Sample Questionnaires

C SmplQnr 12052014 Clean.docx

California Drought - Mariposa County, 2016 (Quarter 4)

Sample Questionnaires

OMB: 0920-1036

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Form Approved

OMB No. 0920-XXXX

Exp. Date xx/xx/20xx

Attachment C. Sample CASPER Questionnaires

Sample Disaster/Recovery CASPER Questionnaire Used in an Actual Event

To be completed by team BEFORE the interview

Q1. Date (MM/DD/YY):

Q4. Team Member Initials:

Q2. Cluster Number:

Q5.Team Number:

Q3. Survey Number:

Q6. County Name:

Demographic Information

Q7. Is this your primary residence? Yes No Refused

Q12. Did you evacuate your home anytime during or before

the flood? Yes (go to 12c-12e) No (go to 12b) Refused

Q12b. If NO, What prevented you from evacuating?

No place to go No need to evacuate

Lack of transportation Stayed w/pet

Other _____________________________________

DK Refused


Q12c. Where did you evacuate to?

Shelter Hotel Friend/Family home 2nd home

Other __________________ DK Refused

Q12d. What date did you evacuate? ____/____/

Q12e. What date did you return home to sleep? ____/____/

Q8. How many people live in your household? ____________

Q9. How many people living in your household are

Less than 2 years old? _____

2-17 years old? _____

18-64 years old? ____

More than 65 years old? _____ DK Refused

Q10. Do you feel your home is currently structurally safe to live in?

Yes No DK Refused

Q11. Are you currently in temporary housing? ____________

Shape2 Yes No DK Refused


Public reporting burden of this collection of information is estimated to average 30 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to CDC/ATSDR Information Collection Review Office, 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS D-74, Atlanta, Georgia 30333; ATTN: PRA (0920-XXXX).


Cleanup, Utilities, and Supplies

Q13. How high did the flood waters reach inside your home?

_______________ft DK

Q20. What was your primary source of drinking water before the flood? Well Public/Municipal Bottled DK Refused

Q20b. What is your primary source of drinking water right now?

Well Public/Municipal Bottled DK Refused

Q20c. If using a well or municipal (tap water), are you treating the water? Yes, boiling Yes, chemical No DK


Q14. What stage of the flood recovery process are you in now?

Home uninhabitable—not living at home

Cleaning up—not living at home

Cleaning up—living at home

Living in the home (no cleanup)

Home never flooded

Don’t know

Other: _____________________ Refused

Q15. Do you see mold or smell a moldy /musty odor in

your home? Yes No DK Refused

Q21. Do you have access to adequate food for everyone in your household for the next 3 days? Yes No DK Refused

Q16. Is there 10 sq ft or more of water damage and/or mold anywhere inside your home? (10 sq ft is approximately the size of an infant’s playpen) Yes No DK Refused

Since the flooding, have you used….

Q22a: A charcoal grill/briquettes indoors?

Yes, with windows open Yes, with windows closed

No DK Refused

Q22b. A pressure washer with the actual engine in the house?

Yes, with windows open Yes, with windows closed

No DK Refused

Q17. Do you currently have the following services in your home?

RShape4 unning water Yes No DK N/H Ref Electricity Yes No DK N/H Ref Garbage pickup Yes No DK N/H Ref

Sewage services Yes No DK N/H Ref

Any Telephone Yes No DK N/H Ref

Q18. What is your current source of electricity?

No electricity Generator Power company

N/H DK Refused

Q23. Do you have a carbon monoxide detector?

Yes No DK Refused

Q23b. If YES, is it working?

Yes No DK Refused

Q19. Since the flooding, have you used a generator?

Yes No DK Refused

Q19b. If YES, where is/was the generator located?

Inside Garage Outside, <25 ft Outside, ≥25 ft

DK Refused

Q19c. If outside, is/was the generator near an open or

broken window?

Yes No DK Refused

Q24. Since the flooding, have you had any significant loss to

your crops?

Yes, Minor loss Yes, Significant loss

No Loss Not Applicable

DK Refused

Continue questionnaire on back…

Animal Safety

Q25. Since the flooding, have you noticed an increase in mosquitoes around your home or neighborhood?

Yes No DK Refused

Q27. Since the flooding, have you or anyone in your household noticed an increase in snakes around your home or neighborhood? Yes No DK Refused

Q26. Are you doing anything to protect yourself from mosquitoes? Yes No DK Refused

Q26b. If YES, what type of protective measures are you using? (check all the apply)

Wearing repellent Eliminating standing water

Wearing protective clothing (long shirts/pants)

Other, _______________________________________

Q28. Since the flooding, have you or anyone in your household noticed an increase in alligators around your home or neighborhood?

Yes No DK Refused

Q29a. Since the flooding, have you or anyone in your home been bitten by an animal or insect other than mosquitoes?

Yes No DK Refused

Q29b.If yes, what animal_________________________________

Health Status and Access to Care

Q30. Since the flooding, has anybody in your household experienced

Cough Yes No DK

Fever Yes No DK

Nausea/stomach ache/diarrhea Yes No DK

Rash Yes No DK

Worsening of chronic illness (such as hypertension, asthma

or diabetes) Yes No DK

If YES, what type(s) of illness(es)? ___________________

Other, _____________________ Yes No DK

Q33. Is there anybody in your household who currently needs

Oxygen Dialysis Home health care

Other type of special care, _________ DK Refused

Q34. Since the flooding, Are you able to get the care you need for everyone in your household?

Yes No DK Refused

Q35a. Is everybody in your household getting the prescription medications they need?

Yes No DK Refused

Q35b. If NO, why not? (check all that apply)

Clinic/physician closed Pharmacy closed

No transportation Money/cost

Medicare/Medicaid/insurance problems

Other, _________________________ DK Refused

Q31a. Since the flooding, have you or a member of your household been injured in or around your home?

Yes No DK Refused

Q31b. If YES, what part of the body was injured?(check all that apply) Head Body/torso Back

Neck Leg(s) DK

Arm(s) Foot/feet Refused

QShape5 31c. If YES, were you or the member of your household injured while repairing the residence or retrieving items?

Yes No DK Refused

Q31d. If YES, what caused the injury?_______________________

Q36. Since the floods, has anybody in your household experienced an increase in

Agitated behavior Yes No DK Ref

Anxiety or stress Yes No DK Ref

Depressed mood Yes No DK Ref

Difficulty concentrating Yes No DK Ref

Loss of appetite Yes No DK Ref

Trouble sleeping/nightmares Yes No DK Ref

Increased alcohol/drug use Yes No DK Ref Witnessed or experienced violence Yes No DK Ref

Other, ________________ Yes No DK Ref

Q32. Has everybody in your household had a tetanus (DTaP/Tdap/Td) shot in the past 10 years?

Yes No DK Refused


Q37a. Since the flooding, have you received any information about boil water advisories in your area?

Yes No DK Refused

Q37b. If YES, what was your PRIMARY source of information?

TV Radio Text message

Neighbor, word of mouth Flyer/poster Local newspaper Internet, ___________ Other, ___________________ DK Refused

Q39a. Have you received any other health advice, clean up tips, or other information related to the flood?

Yes No DK Refused

Q39b. If YES, what was your PRIMARY source of information?

TV Radio Text message

Neighbor, word of mouth Flyer/poster Local newspaper Internet, ___________ Other, ___________________ DK Refused

Q38a. Have you looked for information or answers to questions regarding the flood and its effects?

Yes No DK Refused

Q38b. Where would you look for reliable information regarding the flood and cleaning up after the flood?

TV Radio Text message

Neighbor, word of mouth Flyer/poster Local newspaper Internet, ___________ Other, ___________________ DK Refused

Q40. What is your greatest need at this time?

Thank you for your time!


Many of these questions are those that the state requests we collect. They provide valuable situational awareness and information at the household level that can help decision makers take action. For example,

  • Vulnerability assessment questions (e.g. Sample Preparedness Questionnaire questions 13, 14, 15, 16) help to assess the social vulnerability of a household and their health status (e.g. resources available to them, SES, and physical and mental health conditions that may result in increased vulnerability to the impacts of the disaster.

  • Water damage and mold exposure questions (e.g., Sample Flooding Questionnaire questions 13, 15, 16) can indicate the potential for environmental exposure to mold and give public health officials and decision makers an estimate of how many households might be affected by flooding and how badly damaged homes are. This would also help public health officials know if it was important to put resources towards health messaging around mold.

  • Carbon Monoxide (CO) exposure questions (e.g., Sample Flooding Questionnaire questions 19b, 19c, 22a, 22b) provide critical information that can tell public health officials if many people are using/misusing CO producing equipment. Knowing this can help prevent potential morbidity and mortality from CO exposures. This would also help public health official know if it was important to put resources towards health messaging around preventing CO exposure.

  • Mental/behavioral health questions (e.g., Sample Flooding Questionnaire question 36 and Sample Preparedness Questionnaire questions 14, 15) provide important information because mental health issues arising from or exacerbated by a disaster can affect a person’s physical health and ability to recover after a disaster. This would also help public health official know if it is important to put resources towards health messaging around mental health and provide community mental health resources.

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AuthorCDC User
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-22

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