STUDY ID: __________ -___-______________________ Form Approved
OMB No. 0920-XXXX
Date: __ __/__ __ __ /__ __ __ __ Exp. Date xx/xx/20xx
Staff Administered: ___________________________
PREGNANT WOMAN Enrollment Questionnaire
City: _______________________________________________________
Clinic: ______________________________________________________
First, I will start with some questions about you.
1. What is your birthdate?
__ __/__ __ __ /__ __ __ __ 77 Don’t know 88 Refused
2. What is the highest level of education that you have completed?
1 Less than primary 2 Primary 3 Secondary 4 Technical 5 University or more 6 None
77 Don’t know 88 Refused
3. What is your household’s socioeconomic stratum?
1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 77 Don’t know 88 Refused
4. What type of health insurance do you have?
1 Contributory 2 Subsidized 3 Not insured 4 Specialized 5 Exception
6 Indeterminate / independent 77 Don’t know 88 Refused
5. What is the name of your health insurance provider?
Name: ___________________________________________ 77 Don’t know 88 Refused
6. How many adults and children live in your household, including yourself?
______ adults (18+ years) ______ children (<18 years) 77 Don’t know 88 Refused
7. What is your marital status?
1 Married 2 Free Union 3 Single, divorced, or widowed 4 Other, specify: ______________
77 Don’t know 88 Refused
8. Do you live in the same household as your husband or male partner?
1 Yes 0 No 66 I don’t have a husband or a male partner 77 Don’t know 88 Refused
The next questions are about mosquito bites.
9. In the past 7 days, how many mosquito bites did you get?
0 None 1 Less than 20 2 20 or more, or too many to count 77 Don’t know 88 Refused
10. In the past 7 days, how often have you done the following things? Response options include never, some of the time, or always.
Never0 |
Some of the time1 |
Always2 |
Don’t know77 |
Refused88 |
Worn long pants that covered your legs
Worn shirts or jackets with long sleeves that covered your arms |
Kept your feet and ankles completely covered |
Used mosquito repellant
11. In the past 7 days, when you were inside your home, how often was the air conditioner running?
3 Never 2 Some of the time 1 Always 0 I don’t have air conditioning
77 Don’t know 88 Refused
12. Does your home have intact screens on all windows and doors that prevent mosquitos from entering?
2 Yes, on all windows and doors 1 Some 0 None 77 Don’t know 88 Refused
The next questions are about what you might have heard about Zika virus.
13. Do you think it’s possible for a person to get Zika virus in your community?
1 Yes 0 No 77 Don’t know 88 Refused
14. Do you think that everybody with Zika virus has symptoms?
1 Yes 0 No 77 Don’t know 88 Refused
15. Do you know anyone who has had Zika virus?
1 Yes 0 No 77 Don’t know 88 Refused
Have you had Zika virus?
1 Yes 0 No 77 Don’t know 88 Refused
How worried have you been about getting Zika virus during this
3Very worried 2 Somewhat worried 1 Not at all worried
77 Don’t know 88 Refused
17. Momentarily, I will give you a number of statements about Zika virus; we ask that you respond if you consider it to be “very likely”, “somewhat likely”, or “impossible” that Zika can be transmitted by any of these means.
Very likely2 |
Somewhat likely1 |
Impossible0 |
Don’t know77 |
Refused88 |
Being bitten by an infected mosquito
Having vaginal sex with a man who has Zika without using a condom |
Kissing someone on the mouth who has Zika
Shaking hands with someone who has Zika
Being coughed or sneezed on by someone who has Zika |
Receiving a blood transfusion with Zika in it
Being in utero if a mother has Zika during pregnancy |
18. Momentarily, I will give you a number of statements about the possible side effects on a baby if their mother was infected with Zika during her pregnancy; we ask that you respond if you consider it to be “very likely”, “somewhat likely”, or “impossible” that a baby could be born with the following conditions:
Very likely2 |
Somewhat likely1 |
Impossible0 |
Don’t know77 |
Refused88 |
Microcephaly (a small sized head) |
Other birth defects |
Intrauterine growth restriction (small baby) |
Miscarriages/stillbirths |
The next few questions are about Zika symptoms that you or your family might have had.
19. In the past 3 months, have you had symptoms of Zika virus? Symptoms of Zika virus means being sick with 2 or more of fever, rash, red eyes, and joint pain that are not explained by other causes.
1 Yes 0 No 77 Don’t know 88 Refused
When did these symptoms first start?
__ __/__ __ __ /__ __ __ __ 77 Don’t know 88 Refused
20. At any time, has a doctor or healthcare provider ever told you that you might have Zika virus?
1 Yes 0 No 77 Don’t know 88 Refused
__ __/__ __ __ /__ __ __ __ 77 Don’t know 88 Refused
If according to question #6, this participant lives alone in her house, go to question #23.
21. In the past 3 months, did anyone in your household other than you have symptoms of Zika? Symptoms of Zika means being sick with 2 or more of fever, rash red eyes, or joint pain that are not explained by any other cause.
1 Yes 0 No 77 Don’t know 88 Refused
Was it…
Your husband or partner? |
1 Yes 0 No 66 Not applicable 77 Don’t know 88 Refused |
Your child? |
1 Yes 0 No 66 Not applicable 77 Don’t know 88 Refused |
Another person in the household? |
1 Yes 0 No 66 Not applicable 77 Don’t know 88 Refused
If yes:,Who was it? _____________________________________ |
22. Has a doctor or healthcare provider ever told anyone in your household, aside from yourself, that they might have Zika virus?
1 Yes 0 No 77 Don’t know 88 Refused
Was it…
Your husband or partner? |
1 Yes 0 No 66 Not applicable 77 Don’t know 88 Refused |
Your child? |
1 Yes 0 No 66 Not applicable 77 Don’t know 88 Refused |
Another person in the household? |
1 Yes 0 No 66 Not applicable 77 Don’t know 88 Refused
If yes:,Who was it? _____________________________________ |
Next I’ll ask you some questions about your home, community, and environment.
23. Where do you usually get your drinking water? (Select all that apply.)
Public or private water utility |
1 Yes 0 No 77 Don’t know 88 Refused |
Well |
1 Yes 0 No 77 Don’t know 88 Refused |
Cistern or tank |
1 Yes 0 No 77 Don’t know 88 Refused |
Bottled water |
1 Yes 0 No 77 Don’t know 88 Refused |
Lake, river, or other natural source |
1 Yes 0 No 77 Don’t know 88 Refused |
Another water source, specify: |
24. In the past 3 months, have you worked at a job? Include jobs in which you don’t have a formal employer, such as selling goods or providing services.
1 Yes 0 No 77 Don’t know 88 Refused
Have any of your jobs in the past 3 months involved:
X-rays |
1 Yes 0 No 77 Don’t know 88 Refused |
Contact with body fluids such as urine, saliva, or blood |
1 Yes 0 No 77 Don’t know 88 Refused |
Applying pesticides, insecticides, or rat poison |
1 Yes 0 No 77 Don’t know 88 Refused |
Battery manufacturing or battery recycling |
1 Yes 0 No 77 Don’t know 88 Refused |
Electronic waste recycling |
1 Yes 0 No 77 Don’t know 88 Refused |
Gold mining or gold processing |
1 Yes 0 No 77 Don’t know 88 Refused |
Other metal mining (for example: uranium, nickel, cobalt) |
1 Yes 0 No 77 Don’t know 88 Refused |
A job in which you or your coworkers use lead |
1 Yes 0 No 77 Don’t know 88 Refused |
A job in which you your coworkers use mercury |
1 Yes 0 No 77 Don’t know 88 Refused |
If according to question #6, this participant lives alone in her house, go to question #26.
25. In the past 3 months, has anyone in your household other than yourself worked in the following jobs?
Battery manufacturing or battery recycling |
1 Yes 0 No 77 Don’t know 88 Refused |
Electronic waste recycling |
1 Yes 0 No 77 Don’t know 88 Refused |
Gold mining or gold processing |
1 Yes 0 No 77 Don’t know 88 Refused |
Other metal mining (for example: uranium, nickel, cobalt) |
1 Yes 0 No 77 Don’t know 88 Refused |
A job in which they or their coworkers use lead |
1 Yes 0 No 77 Don’t know 88 Refused |
A job in which they or their coworkers use mercury |
1 Yes 0 No 77 Don’t know 88 Refused |
26. In the past 3 months, have you or your household members used any pesticides, insecticides, or rat poison in or around your home?
1 Yes 0 No 77 Don’t know 88 Refused
Now I’ll ask you about medical conditions you might have had.
27. Have you ever had…?
27a. Yellow fever
1 Yes 0 No 77 Don’t know 88 Refused
Less than 3 months ago |
1 Yes 0 No 77 Don’t know 88 Refused |
Between 3-6 months ago |
1 Yes 0 No 77 Don’t know 88 Refused |
7-12 months ago |
1 Yes 0 No 77 Don’t know 88 Refused |
13 months-5 years ago |
1 Yes 0 No 77 Don’t know 88 Refused |
More than 5 years ago |
1 Yes 0 No 77 Don’t know 88 Refused |
27b. Dengue
1 Yes 0 No 77 Don’t know 88 Refused
Less than 3 months ago |
0 No 77 Don’t know 88 Refused |
Was it hemorrhagic?
1 Yes 0 No 77 Don’t know 88 Refused |
Between 3-6 months ago |
0 No 77 Don’t know 88 Refused |
Was it hemorrhagic?
1 Yes 0 No 77 Don’t know 88 Refused |
7-12 months ago |
0 No 77 Don’t know 88 Refused |
Was it hemorrhagic?
1 Yes 0 No 77 Don’t know 88 Refused |
13 months-5 years ago |
0 No 77 Don’t know 88 Refused |
Was it hemorrhagic?
1 Yes 0 No 77 Don’t know 88 Refused |
More than 5 years ago |
0 No 77 Don’t know 88 Refused |
Was it hemorrhagic?
1 Yes 0 No 77 Don’t know 88 Refused |
27c. Chikungunya
1 Yes 0 No 77 Don’t know 88 Refused
Less than 3 months ago |
1 Yes 0 No 77 Don’t know 88 Refused |
Between 3-6 months ago |
1 Yes 0 No 77 Don’t know 88 Refused |
7-12 months ago |
1 Yes 0 No 77 Don’t know 88 Refused |
13 months-5 years ago |
1 Yes 0 No 77 Don’t know 88 Refused |
More than 5 years ago |
1 Yes 0 No 77 Don’t know 88 Refused |
28. Have you ever been vaccinated for yellow fever?
1 Yes 0 No 77 Don’t know 88 Refused
The next questions are about smoking, drug use, alcohol, and vitamin use.
29. In the past 3 months, have you …?
Smoked cigarettes |
1 Yes 0 No 77 Don’t know 88 Refused |
Smoked marijuana |
1 Yes 0 No 77 Don’t know 88 Refused |
Used drugs such as crack, cocaine, or heroin |
1 Yes 0 No 77 Don’t know 88 Refused |
30. In the past 3 months, how many alcoholic drinks (such as beer, wine, or others) have you had in an average week?
6 I drank, but I don’t know how much
5 14 drinks or more a week
4 7–13 drinks a week
3 4-6 drinks a week
2 1–3 drinks a week
1 Less than 1 drink a week
0 None
77 Don’t know
88 Refused
31. In the past 3 months, have you taken folic acid?
1 Yes 0 No 77 Don’t know 88 Refused
31a. When did you start taking it?
1 Before I found out I was pregnant
0 After I found out I was pregnant
77 Don’t know
88 Refused
31b. Are you currently taking folic acid?
1 Yes 0 No 77 Don’t know 88 Refused
The next questions are about your pregnancies.
32. What was your weight when you got pregnant?
_______ kg 77 Don’t know 88 Refused
33. What is your height?
________cm 77 Don’t know 88 Refused
34. How many total pregnancies have you had (not including this pregnancy)? (All previous pregnancies, including miscarriages):
_________ number of pregnancies 77 Don’t know 88 Refused
If participant responds “zero”, go to question #39.
35. Did any of these pregnancies have more than one fetus, such as twins or triplets?
1 Yes 0 No 77 Don’t know 88 Refused
How many pregnancies had more than one fetus?
______ number of pregnancies 77 Don’t know 88 Refused
36. In how many of your previous pregnancies (not including this pregnancy) did you have…?
Live birth |
number of live births |
Miscarriage (loss before 20th week) |
number of miscarriages (loss before 20th
week) |
Stillbirth (loss at or after the 20th week) |
number of stillbirths (loss at or after the 20th
week) |
Abortion |
number of abortions |
Ectopic or molar pregnancy |
number of ectopic or molar pregnancies |
37. During your previous [pregnancy/pregnancies], in how many pregnancies (not including this pregnancy)…?
Did your doctor tell you that you had pre-eclampsia (high blood pressure in pregnancy) |
__________ number of pregnancies with with pre-eclampsia 77 Don’t know 88 Refused |
Did your doctor tell you that you had gestational diabetes (diabetes diagnosed in pregnancy) |
__________ number of pregnancies with gestational diabetes 77 Don’t know 88 Refused |
Did you have a premature birth (delivery before 37 weeks) |
__________ number of premature births 77 Don’t know 88 Refused |
Did you have a baby who was born weighing less than 2500g, or 2.5 kg |
__________ number of babies with low birth weight 77 Don’t know 88 Refused |
Did you have a Cesarean section |
__________ number of Cesarean sections 77 Don’t know 88 Refused |
Did you breastfeed your baby |
__________ number of babies breastfed 77 Don’t know 88 Refused |
38. When did your last pregnancy end?
__ __/__ __ __ /__ __ __ __ 77 Don’t know 88 Refused
39. For your current pregnancy, when was your last menstrual period?
__ __/__ __ __ /__ __ __ __ 77 Don’t know 88 Refused
How sure are you about the date of your last menstrual period?
0 Not sure 1 Sure 77 Don’t know 88 Refused
40. Did you use any fertility treatments to help you get pregnant?
1 Yes 0 No 77 Don’t know 88 Refused
Did you use…?
Medicine for ovarian stimulation, such as clomiphene citrate or Femara |
1 Yes 0 No 77 Don’t know 88 Refused |
Intrauterine insemination |
1 Yes 0 No 77 Don’t know 88 Refused |
In vitro fertilization (IVF) |
1 Yes 0 No 77 Don’t know 88 Refused |
Intracytoplasmic sperm injection |
1 Yes 0 No 77 Don’t know 88 Refused |
41. Thinking back to right before you became pregnant, which of these statements best describes how you felt about being pregnant?
4 I wanted to be pregnant sooner
3 I wanted to be pregnant later
2 I wanted to be pregnant then
1 I didn’t want to be pregnant then or at any time in the future
77 I don’t know
88 Refused
These next few questions are about your recent sexual experiences. You do not have to answer any questions if they make you uncomfortable.
42. In the past 3 months, how many men have you had sex with?
0 None This is the end of the questionnaire.
1 1
3 or more
77 Don’t know This is the end of the questionnaire.
88 Refused This is the end of the questionnaire.
43. In the past 3 months, how often have you had vaginal sex with a man? Choose the best answer.
1 Once a day or more (About 7 times or more per week)
2 2-6 times a week
3 Once a week (About 4 times per month)
4 2-3 a month
5 Once a month
6 Less than once a month
0 Never Go to question #46
77 Don’t know Go to question #46
88 Refused Go to the question #46
44. When you had vaginal sex in the past 3 months, how often has your male partner used a condom?
2 Always 1 Sometimes 0 Never 77 Don’t know 88 Refused
45. In the past 3 months, have you…?
Received oral sex from someone |
1 Yes 0 No 77 Don’t know 88 Refused |
Performed oral sex on someone |
1 Yes 0 No 77 Don’t know 88 Refused |
Had anal sex |
1 Yes 0 No 77 Don’t know 88 Refused |
46. Since you found out that you were pregnant, have you and your male partner changed how often you use condoms during sex?
1 Yes, we use them more often
2 Yes, we use them less often
3 No, we haven’t changed how often we use condoms
4 No, we don’t use condoms
0 I haven’t had regular sex with a male partner
77 Don’t know
88 Refused
Thank you for answering the questionnaire. Do you have any questions?
Appendix F1, version 19/MAY/2017
CDC estimates the average public reporting burden for this collection of information as 35 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data/information sources, gathering and maintaining the data/information needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to CDC/ATSDR Information Collection Review Office, 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS D-74, Atlanta, Georgia 30333; ATTN: PRA (0920-XXXX).
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Lisa Haddad |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-21 |