10 CFR Part 19- 30-day Federal Register notice

NRC-2017-0122-0002 Part 19- 30-day FRN.pdf

10 CFR 19, Notices, Instructions, and Reports to Workers: Inspection and Investigations

10 CFR Part 19- 30-day Federal Register notice

OMB: 3150-0044

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Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 192 / Thursday, October 5, 2017 / Notices
to radiation exposures to the public or
plant workers. This FONSI incorporates
by reference the EA in Section II of this
notice. Therefore, the NRC concludes
that the proposed action will not have
a significant effect on the quality of the
human environment. Accordingly, the
NRC has determined not to prepare an
environmental impact statement for the
proposed action.
The related environmental document
is the ‘‘Generic Environmental Impact
Statement for License Renewal of
Nuclear Plants: Regarding Duane Arnold
Energy Center, Final Report,’’ NUREG–

1437, Supplement 42. The NUREG–
1437, Supplement 42, provides the
latest environmental review of current
operations and description of
environmental conditions at DAEC.
The finding and other related
environmental documents may be
examined, and/or copied for a fee, at the
NRC’s Public Document Room (PDR),
located at One White Flint North, 11555
Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland
20852. Publicly-available records will
be accessible electronically from
ADAMS Public Electronic Reading
Room on the Internet at the NRC’s Web

site: http://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/
Persons who do not have access to
ADAMS or who encounter problems in
accessing the documents located in
ADAMS should contact the NRC’s PDR
Reference staff by telephone at 1–800–
397–4209 or 301–415–4737, or send an
email to [email protected].
IV. Availability of Documents
The documents identified in the
following table are available to
interested persons through one or more
of the following methods, as indicated.
No./web link/


NextEra Energy Duane Arnold, LLC, License Amendment Request (TSCR–165) for Revision to Emergency Planning Zone in
the Duane Arnold Energy Center Emergency Plan, Dated March 31, 2017 ..................................................................................
NextEra Energy Duane Arnold, LLC, Evaluation of Proposed Amendment for License Amendment Request (TSCR–165) for Revision to Emergency Planning Zone in the Duane Arnold Energy Center Emergency Plan, Dated March 31, 2017 ....................
NUREG–1437, Supplement 42, Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants: Regarding
Duane Arnold Energy Center, Final Report, Dated October 2010 ..................................................................................................

Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 26th day
of September 2017.
For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Mahesh L. Chawla,
Project Manager, Plant Licensing Branch
LPL3, Division of Operating Reactor
Licensing, Office of Nuclear Reactor
[FR Doc. 2017–21498 Filed 10–4–17; 8:45 am]


I. Obtaining Information and
Submitting Comments


Information Collection: Notices,
Instructions and Reports to Workers:
Inspection and Investigations
Nuclear Regulatory
ACTION: Notice of submission to the
Office of Management and Budget;
request for comment.

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (NRC) invites public
comment on the renewal of Office of
Management and Budget (OMB)
approval for an existing collection of
information. The information collection
is entitled, ‘‘Notices, Instructions and
Reports to Workers: Inspection and
DATES: Submit comments by November
6, 2017.
ADDRESSES: Submit comments directly
to the OMB reviewer at: Aaron Szabo,

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Desk Officer, Office of Information and
Regulatory Affairs 3150–0044, NEOB–
10202, Office of Management and
Budget, Washington, DC 20503;
telephone: 202–395–3621, email: oira_
[email protected].
David Cullison, NRC Clearance Officer,
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission,
Washington DC 20555–0001; telephone:
301–415–2084; email:
[email protected].

Jkt 244001

A. Obtaining Information
Please refer to Docket ID NRC–2017–
0122 when contacting the NRC about
the availability of information for this
action. You may obtain publiclyavailable information related to this
action by any of the following methods:
• Federal Rulemaking Web site: Go to
http://www.regulations.gov and search
for Docket ID NRC–2017–0122.
• NRC’s Agencywide Documents
Access and Management System
(ADAMS): You may obtain publiclyavailable documents online in the
ADAMS Public Documents collection at
adams.html. To begin the search, select
‘‘ADAMS Public Documents’’ and then
select ‘‘Begin Web-based ADAMS
Search.’’ For problems with ADAMS,
please contact the NRC’s Public
Document Room (PDR) reference staff at

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1–800–397–4209, 301–415–4737, or by
email to [email protected]. The
supporting statement is available in
ADAMS under Accession No.
• NRC’s PDR: You may examine and
purchase copies of public documents at
the NRC’s PDR, Room O1–F21, One
White Flint North, 11555 Rockville
Pike, Rockville, Maryland 20852.
• NRC’s Clearance Officer: A copy of
the collection of information and related
instructions may be obtained without
charge by contacting the NRC’s
Clearance Officer, David Cullison,
Office of the Chief Information Officer,
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission,
Washington, DC 20555–0001; telephone:
301–415–2084; email:
[email protected].
B. Submitting Comments
The NRC cautions you not to include
identifying or contact information in
comment submissions that you do not
want to be publicly disclosed in your
comment submission. All comment
submissions are posted at http://
www.regulations.gov and entered into
ADAMS. Comment submissions are not
routinely edited to remove identifying
or contact information.
If you are requesting or aggregating
comments from other persons for
submission to the OMB, then you
should inform those persons not to
include identifying or contact
information that they do not want to be
publicly disclosed in their comment




Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 192 / Thursday, October 5, 2017 / Notices

ethrower on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES

submission. Your request should state
that the NRC does not routinely edit
comment submissions to remove such
information before making the comment
submissions available to the public or
entering the comment submissions into
II. Background
Under the provisions of the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44
U.S.C. Chapter 35), the NRC recently
submitted a request for renewal of an
existing collection of information to
OMB for review entitled, ‘‘Notices,
Instructions and Reports to Workers:
Inspection and Investigations.’’ The
NRC hereby informs potential
respondents that an agency may not
conduct or sponsor, and that a person is
not required to respond to, a collection
of information unless it displays a
currently valid OMB control number.
The NRC published a Federal
Register notice with a 60-day comment
period on this information collection on
June 21, 2017 (82 FR 28360).
1. The title of the information
collection: 10 CFR part 19, ‘‘Notices,
Instructions and Reports to Workers:
Inspection and Investigations.’’
2. OMB approval number: 3150–0044.
3. Type of submission: Extension.
4. The form number if applicable: N/
5. How often the collection is required
or requested: As necessary in order that
adequate and timely reports of radiation
exposure be made to individuals
involved in applicable NRC-licensed
6. Who will be required or asked to
respond: Licensees authorized to
receive, possess, use, or transfer
material licensed by the NRC.
7. The estimated number of annual
responses: 20,300.
8. The estimated number of annual
respondents: 1,401,163.
9. An estimate of the total number of
hours needed annually to comply with
the information collection requirement
or request: 320,969.
10. Abstract: Part 19 of title 10 of the
Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR),
establishes requirements for notices,
instructions, and reports by licensees
and regulated entities to individuals
participating in NRC-licensed and
regulated activities and options
available to these individuals in
connection with Commission
inspections of licensees and regulated
entities, and to ascertain compliance
with the provisions of the Atomic
Energy Act of 1954, as amended, titles
II and IV of the Energy Reorganization
Act of 1974, and regulations, orders, and
licenses thereunder. The regulations in

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this part also establish the rights and
responsibilities of the Commission and
individuals during interviews
compelled by subpoena as part of
agency’s inspections or investigations
under Section 161c of the Atomic
Energy Act of 1954, as amended, on any
matter within the Commission’s
Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 28th day
of September , 2017.
For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
David Cullison,
NRC Clearance Officer, Office of the Chief
Information Officer.
[FR Doc. 2017–21418 Filed 10–4–17; 8:45 am]

[Docket Nos. 52–025 and 52–026; NRC–

Southern Nuclear Operating Company,
Inc., Vogtle Electric Generating Plant,
Units 3 and 4; Standardization of
Instrumentation Setpoint
Nuclear Regulatory
ACTION: Exemption and combined
license amendment; issuance.

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (NRC) is granting an
exemption to allow a departure from the
certification information of Tier 1 of the
generic design control document (DCD)
and is issuing License Amendment Nos.
87 and 86 to Combined Licenses (COL),
NPF–91 and NPF–92, respectively. The
COLs were issued to Southern Nuclear
Operating Company, Inc., and Georgia
Power Company, Oglethorpe Power
Corporation, MEAG Power SPVM, LLC,
SPVP, LLC, Authority of Georgia, and
the City of Dalton, Georgia (the
licensee); for construction and operation
of the Vogtle Electric Generating Plant
(VEGP) Units 3 and 4, located in Burke
County, Georgia.
The granting of the exemption allows
the changes to Tier 1 information asked
for in the amendment. Because the
acceptability of the exemption was
determined in part by the acceptability
of the amendment, the exemption and
amendment are being issued
DATES: The exemption and amendment
were issued on September 22, 2017.
ADDRESSES: Please refer to Docket ID
NRC–2008–0252 when contacting the
NRC about the availability of
information regarding this document.

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You may obtain publicly-available
information related to this document
using any of the following methods:
• Federal Rulemaking Web site: Go to
http://www.regulations.gov and search
for Docket ID NRC–2008–0252. Address
questions about NRC dockets to Carol
Gallagher; telephone: 301–415–3463;
email: [email protected]. For
technical questions, contact the
individual listed in the FOR FURTHER
• NRC’s Agencywide Documents
Access and Management System
(ADAMS): You may obtain publiclyavailable documents online in the
ADAMS Public Documents collection at
adams.html. To begin the search, select
‘‘ADAMS Public Documents’’ and then
select ‘‘Begin Web-based ADAMS
Search.’’ For problems with ADAMS,
please contact the NRC’s Public
Document Room (PDR) reference staff at
1–800–397–4209, 301–415–4737, or by
email to [email protected]. The
ADAMS accession number for each
document referenced (if it is available in
ADAMS) is provided the first time that
it is mentioned in this document. The
request for the amendment and
exemption was submitted by letter
dated February 24, 2017, as
supplemented by letter dated August 7,
2017 (ADAMS Accession Nos.
ML17055C352 and ML17219A185,
• NRC’s PDR: You may examine and
purchase copies of public documents at
the NRC’s PDR, Room O1–F21, One
White Flint North, 11555 Rockville
Pike, Rockville, Maryland 20852.
Chandu Patel, Office of New Reactors,
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission,
Washington, DC 20555–0001; telephone:
301–415–3025; email: Chandu.Patel@

I. Introduction
The NRC is granting an exemption
from paragraph B of section III, ‘‘Scope
and Contents,’’ of appendix D, ‘‘Design
Certification Rule for the AP1000,’’ to
part 52 of title 10 of the Code of Federal
Regulations (10 CFR), and issuing
License Amendment Nos. 87 and 86 to
COLs, NPF–91 and NPF–92,
respectively, to the licensee. The
exemption is required by paragraph A.4
of section VIII, ‘‘Processes for Changes
and Departures,’’ appendix D, to 10 CFR
part 52 to allow the licensee to depart
from Tier 1 information. With the
requested amendment, the licensee
sought proposed changes to the Updated



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File Modified2017-10-05
File Created2017-10-05

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