Federal Action Plan of the National Drought Resilience Partnership


California Drought - Mariposa County, 2016 (Quarter 4)

Federal Action Plan of the National Drought Resilience Partnership

OMB: 0920-1036

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Table of Contents
Introduction  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 1
Drought-Resilience Goals  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 3
Goal 1: Data Collection and Integration  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .  4
Goal 2: Communicating Drought Risk to Critical Infrastructure  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .  6
Goal 3: Drought Planning and Capacity Building   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . 7
Goal 4: Coordination of Federal Drought Activity  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . 9
Goal 5: Market-Based Approaches for Infrastructure and Efficiency  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 12
Goal 6: Innovative Water Use, Efficiency, and Technology  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 14
Appendix: List of Abbreviations  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . 17

Drought poses a serious threat to the resilience and security of communities nationwide and regularly
impacts the lives of millions of Americans. Extreme, widespread drought challenges the security of the
U.S. food supply and the integrity of critical infrastructure, causes extensive economic impacts, and
increases energy costs. The impacts of climate change are expected to increase the frequency, intensity,
and duration of droughts in many regions, and persistent drought could force foundational changes in
the way communities use and live on the land. The economic impacts of drought can be extensive, with
water-intensive industries potentially relocating and agricultural production shifting to other regions.
The far-reaching effects of drought impact human and environmental health in many ways, due to
factors including compromised water availability and quality, poor air quality, compromised food and
nutrition, and increased incidence of illness and disease.
The Administration has built on long-standing drought-resilience initiatives led at the Federal, State,
regional, tribal, and local levels to advance national-level drought-resilience capabilities. In doing so,
the Federal Government has introduced new measures to anticipate and cope with drought by focusing
on both short-term drought-response and long-term drought-resilience issues. In 2012, as part of the
work of the White House Rural Council, the USDA led a National Disaster Recovery Framework effort to
help communities respond to and recover from the 2012 drought. That effort involved a series of regional




L O N G -T E R M D R O U G H T R E S I LI E N C E

listening sessions on how Federal and State agencies could collaborate to address regional drought
risks. Additionally, the effort drew on previous work, such as the 2000 National Drought Commission
Report, and ongoing work of the National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS). The NIDIS,
relying on its network of government agencies and organizations, conducted drought outlooks around
the country, and convened a National Drought Forum in partnership with State governors in Washington,
D.C., in December 2012. The NIDIS continues to work across agencies and sectors to link drought monitoring, forecasting, and early warning with risk planning and management. President Obama signed
the reauthorization of the NIDIS Act in 2014. He commended Congress for passing bipartisan legislation
to ensure timely, effective drought early warning.

The Federal Government can apply a range of authorities and resources for addressing drought. These
include significant capacities in weather forecasting, data collection, and research; assistance with State,
regional, tribal, and local drought-planning and water-management agreements; construction, operation, and management of water-supply infrastructure; investments in water-efficient energy systems;
and programs that promote water-use efficiency and sustainable land and water management. In addition, the Federal Government has responded to stakeholder feedback by dedicating more attention to
drought coordination and support of local planning. Federal agencies have also recognized the benefits
of regional, watershed-level planning through initiatives like the WaterSMART Basin Study Program.
These efforts bring together diverse stakeholders to assess water-supply risks and identify basin-specific
adaptation strategies to build resilience. In the context of a changing climate, the likelihood of increased
frequency, duration, and intensity of droughts will further necessitate this range of concerted action.
In accordance with the President’s Memorandum on Building National Capabilities for Long-Term
Drought Resilience, this Action Plan lays out a series of activities to fulfill the President’s droughtresilience goals. Furthermore, this Action Plan outlines the ways in which the member departments and
agencies of the National Drought Resilience Partnership can use existing resources to take additional
steps to work with State, regional, tribal, and local partners to respond to drought and lay the foundation for long-term resilience within existing authorities. This Action Plan brings together a wide range
of initiatives and concepts to build stronger drought-resilience capabilities. To assist the reader, an
Appendix has been included to provide a list of acronyms used throughout the Action Plan.




Drought-Resilience Goals
Aligned with the President’s Memorandum on Long-Term Drought Resilience, the goals laid out below—
and their corresponding actions—are intended to help build national drought-resilience capabilities.
The activities described in this Action Plan are intended to build on the President’s directives in the
aforementioned Memorandum. Additionally, these actions are intended to be undertaken in Fiscal Year
(FY) 2016 or FY 2017 and will be carried out using existing resources and under existing authorities. As
funding situations change, agencies will re-evaluate and re-prioritize their drought-resilience activities. The NDRP will update this Action Plan as needed to adapt to changing conditions and support an
ongoing focus on building resilience to drought.
Goal 1: Data Collection and Integration
Goal 2: Communicating Drought Risk to Critical Infrastructure
Goal 3: Drought Planning and Capacity Building
Goal 4: Coordination of Federal Drought Activity
Goal 5: Market-Based Approaches for Infrastructure and Efficiency
Goal 6: Innovative Water Use, Efficiency, and Technology




Goal 1: Data Collection and Integration
Agencies shall share data and information related to drought, water use, and water availability, including
data on snowpack, groundwater, stream flow, and soil moisture with State, regional, tribal, and local
officials to strengthen decisionmaking to support more adaptive responses to drought and drought risk.

Implementation Actions:
Integrate Existing Data and Information Sources for Regional-Level Use
1.	 Integrate Data from Key Platforms: Assess, strengthen, and connect existing space-based,
airborne, and terrestrial data-collection and monitoring capabilities for water use and availability
(e.g., capabilities at DOI-USGS, USDA, DOC-NOAA, EPA, NASA, and free and open data from the
private sector). Major data-collection and monitoring capabilities should include capabilities
for assessing: (1) groundwater, including quality and connections with surface waters; (2) soil
moisture; (3) snowpack; (4) water use; and (5) surface water, including quality. Using principles
of the Open Water Data Initiative, enhance the interoperability of information obtained through
these capabilities with data obtained through surveys and reporting, to better characterize
water supplies and drought-risk conditions, and to identify information gaps. Make data and
information easily accessible to stakeholders in formats compatible for inclusion into existing geospatial data platforms. Integrate data on drought into health platforms, such as the
Environmental Public Health Tracking Network.

Lead Coordinating Agencies: DOI-USGS, DOC-NOAA, USDA, and OSTP


Supporting Agencies: EPA, NASA, DOE, HHS-CDC

2.	 Improve Modeling and Prediction: DOC-NOAA will develop a national water-prediction
capability at the National Water Center, which will support greater understanding of hydrologic
science intended to strengthen observations, modeling, and forecasting. DOC-NOAA will also
improve seasonal and sub-seasonal prediction for temperature, precipitation, and associated
regional-information products.

Lead Coordinating Agency: DOC-NOAA


Supporting Agencies: DOI, EPA, NASA, USACE, DHS-FEMA, USDA

Enhance National Data Coverage
1.	 Facilitate Citizen Science: Provide guidelines and disseminate best practices and consistent
protocols for crowdsourced data and other data collected through citizen-science initiatives
related to water availability. The goal of this action is to foster solutions from a range of sources
and to expand spatial and temporal data coverage. As an example, the Community Collaborative




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Rain, Hail, and Snow rainfall network is expanding into tribal lands in the southwest, where
available data are typically sparse. Data resources collected from these sources should be shared
using principles of the Open Water Data Initiative.

Lead Coordinating Agencies: DOC-NOAA and OSTP



2.	 Encourage Federal Reservoir Surveys: Take advantage of drought-induced low reservoir
levels to increase knowledge of the state of reservoir sedimentation. Identify and pursue ways
to reduce the cost of reservoir surveys, and to share data from these surveys.

Lead Coordinating Agency: USACE


Supporting Agency: DOI-BOR

Develop Data Models to Identify Populations at Risk to the Health Effects of Drought
For selected infectious and non-infectious contaminants, develop predictive models that will identify
highly vulnerable locations and populations in order to initiate protective measures. The health impacts
of drought include infectious and non-infectious diseases as well as mental-health conditions. Models
can help characterize the risk of these health impacts and can be used to plan for and respond to
drought. Models will assess risks for non-infectious contaminants in well water (such as arsenic, nitrates,
and uranium) that can change based on water level. Models will also predict locations vulnerable to
drought-related infectious diseases, such as valley fever and hantavirus. Many of the issues associated
with drought can occur after substantial periods of time, so long-term surveillance of these outcomes
is required to accurately capture health effects.

Lead Coordinating Agency: HHS-CDC


Supporting Agencies: DOI-USGS, DOC-NOAA, NASA




Goal 2: Communicating Drought
Risk to Critical Infrastructure
Agencies shall communicate with State, regional, tribal, local, and critical infrastructure officials, targeted
information about drought risks, including specific risks to critical infrastrucutre.

Implementation Actions:
Study Long-Term Drought Impacts on Critical Infrastructure
Conduct an in-depth study on the impacts of long-term drought on critical infrastructure. The study will
examine the broad implications of a prolonged drought in California, based on a hydrological drought
scenario of a five-year extension of drought conditions. This effort will be conducted in phases, in order
to address highest-priority risks first, and results will be shared with State, local, and private-sector
partners as results become available. The study will seek to identify potential strategies to mitigate and
adapt to sector-specific long-term drought impacts to critical infrastructure.  The study will help State,
regional, tribal, local, and private-sector partners understand the risks of long-term drought to critical

Lead Coordinating Agency: DHS-NPPD


Supporting Agencies: DOC-NOAA, DOI, EPA, USACE, DOE, DOT, USDA

Create Drought Decision-Support Guides for Critical-Infrastructure Stakeholders
Use existing resources from USDA, DOI, DHS-FEMA, HHS-CDC, and EPA to compile sector-specific guides
that provide technical assistance on how to protect and prepare critical infrastructures for the impacts
of long-term drought. Leverage the experience of hazard-communication campaigns such as Ready.gov
in effectively communicating with diverse stakeholder groups (including, but not limited to, the private
sector; State, local, tribal, and territorial governments; the media; health departments and healthcare
facilities; and the general public), to ensure the guides are effective in communicating risks and mitigation options to a wide range of drought stakeholders.

Lead Coordinating Agency: DHS-NPPD






Goal 3: Drought Planning
and Capacity Building
Agencies shall assist State, regional, tribal, and local officials in building local planning capacity for
drought preparedness and resilience.

Implementation Actions:
Coordinate Planning and Capacity-Building Programs
Multiple Federal agencies, including EPA, USDA-NRCS, and DOI, have programs to facilitate or support
locally led watershed-level planning. These agencies will enhance the existing drought-plan clearinghouse1 with increased geospatial capabilities, making it easier to connect existing NIDIS sponsored
Federal programs and enabling more effective sharing and coordination of State, regional, tribal, and
local drought plans. This activity also involves increased coordination of drought planning in hazardmitigation strategies.

Lead Coordinating Agency: DOC-NOAA


Supporting Agencies: DOI, USDA, DHS-FEMA, EPA, USACE

Examine the Ecological Impacts of Drought Across the United States 
The DOI-USGS will lead a study with Federal, academic, and non-profit ecological-sciences experts to
synthesize the current understanding of drought impacts on ecosystems. This effort will lead to betterinformed decisionmaking with respect to the regional effects of drought on wildlife and ecosystems;
identify potential threats to valued resources; and prioritize research needs regarding the ecological
impacts of drought. Additionally, the study will examine sets of management options that are relevant
at the national, State, regional, tribal, and local levels.

Lead Coordinating Agency: DOI


Supporting Agencies: DOC-NOAA, USDA

Strengthen Rural Drinking Water Contingency Plans
USDA will work with States and tribes to identify rural communities most at risk for compromised
drinking-water supplies as a result of drought, including those that are at risk as a result of depleted
or contaminated groundwater. Additionally, USDA will make inclusion of drought-impact planning in
1.  The clearinghouse is currently hosted by the National Drought Mitigation Center




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emergency-response plans a condition of funding for new water and waste infrastructure projects.
USDA will train technical assistance providers, as needed, to facilitate development and updating of
vulnerability plans and emergency-response plans, and to ensure that plans include procedures for
monitoring and reporting in order to evaluate conditions and rapidly conduct vulnerability assessments.

Lead Coordinating Agency: USDA


Supporting Agencies: DOI, EPA, DHS-FEMA, HHS-CDC

Support State, Tribal, Local, and Territorial Health Departments
Develop a drought-resource guide for health departments that focuses on planning for and responding to the health effects of drought. Expand existing work with State, local, tribal and territorial health
departments to identify the health effects of drought; identify at-risk populations in those communities;
and develop and implement activities to decrease the risk of drought-related health effects.

Lead Coordinating Agency: HHS-CDC


Supporting Agencies: DOC-NOAA, DOI, and USDA




Goal 4: Coordination of Federal
Drought Activity
Agencies shall improve the coordination and integration of drought-related activities to enhance the
collective benefits of Federal programs and investments.

Implementation Actions:
Drive Coordination and Sharing of Information Related to Federal Investments in Water
Federal agencies will pilot, at the watershed, level an effort to compile and share information on federally funded grant and loan projects; non-sensitive application information for requested projects; and
locations of planned infrastructure investments through creation of an information-sharing tool. This
tool will be used by Federal officials to prompt collaboration among agencies by providing visibility
on existing Federal investments and relevant pending applications within a watershed. The effort will
consider public-facing options to support existing intact watershed-planning processes like the DOI
Basin Studies. The criteria for inclusion of data in the tool shall be thoughtfully and carefully evaluated
so as to not contradict Congressional action or the President’s Budget.

Lead Coordinating Agencies: DOI and USDA


Supporting Agencies: EPA, USACE, DOC-EDA, HUD, DOC-NOAA, OMB

Extend Best Practices of Coordinated Federal Water-Resource Programs
USDA and DOI-BOR will extend the successful cross-program coordination practices from programs such
as the DOI-BOR WaterSMART and USDA EQIP water-efficiency grants currently underway in California
to other basins suffering from or at risk for drought. In 2011, DOI-BOR and USDA began a partnership
to leverage funding for water-delivery agencies and agricultural producers in California. Through a
competitive process, DOI-BOR makes funding available to irrigation districts and other entities so that
improvements that save water or improve water management can be made in the systems that deliver
water to farmers. USDA-NRCS, in turn, makes funding available to farmers who receive water from those
districts so that on-farm conservation improvements can also be made throughout those districts. 

Lead Coordinating Agencies: DOI-BOR and USDA


Supporting Agency: EPA




L O N G -T E R M D R O U G H T R E S I LI E N C E

Launch a Prize Competition or Ideation Challenge
DOI is currently leading an FY 2016 effort with multiple agencies to help incentivize new technologies
or scale up existing methods of water-use innovation through prize competitions and/or ideation challenges. Those efforts could be focused on complex and pressing water-related problems such as: (1)
detecting and repairing leaks in water-conveyance systems; (2) forecasting drought and water supply;
(3) managing desalination concentrate; (4) suppressing reservoir evaporation; and (5) investigating and
proposing cost-effective solutions for grey water reuse in existing urban buildings. Explore opportunities
to match prize competitors with Federal business-assistance resources to accelerate commercialization
of promising solutions to the marketplace.

Lead Coordinating Agency: DOI


Supporting Agencies: USACE, USDA, NSF, NASA, DOC, EPA, SBA

Manage Federal Assets to Promote Local Drought Resilience
1.	 Increasing Water-Management Flexibility: Improve drought preparedness by developing
and implementing new processes and considerations into reservoir management. Develop and
implement a new process for streamlining preparation, review, and approval of USACE Water
Control Plan deviations. Deviations from an approved USACE Water Control Plan in certain
circumstances can create opportunities to alleviate critical drought impacts consistent with
legislated facility purposes. DOI-BOR will begin implementation of five pilot activities at DOIBOR reservoirs. These pilots will explore both the tracking of water supplies affected by climate
change as well as other reservoir operations opportunities. DOI-BOR will also coordinate with
USACE in cases where storage is co-managed for water supply and flood control to identify
opportunities to leverage deviation requests.

Lead Coordinating Agencies: USACE and DOI-BOR


Supporting Agencies: N/A

2.	 Promoting Stronger Drought Resilience on Federal Lands: Through work with water users
and interagency efforts such as the Western Watershed Enhancement Partnership, foster publicprivate partnerships to address risks from wildfire, insects and disease, invasive species, and
other risks impacting water availability in drought-prone regions. Continue to improve drought
monitoring, forecasting, and response in Federal land-management programs and decisions.

Lead Coordinating Agencies: DOI and USDA


Supporting Agencies: EPA, USACE, DOC-NOAA

Enhance Federal Drought Resilience Investments at the Watershed Scale:
USDA-NRCS conservation programs targeted in a strategic manner, such as through the Regional
Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP), create opportunities for partners to develop regionally appropriate strategies to address conservation challenges across the country, including challenges created by
water scarcity. USDA-NRCS will encourage Federal agencies to join State, regional, tribal and local part-


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G oal 4 : Coordination of F ederal D rought Acti v it y

ners in drafting project proposals for innovative approaches to enhancing drought resilience on farms,
ranches, and private forest lands.  Applicants will be encouraged to submit proposals that build on other
Federal, state, and private resilience investments—including those made through DOI’s WaterSMART
and EPA’s State Revolving Loan programs—that fall within their proposed projects footprint.

Lead Coordinating Agency: USDA-NRCS


Supporting Agencies: DOI, EPA


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Goal 5: Market-Based Approaches
for Infrastructure and Efficiency
Agencies shall support the advancement of innovative investment models and market-based approaches
to increase resilience, flexibility, and efficiency of water use and water-supply systems.

Implementation Actions:
Explore Innovative Financing Options for Drought Resilience
Leverage the EPA Water Infrastructure and Resiliency Finance Center, the USDA Rural Opportunity
Investment Initiative, and the DOI Natural Resources Investment Center to increase non-Federal and
private investment in projects that increase drought resilience. This activity includes leveraging EPA State
Revolving Loan Fund program funds to support efficient irrigation infrastructure; seeking contributed
funds to increase investment in DOI-BOR assets; leveraging USDA rural water loans to generate new
opportunities for private sector investment in rural water infrastructure that would provide co-benefits
such as improved water supply, water quality and flood management; and working with municipalities
and agricultural sectors to establish partnerships for conservation.

Lead Coordinating Agencies: EPA, USDA, and DOI


Supporting Agency: Treasury

Support State and Local Strategies for more Flexible Water Management
In many cases, States and local water users are exploring new strategies to increase water use flexibility
during drought, including the use of water transactions. Given its water-management responsibilities,
the Federal Government may have a role in enabling or facilitating those strategies. Identify strategies
to facilitate water transfers and water banking to mitigate water shortages, including review of case
studies on model projects and alternative administrative regimes. DOI will consider developing guidance to facilitate locally led water transactions and will promote best practices, where appropriate, at
DOI-BOR facilities.

Lead Coordinating Agency: DOI


Supporting Agencies: EPA, USDA


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G oal 5 : M ar k et- Based A pproaches for I nfrastructure and E fficienc y

Disseminate Information on Water Pricing and Construction Cost Repayments
Greater transparency about the per-unit price of water resourced from Federal reservoirs will better
inform water users and the other market suppliers about current market pricing for Federally sourced
water. DOI-BOR will raise awareness about the availability and accessibility of construction cost repayment statements.

Lead Coordinating Agency: DOI-BOR


Supporting Agencies: USDA, USACE


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Goal 6: Innovative Water Use,
Efficiency, and Technology
Agencies shall support efforts to conserve and make efficient use of water by carrying out relevant
research, innovation, and international engagements.

Implementation Actions:
Conduct Research to Optimize and Improve Agricultural Water Use
Convene a workgroup of technical specialists and managers from Federal, State, tribal, local, and academic institutions to identify and promote more efficient agricultural water use. The workgroup will: (1)
identify key steps for optimizing agricultural water-use efficiency at the watershed scale while ensuring
sustainable agriculture; (2) expand data collection to enable better understanding of agriculturalproducer and irrigation-district responses to drought; (3) provide resources to develop the evidence base
for understanding the socio-economic drivers of farm-level water use and response to water scarcity,
drought risk, and climate variability; (4) develop a decision-support tool to build on this research findings to enable more effective engagement and utilization by agriculture communities; and (5) develop
a plan for increasing adoption of technologies that enhance water use, reuse, and production efficiency.

Lead Coordinating Agencies: USDA, NSTC-SWAQ


Supporting Agencies: N/A

Conduct Research to Optimize and Improve Energy-Sector Water Use
Pursue research into technologies that reduce the need for cooling water in thermoelectric generation
and related industrial processes. Develop a strategy, with stakeholder input from States and the private
sector, to accelerate and improve the deployment of such technologies.

Lead Coordinating Agency: DOE


Supporting Agency: NSF

Conduct Research to Improve Performance and Reduce Energy Requirements and Carbon
Emissions from Water-Treatment Technologies
Pursue research into technologies that reduce energy requirements and carbon emissions of watertreatment technologies in order to make alternate water resources more accessible. Publish findings


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G oal 6 : I nnovati v e Water U se , E fficienc y, and T echnolog y

from this research on the progress and advances in such technologies. The publications will highlight
areas for future development and opportunities for deployment of such technologies.

Lead Coordinating Agency: DOE


Supporting Agencies: EPA, DOI, NSF

Highlight Resilience Successes from the Municipal Sector
Utilize the NSTC Sub-Committee on Water Availability and Quality to identify best practices and case
studies that highlight municipal-level examples of effective planning, multi-sector collaboration, and
financing for drought resilience. Identify common challenges and innovative solutions for how communities can implement effective drought-resilience initiatives. Highlight lessons learned and common
challenges via a national platform in order to widespread adoption.

Lead Coordinating Agencies: EPA, NSTC-SWAQ


Supporting Agencies: DOC-NOAA, USDA, DOI, DOE

Establish a Soil Health Monitoring and Enhancement Network
Establish a network to provide information on soil health as a significant indicator of agriculture-related
demand for water, and identify methods for improving soil health that could increase soil water-holding
capacity. Provide guidelines for managing soil health and preventing future degradation. Use the soilhealth information generated by the network to inform future investments that improve soil health.

Lead Coordinating Agency: USDA


Supporting Agencies: N/A

Develop Municipal Water-Recycling Technical Assistance
Building upon recently awarded research-grant funding, develop a series of technical-assistance documents that assist States, regions, tribes, and localities as they plan for future water-reuse and recycling
projects.  The technical-assistance documents will include topics such as: regulated or unregulated
contaminants and expected presence in treated water; evaluation of common drinking-water treatment
processes and their inactivation/removal efficiency; microbial, chemical, radiological, and emerging
contaminants; recommended monitoring of influent and effluent for water-treatment plants; and
recommended monitoring of finished water.

Lead Coordinating Agency: EPA


Supporting Agencies: USDA, DOI

Maximize Use of Existing Diplomatic Engagement Structures to Advance International DroughtRelated Research and Collaboration
Engage with key countries and multilateral institutions to share best practices and research on drought
with U.S. technical experts, through workshops, technical exchanges, and/or joint research leveraged
through existing institutional arrangements and diplomatic efforts. Initial bilateral engagement


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began with Australia under the auspices of the Joint Commission Meeting on Science and Technology.
Multilateral engagement can be pursued through United Nations (UN) specialized agencies such as
the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and the World Meteorological Organization, as
well as other regional and global partnerships and initiatives. Knowledge gained and opportunities to
engage will be shared with relevant experts within the United States through existing platforms such
as the U.S. Water Partnership, the Global Water Research Coalition, and the National Integrated Drought
Information System.

Lead Coordinating Agencies: DOS, DOI, and USACE


Supporting Agencies: DOC-NOAA, EPA, USDA, DOE


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Appendix: List of Abbreviations

Department of Homeland Security


Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency


Department of Homeland Security, National Protection and Programs Directorate


Department of Commerce


Department of Commerce, U.S. Economic Development Administration


Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology


Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Department of Commerce, Patent and Trademark Office


Department of Energy


Department of the Interior


Department of the Interior, United States Bureau of Reclamation


Department of the Interior, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service


Department of the Interior, United States Geological Survey


Department of State


Department of Transportation


Environmental Protection Agency


Department of Health and Human Services

Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and 		

Department of Housing and Urban Development


National Aeronautics and Space Administration


National Drought Resilience Partnership


National Integrated Drought Information System


National Science Foundation


National Science and Technology Council


National Science and Technology Council, Subcommittee on Water Availability
and Quality


Office of Management and Budget, The White House


Office of Science and Technology Policy, The White House


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Regional Conservation Partnership Program


Small Business Administration


U.S. Department of the Treasury


U.S. Army Corps of Engineers


U.S. Department of Agriculture


U.S. Department of Agriculture, Environmental Quality Incentives Program


U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service


U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

DOI WaterSMART	 Department of the Interior, Water (Sustain and Manage American Resources
for Tomorrow) Program


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File Modified2016-03-21
File Created2016-03-17

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