Collection Request: “ZEN Colombia Study: Zika in Pregnant
Women and Children in Colombia”
no. 0920-1190, exp. date 07/31/19)
and Justification
is approved to collect information
needed to better understand the adverse pregnancy, maternal and
infant health outcomes associated with Zika Virus (ZIKV) during
pregnancy and/or early infancy. This information includes multiple
clinic visits to collect blood and urine, as well as interview
administered questionnaires at every visit.
obtained approval for information collection in July 2017 and is
requesting a non-substantive modification request to add a 4 month
Ages and Stages Questionnaire. This questionnaire would be in lieu
of the 6 month Ages and Stages Questionnaire for infants born
premature as they would not be able to meet the milestones indicated
in the 6 month questionnaire. Therefore, there is no change to the
estimated burden per response. CDC plans to begin administering the
revised instruments as soon as we receive approval.
addition, minor changes have been made to the Supporting Statement A
to more accurately reflect activities.
updated Supporting Statement Part A and the 4 Month Ages and Stages
Questionnaire is attached.