30-day FRN

0546 30d FRN 083017_41214.pdf

Northeast Region Observer Providers Requirements

30-day FRN

OMB: 0648-0546

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Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 167 / Wednesday, August 30, 2017 / Notices

Estimated Time per Response: Share
Transfer Receipt form, Cost Recovery
Fee Submission form, 1 minute; Share
Transfer form, IFQ Close Account form,
Cost Recovery Fee Submission form,
Landing Transaction Correction Request
form, Landing Location Submission
form, Transfer Allocation form, Cost
Recovery Fee payment through pay.gov,
3 minutes; Notification of Landing form,
5 minutes; Landing Transaction Report
form, 6 minutes; IFQ Online Account
Application form, 15 minutes;
Wreckfish Quota Share Transfer form,
18 minutes.
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 2,322.
Estimated Total Annual Cost to
Public: $150 in recordkeeping/reporting
IV. Request for Comments
Comments are invited on: (a) Whether
the proposed collection of information
is necessary for the proper performance
of the functions of the agency, including
whether the information shall have
practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the
agency’s estimate of the burden
(including hours and cost) of the
proposed collection of information; (c)
ways to enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and (d) ways to minimize the
burden of the collection of information
on respondents, including through the
use of automated collection techniques
or other forms of information
Comments submitted in response to
this notice will be summarized and/or
included in the request for OMB
approval of this information collection;
they also will become a matter of public
Dated: August 25, 2017.
Sarah Brabson,
NOAA PRA Clearance Officer.
[FR Doc. 2017–18372 Filed 8–29–17; 8:45 am]

National Oceanic and Atmospheric

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Submission for OMB Review;
Comment Request
The Department of Commerce will
submit to the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) for clearance the
following proposal for collection of
information under the provisions of the
Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C.
Chapter 35).
Agency: National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

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Title: Greater Atlantic Observers
Providers’ Requirements.
OMB Control Number: 0648–0546.
Form Number(s): None.
Type of Request: Regular (extension of
a currently approved information
Number of Respondents: 515.
Average Hours per Response:
Application for approval of observer
service provider and applicant response
to denial of application for approval of
observer service provider, 10 hours
each; observer service provider request
for observer training, 30 minutes;
observer deployment report and
observer availability reports, 10 minutes
each; safety refusal report, 30 minutes;
submission of raw observer data and
biological samples, 5 minutes each;
observer debriefing, 2 hours; rebuttal of
pending removal from list of approved
observer service providers, 8 hours;
vessel request to observer service
provider for procurement of a certified
observer, 25 minutes; vessel request for
waiver of observer coverage requirement
and observer contact list updates, 5
minutes each; observer availability
updates, 1 minute; service provider
material submissions and service
provider contracts, 30 minutes each.
Burden Hours: 5,250.
Needs and Uses: This request is for
extension of a currently approved
information collection.
Under the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery
Conservation and Management Act, the
Secretary of Commerce (Secretary) has
the responsibility for the conservation
and management of marine fishery
resources. Much of this responsibility
has been delegated to the National
Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA)/National
Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS).
Under this stewardship role, the
Secretary was given certain regulatory
authorities to ensure the most beneficial
uses of these resources. One of the
regulatory steps taken to carry out the
conservation and management
objectives is to collect data from users
of the resource.
Regulations at 50 CFR 648.11(g)
require observer service providers to
comply with specific requirements in
order to operate as an approved
provider in the Atlantic sea scallop
(scallop) fishery. Observer service
providers must comply with the
following requirements: Submit
applications for approval as an observer
service provider; formally request
observer training by the Northeast
Fisheries Observer Program (NEFOP);
submit observer deployment reports and
biological samples; give notification of
whether a vessel must carry an observer

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within 24 hours of the vessel owner’s
notification of a prospective trip;
maintain an updated contact list of all
observers that includes the observer
identification number; observer’s name
mailing address, email address, phone
numbers, homeports or fisheries/trip
types assigned, and whether or not the
observer is ‘‘in service.’’ The regulations
also require observer service providers
submit any outreach materials, such as
informational pamphlets, payment
notification, and descriptions of
observer duties as well as all contracts
between the service provider and
entities requiring observer services for
review to NMFS/NEFOP. Observer
service providers also have the option to
respond to application denials, and
submit a rebuttal in response to a
pending removal from the list of
approved observer providers. These
requirements allow NMFS/NEFOP to
effectively administer the scallop
observer program.
Affected Public: Business and other
for-profit organizations.
Frequency: Daily and on occasion.
Respondent’s Obligation: Mandatory.
This information collection request
may be viewed at reginfo.gov. Follow
the instructions to view Department of
Commerce collections currently under
review by OMB.
Written comments and
recommendations for the proposed
information collection should be sent
within 30 days of publication of this
notice to OIRA_Submission@
omb.eop.gov or fax to (202) 395–5806.
Dated: August 25, 2017.
Sarah Brabson,
NOAA PRA Clearance Officer.
[FR Doc. 2017–18371 Filed 8–29–17; 8:45 am]

National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA)
Notice of Availability of a Draft
Programmatic Environmental;
Assessment for the National Oceanic
and Atmospheric, Administration
National Data Buoy Center
National Weather Service
(NWS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
Department of Commerce (DOC).
ACTION: Request for public comments.

The Draft PEA is available for
public review and comment for 30 days
after posting. It can be accessed at




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File Modified2017-08-30
File Created2017-08-30

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