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pdfSection 8(b) Notice of Activity
Application and Tooltip Text
Environmental Protection Agency
Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics
Delivery Order #
Task Order # EP-G11H-00154
Project # TDD 9.21
Version 0.01
June 12, 2017
Table of Contents
Table of Contents ........................................................................................................................... i
List of Exhibits ............................................................................................................................... ii
Revision Log ................................................................................................................................ iv
Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 1
Document Purpose ........................................................................................................ 1
Instructional and Tooltip Text for Section 8(b) Notice of Activity .......................................... 2
Chemical Information Submission System (CISS) Screen ............................................. 2
Section 8(b) Notice of Activity Home Screen ................................................................. 3
User Management Screen ............................................................................................. 4
Submission History......................................................................................................... 5
Create Passphrase Screen ............................................................................................ 7
Enter Passphrase Screen .............................................................................................. 8
Application Header/Footer.............................................................................................. 9
Add Chemical using SRS Window ............................................................................... 10
Create Section 8(b) Notice of Activity (NAA & NAB) Form ................................................ 12
Technical Contact Information Screen ......................................................................... 12
Chemical Information (Notice of Activity – NAA) Screen.............................................. 13
Add Chemical using SRS (Notice of Activity – NAA) Window ...................................... 15
Add Chemical using SRS (Notice of Activity – NAB) Window ...................................... 25
Upload Chemical(s) using .CSV file Window ............................................................... 35
CBI Substantiation Screen ........................................................................................... 36
Submitting Official Information Screen ......................................................................... 47
Submit to EPA via CDX...................................................................................................... 50
TSCA Certification Screen ........................................................................................... 50
8B Certification Screen................................................................................................. 51
8B Validation Screen .................................................................................................... 52
8B Validation Screen (Errors)....................................................................................... 53
PDF Generation Screen ............................................................................................... 54
CROMERR Certification Window ................................................................................. 55
eSignature Widget ........................................................................................................ 56
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List of Exhibits
Exhibit 2-1 Chemical Information Submission System ................................................................. 2
Exhibit 2-2 TSCA Section 8(b) ‘Home’ .......................................................................................... 3
Exhibit 2-3 User Management ...................................................................................................... 4
Exhibit 2-4 Submission History ..................................................................................................... 5
Exhibit 2-5 Create Passphrase ..................................................................................................... 7
Exhibit 2-6 Enter Passphrase ....................................................................................................... 8
Exhibit 2-7 Application Header/Footer .......................................................................................... 9
Exhibit 2-8 Application Footer ....................................................................................................... 9
Exhibit 2-9 Add Chemical using SRS .......................................................................................... 10
Exhibit 3-1 Technical Contact Information .................................................................................. 12
Exhibit 3-2 Chemical Information (Scroll 1) ................................................................................. 13
Exhibit 3-3 Chemical Information (Scroll 2) ................................................................................. 14
Exhibit 3-4 Add Chemical using SRS (Notice of Activity – NAA) (Scroll 1) ................................. 15
Exhibit 3-5 Add Chemical using SRS (Notice of Activity – NAA) (Scroll 2) ................................. 16
Exhibit 3-6 Add Chemical using SRS (Notice of Activity – NAA) (Scroll 3) ................................. 16
Exhibit 3-7 Add Chemical using SRS (Notice of Activity – NAA) (Scroll 4) ................................. 17
Exhibit 3-8 Add Chemical using SRS (Notice of Activity – NAA) (Scroll 5) ................................. 17
Exhibit 3-9 Add Chemical using SRS (Notice of Activity – NAA) (Scroll 6) ................................. 18
Exhibit 3-10 Add Chemical using SRS (Notice of Activity – NAA) (Scroll 7) ............................... 18
Exhibit 3-11 Add Chemical using SRS (Notice of Activity – NAA) (Scroll 8) ............................... 19
Exhibit 3-12 Add Chemical using SRS (Notice of Activity – NAA) (Scroll 9) ............................... 20
Exhibit 3-13 Add Chemical using SRS (Notice of Activity – NAB) (Scroll 1) ............................... 25
Exhibit 3-14 Add Chemical using SRS (Notice of Activity – NAB) (Scroll 2) ............................... 26
Exhibit 3-15 Add Chemical using SRS (Notice of Activity – NAB) (Scroll 3) ............................... 26
Exhibit 3-16 Add Chemical using SRS (Notice of Activity – NAB) (Scroll 4) ............................... 27
Exhibit 3-17 Add Chemical using SRS (Notice of Activity – NAB) (Scroll 5) ............................... 27
Exhibit 3-18 Add Chemical using SRS (Notice of Activity – NAB) (Scroll 6) ............................... 28
Exhibit 3-19 Add Chemical using SRS (Notice of Activity – NAA) (Scroll 7) ............................... 28
Exhibit 3-20 Add Chemical using SRS (Notice of Activity – NAA) (Scroll 8) ............................... 29
Exhibit 3-21 Add Chemical using SRS (Notice of Activity – NAB) (Scroll 7) ............................... 30
Exhibit 3-22 Upload Chemical(s) using .CSV file ........................................................................ 35
Exhibit 3-23 CBI Substantiation (Scroll 1) ................................................................................... 36
Exhibit 3-24 CBI Substantiation (Scroll 2) ................................................................................... 36
Exhibit 3-25 CBI Substantiation (Scroll 3) ................................................................................... 37
Exhibit 3-26 CBI Substantiation (Scroll 4) ................................................................................... 38
Exhibit 3-27 CBI Substantiation (Scroll 5) ................................................................................... 39
Exhibit 3-28 CBI Substantiation (Scroll 6) ................................................................................... 40
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Exhibit 3-29 CBI Substantiation (Scroll 7) ................................................................................... 41
Exhibit 3-30 CBI Substantiation (Scroll 8) ................................................................................... 42
Exhibit 3-31 Submitting Official Information (Scroll 1) ................................................................. 47
Exhibit 3-32 Submitting Official Information (Scroll 2) ................................................................. 48
Exhibit 4-1 TSCA Certification .................................................................................................... 50
Exhibit 4-2 8B Certification .......................................................................................................... 51
Exhibit 4-3 8B Validation (No Errors) .......................................................................................... 52
Exhibit 4-4 8B Validation (Errors) ................................................................................................ 53
Exhibit 4-5 PDF Generation ........................................................................................................ 54
Exhibit 4-6 CROMERR Certification ........................................................................................... 55
Exhibit 4-7 eSignature Widget: Authentication ............................................................................ 56
Exhibit 4-8 eSignature Widget: Verification ................................................................................. 57
Exhibit 4-9 eSignature Widget: Sign File .................................................................................... 58
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 8(b) Notice of Activity Tooltip Text
June 12, 2017
Revision Log
Initial Draft of OPPT Section 8(b)
Notice to Activity Application
Instructional Text
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 8(b) Notice of Activity Tooltip Text
C. Yeh
M. Seavey
June 12, 2017
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 8(b) Notice of Activity Tooltip Text
June 12, 2017
Document Purpose
The purpose of this document is to provide the Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics (OPPT) with examples of
the instructional and tooltip text used throughout the Section 8(b) Notice of Activity application. This document
provides screenshots that illustrate the identified text as it will display within the application.
It is CGI’s goal that OPPT can utilize this document to provide updates and feedback on the supplied text for the
Section 8(b) Notice of Activity application. Instructional and tooltip text that requires OPPT’s guidance is denoted
in italicized font. Once OPPT provides guidance, CGI will incorporate it into this document and the Section 8(b)
Notice of Activity application.
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Instructional and Tooltip Text for Section 8(b) Notice of Activity
This section illustrates examples of instructional text that will display on each screen located within the Section 8(b)
Notice of Activity application. This section includes tooltip text that will display for each field for the Notice of
Activity-A (NAA) and Notice of Activity-B (NAB) forms within the Section 8(b) Notice of Activity application.
Chemical Information Submission System (CISS) Screen
Exhibit 2-1 Chemical Information Submission System
Section 2.1.1
2.1.1 Chemical Information Submission System Screen Instructional Text
Welcome to the EPA's Chemical information Submission System. To begin a submission, please select an
application from the drop-down menu.
Screen Text for Section 8(b) Notice of Activity Drop-Down Menu Selection:
“Welcome to the EPA’s Section 8(b) project.”
This language for this section is to be provided by EPA.
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Section 8(b) Notice of Activity Home Screen
Exhibit 2-2 TSCA Section 8(b) ‘Home’
Section 2.2.2
2.2.1 Section 8(b) Notice of Activity Home Screen Instructional Text
Create a Section 8(b) Form
Please select a form type and click ‘Create New Form’ button.
Useful Resources
Section 8(b) User Guide
Submission History
You have no submissions so far.
2.2.2 Section 8(b) Notice of Activity Home Screen Tooltip Text
Useful Resources: Click the various links to access the displayed document.
Submission History: Access in-progress or completed forms in the ‘Submission History’
Form Type: Contains the possible form types that can be created, including ‘Section 8(b)
Notice of Activity – A (NAA)’ and ‘Section 8(b) Notice of Activity – B (NAB).’
Create New Form: Click this button to start a new form for the selected form type and
navigate to the ‘Create Passphrase’ screen.
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User Management Screen
Exhibit 2-3 User Management
Section 2.3.1
Section 2.3.2
2.3.1 User Management Screen Instructional Text
The Authorized Official is responsible for restricting a Support's access to select forms by assigning or un-assigning
them. The Support can access and edit only those forms for which the Authorized Official has granted access. Select
a specific form from the Form Alias drop-down menu and assign a Support to the form by highlighting the
individual and clicking the Add button. To un-assign a Support, highlight the individual and click
the Remove button. To highlight and assign or un-assign multiple Supports, hold down the Ctrl or Shift keys on the
keyboard and click each Support before moving. You must click the Save button after each assignment.
2.3.2 User Management Screen Tooltip Text
Form Alias: Select a form alias from the drop-down menu to select the support user(s) that
will have access to the form.
Form Alias: Displays the form alias of the form selected from the ‘Form Alias’ drop-down
Unassigned: Contains the registered Support(s) and/or Primary Agent(s)/Consultant(s)
associated with the Primary Authorized Official (AO) who can potentially be assigned to
access and edit the selected form. To move support persons from the ‘Unassigned’ group box
to the ‘Assigned’ group box, highlight an individual or multiple support persons and click the
‘Add >>’ button. To highlight multiple support persons, hold down the key on your
keyboard while clicking each Support and/or Primary Agent/Consultant. To highlight
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 8(b) Notice of Activity Tooltip Text
June 12, 2017
multiple consecutive support persons, hold down the key on your keyboard while
clicking the first and last support person in the list.
Assigned: Contains the registered Support(s) and/or Primary Agent(s)/Consultant(s) given
permission by the AO to access and edit the selected form. This group box shows all support
persons assigned to complete the Section 5 Notices and Supports form for a single form alias.
To move Supports and/or Primary Agents/Consultants from the ‘Assigned’ group box to the
‘Unassigned’ group box, highlight individual or multiple support persons and click the ‘<<
Remove’ button. To highlight multiple support persons, hold down the key on your
keyboard while clicking each Support and/or Primary Agent/Consultant. To highlight
multiple consecutive support persons, hold down the key on your keyboard while
clicking the first and last support person in the list.
Add >>: Click the button to move Supports and/or Primary Agents/Consultants from the
‘Unassigned’ box to the ‘Assigned’ box.
<< Remove: Click the button to move Supports and/or Primary Agents/Consultants from the
‘Assigned’ box to the ‘Unassigned’ box.
Save: Click the button to save the form assignment made.
Submission History
Exhibit 2-4 Submission History
Section 2.4.2
2.4.1 Submission History Instructional Text
There is no instructional text for the ‘Submission History’ table.
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June 12, 2017
2.4.2 Submission History Tooltip Text
Previous/Next: Click the navigation arrows to view in-progress and completed submissions
created within an organization.
Show entries: Select a value from the drop-down menu to view a specific number of forms
per page.
Form Alias: Displays the form alias provided by a user for a specific form. The ‘Form Alias’
column displays a default alias comprised of a form type, date stamp, and time stamp. A
form alias helps a user or company to differentiate between multiple forms.
Form Type: Displays the form type. This column can contain the following values: Notice
of Activity – A (NAA) or Notice of Activity – B (NAB).
Case Number: Displays the form case number(s) pertaining to the reported form after EPA
receives the submission.
Submission Date: Displays the date that a user completes the submission and sends it to
EPA via CDX. This date populates only after a user submits the completed form.
Status: Displays the status of the Section 8(b) Notice of Activity form. The values will
display as ‘In Progress,’ ‘Submitted,’ Failed,’ or ‘Completed.’
Copy of Record: Displays a green ‘Arrow’ icon for a user to download a copy of record
after the form has a status of ‘Completed.’
Action: Displays a ‘Delete’ icon for all forms with a status of ‘In Progress.’ Displays a
‘Lock’ icon for all forms that have been submitted. Displays an ‘Unlocked’ icon for all forms
that have been unlocked to submit an amendment.
Export Options: Displays ‘CSV,’ ‘Excel,’ ‘XML,’ and ‘PDF’ buttons for a user to export
and download the ‘Section 8(b) Notice of Activity’ table in one of the following formats:
Comma-Separated-Values (CSV), Excel (XLSX), Extensible Markup Language (XML), or
Portable Document Format (PDF).
XML: Click the ‘XML’ button to download an .xml file of the ‘Submission History’ table.
CSV: Click the ‘CSV’ button to download a .csv file of the ‘Submission History’ table.
PDF: Click the ‘PDF’ button to download a .pdf file of the ‘Submission History’ table.
Excel: Click the ‘Excel’ button to download an .xlsx file of the ‘Submission History’ table.
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Create Passphrase Screen
Exhibit 2-5 Create Passphrase
Section 2.5.2
Section 2.5.1
2.5.1 Create Passphrase Screen Instructional Text
You are responsible for remembering your passphrase!
If you lose or forget your passphrase, you will not be able to access your Section 8(b) Form to print, submit, or make
changes. You will need to complete a new Section 8(b) Form and create a new passphrase for the form. For security
reasons, the system administrator will not have access to your passphrase and will not be able to retrieve or reset it.
2.5.2 Create Passphrase Screen Tooltip Text
New Passphrase: Enter a passphrase that is between 8 to 20 characters. For maximum
security, your passphrase should contain a combination of letters and numbers. Your
passphrase should not contain special characters (for example, +, ?, and *). As a Primary
user, you are responsible for remembering your passphrase and distributing it to authorized
individuals only. The passphrase is used as an encryption key to protect the contents of the
form data.
Confirm Passphrase: Enter the same passphrase that was entered into the ‘New Passphrase’
field. The same passphrase may be associated with multiple forms. The user can choose to
have the same passphrase for all forms. Supports do not have the ability to start a new form
or create a passphrase for a form.
Continue: Click the ‘Continue’ button to navigate to the ‘Technical Contact Information’
screen in a Section 8(b) Notice of Activity form.
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Cancel: Click the ‘Cancel’ button to stop the passphrase creation process and navigate back
to the TSCA Section 8(b) Notice of Activity ‘Home’ page.
Enter Passphrase Screen
Exhibit 2-6 Enter Passphrase
Section 2.6.2
Section 2.6.1
2.6.1 Enter Passphrase Screen Instructional Text
You are responsible for remembering your passphrase!
If you lose or forget your passphrase, you will not be able to access your Section 8(b) Form to print, submit, or make
changes. You will need to complete a new Section 8(b) Form and create a new passphrase for the form. For security
reasons, the system administrator will not have access to your passphrase and will not be able to retrieve or reset it.
2.6.2 Enter Passphrase Screen Tooltip Text
Form Alias: Displays the form alias that is used to identify the form.
Enter Passphrase: Enter the same passphrase that was used to originally create the form.
For security reasons, the system administrator does not have access to the passphrase and
cannot retrieve it or reset it to a new one. If a user has forgotten the passphrase, a new form
will need to be created with a new passphrase.
Continue: Click the ‘Continue’ button to navigate to the ‘Technical Contact Information’
Cancel: Click the ‘Cancel’ button to navigate back to the TSCA Section 8(b) Notice of
Activity ‘Home’ page.
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Application Header/Footer
Exhibit 2-7 Application Header/Footer
Exhibit 2-8 Application Footer
Section 2.7.2
2.7.1 Application Header/Footer Instructional Text
2.7.2 Application Header/Footer Tooltip Text
Home: Click the ‘Home’ link to navigate to the Section 8(b) Notice of Activity ‘Home’
screen at any point.
User Management: Click the ‘User Management’ link to navigate to the ‘User
Management’ page.
User ID: Displays the logged in user’s name, role, and organization. Click the User ID to log
out of the application.
Save: Click the ‘Save’ link to save the data entered into form. A ‘Successfully saved’ pop-up
message appears on the current page.
Preview: Click the ‘Preview’ link to select the option to view a regular PDF or a sanitized
PDF in a separate window.
Validate: Click the ‘Validate’ link to perform global validation on the contents of the 8(b)
Notice form, save the entire form, and display applicable error messages within the ‘TSCA
Section 8(b)’ window.
Submit: Click the ‘Submit’ link to initiate the submission process for an 8(b) Notice form.
CDX Links: Click ‘CDX Links’ to access a link to the ‘CDX Homepage,’ ‘MyCDX’ page,
‘EPA Homepage,’ ‘CDX Terms and Conditions,’ and ‘CDX Privacy Notice’ page.
CDX Homepage: Click the ‘CDX Homepage’ link to display the CDX homepage in a
separate browser tab.
MyCDX: Click the ‘MyCDX’ link to display the MyCDX page in a separate browser tab.
EPA Homepage: Click the ‘EPA Homepage’ link to display the EPA homepage in a
separate browser tab.
CDX Terms and Conditions: Click the ‘CDX Terms and Conditions’ link to display the
Terms and Conditions page in a separate browser tab.
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 8(b) Notice of Activity Tooltip Text
June 12, 2017
CDX Privacy Notice: Click the ‘CDX Privacy Notice’ link to display the ‘Warning Notice
and Privacy Policy’ page in a separate browser tab.
Add Chemical using SRS Window
Exhibit 2-9 Add Chemical using SRS
Section 2.8.2
2.8.1 Add Chemical using SRS Window Instructional Text
Enter search term here…
2.8.2 Add Chemical using SRS Tooltip Text
CASRN: Select the ‘CASRN’ radio button to search SRS using an entered Chemical
Abstracts Service Registry Number.
TSCA Inventory Name: Select the ‘TSCA Inventory Name’ radio button to search SRS
using the chemical inventory name.
Accession Number: Select the ‘Accession Number’ radio button to search SRS using an
accession number.
Generic Name: Select the ‘Generic Name’ radio button to search SRS using a generic
chemical name.
Begins With / Contains / Matches Exactly: Select a value from the drop-down menu to
determine how the search criteria will be applied to the SRS database search.
Search: Click the ‘Search’ button to initiate the database search for the search criteria for the
desired chemical.
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Save: Click the ‘Save’ button to populate the selected chemical into the ‘Chemicals’ table.
Cancel: Click the ‘Cancel’ button to close the ‘Add Chemical using SRS’ window without
searching for a chemical or saving a selected chemical result.
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Create Section 8(b) Notice of Activity (NAA & NAB) Form
This section illustrates examples of instructional text to be displayed on each screen located
within the Section 8(b) Notice of Activity application for a Notice of Activity – A (NAA) and
Notice of Activity – B (NAB) form. This section also includes tool tip text that displays for
specific fields.
Technical Contact Information Screen
Exhibit 3-1 Technical Contact Information
Section 3.1.1
Section 3.1.2
3.1.1 Technical Contact Information Screen Instructional Text
Please do not include CBI information in the Submission Alias field.
3.1.2 Technical Contact Information Screen Tooltip Text
Submission Alias: Enter a form alias to differentiate/identify this form.
Copy from CDX: Click the link to populate CDX user information into the technical contact
First Name: Enter the first name of the technical contact.
Last Name: Enter the last name of the technical contact.
Phone Number: Enter the 10-digit phone number of the technical contact using only
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 8(b) Notice of Activity Tooltip Text
June 12, 2017
Continue: Click the ‘Continue’ button to navigate to the ‘Chemical Information’ screen.
Chemical Information (Notice of Activity – NAA) Screen
Exhibit 3-2 Chemical Information (Scroll 1)
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 8(b) Notice of Activity Tooltip Text
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Exhibit 3-3 Chemical Information (Scroll 2)
Section 3.2.2
3.2.1 Chemical Information Screen Instructional Text
There is no instructional text on the ‘Chemical Information’ screen.
3.2.2 Chemical Information Screen Tooltip Text
Add Chemical using SRS: Click the button to search for and select a chemical from
Substance Registry Services (SRS).
Upload Chemical(s) using .CSV file: Click the button to perform a bulk upload of
chemicals via a formatted .csv file.
CASRN: Displays the CASRN of the chemical identified from SRS.
TSCA Inventory Name: Displays the TSCA Inventory Name of the chemical identified
from SRS.
Registry Name: Displays the SRS registry name of the selected chemical.
Action: Click the ‘Edit’ icon to generate the ‘Add Chemical using SRS’ window to modify
the chemical information and associated CBI claims. Click the ‘Delete’ icon to delete the
specified chemical.
Search: Enter search criteria to filter the displayed chemical substances.
Export Options: Click the ‘XML,’ ‘CSV,’ ‘PDF, or ‘Excel’ buttons to generate an .xml,
.csv, .pdf, or .xlsx file of the ‘Chemicals’ table.
Accession Number: Displays the accession number of the identified chemical.
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June 12, 2017
PMN Number: Displays the PMN number of the identified chemical.
Generic Name: Displays the generic name of the identified chemical.
Maintain Existing CBI Claim: Displays a ‘Y’ or ‘N’ that indicates whether the
confidentiality status of the identified chemical will be maintained.
Action: Click the ‘Edit’ icon to edit the chemical in the respective row. Click the ‘Delete’
icon to delete the chemical in the respective row.
Previous: Click the ‘Previous’ button to save the entered chemical information and navigate
to the ‘Technical Contact Information’ screen.
Next: Click the ‘Next’ button to save the chemical information and navigate to the
‘Submitting Official Information’ screen.
Add Chemical using SRS (Notice of Activity – NAA) Window
Exhibit 3-4 Add Chemical using SRS (Notice of Activity – NAA) (Scroll 1)
Section 3.3.2
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 8(b) Notice of Activity Tooltip Text
June 12, 2017
Exhibit 3-5 Add Chemical using SRS (Notice of Activity – NAA) (Scroll 2)
Section 3.3.2
Exhibit 3-6 Add Chemical using SRS (Notice of Activity – NAA) (Scroll 3)
Section 3.3.2
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 8(b) Notice of Activity Tooltip Text
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Exhibit 3-7 Add Chemical using SRS (Notice of Activity – NAA) (Scroll 4)
Section 3.3.2
Exhibit 3-8 Add Chemical using SRS (Notice of Activity – NAA) (Scroll 5)
Section 3.3.2
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 8(b) Notice of Activity Tooltip Text
June 12, 2017
Exhibit 3-9 Add Chemical using SRS (Notice of Activity – NAA) (Scroll 6)
Section 3.3.2
Exhibit 3-10 Add Chemical using SRS (Notice of Activity – NAA) (Scroll 7)
Section 3.3.2
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 8(b) Notice of Activity Tooltip Text
June 12, 2017
Exhibit 3-11 Add Chemical using SRS (Notice of Activity – NAA) (Scroll 8)
Section 3.3.2
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 8(b) Notice of Activity Tooltip Text
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Exhibit 3-12 Add Chemical using SRS (Notice of Activity – NAA) (Scroll 9)
Section 3.3.2
3.3.1 Add Chemical using SRS (Notice of Activity – NAA) Window Instructional Text
There is no instructional text on the ‘Add Chemical using SRS’ window.
3.3.2 Add Chemical using SRS (Notice of Activity – NAA) Window Tooltip Text
Chemical Identifier: Display the chemical identifier of the selected chemical
Chemical Name: Displays the name of the selected chemical.
I am seeking to maintain an existing claim for the confidentiality of the chemical
substance identity, as listed on the TSCA Inventory: Select the radio button to maintain
the CBI claim of the identified chemical substance.
I am not seeking to maintain an existing claim for the confidential of the chemical
substance identity, as listed on the TSCA Inventory: Select the radio button to not
maintain the CBI claim of the identified chemical substance.
Name of Authorized Official / Mailing address - CBI: Check the ‘CBI’ checkbox to claim
the authorized official and mailing address information as confidential.
Company Name / Mailing Address - CBI: Check the ‘CBI’ checkbox to claim the
company name and mailing address information as confidential.
Technical Contact / Telephone Number (in U.S.) - CBI: Check the ‘CBI’ checkbox to
claim the technical contact information as confidential.
Show questions: Check the checkbox to display the chemical element and non-chemical
element CBI substantiation questions.
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June 12, 2017
Do you believe that any information element claimed as CBI is exempt from
substantiation pursuant to TSCA section 14(c)(2)i? – Yes: Select the radio button to
indicate that any information element that is claimed as CBI is exempt from substantiation.
Do you believe that any information element claimed as CBI is exempt from
substantiation pursuant to TSCA section 14(c)(2)i – No: Select the radio button to indicate
that information elements claimed as CBI are subject to substantiation and respond to the
subsequent substantiation questions.
Do you believe that any information element claimed as CBI is exempt from
substantiation pursuant to TSCA section 14(c)(2)i – text box: Enter text to provide
reasoning behind the specific information elements that are not subject to substantiation and
applicable exemption(s).
Will disclosure of any information element claimed as CBI likely result in substantial
harm to your business’s competitive position – Yes: Select the ‘Yes’ radio button to
indicate that disclosure of CBI information would result in substantial harm to your
business’s competitive position.
Will disclosure of any information element claimed as CBI likely result in substantial
harm to your business’s competitive position – No: Select the ‘No’ radio button to indicate
that disclosure of any CBI elements would not result in substantial harm to your business’s
competitive position.
Will disclosure of any information element claimed as CBI likely result in substantial
harm to your business’s competitive position – text box: Enter information to provide
specific examples of the substantial harm that would result to the business’s competitive
position if the CBI element is made available to the public.
To the extent your business has disclosed any information to others (both internally and
externally), what precautions has your business taken? Please identify the measures or
internal controls your business has taken to protect the information claimed as
- Non-disclosure agreement required prior to access – Yes: Select the ‘Yes’
radio button to indicate that your business has issued non-disclosure agreements
required prior to accessing confidential information.
- Non-disclosure agreement required prior to access – No: Select the ‘No’ radio
button to indicate that your business has not issued non-disclosure agreements
required prior to accessing confidential information.
- Access is limited to individuals with a need-to-know – Yes: Select the ‘Yes’
radio button to indicate that access to information claimed as confidential is
limited to individuals with a need-to-know basis.
- Access is limited to individuals with a need-to-know – No: Select the ‘No’
radio button to indicate that access to information claimed as confidential is not
limited to individuals with a need-to-know basis.
- Information is physically secured (e.g. locked in room or cabinet) or
electronically secured (encrypted, password protected, etc.) – Yes: Select the
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 8(b) Notice of Activity Tooltip Text
June 12, 2017
‘Yes’ radio button to indicate that information claimed as confidential is
physically or electronically secured.
Information is physically secured (e.g. locked in room or cabinet) or
electronically secured (encrypted, password protected, etc.) – No: Select the
‘No’ radio button to indicate that information claimed as confidential is not
physically or electronically secured.
Other internal control measure(s). If yes, please explain below – Yes: Select
the ‘Yes’ radio button to indicate that other internal control measures are utilized
to protect confidential information.
Other internal control measure(s). If yes, please explain below – No: Select
the ‘No’ radio button to indicate that no other internal control measures are
utilized to protect confidential information.
Other internal control measure(s). If yes, please explain below – text box:
Enter information to explain other internal control measures that are used to
protect confidential information.
Does any of the information claimed as confidential appear in any public documents,
including (but not limited to) safety data sheet, advertising or promotional material,
professional or trade publication, or any other media or publications available to the
general public? If you answered yes, please explain why the information should be
treated as confidential – Yes: Select the ‘Yes’ radio button to indicate that information
claimed as confidential has appeared in media or other publications that have been made
available to the general public.
Does any of the information claimed as confidential appear in any public documents,
including (but not limited to) safety data sheet, advertising or promotional material,
professional or trade publication, or any other media or publications available to the
general public? If you answered yes, please explain why the information should be
treated as confidential – No: Select the ‘No’ radio button to indicate that information
claimed as confidential has not appeared in any media or publications that have been made
available to the general public.
Does any of the information claimed as confidential appear in any public documents,
including (but not limited to) safety data sheet, advertising or promotional material,
professional or trade publication, or any other media or publications available to the
general public? If you answered yes, please explain why the information should be
treated as confidential – text box: Enter reasoning to explain why information claimed as
confidential that has been made available to the general public via media or other
publications should be treated as confidential.
If you assert a claim of confidentiality that is intended to last less than 10 years (see
TSCA section 14(e)(1)(B)ii), then please indicate the number of years (between 1-10
years) or specific date/occurrence after which the claim is withdrawn – text box: Enter
the number of years/date/occurrence if you assert a claim of confidentiality that is intended to
last less than 10 years after which the confidentiality claim is withdrawn.
Has the EPA, another federal agency, or court made any confidentiality determination
regarding information associated with this substance? If you answered yes, please
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 8(b) Notice of Activity Tooltip Text
June 12, 2017
explain the outcome of that determination and provide a copy of the previous
confidentiality determination or any other information that will assist in identifying the
prior determination – Yes: Select the ‘Yes’ radio button to indicate that EPA/another
federal agency/court has made a confidentiality determination regarding information
associated with the chemical substance.
Has the EPA, another federal agency, or court made any confidentiality determination
regarding information associated with this substance? If you answered yes, please
explain the outcome of that determination and provide a copy of the previous
confidentiality determination or any other information that will assist in identifying the
prior determination – No: Select the ‘No’ radio button to indicate that EPA/another federal
agency/court has not made a confidentiality determination regarding information associated
with the chemical substance.
Has the EPA, another federal agency, or court made any confidentiality determination
regarding information associated with this substance? If you answered yes, please
explain the outcome of that determination and provide a copy of the previous
confidentiality determination or any other information that will assist in identifying the
prior determination – text box: Enter information to explain the outcome of a
confidentiality determination associated with the chemical substance.
Are you seeking to maintain a specific confidential chemical identity as CBI? If you
answered yes, please respond to questions below. If you answered no, please leave all
questions below blank – Yes: Select the ‘Yes’ radio button to indicate that you are seeking
to maintain a specific confidentiality chemical identity as CBI.
Are you seeking to maintain a specific confidential chemical identity as CBI? If you
answered yes, please respond to questions below. If you answered no, please leave all
questions below blank – No: Select the ‘No’ radio button to indicate that you are not
seeking to maintain a specific confidentiality chemical identity as CBI.
Are you seeking to maintain a specific confidential chemical identity as CBI? If you
answered yes, please respond to questions below. If you answered no, please leave all
questions below blank – text box: Enter data to provide information with regards to
maintaining a specific confidential chemical identity as CBI.
Are you providing a substantiation at this time to maintain a specific confidential
chemical identity as CBI? If you answered yes, please respond to questions below. If
you answered no, please leave all questions below blank. You must substantiate by the
deadline established in a forthcoming Review Plan, to be promulgated at a later date in
accordance with TSCA section 8(b)(4)(C) – Yes: Select the ‘Yes’ radio button to indicate
that you are choosing to supply substantiation information at this time for the CBI claim for a
specific chemical identity. ‘I understand that I am choosing to supply substantiations at this
time for my CBI claims for specific chemical identity’ displays above the text box.
Are you providing a substantiation at this time to maintain a specific confidential
chemical identity as CBI? If you answered yes, please respond to questions below. If
you answered no, please leave all questions below blank. You must substantiate by the
deadline established in a forthcoming Review Plan, to be promulgated at a later date in
accordance with TSCA section 8(b)(4)(C) – No: Select the ‘No’ radio button to indicate
that you are choosing not to supply substantiation information at this time for the CBI claim
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 8(b) Notice of Activity Tooltip Text
June 12, 2017
for a specific chemical identity and will bypass validation for the substantiation fields. The
chemical will not be removed from the confidential portion of the TSCA inventory. ‘I
understand that I am choosing not to supply substantiations at this time for my CBI claim for
specific chemical identity. Substantiations for a CBI claim for specific chemical identity
must be supplied later according to the Review Plan required under TSCA.’ displays above
the text box when ‘No’ is selected.
Are you providing a substantiation at this time to maintain a specific confidential
chemical identity as CBI? If you answered yes, please respond to questions below. If
you answered no, please leave all questions below blank. You must substantiate by the
deadline established in a forthcoming Review Plan, to be promulgated at a later date in
accordance with TSCA section 8(b)(4)(C) – text box: Enter data to provide additional
information regarding substantiation information for a chemical identity.
Is the confidential chemical substance publicly known to have ever been offered for
commercial distribution in the United States? If you answered yes, please explain why
the information should be treated as confidential – Yes: Select the ‘Yes’ radio button to
indicate that the confidential chemical substance is known to have been offered for
commercial distribution in the United States.
Is the confidential chemical substance publicly known to have ever been offered for
commercial distribution in the United States? If you answered yes, please explain why
the information should be treated as confidential – No: Select the ‘No’ radio button to
indicate that the confidential chemical substance has not been offered for commercial
distribution in the United States.
Is the confidential chemical substance publicly known to have ever been offered for
commercial distribution in the United States? If you answered yes, please explain why
the information should be treated as confidential – text box: Enter text to provide
reasoning with regards to why a confidential chemical substance offered for commercial
distribution in the United States should be treated as confidential.
Do you wish to claim this substantiation as CBI? By marking yes, you are certifying to
the truth of the below statements – Yes: Select the ‘Yes’ radio button to indicate that the
information entered is accurate and truthful.
Do you wish to claim this substantiation as CBI? By marking yes, you are certifying to
the truth of the below statements – No: Select the ‘No’ radio button to indicate that you are
not marking the substantiation information as CBI and that your statements may not be
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 8(b) Notice of Activity Tooltip Text
June 12, 2017
Add Chemical using SRS (Notice of Activity – NAB) Window
Exhibit 3-13 Add Chemical using SRS (Notice of Activity – NAB) (Scroll 1)
Section 3.4.2
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 8(b) Notice of Activity Tooltip Text
June 12, 2017
Exhibit 3-14 Add Chemical using SRS (Notice of Activity – NAB) (Scroll 2)
Section 3.4.2
Exhibit 3-15 Add Chemical using SRS (Notice of Activity – NAB) (Scroll 3)
Section 3.4.2
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 8(b) Notice of Activity Tooltip Text
June 12, 2017
Exhibit 3-16 Add Chemical using SRS (Notice of Activity – NAB) (Scroll 4)
Section 3.4.2
Exhibit 3-17 Add Chemical using SRS (Notice of Activity – NAB) (Scroll 5)
Section 3.4.2
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 8(b) Notice of Activity Tooltip Text
June 12, 2017
Exhibit 3-18 Add Chemical using SRS (Notice of Activity – NAB) (Scroll 6)
Section 3.4.2
Exhibit 3-19 Add Chemical using SRS (Notice of Activity – NAA) (Scroll 7)
Section 3.4.2
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 8(b) Notice of Activity Tooltip Text
June 12, 2017
Exhibit 3-20 Add Chemical using SRS (Notice of Activity – NAA) (Scroll 8)
Section 3.4.2
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 8(b) Notice of Activity Tooltip Text
June 12, 2017
Exhibit 3-21 Add Chemical using SRS (Notice of Activity – NAB) (Scroll 9)
Section 3.4.2
3.4.1 Add Chemical using SRS (Notice of Activity – NAB) Window Instructional Text
There is no instructional text on the ‘Add Chemical using SRS’ window.
3.4.2 Add Chemical using SRS (Notice of Activity – NAB) Window Tooltip Text
Chemical Identifier: Displays the chemical identifier of the selected chemical.
Chemical Name: Displays the name of the selected chemical.
I am seeking to maintain an existing claim for the confidentiality of the chemical
substance identity, as listed on the TSCA Inventory: Select the radio button to maintain
the CBI claim of the identified chemical substance.
I am not seeking to maintain an existing claim for the confidential of the chemical
substance identity, as listed on the TSCA Inventory: Select the radio button to indicate
that the chemical substance will not maintain the CBI claim.
Anticipated Date of Re-entry of Chemical Substance in U.S. Commerce: Click the date
field and select a date on or after 06/22/2016 using the calendar widget to identify the date
that the chemical substance will re-enter U.S. commerce.
Anticipated Date of Reentry of Chemical Substance in U.S. Commerce - CBI: Check the
‘CBI’ checkbox to claim the anticipated date of reentry of the chemical substance into U.S.
commerce as confidential.
Name of Authorized Official / Mailing Address - CBI: Check the ‘CBI’ checkbox to claim
the name of the authorized official and mailing address information as confidential.
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 8(b) Notice of Activity Tooltip Text
June 12, 2017
Company Name / Mailing Address - CBI: Check the ‘CBI’ checkbox to claim the
company name and mailing address as confidential.
Technical Contact / Telephone Number (in US) - CBI: Check the ‘CBI’ checkbox to claim
the technical contact and telephone number as confidential.
Show questions: Check the checkbox to display the chemical element and non-chemical
element substantiation questions.
Do you believe that any information element claimed as CBI is exempt from
substantiation pursuant to TSCA section 14(c)(2)i? – Yes: Select the ‘Yes’ radio button to
indicate that any information element that is claimed as CBI is exempt from substantiation.
Do you believe that any information element claimed as CBI is exempt from
substantiation pursuant to TSCA section 14(c)(2)i – No: Select the ‘No’ radio button to
indicate that information elements claimed as CBI are subject to substantiation and respond
to the subsequent substantiation questions.
Do you believe that any information element claimed as CBI is exempt from
substantiation pursuant to TSCA section 14(c)(2)i – text box: Enter text to provide
reasoning behind the specific information elements that are not subject to substantiation and
applicable exemption(s).
Will disclosure of any information element claimed as CBI likely result in substantial
harm to your business’s competitive position – Yes: Select the ‘Yes’ radio button to
indicate that disclosure of CBI information would result in substantial harm to your
business’s competitive position.
Will disclosure of any information element claimed as CBI likely result in substantial
harm to your business’s competitive position – No: Select the ‘No’ radio button to indicate
that disclosure of any CBI elements would not result in substantial harm to your business’s
competitive position.
Will disclosure of any information element claimed as CBI likely result in substantial
harm to your business’s competitive position – text box: Enter information to provide
specific examples of the substantial harm that would result to the business’s competitive
position if the CBI element is made available to the public.
To the extent your business has disclosed any information to others (both internally and
externally), what precautions has your business taken? Please identify the measures or
internal controls your business has taken to protect the information claimed as
- Non-disclosure agreement required prior to access – Yes: Select the ‘Yes’
radio button to indicate that your business has issued non-disclosure agreements
required prior to accessing confidential information.
- Non-disclosure agreement required prior to access – No: Select the ‘No’ radio
button to indicate that your business has not issued non-disclosure agreements
required prior to accessing confidential information.
- Access is limited to individuals with a need-to-know – Yes: Select the ‘Yes’
radio button to indicate that access to information claimed as confidential is
limited to individuals with a need-to-know basis.
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 8(b) Notice of Activity Tooltip Text
June 12, 2017
- Access is limited to individuals with a need-to-know – No: Select the ‘No’
radio button to indicate that access to information claimed as confidential is not
limited to individuals with a need-to-know basis.
- Information is physically secured (e.g. locked in room or cabinet) or
electronically secured (encrypted, password protected, etc.) – Yes: Select the
‘Yes’ radio button to indicate that information claimed as confidential is
physically or electronically secured.
- Information is physically secured (e.g. locked in room or cabinet) or
electronically secured (encrypted, password protected, etc.) – No: Select the
‘No’ radio button to indicate that information claimed as confidential is not
physically or electronically secured.
- Other internal control measure(s). If yes, please explain below – Yes: Select
the ‘Yes’ radio button to indicate that other internal control measures are utilized
to protect confidential information.
- Other internal control measure(s). If yes, please explain below – No: Select
the ‘No’ radio button to indicate that no other internal control measures are
utilized to protect confidential information.
- Other internal control measure(s). If yes, please explain below – text box:
Enter information to explain other internal control measures that are used to
protect confidential information.
Does any of the information claimed as confidential appear in any public documents,
including (but not limited to) safety data sheet, advertising or promotional material,
professional or trade publication, or any other media or publications available to the
general public? If you answered yes, please explain why the information should be
treated as confidential – Yes: Select the ‘Yes’ radio button to indicate that information
claimed as confidential has appeared in media or other publications that have been made
available to the general public.
Does any of the information claimed as confidential appear in any public documents,
including (but not limited to) safety data sheet, advertising or promotional material,
professional or trade publication, or any other media or publications available to the
general public? If you answered yes, please explain why the information should be
treated as confidential – No: Select the ‘No’ radio button to indicate that information
claimed as confidential has not appeared in any media or publications that have been made
available to the general public.
Does any of the information claimed as confidential appear in any public documents,
including (but not limited to) safety data sheet, advertising or promotional material,
professional or trade publication, or any other media or publications available to the
general public? If you answered yes, please explain why the information should be
treated as confidential – text box: Enter reasoning to explain why information claimed as
confidential that has been made available to the general public via media or other
publications should be treated as confidential.
If you assert a claim of confidentiality that is intended to last less than 10 years (see
TSCA section 14(e)(1)(B)ii), then please indicate the number of years (between 1-10
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 8(b) Notice of Activity Tooltip Text
June 12, 2017
years) or specific date/occurrence after which the claim is withdrawn – text box: Enter
the number of years/date/occurrence if you assert a claim of confidentiality that is intended to
last less than 10 years after which the confidentiality claim is withdrawn.
Has the EPA, another federal agency, or court made any confidentiality determination
regarding information associated with this substance? If you answered yes, please
explain the outcome of that determination and provide a copy of the previous
confidentiality determination or any other information that will assist in identifying the
prior determination – Yes: Select the ‘Yes’ radio button to indicate that EPA/another
federal agency/court has made a confidentiality determination regarding information
associated with the chemical substance.
Has the EPA, another federal agency, or court made any confidentiality determination
regarding information associated with this substance? If you answered yes, please
explain the outcome of that determination and provide a copy of the previous
confidentiality determination or any other information that will assist in identifying the
prior determination – No: Select the ‘No’ radio button to indicate that EPA/another federal
agency/court has not made a confidentiality determination regarding information associated
with the chemical substance.
Has the EPA, another federal agency, or court made any confidentiality determination
regarding information associated with this substance? If you answered yes, please
explain the outcome of that determination and provide a copy of the previous
confidentiality determination or any other information that will assist in identifying the
prior determination – text box: Enter information to explain the outcome of a
confidentiality determination associated with the chemical substance.
Are you seeking to maintain a specific confidential chemical identity as CBI? If you
answered yes, please respond to questions below. If you answered no, please leave all
questions below blank – Yes: Select the ‘Yes’ radio button to indicate that you are seeking
to maintain a specific confidentiality chemical identity as CBI.
Are you seeking to maintain a specific confidential chemical identity as CBI? If you
answered yes, please respond to questions below. If you answered no, please leave all
questions below blank – No: Select the ‘No’ radio button to indicate that you are not
seeking to maintain a specific confidentiality chemical identity as CBI.
Are you seeking to maintain a specific confidential chemical identity as CBI? If you
answered yes, please respond to questions below. If you answered no, please leave all
questions below blank – text box: Enter data to provide information with regards to
maintaining a specific confidential chemical identity as CBI.
Are you providing a substantiation at this time to maintain a specific confidential
chemical identity as CBI? If you answered yes, please respond to questions below. If
you answered no, please leave all questions below blank. You must substantiate by the
deadline established in a forthcoming Review Plan, to be promulgated at a later date in
accordance with TSCA section 8(b)(4)(C) – Yes: Select the ‘Yes’ radio button to indicate
that you are choosing to supply substantiation information at this time for the CBI claim for a
specific chemical identity. ‘I understand that I am choosing to supply substantiations at this
time for my CBI claims for specific chemical identity’ displays above the text box.
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 8(b) Notice of Activity Tooltip Text
June 12, 2017
Are you providing a substantiation at this time to maintain a specific confidential
chemical identity as CBI? If you answered yes, please respond to questions below. If
you answered no, please leave all questions below blank. You must substantiate by the
deadline established in a forthcoming Review Plan, to be promulgated at a later date in
accordance with TSCA section 8(b)(4)(C) – No: Select the ‘No’ radio button to indicate
that you are choosing not to supply substantiation information at this time for the CBI claim
for a specific chemical identity and will bypass validation for the substantiation fields. The
chemical will not be removed from the confidential portion of the TSCA inventory. ‘I
understand that I am choosing not to supply substantiations at this time for my CBI claim for
specific chemical identity. Substantiations for a CBI claim for specific chemical identity
must be supplied later according to the Review Plan required under TSCA.’ displays above
the text box when ‘No’ is selected.
Are you providing a substantiation at this time to maintain a specific confidential
chemical identity as CBI? If you answered yes, please respond to questions below. If
you answered no, please leave all questions below blank. You must substantiate by the
deadline established in a forthcoming Review Plan, to be promulgated at a later date in
accordance with TSCA section 8(b)(4)(C) – text box: Enter data to provide additional
information regarding substantiation information for a chemical identity.
Is the confidential chemical substance publicly known to have ever been offered for
commercial distribution in the United States? If you answered yes, please explain why
the information should be treated as confidential – Yes: Select the ‘Yes’ radio button to
indicate that the confidential chemical substance is known to have been offered for
commercial distribution in the United States.
Is the confidential chemical substance publicly known to have ever been offered for
commercial distribution in the United States? If you answered yes, please explain why
the information should be treated as confidential – No: Select the ‘No’ radio button to
indicate that the confidential chemical substance has not been offered for commercial
distribution in the United States.
Is the confidential chemical substance publicly known to have ever been offered for
commercial distribution in the United States? If you answered yes, please explain why
the information should be treated as confidential – text box: Enter text to provide
reasoning with regards to why a confidential chemical substance offered for commercial
distribution in the United States should be treated as confidential.
Do you wish to claim this substantiation as CBI? By marking yes, you are certifying to
the truth of the below statements – Yes: Select the ‘Yes’ radio button to indicate that the
information entered is accurate and truthful.
Do you wish to claim this substantiation as CBI? By marking yes, you are certifying to
the truth of the below statements – No: Select the ‘No’ radio button to indicate that you are
not marking the substantiation information as CBI and that your statements may not be
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 8(b) Notice of Activity Tooltip Text
June 12, 2017
Upload Chemical(s) using .CSV file Window
Exhibit 3-22 Upload Chemical(s) using .CSV file
Section 3.5.2
3.5.1 Upload Chemical(s) using .CSV file Window Instructional Text
There is no instructional text on the ‘Upload Chemical(s) using .CSV file’ window.
3.5.2 Upload Chemical(s) using .CSV file Window Tooltip Text
Browse: Click the ‘Browse’ button to generate the ‘Open’ window to search for the .csv file
to upload.
Overwrite existing chemicals: Check the ‘Overwrite existing chemicals’ checkbox to
overwrite any previously entered chemicals. Leave the checkbox unchecked to append
chemicals onto any previously entered chemicals.
Upload: Click the ‘Upload’ button to upload the contents of the .csv file into the ‘Chemicals’
Cancel: Click the ‘Cancel’ button to close the window without uploading the chemical .csv
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 8(b) Notice of Activity Tooltip Text
June 12, 2017
CBI Substantiation Screen
Exhibit 3-23 CBI Substantiation (Scroll 1)
Section 3.6.2
Exhibit 3-24 CBI Substantiation (Scroll 2)
Section 3.6.2
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 8(b) Notice of Activity Tooltip Text
June 12, 2017
Exhibit 3-25 CBI Substantiation (Scroll 3)
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 8(b) Notice of Activity Tooltip Text
June 12, 2017
Exhibit 3-26 CBI Substantiation (Scroll 4)
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 8(b) Notice of Activity Tooltip Text
June 12, 2017
Exhibit 3-27 CBI Substantiation (Scroll 5)
Section 3.6.2
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 8(b) Notice of Activity Tooltip Text
June 12, 2017
Exhibit 3-28 CBI Substantiation (Scroll 6)
Section 3.6.2
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 8(b) Notice of Activity Tooltip Text
June 12, 2017
Exhibit 3-29 CBI Substantiation (Scroll 7)
Section 3.6.2
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 8(b) Notice of Activity Tooltip Text
June 12, 2017
Exhibit 3-30 CBI Substantiation (Scroll 8)
Section 3.6.2
3.6.1 CBI Substantiation Screen Instructional Text
There is no instructional text on the ‘CBI Substantiation’ screen.
3.6.2 CBI Substantiation Screen Tooltip Text
Chemical Identifier: Displays chemical identifiers of the chemical substances.
Chemical Name: Displays the chemical name of the chemical substances.
Action: Click the ‘Edit’ icon to generate and display the CBI substantiation questions that
were answered. Click the ‘Delete’ icon to delete the specific chemical substance.
Validation: Displays a checkmark to indicate that the CBI substantiation questions have
been answered. Displays an exclamation point to indicate that CBI substantiation answers
have not been provided for the specific chemical substance.
Chemical Identifier: Displays the chemical identifier of the selected chemical substance that
is being edited.
Chemical Name: Displays the chemical name of the selected chemical substance for which
the substantiation answers are being edited.
Copy CBI Substantiation from: Select a chemical identifier from the drop-down menu to
copy the substantiation answers provided for another chemical into the current chemical
substance fields. Select a blank value to clear the text entered into the substantiation fields.
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 8(b) Notice of Activity Tooltip Text
June 12, 2017
Do you believe that any information element claimed as CBI is exempt from
substantiation pursuant to TSCA section 14(c)(2)i? – Yes: Select the ‘Yes’ radio button to
indicate that any information element that is claimed as CBI is exempt from substantiation.
Do you believe that any information element claimed as CBI is exempt from
substantiation pursuant to TSCA section 14(c)(2)i – No: Select the ‘No’ radio button to
indicate that information elements claimed as CBI are subject to substantiation and respond
to the subsequent substantiation questions.
Do you believe that any information element claimed as CBI is exempt from
substantiation pursuant to TSCA section 14(c)(2)i – text box: Enter text to provide
reasoning behind the specific information elements that are not subject to substantiation and
applicable exemption(s).
Will disclosure of any information element claimed as CBI likely result in substantial
harm to your business’s competitive position – Yes: Select the ‘Yes’ radio button to
indicate that disclosure of CBI information would result in substantial harm to your
business’s competitive position.
Will disclosure of any information element claimed as CBI likely result in substantial
harm to your business’s competitive position – No: Select the ‘No’ radio button to indicate
that disclosure of any CBI elements would not result in substantial harm to your business’s
competitive position.
Will disclosure of any information element claimed as CBI likely result in substantial
harm to your business’s competitive position – text box: Enter information to provide
specific examples of the substantial harm that would result to the business’s competitive
position if the CBI element is made available to the public.
To the extent your business has disclosed any information to others (both internally and
externally), what precautions has your business taken? Please identify the measures or
internal controls your business has taken to protect the information claimed as
- Non-disclosure agreement required prior to access – Yes: Select the ‘Yes’
radio button to indicate that your business has issued non-disclosure agreements
required prior to accessing confidential information.
- Non-disclosure agreement required prior to access – No: Select the ‘No’ radio
button to indicate that your business has not issued non-disclosure agreements
required prior to accessing confidential information.
- Access is limited to individuals with a need-to-know – Yes: Select the ‘Yes’
radio button to indicate that access to information claimed as confidential is
limited to individuals with a need-to-know basis.
- Access is limited to individuals with a need-to-know – No: Select the ‘No’
radio button to indicate that access to information claimed as confidential is not
limited to individuals with a need-to-know basis.
- Information is physically secured (e.g. locked in room or cabinet) or
electronically secured (encrypted, password protected, etc.) – Yes: Select the
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 8(b) Notice of Activity Tooltip Text
June 12, 2017
‘Yes’ radio button to indicate that information claimed as confidential is
physically or electronically secured.
Information is physically secured (e.g. locked in room or cabinet) or
electronically secured (encrypted, password protected, etc.) – No: Select the
‘No’ radio button to indicate that information claimed as confidential is not
physically or electronically secured.
Other internal control measure(s). If yes, please explain below – Yes: Select
the ‘Yes’ radio button to indicate that other internal control measures are utilized
to protect confidential information.
Other internal control measure(s). If yes, please explain below – No: Select
the ‘No’ radio button to indicate that no other internal control measures are
utilized to protect confidential information.
Other internal control measure(s). If yes, please explain below – text box:
Enter information to explain other internal control measures that are used to
protect confidential information.
Does any of the information claimed as confidential appear in any public documents,
including (but not limited to) safety data sheet, advertising or promotional material,
professional or trade publication, or any other media or publications available to the
general public? If you answered yes, please explain why the information should be
treated as confidential – Yes: Select the ‘Yes’ radio button to indicate that information
claimed as confidential has appeared in media or other publications that have been made
available to the general public.
Does any of the information claimed as confidential appear in any public documents,
including (but not limited to) safety data sheet, advertising or promotional material,
professional or trade publication, or any other media or publications available to the
general public? If you answered yes, please explain why the information should be
treated as confidential – No: Select the ‘No’ radio button to indicate that information
claimed as confidential has not appeared in any media or publications that have been made
available to the general public.
Does any of the information claimed as confidential appear in any public documents,
including (but not limited to) safety data sheet, advertising or promotional material,
professional or trade publication, or any other media or publications available to the
general public? If you answered yes, please explain why the information should be
treated as confidential – text box: Enter reasoning to explain why information claimed as
confidential that has been made available to the general public via media or other
publications should be treated as confidential.
If you assert a claim of confidentiality that is intended to last less than 10 years (see
TSCA section 14(e)(1)(B)ii), then please indicate the number of years (between 1-10
years) or specific date/occurrence after which the claim is withdrawn – text box: Enter
the number of years/date/occurrence if you assert a claim of confidentiality that is intended to
last less than 10 years after which the confidentiality claim is withdrawn.
Has the EPA, another federal agency, or court made any confidentiality determination
regarding information associated with this substance? If you answered yes, please
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 8(b) Notice of Activity Tooltip Text
June 12, 2017
explain the outcome of that determination and provide a copy of the previous
confidentiality determination or any other information that will assist in identifying the
prior determination – Yes: Select the ‘Yes’ radio button to indicate that EPA/another
federal agency/court has made a confidentiality determination regarding information
associated with the chemical substance.
Has the EPA, another federal agency, or court made any confidentiality determination
regarding information associated with this substance? If you answered yes, please
explain the outcome of that determination and provide a copy of the previous
confidentiality determination or any other information that will assist in identifying the
prior determination – No: Select the ‘No’ radio button to indicate that EPA/another federal
agency/court has not made a confidentiality determination regarding information associated
with the chemical substance.
Has the EPA, another federal agency, or court made any confidentiality determination
regarding information associated with this substance? If you answered yes, please
explain the outcome of that determination and provide a copy of the previous
confidentiality determination or any other information that will assist in identifying the
prior determination – text box: Enter information to explain the outcome of a
confidentiality determination associated with the chemical substance.
Are you seeking to maintain a specific confidential chemical identity as CBI? If you
answered yes, please respond to questions below. If you answered no, please leave all
questions below blank – Yes: Select the ‘Yes’ radio button to indicate that you are seeking
to maintain a specific confidentiality chemical identity as CBI.
Are you seeking to maintain a specific confidential chemical identity as CBI? If you
answered yes, please respond to questions below. If you answered no, please leave all
questions below blank – No: Select the ‘No’ radio button to indicate that you are not
seeking to maintain a specific confidentiality chemical identity as CBI.
Are you seeking to maintain a specific confidential chemical identity as CBI? If you
answered yes, please respond to questions below. If you answered no, please leave all
questions below blank – text box: Enter data to provide information with regards to
maintaining a specific confidential chemical identity as CBI.
Are you providing a substantiation at this time to maintain a specific confidential
chemical identity as CBI? If you answered yes, please respond to questions below. If
you answered no, please leave all questions below blank. You must substantiate by the
deadline established in a forthcoming Review Plan, to be promulgated at a later date in
accordance with TSCA section 8(b)(4)(C) – Yes: Select the ‘Yes’ radio button to indicate
that you are choosing to supply substantiation information at this time for the CBI claim for a
specific chemical identity. ‘I understand that I am choosing to supply substantiations at this
time for my CBI claims for specific chemical identity’ displays above the text box.
Are you providing a substantiation at this time to maintain a specific confidential
chemical identity as CBI? If you answered yes, please respond to questions below. If
you answered no, please leave all questions below blank. You must substantiate by the
deadline established in a forthcoming Review Plan, to be promulgated at a later date in
accordance with TSCA section 8(b)(4)(C) – No: Select the ‘No’ radio button to indicate
that you are choosing not to supply substantiation information at this time for the CBI claim
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 8(b) Notice of Activity Tooltip Text
June 12, 2017
for a specific chemical identity and will bypass validation for the substantiation fields. The
chemical will not be removed from the confidential portion of the TSCA inventory. ‘I
understand that I am choosing not to supply substantiations at this time for my CBI claim for
specific chemical identity. Substantiations for a CBI claim for specific chemical identity
must be supplied later according to the Review Plan required under TSCA.’ displays above
the text box when ‘No’ is selected.
Are you providing a substantiation at this time to maintain a specific confidential
chemical identity as CBI? If you answered yes, please respond to questions below. If
you answered no, please leave all questions below blank. You must substantiate by the
deadline established in a forthcoming Review Plan, to be promulgated at a later date in
accordance with TSCA section 8(b)(4)(C) – text box: Enter data to provide additional
information regarding substantiation information for a chemical identity.
Is the confidential chemical substance publicly known to have ever been offered for
commercial distribution in the United States? If you answered yes, please explain why
the information should be treated as confidential – Yes: Select the ‘Yes’ radio button to
indicate that the confidential chemical substance is known to have been offered for
commercial distribution in the United States.
Is the confidential chemical substance publicly known to have ever been offered for
commercial distribution in the United States? If you answered yes, please explain why
the information should be treated as confidential – No: Select the ‘No’ radio button to
indicate that the confidential chemical substance has not been offered for commercial
distribution in the United States.
Is the confidential chemical substance publicly known to have ever been offered for
commercial distribution in the United States? If you answered yes, please explain why
the information should be treated as confidential – text box: Enter text to provide
reasoning with regards to why a confidential chemical substance offered for commercial
distribution in the United States should be treated as confidential.
Do you wish to claim this substantiation as CBI? By marking yes, you are certifying to
the truth of the below statements – Yes: Select the ‘Yes’ radio button to indicate that the
information entered is accurate and truthful.
Do you wish to claim this substantiation as CBI? By marking yes, you are certifying to
the truth of the below statements – No: Select the ‘No’ radio button to indicate that you are
not marking the substantiation information as CBI and that your statements may not be
Save: Click the ‘Save’ button to save the entered information into the CBI substantiation
Cancel: Click the ‘Cancel’ button to close the displayed substantiation fields.
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 8(b) Notice of Activity Tooltip Text
June 12, 2017
Submitting Official Information Screen
Exhibit 3-31 Submitting Official Information (Scroll 1)
Section 3.7.1
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 8(b) Notice of Activity Tooltip Text
June 12, 2017
Exhibit 3-32 Submitting Official Information (Scroll 2)
[email protected]
Section 3.7.2
3.7.1 Submitting Official Information Screen Instructional Text
The information below has been pre-populated from CDX registration. If the information listed is incorrect please
make the appropriate edits to your user information in CDX registration.
Check the associated checkbox to confirm your acknowledgement of the legally responsible certification statement
and activate the 'Validate' button.
This confirmation is required to proceed with the submission process
Please confirm that you are the legally responsible party from the submitting company.
3.7.2 Submitting Official Information Screen Tooltip Text
First Name: Displays the first name of the submitting official.
Middle Initial: Displays the middle initial of the submitting official.
Last Name: Displays the last name of the submitting official.
Company Name: Displays the company name of the submitting official.
Phone Number: Displays the phone number of the submitting official.
Email: Displays the email address of the submitting official.
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 8(b) Notice of Activity Tooltip Text
June 12, 2017
Mailing Address 1: Displays the mailing address of the submitting official.
City: Displays the city of the mailing address of the submitting official.
State: Displays the state of the mailing address of the submitting official.
Postal Code: Displays the zip code of the mailing address of the submitting official.
Country: Displays the country of the mailing address of the submitting official.
Legal Verification Checkbox: Check the checkbox to confirm that you are the legally
responsible party and enable the ‘Start Submission Process’ button.
Previous: Click the ‘Previous’ button to save the submitting official’s information and
navigate to the ‘Chemical Information’ screen.
Start Submission Process: Click the ‘Start Submission Process’ button to save the
submitting official’s information and navigate to the ‘TSCA Certification’ screen to begin the
submission process.
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 8(b) Notice of Activity Tooltip Text
June 12, 2017
Submit to EPA via CDX
This section illustrates examples of instructional text to be displayed on each screen located within the Section 8(b)
application during the submission process. This section also includes tooltip text to be displayed for specific fields.
TSCA Certification Screen
Exhibit 4-1 TSCA Certification
Section 4.1.1
Section 4.1.2
4.1.1 TSC Certification Screen Instructional Text
I hereby certify to the best of my knowledge and belief that all information entered on this form
is complete and accurate.
I further certify that, pursuant to 15 U.S.C. § 2613(c), for all claims for protection for any
confidential information made with this submission, all information submitted to substantiate
such claims is true and correct, and that it is true and correct that the person submitting the claim
taken reasonable measures to protect the confidentiality of the information;
determined that the information is not required to be disclosed or otherwise made
available to the public under any other Federal law;
a reasonable basis to conclude that disclosure of the information is likely to cause
substantial harm to the competitive position of the person; and
a reasonable basis to believe that the information is not readily discoverable through
reverse engineering.
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 8(b) Notice of Activity Tooltip Text
June 12, 2017
Any knowing and willful misrepresentation is subject to criminal penalty pursuant to 18 U.S.C. §
4.1.2 TSCA Certification Screen Tooltip Text
Cancel: Click the ‘Cancel’ button to navigate back to the ‘Technical Contact Information’
page within the Section 8(b) Notice of Activity –NAA or NAB form.
Continue: Click the ‘Continue’ button to navigate to the ‘8B Certification’ page.
8B Certification Screen
Exhibit 4-2 8B Certification
Section 4.2.1
Section 4.2.2
4.2.1 8B Certification Screen Instructional Text
I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my
direction or supervision and the information contained therein, to the best of my knowledge is,
true, accurate, and complete. I am aware there are significant penalties for submitting
incomplete, false and/or misleading information, including the possibility of fine and
imprisonment for knowing violations.
4.2.2 8B Certification Screen Tooltip Text
Cancel: Click the ‘Cancel’ button to navigate back to the ‘Technical Contact Information’
page within the Section 8(b) Notice of Activity –NAA or NAB form.
Continue: Click the ‘Continue’ button to navigate to the ‘8B Validation’ page.
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June 12, 2017
8B Validation Screen
Exhibit 4-3 8B Validation (No Errors)
Section 4.3.1
Section 4.3.2
4.3.1 8B Validation Screen Instructional Text
No Validation Errors
Congratulations! Your 8(b) form has passed the validation check.
Please click the ‘Review & Submit’ button to continue the submission process.
4.3.2 8B Validation Screen Tooltip Text
Cancel: Click the ‘Cancel’ button to navigate back to the ‘Technical Contact Information’
page within the Section 8(b) Notice of Activity –NAA or NAB form.
Review & Submit: Click the ‘Review & Submit’ button to navigate to the ‘PDF Generation’
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 8(b) Notice of Activity Tooltip Text
June 12, 2017
8B Validation Screen (Errors)
Exhibit 4-4 8B Validation (Errors)
Section 4.4.1
4.4.1 8B Validation Screen Instructional Text
Validation Errors Found!
Sorry, your 8(b) form contains validation errors and cannot be submitted now.
Please correct all the validation errors shown in the pop-up window and try submitting again.
4.4.2 8B Validation Screen Tooltip Text
Cancel: Click the ‘Cancel’ button to navigate back to the ‘Technical Contact Information’
page within the Section 8(b) Notice of Activity –NAA or NAB form and correct the errors.
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 8(b) Notice of Activity Tooltip Text
June 12, 2017
PDF Generation Screen
Exhibit 4-5 PDF Generation
Section 4.5.1
Section 4.5.2
4.5.1 PDF Generation Screen Instructional Text
Click the "Regular PDF" or "Sanitized PDF" button to view a PDF of the Section 8(b) Notice of
Activity form. If you make no CBI claims, the two versions will be the same. Please do NOT
send a copy of the PDF to the EPA. Click the "Sign, Encrypt, and Submit" button to complete
the submission process.
4.5.2 PDF Generation Screen Tooltip Text
Cancel: Click the ‘Cancel’ button to navigate to the ‘Technical Contact Information’ page
within the Section 8(b) Notice of Activity –NAA or NAB form.
Regular PDF: Click the ‘Regular PDF’ button to generate a regular PDF of the Notice of
Activity form – NAA or NAB form.
Sanitized PDF: Click the ‘Sanitized PDF’ button to generate a sanitized PDF of the Notice
of Activity form – NAA or NAB form.
Sign, Encrypt and Submit: Click the ‘Sign, Encrypt and Submit’ button to generate the
CROMERR certification window.
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 8(b) Notice of Activity Tooltip Text
June 12, 2017
CROMERR Certification Window
Exhibit 4-6 CROMERR Certification
Section 4.6.1
Section 4.6.2
4.6.1 CROMERR Certification Window Instructional Text
I certify, under penalty of law that the information provided in this document is, to the best of my
knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant
penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for
knowing violations.
4.6.2 CROMERR Certification Window Tooltip Text
Accept: Click the ‘Accept’ button to agree to and accept the CROMERR certification
statement and proceed with the submission process.
Decline: Click the ‘Decline’ button to stop the submission process and remain on the ‘PDF
Generation’ page.
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 8(b) Notice of Activity Tooltip Text
June 12, 2017
eSignature Widget
Exhibit 4-7 eSignature Widget: Authentication
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 8(b) Notice of Activity Tooltip Text
June 12, 2017
Exhibit 4-8 eSignature Widget: Verification
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 8(b) Notice of Activity Tooltip Text
June 12, 2017
Exhibit 4-9 eSignature Widget: Sign File
Section 4.6.2
4.7.1 eSignature Widget Instructional Text
1. Log into CDX
2. Verification
3. Sign File
4.7.2 eSignature Widget Tooltip Text
Login: Click the ‘Login’ button after providing the CDX password.
Answer: Click the ‘Answer’ button after providing the response to the 20-5-1 question.
Sign: Click the ‘Sign’ button to finish the eSignature widget process and navigate to the
TSCA Section 8(b) ‘Home’ page.
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 8(b) Notice of Activity Tooltip Text
June 12, 2017
File Type | application/pdf |
Author | Christian, Myrta |
File Modified | 2017-07-19 |
File Created | 2017-07-19 |