Form 1 Questionnaire for the K Program Participants

Voluntary Customer Surveys Generic Clearance for the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Attachment A - K Award Survey Final Submission EB edited

Return on Investment of AHRQ's Individual Career Development (K) Award Program Evaluation

OMB: 0935-0106

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OMB No. 0935-0106
Exp. Date XX/XX/20XX

Questionnaire for the K Program Participants

Your responses will be kept confidential to the extent permitted by law, including AHRQ’s confidentiality statute, 42 USC 299c-3(c).


1. How satisfied were you with the following aspects of the application process? Select one answer per row.

Not applicable

Very dissatisfied (Go to 1A)

Dissatisfied (Go to 1A)



Very Satisfied

Obtaining information about the program

Clarity of program goals

Instructions for preparing application

Reviewer feedback

Assistance from AHRQ during the application process

Mentor-matching process

Assistance from AHRQ during participation

1A. If you were dissatisfied with one or more of the above, please indicate the item(s) and explain why:





2. Which of the following knowledge and skills have you acquired or improved while you were funded by the AHRQ K Award? Select all that apply.1

Acquired knowledge/skills

Improved knowledge/skills

Scientific knowledge

Gaining knowledge about my area of study

Using analytical approaches to define scientific questions

Designing appropriate studies to test scientific hypotheses

Interpreting and analyzing data

Other: __________________

Research Skills

Implementing experimental design/protocols

Carrying out data analysis and interpretation

Applying effective literature search strategies and critical evaluation of the scientific literature

Understanding principles of peer review process


Communications Skills

Developing publications

Developing grant proposals

Developing career-related documents (e.g. CVs, biosketches, research plans)

Presenting research

Interviewing for jobs



Interacting with patients and other human objects

Other: __________________

Leadership and Management Skills

Creating a vision and setting goals

Running meetings

Delegating responsibilities

Motivating and inspiring others

Mentoring and serving as a role model

Working with individuals of diverse gender, ethnic, cultural, and religious backgrounds

Managing and resolving conflicts

Other: __________________

3. What were your short-term goals when you applied to this program? Select all that apply.2

  • Gain scientific knowledge

  • Develop or improve research skills

  • Develop or improve communication skills

  • Develop or improve leadership and management skills

  • Gain guidance and mentoring

  • Author publications and presentations

  • Other, please explain:___________________

4. What were your long-term goals when you applied to this program? Select all that apply.3

  • Advance my field of study

  • Maintain position within academia

  • Obtain independent research position

  • Obtain follow-up funding support

  • Improve the quality of patient care

  • Other, please explain:___________________

5. To what extent were you able to achieve the short-term and long-term goals that you set? Select one.1

Short-term goals

Long-term goals

Not at all




Exceeded all goals

6. What is your level of satisfaction with the mentoring that you received during your K Award? Select one.

  • Very dissatisfied (Go to 6A)

  • Dissatisfied (Go to 6A)

  • Neutral

  • Satisfied

  • Very satisfied

  • N/A

6A. If you were dissatisfied with your mentor(s), please explain why you were dissatisfied and how your mentor(s) could have been more helpful to you.




7. In which of the following aspects of your training experience did you receive adequate help and mentoring? Select all that apply.

  • Generating project ideas

  • Designing an approach

  • Implementing the approach

  • Analyzing the data

  • Developing publications

  • Developing presentation skills

  • Assistance with job searches

  • Connecting you with other researchers

  • Educating you in areas beyond your immediate projects

  • Other ____________________

8. How likely are you to continue in a research career in the next five years? Select one.3

  • I am no longer in a research career (Go to 8A)

  • Very unlikely (Go to 8B)

  • Somewhat unlikely (Go to 8B)

  • Unsure (Go to 8B)

  • Somewhat likely

  • Very likely

8A. Why did you leave your research career?




8B. You indicated that you are _______________________________ [option selected] to continue in a research career. Why?




9. How likely are you to apply for another research grant or contract? Select one.

  • Very unlikely (Go to 9A)

  • Somewhat unlikely (Go to 9A)

  • Unsure (Go to 9A)

  • Somewhat likely (Go to 10 and 11)

  • Very likely (Go to 10 and 11)

9A. You indicated that you are _______________________________ [option selected] to apply for additional funding. Why?




10. For which of the following research grants or contract are you likely to apply?

  • Independent Research grant (e.g., R01, R03, etc.)

  • Research Programs Projects and Center Grants (e.g., P)

  • Training grant (e.g., K, T)

  • Cooperative agreement (e.g., U)

  • Contract

  • Other ________________

11. What type of funding source administers the grant or contract opportunity you intend to pursue?

  • Federal Government

  • State or Local Government

  • University

  • Foundation

  • Industry

  • Other ________________

12. Which of the following challenges have you experienced since receiving the AHRQ K Award in establishing or maintaining your research career? Select all that apply.4

Previously Experienced

Currently Experiencing

Obtaining continued funding to support your research

Finding a suitable position that matches your interests and facilitates continued professional growth

Establishing collaborative relationships with other researchers in your field

Finding/connecting with good mentors

Recruiting talented students/postdocs to your research group

Balancing research and clinical duties

Balancing research and teaching responsibilities

Balancing research and administrative duties

Balancing work and family responsibilities

Accommodating your spouse’s or partner’s career

Inadequate pay

Self-doubts about your ability to succeed in a research career

Loss of interest in or motivation for a research career


Other: __________________


13. What has been the most important contribution of the AHRQ K Award to your career? Please describe.




14. How valuable has the AHRQ K Award been in your career success? Select one.

  • Too early to tell

  • Not at all valuable

  • Somewhat valuable (Go to 15A)

  • Very valuable (Go to 15A)

14A. Do you attribute achieving any of the following career landmarks to your receipt of the AHRQ K Award? Select all that apply.

Career Indicator

K Award Contribution

Attainment of a faculty position

Receipt of tenure

Increased salary

Receipt of additional research funding

Publication of peer reviewed articles and/or books

Establishment of an independent health services research program

Employment of additional researchers and support staff

Receipt of professional honors or distinctions

Service on editorial boards, peer review panels, advisory councils

Appointment as department/division chair, dean, provost, president, or other leadership position

Appointment as mentor to other researchers

15. Which of the following best describes current your work? Select all that apply.

  • I am still participating in the K program

  • Research

  • Clinical

  • Teaching

  • Administration

  • Other _______________

16. How would you describe your primary workplace environment? Select all that apply.

  • Academia

  • Clinical Practice

  • Private Industry

  • Professional Society

  • Federal Government

  • State or Local Government

  • Other _______________

17. How would you describe your secondary workplace environment? Select all that apply.

  • Academia

  • Clinical Practice

  • Private Industry

  • Professional Society

  • Federal Government

  • State or Local Government

  • Other _______________

  • N/A

18. To what extent has your K grant experience enabled you to apply your health services research expertise within an inter- or multi-disciplinary environment?

  • Not at all

  • To some extent

  • To a considerable extent

19. With what other disciplines have you collaborated during your post K award career?   Please list up to 3 disciplines.




20. Do you think the AHRQ K Award has enabled you to achieve or contribute to any of the following? Select all that apply.5


K Award Contribution


Advancement of your field

Influence on another field


Contributions to a systematic review

Contributions to clinical, educational, or other guidelines or standards

Contributions to laws or policies

Contributions to government reports

Development of factsheets, newsletters or other educational materials

Provision of expert testimony


Development and testing of new or improved tools, devices, tests, measures, services, or screening approaches to identify, confirm, treat, or manage disease or disability


Adoption of new or improved delivery methods for care or services

Reduction in the cost of care or services

21. What would you consider your most important contribution to health services research, health care-related policy, practice, or system capacity to date? Please describe.




For items 22 through 25, please refer to the following scale:

0% 50% 100%

Not At All Valuable Neutral Extremely Valuable

22. What percentage would you assign to reflect the value to your research skills development of having been awarded an AHRQ K grant award? __________%

23. What percentage would you assign to reflect the value to your career progression of having been awarded an AHRQ K grant award? __________%

24. What percentage would you assign to reflect the value to your professional growth of having been awarded an AHRQ K grant award? __________%

25. Overall, what percentage would you assign to the value of having received the AHRQ K grant award? __________%


26. Is there anything else you would like to convey to AHRQ about your K program participation or its effects on your career?




27. Based on your experiences with the K Award, do you have any suggestions, comments, or criticisms to offer about both the strengths and weaknesses of the K Award program? (Your advice will be greatly valued.)




1 Core competencies of a successful scientist. Developed by the National Postdoctoral Association.

2 This question was asked in the survey of the NIH Diversity Supplement Program participants.

3 This question was asked in the survey of the NIH Diversity Supplement Program participants.

4 This question was adapted from a survey of participants in the NIH Loan Repayment Program

5 This question was adapted from a survey to evaluate the research program at the Department of Education

Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 15 minutes per response, the estimated time required to complete the survey. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to: AHRQ Reports Clearance Officer Attention: PRA, Paperwork Reduction Project (0935-0106) AHRQ, 540 Gaither Road, Room # 5036, Rockville, MD 20850.

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorLuba Katz
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-22

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