CDFI Program and NMTC Program Annual Report including CIIS

CDFI Program and NMTC Program Annual Report including CIIS

FINAL FY 2013 CDFI ILR Instructions

CDFI Program and NMTC Program Annual Report including CIIS

OMB: 1559-0027

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FY 2013
CDFI Institution Level Report Instructions
CIIS 11.0
August 23, 2013

REPORTING PERIOD .....................................................................................................................................................3
CIIS REQUIRES RESPONSES TO ALL QUESTIONS ............................................................................................................3
NATIVE INITIATIVES SPONSORING ENTITIES .....................................................................................................................3
DEPOSITORY INSTITUTION HOLDING COMPANIES .............................................................................................................4
COMPLETING TABLES ...................................................................................................................................................4
DATA CLEANSING .........................................................................................................................................................7
CERTIFY THE ILR .........................................................................................................................................................7
CIIS HELP DESK ..........................................................................................................................................................8

ORGANIZATIONAL CONFIRMATION ........................................................................................................ 9
CONFIRMATION OF MYCDFIFUND ORGANIZATION PROFILE ............................................................................9

I ORGANIZATION INFORMATION .............................................................................................................. 9

BASIC INFORMATION ................................................................................................................................................9
ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE/AFFILIATION ............................................................................................................. 10
POPULATIONS AND GEOGRAPHY FINANCED DURING THE REPORTING PERIOD ............................................................. 10
STAFF AND CONSULTANTS: # OF FULL-TIME EQUIVALENTS (FTES)............................................................................ 12

II FINANCIAL POSITION............................................................................................................................ 13

LENDING/INVESTING POOL ..................................................................................................................................... 13
SUMMARY BALANCE SHEET INFORMATION AS OF THE REPORTING PERIOD END .......................................................... 17
SUMMARY INCOME AND EXPENSE STATEMENT INFORMATION .................................................................................... 19

III FINANCING ............................................................................................................................................ 24
A. FINANCING ........................................................................................................................................................... 24
B. LOAN PURCHASES AND SALES ................................................................................................................................ 29
C. OTHER FINANCING ACTIVITIES................................................................................................................................ 31

IV COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT IMPACTS ............................................................................................ 31
V DEVELOPMENT SERVICES .................................................................................................................. 35
VI INDIVIDUAL DEVELOPMENT ACCOUNTS (IDAS) ............................................................................. 37
VII AWARD COMPLIANCE ........................................................................................................................ 38
A. 2005-2011 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE AWARDEES ...................................................................................................... 38
C. 2007 FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AWARDEES ................................................................................................................ 40
D. 2008 FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AWARDEES ................................................................................................................ 41
E. 2009 FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AWARDEES ................................................................................................................ 42
F. 2010 FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AWARDEES ................................................................................................................ 42
G. 2011 FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AWARDEES ................................................................................................................ 43

VIII DATA COLLECTION AND TRACKING SYSTEMS ............................................................................ 43
IX CREDIT REPORTING AGENCIES USED ............................................................................................. 44
X ILR FEEDBACK ...................................................................................................................................... 45
XI SUMMARY RATIOS ............................................................................................................................... 46

FY 2013CDFI Institution Level Report Instructions

FY 2013 CDFI Institution Level Report
Reporting Period
The reporting period for the FY 2013 ILR is the Organization's fiscal year ending in
2013. Unless otherwise noted, all questions in the ILR refer to the reporting period.

CIIS Requires Responses to All Questions
Your Organization must provide a response in every “active” data field in order to submit
the ILR. Data fields that are not required are “grayed out” on the screen. When a User
leaves a page, CIIS provides a notice identifying required responses that are missing.
CIIS also provides a summary Status Page to verify the completion of each ILR section.
When appropriate, CIIS will allow “Don’t Know” and/or “Not Applicable” as a valid
response. If applicable, these options will appear in a dropdown menu or radio button.
Don’t Know: Use “Don’t Know” when the question is valid for the Organization,
but the answer is unknown or unavailable. For example, if the Organization
provides technical assistance but does not track the number of clients, “Don’t
Know” is the appropriate response.
Not Applicable: Use “Not Applicable” when the question is not valid or not
applicable to the Organization. Please do not use “Not Applicable” for a “$0” or
“0” response. For example, if the Organization purchases loans, but did not
purchase any loans during the reporting period, the number of loans purchased
is “0.” However, if the Organization does not purchase loans at all, then the
number of loans purchased is “Not Applicable.” Furthermore, “Not Applicable”
does NOT mean unavailable. (Use “Don’t Know” for unavailable.)

Native Initiatives Sponsoring Entities
Sponsoring Entities are Organizations with any of the following Awards:
2003 Native American CDFI Development (NACD)
2004 NACD
2004 - 2010 Native American CDFI Award (NACA) – Type III (Sponsoring Entity)


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Sponsoring Entities are only required to complete the following sections:
Section IA. Basic Information (Q. 1 - 3)
Section IB. Organizational Structure/Affiliation (Q. 4 – 7)
Section IIC. Summary Balance Sheet Information as of the Reporting Period End
(Q. 23)
Section IID. Summary Income and Expense Statement Information (Q. 44-48 &
Section VIIA. 2004 – 2011 Technical Assistance Awardees (Q. 111 – 112)

Depository Institution Holding Companies
Depository Institution Holding Companies are only required to complete the following
Section IA. Basic Information (Q. 1 - 3)
Section IIC. Summary Balance Sheet Information (Q. 23 & Q. 50)
Section III A. Financing (Q. 59) *Consumer Loans Only
Section V. Development Services (Q. 95 – 107)
Section VII. Award Compliance (Q. 111 – 124) (if applicable)

Completing Tables
Tables are used for questions where the number of responses may differ for each
Organization. For example, in the Contributed Operating Revenue Table, a User
completes one row for each type of donor that is applicable to that User’s Organization.
General Table functionality is described here.
Add Row: Click the "Add Row" button to add a new row to the Table. For each
row, CIIS will provide a pop-up data dialog box. After completing the data dialog
box for the specific row, click the "Add" button within the data dialog box to add
the new responses to the Table OR click the "Cancel" button to delete the
Modify Row: Select the row to be modified by clicking the radio button in the left
column of the Table. You may only modify one row at a time. Click the "Update
Row" button to reopen the data dialog box. Enter any changes in the data dialog
box and click the "Update" button to update the Table with the new responses
OR click the "Cancel" button to leave the data unmodified.
Delete Row(s): Select the row(s) to be deleted by clicking the radio buttons in
the left column of the Table. Click the "Delete Row" or “Delete Rows” button to
remove the row(s) from the Table.
Complete Table: CIIS determines that a Table is complete when the User clicks
the “Please Check Here to Confirm That the Table is Complete” check box that
accompanies each Table. If your Organization does not have any information to
enter into a Table, click the check box and skip to the next question.
Users Must Complete Tables: The Fund will not consider the ILR to be complete if the
check box is clicked on an empty Table when the Organization has information that
should have been included in the table. During the cleansing process, the Fund will reopen the ILR and ask the Organization to complete the Table and re-submit the ILR.
The Fund will not consider the ILR submitted until all applicable Tables are complete.


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Managing Pop-Ups: The pop-up data dialog boxes open as new windows. If you
“lose” the data dialog box on your screen prior to clicking “Add,” “Update,” or “Cancel,”
please check whether the window is “hidden” behind other windows or programs.

Financial Report (Financial Statements and Auditor’s/Accountant’s
Review Report)
The Financial Report includes the following financial statements prepared in conformity
with generally accepted accounting principles, and the related auditor’s or accountant’s
review final report:
Statement of financial position,
Statement of operations (if the Awardee is a for-profit organization),
Statement of activities (if the Awardee is a non-profit organization), and
Statement of cash flows.
In order for the Fund to complete the cleansing process, it is also important the following
are included:
Any Notes to the financial statements and
Statement of functional expenses.
A. All non-profit organizations (excluding all regulated financial institutions) must submit

to the Fund financial statements that have been reviewed by an independent certified
public accountant in accordance with Statements on Standards for Accounting and
Review Services, issued by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, no
later than 180 days after the end of the Awardee’s fiscal year (audited financial
statements can be provided by the due date in lieu of reviewed statements, if available).


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B. For-Profit Organizations (excluding all regulated financial institutions) must submit to

the Fund financial statements audited in conformity with generally accepted auditing
standards as promulgated by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, no
later than 180 days after the end of the Awardee’s fiscal year.
C. Regulated Financial Institutions (Insured Depository Institutions, Depository
Institution Holding Companies, and Insured Credit Unions) are not required to submit

financial statements to the Fund. The Fund will obtain the necessary information from
publicly available sources.
FY 2013 is your fiscal year ending in 2013. If more than one Organization is
submitting an ILR (for example, the Awardee and an Affiliate to whom the Awardee
passed on a portion of the award), submit a separate Financial Report for each entity
OR consolidated statements, provided that the financial position of each reporting entity
is reported separately (consolidating financial statements).
Combining Financial Statements
If your Organization is reporting for a 2004 - 2010 Financial Assistance (FA), Technical
Assistance (TA), or NACD Award:
1. Your Assistance Agreement requires that your organization provide financial
statements that break out your organization’s financials from any parent, subsidiary,
or affiliate organizations.
• The Assistance Agreement states: “Submission of combining financial
statements: The Awardee may submit combined financial statements and
footnotes as long as the financial statements of the Awardee and, if applicable,
every other signatory to the Assistance Agreement, are shown separately as part
of combining financial statements. The combining financial statements can be
presented as supplemental information.”
• Furthermore, the ILR responses should reflect the awardee and all other
signatories to the Assistance Agreement.
2. If all of the subsidiary(ies) or affiliate(s) included in the combined statements are
either entities that the awardee passed Fund award dollars to or that helped the
awardee carry out its community development financing and development services
activities – whether or not they are signatories to the Assistance Agreement – the
Fund will allow your organization to provided combined financial statements for these
awards. If this situation applies to you:
• Prior to completing the ILR: Please submit an email to Certification, Compliance
Monitoring and Evaluation at [email protected] explaining the relationship
between the awardee and any subsidiaries and affiliates.
• The Fund will then make a determination and notify you of whether it is
appropriate to include the subsidiary(ies) or affiliate(s) in the ILR.


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Unless otherwise noted in the instructions, please complete the ILR using only
the Organization’s information. The ILR should not include information on parent,
subsidiary, or affiliate organizations, unless specifically noted in the instructions.

Submitting Financial Report:
• Attach an electronic file to the CIIS submission (“Financial Statements” on CIIS
Home Page Menu). OR
• Fax them to the Fund at (202) 622-7754.
Identifying Financial Report for Cleansing: Use the Comments field at the end of the
ILR to document:
• Number of Financial Statements used to complete the ILR (Example: 2 – one for an
affiliate and one for the parent);
• Total number of pages submitted; and
• Any separate attachments (example: breakdown of functional expenses not included
in Financial Statements).

Data Cleansing
The Fund reviews and “cleanses” all ILRs after they are submitted. Cleansing is the
process of comparing the ILR data to the Organization’s year-end Financial Report
including related notes, other questions within CIIS, and, for regulated institutions,
publicly available data. It is important that each Organization enter data that is
supported by these sources. During the cleansing process, the CIIS Help Desk will
contact the Organization with any questions about the ILR submission. At a later date,
the Fund’s Certification, Compliance Monitoring and Evaluation (CCME) Unit may
contact the Organization with questions related to compliance with Assistance
Agreement performance measure targets.
After the ILR and Transaction Level Report (TLR), if applicable, are submitted to
the Fund, the Fund’s CIIS Help Desk will review the report and send any
questions to the Awardee. If the Awardee fails to respond to such questions
within the Fund’s required timeframe, the report will be considered not submitted.
USE NOTES: CIIS provides a Notes field for each ILR question. Users may enter and
edit notes by clicking the Notes icon ( ) next to the appropriate field. Please use the
Notes field to explain financial entries that are not clearly identified in the Organization’s
Financial Report and related notes. Also use the Notes field to explain other responses
that you believe the Fund may question. The Notes are a great help to both the Fund
and the Organization during the cleansing process.

Certify the ILR
The User must Certify the ILR upon completion.
CIIS has a single Certification process for the ILR and TLR (if applicable). Users will be
able to Certify the ILR when:
• The ILR is complete. (On the CIIS Home Page, select “ILR” menu
“ILR Status” to
check for completion.)
• The TLR (if applicable) is complete.


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- The Organization is required to provide a FY 2013 TLR. Please check Assistance
Agreement for confirmation.
- All loans and investments that were outstanding at any time during the reporting period
are Pre-Certified.
In order to certify and submit the ILR, all “active” questions must be complete. Users
may review the ILR completeness by selecting “ILR Status” from the “ILR” Tab on the
CIIS Home Page.
On the certification page, the CDFI Fund will request permission to release your
Organization's data publicly as follows:
The CDFI Fund plans to release certain CIIS ILR and TLR data to the public in an
aggregated format. Except as may be permitted pursuant to the Freedom of
Information Act (FOIA), the Fund will not release: (i) data that is collected only for
Compliance purposes, or (ii) the identities of your borrowers/investees.
The Fund seeks your Organization's permission to release your Organization name
(and/or other relevant identifying data) with ILR and TLR data in a format that is
aggregated with other organization's data. If you do not provide such consent, the
Fund will release your Organization's ILR and TLR, but will not release your
Organization's name or any other data that can be used to identify your organization.
Please note, however, that such identifying data may be released pursuant to a FOIA
a. Do you give the CDFI Fund permission to release your Organization's identity when
it releases your Organization's ILR data for this and previous reporting periods? (YES/
b. Do you give the CDFI Fund permission to release your Organization's identity when
it releases your Organization's TLR data for this and previous reporting periods?
(YES/ NO / My Organization has not completed a TLR).
When the ILR and TLR, if applicable are complete:
Select the “Certify” tab on the CIIS Home Page.
Confirm that the ILR and TLR (if applicable) are marked as complete.
Respond to the ILR and TLR Release questions.
Select "Next" button.
Review the Certification Statement and select appropriate checkbox to agree
with the statement.
Select “Certify CIIS Reports” button.

CIIS Help Desk
Phone Number: (703) 373-1516
Fax Number: (703) 236-2399
E-Mail: [email protected]


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FY 2013 CDFI Institution Level Report Instructions

In order to enter the ILR, Users must confirm the following data fields provided from
their Organization’s myCDFIFund Profile. Any errors must be corrected in myCDFIFund
prior to entering the ILR.
(1) Organization’s Fiscal Year End:
(2) Organization's Type of Financial Institution:
(3) Organizational Structure:
(4) Year of Organization’s Incorporation:
(5) Year Organization Began Financing Activities:
(6) FDIC Certification Number (Banks/Thrifts only), Depository Institution Holding
Company Identification Number, or NCUA Charter Number (Credit Unions only):
** If the information is INCORRECT or BLANK, the data must be corrected prior to
entering CIIS.
Correcting Organization Profile data in myCDFIFund (except INCORRECT Fiscal Year
End Date – See Below):
• Log on to Organization’s myCDFIFund account.
• Select “Organization Profile” from left menu and sub-menu.
• Select the information from the dropdown menus.
• Changes to myCDFIFund will appear in CIIS on the next business day.
Correcting INCORRECT Fiscal Year End (FYE) Date in myCDFIFund:
• Log on to myCDFIFund Organization Account.
• Select “Help” tab.
• Select “How do I update my Organization FYE” link.
• Download and complete the Organization FYE change form.
• Fax the completed form per instructions.
• The Organization will be notified when the request is complete.

A. Basic Information
This section displays information that the Fund currently has on file for the Organization:
• Street Address
• City
• State
• Zip
• Website Address (if available)
** If the information is INCORRECT or BLANK, please correct the data in
myCDFIFund. You may continue to complete the ILR PRIOR to the updates
appearing in CIIS.


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FY 2013 CDFI Institution Level Report Instructions

1) Name of Person Responsible for Completing the ILR
Enter the name of the person from the Organization who is primarily responsible for the
ILR. The Fund will contact this individual during the cleansing process if clarification or
explanations are required.

2) Telephone Number of Person Responsible (including Extension if
Enter the telephone number of the person entered in Q.1.

3) Email Address of Person Responsible
Enter the email address of the person entered in Q.1. Use all lower case letters, unless
the address is case sensitive.
• CIIS may pre-fill the response. If the pre-filled information is incorrect, enter the
correct information.

B. Organizational Structure/Affiliation
4) Is the Organization Minority Owned or Controlled?
Select whether the Organization was minority owned or controlled at the reporting
period end OR select Don’t Know. A non-profit is considered to be minority owned or
controlled if more than 50 percent of its Board members are minorities, or the Chief
Executive Officer, Executive Director, General Partner, or Managing Member is a
If you select “Don’t Know”, please provide an explanation in the Notes field.

5) Is the Organization Women Owned or Controlled?
Select whether the Organization was women owned or controlled at the reporting period
end OR select Don’t Know. See general explanation in Q.4.
If you select “Don’t Know”, please provide an explanation in the Notes field.

6) Is the Organization a "Faith-Based" Organization?
Select whether the Organization is a faith-based Organization.

7) Did the Organization Finance or Provide Financial Services to any
Religious Institution(s) or Faith-Based Organization(s) During the Reporting
Select whether the Organization financed or provided financial services to any religious
or faith-based Organization(s) during the reporting period.

C. Populations and Geography Financed During the Reporting Period
Select whether the Organization provided any financing to the following populations or
geographic areas during the reporting period. Financing includes loans, investments,


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financial services, loan purchases, and loan guarantees. If the Organization does not
finance individuals or businesses owned by individuals (not corporations), select “No”
for each category.

8) Which of the Following Racial Populations Did the Organization Finance
During the Reporting Period?

American Indian
Alaska Native
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian
Other Pacific Islander

9) Did the Organization Finance any Persons of Hispanic Origin During the
Reporting Period?
Select whether the Organization financed any persons of Hispanic origin during the
Reporting Period OR select Don’t Know.

10) Which of the Following Geographic Areas did the Organization Provide
Financing in During the Reporting Period?

Hot Zones
Lower Mississippi Delta
Native American Areas
Rural Areas
Major Urban Area
Minor Urban Area

11) Are 50% or More of the Customers or End Users American Indian,
Alaska Native, or Native Hawaiian or Located in Native American Areas?
Select whether 50% or more of the Organization’s customers or end users are
American Indian, Alaska Native, or Native Hawaiian OR located in Native American
Areas OR select Don’t Know.

12) Native American Community Activities Table
Enter the Native American Community(ies) that the Organization provided financing or
development services to during the reporting period.
• Include financing and development services provided directly to community
residents, businesses owned or controlled by community residents, or
organizations that provided services to community residents or businesses.


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Include financing and development services that resulted in jobs created for
residents of the community.
Include financing and development services that otherwise resulted in services for
residents or business owners located in the community.

Data Point



For each row, enter the name of the Native American
Community served during the reporting period.
For each community, enter the percent of total financing
that the community represents OR select Don’t Know.
You may provide approximate percentages.

Percent of Total

D. Staff and Consultants: # of Full-Time Equivalents (FTEs)
For each category, enter the Organization's full-time equivalent (FTE) resource
allocation at the reporting period end.
• Include all full-time and part-time employees.
• Include contractors, consultants and volunteers that perform ongoing operations.
• Exclude temporary employees.
• Exclude professional services conducted outside of the office by third parties such as
accounting, bookkeeping, and legal counsel.
One FTE is a 35-hour or more work-week. In calculating the number of FTEs, part-time
employees should be combined.
Example (1): Two part-time employees that each work 17.5 hours per week should be
combined to count as one FTE. (17.5 hours X 2 = 35 hours)
Example (2): If a full-time loan officer spends 28 hours per week on lending activities
and 7 hours per week providing training, this person would count as .80 (=28/35 or
80%) FTEs Dedicated to Lending/Investing activities and .20 (=7/35 or 20%) FTEs
Dedicated to Development Services.

13) FTEs Dedicated to Lending/Investing
Enter the Organization's total FTEs dedicated to loan/investment underwriting and
outreach, loan administration, servicing, and collections at the reporting period end.

14) FTEs Dedicated to Development Services
Enter the Organization's total FTEs dedicated to providing Development Services at the
reporting period end.


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15) FTEs Dedicated to Financial Services Other than Lending/Investing
Enter the Organization's total FTEs dedicated to services such as opening checking or
savings accounts, check cashing, issuing money orders and certified checks, deposittaking, safe deposit box services, or other similar services at the reporting period end.

16) FTEs Dedicated to Administration and Other Activities
Enter the Organization's total FTEs dedicated to any activities not covered in the
categories above at the reporting period end. Include finance, human resources,
fundraising, policy, administration, and other overall management.

17) Total FTEs
CIIS will calculate and display Total FTEs.

18) Consultant/Contractor FTEs
Enter the number of consultant/contractor FTEs included in Q17. Total FTEs.
Review the FTE numbers for accuracy. The Fund will determine the Organization’s
Total Employee FTEs by subtracting the Q.18 Consultant/Contractor FTEs from Q.17
Total FTEs.
• If the Organization is a Bank or Thrift, verify that the Total Employee FTEs match the
publicly available Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) data.
• If the Organization is a Credit Union, verify that the Total Employee FTE is consistent
with the publicly available National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) data.

Use the Organization's Financial Statements for the reporting period to complete the
Financial Position Section.

A. Lending/Investing Pool
For venture capital funds, all questions in this section pertain to the investing entity(ies),
not the managing entity, unless otherwise noted.

19) Investment Capital Table
Enter all loan or investment capital as of the reporting period end.
• Include idle capital available to lend/invest, as well as deployed capital.
• Include only capital that is reflected in the Organization’s Balance Sheet.
• Exclude undrawn lines of credit.
• If the Organization makes grants, exclude funds used for such grants.
• For venture capital funds, record all paid in capital. Committed capital will be
reported separately in Q. 21.


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Completing the Table: Use one row in the Table for each distinct Source of Capital
with the same Type of Capital, Interest Rate, and Maturity Date. CIIS will calculate the
weighted average interest rate and remaining term and display it in Q. 20 Investment
Capital Summary Table.
Be Efficient / Combine Rows: If the Organization has 3 or more investments from a
single Source of Capital and Type of Capital, the user may enter these investments as a
single row.
• The user may calculate the weighted average Interest Rate.
• The user should select the "Multiple Dates" checkbox when there is more than one
origination date and/or maturity date.
For example, if the Organization has 3 loans from 3 different banks, the User may enter
a single row for Bank or Other Regulated Financial Institution, Debt-Other, and enter the
calculated weighted average interest rate of the 3 loans and select "Multiple Dates"
for the Origination Date and Maturity Date.

Notes for Completing the Table:

Net Assets (Type of Capital): All, or a portion, of an Organization’s Net Assets is
usually used for Investment Capital. Typically, this includes all Permanently
Restricted Net Assets, and may include all, or a portion, of Unrestricted Net Assets.
If the Organization’s Balance Sheet includes a line item for “Net Assets Restricted
for Lending/Investing,” include a row for Net Assets in the Investment Capital
• Internal Funds (Source of Capital): Use “Internal Funds” as the Source of Capital
for for-profit and credit union retained earnings. For non-profits, use “Internal
Funds” as the Source of Capital for net assets derived from earned income and
any net assets whose source cannot be identified. The Type of Capital for all
“Internal Funds” is “Net Assets - Other OR Retained Earnings.”
• Example: Two years ago the Organization received a $100,000 grant from the
ABC Foundation. If the Organization did not track the grant separately and
therefore cannot distinguish its balance from other net assets, then it should be
categorized as "Net Assets - Other OR Retained Earnings." If the Organization did
track the grant separately and knows the balance, then it should be categorized as
"Net Assets - Grants."
• Debt - EQ2 (Type of Capital): If debt is not identified as an Equity Equivalent
Investment (EQ2) in the Organization’s Financial Statements, it is most likely not
an EQ2 and should be categorized in CIIS as Debt - Other. An EQ2 must be a
loan to a CDFI that meets the following characteristics:
1. At the end of the initial term, the loan must have a definite rolling maturity date
that is automatically extended on an annual bases if the CDFI borrower
continues to be financially sound and carry out a community development
2. Periodic payments of interest and/principal may only be made out of the CDFI
borrower’s available cash flow after satisfying all other obligations.
3. Failure to pay principal or interest (except at maturity) will not automatically result
in a default of the loan agreement.


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4. The loan must be subordinated to all other debt except for the equity-equivalent
like loans.

Data Point


Source of

For each row, select the Source of Capital:
• Bank or other Regulated Financial Institution
• CDFI Intermediary
• Corporation - Real Estate Developer or Investment Company
• Corporation - Utility Company
• Corporation - Other
• Government-Federal - CDFI Fund
• Government-Federal - Other Sources
• Government - State or Local
• Government Sponsored Entity (GSE)
• Individuals
• Internal Funds
• Non Depository Financial Institution - Insurance Company
• Non Depository Financial Institution - Investment Bank
• Non Depository Financial Institution - Pension Fund
• Non Depository Financial Institution - Venture Fund
• Philanthropic Organization - Foundation
• Philanthropic Organization - Other
• Religious Institution
• Other
For each row, select the Type of Capital:
• Deposits
• Debt - EQ2
• Debt-Secondary Capital (Credit Union Only)
• Debt-Other
• Equity Investments
• Net Assets-Grants
• Net Assets-Other OR Retained Earnings
For each row, enter the Amount of lending/investing capital
remaining at the reporting period end. For loans, enter the
outstanding principal balance as it appears in the Balance Sheet or
Statement of Financial Position.
For each row, if the Type of Capital is Deposits, Debt-EQ2, or Debt,
enter the Interest Rate.
• If the Interest Rate is variable, provide the Interest Rate at the
reporting period end.
• If the Type of Capital is Deposits, the User may select Not
• • If the Type of Capital is Equity Investment or Net Assets,
CIIS will prefill the Interest Rate as Not Applicable.

Type of Capital


Interest Rate


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Origination Date For each row, enter the origination date OR Not Applicable.
Remaining Term CIIS will calculate the remaining term (in months) based on the
(in months)
Maturity Date, if applicable.
Maturity Date

For each row, if the Type of Capital is Deposits, Debt-EQ2, or Debt,
enter the Maturity Date (MM/DD/YYYY) at the reporting period end
or select Not Applicable.
• If the Type of Capital is Deposits, the User may select Not
• If the Type of Capital is Equity Investment or Net Assets, CIIS
will prefill the Remaining Term as Not Applicable.

20) Investment Capital Summary Table
CIIS will calculate and display the Investment Capital Summary Table based on
information entered in the Investment Capital Table.
Verify the accuracy of the Investment Capital Summary Table. Compare the
Investment Capital Summary Table to the Organization’s Financial Statements. If any
information is incorrect, modify the data in the Investment Capital Table as appropriate.
If the Summary Table does not meet the following 4 conditions, the Fund will ask the
organization to correct it during the cleansing process.
Total Investment Capital >= Gross Loans Receivable and Equity Investments
(as reported in the Organization’s Financial Statements and in Table #66 – Total
Portfolio Outstanding)
Total Equity <= Shareholder’s Equity (for-profit Organizations) OR Total Equity (nonprofit Organizations)
(as reported in the Organization’s Financial Statements)
Total Debt <= Total Liabilities
(as reported in the Organization’s Financial Statements)
Total Net Assets <= Total Net Assets
(as reported in the Organization’s Balance Sheet)

21) Off Balance Sheet Resources Committed to the Organization for
Enter the amount of any additional lending and investing funds that have been
committed to the Organization, but that do not appear on the Organization’s Balance
• Include grants, equity, debt, and any undrawn lines of credit the Organization
expects to use for lending and/or investing.
• Exclude commitments that are based on verbal or conditional agreements.
• For venture capital funds, include all committed capital.
Off-Balance Sheet Resources are most likely reported in the Notes section of the
Organization’s Financial Statements under such headings as “Commitment and
Contingency and Other Disclosures,” “Notes Payable,” or “Loans Payable.” They may
also be found in the “Management Discussion and Analysis” section. If the amount


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reported is not explained in the Financial Statements, provide an explanation for the
entry in the CIIS Notes field.

B. Financing Commitments the Organization has Made to its
22) Financing Commitments to Borrowers/Investees at Reporting Period
Enter the amount of loans and equity investments that the organization intends to
provide to borrowers/investees which it has not yet disbursed, but for which the
organization has reserved cash, cash equivalents, or other assets to fund at a later
date, OR select Don’t Know or Not Applicable.
• Include undisbursed portions of originated loans.
• Include provisionally and conditionally approved amounts.
• Exclude guarantees or lease obligations.
• Exclude commitments to affiliates, subsidiaries, and other related organizations.
If the amount reported is not explained in the Notes to the Organization’s Financial
Statements, provide an explanation for the entry in the CIIS Notes field.

C. Summary Balance Sheet Information as of the Reporting Period
Disabled questions in this section either do not apply to the Organization or, for
depository institutions, will be completed by the Fund using publicly available data.
For venture capital funds, all questions pertain to the investing entity(ies).

23) Cash and Cash Equivalents Available for Operating Expenses
Enter the Organization's Cash and Cash Equivalents that are available to cover
operating expenses. In most cases, this entry will equal the Cash and Cash
Equivalents shown on the Organization’s Balance Sheet
- Include Allowances for unrestricted or operating grants
- Include Pledges receivable or/and accounts receivables available for Operating
- Exclude Restricted Cash OR Cash and Cash equivalent available for lending
- Exclude marketable securities.

24) Current Assets
Enter the Organization's Current Assets at the reporting period end. Current Assets
may appear as a line item on the Organization’s Balance Sheet.
If Current Assets is not reported on the Organization’s Balance Sheet verify:
Current Assets >= Cash and Cash Equivalents (on Balance Sheet)
Current Assets <= Total Assets (on Balance Sheet)


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25a) Loan Loss Reserve -- Accrual
Enter the Loan Loss Reserve (LLR) set aside for loan or investment losses through
accounting-based accrual reserves at the reporting period end. An accrual LLR may be
called “Allowance for Loan Losses” and typically appears as a contra asset on the
Balance Sheet.
• Include allowances for equity investments.
• Exclude allowance for guarantees.
An accrual LLR for equity investments may appear as “Reserves for Program
Investments” on the Balance Sheet. If the accrual LLRs contra asset does not appear
on the Balance Sheet, then the “Loans Receivable” line item will likely be net of the
Allowance for Loan Losses and the amount of the allowance should be found in the
Notes. If the Organization’s Financial Statements do not reference LLR in the Balance
Sheet or in the Notes, and your CIIS response is not zero, please provide an
explanation in the CIIS Notes field.

25b) Loan Loss Reserve -- Cash
Enter the LLR set aside for loans or investment losses in the form of cash reserves, if
any, at the reporting period end. The cash reserve is not the same as the Accrual
Reserve recorded in Q.25a. Some funders require a cash reserve as a condition of
their assistance (for example, the Small Business Administration’s Microloan Program).
If the Organization’s Balance Sheet does not reference a cash reserve, and your CIIS
response is not zero, please provide an explanation in the CIIS Notes field.

25c) Depository Loss Reserves
This question applies to depository institutions only.

26) Total Assets
Enter the Organization’s Total Assets at the reporting period end.
• Include all unrestricted, temporarily restricted, and permanently restricted assets.

27) Current Liabilities
Enter the Organization's Current Liabilities at the reporting period end.
If Current Liabilities is not reported on the Organization’s Balance Sheet verify:
Current Liabilities <= Total Liabilities (on Balance Sheet)

28) Total Liabilities
Enter the Organization's Total Liabilities at the reporting period end.

29) Shareholders Equity, Net Assets, or Net Worth
CIIS will calculate and display the Organization's shareholders equity, net assets, or net
worth. For credit unions, Net Worth refers to “PCA Net Worth.”


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D. Summary Income and Expense Statement Information
Disabled questions in this section either do not apply to your Organization or, for
depository institutions, will be completed by the CDFI Fund using publicly available
For venture capital funds, all income and expense questions pertain to the investing

30) Contributed Operating Revenue Table
Enter all contributed operating revenue as defined below:
• Include unrestricted operating grants and contributions.
• Include net assets released from restriction during the reporting period if they are
available to cover operating expenses. NOTE: Exclude net assets released from
restriction if you know that the original source was earned income. (Include such
income in Q. 35 Other Earned Revenue.)
• Include the value of in-kind contributions, in-kind donations, and donated services
that are included in the Organization’s Financial Statements.
• Exclude equity, grants, contributions, and donations designated for
lending/investing capital. (Include such income in Q.42 Total Non-Operating
• Exclude temporarily restricted grants intended for future operating periods.
• Exclude grants that will be passed through to other organizations.
Completing the Table: Use one row in the Table for each Type of Donor. For
example, if the Organization has received 3 grants from 3 different foundations, create a
single row for “Philanthropic Organization – Foundation” and enter the sum of the

Data Point


Type of

For each row, select the Type of Donor:
• Bank or other Regulated Financial Institution
• CDFI Intermediary
• Corporation - Real Estate Developer or Investment Company
• Corporation - Utility Company
• Corporation - Other
• Government-Federal - CDFI Fund
• Government-Federal - Other Sources
• Government - State or Local
• Government Sponsored Entity (GSE)
• Individuals
• Non Depository Financial Institution - Insurance company
• Non Depository Financial Institution - Investment Bank
• Non Depository Financial Institution - Pension Fund
• Non Depository Financial Institution - Venture fund


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Philanthropic Organization - Foundation
Philanthropic Organization - Other
Religious Institution
For each row, enter the Amount available for reporting period
operating expenses (whether used or not).

31) Interest Income Earned on Portfolio
Enter interest earned on loans and dividends earned on equity investments
Some Organizations breakout earned income into categories such as operating and
capital. For Q.31 and the remaining earned income questions (Q. 32 – 35 & 38 - 39),
include all earned income, whether the Organization designates it as operating or any
other category.

32) Fee Income Earned from Lending Portfolio and Retail Financial
Enter the fee income earned from the Organization's lending portfolio and retail financial
services during the reporting period.
• Include closing, service or late fees; points; and all account and transaction fees.

33) Interest Earned on Cash & Marketable Securities
Enter the interest earned on cash and marketable securities (e.g., Certificates of
Deposits, Treasury Bills, etc.) during the reporting period.

34) Contract, Training, and Consulting Income
Enter income from contracts, training, and consulting during the reporting period.
• Include income from customers paying for Development Services (e.g., client
payments for workshops, seminars, consulting services, and other technical
• Include income obtained on a reimbursement basis (e.g., a contract with a
government agency to provide business plan training).

35) Other Earned Revenue
Enter any earned revenue not captured in Q. 31 through 34.
• Include any net assets released from restriction that were not included in the
Contributed Operating Revenue Table.
• Include recoveries from bad debt if they appear on Income Statement.

36) Total Earned Revenue
CIIS will sum and display the Total Earned Revenue.


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37) Total Operating Revenue (before gains/losses)
CIIS will calculate and display Total Operating Revenue by summing Total Earned
Revenue and Total Contributed Operating Revenue.

38) Gains/Losses on Equity Investments
Enter realized and unrealized Gains/Losses resulting from the Organization’s Equity
Investments during the reporting period.

39) Gains/Losses - Other
Enter any Other realized and unrealized Gains/Losses not entered in Q.38.

40) Total Gains/Losses (Realized and Unrealized)
CIIS will calculate and display the Total Gains/Losses.
In CIIS, losses must be reported as negative income. If the Organization’s Expense
Statement reports losses as an expense, the loss expense must be converted to
negative income when reported in CIIS. (In these cases, Total Revenue and Total
Expenses in CIIS will not match the Organization’s Income & Expense Statement.)
Verify that Total Gains/Losses is accurate by comparing the CIIS calculation to the
Organization’s Income and Expense Statement, making any adjustments for losses that
are reported as an expense.

41) Total Operating Revenue (after Gains/Losses)
CIIS will calculate and display the Total Operating Revenue.

42) Total Non-Operating Revenue
Enter the Organization’s total non-operating revenue for the reporting period:
• Include equity, grants, contributions, and donations designated for
lending/investing capital.
• Include temporarily restricted and permanently restricted grants and contributions.
• Include (as negative income) temporarily restricted and permanently restricted net
assets released from restriction that were included in the Contributed Operating
• Exclude all earned revenue, even if it is designated for loan capital or other nonoperating purposes. (All earned revenue should be included in Q.31 - 35 Total
Earned Revenue or Q.38 - 39 Total Gains/Losses.)

43) Total Revenue
CIIS will calculate and display the Total Revenue (after Gains/Losses) by summing
Total Operating Revenue and Total Non-Operating Revenue. Verify Total Revenue
against Income and Expense Statement.


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44) Interest Expense
Enter the Organization's interest expense for the reporting period.
• Credit unions: Exclude dividends on shares. These are included in Q. 52 Dividends
Paid Out.

45) Loan Loss Provision
Enter the Organization's Loan Loss Provision (LLP) for the reporting period. The LLP is
an expense on the Organization’s Income and Expense Statement. LLP is an
adjustment to the Loan Loss Reserve (LLR) reported in Q.25a Q.25b, and Q.25c. LLP is
an adjustment to the LLR after any write offs or recoveries. Therefore, LLP will equal
LLR only if LLR at the beginning of the year was zero and there were no write-offs or
The LLP may be referred to as “Provision for Losses” or “Bad Debt Expense” on the
Organization’s Income and Expense Statement. Or, the LLP expense may be explained
in the notes to the Organization’s Financial Statements.
• Exclude Net Write-offs. (Include Net Write-offs in Q.65 Net Amount Charged Off.)
• Exclude bad debt recoveries. (Include bad debt recoveries in Q.35 Other Earned

46) Salaries and Benefits for Staff
Enter all salary and benefit expenses of individuals employed and directly paid by the
Organization on a full-time or part-time basis for the reporting period.
• Include the Organization’s payroll expenses including payroll tax.
• Exclude management fees paid to organizations to cover the salaries, wages, or
benefits of those organizations’ staff.

47) Professional Fees
Enter all costs of hiring contractual employees during the reporting period.
• Include any contractual employees, such as consultants, legal services providers
(excluding in-house counsel), and financial and accounting services providers
(excluding in-house accounting and finance departments). (See Q.18
Consultant/Contractor FTEs.)
• Include the cost of consultants/contractors counted in Q.18 Consultant/Contractor
• Include management fees.

48) Other Operating Expenses
Enter any other operating expenses for the reporting period that are not captured in the
above categories.
• Depreciation is considered an operating expense in CIIS.


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49) Total Pre-Tax Operating Expenses
CIIS will calculate and display the Total Pre-Tax Operating Expenses.

50) Total Non-Operating Expenses
Enter the Organization’s Total Non-Operating Expenses for the reporting period.
• Include pass-through grants and taxes.
• Exclude losses on fixed assets and idle funds. These should be included as
negative revenue in the Gains/Losses line items above.

51) Total Expenses
CIIS will calculate and display the Total Expenses by Summing Total Pre-Tax Operating
Expenses and Total Non-Operating Expenses.
• Verify that Total Expenses is accurate by comparing to the Organization’s Income
and Expense Statement, taking into account any adjustments.

52) Dividends Paid Out (For-Profit CDFIs and Credit Unions only)
Enter the dividends the Organization paid out during the reporting period.

53) Estimated Value of Additional Expenses
If any additional expenses were incurred that are not captured in the Income and
Expense Statement, enter the estimated value of those expenses.
• Include in-kind donations as well as expenses related to the Organization’s
operations that were incurred by another entity.
If you enter a value for this data field and there are no relevant notes in the
Organization’s Financial Statements, provide an explanation in the CIIS Notes field.
Example (1): If the Organization is a venture capital fund that paid a $100,000 annual
management fee to its managing member or general partner, but the managing member
or general partner incurred $150,000 in real expenses related to managing the fund
during the reporting period, then the Organization should enter $50,000 in Estimated
Value of Additional Expenses.
Example (2): If the Organization occupies office space that is owned or leased by
another entity, but does not pay rent, then the Organization should include the
estimated market rate rental expense of that space, if the value was not included in the
Organization’s Income and Expense Statement.

54) Total Revenue in the Fiscal Year Prior to the Current Reporting Period
If this response is not pre-filled, enter the Organization’s total revenue for the fiscal year
prior to the current reporting period.
• If you made any adjustments to the current reporting period total revenue, be sure
to make the same adjustments in Q. 54 and 55.


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55) Total Revenue in the Fiscal Year Two Years Prior to the Current
Reporting Period
If this response is not pre-filled, enter the Organization’s total revenue for the fiscal year
two years prior to the current reporting period.

56) Total Expenses in the Fiscal Year Prior to the Current Reporting Period
If this response is not pre-filled, enter the Organization’s total expenses for the fiscal
year prior to the current reporting period.
• If you made any adjustments to the current reporting period total expense, be sure
to make the same adjustments in Q. 56 and 57.

57) Total Expenses in the Fiscal Year Two Years Prior to the Current
Reporting Period
If this response is not pre-filled, enter the Organization’s total expenses for the fiscal
year two years prior to the current reporting period.

A. Financing
58) Will the Organization Submit a Transaction Level Report for the Current
Reporting Period?
Enter whether the Organization will submit a TLR for the current reporting period.

If YES, skip to Section IIIB. If NO, complete this section.
TLR Required

Organizations with a FY 2013 reporting requirement for any of the following Awards are
required to submit TLR for FY 2013. CIIS will pre-fill Q.58 as “YES” and users should
skip to Section IIIB.
• 2006-2010 Financial Assistance (FA) or Core
• 2004-2010 NACA – Type I (Native CDFI) with FA only
Exception: Depository Institution Holding Companies will not provide TLR regardless of
the type of award. If the Depository Institution Holding Company has any signatories to
the award, the Signatories will provide TLR. Please review the Assistance Agreement
for further clarification.

59) Loans/Investments Originated Table
The Loans/Investments Originated Table captures information on all loans and
investments the Organization originated during the reporting period. Use one row in the
Table for each distinct transaction type (term loan, line of credit, debt with equity, equity
investment, other) and purpose.
• Include construction or rehabilitation loans to non-profits in Real Estate –
• Use the Other purpose category if you cannot identify the purpose of the


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Exclude loans/investments closed to affiliates, subsidiaries, and other related
• Exclude the Other purpose category if the loan/investment fits in another purpose.
Depository Institution Holding Companies are required to report on Consumer Loans

Data Point


Transaction Type For each row, select the Transaction Type:
• Term Loan
• Line of Credit
• Debt with Equity
• Equity Investment
• Other
For each Transaction Type, select the Purpose:
• Business
Financing to for-profit and nonprofit businesses with more than
five employees or in an amount greater than $35,000 for the
purpose of expansion, working capital, equipment purchase or
rental, or commercial real estate development or improvement.
• Microenterprise
Financing to for-profit or non-profit enterprise that has five or
fewer employees (including the proprietor) and in an amount no
more than $35,000 for the purpose of expansion, working
capital, equipment purchase or rental, or commercial real estate
development or improvement
• Consumer
Loan is a personal (secured or unsecured) loan to one or more
individuals for health, education, emergency, credit repair, debt
consolidation, or other consumer purposes. Personal loans for
business purposes should be identified as Business loans and
personal loans for home improvement or repair should be
identified as Housing loans.
• Home Improvement
Loan is for the renovation or other improvement of an owner –
occupied home.
• Home Purchase
Loan is for the purchase of a primary residence.
• Real Estate – Construction/Permanent/Acquisition w/o Rehab
– Commercial
Loan/investment is for 1) predevelopment financing; 2)
construction or permanent financing; or 3) acquisition without
rehabilitation of office, retail, manufacturing, or community
facility space. Include mixed-use real estate that combines
both commercial and residential use.
• Real Estate – Construction – Housing Development – Multi

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Total Project

$ Originated

# Originated

Loan/investment is for predevelopment financing, or
construction of multifamily housing.
• Real Estate – Construction – Housing Development – Single
Loan/investment is for predevelopment financing, or
construction of single family housing.
• Real Estate – Rehabilitation – Commercial
Loan/investment is to rehabilitate office, retail, manufacturing, or
community facility space. Loan/investment may include
acquisition costs. Do not include acquisitions without
rehabilitation. Include mixed-use real estate that combines
both commercial and residential uses.
• Real Estate – Rehabilitation – Housing Development – Multi
Loan/investment is to rehabilitate or acquire single family
• Real Estate – Rehabilitation – Housing Development – Single
Loan/investment is to rehabilitate or acquire single family
• Other
Loan/investment purpose does not match any of the purposes
defined above.
For each Transaction Type, enter the Total Project Cost for the
projects funded with the identified loans and investments OR
select Don’t Know or Not Applicable. If a value is provided for
Total Project Cost, it must be greater than or equal to the $
• This question is not applicable if the Purpose is Home
Improvement or Consumer.
For each Transaction Type, enter the dollar amount of the loans or
investments Originated during the reporting period OR select Don’t
For each Transaction Type, enter the number of loans or
investments Originated during the reporting period OR select Don’t

60) Amount of Loans/Investments Originated in Community Facilities
Enter the Amount of Loans/Investments originated that funded community facilities OR
select Don’t Know or Not Applicable.

61) Loans/Investments Originated in Approved Target Market
Enter the Amount and Number of Loans/Investments Originated in your Organization’s
Approved Target Market during the reporting period OR select Don’t Know. An


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approved Target Market is any Target Market(s) designated in an active CDFI Program
Assistance Agreement or the Organization’s most recently approved CDFI certification.

62) Portfolio Outstanding Table
Enter the Amount and Number of loans/investments outstanding at the reporting period
• Include sold loans IF the loan receivables are still present on the Balance Sheet.
• Exclude receivables from affiliates, subsidiaries, and other related organizations.
• Exclude loan guarantee receivables.
• Verify that Total Portfolio Outstanding equals gross loans receivable plus gross
Community Development Equity Investments receivable on the Organization’s
Financial Statement. (The CDFI Fund will accept entries within 5% accuracy.)
Exception: Credit Unions and Banks will now need to report Consumer loans on the
ILR instead of the TLR. Only Consumer loans should be provided in this table if
Institution Type = Credit Union and Bank.
Please provide the total amount of consumer loans outstanding and the total number of
loans outstanding.
Verify totals against the Organization’s Financial Statement. During the cleansing
process, the Fund will accept entries within 5% accuracy:
Total Portfolio Outstanding = Gross Loans Receivable + Gross Equity
Investments Receivable

Data Point



For each row, select the Transaction Type:
• Term Loan
• Line of Credit
• Debt with Equity
• Equity Investment
• Other
For each Transaction Type, select the Purpose:
• Business
• Microenterprise
• Consumer
• Home Improvement
• Home Purchase
• Real Estate – Construction/Permanent/Acquisition w/o Rehab
– Commercial
• Real Estate – Construction – Housing Development – Multi
• Real Estate – Construction – Housing Development – Single



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$ Outstanding

# Outstanding

Real Estate – Rehabilitation – Commercial
Real Estate – Rehabilitation – Housing Development – Multi
• Real Estate – Rehabilitation – Housing Development – Single
• Other
For each Transaction Type, enter the total dollar amount of the
loans or investments Outstanding in the Organization’s portfolio
OR select Don’t Know or Not Applicable.
For each Transaction Type, enter the total number of loans or
investments Outstanding in the Organization’s portfolio OR select
Don’t Know or Not Applicable.

63) Amount of Portfolio Outstanding Invested in Community Facilities
Enter the Amount of the Portfolio Outstanding invested in community facilities OR select
Don’t Know or Not Applicable.

64) 90 Days or More Past Due (Amount/Number)
Enter the Amount and Number of the aggregate portfolio that is 90 days or more past
due at the reporting period end OR select Don’t Know.
• Include the entire outstanding balance of any loan with one or more payments or
partial payments that are 90 days or more past due.
• Include accrual and non-accrual loans.

65) Total Amount Charged Off
Enter the Total Amount Charged Off during the reporting period OR select Don’t Know
or Not Applicable.

66) Total Recoveries
Enter the Total Recoveries during the reporting period OR select Don’t Know or Not
• Include amounts recovered during the reporting period on loans that were charged off
in previous years.

67) Net Amount Charged Off
CIIS will calculate the Net Amount Charged Off. Net Charged Off is reported after
default, foreclosure, or liquidation, and is net of any recovered assets.
Q.67 Net Amount Charged Off = Q.65 Total Amount Charged Off – Q.66 Total


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B. Loan Purchases and Sales
68) Loan Purchase Table
The Loan Purchase Table captures information on any loans the Organization has
purchased during the reporting period. Loans purchased are transactions in which the
Organization purchases a loan(s) that was underwritten and disbursed by a different
financial institution.
Use one row in the Table for each distinct loan purchase event.

Data Point


Purchase #
Purchase Date

System assigned value.
For each row, enter the month, day, and year of the loan
purchase event.
For each row, enter the Total Amount Paid for the loan
For each row, enter the Total Number of Loans for the purchase.
For each row, enter the Presale Book Value for the loans

Total $ Paid
Total # Loans
Presale Book

69) Sector Breakouts for All Loans Purchased During the Reporting Period
Enter the Amount and Number of loan purchases reported in Q.68 for the following
• Business Loans
• Commercial Real Estate Loans
• Mortgage Loans
• Other/Unknown Loans
Verify: that the Sector Breakout totals match the Q. 68 Loan Purchase Table Totals.
Q. 69 Total Amount Paid in Sector Breakouts = Q.68 Total Amount of Loans
Q. 69 Total Number of Loans in Sector Breakouts = Q.68 Total Number Loans


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70) Loans Sold Table
The Loans Sold Table captures information on loans or portions of loans the
Organization sold during the reporting period. Use one row in the table for each loan
sale transaction. You may combine all loans sold to any distinct buyer in a single row.

Data Point


Buyer Organization Name

For each row, select the name of the Buyer Organization.
• Bank
• CDCU Mortgage Center
• Community Development Trust
• Community Reinvestment Fund (CRF)
• Fannie Mae
• Freddie Mac
• Housing Finance Authority
• Neighborhood Housing Services of America (NHSA)
• Small Business Administration (SBA)
• Self-Help Credit Union
• Other
For each row, enter the Total Number of Loans or
portions of loans sold to the Buyer Organization. Count
each portion as one loan.
For each row, enter the Presale Book Value of the loans
or portions of loans sold to the Buyer Organization.
For each row, enter the Organization's Sale Price.

Total # Sold

Presale Book Value of
Sale Price

71) Sector Breakouts for Loans Sold During the Reporting Period
Enter the Amount and Number of the loans sold reported in Q.70 for the following
• Business Loans
• Commercial Real Estate Loans
• Mortgage Loans
• Other/Unknown Loans
Enter both the Presale Book Value and the Presale Book Value of the Guaranteed
Portion for each sector (i.e., SBA-guaranteed, etc.)
Verify that Total Presale Book Value matches the Total Loans Sold Table. CIIS will
generate an error if the User does not meet this requirement.
Total Presale Book Value = Q. 70 Loans Sold


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C. Other Financing Activities
Other Financing Originated
72) Loan Guarantees (Amount/Number)
Enter the Amount and Number of loan guarantees the Organization originated during
the reporting period OR select Don’t Know or Not Applicable.

73) Loans/Investments Underwritten for Other Organizations
Enter the Amount and Number of loans/investments the Organization underwrote for
other organizations during the reporting period OR select Don’t Know or Not Applicable.

74) Loans/Investments Serviced for Other Organizations (Amount/Number)
Enter the Amount and Number of loans/investments the Organization serviced for other
organizations during the reporting period OR select Don’t Know or Not Applicable.

Other Financing Outstanding
75) Loan Guarantees (Amount/Number)
Enter the Amount and Number of loan guarantees outstanding at the reporting period
end OR select Don’t Know or Not Applicable.

76) Loans/Investments Underwritten for Other Organizations
Enter the Amount and Number of loans/investments outstanding at the reporting period
end that the Organization is underwriting for other organizations OR select Don’t Know
or Not Applicable.

77) Loans/Investments Serviced for Other Organizations (Amount/Number)
Enter the Amount and Number of loans/investments outstanding at the reporting period
end that the Organization is servicing for other organizations OR select Don’t Know or
Not Applicable.

It is important that your organization provide complete Impact data for all applicable
measures. On March 31, 2006, the Fund introduced additional TLR validations to
ensure that your TLR data is complete prior to submission. For example, if the user
enters a transaction with a “Business” investee type, the user must provide the “Jobs”
for that transaction. Because the Fund recognizes that not all CDFIs collect all CIIS
impact data fields, “Don’t know” is an acceptable response. However, the Fund
encourages CDFIs to begin collecting all applicable impacts so that the Fund can have
a complete count of the benefits provided to your target communities.


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Additionally, CDFIs must:
• Complete the ILR - Section IV. “Community Development Impacts” (Q.78 – Q.87)
• Complete the TLR Impact data points. Previously, these data points were optional.

78) Will you provide the following impact data in a Transaction Level
Enter whether the Organization will provide the following impact data in a TLR.
• If the Organization is submitting a TLR that includes impact data for this
reporting period, select “YES” and skip to Q. 90.
• If the Organization is not submitting a TLR that includes impact data for this
reporting period, complete this section.

79) Type of Jobs Reported
For Projected Jobs to Be Created reported in Questions 80-81, indicate whether the
types of jobs being reported are “Direct” or “Direct and Indirect”. Typically such job
estimates are based on new hires that the project business expects to be able to make
as a result of the new financing. If, however, the project is large and complex, the
business may estimate the job effects based on economic models that may include both
direct and indirect jobs.
Note that induced jobs cannot be reported in the ILR or TLR.

80) Jobs in Portfolio Businesses at Origination
Enter the total FTE employees in the portfolio businesses at the time of origination for
Business loans/investments originated during the current reporting period OR select
Don’t Know. If the Organization did not originate any business financing during the
reporting period, select Not Applicable.
• Include jobs for Business financing only.
• Include direct jobs.
• Include indirect jobs, if applicable.
• Exclude induced jobs.
• Exclude construction jobs created by Real Estate financing.
To ensure consistency of annual reporting by all CDFIs, 2009 Recovery Act FA and TA
Awardees should follow ILR (and TLR) instructions for annual reporting.
2009 Recovery Act FA and TA Awardees will note that ILR Questions 79-81 (TLR Questions
CB-CD) allow awardees to report both direct and indirect jobs. As indicated in Reporting
Outreach for Awardees and related instructions for Recovery Act reporting, quarterly reports
completed by Recovery Act awardees collect a subset of these jobs.



The Quarterly Institution Level Report (QILR) completed and submitted by Recovery
Act awardees to the CDFI Fund only allows awardees to report direct jobs funded
by and resulting from the use of Recovery Act funds.
The report submitted via the portal only allows Recovery Act
Awardees to reported Recovery Act funded jobs or those jobs for which wages and
salaries are paid for by the Recovery Act funds.
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81) Net Change in Jobs
Enter the Net Change in FTE employees in the portfolio businesses for the reporting
period end OR select Don’t Know. Net change equals the number of FTE employees at
the reporting period end minus the number of FTE employees at time of Origination.

Include jobs for Business financing only.
Include direct jobs.
Include indirect jobs, if applicable.
Exclude induced jobs.
Exclude construction jobs created by Real Estate financing

82) Source of Job Estimates
Select the source of the job estimates that are reported in the ILR:

New hires that the project business expects to be able to make as a result of the
new financing.
Estimates based on state or local wage data and projected wage and salary
expenditures attributable to project financing.
Estimates based on economic impact modeling systems such as IMPLAN, RIMSII,
or REMI.
Estimates based on developers “rules of thumb” about jobs created by type of
business and square-footage built.
Not Applicable
Other (please describe).

Explain Other (If the Organization selects “Other” for the Source of Job Estimates,
briefly explain).

83) Projected Number of Housing Units Assisted
Enter the Number of Housing Units projected to be constructed, rehabilitated, or
acquired through the housing development loans/investments originated during the
reporting period OR select Don’t Know or Not Applicable.

84) Projected Number of Affordable Housing Units Assisted
For the housing units entered above, enter the Number of Housing Units that are
projected to be Affordable Housing units OR select Don’t Know or Not Applicable.

85) Number of First-Time Homebuyers
For the Home Purchase loans originated during the reporting period, enter the number
of mortgage borrowers that have not owned a home during the three-year period
preceding the CDFI-assisted purchase of a principal residence OR select Don’t Know or
Not Applicable.


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86A) Capacity of Community Facilities - Educational
For loans/investments originated during the reporting period, enter the number of
spaces created for education in community facilities OR select Don’t Know or Not

86B) Capacity of Community Facilities - Childcare
For loans/investments originated during the reporting period, enter the number of slots
created for childcare in community facilities OR select Don’t Know or Not Applicable.

86C) Capacity of Community Facilities - Healthcare
For loans/investments originated during the reporting period, enter the capacity created
for healthcare in community facilities OR select Don’t Know or Not Applicable.

86D) Capacity of Community Facilities - Arts Center
For loans/investments originated during the reporting period, enter the capacity created
for Arts Centers in community facilities OR select Don’t Know or Not Applicable.

86E) Capacity of Community Facilities - Other
For loans/investments originated during the reporting period, enter the capacity created
for Other purposes in community facilities OR select Don’t Know or Not Applicable.

87) Projected Square Feet of Commercial Real Estate Property Developed
Enter the number of Square Feet of office, retail, or manufacturing space projected to
be developed, rehabilitated, or acquired by commercial real estate projects financed
during the reporting period OR select Don’t Know or Not Applicable.

88) Number of Equity Investments Held for 12 Months or More
Enter the total number of Community Development Equity Investments in the
Organization’s portfolio at the reporting period end OR select Don’t Know or Not

89) Number of Equity Investments Held for 12 Months or More That Have
Decreased in Value in the Organization's Prior Fiscal Year
Enter the total number of Community Development Equity Investments whose fair value
has decreased during the reporting period or select Don’t Know or Not Applicable.

90-91) Other Impacts 1 and Other Impacts 2 (Description/Number)
If the Organization measures community development impacts that are not reported
above, enter a brief description of up to two impacts and the number of units
accomplished during the reporting year. Only enter quantitative impacts that the
Organization has measured during the reporting period. CIIS will not accept an entry of


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zero for the Number. If the Organization does not have any other impacts to report,
select Not Applicable.

92) Did the Organization Introduce Any New Products or Services During
the Reporting Period?
Select whether the Organization introduced one or more new products or services
during the reporting period.

93) Lending/Investing with Other Certified CDFIs
Please briefly describe the Organization’s lending/investing activities with other certified
CDFIs, if any. In other words, if the Organization is lending/investing in the same
projects as other certified CDFIs or if the Organization has a relationship with other
certified CDFIs please describe those relationships.

94) Lending/Investing with CDEs
Please briefly describe the Organization’s lending/investing activities with Community
Development Entities (CDEs), if any. In other words, if the Organization is
lending/investing in the same projects as CDEs or if the Organization has a relationship
with CDEs please describe those relationships.

Please record Development Services provided by the Organization and any other
entity(ies) that provide Development Services on behalf of the Organization as
designated in any of the Organization’s active Fund Assistance Agreements or its most
recently approved CDFI certification.
Types of Development Services Provided During the Reporting Period

For each type of Development Service listed, select whether the Organization or any
Other Development Services Provider provided that service during the reporting period.

Affordable Housing
95) Housing Technical Assistance
96) Homeownership Counseling
Economic Development
97) Business Technical Assistance
98) Real Estate Technical Assistance
Consumer Development
99) Credit Counseling


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100) Financial Education
Other Services
101) Other Services (Not Included Above)
Number of Development Services Clients - CDFI Fund Programmatic Priority

102) Total Clients Served (Organization and Other Development Services
Enter the Total number of development services clients served by the Organization
and/or Other Development Services Providers during the reporting period. Count each
client once even if they participated in more than one session during the reporting
period OR select Don’t Know or Not Applicable.

103) Affordable Housing (Organization and Other Development Services
Enter the total number of clients that received Affordable Housing development services
during the reporting period. Count each client once even if they participated in more
than one Affordable Housing session during the reporting period.

104) Economic Development (Organization and Other Development
Services Providers)
Enter the total number of clients that received Economic Development services during
the reporting period. Count each client once even if they participated in more than one
Economic Development session during the reporting period.

105) Consumer Development (Organization and Other Development
Services Providers)
Enter the total number of clients that received Financial Services development services
during the reporting period. Count each client once even if they participated in more
than one Financial Services session during the reporting period.

106) Other Services (Not Included Above) (Organization and Other
Development Services Providers)
Enter the total number of clients that received Other development services during the
reporting period. Count each client once even if they participated in more than one
Other session during the reporting period.


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107) Number of American Indians, Alaska Natives and Native Hawaiians
Enter the number of American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiians that
received Development Services from the Organization or Other Development Services
Provider during the reporting period, OR select Don't Know.

108) Total Amount of All Open IDAs
Depository CDFIs: Enter the total amount of capital held by participants in Individual
Development Accounts (IDAs) at the reporting period end OR select Don’t Know or Not
• Exclude match.
Non-depository CDFIs: Enter the total amount of capital in IDAs open at the reporting
period end or select Don’t Know or Not Applicable.
• Exclude match.

109) Total Number of Individual Development Accounts Open
Depository CDFIs: Enter the number of clients with an IDA open at the Organization at
the reporting period end OR select Don’t Know.
• Verify that the Total Number of IDAs entered represents a subset of share or
savings accounts.
Non-depository CDFIs: Enter the number of clients with an IDA open at the reporting
period end OR select Don’t Know.

110) IDA Withdrawal Purpose Table
The IDA Withdrawal Purpose Table captures information on the purpose of any IDA
savings withdrawn during the reporting period. Use one row in the Table for each
distinct IDA purpose.




For each row, select the Purpose for which IDAs were withdrawn:
• Business Development
• Education
• Homeownership
• Retirement Account
• Other
For each row, if you selected “Other” as the Purpose, enter the other
purpose for the IDAs.



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For each row, enter the Amount of IDAs for the identified Purpose OR
select Don’t Know. Exclude match amount.
For each row, enter the Number of IDAs for the identified Purpose OR
select Don’t Know.

A. 2005-2011 Technical Assistance Awardees
This section must be completed by Organizations with a FY 2013 reporting requirement
for any award that contains a technical assistance portion. This section is to be
completed by Awardees, not by Signatories to the Award.
If any question is incorrectly enabled or disabled, contact the Fund at
[email protected].
Responses in this section will be used to confirm the Organization’s compliance
with its Assistance Agreement(s).

111) Expended Funds/Completed Activities Table
CIIS will provide an Expended Funds/Completed Activities Table with a preset row for
any award with Technical Assistance Funds AND a FY 2013 reporting requirement.

Data Point


Expended Funds

For each award, select whether the Organization
expended all Technical Assistance funds during the
reporting period.
For each Award, if the Organization responded “Yes”
to expended funds, enter the date by which the
Technical Assistance funds were expended.
For each award, select whether the Organization
completed all Technical Assistance activities during
the reporting period.
For each Award, if the Organization responded “Yes”
to completed activities, enter the date by which the
Technical Assistance activities were completed.

Date by Which Technical
Assistance Funds Expended
Completed Activities

Date by Which Technical
Assistance Activities

112) Date by Which the Organization Received Notice from the Appropriate
Agency Establishing the New Entity as a Legal Entity.
This question must be completed by Organizations with a FY 2013 reporting
requirement for any type III organization that is required to establish a sponsoring entity.


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Enter the Date by Which the organization received official documentation from the
appropriate Federal, State, or Tribal Agency incorporating, chartering, or otherwise
establishing the new entity as a legal entity OR select “Not Yet Completed.”

Name of Legal Entity
Organizations that reported a Date by Which the Organization Received Official
Documentation from the Appropriate Agency establishing the new entity as a legal entity
in Q.112 will enter the Name of the New Legal Entity.

EIN of Legal Entity
Organizations that reported a Date by Which the Organization Received Notice from the
Appropriate Agency establishing the new entity as a legal entity in Q.112 will enter the
Employee Identification Number (EIN) of the New Legal Entity.

B. 2005-2011 Financial Assistance and Native Initiative with Financial
Assistance Awardees
This section must be completed by CDFIs with a FY 2013 reporting requirement for any
of the following Awards:
• 2006 FA Award
• 2007 FA Award
• 2008 FA Award
• 2009 FA Award
• 2010 FA Award
• 2011 FA Award
• 2005 NACA – Type I (CDFI only)
• 2006 NACA – Type I (CDFI only)
• 2007 NACA – Type I (CDFI only)
• 2008 NACA – Type I (CDFI only)
• 2009 NACA – Type I (CDFI only)
• 2010 NACA –Type I (CDFI only)
• 2011 NACA – Type I (CDFI only)
Depository Institution Holding Companies should use data from their passthrough organizations to respond to the questions in this section.
If you believe this section is incorrectly enabled or disabled, please contact the
Fund at [email protected].
Responses to this section will be used to confirm the Organization’s compliance
with its Award Assistance Agreement(s).


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Portfolio At Risk (PAR) Ratio

113) Total Loans Outstanding (Amount/Number)
Enter the total Amount and Number of loans outstanding at the reporting period end. Do
not include equity investments.

114) 90 Days or More Past Due (Amount/Number)
Enter the Amount and Number of the loan portfolio reported in Q. 142 that are 90 days
or more past due at the reporting period end.
• Include the entire outstanding balance of any loan with one or more payments or
partial payments that are 90 days or more past due.
• Include accrual and non-accrual loans.
Native Initiatives Deployment of Resources

115) Total Amount Deployed in Target Market Since Notice of Award
This question must be completed by CDFIs with a FY 2013 reporting requirement for
the following Award:
• 2006 NACA – Type I (CDFI) only
• 2007 NACA – Type I (CDFI) only
• 2008 NACA – Type I (CDFI) only
• 2009 NACA – Type I (CDFI) only
• 2010 NACA – Type I (CDFI) only
• 2011 NACA – Type I (CDFI) only
• 2012 NACA – Type I (CDFI) only
Enter the Total Amount Deployed in the Target Market During the Reporting Period.
Equity Investments

116) Number of Equity Investments Held for 12 Months or More
Enter the total number of Equity Investments Held for 12 Months or More in the
Organization’s portfolio at the reporting period end OR select Not Applicable.
If the Organization entered this information in Q. 88, CIIS will disable this question.

117) Number of Equity Investments Held for 12 Months or More That Have
Decreased in Value in the Organization’s Prior Fiscal Year.
Enter the total number of Equity Investments Held for 12 Months or More whose fair
value has decreased during the reporting period OR select Not Applicable.
If the Organization entered this information in Q. 89, CIIS will disable this question.

C. 2008 Financial Assistance Awardees
This section must be completed by 2008 Financial Assistance Awardees with a FY 2013
reporting requirement.


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Users will need to respond to questions that correspond to Goals in their Organization’s
2008 FA Assistance Agreement and any amendments. The Organization’s 2008 FA
Goals can be found in Schedule 7-A of the Award Assistance Agreement and any
Depository Institution Holding Companies should use data from their passthrough organizations to respond to the questions in this section.
If you believe this section is incorrectly enabled or disabled, please contact the
Fund at [email protected].
Responses to this section will be used to confirm the Organization’s compliance
with its 2008 FA Assistance Agreement.
118) Dollar amount of financial products deployed to the target market during the
current Performance Period (See Assistance Agreement, Schedule 7-A) _______
119) Total dollar amount of financial products deployed to the target market from
the date of NOA to most recent period end. _______

D. 2009 Financial Assistance Awardees
This section must be completed by 2009 Financial Assistance Awardees with a FY 2013
reporting requirement.
Users will need to respond to questions that correspond to Goals in their Organization’s
2009 FA Assistance Agreement and any amendments. The Organization’s 2009 FA
Goals can be found in Schedule 7-A of the Award Assistance Agreement and any
Depository Institution Holding Companies should use data from their passthrough organizations to respond to the questions in this section.
If you believe this section is incorrectly enabled or disabled, please contact the
Fund at [email protected].
Responses to this section will be used to confirm the Organization’s compliance
with its 2009 FA Assistance Agreement.
120) Dollar amount of financial products deployed to the target market during the
current Performance Period (See Assistance Agreement, Schedule 7-A) _______
121) Total dollar amount of financial products deployed to the target market from
the date of NOA to most recent period end. _______


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E. 2010 Financial Assistance Awardees
This section must be completed by 2010 Financial Assistance Awardees with a FY 2013
reporting requirement.
Users will need to respond to questions that correspond to Goals in their Organization’s
2010 FA Assistance Agreement and any amendments. The Organization’s 2010 FA
Goals can be found in Schedule 7-A of the Award Assistance Agreement and any
Depository Institution Holding Companies should use data from their passthrough organizations to respond to the questions in this section.
If you believe this section is incorrectly enabled or disabled, please contact the
Fund at [email protected].
Responses to this section will be used to confirm the Organization’s compliance
with its 2010 FA Assistance Agreement.
122) Dollar amount of financial products deployed to the target market during the
current Performance Period (See Assistance Agreement, Schedule 7-A) _______
123) Total dollar amount of financial products deployed to the target market from
the date of NOA to most recent period end. _______

F. 2011 Financial Assistance Awardees
This section must be completed by 2011 Financial Assistance Awardees with a FY 2013
reporting requirement.
Users will need to respond to questions that correspond to Goals in their Organization’s
2011 FA Assistance Agreement and any amendments. The Organization’s 2011 FA
Goals can be found in Schedule 7-A of the Award Assistance Agreement and any
Depository Institution Holding Companies should use data from their passthrough organizations to respond to the questions in this section.
If you believe this section is incorrectly enabled or disabled, please contact the
Fund at [email protected].
Responses to this section will be used to confirm the Organization’s compliance
with its 2011 FA Assistance Agreement.
124) Dollar amount of financial products deployed to the target market during the
current Performance Period (See Assistance Agreement, Schedule 7-A) _______


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125) Total dollar amount of financial products deployed to the target market from
the date of NOA to most recent period end. _______

G. 2012 Financial Assistance Awardees
This section must be completed by 2012 Financial Assistance Awardees with a FY 2013
reporting requirement.
Users will need to respond to questions that correspond to Goals in their Organization’s
2012 FA Assistance Agreement and any amendments. The Organization’s 2012 FA
Goals can be found in Schedule 7-A of the Award Assistance Agreement and any
Depository Institution Holding Companies should use data from their passthrough organizations to respond to the questions in this section.
If you believe this section is incorrectly enabled or disabled, please contact the
Fund at [email protected].
Responses to this section will be used to confirm the Organization’s compliance
with its 2012 FA Assistance Agreement.
126) Dollar amount of financial products deployed to the target market during the
current Performance Period (See Assistance Agreement, Schedule 7-A) _______
127) Total dollar amount of financial products deployed to the target market from
the date of NOA to most recent period end. _______

128) Loan Portfolio Software
Select the software used by the Organization to track loan and investment data such as
original amount, principal outstanding, loan terms, and status.

129) Borrower Characteristics Software
Select the software used by the Organization to track borrower information such as
contact information, gender, race, credit score, and other characteristics.

130) Community Development Impact Software
Select the software used by the Organization to track impact data such as affordable
housing units constructed, jobs created, jobs retained, and other community impacts.

For Q. 125 - 127, select from the following list:


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Customized Database Created with Access
Customized Database Created with Another Program
DownHome Loan Manager
Fed Comp
Grants Management System
Loan Ledger
Manual or Paper Based System Only
Portfol Software
TEA (The Exceptional Assistant)
Trakker – Loan Servicing Software

If the Organization selects “Other” for the community impact software, enter the name of
the other software used.

131) Credit Scores
Select whether the Organization collects loan applicant credit scores.

132) Reporting Agency
If the Organization collects credit scores, select “yes” or “no” for each option to identify
the credit reporting agency(ies) used by the Organization:
• Equifax
• Experian
• TransUnion

133) Does the Organization Report Loan Repayment Data to at Least One of
the Credit Reporting Agencies?
Select whether the Organization reports loan repayment data to at least one of the
credit reporting agencies.

134) What types of loan repayment data does the Organization report?
If the Organization reports loan repayment data, select the type of loan repayment data
they reported.
• Positive Repayment Data Only

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Negative Repayment Data Only
All Repayment Data

135) How often does the Organization report to the credit reporting
If the Organization reports loan repayment data, select how often the Organization
reports to the credit agency(ies).
• Annually
• Quarterly
• Monthly
• Not on a Regular Basis

136) Is the Organization Required to Have a Single Audit Pursuant to OMB
Circular A-133?
Select whether the Organization is required to have a single audit pursuant to OMB
Circular A-133.

137) Success Story
Please briefly describe any transactions, product innovations, partnerships, new
investor relationships, policy-related impacts, or other events that you believe exemplify
the important role of CDFIs in creating community development impact.
The CDFI Fund is especially interested in collecting information on any healthy food
financing activity that promotes access to healthy food options in low-income, lowaccess neighborhoods. Please note any transactions (i.e. Originator Transaction ID and
a brief description of the project) reported in your TLR which supports improved access
to health foods options in low-income communities.

138) Comments
Please comment on any difficulties the Organization had in completing the ILR or any
suggestions for improving it. Please also describe the Financial Statements used to
complete the ILR (number of Financial Statements used, number of pages submitted,


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139) Operating Liquidity Ratio (Cash and Cash equivalents available for
operating expenses) / (.25 x (Total Pre-Tax Operating Expenses - Loan Loss
140) Portfolio at Risk
141) Equity Investments
142) Average Net Revenue
143) Net Asset Ratio
144) Capital Liquidity Ratio
145) Self-Sufficiency Ratio
146) Prompt Correction Action (PCA) Net Worth Ratio
147) Tier 1 Leverage Ratio
148) Net Loans & Leases to Deposits Ratio


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File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorKristen Altobello
File Modified2014-02-03
File Created2013-08-21

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