to $500 3 $501 to $1,000 4 $1,001 to $2,000 5 Over $2,000
IF Electricity used D103 [AMI smart metering] OTHERWISE: IF Heating OR Cooling D104 [Energy management plan] OTHERWISE E1 [Section E Routing] |
D103 |
AMI smart metering AMIMETER |
IF Electricity used |
Does this building have advanced metering infrastructure, sometimes referred to as AMI or "smart metering"?
DEF: [An AMI or "smart meter" is a meter that records electricity consumption in intervals of one hour or less. Daily data are available to both the energy company and the consumer through a web portal, display device, or other form of communication.]
1 Yes 2 No
IF Heating OR Cooling D104 [Energy management plan] OTHERWISE E1 [Section E Routing] |
D104 |
Energy management plan ENRGYPLN |
IF Heating OR Cooling |
Does this building have a formal energy management plan in which energy targets are set and consistently monitored?
1 Yes 2 No
E1 [Section E Routing] |
E1 |
Section E Routing |
IF Cooking & CBECS Activity ≠ Food service E2 [Type of food area] IF Water heating E9 [Large amounts of hot water] IF CBECS Activity = Lodging; Inpatient health care; OR Nursing E10 [Laundry onsite] IF B5 [Office type] = Doctor’s or dentist’s office OR Mixed-use office OR B15 [Health care type] = Doctor’s or dentist’s office; Clinic or other outpatient health care; Outpatient rehabilitation center; Other type of health care E16 [Medical equipment] IF CBECS Activity = Education; Laboratory; Office; Outpatient health care; Public assembly; Retail; OR Service E23 [Laboratory equipment] IF CBECS Activity = Nonrefrigerated OR Refrigerated warehouse E24 [Machine equipment] IF CBECS Activity = Enclosed mall E28 [Indoor ice rink] OTHERWISE: IF Electricity NOT used & D84 [Energy for generation] ≠ Yes E30 [Verify no electricity] OTHERWISE E31 [Refrigeration] |
E2 |
Type of food area FDRM |
IF Cooking & CBECS Activity ≠ Food service |
Now I have some questions about uses of space and equipment in this building.
Please look at Show Card E1 and tell me which of these types of food preparation or serving areas are found in this building.
PROBE for any others
ENTER all that apply
1 Snack bar or concession stand SNACK 2 Fast food or small restaurant FASTFD 3 Cafeteria or large restaurant CAF 4 Large kitchen, commercial kitchen, or other large food preparation area FDPREP 5 Small kitchen area KITCHN 6 Employee lounge, breakroom, or pantry PANTRY 7 Some other type of food preparation area OTFDRM 8 IF VOLUNTEERED: None of these food preparation areas
IF ONLY Employee lounge/breakroom/pantry selected E3 [Cooking in break room] IF Snack bar or concession stand E4 [Snack bar square footage] IF Fast food or small restaurant E5 [Fast food square footage] IF Cafeteria or large restaurant E6 [Cafeteria square footage] IF Large kitchen, commercial kitchen, or other large food preparation area E7 [Commercial kitchen square footage] IF Some other type E8 [Other food area] OTHERWISE: IF Water heating E9 [Large amounts of hot water] IF CBECS Activity = Lodging; Inpatient health care; OR Nursing E10 [Laundry onsite] IF B5 [Office type] = Doctor’s or dentist’s office OR Mixed-use office OR B15 [Health care type] = Doctor’s or dentist’s office; Clinic or other outpatient health care; Outpatient rehabilitation center; Other type of health care E16 [Medical equipment] IF CBECS Activity = Education; Laboratory; Office; Outpatient health care; Public assembly; Retail; OR Service E23 [Laboratory equipment] IF CBECS Activity = Nonrefrigerated OR Refrigerated warehouse E24 [Machine equipment] IF CBECS Activity = Enclosed mall E28 [Indoor ice rink] OTHERWISE: IF Electricity NOT used & D84 [Energy for generation] ≠ Yes E30 [Verify no electricity] OTHERWISE E31 [Refrigeration] |
E3 |
Cooking in break room COOKBRK |
IF ONLY Employee lounge/breakroom/pantry selected IN E2 [Type of food area] |
Does this employee lounge or break room contain a full-size oven or stove for cooking?
1 Yes 2 No
IF Water heating E9 [Large amounts of hot water] IF CBECS Activity = Lodging; Inpatient health care; OR Nursing E10 [Laundry onsite] IF B5 [Office type] = Doctor’s or dentist’s office OR Mixed-use office OR B15 [Health care type] = Doctor’s or dentist’s office; Clinic or other outpatient health care; Outpatient rehabilitation center; Other type of health care E16 [Medical equipment] IF CBECS Activity = Education; Laboratory; Office; Outpatient health care; Public assembly; Retail; OR Service E23 [Laboratory equipment] IF CBECS Activity = Nonrefrigerated OR Refrigerated warehouse E24 [Machine equipment] IF CBECS Activity = Enclosed mall E28 [Indoor ice rink] OTHERWISE: IF Electricity NOT used & D84 [Energy for generation] ≠ Yes E30 [Verify no electricity] OTHERWISE E31 [Refrigeration] |
E4 |
Snack bar square footage SNACKSF |
IF Snack bar or concession stand IN E2 [Type of food area] |
What is the square footage of the snack bar or concession stand area in this building?
EXP: [Include seating area, if any.]
EXP: PROBE for estimate if DK
10 to 999,999,999 |
IF Fast food or small restaurant IN E2 [Type of food area] E5 [Fast food square footage] IF Cafeteria or large restaurant IN E2 [Type of food area] E6 [Cafeteria square footage] IF Large kitchen, commercial kitchen, or other large food preparation area IN E2 [Type of food area] E7 [Commercial kitchen square footage] IF Some other type IN E2 [Type of food area] E8 [Other food area] OTHERWISE: IF Water heating E9 [Large amounts of hot water] IF CBECS Activity = Lodging; Inpatient health care; OR Nursing E10 [Laundry onsite] IF B5 [Office type] = Doctor’s or dentist’s office OR Mixed-use office OR B15 [Health care type] = Doctor’s or dentist’s office; Clinic or other outpatient health care; Outpatient rehabilitation center; Other type of health care E16 [Medical equipment] IF CBECS Activity = Education; Laboratory; Office; Outpatient health care; Public assembly; Retail; OR Service E23 [Laboratory equipment] IF CBECS Activity = Nonrefrigerated OR Refrigerated warehouse E24 [Machine equipment] IF CBECS Activity = Enclosed mall E28 [Indoor ice rink] OTHERWISE: IF Electricity NOT used & D84 [Energy for generation] ≠ Yes E30 [Verify no electricity] OTHERWISE E31 [Refrigeration]
E5 |
Fast food square footage FASTFDSF |
IF Fast food or small restaurant IN E2 [Type of food area] |
What is the square footage of the fast food or small restaurant in this building?
EXP: [Include seating area, if any.]
EXP: PROBE for estimate if DK
10 to 999,999,999 |
IF Cafeteria or large restaurant IN E2 [Type of food area] E6 [Cafeteria square footage] IF Large kitchen, commercial kitchen, or other large food preparation area IN E2 [Type of food area] E7 [Commercial kitchen square footage] IF Some other type IN E2 [Type of food area] E8 [Other food area] OTHERWISE: IF Water heating E9 [Large amounts of hot water] IF CBECS Activity = Lodging; Inpatient health care; OR Nursing E10 [Laundry onsite] IF B5 [Office type] = Doctor’s or dentist’s office OR Mixed-use office OR B15 [Health care type] = Doctor’s or dentist’s office; Clinic or other outpatient health care; Outpatient rehabilitation center; Other type of health care E16 [Medical equipment] IF CBECS Activity = Education; Laboratory; Office; Outpatient health care; Public assembly; Retail; OR Service E23 [Laboratory equipment] IF CBECS Activity = Nonrefrigerated OR Refrigerated warehouse E24 [Machine equipment] IF CBECS Activity = Enclosed mall E28 [Indoor ice rink] OTHERWISE: IF Electricity NOT used & D84 [Energy for generation] ≠ Yes E30 [Verify no electricity] OTHERWISE E31 [Refrigeration]
E6 |
Cafeteria square footage CAFSF |
IF Cafeteria or large restaurant IN E2 [Type of food area] |
What is the square footage of the cafeteria or large restaurant in this building?
EXP: [Include seating area, if any.]
EXP: PROBE for estimate if DK
10 to 999,999,999 |
IF Large kitchen, commercial kitchen, or other large food preparation area IN E2 [Type of food area] E7 [Commercial kitchen square footage] IF Some other type IN E2 [Type of food area] E8 [Other food area] OTHERWISE: IF Water heating E9 [Large amounts of hot water] IF CBECS Activity = Lodging; Inpatient health care; OR Nursing E10 [Laundry onsite] IF B5 [Office type] = Doctor’s or dentist’s office OR Mixed-use office OR B15 [Health care type] = Doctor’s or dentist’s office; Clinic or other outpatient health care; Outpatient rehabilitation center; Other type of health care E16 [Medical equipment] IF CBECS Activity = Education; Laboratory; Office; Outpatient health care; Public assembly; Retail; OR Service E23 [Laboratory equipment] IF CBECS Activity = Nonrefrigerated OR Refrigerated warehouse E24 [Machine equipment] IF CBECS Activity = Enclosed mall E28 [Indoor ice rink] OTHERWISE: IF Electricity NOT used & D84 [Energy for generation] ≠ Yes E30 [Verify no electricity] OTHERWISE E31 [Refrigeration]
E7 |
Commercial kitchen square footage FDPREPSF |
IF Cafeteria or large restaurant IN E2 [Type of food area] |
What is the square footage of the commercial kitchen or food preparation area in this building?
EXP: PROBE for estimate if DK
10 to 999,999,999 |
IF Some other type IN E2 [Type of food area] E8 [Other food area] OTHERWISE: IF Water heating E9 [Large amounts of hot water] IF CBECS Activity = Lodging; Inpatient health care; OR Nursing E10 [Laundry onsite] IF B5 [Office type] = Doctor’s or dentist’s office OR Mixed-use office OR B15 [Health care type] = Doctor’s or dentist’s office; Clinic or other outpatient health care; Outpatient rehabilitation center; Other type of health care E16 [Medical equipment] IF CBECS Activity = Education; Laboratory; Office; Outpatient health care; Public assembly; Retail; OR Service E23 [Laboratory equipment] IF CBECS Activity = Nonrefrigerated OR Refrigerated warehouse E24 [Machine equipment] IF CBECS Activity = Enclosed mall E28 [Indoor ice rink] OTHERWISE: IF Electricity NOT used & D84 [Energy for generation] ≠ Yes E30 [Verify no electricity] OTHERWISE E31 [Refrigeration] |
E8 |
Other food area |
IF Some other type IN E2 [Type of food area] |
Please describe this other type of food preparation or serving area.
RECORD in open box
IF Water heating E9 [Large amounts of hot water] IF CBECS Activity = Lodging; Inpatient health care; OR Nursing E10 [Laundry onsite] IF B5 [Office type] = Doctor’s or dentist’s office OR B15 [Health care type] = Doctor’s or dentist’s office; Clinic or other outpatient health care; Outpatient rehabilitation center E16 [Medical equipment] IF CBECS Activity = Education; Laboratory; Office; Outpatient health care; Public assembly; Retail; OR Service E23 [Laboratory equipment] IF CBECS Activity = Nonrefrigerated OR Refrigerated warehouse E24 [Machine equipment] IF CBECS Activity = Enclosed mall E28 [Indoor ice rink] OTHERWISE: IF Electricity NOT used & D84 [Energy for generation] ≠ Yes E30 [Verify no electricity] OTHERWISE E31 [Refrigeration] |
E9 |
Large amounts of hot water HWTRM |
IF Water heating |
{Introduction} IF E2 [Type of food area] was NOT asked = “Now I have some questions about energy-related space uses and equipment that may be used in this building.” OTHERWISE = BLANK |
Is any space in this building used for any activities requiring large amounts of hot water, such as a commercial dishwasher, laundry room, heated pool, steam room, whirlpool, or showers?
1 Yes 2 No
IF CBECS Activity = Lodging; Inpatient health care; OR Nursing E10 [Laundry onsite] IF B19 [Public order type] = Fire station E11 [Non-fire station space] IF B5 [Office type] = Doctor’s or dentist’s office OR Mixed-use office OR B15 [Health care type] = Doctor’s or dentist’s office; Clinic or other outpatient health care; Outpatient rehabilitation center; Other type of health care E16 [Medical equipment] IF CBECS Activity = Education; Laboratory; Office; Outpatient health care; Public assembly; Retail; OR Service E23 [Laboratory equipment] IF CBECS Activity = Nonrefrigerated OR Refrigerated warehouse E24 [Machine equipment] IF CBECS Activity = Enclosed mall E28 [Indoor ice rink] OTHERWISE: IF Electricity NOT used & D84 [Energy for generation] ≠ Yes E30 [Verify no electricity] OTHERWISE E31 [Refrigeration] |
E10 |
Laundry onsite LAUNDR |
IF Any energy used & CBECS Activity = Lodging; Inpatient health care; OR Nursing |
Are the linens primarily laundered in this building, in another building on-site, or by an off-site laundry service?
EXP: [Linens include sheets, bedding, towels, tablecloths, and napkins.]
1 In this building 2 In another building on-site 3 By an off-site laundry service
IF B15 [Health care type] = Inpatient rehabilitation center E16 [Medical equipment] IF CBECS Activity = Inpatient health care E23 [Laboratory equipment] IF CBECS Activity = Lodging & ((B18 [Lodging type] = Hotel OR Motel or inn) OR (B20 [Residential type] = Hotel OR Motel or inn) E14 [Conference or event space] IF CBECS Activity = Lodging AND B18 [Lodging type] ≠ Motel or inn OR Hotel E25 [Indoor pool] OTHERWISE: IF Electricity NOT used & D84 [Energy for generation] ≠ Yes E30 [Verify no electricity] OTHERWISE E31 [Refrigeration] |
E11 |
Non-fire station space FSSPACE |
IF B19 [Public order type] = Fire station |
Is any space in this building used for hall rental, police station, government offices, or other activities not related to the fire station?
1 Yes 2 No
IF Yes E12 [Percent non-fire station activities] IF No OR DK/RF E13 [Fire station living quarters] |
E12 |
Percent non-fire station space FSSPACEP |
IF E4a [Non-fire station space] = Yes |
About what percent of the total floorspace in the building is used for these activities?
1 to 100 |
E13 [Fire station living quarters] |
E13 |
Fire station living quarters FSLIVEQ |
IF B19 [Public order type] = Fire station OR Combination police and fire station |
Are there living quarters in this fire station?
1 Yes 2 No
IF Electricity NOT used & D84 [Energy for generation] ≠ Yes E30 [Verify no electricity] OTHERWISE E31 [Refrigeration] |
E14 |
Conference or event space LODGSP |
IF CBECS Activity = Lodging AND ((B18 [Lodging type] = Hotel OR Motel or inn) OR (B20 [Residential type] = Hotel OR Motel or inn) |
Is there any space in this building used for conferences or social events?
1 Yes 2 No
IF Yes E15 [Percent conference or event space] IF No OR DK/RF E25 [Indoor pool] |
E15 |
Percent conference or event space LODGSPP |
IF E14 [Conference or event space] = Yes |
About what percent of the total floorspace in the building is used for these events?
1 to 100 |
E25 [Indoor pool] |
E17 |
Number of X-ray machines XRAYN |
IF CBECS Activity = Inpatient health care OR E16 [Medical equipment] = Yes |
How many X-ray machines are used in this building?
0 to 999 |
E18 [Number of CT scan machines] |
E18 |
Number of CT scan machines CTSCANN |
IF CBECS Activity = Inpatient health care OR E16 [Medical equipment] = Yes |
How many CT scan machines are used in this building?
0 to 999 |
E19 [Number of MRI machines] |
E19 |
Number of MRI machines MRIN |
IF CBECS Activity = Inpatient health care OR E16 [Medical equipment] = Yes |
How many MRI machines are used in this building?
0 to 999 |
E20 [Number of linear accelerators] |
E20 |
Number of linear accelerators LINACCN |
IF CBECS Activity = Inpatient health care OR E16 [Medical equipment] = Yes |
How many linear accelerators are used in this building?
DEF: [A linear accelerator is used for external beam adiation treatments for patients with cancer.]
0 to 999 |
IF CBECS Activity = Inpatient health care E21 [Percent outpatient space] IF CBECS Activity = Outpatient health care E22 [Outpatient surgery] OTHERWISE: IF Electricity NOT used & D84 [Energy for generation] ≠ Yes E30 [Verify no electricity] OTHERWISE E31 [Refrigeration] |
E21 |
Percent outpatient space OUTHOSPP |
IF CBECS Activity = Inpatient health care |
{SqFt} IF A6 [Square footage] known = “A6 [Square footage] square feet” IF A6 [Square footage] = DK/RF = “square footage” |
What percent of the {SqFt} in this building is used for outpatient care?
DEF: [Outpatient care is medical care or treatment that does not require an overnight stay.]
0 to 100 |
E23 [Laboratory equipment] |
E22 |
Outpatient surgery OUTSURG |
IF CBECS Activity = Outpatient health care |
Are there any operating rooms used for outpatient surgery in this building?
1 Yes 2 No
E23 [Laboratory equipment] |
E23 |
Laboratory equipment LABEQP |
IF Any energy used & CBECS Activity = Education; Inpatient health care; Laboratory; Office; Outpatient health care; Public assembly; Retail; OR Service |
Does this building have any specialized laboratory equipment that requires extra energy consumption?
EXP: [Some examples are fume hoods, gas chromatographs, centrifuges, spectrometers, and analysis equipment.]
1 Yes 2 No
IF CBECS Activity = Education; Laboratory; Retail; OR Service E24 [Machine equipment] IF CBECS Activity = Public Assembly OR B15 [Health care type] = Outpatient rehabilitation center OR Inpatient rehabilitation center E25 [Indoor pool] IF CBECS Activity = Outpatient health care OR Inpatient health care E29 [Sterilizers or autoclaves] OTHERWISE: IF Electricity NOT used & D84 [Energy for generation] ≠ Yes E30 [Verify no electricity] OTHERWISE E31 [Refrigeration] |
E24 |
Machine equipment MCHEQP |
IF Any energy used & CBECS Activity = Education; Laboratory; Nonrefrigerated warehouse; Refrigerated warehouse; Retail OR Service |
Does this building have any machine or shop equipment such as woodworking tools, metalworking tools, arc welders, or any other types of power tools?
1 Yes 2 No
IF CBECS Activity = Education E25 [Indoor pool] OTHERWISE: IF Electricity NOT used & D84 [Energy for generation] ≠ Yes E30 [Verify no electricity] OTHERWISE E31 [Refrigeration] |
E25 |
Indoor pool POOL |
IF Any energy used & (CBECS Activity = Education; Lodging; OR Public Assembly OR B15 [Health care type] = Outpatient rehabilitation center OR Inpatient rehabilitation center) |
Is there an indoor swimming pool in this building?
1 Yes 2 No
IF Yes E26 [Heated pool] IF No OR DK/RF: IF CBECS Activity = Education; Lodging; OR Public assembly E28 [Indoor ice rink] IF B15 [Health care type] = Outpatient rehabilitation center OR Inpatient rehabilitation center E29 [Sterilizers or autoclaves] |
E26 |
Heated pool HTPOOL |
IF E25 [Indoor pool] =Yes |
Is it a heated pool?
1 Yes 2 No
IF Yes E27 [Pool energy source] IF No OR DK/RF: IF CBECS Activity = Education; Lodging; OR Public assembly E28 [Indoor ice rink] IF B15 [Health care type] = Outpatient rehabilitation center OR Inpatient rehabilitation center E29 [Sterilizers or autoclaves] |
E27 |
Pool energy source PLSRC |
IF E26 [Heated pool] =Yes |
What energy source is used to heat the pool?
Read choices if necessary
1 Electricity 2 Natural gas 3 Fuel oil/Diesel/Kerosene 4 Bottled gas/LPG/Propane 5 Solar 6 Some other energy source
IF CBECS Activity = Education; Lodging; OR Public assembly E28 [Indoor ice rink] OTHERWISE E29 [Sterilizers or autoclaves] |
E28 |
Indoor ice rink RINK |
IF Any energy used & CBECS Activity = Education; Lodging; Enclosed mall OR Public assembly |
Does this building contain an indoor ice skating rink?
1 Yes 2 No
IF CBECS Activity = Enclosed mall & Electricity NOT used & D84 [Energy for generation] ≠ Yes E30 [Verify no electricity] IF CBECS Activity = Enclosed mall & Electricity used E31 [Refrigeration] OTHERWISE E29 [Sterilizers or autoclaves] |
E29 |
Sterilizers or autoclaves STRLZR |
IF Any energy used & CBECS Activity = Education; Food sales; Food service; Inpatient health care; Laboratory; Lodging; Nursing; Office; Outpatient health care; Public assembly; Public order and safety; OR Religious worship |
Does this building use any sterilizers or autoclaves?
DEF: [Sterilizers are used to sterilize containers, medical instruments, surgical tools, and trays. Sterilizers use water to produce steam, to cool steam, and in some units, to create a vacuum to accelerate drying of disinfected items.]
DEF: [Autoclaves are similar to sterilizers except that they use ethylene oxide as the sterilizing medium and a stream of pressurized water at high temperatures to draw off spent ethylene oxide. Like steam sterilizers, some autoclaves also use a continuous stream of water to create a vacuum to speed the drying process.]
1 Yes 2 No
IF Electricity NOT used & D84 [Energy for generation] ≠ Yes E30 [Verify no electricity] OTHERWISE E31 [Refrigeration] |
E30 |
Verify no electricity NOELEC |
IF Any energy used & Electricity NOT used & D84 [Energy for generation] ≠ Yes |
I do not have electricity recorded as being used in this building. Is it true that there is not any electricity used in this building?
1 True, electricity is not used 2 False, electricity is used
IF True, electricity is not used OR DK/RF E83 [Window glass type] IF False, electricity is used E31 [Refrigeration] |
E31 |
Refrigeration RFGEQP |
IF Electricity used OR D84 [Energy for generation] = Yes OR E30 [Verify no electricity] = False, electricity is used |
Is there any refrigeration or freezer equipment used in this building, including vending machines?
1 Yes 2 No
IF Yes E32 [Refrigeration types] IF No OR DK/RF & NOT(B24 [Completely vacant] = Yes & C18 [Months in use] = Zero OR DK/RF) E44 [Computers used] OTHERWISE: IF C29 [No operating hours] ≠ True, no operating hours & C30 [Total hours open per week] > Zero E70 [Percent lit when open] OTHERWISE E73 [Percent lit off hours] |
E32 |
Refrigeration types see below |
IF E31 [Refrigeration] = Yes |
Looking at Show Card E2, please tell me which types of refrigeration or freezer equipment are found in this building.
PROBE for any others
ENTER all that apply
1 Full-size residential-type refrigerators/freezers RFGRES 2 Half-size or compact refrigerators RFGCOMP 3 Walk-in refrigeration/freezer units RFGWI 4 Open refrigerated/freezer cases or cabinets RFGOP 5 Closed refrigerated/freezer cases or cabinets RFGCL 6 Refrigerated vending machines RFGVEN 7 Commercial ice makers RFGICE 8 Large cold storage areas RFGSTO
IF Residential-type selected E33 [Number residential refrigerators] IF Compact size selected E34 [Number compact size refrigerators] IF Walk-in units selected E35 [Number walk-in units] IF Open cases or cabinets selected E36 [Number open cases] IF Closed cases or cabinets selected E37 [Number closed cases] IF Refrigerated vending machines selected E38 [Number vending] IF Commercial ice makers selected E39 [Number ice makers] IF Large cold storage areas selected E40 [Percent cold storage] IF CBECS Activity = Food sales OR B18 [Lodging type] = Motel or inn OR Hotel OR B20 [Residential type] = Motel or inn OR Hotel E41 [Waste heat recovery] IF DK/RF E44 [Computers used] |
E33 |
Number residential refrigerators RFGRSN |
IF Residential-type IN E32 [Refrigeration types] |
How many residential-type refrigerators or freezers are there?
PROBE for estimate if DK
1 to 9999 |
IF Compact size selected E34 [Number compact size refrigerators] IF Walk-in units selected E35 [Number walk-in units] IF Open cases or cabinets selected E36 [Number open cases] IF Closed cases or cabinets selected E37 [Number closed cases] IF Refrigerated vending machines selected E38 [Number vending] IF Commercial ice makers selected E39 [Number ice makers] IF Large cold storage areas selected E40 [Percent cold storage] IF CBECS Activity = Food sales OR B18 [Lodging type] = Motel or inn OR Hotel OR B20 [Residential type] = Motel or inn OR Hotel E41 [Waste heat recovery] IF DK/RF E44 [Computers used] |
E34 |
Number compact size refrigerators RFGCOMPN |
IF Compact size IN E32 [Refrigeration types] |
How many half-size or compact refrigerators are there?
PROBE for estimate if DK
1 to 9999 |
IF Walk-in units selected E35 [Number walk-in units] IF Open cases or cabinets selected E36 [Number open cases] IF Closed cases or cabinets selected E37 [Number closed cases] IF Refrigerated vending machines selected E38 [Number vending] IF Commercial ice makers selected E39 [Number ice makers] IF Large cold storage areas selected E40 [Percent cold storage] IF CBECS Activity = Food sales OR B18 [Lodging type] = Motel or inn OR Hotel OR B20 [Residential type] = Motel or inn OR Hotel E41 [Waste heat recovery] IF DK/RF E44 [Computers used] |
E35 |
Number walk-in units RFGWIN |
IF Walk-in units IN E32 [Refrigeration types] |
How many walk-in refrigeration or freezer units are there?
PROBE for estimate if DK
1 to 999 |
IF Open cases or cabinets selected E36 [Number open cases] IF Closed cases or cabinets selected E37 [Number closed cases] IF Refrigerated vending machines selected E38 [Number vending] IF Commercial ice makers selected E39 [Number ice makers] IF Large cold storage areas selected E40 [Percent cold storage] IF CBECS Activity = Food sales OR B18 [Lodging type] = Motel or inn OR Hotel OR B20 [Residential type] = Motel or inn OR Hotel E41 [Waste heat recovery] IF DK/RF E44 [Computers used] |
E36 |
Number open cases RFGOPN |
IF Open cases or cabinets IN E32 [Refrigeration types] |
How many open refrigerated or freezer cases or cabinets are there?
PROBE for estimate if DK
1 to 999 |
IF Closed cases or cabinets selected E37 [Number closed cases] IF Refrigerated vending machines selected E38 [Number vending] IF Commercial ice makers selected E39 [Number ice makers] IF Large cold storage areas selected E40 [Percent cold storage] IF CBECS Activity = Food sales OR B18 [Lodging type] = Motel or inn OR Hotel OR B20 [Residential type] = Motel or inn OR Hotel E41 [Waste heat recovery] IF DK/RF E44 [Computers used] |
E37 |
Number closed cases RFGCLN |
IF Closed cases or cabinets IN E32 [Refrigeration types] |
How many closed refrigerated or freezer cases or cabinets are there?
PROBE for estimate if DK
1 to 999 |
IF Refrigerated vending machines selected E38 [Number vending] IF Commercial ice makers selected E39 [Number ice makers] IF Large cold storage areas selected E40 [Percent cold storage] IF CBECS Activity = Food sales OR B18 [Lodging type] = Motel or inn OR Hotel OR B20 [Residential type] = Motel or inn OR Hotel E41 [Waste heat recovery] IF DK/RF E44 [Computers used] |
E38 |
Number vending RFGVNN |
IF Refrigerated vending machines IN E32 [Refrigeration types] |
How many refrigerated vending machines are there?
PROBE for estimate if DK
1 to 999 |
IF Commercial ice makers selected E39 [Number ice makers] IF Large cold storage areas selected E40 [Percent cold storage] IF CBECS Activity = Food sales OR B18 [Lodging type] = Motel or inn OR Hotel OR B20 [Residential type] = Motel or inn OR Hotel E41 [Waste heat recovery] IF DK/RF E44 [Computers used] |
E39 |
Number ice makers RFGICN |
IF Commercial ice makers IN E32 [Refrigeration types] |
How many commercial ice makers are there?
PROBE for estimate if DK
1 to 999 |
IF Large cold storage areas selected E40 [Percent cold storage] IF CBECS Activity = Food sales OR B18 [Lodging type] = Motel or inn OR Hotel OR B20 [Residential type] = Motel or inn OR Hotel E41 [Waste heat recovery] IF DK/RF E44 [Computers used] |
E40 |
Percent cold storage RFGSTP |
IF Large cold storage areas IN E32 [Refrigeration types] |
About what percent of the total floorspace in the building is used for cold storage?
PROBE for estimate if DK
1 to 100 |
IF CBECS Activity = Food sales OR B18 [Lodging type] = Motel or inn OR Hotel OR B20 [Residential type] = Motel or inn OR Hotel E41 [Waste heat recovery] OTHERWISE E44 [Computers used] |
E41 |
Waste heat recovery WHRECOV |
IF E31 [Refrigeration] = Yes & CBECS Activity = Food sales OR B18 [Lodging type] = Motel or inn OR Hotel OR B20 [Residential type] = Motel or inn OR Hotel |
Refrigeration equipment gives off excess heat that can be used to supplement other equipment in the building. Is there such a waste heat recovery system associated with the refrigeration equipment?
1 Yes 2 No
IF Yes E42 [Waste heat use] IF No OR DK/RF E44 [Computers used] |
E42 |
Waste heat use WHUSE |
IF E41 [Waste heat recovery] = Yes |
What is the waste heat used for - space heating, water heating, or some other use?
ENTER all that apply
1 Space heating
IF Some other use E43 [Other waste heat use] OTHERWISE E44 [Computers used] |
E43 |
Other waste heat use |
IF E26b [Waste heat use] = Some other use |
What is the other use for the waste heat?
RECORD in open box
E44 [Computers used] |
E44 |
Computers used PCTERM |
IF Electricity used OR D84 [Energy for generation] = Yes OR E30 [Verify no electricity] = False, electricity is used & NOT(B24 [Completely vacant] = Yes & C18 [Months in use] = Zero OR DK/RF) |
Are there any computers used in this building?
EXP: [Even if only laptops are used, answer Yes.]
EXP: [Do not include tablet computers or inventory, such as in retail stores.]
1 Yes 2 No
IF Yes E45 [Number of computers] IF No OR DK/RF E55 [Dedicated servers] |
E45 |
Number of computers PCNUM |
IF E44 [Computers used] = Yes |
Not counting any dedicated servers or laptop computers, about how many computers are used in this building?
EXP: [Do not include tablet computers or inventory, such as in retail stores.]
DEF: [A server is usually just the CPU, or "case," portion of a computer that manages network resources such as computer files, printers, databases, or network traffic; servers do not require much human operation, so most do not have keyboards or monitors.]
0 to 9,999,999 |
IF DK/RF E46 [Computers category] IF > Zero E47 [Multiple monitors] IF Zero E51 [Number of laptops] |
E46 |
Computers category PCTRMC |
IF E45 [Number of computers] = DK/RF |
Looking at Show Card E3, which category best describes the number of computers used in this building?
1 1 to 4 2 5 to 9 3 10 to 19 4 20 to 49 5 50 to 99 6 100 to 249 7 250 to 499 8 500 to 999 9 1,000 to 2,499 10 2,500 to 4,999 11 5,000 or more
E47 [Multiple monitors] |
E47 |
Multiple monitors MLTMON |
IF E45 [Number of computers] > Zero |
{Computers} IF E45 [Number of computers] = One = Does the computer OTHERWISE = Do any of the computers |
{Computers} use more than one monitor?
1 Yes 2 No
IF Yes & E45 [Number of computers] ≠ One E48 [Multiple monitor category] OTHERWISE E49 [Flat screen] |
E48 |
Multiple monitor category MLTMNC |
IF E47 [Multiple monitors] = Yes & E45 [Number of computers] ≠ One |
Would you say that multiple monitors are used with all of the computers, most of them, some of them, or just a few?
1 All 2 Most 3 Some 4 A few
E50 [Flat screen category] |
E49 |
Flat screen FLATG1PC |
IF E45 [Number of computers] = One |
{FlatQuestion} IF E47 [Multiple monitors] = Yes = Are any of the monitors of this type? IF E47 [Multiple monitors] ≠ Yes = Does the computer have this type of monitor? |
Please look at Show Card E4 which shows a picture of a flat screen monitor. {FlatQuestion}
DEF: [A flat screen monitor, also known as a liquid crystal display or LCD, is lightweight and very thin, in contrast to most standard monitors which have bulky backs and take up a lot of desk space.]
1 Yes 2 No
E51 [Number of laptops] |
E50 |
Flat screen category FLATG1PC |
IF E45 [Number of computers] ≠ One |
Please look at Show Card E4 which shows a picture of a flat screen monitor. Would you say that all of the monitors are flat screen, most of them, some of them, or just a few?
DEF: [A flat screen monitor, also known as a liquid crystal display or LCD, is lightweight and very thin, in contrast to most standard monitors which have bulky backs and take up a lot of desk space.]
1 All 2 Most 3 Some 4 A few
E51 [Number of laptops] |
E51 |
Number of laptops LAPTPN |
IF E44 [Computers used] = Yes |
About how many laptop computers are used in this building?
EXP: [Do not include tablet computers or inventory, such as in retail stores.]
0 to 9,999,999 |
IF DK/RF E52 [Laptops category] IF Number given E53 [Number of printers] |
E52 |
Laptops category LAPTPC |
IF E51 [Number of laptops] = DK/RF |
Looking at Show Card E3, which category best describes the number of laptop computers used in this building?
1 1 to 4 2 5 to 9 3 10 to 19 4 20 to 49 5 50 to 99 6 100 to 249 7 250 to 499 8 500 to 999 9 1,000 to 2,499 10 2,500 to 4,999 11 5,000 or more
E53 [Number of printers] |
E53 |
Number of printers PRNTRN |
IF E44 [Computers used] = Yes |
About how many printers are there in this building?
PROBE for estimate if DK
0 to 9,999,999 |
IF ≥ 1 E54 [Type of printers] IF Zero OR DK/RF E55 [Dedicated servers] |
E54 |
Type of printers PRNTYP |
IF E53 [Number of printers] ≥ 1 |
{IsAre} IF E53 [Number of printers] = 1 = Is this an IF E53 [Number of printers] > 1 = Are these mainly {Printers} IF E53 [Number of printers] = 1 = printer IF E53 [Number of printers] > 1 = printers |
{IsAre} inkjet or laser {Printers}?
1 Inkjet 2 Laser 3 IF VOLUNTEERED: Some other type 4 IF VOLUNTEERED: Half inkjet, half laser
E55 [Dedicated servers] |
E55 |
Dedicated servers SERVER |
IF Electricity used OR D84 [Energy for generation] = Yes OR E30 [Verify no electricity] = False, electricity is used & NOT(B24 [Completely vacant] = Yes & C18 [Months in use] = Zero OR DK/RF) |
Are there any dedicated computer servers used in this building?
DEF: [A server is usually just the CPU, or "case," portion of a computer that manages network resources such as computer files, printers, databases, or network traffic; servers do not require much human operation, so most do not have keyboards or monitors.]
DEF: [Dedicated means that the server performs no other tasks besides server tasks.]
1 Yes 2 No
IF Yes E56 [Number of servers] IF No OR DK/RF: IF E44 [Computers used] = Yes: IF E45 [Number of computers] = DK/RF OR E51 [Number of laptops] = DK/RF OR BOTH KNOWN & E45 [Number of computers] + E51 [Number of laptops] > 4 E58 [Separate computer areas] IF CBECS Activity = Education E61 [Interactive whiteboards] OTHERWISE E64 [TV or video displays] IF E44 [Computers used] ≠ Yes E64 [TV or video displays] |
E56 |
Number of servers SRVNUM |
IF E55 [Dedicated servers] = Yes |
About how many dedicated servers are used in this building?
1 to 9,999,999 |
IF DK/RF E57 [Servers category] IF Number given E58 [Separate computer areas] |
E57 |
Servers category SRVRC |
IF E56 [Number of servers] = DK/RF |
Looking at Show Card E3, which category best describes the number of servers used in this building?
1 1 to 4 2 5 to 9 3 10 to 19 4 20 to 49 5 50 to 99 6 100 to 249 7 250 to 499 8 500 to 999 9 1,000 to 2,499 10 2,500 to 4,999 11 5,000 or more |
E58 [Separate computer areas] |
E58 |
Separate computer areas see below |
IF E44 [Computers used] = Yes OR E55 [Dedicated servers] = Yes & E45 [Number of computers] = DK/RF OR E51 [Number of laptops] = DK/RF OR BOTH KNOWN & E45 [Number of computers] + E51 [Number of laptops] > 4 |
Please look at Show Card E5 and tell me if any of these types of separate computer areas are found in this building.
PROBE for any others
ENTER all that apply
1 Data center or server farm DATACNTR 2 Computer-based training room TRNGRM 3 Student or public computer center STDNRM 4 Trading floor TRDFLR 5 None of these types of areas
IF Data center/server farm selected E59 [Data center square footage] IF Trading floor selected E60 [Trading floor square footage] IF B30 [CBECS Activity] = Education OR Office E61 [Interactive whiteboards] OTHERWISE E63 [TV or video displays] |
E59 |
Data center square footage DATACNTRSF |
IF Data center or server farm IN E58 [Separate computer areas] |
What is the square footage of the data center or server farm you just mentioned?
10 to 999,999,999 |
IF Trading floor IN E58 [Separate computer areas] E60 [Trading floor square footage] OTHERWISE: IF E44 [Computers used] = Yes AND B30 [CBECS Activity] = Education E61 [Interactive whiteboards] OTHERWISE E63 [TV or video displays] |
E60 |
Trading floor square footage TRDFLRSF |
IF Trading floor IN E58 [Separate computer areas] |
What is the square footage of the trading floor you just mentioned?
10 to 999,999,999 |
IF E44 [Computers used] = Yes AND B30 [CBECS Activity] = Education OR Office E61 [Interactive whiteboards] OTHERWISE E63 [TV or video displays] |
E61 |
Interactive whiteboards WBOARDS |
IF E44 [Computers used] = Yes AND B30 [CBECS Activity] = Education OR Office |
Are there any interactive whiteboards that connect to a computer and projector?
DEF: [An interactive whiteboard is a large interactive display that connects to a computer and a projector. The computer's desktop is projected onto the board's surface where users control the computer using a pen, finger, or other device.]
1 Yes 2 No
IF Yes E62 [Number of interactive whiteboards] IF No OR DK/RF E63 [TV or video displays] |
E62 |
Number of interactive whiteboards NWBOARDS |
IF E61 [Interactive whiteboards] = Yes |
How many interactive whiteboards are used in this building?
PROBE for estimate if DK
1 to 999 |
E63 [TV or video displays] |
E63 |
TV or video displays TVVIDEO |
IF Electricity used OR D84 [Energy for generation] = Yes OR E30 [Verify no electricity] = False, electricity is used & NOT(B24 [Completely vacant] = Yes & C18 [Months in use] = Zero) |
Are there any televisions or video displays, other than computer monitors?
1 Yes 2 No
IF Yes E64 [Number of TV or video displays] IF No OR DK/RF E65 [Cash registers] |
E64 |
Number of TV or video displays TVVIDEON |
IF E63 [TV or video displays] = Yes |
How many televisions or video displays are used in this building?
PROBE for estimate if DK
1 to 9999 |
E65 [Cash registers] |
E65 |
Cash registers RGSTR |
IF Electricity used OR D84 [Energy for generation] = Yes OR E30 [Verify no electricity] = False, electricity is used & NOT(B24 [Completely vacant] = Yes & C18 [Months in use] = Zero) |
Are there any cash registers or "point-of-sales" terminals used in this building?
1 Yes 2 No
IF Yes E66 [Number of cash registers] IF No OR DK/RF E67 [Photocopiers] |
E66 |
Number of cash registers RGSTRN |
IF E65 [Cash registers] = Yes |
About how many cash registers or "point-of-sales" terminals are used in this building?
PROBE for estimate if DK
1 to 9,999 |
E67 [Photocopiers] |
E67 |
Photocopiers COPIER |
IF Electricity used OR D84 [Energy for generation] = Yes OR E30 [Verify no electricity] = False, electricity is used & NOT(B24 [Completely vacant] = Yes & C18 [Months in use] = Zero) |
Are there any photocopiers, other than small desktop copiers, used in this building?
1 Yes 2 No
IF Yes E68 [Number of photocopiers] IF No OR DK/RF E69 [FAX machines] |
E68 |
Number of photocopiers COPRN |
IF E67 [Photocopiers] = Yes |
About how many photocopiers are there?
PROBE for estimate if DK
1 to 9,999 |
E69 [FAX machines] |
E69 |
FAX machines FAX |
IF Electricity used OR D84 [Energy for generation] = Yes OR E30 [Verify no electricity] = False, electricity is used & NOT(B24 [Completely vacant] = Yes & C18 [Months in use] = Zero) |
Are there any FAX machines used in this building?
1 Yes 2 No
IF C29 [No operating hours] ≠ True, no operating hours & C30 [Total hours open per week] > Zero E70 [Percent lit when open] OTHERWISE E73 [Percent lit off hours] |
E70 |
Percent lit when open LTOHRP |
IF C29 [No operating hours] ≠ True, no operating hours & C30 [Total hours open per week] > Zero & (Electricity used OR D84 [Energy for generation] = Yes OR E30 [Verify no electricity] = False, electricity is used) |
{SqFt} IF A6 [Square footage] known = “A6 [Square footage] square feet” IF A6 [Square footage] = DK/RF = “square footage” |
The next questions are about the lighting inside the building.
What percent of the {SqFt} in this building is lit when the building is normally open?
DEF: ["Normally open" means the hours when the usual activities occur.]
If lit square footage is known but not the percent, RECORD square footage in comments, then code DK
0 to 100 |
IF DK/RF E71 [Lit when open category] IF Percent given: IF C26 [Open 24 hours a day] = Yes OR C30 [Total hours open per week] = 168 OR C31 [Weekly hours category] = 168 E72 [Lights off during 24 hours] OTHERWISE E73 [Percent lit off hours] |
E71 |
Lit when open category LOHRPC |
IF E70 [Percent lit when open] = DK/RF |
Looking at Show Card E6, what is your best estimate of the percent of the square feet in this building that is lit when the building is normally open?
1 1 to 25 percent 2 26 to 50 percent 3 51 to 75 percent 4 76 to 100 percent 5 Not lit at all when it is normally open
IF C26 [Open 24 hours a day] = Yes OR C30 [Total hours open per week] = 168 OR C31 [Weekly hours category] = 168 E72 [Lights off during 24 hours] OTHERWISE E73 [Percent lit off hours] |
E72 |
Lights off during 24 hours LTNR24 |
IF C26 [Open 24 hours a day] = Yes OR C30 [Total hours open per week] = 168 OR C31 [Weekly hours category] = 168 & (Electricity used OR D84 [Energy for generation] = Yes OR E30 [Verify no electricity] = False, electricity is used) |
Are there any periods during a normal 24-hour day when some of the lights are turned off?
1 Yes 2 No
IF Yes E73 [Percent lit off hours] IF No OR DK/RF: IF E70 [Percent lit when open] > 0 OR E71 [Lit when open category] ≠ Not lit E75 [Lighting types] OTHERWISE E80 [Percent of exterior lighted] |
E73 |
Percent lit off hours LTNHRP |
IF (C26 [Open 24 hours a day] ≠ Yes & C30 [Total hours open per week] ≠ 168 & C31 [Weekly hours category] ≠ 168) OR E72 [Lights off during 24 hours] = Yes & (Electricity used OR D84 [Energy for generation] = Yes OR E30 [Verify no electricity] = False, electricity is used) |
{SqFt} IF A6 [Square footage] known = “A6 [Square footage] square feet” IF A6 [Square footage] = DK/RF = “square footage” {OffHours} IF C26 [Open 24 hours a day] = Yes OR C30 [Total hours open per week] = 168 OR C31 [Weekly hours category] = “the time during a 24-hour period when some lights are turned off” OTHERWISE = “the hours when the building is not normally open” |
What percent of the {SqFt} is lit during off hours, that is {OffHours},? Exclude the space lit by emergency lighting.
If lit square footage is known but not the percent, RECORD square footage in comments, then code DK
0 to 100 |
IF DK/RF E74 [Lit off hours category] IF 1-100 E75 [Lighting types] IF Zero: IF E70 [Percent lit when open] > 0 OR E71 [Lit when open category] ≠ Not lit E75 [Lighting types] OTHERWISE E80 [Percent of exterior lighted] |
E74 |
Lit off hours category LNHRPC |
IF E73 [Percent lit off hours] = DK/RF |
Looking at Show Card E6, what is your best estimate of the percent lit during off hours?
1 1 to 25 percent 2 26 to 50 percent 3 51 to 75 percent 4 76 to 100 percent 5 Not lit at all during off hours
IF 1 to 100 percent OR DK/RF E75 [Lighting types] IF Not lit at all: IF E70 [Percent lit when open] > 0 OR E71 [Lit when open category] ≠ Not lit E75 [Lighting types] OTHERWISE E80 [Percent of exterior lighted] |
E75 |
Lighting types see below |
IF E70 [Percent lit when open] > 0 OR E71 [Lit when open category] = 1 to 100 OR DK/RF OR E73 [Percent lit off hours] > 0 OR E74 [Lit off hours category] = 1 to 100 OR DK/RF |
Looking at Show Card E7, what types of lighting were used to light any of the space in this building?
PROBE for any others
ENTER all that apply
1 Fluorescent lighting other than compact fluorescent bulbs FLUOR 2 Compact fluorescent bulbs CFLR 3 Incandescent light bulbs, other than halogen bulbs BULB 4 Halogen bulbs HALO 5 High intensity discharge (HID) lights such as high pressure sodium, metal halide or mercury vapor HID 6 Light-emitting diode (LED) lights LED 7 Other type of lighting OTLT
IF Other type of lighting selected E76 [Other bulb type] OTHERWISE: IF More than one type selected E77 [Percent lit by bulb type] IF Only one type selected: IF D66 [Building automation system] = Yes E78 [BAS controls lighting] OTHERWISE E79 [Lighting controls] |
E76 |
Other bulb type OTLTX |
IF Other type of lighting IN E75 [Lighting types] |
What type of bulb is the other type of lighting?
RECORD in space below
IF More than one type selected E77 [Percent lit by bulb type] IF Only one type selected: IF D66 [Building automation system] = Yes E78 [BAS controls lighting] OTHERWISE E79 [Lighting controls] |
E77 |
Percent lit by bulb type FLUORP, CFLRP, BULBP, HALOP, HIDP, LEDP, OTLTP |
For each lighting type given in E75 [Lighting types] |
{Introduction} IF First lighting type = “The next questions are about the percent of floorspace lit by the types of lighting you just mentioned. Please keep in mind: “ OTHERWISE = BLANK {Explanation} IF First lighting type and E70 [Percent lit when open] ≠ 100 = “We are talking only about the lighted portion of the floorspace, so these percents must add up to at least 100, but since more than one type of bulb can light the same area, it is also possible for them to add up to more than 100.” IF First lighting type and E70 [Percent lit when open] = 100 = “These percents must add up to at least 100, but since more than one type of bulb can light the same area, it is also possible for them to add up to more than 100.” OTHERWISE = BLANK {BulbType} IF Fluorescent IN E75 [Lighting types] = “fluorescent lighting” IF Compact fluorescent bulbs IN E75 [Lighting types] = “compact fluorescent bulbs” IF Incandescent light bulbs IN E75 [Lighting types] = “incandescent bulbs” IF Halogen bulbs IN E75 [Lighting types] = “halogen lighting” IF High intensity discharge (HID) lights IN E75 [Lighting types] = “high intensity discharge lights” IF Light-emitting diode (LED) lights IN E75 [Lighting types] = “LED lights” IF Other type of lighting IN E75 [Lighting types] = “other lighting type” |
Please look at Show Card E8. What percent of the lighted area in this building is lit by the {BulbType}?
PROBE for estimate if DK
0 to 100 |
IF D66 [Building automation system] = Yes E78 [BAS controls lighting] OTHERWISE E79 [Lighting controls] |
E78 |
BAS controls lighting EMCSLT |
IF (E70 [Percent lit when open] > 0 OR E71 [Lit when open category] ≠ Not lit OR E73 [Percent lit off hours] > 0 OR E74 [Lit off hours category] ≠ Not lit) & D66 [Building automation system] = Yes |
Does the Building Automation System, or BAS, that you mentioned earlier also control the interior lighting system?
1 Yes 2 No
E79 [Lighting controls] |
E79 |
Lighting controls see below |
IF (E70 [Percent lit when open] > 0 OR E71 [Lit when open category] ≠ Not lit OR E73 [Percent lit off hours] > 0 OR E74 [Lit off hours category] ≠ Not lit) |
Looking at Show Card E9, please tell me which of these lighting controls or lighting control strategies, if any, are used in this building.
PROBE for any others
ENTER all that apply
1 Scheduling SCHED 2 Occupancy sensors that reduce lighting when rooms are unoccupied OCSN 3 Multi-level lighting or dimming DIM 4 Daylight harvesting DAYHARV 5 High-end trimming or light-level tuning TRIM 6 Personal light control PRSCTRL 7 Plug-load control PLGCTRL 8 Demand responsive lighting DRLGHT 9 None of these
E80 [Percent of exterior lighted] |
E80 |
Percent of exterior lighted LTEXPC |
IF (Electricity used OR D84 [Energy for generation] = Yes OR E30 [Verify no electricity] = False, electricity is used) |
What percentage of all the exterior building wall surfaces is lighted? Would you say less than 10 percent, 10 to 25, 25 to 50, or more than 50 percent of the total building façade is lighted?
1 Less than 10 percent 2 10 to 25 percent 3 25 to 50 percent 4 More than 50 percent
E81 [Lighted parking area] |
E81 |
Lighted parking area PKLT |
IF (Electricity used OR D84 [Energy for generation] = Yes OR E30 [Verify no electricity] = False, electricity is used) |
Is there a parking area associated with the building that is lighted with fixtures powered through the building’s electrical service?
1 Yes 2 No
IF Yes E82 [Vehicle parking capacity] IF No E83 [Window glass type] |
E82 |
Vehicle parking capacity PKLTN |
IF E81 [Lighted parking area] = Yes |
What is the vehicle capacity of the parking area, that is, the number of parking spaces?
1 to 999,999 |
E83 [Window glass type] |
E83 |
Window glass type WINTYP |
All Buildings |
The picture on Show Card E10 shows a window with multi-layer glass. Do the exterior windows in this building contain single layer glass, multi-layer glass, or a combination of both of these types?
1 Single layer glass 2 Multi-layer glass 3 Combination of both 4 IF VOLUNTEERED: No windows
IF Single layer, Multi-layer, OR Combination E84 [Daylighting features] IF No windows OR DK/RF F1 [Section F Routing] |
E84 |
Daylighting features see below |
IF E83 [Window glass type] ≠ (No windows OR DK/RF) |
Looking at the list at the bottom of Show Card E10, please tell me which of these daylighting or conservation features are present in this building.
PROBE for any others
ENTER all that apply
1 Tinted window glass TINT 2 Reflective window glass REFL 3 External overhangs or awnings AWN 4 Skylights or atriums designed to provide light SKYLT 5 IF VOLUNTEERED: None of these
E85 [Percent daylight] |
E85 |
Percent daylight DAYLTP |
IF E83 [Window glass type] ≠ (No windows OR DK/RF) |
What percent of the building receives enough outside light so that the interior lights do not need to be turned on?
If none, ENTER "0"
PROBE for estimate if DK
0 to 100 |
F1 [Section F Routing] |
F1 |
Section F Routing |
IF Electricity used F2 [WS2 electricity filled out] OTHERWISE G1 [Section G Routing] |
F2 |
WS2 electricity filled out WS2ELCE |
IF Electricity used |
Do you have Worksheet 2 with you and filled out for electricity?
1 Yes 2 No
IF No OR DK/RF F3 [Provide electricity figures] IF Yes F4 [Electricity consumption] |
F3 |
Provide electricity figures ELFIGS |
IF F2 [WS2 electricity filled out] = No OR DK/RF |
The next questions are about electricity usage in the building during calendar year 2012. Would you be able to give me an approximate figure of how much electricity was used or how much was spent on it?
1 Yes 2 No
IF Yes F4 [Electricity consumption] IF No OR DK/RF F30 [Number electricity suppliers] |
F4 |
Electricity consumption ELCNS |
IF F2 [WS2 electricity filled out] = Yes OR F3 [Provide electricity figures] = Yes |
Please give me the total number of kilowatthours of electricity used in calendar year 2012.
EXP: [If part of a multibuilding campus or complex, and the respondent only knows the consumption for the whole campus or complex, ENTER the total consumption for the campus or complex here.]
VERIFY number digit by digit
1 to 99,999,999,999,999 |
F5 [Electricity expenditures] |
F5 |
Electricity expenditures ELEXP |
IF F2 [WS2 electricity filled out] = Yes OR F3 [Provide electricity figures] = Yes |
Please give me the total dollars spent on electricity in calendar year 2012. This should include state and local taxes and the following charges: fuel adjustment, system, distribution, and demand.
Do not enter cents
VERIFY number digit by digit
0 to 999,999,999 |
IF F4 [Electricity consumption] = DK/RF & F5 [Electricity expenditures] = DK/RF F30 [Number electricity suppliers] OTHERWISE F6 [Starting date for electricity figures] |
F6 |
Starting date for electricity figures ELSTDAT |
IF F4 [Electricity consumption] given OR F5 [Electricity expenditures] given |
What is the starting date for these electricity usage figures?
If the day is not known, ENTER "15" for DD
F7 [Ending date for electricity figures] |
F7 |
Ending date for electricity figures ELENDAT |
IF F4 [Electricity consumption] given OR F5 [Electricity expenditures] given |
What is the ending date [for these electricity usage figures]?
ENTER date as MMDDYYYY VERIFY that this is the last day of the last billing period
If the day is not known, ENTER "15" for DD
IF CBECS Activity ≠ Enclosed mall & (C5 [Number of businesses] >1 OR C7 [Re-ask number of businesses] > 1 OR C8 [Number of businesses category] ≠ Zero OR One) F8 [All occupants electricity included] IF CBECS Activity = Enclosed mall & (C5 [Number of businesses] >1 OR C7 [Re-ask number of businesses] > 1 OR C8 [Number of businesses category] ≠ Zero OR One) F10 [Electricity covers whole mall] OTHERWISE F14 [Other bldgs electricity included] |
F8 |
All occupants electricity included ELALL |
IF CBECS Activity ≠ Enclosed mall & (F4 [Electricity consumption] given OR F5 [Electricity expenditures] given & C5 [Number of businesses] >1 OR C7 [Re-ask number of businesses] > 1 OR C8 [Number of businesses category] ≠ Zero OR One) |
Do these figures include the electricity for all of the businesses or organizations in this building?
1 Yes 2 No
IF No F9 [Sq ft not included] OTHERWISE F14 [Other bldgs electricity included] |
F9 |
Sq ft not included ELNISF |
IF F8 [All occupants electricity included] = No |
What is the approximate square footage of the space in the building that is not included in these figures?
PROBE for estimate if DK
1 to 999,999,999 |
F14 [Other bldgs electricity included] |
F10 |
Electricity covers whole mall ELMALLINC |
IF (F4 [Electricity consumption] given OR F5 [Electricity expenditures] given) & CBECS Activity = Enclosed mall & (C5 [Number of businesses] >1 OR C7 [Re-ask number of businesses] > 1 OR C8 [Number of businesses category] ≠ Zero OR One) |
{FoodCourt} IF B41 [Food court] = Yes = “food court,” OTHERWISE = BLANK |
Do these figures include the energy for the entire mall building, including the anchor stores, {FoodCourt} common areas, and individual stores?
1 Yes 2 No
IF No F11 [Not included in mall electricity] OTHERWISE F14 [Other bldgs electricity included] |
F11 |
Not included in mall electricity see below |
IF F10 [Electricity covers whole mall] = No |
Which of these is not included?
ENTER all that apply
1 Anchor stores ELMALLANC 2 Food court ELMALLFC 3 Common areas ELMALLCOM 4 Individual stores ELMALLST 5 Other ELMALLOT
IF Other selected F12 [Other not included in mall electricity] OTHERWISE F13 [Mall sq ft not included] |
F12 |
Other not included in mall electricity |
IF Other IN F11 [Not included in mall electricity] |
Please describe the other type of area that is not included.
RECORD in space below
F13 [Mall sq ft not included] |
F13 |
Mall sq ft not included ELNIMALLSF |
IF F10 [Electricity covers whole mall] = No |
What is the approximate square footage of the space in the building that is not included in these figures?
PROBE for estimate if DK
1 to 999,999,999 |
F14 [Other bldgs electricity included] |
F14 |
Other bldgs electricity included ELOTBD |
IF F4 [Electricity consumption] given OR F5 [Electricity expenditures] given |
Is any consumption from other buildings included in these figures?
1 Yes 2 No
IF Yes F15 [Sq ft of other included] IF No OR DK/RF: B48 [Central physical plant] = Yes & B51 [Plant produces chilled water] = Yes & B53 [Central plant in building] = No F16 [Central plant electricity included] OTHERWISE F17 [Include other major electricity] |
F15 |
Sq ft of other included ELOTSF |
IF F14 [Other bldgs electricity included] = Yes |
What is the approximate square footage of the other buildings that are included in these figures?
PROBE for estimate if DK
1 to 999,999,999 |
IF B48 [Central physical plant] = Yes & B51 [Plant produces chilled water] = Yes & B53 [Central plant in building] = No F16 [Central plant electricity included] OTHERWISE F17 [Include other major electricity] |
F16 |
Central plant electricity included PLTNGINC |
IF B48 [Central physical plant] = Yes & B51 [Plant produces chilled water] = Yes & B53 [Central plant in building] = No |
Earlier you mentioned that there is a central plant on this campus. Do these figures include any electricity that was used in the central plant?
EXP: [We do not want the energy used in the central plant. This question is for verification purposes.]
1 Yes 2 No
F17 [Include other major electricity] |
F17 |
Include other major electricity ELOTUS |
IF F4 [Electricity consumption] given OR F5 [Electricity expenditures] given |
Do these figures include charges for any other major electricity usage outside the building, such as parking lot lights, exterior lights, signs or billboards, large pumps, or swimming pools?
1 Yes 2 No
IF Yes F18 [Outside uses included in electricity] OTHERWISE: IF D87 [Use of generated electricity] = Whenever electricity was used F20 [Generated electricity included] IF Independent power producer or non-local utility OR Bought from someone else IN D94 [How purchase electricity] F21 [Include all non-local electricity] IF (A6 [Square footage] known OR A12 [Square footage category] known) & D1 [Heating] ≠ DK/RF & D2 [Cooling] ≠ DK/RF & D3 [Water heating] ≠ DK/RF F23 [Electricity regression check] OTHERWISE: IF F2 [WS2 electricity filled out] = Yes F27 [Monthly electricity included] IF F2 [WS2 electricity filled out] = No OR DK/RF F28 [Monthly electricity available] |
F18 |
Outside uses included in electricity see below |
IF F17 [Include other major electricity] = Yes |
Which of these outside uses is included?
ENTER all that apply
1 Parking lot lights ELOUTPRK 2 Exterior lights ELOUTLTS 3 Signs or billboards ELOUTSGN 4 Large pumps ELOUTPMP 5 Swimming pools ELOUTSWM 6 Other ELOUTOT
IF Other selected F19 [Other type of outside electricity use] OTHERWISE IF D87 [Use of generated electricity] = Whenever electricity was used F20 [Generated electricity included] IF Independent power producer or non-local utility OR Bought from someone else IN D94 [How purchase electricity] F21 [Include all non-local electricity] IF (A6 [Square footage] known OR A12 [Square footage category] known) & D1 [Heating] ≠ DK/RF & D2 [Cooling] ≠ DK/RF & D3 [Water heating] ≠ DK/RF F23 [Electricity regression check] OTHERWISE: IF F2 [WS2 electricity filled out] = Yes F27 [Monthly electricity included] IF F2 [WS2 electricity filled out] = No OR DK/RF F28 [Monthly electricity available] |
F19 |
Other type of outside electricity use |
IF Other IN F18 [Outside uses included in electricity] |
Please describe this other type of outside electricity use.
RECORD in space below
IF D87 [Use of generated electricity] = Whenever electricity was used F20 [Generated electricity included] IF Independent power producer or non-local utility OR Bought from someone else IN D94 [How purchase electricity] F21 [Include all non-local electricity] IF (A6 [Square footage] known OR A12 [Square footage category] known) & D1 [Heating] ≠ DK/RF & D2 [Cooling] ≠ DK/RF & D3 [Water heating] ≠ DK/RF F23 [Electricity regression check] OTHERWISE: IF F2 [WS2 electricity filled out] = Yes F27 [Monthly electricity included] IF F2 [WS2 electricity filled out] = No OR DK/RF F28 [Monthly electricity available] |
F20 |
Generated electricity included ELGENINC |
IF F4 [Electricity consumption] given & D87 [Use of generated electricity] = Whenever electricity was used |
{ElCons} = F4 [Electricity consumption] |
Earlier you mentioned that the building generates electricity whenever electricity is used. Does the {ElCons} kilowatthours include just the purchased electricity or does it also include the electricity that was generated on-site?
1 Figures cover only purchased electricity 2 Figures include purchased and generated electricity
IF Independent power producer or non-local utility OR Bought from someone else IN D94 [How purchase electricity] F21 [Include all non-local electricity] IF (A6 [Square footage] known OR A12 [Square footage category] known) & D1 [Heating] ≠ DK/RF & D2 [Cooling] ≠ DK/RF & D3 [Water heating] ≠ DK/RF F23 [Electricity regression check] OTHERWISE: IF F2 [WS2 electricity filled out] = Yes F27 [Monthly electricity included] IF F2 [WS2 electricity filled out] = No OR DK/RF F28 [Monthly electricity available] |
F21 |
Include all non-local electricity ELNONU |
IF (F4 [Electricity consumption] given OR F5 [Electricity expenditures] given) & (Independent power producer or non-local utility OR Bought from someone else IN D94 [How purchase electricity]) |
Do these figures include all the electricity from the independent power producer, non-local utility, or broker?
1 Yes 2 No
IF No F22 [What not included] IF Yes OR DK/RF: IF (A6 [Square footage] known OR A12 [Square footage category] known) & D1 [Heating] ≠ DK/RF & D2 [Cooling] ≠ DK/RF & D3 [Water heating] ≠ DK/RF F23 [Electricity regression check] OTHERWISE: IF F2 [WS2 electricity filled out] = Yes F27 [Monthly electricity included] IF F2 [WS2 electricity filled out] = No OR DK/RF F28 [Monthly electricity available] |
F22 |
What not included |
IF F21 [Include all non-local electricity] = No |
What was not included?
RECORD the additional charges in the open box
IF (A6 [Square footage] known OR A12 [Square footage category] known) & D1 [Heating] ≠ DK/RF & D2 [Cooling] ≠ DK/RF & D3 [Water heating] ≠ DK/RF F23 [Electricity regression check] OTHERWISE: IF F2 [WS2 electricity filled out] = Yes F27 [Monthly electricity included] IF F2 [WS2 electricity filled out] = No OR DK/RF F28 [Monthly electricity available] |
F23 |
Electricity regression check |
IF (F4 [Electricity consumption] given OR F5 [Electricity expenditures] given) & (A6 [Square footage] known OR A12 [Square footage category] known) & D1 [Heating] ≠ DK/RF & D2 [Cooling] ≠ DK/RF & D3 [Water heating] ≠ DK/RF |
Based on various characteristics of the structure, Blaise will use a detailed equation to compute predicted consumption and expenditures estimates. The electricity consumption and/or expenditures given will be ratio adjusted if other square footage was either included or excluded in the figures, and then will either PASS or FAIL this regression check, based on the following formula:
IF F4 [Electricity consumption] > [Predicted consumption] × 8 OR F5 [Electricity expenditures] > [Predicted expenditures] × 8 FAIL (HIGH) IF F4 [Electricity consumption] < [Predicted consumption] ÷ 13 OR F5 [Electricity expenditures] < [Predicted expenditures] ÷ 13 FAIL (LOW) OTHERWISE PASS
IF FAIL (HIGH) F24 [Anything unusual high] IF FAIL (LOW) F25 [Anything unusual low] IF PASS: IF F2 [WS2 electricity filled out] = Yes F27 [Monthly electricity included] IF F2 [WS2 electricity filled out] = No OR DK/RF F28 [Monthly electricity available] |
F24 |
Anything unusual high ELHIGH |
IF F23 [Electricity regression check] = FAIL (HIGH) |
These usage figures seem high for what you have told me about this building. Is there anything unusual that might explain this high usage?
1 Yes 2 No
IF Yes F26 [What is unusual] IF No OR DK/RF: IF F2 [WS2 electricity filled out] = Yes F27 [Monthly electricity included] IF F2 [WS2 electricity filled out] = No OR DK/RF F28 [Monthly electricity available] |
F25 |
Anything unusual low ELLOW |
IF F23 [Electricity regression check] = FAIL (LOW) |
These usage figures seem low for what you have told me about this building. Is there anything unusual that might explain this low usage?
1 Yes 2 No
IF Yes F26 [What is unusual] IF No OR DK/RF: IF F2 [WS2 electricity filled out] = Yes F27 [Monthly electricity included] IF F2 [WS2 electricity filled out] = No OR DK/RF F28 [Monthly electricity available] |
F26 |
What is unusual |
IF F24 [Anything unusual high] = Yes OR F25 [Anything unusual low] = Yes |
Please tell me [what is out of the ordinary about this building].
RECORD in open box
IF F2 [WS2 electricity filled out] = Yes F27 [Monthly electricity included] IF F2 [WS2 electricity filled out] = No OR DK/RF F28 [Monthly electricity available] |
F27 |
Monthly electricity included ELINC12 |
IF (F4 [Electricity consumption] given OR F5 [Electricity expenditures] given) & F2 [WS2 electricity filled out] = Yes |
Did you include your monthly electricity usage on Worksheet 2?
1 Yes 2 No
IF No OR DK/RF F28 [Monthly electricity available] IF Yes: IF F23 [Electricity regression check] = FAIL (HIGH) OR FAIL (LOW) OR F9 [Sq ft not included] / A6 [Square footage] > 0.25 F30 [Number electricity suppliers] IF F23 [Electricity regression check] = PASS F29 [Electricity bill available] |
F28 |
Monthly electricity available ELHAV12 |
IF (F4 [Electricity consumption] given OR F5 [Electricity expenditures] given) & (F2 [WS2 electricity filled out] = No OR DK/RF OR F27 [Monthly electricity included] = No OR DK/RF) |
Do you have a record of the monthly electricity use that I could have to help us better understand the seasonal patterns of electricity use?
If available, you will be prompted again to collect this at the end of the interview, so it is not necessary to stop the interview to collect it here
1 Yes, monthly electricity available 2 No, will not be able to provide monthly electricity
IF ((A6 [Square footage] = DK/RF & A12 [Square footage category] = DK/RF) OR D1 [Heating] = DK/RF OR D2 [Cooling] = DK/RF OR D3 [Water heating] = DK/RF) OR F23 [Electricity regression check] = FAIL (HIGH) OR FAIL (LOW) OR F9 [Sq ft not included] / A6 [Square footage] > 0.25 F30 [Number electricity suppliers] OTHERWISE F29 [Electricity bill available] |
F29 |
Electricity bill available ELBILL |
IF F4 [Electricity consumption] given OR F5 [Electricity expenditures] given & F23 [Electricity regression check] = PASS |
Would it be possible for me to scan one of your electricity bills? There is information on some utility bills that may help energy researchers who use these data.
EXP: [Examples of these items include miscellaneous charges, past months data, and units of measure.]
If available, you will be prompted to scan the bill at the end of the interview, so it is not necessary to stop the interview here
1 Yes, bill available 2 No, will not be able to provide bill
G1 [Section G Routing] |
F30 |
Number electricity suppliers ELNUMSP |
IF F3 [Provide electricity figures] = No OR DK/RF OR F4 [Electricity consumption] = DK/RF & F5 [Electricity expenditures] = DK/RF OR F23 [Electricity regression check] = FAIL (HIGH) OR FAIL (LOW) OR (A6 [Square footage] = DK/RF & A12 [Square footage category]) OR D1 [Heating] = DK/RF OR D2 [Cooling] = DK/RF OR D3 [Water heating] = DK/RF OR F9 [Sq ft not included] / A6 [Square footage] > 0.25 |
{SuppliersIntro} IF (F3 [Provide electricity figures] = No OR DK/RF) OR (F4 [Electricity consumption] = DK/RF & F5 [Electricity expenditures] = DK/RF) = “We should be able to obtain this information directly from your electricity supplier, so I just need to collect some information about your electricity accounts.” OTHERWISE = “We may need to go to your supplier to verify some information, so I need to ask you some questions about your electricity supplier or suppliers.” |
In some parts of the country, customers can purchase energy from more than one supplier. How many different companies supplied electricity to this building during calendar year 2012?
1 to 4 |
Number given F31 [Electricity suppliers] DK/RF G1 [Section G Routing] |
F31 |
Electricity suppliers EL1LKP—EL4LKP |
IF F30 [Number electricity suppliers] given |
{FirstNext} IF Only one supplier = BLANK IF First supplier given = “first” OTHERWISE = “next” |
What is the name of the {FirstNext} supplier that provided electricity in calendar year 2012?
Start typing the name of the supplier or use [BACKSPACE] to bring up the look-up table
Type in the first few letters of the supplier name, and the look-up table will scroll to the closest match
If you find a match, make sure the correct line is highlighted (blue) and press [ENTER]
If you don’t find a match, use [BACKSPACE] to clear the Search line, which will bring you back to the top of the look-up table where ** NOT ON LIST will be highlighted, then press [ENTER] two times
IF NOT ON LIST selected F33 [Supplier name] IF Supplier found in look-up table F32 [Verify electricity supplier] IF DK/RF: IF Only one supplier or last supplier G1 [Section G Routing] IF More suppliers left to answer for Ask F31 [Electricity suppliers] again for next supplier |
F32 |
Verify electricity supplier |
IF Supplier found in F31 [Electricity suppliers] look-up table |
{Supplier} = Supplier name from F31 [Electricity suppliers] look-up table |
Just to verify, I have selected that your electricity supplier is {Supplier}. Is that correct?
If No, you will be taken back to the previous screen to select again
1 Yes 2 No
IF Yes F39 [Number electricity accounts] IF No F31 [Electricity suppliers] |
F33 |
Supplier name EL1NEW—EL4NEW |
IF NOT ON LIST selected in F31 [Electricity suppliers] |
ENTER the name of the supplier
IF Name given F34 [Street address] IF DK/RF: IF Only one supplier or last supplier G1 [Section G Routing] IF More suppliers left to answer for Back to F31 [Electricity suppliers] for next supplier |
F34 |
Street address EL1AD1—EL4AD1 |
IF NOT ON LIST selected in F31 [Electricity suppliers] |
{Supplier} = “F33 [Supplier name]” |
What is the address for {Supplier}, beginning with the street?
F35 [P.O. Box or Suite] |
F35 |
P.O. Box or Suite EL1AD2—EL4AD2 |
IF NOT ON LIST selected in F31 [Electricity suppliers] |
Is there a post office box or suite number?
If not, press [ENTER]
F36 [City] |
F36 |
IF NOT ON LIST selected in F31 [Electricity suppliers] |
What is the city?
F37 [State abbreviation] |
F37 |
State abbreviation EL1STA—EL4STA |
IF NOT ON LIST selected in F31 [Electricity suppliers] |
What is the state?
ENTER the two letter abbreviation
F38 [ZIP code] |
F38 |
IF NOT ON LIST selected in F31 [Electricity suppliers] |
And what is the ZIP code?
F39 [Number electricity accounts] |
F39 |
Number electricity accounts EL1NAC—EL4NAC |
IF Supplier found in F31 [Electricity suppliers] look-up table OR F33 [Supplier name] given |
{Supplier} = Supplier name from F31 [Electricity suppliers] look-up table OR F33 [Supplier name] |
How many different electricity accounts does this building have with {Supplier}?
1 to 999 |
IF 1 to 10 accounts F40 [Electricity account number] IF More than 10 accounts OR DK/RF F45 [Electricity bill available] |
F40 |
Electricity account number EL1AC1—EL4AC10 |
IF F39 [Number electricity accounts] = 1 to 10 Ask as many times as account numbers given, or until DK/RF |
{FirstNext} IF Only one account = BLANK IF First account given = “first” OTHERWISE = “next” {Supplier} = Supplier name from F31 [Electricity suppliers] look-up table OR F33 [Supplier name] |
Please give me the {FirstNext} electricity account number for {Supplier}.
VERIFY number digit by digit
IF Independent power producer or non-local utility OR Bought from someone else IN D94 [How purchase electricity] F41 [Supplier is non-local utility] OTHERWISE F42 [Bills cover only building] |
F41 |
Supplier is non-local utility EL1NONU—EL4NONU |
IF (Supplier found in F31 [Electricity suppliers] look-up table OR F33 [Supplier name] given) & (Independent power producer or non-local utility OR Bought from someone else IN D94 [How purchase electricity]) |
{Supplier} = Supplier name from F31 [Electricity suppliers] look-up table OR F33 [Supplier name] |
You mentioned earlier that you purchase electricity from an independent power producer, non-local utility, or broker. Is {Supplier} one of those companies?
1 Yes 2 No
F42 [Bills cover only building] |
F42 |
Bills cover only building EL1OTB—EL4OTB |
IF Supplier found in F31 [Electricity suppliers] look-up table OR F33 [Supplier name] given |
{Bills} IF Only one account = “Does the bill or statement” IF 2 to 10 accounts = “Do the bills or statements” {Supplier} = Supplier name from F31 [Electricity suppliers] look-up table OR F33 [Supplier name] |
{Bills} from {Supplier} cover just this building or are other buildings covered as well?
1 Just this building 2 Other building(s)
IF Other buildings F43 [Sq ft of others included] IF Just this building OR DK/RF F44 [Include other major electricity] |
F43 |
Sq ft of others included EL1OTS—EL4OTS |
IF F42 [Bills cover only building] = Other buildings |
{Bills} IF Only one account = “bill or statement” IF 2 to 10 accounts = “bills or statements” |
What is the approximate square footage of the other buildings included on the {Bills}?
PROBE for estimate if DK
1 to 999,999,999 |
F44 [Include other major electricity] |
F44 |
Include other major electricity EL1OTU—EL4OTU |
IF Supplier found in F31 [Electricity suppliers] look-up table OR F33 [Supplier name] given |
{Bills} IF Only one account = “Does the bill or statement” IF 2 to 10 accounts = “Do the bills or statements” |
{Bills} include charges for any other major electricity usage outside the building, such as parking lot lights, exterior lights, signs or billboards, large pumps or swimming pools?
1 Yes 2 No
F45 [Electricity bill available] |
F45 |
Electricity bill available EL1BILL—EL4BILL |
IF (Supplier found in F31 [Electricity suppliers] look-up table OR F33 [Supplier name] given) |
{Supplier} = Supplier name from F31 [Electricity suppliers] look-up table OR F33 [Supplier name] |
Would it be possible for me to scan one electricity bill from {Supplier}? There is information on some utility bills that may help energy researchers who use these data.
EXP: [Examples of these items include other miscellaneous charges, past months data, and units of measure.]
If available, you will be prompted to scan the bill at the end of the interview, so it is not necessary to stop the interview here
1 Yes, bill available 2 No, will not be able to provide bill
IF More suppliers left to answer for Back to F31 [Electricity suppliers] for next supplier OTHERWISE G1 [Section G Routing] |
G1 |
Section G Routing |
IF Natural gas used G2 [WS2 natural gas filled out] OTHERWISE H1 [Section H Routing] |
G2 |
WS2 natural gas filled out WS2NGCE |
IF Natural gas used |
Do you have Worksheet 2 with you and filled out for natural gas?
1 Yes 2 No
IF No OR DK/RF G3 [Provide natural gas figures] IF Yes G4 [Units for natural gas] |
G3 |
Provide natural gas figures NGFIGS |
IF G2 [WS2 natural gas filled out] = No OR DK/RF |
The next questions are about natural gas usage in this building during calendar year 2012. Would you be able to give me an approximate figure of how much natural gas was used or how much was spent on it?
1 Yes 2 No
IF Yes G4 [Units for natural gas] IF No OR DK/RF G31 [Number natural gas suppliers] |
G4 |
Units for natural gas NGUNIT |
IF G2 [WS2 natural gas filled out] = Yes OR G3 [Provide natural gas figures] = Yes |
Please look at Show Card G1 and tell me the units in which your natural gas is measured.
1 Hundred cubic feet (Ccf) 2 Therms 3 Thousand cubic feet (Mcf) 4 Dekatherms 5 Cubic feet (cf) 6 IF VOLUNTEERED: Some other units
IF Some other units G5 [Other natural gas units] IF Anything else OR DK/RF G6 [Natural gas consumption] |
G5 |
Other natural gas units NGUNITX |
IF G4 [Units for natural gas] = Some other units |
What are the other units?
G6 [Natural gas consumption] |
G6 |
Natural gas consumption NGCNS |
IF G2 [WS2 natural gas filled out] = Yes OR G3 [Provide natural gas figures] = Yes |
Please give me the total amount of natural gas used in calendar year 2012.
EXP: [If part of a multibuilding campus or complex, and the respondent only knows the consumption for the whole campus or complex, ENTER the total consumption for the campus or complex here.]
VERIFY number digit by digit
1 to 99,999,999,999,999 |
G7 [Natural gas expenditures] |
G7 |
Natural gas expenditures NGEXP |
IF G2 [WS2 natural gas filled out] = Yes OR G3 [Provide natural gas figures] = Yes |
Please give me the total dollars spent on natural gas in calendar year 2012. This should include state and local taxes and the following charges: fuel adjustment, system, demand, and distribution.
Do not enter cents
VERIFY number digit by digit
0 to 999,999,999 |
IF G6 [Natural gas consumption] = DK/RF & G7 [Natural gas expenditures] = DK/RF G31 [Number natural gas suppliers] OTHERWISE G8 [Starting date for natural gas figures] |
G8 |
Starting date for natural gas figures NGSTDAT |
IF G6 [Natural gas consumption] given OR G7 [Natural gas expenditures] given |
What is the starting date for these natural gas usage figures?
If the day is not known, ENTER "15" for DD
G9 [Ending date for natural gas figures] |
G9 |
Ending date for natural gas figures NGENDAT |
IF G6 [Natural gas consumption] given OR G7 [Natural gas expenditures] given |
What is the ending date [for these natural gas usage figures]?
ENTER date as MMDDYYYY VERIFY that this is the last day of the last billing period
If the day is not known, ENTER "15" for DD
IF CBECS Activity ≠ Enclosed mall & (C5 [Number of businesses] >1 OR C7 [Re-ask number of businesses] > 1 OR C8 [Number of businesses category] ≠ Zero OR One) G10 [All occupants natural gas included] IF CBECS Activity = Enclosed mall & (C5 [Number of businesses] >1 OR C7 [Re-ask number of businesses] > 1 OR C8 [Number of businesses category] ≠ Zero OR One) G12 [Natural gas covers whole mall] OTHERWISE G16 [Other bldgs natural gas included] |
G10 |
All occupants natural gas included NGALL |
IF CBECS Activity ≠ Enclosed mall & G6 [Natural gas consumption] given OR G7 [Natural gas expenditures] given & C5 [Number of businesses] >1 OR C7 [Re-ask number of businesses] > 1 OR C8 [Number of businesses category] ≠ Zero OR One |
Do these figures include the natural gas for all of the businesses or organizations in this building?
1 Yes 2 No
IF No G11 [Sq ft not included] IF CBECS Activity = Enclosed mall & B41 [Food court] = Yes & Natural gas IN D80 [Sources for cooking] G12 [Natural gas covers food court] OTHERWISE G16 [Other bldgs natural gas included] |
G11 |
Sq ft not included NGNISF |
IF G10 [All occupants natural gas included] = No |
What is the approximate square footage of the space in the building that is not included in these figures?
PROBE for estimate if DK
1 to 999,999,999 |
IF CBECS Activity = Enclosed mall & B41 [Food court] = Yes & Natural gas IN D80 [Sources for cooking] G12 [Natural gas covers food court] OTHERWISE G16 [Other bldgs natural gas included] |
G12 |
Natural gas covers whole mall NGMALLINC |
IF (G6 [Natural gas consumption] given OR G7 [Natural gas expenditures] given) & CBECS Activity = Enclosed mall & (C5 [Number of businesses] >1 OR C7 [Re-ask number of businesses] > 1 OR C8 [Number of businesses category] ≠ Zero OR One) |
{FoodCourt} IF B41 [Food court] = Yes = “food court,” OTHERWISE = BLANK |
Do these figures include the energy for the entire mall building, including the anchor stores, {food court} common areas, and individual stores?
1 Yes 2 No
IF No G13 [Not included in mall natural gas] OTHERWISE G16 [Other bldgs natural gas included] |
G13 |
Not included in mall natural gas NGMALLEXC |
IF G12 [Natural gas covers whole mall] = No |
Which of these is not included?
ENTER all that apply
1 Anchor stores NGMALLANC 2 Food court NGMALLFC 3 Common areas NGMALLCOM 4 Individual stores NGMALLST 5 Other NGMALLOT
IF Other selected G14 [Other not included in mall natural gas] OTHERWISE G15 [Mall sq ft not included] |
G14 |
Other not included in mall natural gas |
IF Other IN G13 [Not included in mall natural gas] |
Please describe the other type of area that is not included.
RECORD in space below
G15 [Mall sq ft not included] |
G15 |
Mall sq ft not included NGNIMALLSF |
IF G12 [Natural gas covers whole mall] = No |
What is the approximate square footage of the space in the building that is not included in these figures?
PROBE for estimate if DK
1 to 999,999,999 |
G16 [Other bldgs natural gas included] |
G16 |
Other bldgs natural gas included NGOTBD |
IF G6 [Natural gas consumption] given OR G7 [Natural gas expenditures] given |
Is any consumption from other buildings included in these figures?
1 Yes 2 No
IF Yes G17 [Sq ft of other included] IF No OR DK/RF: IF B48 [Central physical plant] = Yes & B53 [Central plant in building] = No G18 [Central plant natural gas included] OTHERWISE G19 [Include other major natural gas] |
G17 |
Sq ft of other included NGOTSF |
IF G16 [Other bldgs natural gas included] = Yes |
What is the approximate square footage of the other buildings that are included in these figures?
PROBE for estimate if DK
1 to 999,999,999 |
IF B48 [Central physical plant] = Yes & B53 [Central plant in building] = No G18 [Central plant natural gas included] OTHERWISE G19 [Include other major natural gas] |
G18 |
Central plant natural gas included PLTNGINC |
IF B48 [Central physical plant] = Yes & B53 [Central plant in building] = No |
{Supplier} = Supplier name from G32 [Natural gas suppliers] look-up table OR G34 [Supplier name] |
Earlier you mentioned that there is a central plant on this campus. Do these figures include any natural gas that was used in the central plant?
EXP: [We do not want the energy used in the central plant. This question is for verification purposes.]
1 Yes 2 No
G19 [Include other major natural gas] |
G19 |
Include other major natural gas NGOTUS |
IF G6 [Natural gas consumption] given OR G7 [Natural gas expenditures] given |
Do these figures include charges for any other major natural gas usage outside the building, such as for kilns, gas space heaters, exterior or decorative lighting, compressed natural gas vehicles, or pumps not used in the building?
1 Yes 2 No
IF Yes G20 [Outside uses included in natural gas] OTHERWISE IF D96 [How purchase natural gas] = Bought from someone else OR Bought both ways G22 [Include all non-local natural gas] IF (A6 [Square footage] known OR A12 [Square footage category] known) & D1 [Heating] ≠ DK/RF & D2 [Cooling] ≠ DK/RF & D3 [Water heating] ≠ DK/RF & D17 [Source for main heating] ≠ DK/RF G24 [Natural gas regression check] OTHERWISE: IF G2 [WS2 natural gas filled out] = Yes G28 [Monthly natural gas included] IF G2 [WS2 natural gas filled out] = No OR DK/RF G29 [Monthly natural gas available] |
G20 |
Outside uses included in natural gas see below |
IF G19 [Include other major natural gas] = Yes |
Which of these outside uses is included?
ENTER all that apply
1 Kilns NGOUTKLN 2 Gas space heaters NGOUTHTR 3 Exterior decorative lights NGOUTLTS 4 Compressed natural gas vehicles NGOUTVEH 5 Pumps not used in the building NGOUTPMP 6 Other NGOUTOT
IF Other selected G21 [Other type of outside natural gas use] OTHERWISE IF D96 [How purchase natural gas] = Bought from someone else OR Bought both ways G22 [Include all non-local natural gas] IF (A6 [Square footage] known OR A12 [Square footage category] known) & D1 [Heating] ≠ DK/RF & D2 [Cooling] ≠ DK/RF & D3 [Water heating] ≠ DK/RF & D17 [Source for main heating] ≠ DK/RF G24 [Natural gas regression check] OTHERWISE: IF G2 [WS2 natural gas filled out] = Yes G28 [Monthly natural gas included] IF G2 [WS2 natural gas filled out] = No OR DK/RF G29 [Monthly natural gas available] |
G21 |
Other type of outside natural gas use |
IF Other IN G20 [Outside uses included in natural gas] |
Please describe this other type of outside natural gas use.
RECORD in space below
IF D96 [How purchase natural gas] = Bought from someone else OR Bought both ways G22 [Include all non-local natural gas] IF (A6 [Square footage] known OR A12 [Square footage category] known) & D1 [Heating] ≠ DK/RF & D2 [Cooling] ≠ DK/RF & D3 [Water heating] ≠ DK/RF & D17 [Source for main heating] ≠ DK/RF G24 [Natural gas regression check] OTHERWISE: IF G2 [WS2 natural gas filled out] = Yes G28 [Monthly natural gas included] IF G2 [WS2 natural gas filled out] = No OR DK/RF G29 [Monthly natural gas available] |
G22 |
Include all non-local natural gas NGNONU |
IF (G6 [Natural gas consumption] given OR G7 [Natural gas expenditures] given) & (D96 [How purchase natural gas] = Bought from someone else OR Bought both ways) |
Do these figures include all the natural gas from the non-utility or broker?
1 Yes 2 No
IF No G23 [What not included] IF Yes OR DK/RF: IF (A6 [Square footage] known OR A12 [Square footage category] known) & D1 [Heating] ≠ DK/RF & D2 [Cooling] ≠ DK/RF & D3 [Water heating] ≠ DK/RF & D17 [Source for main heating] ≠ DK/RF G24 [Natural gas regression check] OTHERWISE: IF G2 [WS2 natural gas filled out] = Yes G28 [Monthly natural gas included] IF G2 [WS2 natural gas filled out] = No OR DK/RF G29 [Monthly natural gas available] |
G23 |
What not included |
IF G22 [Include all non-local natural gas] = No |
What was not included?
RECORD the additional charges in the open box
IF (A6 [Square footage] known OR A12 [Square footage category] known) & D1 [Heating] ≠ DK/RF & D2 [Cooling] ≠ DK/RF & D3 [Water heating] ≠ DK/RF & D17 [Source for main heating] ≠ DK/RF G24 [Natural gas regression check] OTHERWISE: IF G2 [WS2 natural gas filled out] = Yes G28 [Monthly natural gas included] IF G2 [WS2 natural gas filled out] = No OR DK/RF G29 [Monthly natural gas available] |
G24 |
Natural gas regression check |
IF (G6 [Natural gas consumption] given OR G7 [Natural gas expenditures] given) & (A6 [Square footage] known OR A12 [Square footage category] known) & D1 [Heating] ≠ DK/RF & D2 [Cooling] ≠ DK/RF & D3 [Water heating] ≠ DK/RF & D17 [Source for main heating] ≠ DK/RF |
Based on various characteristics of the structure, Blaise will use a detailed equation to compute predicted consumption and expenditures estimates. The natural gas consumption and/or expenditures given will be adjusted based on the units for natural gas, and ratio adjusted if other square footage was either included or excluded in the figures, and then will either PASS or FAIL this regression check, based on the following formula:
IF G6 [Natural gas consumption] > [Predicted consumption] × 8 OR G7 [Natural gas expenditures] > [Predicted expenditures] × 8 FAIL (HIGH) IF G6 [Natural gas consumption] < [Predicted consumption] ÷ 13 OR G7 [Natural gas expenditures] < [Predicted expenditures] ÷ 13 FAIL (LOW) OTHERWISE PASS
IF FAIL (HIGH) G25 [Anything unusual high] IF FAIL (LOW) G26 [Anything unusual low] IF PASS: IF G2 [WS2 natural gas filled out] = Yes G28 [Monthly natural gas included] IF G2 [WS2 natural gas filled out] = No OR DK/RF G29 [Monthly natural gas available] |
G25 |
Anything unusual high NGHIGH |
IF G24 [Natural gas regression check] = FAIL (HIGH) |
These usage figures seem high for what you have told me about this building. Is there anything unusual that might explain this high usage?
1 Yes 2 No
IF Yes G27 [What is unusual] IF No OR DK/RF: IF G2 [WS2 natural gas filled out] = Yes G28 [Monthly natural gas included] IF G2 [WS2 natural gas filled out] = No OR DK/RF G29 [Monthly natural gas available] |
G26 |
Anything unusual low NGLOW |
IF G24 [Natural gas regression check] = FAIL (LOW) |
These usage figures seem low for what you have told me about this building. Is there anything unusual that might explain this low usage?
1 Yes 2 No
IF Yes G27 [What is unusual] IF No OR DK/RF: IF G2 [WS2 natural gas filled out] = Yes G28 [Monthly natural gas included] IF G2 [WS2 natural gas filled out] = No OR DK/RF G29 [Monthly natural gas available] |
G27 |
What is unusual |
IF G25 [Anything unusual high] = Yes OR G26 [Anything unusual low] = Yes |
Please tell me [what is out of the ordinary about this building].
RECORD in open box
IF G2 [WS2 natural gas filled out] = Yes G28 [Monthly natural gas included] IF G2 [WS2 natural gas filled out] = No OR DK/RF G29 [Monthly natural gas available] |
G28 |
Monthly natural gas included NGINC12 |
IF (G6 [Natural gas consumption] given OR G7 [Natural gas expenditures] given) & G2 [WS2 natural gas filled out] = Yes |
Did you include your monthly natural gas usage on Worksheet 2?
1 Yes 2 No
IF No OR DK/RF G29 [Monthly natural gas available] IF Yes: IF G24 [Natural gas regression check] = PASS G30 [Natural gas bill available] IF G24 [Natural gas regression check] = FAIL (HIGH) OR FAIL (LOW) G31 [Number natural gas suppliers] |
G29 |
Monthly natural gas available NGHAV12 |
IF (G6 [Natural gas consumption] given OR G7 [Natural gas expenditures] given) & (G2 [WS2 natural gas filled out] = No OR DK/RF OR G28 [Monthly natural gas included] = No OR DK/RF) |
Do you have a record of the monthly natural gas use that I could have to help us better understand the seasonal patterns of natural gas use?
If available, you will be prompted again to collect this at the end of the interview, so it is not necessary to stop the interview to collect it here
1 Yes, monthly natural gas available 2 No, will not be able to provide monthly natural gas
IF ((A6 [Square footage] = DK/RF & A12 [Square footage category] = DK/RF) OR D1 [Heating] = DK/RF OR D2 [Cooling] = DK/RF OR D3 [Water heating] = DK/RF OR D17 [Source for main heating] = DK/RF) OR G24 [Natural gas regression check] = FAIL (HIGH) OR FAIL (LOW) OR G11 [Sq ft not included] / A6 [Square footage] > 0.25 G31 [Number natural gas suppliers] OTHERWISE G30 [Natural gas bill available] |
G30 |
Natural gas bill available NGBILL |
IF G6 [Natural gas consumption] given OR G7 [Natural gas expenditures] given & G24 [Natural gas regression check] = PASS |
Would it be possible for me to scan one of your natural gas bills? (There is information on some utility bills that may help energy researchers who use these data.)
EXP: [Examples of these items include miscellaneous charges, past months data, and units of measure.]
If available, you will be prompted to scan the bill at the end of the interview, so it is not necessary to stop the interview here
1 Yes, bill available 2 No, will not be able to provide bill
H1 [Section H Routing] |
G31 |
Number natural gas suppliers NGNUMSP |
IF G3 [Provide natural gas figures] = No OR DK/RF OR G6 [Natural gas consumption] = DK/RF & G7 [Natural gas expenditures] = DK/RF OR G24 [Natural gas regression check] = FAIL (HIGH) OR FAIL (LOW) OR ((A6 [Square footage] = DK/RF & A12 [Square footage category]) OR D1 [Heating] = DK/RF OR D2 [Cooling] = DK/RF OR D3 [Water heating] = DK/RF OR D17 [Source for main heating] = DK/RF) OR G11 [Sq ft not included] / A6 [Square footage] > 0.25 |
{SuppliersIntro} IF (G3 [Provide natural gas figures] = No OR DK/RF) OR (G6 [Natural gas consumption] = DK/RF & G7 [Natural gas expenditures] = DK/RF) = “We should be able to obtain this information directly from your natural gas supplier, so I just need to collect some information about your natural gas accounts.” OTHERWISE = “We may need to go to your supplier to verify some information, so I need to ask you some questions about your natural gas supplier or suppliers.” |
In some parts of the country, customers can purchase energy from more than one supplier. How many different companies supplied natural gas to this building during calendar year 2012?
1 to 4 |
Number given G32 [Natural gas suppliers] DK/RF H1 [Section H Routing] |
G32 |
Natural gas suppliers NG1LKP—NG2LKP |
IF G31 [Number natural gas suppliers] given |
{FirstNext} IF Only one supplier = BLANK IF First supplier given = “first” OTHERWISE = “next” |
What is the name of the {FirstNext} supplier that provided natural gas in calendar year 2012?
Start typing the name of the supplier or use [BACKSPACE] to bring up the look-up table
Type in the first few letters of the supplier name, and the look-up table will scroll to the closest match
If you find a match, make sure the correct line is highlighted (blue) and press [ENTER]
If you don’t find a match, use [BACKSPACE] to clear the Search line, which will bring you back to the top of the look-up table where ** NOT ON LIST will be highlighted, then press [ENTER] two times
IF NOT ON LIST selected G34 [Supplier name] IF Supplier found in look-up table G33 [Verify natural gas supplier] IF DK/RF: IF Only one supplier or last supplier H1 [Section H Routing] IF More suppliers left to answer for Ask G32 [Natural gas suppliers] again for next supplier |
G33 |
Verify natural gas supplier |
IF Supplier found in G32 [Natural gas suppliers] look-up table |
{Supplier} = Supplier name from G32 [Natural gas suppliers] look-up table |
Just to verify, I have selected that your natural gas supplier is {Supplier}. Is that correct?
If No, you will be taken back to the previous screen to select again
1 Yes 2 No
IF Yes G40 [Number natural gas accounts] IF No G32 [Natural gas suppliers] |
G34 |
Supplier name NG1NEW—NG4NEW |
IF NOT ON LIST selected in G32 [Natural gas suppliers] |
ENTER the name of the supplier
IF Name given G35 [Street address] IF DK/RF: IF Only one supplier or last supplier H1 [Section H Routing] IF More suppliers left to answer for Back to G32 [Natural gas suppliers] for next supplier |
G35 |
Street address NG1AD1—NG4AD1 |
IF NOT ON LIST selected in G32 [Natural gas suppliers] |
{Supplier} = “G34 [Supplier name]” |
What is the address for {Supplier}, beginning with the street?
G36 [P.O. Box or Suite] |
G36 |
P.O. Box or Suite NG1AD2—NG4AD2 |
IF NOT ON LIST selected in G32 [Natural gas suppliers] |
Is there a post office box or suite number?
If not, press [ENTER]
G37 [City] |
G37 |
IF NOT ON LIST selected in G32 [Natural gas suppliers] |
What is the city?
G38 [State abbreviation] |
G38 |
State abbreviation NG1STA—NG4STA |
IF NOT ON LIST selected in G32 [Natural gas suppliers] |
What is the state?
ENTER the two letter abbreviation
G39 [Zip code] |
G39 |
IF NOT ON LIST selected in G32 [Natural gas suppliers] |
And what is the ZIP code?
G40 [Number natural gas accounts] |
G40 |
Number natural gas accounts NG1NAC—NG4NAC |
IF Supplier found in G32 [Natural gas suppliers] look-up table OR G34 [Supplier name] given |
{Supplier} = Supplier name from G32 [Natural gas suppliers] look-up table OR G34 [Supplier name] |
How many different natural gas accounts does this building have with {Supplier}?
1 to 999 |
IF 1 to 10 accounts G41 [Natural gas account number] IF More than 10 accounts OR DK/RF G46 [Natural gas bill available] |
G41 |
Natural gas account number NG1AC1—NG4AC10 |
IF G40 [Number natural gas accounts] = 1 to 10 Ask as many times as account numbers given, or until DK/RF |
{FirstNext} IF Only one account = BLANK IF First account given = “first” OTHERWISE = “next” {Supplier} = Supplier name from G32 [Natural gas suppliers] look-up table OR G34 [Supplier name] |
Please give me the {FirstNext} natural gas account number for {Supplier}.
VERIFY number digit by digit
IF D96 [How purchase natural gas] = Bought from someone else OR Bought both ways G42 [Supplier is non-local utility] OTHERWISE G43 [Bills cover only building] |
G42 |
Supplier is non-local utility NG1NONU—NG4NONU |
IF (Supplier found in G32 [Natural gas suppliers] look-up table OR G34 [Supplier name] given) & (D96 [How purchase natural gas] = Bought from someone else OR Bought both ways) |
{Supplier} = Supplier name from G32 [Natural gas suppliers] look-up table OR G34 [Supplier name] |
You mentioned earlier that you purchase natural gas from a non-utility or broker. Is {Supplier} one of those companies?
1 Yes 2 No
G43 [Bills cover only building] |
G43 |
Bills cover only building NG1OTB—NG4OTB |
IF Supplier found in G32 [Natural gas suppliers] look-up table OR G34 [Supplier name] given |
{Bills} IF Only one account = “Does the bill or statement” IF 2 to 10 accounts = “Do the bills or statements” {Supplier} = Supplier name from G32 [Natural gas suppliers] look-up table OR G34 [Supplier name] |
{Bills} from {Supplier} cover just this building or are other buildings covered as well?
1 Just this building 2 Other building(s)
IF Other buildings G44 [Sq ft of others included] IF Just this building OR DK/RF G45 [Include other major natural gas] |
G44 |
Sq ft of others included NG1OTS—NG4OTS |
IF G43 [Bills cover only building] = Other buildings |
{Bills} IF Only one account = “bill or statement” IF 2 to 10 accounts = “bills or statements” |
What is the approximate square footage of the other buildings included on the {Bills}?
PROBE for estimate if DK
1 to 999,999,999 |
G45 [Include other major natural gas] |
G45 |
Include other major natural gas NG1OTU—NG4OTU |
IF Supplier found in G32 [Natural gas suppliers] look-up table OR G34 [Supplier name] given |
{Bills} IF Only one account = “Does the bill or statement” IF 2 to 10 accounts = “Do the bills or statements” |
{Bills} include charges for any other major natural gas usage outside the building, such as for kilns, gas space heaters, exterior or decorative lighting, compressed natural gas vehicles, or pumps not used in the building?
1 Yes 2 No
G46 [Natural gas bill available] |
G46 |
Natural gas bill available NG1BILL—NG4BILL |
IF (Supplier found in G32 [Natural gas suppliers] look-up table OR G34 [Supplier name] given) |
{Supplier} = Supplier name from G32 [Natural gas suppliers] look-up table OR G34 [Supplier name] |
Would it be possible for me to scan one of your natural gas bills from {Supplier}? (There is information on some utility bills that may help energy researchers who use these data.)
EXP: [Examples of these items include miscellaneous charges, past months data, and units of measure.]
If available, you will be prompted to scan the bill at the end of the interview, so it is not necessary to stop the interview here
1 Yes, bill available 2 No, will not be able to provide bill
IF More suppliers left to answer for Back to G32 [Natural gas suppliers] for next supplier OTHERWISE H1 [Section H Routing] |
NOTE: In ASK and NEXT instructions in this section, “Fuel oil” refers to fuel oil, diesel, or kerosene.
H1 |
Section H Routing |
IF Fuel oil used H2 [WS2 fuel oil filled out] OTHERWISE I1 [Section I Routing] |
H2 |
WS2 fuel oil filled out WS2FKCE |
IF Fuel oil used |
{FuelOilType} = Type or types specified in D10 [Fuel oil, diesel, or kerosene] |
Do you have Worksheet 2 with you and filled out for {FuelOilType}?
1 Yes 2 No
IF No OR DK/RF H3 [Provide fuel oil figures] IF Yes H4 [Fuel oil purchases] |
H3 |
Provide fuel oil figures FKFIGS |
IF H2 [WS2 fuel oil filled out] = No OR DK/RF |
{FuelOilType} = Type or types specified in D10 [Fuel oil, diesel, or kerosene] |
The next questions are about {FuelOilType} purchases in this building during calendar year 2012. Would you be able to give me an approximate figure of how much {FuelOilType} was purchased or how much was spent on it?
1 Yes 2 No
IF Yes H4 [Fuel oil purchases] IF No OR DK/RF: IF D17 [Source for main heating] = Fuel oil OR D18 [Other source for main heating] = Fuel oil OR D75 [Sources for water heating] = Fuel oil OR D76 [Other water heating source] = Fuel oil OR (D85 [Sources for electricity generation] = Fuel oil H20 [Number fuel oil suppliers] OTHERWISE I1 [Section I Routing] |
H4 |
Fuel oil purchases FKCNSP |
IF H2 [WS2 fuel oil filled out] = Yes OR H3 [Provide fuel oil figures] = Yes |
{FuelOilType} = Type or types specified in D10 [Fuel oil, diesel, or kerosene] |
Please give me the total number of gallons of {FuelOilType} purchased in calendar year 2012.
EXP: [If part of a multibuilding campus or complex, and the respondent only knows the consumption for the whole campus or complex, ENTER the total consumption for the campus or complex here.]
VERIFY number digit by digit
0 to 99,999,999,999,999 |
H5 [Fuel oil expenditures] |
H5 |
Fuel oil expenditures FKEXP |
IF H2 [WS2 fuel oil filled out] = Yes OR H3 [Provide fuel oil figures] = Yes |
{FuelOilType} = Type or types specified in D10 [Fuel oil, diesel, or kerosene] |
Please give me the total dollars spent on {FuelOilType} in calendar year 2012, including state and local taxes.
Do not enter cents
VERIFY number digit by digit
0 to 999,999,999 |
IF H4 [Fuel oil purchases] = Zero & H5 [Fuel oil expenditures] = Zero (OR one is Zero and one is DK/RF) H6 [Purchased before 2012] IF H4 [Fuel oil purchases] = DK/RF & H5 [Fuel oil expenditures] = DK/RF I1 [Section I Routing] OTHERWISE H7 [Starting date for fuel oil figures] |
H6 |
Purchased before 2012 FKSTORD |
IF H4 [Fuel oil purchases] = Zero & H5 [Fuel oil expenditures] = Zero (OR one is Zero and one is DK/RF) |
{FuelOilType} = Type or types specified in D10 [Fuel oil, diesel, or kerosene] |
Was any {FuelOilType} used in 2012 that was purchased or delivered in 2011 or before?
1 Yes 2 No
I1 [Section I Routing] |
H7 |
Starting date for fuel oil figures FKSTDAT |
IF (H4 [Fuel oil purchases] given OR H5 [Fuel oil expenditures] given) & Not both zero |
{FuelOilType} = Type or types specified in D10 [Fuel oil, diesel, or kerosene] |
What is the first delivery date for these {FuelOilType} purchases?
If the day is not known, ENTER "15" for DD
H8 [Ending date for fuel oil figures] |
H8 |
Ending date for fuel oil figures FKENDAT |
IF (H4 [Fuel oil purchases] given OR H5 [Fuel oil expenditures] given) & Not both zero |
{FuelOilType} = Type or types specified in D10 [Fuel oil, diesel, or kerosene] |
What is the last delivery date [for these {FuelOilType} purchases]?
If the day is not known, ENTER "15" for DD
IF (C5 [Number of businesses] >1 OR C7 [Re-ask number of businesses] > 1 OR C8 [Number of businesses category] ≠ Zero OR One) H9 [All occupants fuel oil included] OTHERWISE H11 [Other bldgs fuel oil included] |
H9 |
All occupants fuel oil included FKALL |
IF (H4 [Fuel oil purchases] given OR H5 [Fuel oil expenditures] given & (C5 [Number of businesses] >1 OR C7 [Re-ask number of businesses] > 1 OR C8 [Number of businesses category] ≠ Zero OR One) |
{FuelOilType} = Type or types specified in D10 [Fuel oil, diesel, or kerosene] |
Do these figures include the {FuelOilType} for all of the businesses or organizations in this building?
1 Yes 2 No
IF No H10 [Sq ft not included] IF Yes OR DK/RF H11 [Other bldgs fuel oil included] |
H10 |
Sq ft not included FKNISF |
IF H9 [All occupants fuel oil included] = No |
What is the approximate square footage of the space in the building that is not included in these figures?
PROBE for estimate if DK
1 to 999,999,999 |
H11 [Other bldgs fuel oil included] |
H11 |
Other bldgs fuel oil included FKOTBD |
IF H4 [Fuel oil purchases] given OR H5 [Fuel oil expenditures] given |
Is any consumption from other buildings included in these figures?
1 Yes 2 No
IF Yes H12 [Sq ft of other included] IF No OR DK/RF: IF B48 [Central physical plant] = Yes & B53 [Central plant in building] = No H13 [Central plant fuel oil included] OTHERWISE H14 [Include other major fuel oil] |
H12 |
Sq ft of other included FKOTSF |
IF H11 [Other bldgs fuel oil included] = Yes |
What is the approximate square footage of the other buildings that are included in these figures?
PROBE for estimate if DK
1 to 999,999,999 |
IF B48 [Central physical plant] = Yes & B53 [Central plant in building] = No H13 [Central plant fuel oil included] OTHERWISE H14 [Include other major fuel oil] |
H13 |
Central plant fuel oil included PLTNGINC |
IF B48 [Central physical plant] = Yes & B53 [Central plant in building] = No |
{FuelOilType} = Type or types specified in D10 [Fuel oil, diesel, or kerosene] |
Earlier you mentioned that there is a central plant on this campus. Do these figures include any {FuelOilType} that was used in the central plant?
EXP: [We do not want the energy used in the central plant. This question is for verification purposes.]
1 Yes 2 No
H14 [Include other major fuel oil] |
H14 |
Include other major fuel oil FKOTUS |
IF H4 [Fuel oil purchases] given OR H5 [Fuel oil expenditures] given |
{FuelOilType} = Type or types specified in D10 [Fuel oil, diesel, or kerosene] |
Do these figures include charges for any other major {FuelOilType} usage outside the building, such as for kilns, welding, pumps, or motors?
1 Yes 2 No
IF H4 [Fuel oil purchases] given & A12 [Square footage category] given & D17 [Source for main heating] = Fuel oil OR D18 [Other source for main heating] = Fuel oil OR D75 [Sources for water heating] = Fuel oil OR D76 [Other water heating source] = Fuel oil OR (D85 [Sources for electricity generation] = Fuel oil & D3 [Water heating] ≠ DK/RF H15 [Fuel oil regression check] OTHERWISE: IF D17 [Source for main heating] = Fuel oil OR D18 [Other source for main heating] = Fuel oil OR D75 [Sources for water heating] = Fuel oil OR D76 [Other water heating source] = Fuel oil OR (D85 [Sources for electricity generation] = Fuel oil & (H10 [Sq ft not included] / A6 [Square footage] > 0.25 OR A12 [Square footage category] = DK/RF OR D3 [Water heating] = DK/RF) H20 [Number fuel oil suppliers] OTHERWISE H19 [Fuel oil bill available] |
H15 |
Fuel oil regression check |
DO |
IF H4 [Fuel oil purchases] given & A12 [Square footage category] given & D17 [Source for main heating] = Fuel oil OR D18 [Other source for main heating] = Fuel oil & D3 [Water heating] ≠ DK/RF |
Based on various characteristics of the structure, Blaise will use a detailed equation to compute predicted consumption and expenditures estimates. The fuel oil consumption given will either PASS or FAIL this regression check, based on the following formula:
IF H4 [Fuel oil purchases] > (Predicted consumption × 10) FAIL (HIGH) IF H4 [Fuel oil purchases] < (Predicted consumption ÷ 20) FAIL (LOW) OTHERWISE PASS
IF FAIL (HIGH) H16 [Anything unusual high] IF FAIL (LOW) H17 [Anything unusual low] IF PASS & H10 [Sq ft not included] / A6 [Square footage] > 0.25 H20 [Number fuel oil suppliers] OTHERWISE H19 [Fuel oil bill available] |
H16 |
Anything unusual high FKHIGH |
IF H15 [Fuel oil regression check] = FAIL (HIGH) |
{FuelOilType} = Type or types specified in D10 [Fuel oil, diesel, or kerosene] |
These {FuelOilType} usage figures seem high for what you have told me about this building. Is there anything unusual that might explain this high usage?
1 Yes 2 No
IF Yes H18 [What is unusual] IF No OR DK/RF H20 [Number fuel oil suppliers] |
H17 |
Anything unusual low FKLOW |
IF H15 [Fuel oil regression check] = FAIL (LOW) |
{FuelOilType} = Type or types specified in D10 [Fuel oil, diesel, or kerosene] |
These {FuelOilType} usage figures seem low for what you have told me about this building. Is there anything unusual that might explain this low usage?
1 Yes 2 No
IF Yes H18 [What is unusual] IF No OR DK/RF H20 [Number fuel oil suppliers] |
H18 |
What is unusual |
IF H16 [Anything unusual high] = Yes OR H17 [Anything unusual low] = Yes |
Please tell me [what is out of the ordinary about this building].
RECORD in open box
H20 [Number fuel oil suppliers] |
H19 |
Fuel oil bill available FKBILL |
{FuelOilType} = Type or types specified in D10 [Fuel oil, diesel, or kerosene] |
IF (H4 [Fuel oil purchases] given OR H5 [Fuel oil expenditures] given & ((D17 [Source for main heating] ≠ Fuel oil & D18 [Other source for main heating] ≠ Fuel oil) OR ((D17 [Source for main heating] = Fuel oil OR D18 [Other source for main heating] = Fuel oil) & H10 [Sq ft not included] / A6 [Square footage] <= 0.25 & A12 [Square footage category] ≠ DK & D3 [Water heating] ≠ DK) OR (H4 [Fuel oil purchases] given & H15 [Fuel oil regression check] = PASS & H10 [Sq ft not included] / A6 [Square footage] <= 0.25) |
Would it be possible for me to scan one of your {FuelOilType} bills? (There is information on some utility bills that may help energy researchers who use these data.)
EXP: [Examples of these items include miscellaneous charges, past months data, and units of measure.]
If available, you will be prompted to scan the bill at the end of the interview, so it is not necessary to stop the interview here
1 Yes, bill available 2 No, will not be able to provide bill
I1 [Section I Routing] |
H20 |
Number fuel oil suppliers FKNUMSP |
IF D17 [Source for main heating] = Fuel oil OR D18 [Other source for main heating] = Fuel oil OR D75 [Sources for water heating] = Fuel oil OR D76 [Other water heating source] = Fuel oil OR (D85 [Sources for electricity generation] = Fuel oil & D87 [Use of generated electricity] = Whenever electricity was used) & (H3 [Provide fuel oil figures] = No OR DK/RF OR H4 [Fuel oil purchases] = DK/RF & H5 [Fuel oil expenditures] = DK/RF OR A12 [Square footage category] = DK OR D3 [Water heating] = DK OR H15 [Fuel oil regression check] = FAIL (LOW) OR FAIL (HIGH) OR H10 [Sq ft not included] / A6 [Square footage] > 0.25) |
{SuppliersIntro} IF H3 [Provide fuel oil figures] = No OR DK/RF OR (H4 [Fuel oil purchases = DK/RF) & H5 [Fuel oil expenditures = DK/RF) = “We should be able to obtain this information directly from your supplier, so I just need to collect some information about your accounts.” OTHERWISE = “We may need to go to your supplier to verify some information, so I need to ask you some questions about your supplier or suppliers.” {FuelOilType} = Type or types specified in D10 [Fuel oil, diesel, or kerosene] |
How many different companies supplied {FuelOilType} to building during calendar year 2012?
1 to 4 |
Number given H21 [Fuel oil supplier name] DK/RF I1 [Section I Routing] |
H21 |
Fuel oil supplier name FK1SUP—FK4SUP |
IF H20 [Number fuel oil suppliers] given |
{FirstNext} IF Only one supplier = BLANK IF First supplier given = “first” OTHERWISE = “next” {FuelOilType} = Type or types specified in D10 [Fuel oil, diesel, or kerosene] |
What is the name of the {FirstNext} supplier that provided {FuelOilType} during 2012? ENTER the name of the supplier
IF Name given H22 [Street address] IF DK/RF: IF Only one supplier or last supplier I1 [Section I Routing] IF More suppliers left to answer for Ask H21 [Fuel oil supplier name] again for next supplier |
H22 |
Street address FK1AD1—FK4AD1 |
IF Name given in H21 [Fuel oil supplier name] |
{Supplier} = H21 [Fuel oil supplier name] |
What is the address for {Supplier}, beginning with the street?
H23 [P.O. Box or Suite] |
H23 |
P.O. Box or Suite FK1AD2—FK4AD2 |
IF Name given in H21 [Fuel oil supplier name] |
Is there a post office box or suite number?
If not, press [ENTER]
H24 [City] |
H24 |
IF Name given in H21 [Fuel oil supplier name] |
What is the city?
H25 [State abbreviation] |
H25 |
State abbreviation FK1STA—FK4STA |
IF Name given in H21 [Fuel oil supplier name] |
What is the state?
ENTER the two letter abbreviation
H26 [ZIP code] |
H26 |
IF Name given in H21 [Fuel oil supplier name] |
And what is the zip code?
H27 [Number fuel oil accounts] |
H27 |
Number fuel oil accounts FK1NAC—FK4NAC |
IF Name given in H21 [Fuel oil supplier name] |
{FuelOilType} = Type or types specified in D10 [Fuel oil, diesel, or kerosene] {Supplier} = H21 [Fuel oil supplier name] |
How many different {FuelOilType} accounts does this building have with {Supplier}?
IF 1 to 10 accounts H28 [Fuel oil account number] IF More than 10 accounts OR DK/RF H32 [Fuel oil bill available] |
H28 |
Fuel oil account number FK1AC1—FK4AC10 |
IF H27 [Number fuel oil accounts] = 1 to 10 Ask as many times as account numbers given, or until DK/RF |
{FirstNext} IF Only one account = BLANK IF First account given = “first” OTHERWISE = “next” {FuelOilType} = Type or types specified in D10 [Fuel oil, diesel, or kerosene] {Supplier} = H21 [Fuel oil supplier name] |
Please give me the {FirstNext} {FuelOilType} account number for {Supplier}.
VERIFY number digit by digit
H29 [Bills cover only building] |
H29 |
Bills cover only building FK1OTB—FK4OTB |
IF Name given in H21 [Fuel oil supplier name] |
{Bills} IF Only one account = “Does the bill or statement” IF 2 to 10 accounts = “Do the bills or statements” {Supplier} = H21 [Fuel oil supplier name] |
{Bills} from {Supplier} cover just this building or are other buildings covered as well?
1 Just this building 2 Other building(s)
IF Other buildings H30 [Sq ft of others included] IF Just this building OR DK/RF H31 [Include other major fuel oil] |
H30 |
Sq ft of others included FK1OTS—FK4OTS |
IF H29 [Bills cover only building] = Other buildings |
{Bills} IF Only one account = “bill or statement” IF 2 to 10 accounts = “bills or statements” |
What is the approximate square footage of the other buildings included on the {Bills}?
PROBE for estimate if DK
1 to 999,999,999 |
H31 [Include other major fuel oil] |
H31 |
Include other major fuel oil FK1OTU—FK4OTU |
IF Name given in H21 [Fuel oil supplier name] |
{Bills} IF Only one account = “Does the bill or statement” IF 2 to 10 accounts = “Do the bills or statements” |
{Bills} include charges for any other major fuel oil usage outside the building, such as for kilns, welding, pumps, or motors?
1 Yes 2 No
H32 [Fuel oil bill available] |
H32 |
Fuel oil bill available FK1BILL—FK4BILL |
IF Name given in H21 [Fuel oil supplier name] |
{FuelOilType} = Type or types specified in D10 [Fuel oil, diesel, or kerosene] {Supplier} = H21 [Fuel oil supplier name] |
Would it be possible for me to scan one {FuelOilType} bill from {Supplier}? (There is information on some utility bills that may help energy researchers who use these data.)
EXP: [Examples of these items include miscellaneous charges, past months data, and units of measure.]
If available, you will be prompted to scan the bill at the end of the interview, so it is not necessary to stop the interview here
1 Yes, bill available 2 No, will not be able to provide bill
IF More suppliers left to answer for Back to H21 [Fuel oil supplier name] for next supplier OTHERWISE I1 [Section I Routing] |
I1 |
Section I Routing |
IF District steam used I2 [WS2 district steam filled out] OTHERWISE J1 [Section J Routing] |
I2 |
WS2 district steam filled out WS2STCE |
IF District steam used |
Do you have Worksheet 2 with you and filled out for district steam?
1 Yes 2 No
IF No OR DK/RF I3 [Provide district steam figures] IF Yes I4 [Units for district steam] |
I3 |
Provide district steam figures STFIGS |
IF I2 [WS2 district steam filled out] = No OR DK/RF |
The next questions are about district steam usage in this building during calendar year 2012. Would you be able to give me an approximate figure of how much district steam was used or how much was spent on it?
1 Yes 2 No
IF Yes I4 [Units for district steam] IF No OR DK/RF: IF D15 [From central plant] = No OR D16 [Purchase from offsite] = Yes I15 [District steam supplier name] OTHERWISE J1 [Section J Routing] |
I4 |
Units for district steam STUNIT |
IF I2 [WS2 district steam filled out] = Yes OR I3 [Provide district steam figures] = Yes |
Please look at Show Card I1 and tell me the units in which your district steam is measured.
1 Thousand pounds 2 Pounds 3 Million Btu 4 IF VOLUNTEERED: Some other units
IF Some other units I5 [Other district steam units] OTHERWISE I6 [District steam consumption] |
I5 |
Other district steam units STUNITX |
IF I4 [Units for district steam] = Some other units |
What are the other units?
I6 [District steam consumption] |
I6 |
District steam consumption STCNS |
IF I2 [WS2 district steam filled out] = Yes OR I3 [Provide district steam figures] = Yes |
Please give me the total amount of district steam used in calendar year 2012.
EXP: [If part of a multibuilding campus or complex, and the respondent only knows the consumption for the whole campus or complex, ENTER the total consumption for the campus or complex here.]
VERIFY number digit by digit
1 to 99,999,999,999,999 |
I7 [District steam expenditures] |
I7 |
District steam expenditures STEXP |
IF I2 [WS2 district steam filled out] = Yes OR I3 [Provide district steam figures] = Yes |
Please give me the total dollars spent on district steam in calendar year 2012, including state and local taxes.
Do not enter cents
VERIFY number digit by digit
0 to 999,999,999 |
IF I6 [District steam consumption] = DK/RF & I7 [District steam expenditures] = DK/RF: IF D15 [From central plant] = No OR D16 [Purchase from offsite] = Yes I15 [District steam supplier name] OTHERWISE J1 [Section J Routing] OTHERWISE I8 [Starting date for district steam figures] |
I8 |
Starting date for district steam figures STSTDAT |
IF I6 [District steam consumption] given OR I7 [District steam expenditures] given |
What is the starting date for these district steam usage figures?
If the day is not known, ENTER "15" for DD
I9 [Ending date for district steam figures] |
I9 |
Ending date for district steam figures STENDAT |
IF I6 [District steam consumption] given OR I7 [District steam expenditures] given |
What is the ending date [for these district steam usage figures]?
ENTER date as MMDDYYYY VERIFY that this is the last day of the last billing period
If the day is not known, ENTER "15" for DD
IF C5 [Number of businesses] >1 OR C7 [Re-ask number of businesses] > 1 OR C8 [Number of businesses category] ≠ Zero OR One I10 [All occupants steam included] OTHERWISE I12 [Other bldgs steam included] |
I10 |
All occupants steam included STALL |
IF I6 [District steam consumption] given OR I7 [District steam expenditures] given & C5 [Number of businesses] >1 OR C7 [Re-ask number of businesses] > 1 OR C8 [Number of businesses category] ≠ Zero OR One |
Do these figures include the district steam from all of the businesses or organizations in this building?
1 Yes 2 No
IF No I11 [Sq ft not included] OTHERWISE I12 [Other bldgs steam included] |
I11 |
Sq ft not included STNISF |
IF I10 [All occupants steam included] = No |
What is the approximate square footage of the space in the building that is not included in these figures?
PROBE for estimate if DK
1 to 999,999,999 |
I12 [Other bldgs steam included] |
I12 |
Other bldgs steam included STOTBD |
IF I6 [District steam consumption] given OR I7 [District steam expenditures] given |
Is any consumption from other buildings included in these figures?
1 Yes 2 No
IF Yes I13 [Sq ft of other included] IF No OR DK/RF I14 [District steam bill available] |
I13 |
Sq ft of other included STOTSF |
IF I12 [Other bldgs steam included] = Yes |
What is the approximate square footage of the other buildings that are included in these figures?
PROBE for estimate if DK
1 to 999,999,999 |
I14 [District steam bill available] |
I14 |
District steam bill available STBILL |
IF I6 [District steam consumption] given OR I7 [District steam expenditures] given |
Would it be possible for me to scan one of your district steam bills? (There is information on some utility bills that may help energy researchers who use these data.)
EXP: [Examples of these items include miscellaneous charges, past months data, and units of measure.]
If available, you will be prompted to scan the bill at the end of the interview, so it is not necessary to stop the interview here
1 Yes, bill available 2 No, will not be able to provide bill
J1 [Section J Routing] |
I15 |
District steam supplier name STSUP |
IF D15 [From central plant] = No OR D15 [Purchase from offsite = Yes] & (I3 [Provide district steam figures] = No OR DK/RF OR I6 [District steam consumption] = DK/RF & I7 [District steam expenditures] = DK/RF) |
We should be able to obtain this information directly from your district steam supplier, so I just need to collect some information about your district steam accounts.
What is the name of the supplier that provided district steam in calendar year 2012? ENTER the name of the supplier
IF Name given I16 [Street address] IF DK/RF J1 [Section J Routing] |
I16 |
Street address STAD1 |
IF Name given in I15 [District steam supplier name] |
{Supplier} = I15 [District steam supplier name] |
What is the address for {Supplier}, beginning with the street?
I17 [P.O. Box or Suite] |
I17 |
P.O. Box or Suite STAD2 |
IF Name given in I15 [District steam supplier name] |
Is there a post office box or suite number?
If not, press [ENTER]
I18 [City] |
I18 |
City STCTY |
IF Name given in I15 [District steam supplier name] |
What is the city?
I19 [State abbreviation] |
I19 |
State abbreviation STSTA |
IF Name given in I15 [District steam supplier name] |
What is the state?
ENTER the two letter abbreviation
I20 [ZIP code] |
I20 |
ZIP code STZIP |
IF Name given in I15 [District steam supplier name] |
And what is the ZIP code?
I21 [Number district steam accounts] |
I21 |
Number district steam accounts STNAC |
IF Name given in I15 [District steam supplier name] |
{Supplier} = I15 [District steam supplier name] |
How many different district steam accounts does this building have with {Supplier}?
1 to 999 |
IF 1 to 10 accounts I22 [District steam account number] IF More than 10 accounts OR DK/RF I25 [District steam bill available] |
I22 |
District steam account number STAC1—STAC10 |
IF I21 [Number district steam accounts] = 1 to 10 Ask as many times as account numbers given, or until DK/RF |
{FirstNext} IF Only one account = BLANK IF First account given = “first” OTHERWISE = “next” {Supplier} = I15 [District steam supplier name] |
Please give me the {FirstNext} district steam account number for {Supplier}.
VERIFY number digit by digit
I23 [Bills cover only building] |
I23 |
Bills cover only building STOTB |
IF Name given in I15 [District steam supplier name] |
{Bills} IF Only one account = “Does the bill or statement” IF 2 to 10 accounts = “Do the bills or statements” {Supplier} = I15 [District steam supplier name] |
{Bills} from {Supplier} cover just this building or are other buildings covered as well?
1 Just this building 2 Other building(s)
IF Other buildings I24 [Sq ft of others included] IF Just this building OR DK/RF I25 [District steam bill available] |
I24 |
Sq ft of others included STOTS |
IF I23 [Bills cover only building] = Other buildings |
{Bills} IF Only one account = “bill or statement” IF 2 to 10 accounts = “bills or statements” |
What is the approximate square footage of the other buildings included on the {Bills}?
PROBE for estimate if DK
1 to 999,999,999 |
I25 [District steam bill available] |
I25 |
District steam bill available STBILL2 |
IF Name given in I15 [District steam supplier name] |
Would it be possible for me to scan one district steam bill from {Supplier}? (There is information on some utility bills that may help energy researchers who use these data.)
EXP: [Examples of these items include miscellaneous charges, past months data, and units of measure.]
If available, you will be prompted to scan the bill at the end of the interview, so it is not necessary to stop the interview here
1 Yes, bill available 2 No, will not be able to provide bill
J1 [Section J Routing] |
J1 |
Section J Routing |
IF District hot water used J2 [WS2 district hot water filled out] IF District chilled water used & B51 [Plant produces district chilled water] = Yes J24 [District chilled water from plant] IF District chilled water used & B51 [Plant produces district chilled water] ≠ Yes J26 [District chilled water from utility] OTHERWISE K1 [Section K Routing] |
J2 |
WS2 district hot water filled out WS2HWCE |
IF District hot water used |
Do you have Worksheet 2 with you and filled out for district hot water?
1 Yes 2 No
IF No OR DK/RF J3 [Provide district hot water figures] IF Yes J4 [District hot water consumption] |
J3 |
Provide district hot water figures HWFIGS |
IF J2 [WS2 district hot water filled out] = No OR DK/RF |
The next questions are about district hot water usage in this building during calendar year 2012. Would you be able to give me an approximate figure of how much district hot water was used or how much was spent on it?
1 Yes 2 No
IF Yes J4 [District hot water consumption] IF No OR DK/RF: IF D15 [From central plant] = No OR D16 [Purchase from offsite] = Yes J13 [District hot water supplier name] IF District chilled water used & B51 [Plant produces district chilled water] = Yes J24 [District chilled water from plant] IF District chilled water used & B51 [Plant produces district chilled water] ≠ Yes J26 [District chilled water from utility] OTHERWISE K1 [Section K Routing] |
J4 |
District hot water consumption HWCNS |
IF J2 [WS2 district hot water filled out] = Yes OR J3 [Provide district hot water figures] = Yes |
Please give me the total amount, in million Btu, of district hot water used in calendar year 2012.
EXP: [If part of a multibuilding campus or complex, and the respondent only knows the consumption for the whole campus or complex, ENTER the total consumption for the campus or complex here.]
VERIFY number digit by digit
1 to 99,999,999,999,999 |
J5 [District hot water expenditures] |
J5 |
District hot water expenditures HWEXP |
IF J2 [WS2 district hot water filled out] = Yes OR J3 [Provide district hot water figures] = Yes |
Please give me the total dollars spent on district hot water in calendar year 2012, including state and local taxes.
Do not enter cents
VERIFY number digit by digit
0 to 999,999,999 |
IF J4 [District hot water consumption] = DK/RF & J5 [District hot water expenditures] = DK/RF: IF D15 [From central plant] = No OR D16 [Purchase from offsite] = Yes J13 [District hot water supplier name] IF District chilled water used & B51 [Plant produces district chilled water] = Yes J24 [District chilled water from plant] IF District chilled water used & B51 [Plant produces district chilled water] ≠ Yes J26 [District chilled water from utility] OTHERWISE K1 [Section K Routing] OTHERWISE J6 [Starting date for district hot water figures] |
J6 |
Starting date for district hot water figures HWSTDAT |
IF J4 [District hot water consumption] given OR J5 [District hot water expenditures] given |
What is the starting date for these district hot water usage figures?
If the day is not known, ENTER "15" for DD
J7 [Ending date for district hot water figures] |
J7 |
Ending date for district hot water figures HWENDAT |
IF J4 [District hot water consumption] given OR J5 [District hot water expenditures] given |
What is the ending date [for these district hot water usage figures]?
ENTER date as MMDDYYYY VERIFY that this is the last day of the last billing period
If the day is not known, ENTER "15" for DD
IF C5 [Number of businesses] >1 OR C7 [Re-ask number of businesses] > 1 OR C8 [Number of businesses category] ≠ Zero OR One J8 [All occupants hot water included] OTHERWISE J10 [Other bldgs hot water included] |
J8 |
All occupants hot water included HWALL |
IF J4 [District hot water consumption] given OR J5 [District hot water expenditures] given & C5 [Number of businesses] >1 OR C7 [Re-ask number of businesses] > 1 OR C8 [Number of businesses category] ≠ Zero OR One |
Do these figures include the district hot water for all of the businesses or organizations in this building?
1 Yes 2 No
IF No J9 [Sq ft not included] OTHERWISE J10 [Other bldgs hot water included] |
J9 |
Sq ft not included HWNISF |
IF J8 [All occupants hot water included] = No |
What is the approximate square footage of the space in the building that is not included in these figures?
PROBE for estimate if DK
1 to 999,999,999 |
J10 [Other bldgs hot water included] |
J10 |
Other bldgs hot water included HWOTBD |
IF J4 [District hot water consumption] given OR J5 [District hot water expenditures] given |
Is any consumption from other buildings included in these figures?
1 Yes 2 No
IF Yes J11 [Sq ft of other included] IF No OR DK/RF J12 [District hot water bill available] |
J11 |
Sq ft of other included HWOTSF |
IF J10 [Other bldgs hot water included] = Yes |
What is the approximate square footage of the other buildings that are included in these figures?
PROBE for estimate if DK
1 to 999,999,999 |
J12 [District hot water bill available] |
J12 |
District hot water bill available HWBILL |
IF J4 [District hot water consumption] given OR J5 [District hot water expenditures] given |
Would it be possible for me to scan one of your district hot water bills? (There is information on some utility bills that may help energy researchers who use these data.)
EXP: [Examples of these items include miscellaneous charges, past months data, and units of measure.]
If available, you will be prompted to scan the bill at the end of the interview, so it is not necessary to stop the interview here
1 Yes, bill available 2 No, will not be able to provide bill
IF District chilled water used & B51 [Plant produces district chilled water] = Yes J24 [District chilled water from plant] IF District chilled water used & B51 [Plant produces district chilled water] ≠ Yes J26 [District chilled water from utility] OTHERWISE K1 [Section K Routing] |
J13 |
District hot water supplier name HWSUP |
IF D15 [From central plant] = No OR D15 [Purchase from offsite = Yes] & (J3 [Provide district hot water figures] = No OR DK/RF OR J4 [District hot water consumption] = DK/RF & J5 [District hot water expenditures] = DK/RF) |
We should be able to obtain this information directly from your district hot water supplier, so I just need to collect some information about your district hot water accounts.
What is the name of the supplier that provided district hot water in calendar year 2012? ENTER the name of the supplier
IF Name given J14 [Street address] IF DK/RF: IF District chilled water used & B51 [Plant produces district chilled water] = Yes J24 [District chilled water from plant] IF District chilled water used & B51 [Plant produces district chilled water] ≠ Yes J26 [District chilled water from utility] OTHERWISE K1 [Section K Routing |
J14 |
Street address HWAD1 |
IF Name given in J13 [District hot water supplier name] |
{Supplier} = J13 [District hot water supplier name] |
What is the address for {Supplier}, beginning with the street?
J15 [P.O. Box or Suite] |
J15 |
P.O. Box or Suite HWAD2 |
IF Name given in J13 [District hot water supplier name] |
Is there a post office box or suite number?
If not, press [ENTER]
J16 [City] |
J16 |
City HWCTY |
IF Name given in J13 [District hot water supplier name] |
What is the city?
J17 [State abbreviation] |
J17 |
State abbreviation HWSTA |
IF Name given in J13 [District hot water supplier name] |
What is the state?
ENTER the two letter abbreviation
J18 [ZIP code] |
J18 |
ZIP code HWZIP |
IF Name given in J13 [District hot water supplier name] |
And what is the ZIP code?
J19 [Number district hot water accounts] |
J19 |
Number district hot water accounts HWNAC |
IF Name given in J13 [District hot water supplier name] |
{Supplier} = J13 [District hot water supplier name] |
How many different district hot water accounts does this building have with {Supplier}?
1 to 999 |
IF 1 to 10 accounts J20 [District hot water account number] IF More than 10 accounts OR DK/RF J23 [District hot water bill available] |
J20 |
District hot water account number HWAC1—HWAC10 |
IF J19 [Number district hot water accounts] = 1 to 10 Ask as many times as account numbers given, or until DK/RF |
{FirstNext} IF Only one account = BLANK IF First account given = “first” OTHERWISE = “next” {Supplier} = J13 [District hot water supplier name] |
Please give me the {FirstNext} district hot water account number for {Supplier}.
VERIFY number digit by digit
J21 [Bills cover only building] |
J21 |
Bills cover only building HWOTB |
IF Name given in J13 [District hot water supplier name] |
{Bills} IF Only one account = “Does the bill or statement” IF 2 to 10 accounts = “Do the bills or statements” {Supplier} = J13 [District hot water supplier name] |
{Bills} from {Supplier} cover just this building or are other buildings covered as well?
1 Just this building 2 Other building(s)
IF Other buildings J22 [Sq ft of others included] IF Just this building OR DK/RF J23 [District hot water bill available] |
J22 |
Sq ft of others included HWOTS |
IF J21 [Bills cover only building] = Other buildings |
{Bills} IF Only one account = “bill or statement” IF 2 to 10 accounts = “bills or statements” |
What is the approximate square footage of the other buildings included on the {Bills}?
PROBE for estimate if DK
1 to 999,999,999 |
J23 [District hot water bill available] |
J23 |
District hot water bill available HWBILL2 |
IF Name given in J13 [District hot water supplier name] |
Would it be possible for me to scan one district hot water bill from {Supplier}? (There is information on some utility bills that may help energy researchers who use these data.)
EXP: [Examples of these items include miscellaneous charges, past months data, and units of measure.]
If available, you will be prompted to scan the bill at the end of the interview, so it is not necessary to stop the interview here
1 Yes, bill available 2 No, will not be able to provide bill
IF District chilled water used & B51 [Plant produces district chilled water] = Yes J24 [District chilled water from plant] IF District chilled water used & B51 [Plant produces district chilled water] ≠ Yes J26 [District chilled water from utility] OTHERWISE K1 [Section K Routing] |
J24 |
District chilled water from plant CWPLANT |
IF District chilled water used & B51 [Plant produces district chilled water] = Yes |
The next questions are about district chilled water. I will not be asking you for any usage figures, just a couple basic questions.
Earlier I recorded that there is a central plant on this campus or complex that produces chilled water. Is the district chilled water used in this building provided by the central plant?
2 No
IF Yes J25 [District chilled water metered] OTHERWISE J26 [District chilled water from utility] |
J25 |
District chilled water metered CWMETER |
IF J24 [District chilled water from plant] = Yes |
Is the district chilled water metered so that you would be able to report the amount used only in this building?
2 No
IF Yes J27 [District chilled water bill available] OTHERWISE K1 [Section K Routing] |
J26 |
District chilled water from utility CWUTIL |
IF District chilled water used & B51 [Plant produces district chilled water] ≠ Yes OR J24 [District chilled water from plant] ≠ Yes |
{CWIntro} IF B51 [Plant produces district chilled water] ≠ Yes = “The next questions are about district chilled water. I will not be asking you for any usage figures, just a couple basic questions.” OTHERWISE = BLANK |
Is the district chilled water used in this building provided by a district chilled water utility?
2 No
IF Yes J27 [District chilled water bill available] IF No J28 [District chilled water from where] OTHERWISE K1 [Section K Routing] |
J27 |
District chilled water bill available CWBILL |
IF J25 [District chilled water metered] = Yes OR J26 [District chilled water from utility] = Yes |
Would it be possible for me to scan one of your district chilled water bills or statements? (The information will be used to help plan for the next CBECS.)
If available, you will be prompted to scan the bill at the end of the interview, so it is not necessary to stop the interview here
1 Yes, bill available 2 No, will not be able to provide bill
K1 [Section K Routing] |
J28 |
District chilled water from where |
IF J4 [District hot water consumption] given OR J5 [District hot water expenditures] given |
Where does this building get its district chilled water from?
RECORD in open box
K1 [Section K Routing] |
K1 |
Water used |
All Buildings |
The next questions are about water supplied to the building for everyday use, such as for restrooms, kitchens, laundries, showers, building heating and cooling, and landscape irrigation.
Did this building use any water in 2012?
1 Yes 2 No
IF Yes K2 [Provide water figures] IF No OR DK/RF SECTION L |
K2 |
Provide water figures |
IF K1 [Water used] = Yes |
Would you be able to give me the amount of water used in calendar year 2012? (These questions are found on the third page of Worksheet 2.)
EXP: [If water is supplied from multiple sources, provide the total from all sources, including municipally supplied potable, municipally supplied reclaimed, and other sources of freshwater, including wells.]
1 Yes 2 No 3 IF VOLUNTEERED: No, because the water comes from a well
IF Yes K3 [Units for water] OTHERWISE IF K1a [Total water use] = Yes & Any energy used & CBECS Activity = Education; Food sales; Food service; Inpatient health care; Laboratory; Lodging; Nursing; Office; Outpatient health care; Public assembly; Public order and safety; OR Religious worship K7 [Sewer flow metered] OTHERWISE K20 [Heard of WaterSense] |
K3 |
Units for water |
IF K2 [Provide water figures] = Yes |
Please look at Show Card K1 and tell me the units in which your water is measured.
1 Gallons 2 Thousand gallons 3 Million Gallons 4 Cubic feet (cf) 5 Hundred cubic feet (ccf, HCF) 6 Thousand cubic feet (Mcf) 7 IF VOLUNTEERED: Some other units
IF Some other units K4 [Other water units] OTHERWISE K5 [Total water consumption] |
K4 |
Other water units |
IF K3 [Units for water] = Some other units |
What are the other units?
K5 [Total water consumption] |
K5 |
Total water consumption WTRCNS |
IF K2 [Provide water figures] = Yes |
Please give me the total volume of water used in 2012.
VERIFY number digit by digit
1 to 99,999,999,999,999 |
IF Amount given K6 [How water volume determined] OTHERWISE K19 [Water bill available] |
K6 |
How water volume determined WTRMET |
IF Amount given in K5 [Total water consumption] |
How is the annual water volume determined? Is it metered, estimated, both metered and estimated, or measured in some other way?
1 Metered 2 Estimated 3 Both metered and estimated 4 Other
K7 [Sewer flow metered] |
K7 |
Sewer flow metered SWRMET |
IF Amount given in K5 [Total water consumption] |
Is the sewer flow metered for this building?
1 Yes 2 No
K8 [Water used outside] |
K8 |
Water used outside WTOUT |
IF Amount given in K5 [Total water consumption] |
Was any of this water used outside the building for a landscape irrigation system?
EXP: [Do not include water used inside other buildings.]
DEF: [Irrigation systems are used to water outdoor landscape plantings. They consist of a circuit of equipment controlled by a central valve that can include: pipes, sprinkler heads, rotors and drip or bubble emitters. The central valve can be operated either manually or by an automatic controller.]
1 Yes 2 No
IF Yes K9 [Outside water metered] IF No OR DK/RF: IF D73 [Cooling tower] = Yes K11 [Cooling tower water metered] OTHERWISE K13 [Starting date for water figures] |
K9 |
Outside water metered WTOUTMET |
IF Amount given in K5 [Total water consumption] |
Is the water used outside metered separately?
1 Yes 2 No
IF Yes K10 [Outside water consumption] IF No OR DK/RF: IF D73 [Cooling tower] = Yes K11 [Cooling tower water metered] OTHERWISE K13 [Starting date for water figures] |
K10 |
Outside water consumption WTOUTCNS |
IF K9 [Outside water metered] = Yes |
In the same units, how much of this water was used outside the building?
VERIFY number digit by digit
0 to 99,999,999,999,999 |
IF D73 [Cooling tower] = Yes K11 [Cooling tower water metered] OTHERWISE K13 [Starting date for water figures] |
K11 |
Cooling tower water metered WTCTMET |
IF Amount given in K5 [Total water consumption] & D73 [Cooling tower] = Yes |
Is the water used for the cooling tower metered separately?
1 Yes 2 No
IF Yes K12 [Cooling tower water consumption] OTHERWISE K13 [Starting date for water figures] |
K12 |
Cooling tower water consumption WTCTCNS |
IF K11 [Cooling tower water metered] = Yes |
In the same units, how much of this water was used for the cooling tower?
VERIFY number digit by digit
0 to 99,999,999,999,999 |
K13 [Starting date for water figures] |
K13 |
Starting date for water figures WTSTDAT |
K5 [Total water consumption] given |
What is the starting date for these water usage figures?
If the day is not known, ENTER "15" for DD
K14 [Ending date for water figures] |
K14 |
Ending date for water figures WTENDAT |
K5 [Total water consumption] given |
What is the ending date [for these water usage figures]?
ENTER date as MMDDYYYY VERIFY that this is the last day of the last billing period
If the day is not known, ENTER "15" for DD
IF C5 [Number of businesses] >1 OR C7 [Re-ask number of businesses] > 1 OR C8 [Number of businesses category] ≠ Zero OR One K15 [All occupants water included] OTHERWISE K17 [Other bldgs water included] |
K15 |
All occupants water included WTALLOCC |
IF K5 [Total water consumption] given & C5 [Number of businesses] >1 OR C7 [Re-ask number of businesses] > 1 OR C8 [Number of businesses category] ≠ Zero OR One |
Do these figures include the water for all of the businesses or organizations in this building?
1 Yes 2 No
IF No K16 [Sq ft not included] OTHERWISE K17 [Other bldgs water included] |
K16 |
Sq ft not included WTEXCLSF |
IF K15 [All occupants water included] = No |
What is the approximate square footage of the space in the building that is not included in these figures?
PROBE for estimate if DK
1 to 999,999,999 |
K17 [Other bldgs water included] |
K17 |
Other bldgs water included WTOTBD |
IF K5 [Total water consumption] given |
Is any water use for other buildings included in these figures?
1 Yes 2 No
IF Yes K18 [Sq ft of other included] IF No OR DK/RF K19 [Water bill available] |
K18 |
Sq ft of other included WTOTSF |
IF K17 [Other bldgs water included] = Yes |
What is the approximate square footage of the other buildings that are included in these figures?
PROBE for estimate if DK
1 to 999,999,999 |
K19 [Water bill available] |
K19 |
Water bill available WTBILL |
IF K2 [Provide water figures] = Yes |
Would it be possible for me to scan one of your water bills? (There is information on some utility bills that may help energy researchers who use these data.)
EXP: [Examples of these items include miscellaneous charges, past months data, and units of measure.]
If available, you will be prompted to scan the bill at the end of the interview, so it is not necessary to stop the interview here
1 Yes, bill available 2 No, will not be able to provide bill
K20 [Heard of WaterSense] |
K20 |
Heard of WaterSense WTRSENS |
All Buildings |
Have you heard of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency WaterSense program?
1 Yes 2 No
L1 |
Collect materials |
IF WS2 was reported to be filled out for any of the energy sources OR F28 [Monthly electricity available] = Yes OR G29 [Monthly natural gas available] = Yes OR F29 [Electricity bill available]=Yes OR F45 [Electricity bill available]=Yes OR G30 [Natural gas bill available]=Yes OR G46 [Natural gas bill available]=Yes OR H19 [Fuel oil bill available]=Yes OR H32 [Fuel oil bill available]=Yes OR I14 [District steam bill available]=Yes OR I25 [District steam bill available]=Yes OR J12 [District hot water bill available]=Yes OR J23 [District hot water bill available]=Yes OR K19 [Water bill available] = Yes OR Supplier information was provided for any energy source |
Now, I just need to collect some of the forms that you filled out ahead of time or that we talked about during this interview.
ENTER “1” to continue
L2 [Collect Worksheet 2] |
L2 |
Collect Worksheet 2 |
IF WS2 was reported to be filled out for any of the energy sources |
May I please have Worksheet 2? [This is the "Energy Amounts Used and Dollars Spent" worksheet that you filled out before this interview.]
1 Collected WS 2 2 Did not collect WS2 3 Respondent will FAX, mail, or e-mail
IF F28 [Monthly electricity available] = Yes OR G29 [Monthly natural gas available] = Yes L3 [Collect monthly records] IF F29 [Electricity bill available]=Yes OR F45 [Electricity bill available]=Yes OR G30 [Natural gas bill available]=Yes OR G46 [Natural gas bill available]=Yes OR H19 [Fuel oil bill available]=Yes OR H32 [Fuel oil bill available]=Yes OR I14 [District steam bill available]=Yes OR I25 [District steam bill available]=Yes OR J12 [District hot water bill available]=Yes OR J23 [District hot water bill available]=Yes OR K19 [Water bill available] = Yes L4 [Scan energy bills] IF Supplier information was provided for any energy source L5 [Who signs authorization] |
L3 |
Collect monthly records |
IF F28 [Monthly electricity available] = Yes OR G29 [Monthly natural gas available] = Yes |
{ElectricityNaturalGas} IF28 [Monthly electricity available] = Yes & G29 [Monthly natural gas available] ≠ Yes = “electricity” IF28 [Monthly electricity available] ≠ Yes & G29 [Monthly natural gas available] = Yes = “natural gas” IF28 [Monthly electricity available] =Yes & G29 [Monthly natural gas available] = Yes = “electricity and natural gas” |
May I please have the monthly {ElectricityNaturalGas} records that we talked about a few minutes ago?
1 Collected monthly records 2 Did not collect monthly records 3 Respondent will FAX, mail, or e-mail
IF F29 [Electricity bill available]=Yes OR F45 [Electricity bill available]=Yes OR G30 [Natural gas bill available]=Yes OR G46 [Natural gas bill available]=Yes OR H19 [Fuel oil bill available]=Yes OR H32 [Fuel oil bill available]=Yes OR I14 [District steam bill available]=Yes OR I25 [District steam bill available]=Yes OR J12 [District hot water bill available]=Yes OR J23 [District hot water bill available]=Yes OR K19 [Water bill available] = Yes L4 [Scan energy bills] IF Supplier information was provided for any energy source L5 [Who signs authorization] |
L4 |
Scan energy bills |
IF F29 [Electricity bill available]=Yes OR F45 [Electricity bill available]=Yes OR G30 [Natural gas bill available]=Yes OR G46 [Natural gas bill available]=Yes OR H19 [Fuel oil bill available]=Yes OR H32 [Fuel oil bill available]=Yes OR I14 [District steam bill available]=Yes OR I25 [District steam bill available]=Yes OR J12 [District hot water bill available]=Yes OR J23 [District hot water bill available]=Yes OR K19 [Water bill available] = Yes |
May I please scan the energy and/or water bill(s) that we talked about a few minutes ago?
1 Scanned bill(s) 2 Did not scan bill(s) 3 Respondent will FAX, mail, or e-mail
IF Supplier information was provided for any energy source L5 [Who signs authorization] OTHERWISE L14 [Response effort] |
L5 |
Who signs authorization |
IF Supplier information was provided for any energy source |
As I mentioned earlier, we may need to contact your energy supplier to obtain the energy consumption. In order for the energy companies to release this information to us, we need to have an authorization form signed by you, or by some other representative of your company.
Should the authorization form be signed by you or someone else?
1 Signed by respondent 2 Signed by someone else 3 IF VOLUNTEERED: Respondent refuses to sign or have anyone else sign
IF Signed by respondent OR Signed by someone else OR DK/RF L6 [Prepare authorization form] IF Respondent refuses to sign or have anyone else sign L14 [Response effort] |
L6 |
Prepare authorization form |
IF L5 [Who signs authorization form] ≠ Respondent refuses to sign or have anyone else sign |
Please give me a moment to fill in the energy supplier names on this form.
Begin preparing the Authorization Form by recording the information shown below in the box near the top of the form
VERIFY with respondent as you record
Establishment address: {Address} City: {City} State: {State} ZIP code: {ZIP} Case ID: {CaseID}
ENTER “1” when finished
IF Electricity supplier information was provided L7 [Electricity suppliers] IF Natural gas supplier information was provided L8 [Natural gas suppliers] IF Fuel oil supplier information was provided L9 [Fuel oil suppliers] IF District steam supplier information was provided L10 [District steam suppliers] IF District hot water supplier information was provided L11 [District hot water suppliers] OTHERWISE L12 [Authorization form signed] |
L7 |
Electricity suppliers |
IF L5 [Who signs authorization form] ≠ Respondent refuses to sign or have anyone else sign & Electricity supplier information was provided |
{Electricity} = “Electricity” for each supplier name that has been provided {SupplierName} = Supplier names given in F31 [Electricity suppliers] OR F33 [Supplier name] |
Continue preparing the Authorization Form by filling in “Electricity" on the line(s) for "Energy Source" and copying the supplier name(s) shown below in the adjacent box(es)
Energy Source Supplier
Electricity {SupplierName}
{Electricity} {SupplierName}
{Electricity} {SupplierName}
{Electricity} {SupplierName}
ENTER “1” when finished
IF Natural gas supplier information was provided L8 [Natural gas suppliers] IF Fuel oil supplier information was provided L9 [Fuel oil suppliers] IF District steam supplier information was provided L10 [District steam suppliers] IF District hot water supplier information was provided L11 [District hot water suppliers] OTHERWISE L12 [Authorization form signed] |
L8 |
Natural gas suppliers |
IF L5 [Who signs authorization form] ≠ Respondent refuses to sign or have anyone else sign & Natural gas supplier information was provided |
{Natural gas} = “Natural gas” for each supplier name that has been provided {SupplierName} = Supplier names given in G32 [Natural gas suppliers] OR G34 [Supplier name] |
Continue preparing the Authorization Form by filling in “Natural gas" on the line(s) for "Energy Source" and copying the supplier name(s) shown below in the adjacent box(es)
Energy Source Supplier
Natural gas {SupplierName}
{Natural gas} {SupplierName}
{Natural gas} {SupplierName}
{Natural gas} {SupplierName}
ENTER “1” when finished
IF Fuel oil supplier information was provided L9 [Fuel oil suppliers] IF District steam supplier information was provided L10 [District steam suppliers] IF District hot water supplier information was provided L11 [District hot water suppliers] OTHERWISE L12 [Authorization form signed] |
L9 |
Fuel oil suppliers |
IF L5 [Who signs authorization form] ≠ Respondent refuses to sign or have anyone else sign & Fuel oil supplier information was provided |
{Fuel oil/Diesel/Kerosene} = “Fuel oil/Diesel/Kerosene” for each supplier name that has been provided {SupplierName} = Supplier names given in H21 [Fuel oil supplier name] |
Continue preparing the Authorization Form by filling in “Fuel oil/Diesel/Kerosene" on the line(s) for "Energy Source" and copying the supplier name(s) shown below in the adjacent box(es)
Energy Source Supplier
Fuel oil/Diesel/Kerosene {SupplierName}
{Fuel oil/Diesel/Kerosene} {SupplierName}
{Fuel oil/Diesel/Kerosene} {SupplierName}
{Fuel oil/Diesel/Kerosene} {SupplierName}
ENTER “1” when finished
IF District steam supplier information was provided L10 [District steam suppliers] IF District hot water supplier information was provided L11 [District hot water suppliers] OTHERWISE L12 [Authorization form signed] |
L10 |
District steam suppliers |
IF L5 [Who signs authorization form] ≠ Respondent refuses to sign or have anyone else sign & District steam supplier information was provided |
{SupplierName} = Supplier name given in I15 [District steam supplier name] |
Continue preparing the Authorization Form by filling in “District steam" on the line(s) for "Energy Source" and copying the supplier name(s) shown below in the adjacent box(es)
Energy Source Supplier
District steam {SupplierName}
ENTER “1” when finished
IF District hot water supplier information was provided L11 [District hot water suppliers] OTHERWISE L12 [Authorization form signed] |
L11 |
District hot water suppliers |
IF L5 [Who signs authorization form] ≠ Respondent refuses to sign or have anyone else sign & District hot water supplier information was provided |
{SupplierName} = Supplier name given in J13 [District hot water supplier name] |
Continue preparing the Authorization Form by filling in “District hot water" on the line(s) for "Energy Source" and copying the supplier name(s) shown below in the adjacent box(es)
Energy Source Supplier
District hot water {SupplierName}
ENTER “1” when finished
L12 [Authorization form signed] |
L12 |
Authorization form signed |
IF L5 [Who signs authorization form] = Signed by respondent & Supplier information was provided was provided for any energy source |
Give respondent the Authorization Form and have them record their information and signature in the middle portion of the form
Please fill out the rest of this information and sign this form.
1 Collected signed authorization form 2 Did not collect signed authorization form 3 Respondent will FAX, mail, or e-mail
L14 [Response effort] |
L13 |
Contact for authorization |
IF L5 [Who signs authorization] = Signed by someone else & Supplier information was provided was provided for any energy source |
Please give me the name, address, and telephone number of the person who should sign the authorization form.
RECORD contact information on the Case Assignment Folder
ENTER “1” when completed
L14 [Response effort] |
L14 |
Response effort REFFORT |
All Buildings |
Including yourself, please tell me how many people were needed to compile the information for this interview.
1 to 99 |
L15 [Green building certification] |
L15 |
Green building certification GRNCRT |
All Buildings |
In the past 3 years, has this building been certified as a “green building,” such as Energy Star, LEED, or Green Globes?
1 Yes 2 No
IF Yes L16 [Type of green certification] OTHERWISE L18 [Thank you] |
L16 |
Type of green certification see below |
IF L15 [Green building certification] = Yes |
Which type of certification did the building receive? Was it Energy Star, LEED, Green Globes, or did it receive some other green building recognition?
ENTER all that apply
1 Energy Star ENGYSTR 2 LEED LEED 3 Green Globes GRNGLBS 4 Other OTCERT
IF Other selected L17 [Other certification] OTHERWISE L18 [Thank you] |
L17 |
Other certification GRNCRTX |
IF Other IN L16 [Type of green certification] |
What was the other type of recognition received by this building?
ENTER the type of certification
L18 [Thank you] |
L18 |
Thank you |
All Buildings |
That completes our interview. Thank you so much for your time and help.
ENTER "1", [ENTER], then [F10] to Exit
2012 CBECS Building Questionnaire (EIA-871A)
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | 2003 CBECS Pre-Test Questionnaire |
Author | Joelle D. Michaels |
Last Modified By | Joelle Michaels |
File Modified | 2012-09-26 |
File Created | 2012-07-20 |