Summary of Changes to Standard, Consolidated, and Classification Questionnaires

Attachment J.xlsx

2017 Economic Census

Summary of Changes to Standard, Consolidated, and Classification Questionnaires

OMB: 0607-0998

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Attachment J

Department of Commerce

United States Census Bureau

OMB Information Collection Request

2017 Economic Census

OMB Control Number 0607-XXXX

Summary of Changes to Questionnaires

2017 Path 2017 Item Number 2012 Form # 2012 Item Number Type Description Area(s) impacted Comments


44411, 44511, 44512, 44611, 45221, 45231, 45239
28 NA NA Retail Specific Special Inquiry Add: 1) Self service check-out lane and 2) pre-ordering or delivery services Retail Requested by Center for Economic Studies (CES). Data could inform research on measuring customer-labor substitution in the Retail sector. These questions were cognitively tested, and minor wording changes were made, where needed, for clarification.
72240, 72250 28 NA NA Trade Specific Special Inquiry Add: Use of electronic devices for self service table orders and /or payment Services Requested by CES: "Some restaurants and hotels are starting to use the self-service model for check-in, ordering, and payment. These changes have the potential to change employment patterns in these sectors. As these trends are only now starting, Census has the unique opportunity to follow these trends from the start. Replacing a 2012 special inquiry question for restaurants ("Did a waiter or waitress take most orders while the patron was seated?"). Cognitive testing showed that this question appeared to perform adequately, and no revisions were recommended.
44511, 44611, 45221, 45231 28 NA NA Retail Specific Special Inquiry Add: Retail Health clinic to ask for information on whether they operate clinics, lease space to a clinic, or partner with a health care system to operate a retail clinic Retail Requested by CES to add up to 7 Special Inquiry questions for information on whether they operate clinics, lease space to a clinic, or partner with a health care system to operate a retail clinic. These questions were cognitively tested, and recommendations for modifications and definitional clarifications were accepted.
21110, 21112, 21210, 21220, 21227, 21231, 21234, 21235, 21239, 21301, 31123, 31124, 31131, 31140, 31142, 31143, 31150, 31160, 31163, 31213, 32110, 32191, 32210, 32211, 32212, 32213, 32226, 32410, 32510, 32511, 32512, 32513, 32514, 32515, 32516, 32520, 32521, 32522, 32530, 32531, 32533, 32540, 32594, 32730, 33110, 33120, 33130, 33132, 33150, 2130A, 3261B 28 NA NA Manufacturing Add: "Water-use" question Manufacturing Requested by CES to add a "water-use" question to all or some of the manufacturing paths for 2017, based on questions asked in the Census of Manufactures from 1954-1987 and the Survey of Water Use in Manufacturing follow-up survey, discontinued in 1987. BLS is also interested in water-use data. These questions were cognitively tested, and recommendations for modifications and clarifications were accepted.
2211A, 22110, 22120, 2212A 28 NA NA Trade Specific Special Inquiry Add: Cost of Resale of Natural Gas Sector 22 BEA requests an Special Inquiry for the Cost of Resale of Natural Gas. Generally, cognitive testing showed that this question appeared to perform adequately; some findings suggested that some clarification (e.g., what to include / exclude) may be helpful for some respondents.
51121 Item 28 - Special Inquiry IN-51106 N/A Trade Specific Special Inquiry Add: Cloud computing from the distribution of software on physical mediums Sector 51 BEA requests an Special Inquiry for Software Publishers to capture the shift to cloud computing from the distribution of software on physical mediums. Cognitive testing showed that this question appeared to perform adequately, and no revisions were recommended.
72110 28 NA NA Trade Specific Special Inquiry Add: Property Type in hotels/motels (Limited-service, Full-service, Luxury Sector 72 BLS requests an Special Inquiry for Property Type - currently publishes indexes based on this detail but has to use third-party revenue data for index weighting. The respondent will simply select the box next to "Limited-service facility," "Full-service facility," or "Luxury facility" after reading the definitions of each. This question was cognitively tested, and minor revisions were recommended and accepted.
All Item 26 NA NA Trade Specific Special Inquiry Add: Business Cooperatives to standard questionnaires All Requested by USDA, Cooperative Programs, and the cooperative business community. The data that will be derived by including this question will lead to a much deeper understanding of cooperative development in the U.S. and hopefully strategies for enhancing the position of a broad spectrum of cooperatives in our economy. Necessary breakouts cannot be provided by SURVLFO, so data will need to be obtained via question(s). Cognitive testing was conducted and demonstrated that "cooperative" is an enterprise level phenomenon. Data will be collected at the SU Level and on the Enterprise Path (COS NC-99001) for MUs with 50 or more Employees. It will not be asked on the Class Forms
21110 28 NA NA Trade Specific Special Inquiry Add: Multiple Investors/Joint Ventures Sector 21 Add new Special Inquiry for Multiple Investors/Joint Ventures. Data intended to be used to ensure that establishments owned by multiple companies are reported in total. These questions were cognitively tested, and design modifications were recommended and adopted for capturing name/address of investors.
61140, 61150, 61160 28 NA NA Trade Specific Special Inquiry Add: Modes of Instruction Sector 61 Modes of instruction - percentage of receipts. Instructor lead at client's facility, other location; online with live instructor, online self-paced, other modes, in person. These questions were cognitively tested, and only minor revisions and clarifications were needed.
62113 and 62140 17B NA NA Trade Specific Special Inquiry Add: Health care location at a Retail Establishment Sector 62 Add an additional part to kind of business or activity for retail clinics. Health care location in a pharmacy or retail establishment. Cognitive testing showed that this question appeared to perform adequately, and no revisions were recommended.
62113, 62121, 62140, 62151, 62161, 62191, 62199, 62200, and 62300 28 NA NA Trade Specific Special Inquiry Add: Measures of Clinical Performance Sector 62 Requested by CES - to add measures of clinical performance. Cognitive testing showed potential variation in respondents' interpretation of a couple of these questions, and revisions were recommended.
62113, 62121, 62140, 62151, 62161, 62191, 62199, 62200, 62300 28 NA NA Trade Specific Special Inquiry Add: Net Patient Care Revenue Sector 62 Source of Revenue by category - Government, Health Provider, Private, Out of pocket, Other. These questions were cognitively tested, and only minor revisions and clarifications were recommended.

Proposed Drops/Deletes

MI-21101 Item 26 Trade Specific Special Inquiry Delete Special Inquiry for Wells Drilled and Completed in 2017 Sector 21 We received unreliable data
All Manufacturing Item 17 All Manufacturing All Manufacturing Materials No longer collecting quantities for materials Sector 31-33 We receive unreliable, blank, and poor quality data for materials. Attempting to collect quantities for products would be problematic in the NAPCS structure.

MC-33232, 33609, 33610 Item 26 Trade Specific Special Inquiry Delete Special Inquiry related to Aerospace Contracts Sector 31-33 We propose to REMOVE the special inquiry AEROSPACE CONTRACTS because the subject matter analysts do not use the data for analytical or other purposes. We do not publish any data derived of this special Inquiry.
In addition, in the forms MC-33609 and MC-33610, we collect related data from the special inquiry “Defense Related Manufacturing Activity: Aerospace.”
All Construction Item 5 All Construction Item 5 Item 5 Dropping the collection of Construction and Non-construction receipts. Sector 23 Data can be derived via NAPCS collection.
All Manufacturing and Mining Item 22 All Manufacturing and Mining Item 22 Miscellaneous Receipts Dropping the collection of Miscellaneous Receipts: Value of Resales, Value of Contract Work, and All Other Miscellaneous Receipts Sector 21, 31-33 No longer a need to collect, NAPCS structure replaces miscellaneous receipts.
33234, 33270, 33271, 33272, 33280, 33281 28 Metal Products Special Inquiry deleted from: MC-33204, 33208, 33221, 33225, 33232, 33235 Item 26 Trade Specific Special Inquiry Delete Special Inquiry Selected Metalworking and Related Operations Sector 31-33 We propose to REMOVE the special inquiry SELECTED METAL WORKING and RELATED OPERATIONS because the subject matter analysts do not use the data for analytical or other purposes. We do not publish any data
derived of this special Inquiry. UPDATE 10/31 - We are KEEPING Selected Metalworking and Related Operations with analyst revisions. We are now DELETING "Selected Products Produced and Consumed". The analysts met and decided "Selected Metalworking" could be used to meet their needs in its place.
NA NA RT-44102 26 Trade Specific Special Inquiry Delete Special Inquiry Boat Facilities Sector 44-45 Not relevant to establishments in this industry, but was asked due to constraints associated with paper forms.
NA NA RT-44103 26 Trade Specific Special Inquiry Delete Special Inquiry Retreading Tires Sector 44-45 Inquiry rarely used to assist with classification between retail tire dealers vs retread shops.
NA NA RT-44201, RT-44202,
26 Trade Specific Special Inquiry Delete Special Inquiry Used Merchandise Sector 44-45 Not relevant to establishments in this industry, but was asked due to constraints associated with paper forms.
NA NA RT-44202, RT-45301 26 Trade Specific Special Inquiry Delete Special Inquiry Items Grown Sector 44-45 Question previously used to determine if establishment was in scope. 2017 NAPCS structure may now as assist with this determination.
NA NA RT-44501 26 Trade Specific Special Inquiry Delete Special Inquiry Excise Tax Sector 44-45 Propose dropping for 6-NAICS where excise taxes are likely not applicable. Propose dropping from 6-digit NAICS that are not included in Floor Space table.
NA NA RT-44501, RT-45201 26 Trade Specific Special Inquiry Delete Special Inquiry Floor Space Sector 44-45 Propose dropping from 6-digit NAICS that are not included in Floor Space table.
NA NA RT-44801 26 Trade Specific Special Inquiry Delete Special Inquiry Made-to-order Sector 44-45 Inquiry rarely used to assist with classification between apparel stores vs. tailors.
NA NA RT-44802 26 Trade Specific Special Inquiry Delete Special Inquiry Concession Sector 44-45 Inquiry rarely used to confirm accurate reporting of Leased Departments.
NA NA RT-45201, RT-45202 26 Trade Specific Special Inquiry Delete Special Inquiry Centralized Checkout Sector 44-45 Inquiry no longer used to determine classification between dept. stores vs. discount dept. stores. Replaced by Self-Checkout question.
NA NA RT-45401 26 Trade Specific Special Inquiry Delete Special Inquiry Vending Machine Sector 44-45 Data rarely used to determine classification and not used for any published tables.
NA NA RT-45201, RT-45202 26 Trade Specific Special Inquiry Delete Special Inquiry Leased Departments Sector 44-45 Data from this inquiry may no longer be desired by external users
52410, 5240A, 52430, 5243A Item 28 - Special Inquiry FI-52401; FI-52450 Item 26A Trade Specific Special Inquiry Delete Special Inquiry Tax Status Sector 52 Question no longer used for classification or publication purposes.

AF-72290 Item 26 Trade Specific Special Inquiry Delete Special Inquiry Immediate Consumption Sector 72 Propose dropping inquiries from 2012 that were specific to class forms. Propose assigning Special Inquiry based on admin NAICS regardless of 2012 class/long form.
53100 Item 28 - Special Inquiry RE - 53101 Item 26A.2 Trade Specific Special Inquiry Delete Special Inquiry Item 26.A.2. Commissions paid to independent contractors 531 No longer relevant with form split
22130; 2213A Item 28 - Special Inquiry UT-22101; UT-22150 Item 26 A. Trade Specific Special Inquiry Delete Special Inquiry Cost of Electricity Sector 22 Now that UT-22101 has been broken out into paths, question is no longer needed on 2213 (Water, Sewage and Other Systems).
22130; 2213A Item 28 - Special Inquiry UT-22101; UT-22150 Item 26 B. Trade Specific Special Inquiry Delete Special Inquiry Exported Energy Sector 22 Now that UT-22101 has been broken out into paths, question is no longer needed on 2213 (Water, Sewage and Other Systems).
53210 Item 28 - Special Inquiry RE - 53201 Item 26A Trade Specific Special Inquiry Delete Special Inquiry Item 26.A Sales of Used Equipment 532 No longer relevant with form split

CC-ALL Item 7 General Content Delete Quarterly HOURS from Construction Trade Sector 23 Previously Item 8. Will now only collect annual hours for construction workers. Data weren't published for 2012 as was poorly reported. Dropping reduces burden on respondents and analysts
62121 Item 26 HC-62105 Item 26 Trade Specific Special Inquiry Delete Special Inquiry Dental Care type of Payer 62121 Decided to drop the questions, since we are adding a more detailed question that covers the old question.
62151 Item 26 HC-62110 Item 26 Trade Specific Special Inquiry Delete Special Inquiry Type of Payer by Funding Source 62151 Decided to drop the questions, since we are adding a more detailed question that covers the old question.
51111, 51112, 51113, 51114, 51119 Item 26 IN-51101, IN-51102, IN-51103, IN-51105 Item 26, part 2 Trade Specific Special Inquiry Delete Special Inquiry Item 26 Part 2: Media % of Receipts from Advertising 5111 The 5111 forms all have the Print advertising (7012275000) and Internet advertising (7012350000) lines.   These lines parallel the second half of the Media Special Inquiry, except for "other".   I'm adding the "other" equivalent (Advertising Space in publications on electronic and other media, except online: 7012400000)  to all of the 5111 forms.  By adding Product 7012400000 to the 5111 forms, the Advertising part of the Media question becomes completely redundant and can be dropped. 
4490C Item 28 RT-44190 Item 26 Retail Specific Special Inquiry Delete Auto Franchise Special Inquiry from this classification path Sector 44-45 This Special Inquiry is no longer used to assist with establishment classification.
All Mining Item 13 All Mining Item 13 Item 13 Delete: Drop the collection of beginning assets, ending assets, and retired assets from all paths. Sector 21 This data was not published in 2012, and with a meeting with BEA was decided we would stop collecting this data as it is more of a company level figure that really increases response burden to report.
All Mining Item 13 All Mining Item 13 Item 13 Delete: Drop the collection of depreciation. Sector 21 This data was not published in 2012, and with a meeting with BEA was decided we would stop collecting this data as it is more of a company level figure that really increases response burden to report.

Proposed Changes to existing questions

All Item 4 NA NA All Census Forms Change: Preferred reporting period is for the calendar year (January-December). Moved from the end of the form to "Reporting Guidelines" - General Instructions between Items 1 and 2A. Did not delete from Certification, added bullet for information on Calendar year reporting to "Additional Reporting Guidelines". All On the 2017 Economic Census forms, it’s not clear that the preferred reporting period is for the calendar year (January-December). The reporting period is asked for at the end of the form in the certification section. We suggest moving this up to the front of the form (such as with Item 4 for Months in Operation)and wording it in a way that states that calendar year is preferred. Perhaps something similar to the statement used in the Service Annual Survey “Calendar year data is preferred. If it is not available, please report for the fiscal year that includes at least Six months of data for the 2017 calendar year”. Moved to the "Reporting Guidelines" section of the Path.
All Item 22 All Item 22 All Census Forms Global Census change - Products will be collected using the North American Product Classification System instead of the North American Industry Classification System All NAPCS is a comprehensive market- or demand-based hierarchical classification system for products (goods and services_ that is not industry-of-origin based but can be linked to the NAICS industry structure. NAPCS is consistent across the three North American countries. The questionnaire design for collecting NAPCS underwent extensive cognitive and usability testing, including a record-keeping study, 4 rounds of usability testing with screen mock-ups and partially functioning Web instruments, and a small-scale field test of alternative designs for obtaining "write-ins" of product lines not explicitly listed. Findings informed instrument design requirements, and recommendations were incorporated except where limited by resources and/or technology.
All Item 22 All Item 22 Item 22 Products will be collected in dollars ($) only. Data for products will no longer be collected in percents (%) All Implementing a standard approach for all economic trades under the new NAPCS product structure.
51700,5170A Item 28 - Special Inquiry IN-51702, IN-51750 Item 22 Trade Specific Special Inquiry Change: Wired Telecommunications Carriers - breakout of percentages of receipts Sector 51 BEA would like to see the % of Receipts for Bundled and Unbundled Services for Broadband Internet, Internet Telephone, and Multichannel programming distribution services. These questions were cognitively tested, and recommendations for minor modifications and clarifications were accepted.
All Construction 23 CC-23601, CC-23701, CC-23801, CC-23802, CC-23803, CC-23804 Item 22 Trade Specific Special Inquiry Change: Moving KOB for "Sales, Shipments, Receipts, or Revenue" to Special Inquiries section. Sector 23 Part of NAPCS restructuring. Construction KOBs are now their own item in 2017 - item 23.
All Construction 28 CC-23601 Item 26 Trade Specific Special Inquiry Change: All construction forms will contain "Housing Starts". Previously only form 23601 contained this inquiry Sector 23 Construction sector Special Inquires are questions used to collect sector specific information. These questions
provide information about subject matter topics requested by major federal and non- federal data users, and provide additional estimates
that aid in comparison analysis of economic census data to other construction data disseminated by the Census Bureau.
Special inquiries data are input to other federal government national accounting data sets and used for national, state, and local policy decisions regarding the broad US economy.
All Construction Item 5, Item 16 CC-23601, CC-23701, CC-23801, CC-23802, CC-23803, CC-23804 Item 5, Item 16 Item 5 and Item 16 Change: Item 16 Selected Expenses - Add a Yes/No for purchased cost of land to determine if it was included in Item 5 Sales and what was the value purchased cost of land. Sector 23 For Construction trade to better calculate the Net Receipts of Construction Work, 2 questions were added to Item 16 Selected Expenses to account for cost of land in construction projects. Cognitive testing showed that these questions appeared to perform adequately, and no revisions were recommended.
All Construction Item 26 All Construction Item 26 Item 26 Franchise questions will be on all Construction paths Sector 23 In 2012, Franchise questions were on selected paths. We added to all forms to aid in the collection of possible missing data.
52420 Item 28 FI - 52403 Item 26A.2 Trade Specific Special Inquiry Change: Change to one of the Special Inquiry questions for Path 52420 Licensed Insurance Agents and Brokers. Sector 52 The Special Inquiry "Licensed Insurance Agents and Brokers" is not being completely removed from the path, but rather is amended to exclude the second part of the question regarding "commission".
-Removed the commissions portion only from path 52420

All Mining N/A All Mining N/A Trade Specific wording Every reference to the term "establishment" has been changed to "Domestic Reporting Unit". Sector 21 Definitional change due to statewide consolidated reporting.
52210, 5221A, 52213, 52220, 52229 Item 28 FI - 52101, FI-52201, FI - 52202, FI - 52203, FI - 52204, FI - 52205, FI - 52206, FI - 52250, FI - 52360 Item 26A Trade Specific Special Inquiry Change: Special Inquiry Loan Income, Loan Types have been amended due to the new NAPCS structure. We are still collecting the same information. These include:
Loan Types:
1. Loans to financial businesses
2. Loans to non-financial businesses
3. Loans to governments
4. Residential mortgage loans
5. Other secured or guaranteed home loans to consumers
6. Consumer vehicle loans
7. Secured or guaranteed loans to consumers, except mortgage and vehicle loans
8. Unsecured loans to consumers
Sector 52 These are revised content to 2 existing Special Inquiry questions.
52210, 5221A, 52220 Item 28 FI - 52201, FI - 52202, FI - 52203, FI - 52204, FI - 52205, FI - 52206, FI - 52250 Item 26C Trade Specific Special Inquiry Change: Special Inquiry Credit Financing has amended on the Miscellaneous Interest and Fees question due to similar reasons. These include:

Credit Financing:
1. Automobile and light duty truck lease services

2. Finance lease services, except automobile and light duty truck lease

3. Installment loans and credit services

4. Other credit financing services
Sector 52 These are revised content to 2 existing Special Inquiry questions.
5511x Item 28 - Special Inquiry MN-55102 Item 26 Trade Specific Special Inquiry Change: Employment by Function, propose to delete some categories but retain question Sector 55 Census proposed removing, but based on BEA comment, all Special Inquiry questions kept. Employment by Function question slightly modified to move #3 under #1 and removing #5 and #6.
42471, 42472 Item 28 WH-42425 Item 26 Trade Specific Special Inquiry Changes to Special Inquiry - Petroleum Sector 42 Change: Storage Capacity Special Inquiry appearing on 2 of Wholesale Trade's
88 form paths - Propose to break out capacity by owned vs. leased, as well as add categories for asphalt and ethanol / biofuels. Cognitive testing suggested multiple revisions, which were subsequently tested in a second round. Findings suggested additional revisions, and modifications and clarifications were recommended and accepted.
All Location Information - Mailing Address Screen All Item 2 General Content Change: Physical location, legal boundaries and municipality were moved closer to beginning of the paths. All including Trade Classification forms Physical location address was moved to the mailing address screen to make It easier for respondents to compare the mailing address with the physical location. Parts B and C for legal boundaries and municipality were moved to the screen after mailing address.
Most Item 2 NC-995xx Ownership or Control Content for Single Units Change: The ownership or control information and number of establishments information was moved from a separate form to be part of a path mailed to a Single unit. Paths for Single-units Content was added to most paths, but an input file will determine if the path is designated for a Single unit and the questions will be part of their path, but not part of a path going to a multiunit.
All Mining Item 15 All Mining Item 15 Item 15 Change: Item 15 - Mineral property expenses will be collected on all 2017 paths. Sector 21 In a meeting with BEA they requested we collect mineral property expenses for all industries. In 2012 we did not collect this for 211112.
All Wholesale, All Manufacturing, Services - 5401X, 5402X, 5403X, 5404X, 5405X, 5407X,5408X, 5410X, 5411X, 5412X, 5413X, and 5511X

Item 27 WH, MC, Services Item 26 FGP FGP - Factoryless Goods Producer - Contract Manufacturing All Wholesale, All Manufacturing and Services - 5401X, 5402X, 5403X, 5404X, 5405X, 5407X,5408X, 5410X, 5411X, 5412X, 5413X, and 5511X For 2017, named Manufacturing Activities. In 2012, these questions focused only on contract manufacturing, with 3 questions on Purchasing Contract Manufacturing and 2 questions on Providing Contract Manufacturing. For 2017, the scope has been broadened to investigate additional attributes of Factoryless Goods Production (FGP), per OMB's mandate for further research to determine whether FGP may be identified reliably for potential classification purposes. Based on 3 rounds of exploratory interviews, 4 rounds of cognitive testing, and interagency research collaboration, the 2017 Economic Census will include 6 questions developed for SUs and 8 questions for MUs, querying key characteristics of FGP. These questions will not be used for producing official statistics or formal classification of FGP. Rather, their purpose is to facilitate additional research to aid decisions about potential future official classification of FGP.

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