Dear «Salutation» «LastName»:
As you may know, NAME OF COMMUNITY currently receives funds from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) for Project LAUNCH, a federally sponsored program that promotes the wellness of young children from birth to 8 years by addressing the physical, social, emotional, cognitive and behavioral aspects of their development. Project LAUNCH is designed to have a community-wide impact by enhancing the way early childhood systems work together, integrating child behavioral health services with other health services, and implementing evidence-based programs. We have been working closely with NAME OF LOCAL PD to support their local Project LAUNCH evaluation, which includes examples of LAUNCH programs in the community or county.
Because NAME OF COMMUNITY OR COUNTY is a Project LAUNCH grantee, schools in your district are invited to participate in the multi-site evaluation (MSE) of Project LAUNCH. The MSE will conduct surveys with parents, teachers, and administrators – no data will be collected directly from children. This study is being conducted by a non-profit organization, NORC at the University of Chicago, under contract to the Administration of Children and Family (ACF) and SAMHSA at HHS. The purpose of the MSE is to learn more about how Project LAUNCH programs impact the health and wellness of children in communities across the country. The collected data will be for evaluation purposes and results will be aggregated and not presented in a way where it can be linked to a specific school or individual.
We would like to request
your district’s participation in this important study, and to
invite two elementary schools within your district and selected at
random by the evaluation team to participate in this important study
[target this as needed if school district does not have 2 elementary
schools]. Enclosed in this packet, you will find more detailed
information about our plans to collect data as well as an
informational flyer about the project. Ultimately, these data will
help policymakers to make decisions about how to focus limited
resources for programs targeting health and wellness of children. We
recognize that your schools’, staff’s, and teachers’
time is limited and valuable, and want to ensure that you also
benefit from participation. If you agree to participate, we
will provide you, and participating elementary schools from your
district, with reports that describe the data collected from teachers
in your district.
These reports will describe the results for your schools and
district, demonstrate successes and needs, and will be available for
your use.
We would like to set up a time to talk with you to discuss the process, answer any questions that you may have about the study, and learn how we can best work with schools in your district. Please contact Shannon TenBroeck, Research Scientist, at 1-415-315-2006 or [email protected] to set up a time to talk. If we do not hear from you within two weeks of having sent this letter, we will contact you by phone.
We very much appreciate your support and participation in this important study, and your commitment to healthy children and families. We look forward to working with you to learn more about how Project LAUNCH impacts children and families.
Kristina Hanson Lowell, PhD David Rein, PhD
Project LAUNCH Multi-Site Evaluation Team Project LAUNCH Multi-Site Evaluation Team
Vice President, Health Care Program Area Director, Public Health
NORC at the University of Chicago NORC at the University of Chicago
Enclosures (X)
An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. OMB number: 0970-0373; Expiration date: XX/XX/XXXX.
Dear «Salutation» «LastName»:
We are writing to invite NAME OF SCHOOL DISTRICT to participate in a study of the multi-site evaluation of Project LAUNCH, a federally sponsored program that promotes the wellness of young children from birth to 8 years by addressing the physical, social, emotional, cognitive and behavioral aspects of their development. Project LAUNCH is designed to have a community-wide impact by enhancing the way early childhood systems work together, integrating child behavioral health services with other health services, and implementing evidence-based programs. We are studying communities that receive LAUNCH funding, as well as communities like yours that do not receive this funding, to help us learn more about services for children and families as well as child and family outcomes in communities across the country. This study is being conducted by a non-profit organization, NORC at the University of Chicago, under contract to the Administration of Children and Family (ACF) and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
We would like to request
your district’s participation in this important study, and to
invite two elementary schools within your district and selected at
random by the evaluation team to participate in this important study
[target this as
needed if school district does not have 2 elementary schools].
Enclosed in this packet, you will find more detailed information
about our plans to collect data as well as an informational flyer
about the project. We will conduct surveys with parents, teachers,
and administrators – no
data will be collected directly from children.
The collected data will be for evaluation purposes and results will
be aggregated and not presented in a way where it can be linked to a
specific school or individual. Ultimately, these data will help
policymakers to make decisions about how to focus limited resources
for programs targeting health and wellness of children. We recognize
that your schools’, staff’s, and teachers’ time is
limited and valuable, and want to ensure that you also benefit from
participation. If you agree to participate, we
will provide you, and participating elementary schools from your
district, with reports that describe the data collected from teachers
in your district.
These reports will describe the results for your schools and
district, demonstrate successes and needs, and will be available for
your use.
We would like to set up a time to talk with you to discuss the process, answer any questions that you may have about the study, and learn how we can best work with schools in your district. Please contact Shannon TenBroeck, Research Scientist, at 1-415-315-2006 or [email protected] to set up a time to talk. If we do not hear from you within two weeks of having sent this letter, we will contact you by phone.
We very much appreciate your support and participation in this important study, and your commitment to healthy children and families. We look forward to working with you.
Kristina Hanson Lowell, PhD David Rein, PhD
Project LAUNCH Multi-Site Evaluation Team Project LAUNCH Multi-Site Evaluation Team
Vice President, Health Care Program Area Director, Public Health
NORC at the University of Chicago NORC at the University of Chicago
Enclosures (X)
An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. OMB number: 0970-0373; Expiration date: XX/XX/XXXX.
Project LAUNCH Multi-Site Evaluation (MSE) Data Collection Approach
This sheet provides information on the data collection activities that will be conducted in schools participating in the Project LAUNCH Multi-Site Evaluation. We look forward to talking with you in more depth about these activities and answering any questions you may have.
Data Collection Activities
We plan to collect each of the types of information below once a year for two years. These activities will include the following surveys:
Parent Survey: A short (30 minute) written survey of parents/guardians of young children (ages 0-8 years). The survey will cover children’s health, social-emotional health, parent-child relationships, parent well-being, home environment, and parental social support. We hope to have 15 parents of children in each participating school fill out the survey.
School Survey: Elementary school administrators will complete a brief survey regarding children who have been suspended or expelled from their school.
In addition to collecting the Parent
and School Survey, if possible, we would like to collect information
from teachers in your school. This information would be collected
only once, in the second year of data collection.
Teacher Survey: A survey will be conducted with Kindergarten teachers to measure children's readiness to learn in the school environment in five general domains: physical health and well-being; social competence; emotional maturity; language and cognitive development; and communication skills and general knowledge in relation to developmental benchmarks rather than curriculum-based ones. In each participating elementary school, all kindergarten teachers will be asked to complete the survey for each student in their current classroom. We estimate it will take up to 30 minutes for teachers to complete the survey for each student, or approximately 10 hours for each teacher to complete the survey for their class. We will offer teachers $50 for completing the survey, and will compensate elementary schools so that they can retain substitute teachers to cover teacher respondents’ classes while they complete the survey.
Data Use and Security
The data collected from your site will be used for Project LAUNCH evaluation purposes only, and findings will be aggregated—unable to be linked to a specific district, school, or person.
An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. OMB number: 0970-0373; Expiration date: XX/XX/XXXX.
What is Project LAUNCH?
Project LAUNCH (Linking Actions for
Unmet Needs in Children’s Health) is a federally-sponsored
program that promotes the wellness of young children from birth to
8 years by addressing the physical, social, emotional, cognitive
and behavioral aspects of their development. Project LAUNCH is
designed to have a community-wide impact by enhancing the way early
childhood systems work together, integrating child behavioral health
services with other health services, and implementing evidence-based
programs. The expected result is for children to be thriving in safe,
supportive environments, and entering school ready to learn and able
to succeed. We are studying communities that receive LAUNCH funding
as well as communities that do not receive this funding to help us
learn more about services and outcomes for children and families in
communities across the country. This study is being conducted by a
non-profit research organization, NORC at the University of Chicago,
under contract with the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
Administration (SAMHSA) and the Administration for Children and
Families (ACF) at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
What is the Teacher Survey (EDI) and what does it measure?
Kindergarten teachers in selected
schools will be asked to fill out the Early Development Instrument
(EDI) for each student in his/her class. The EDI measures children's
readiness to learn in the school environment in five domains: 1)
physical health and well-being; 2) social competence; 3) emotional
maturity; 4) language and cognitive development; and 5) communication
skills and general knowledge. Children’s school readiness will
be assessed in relation to developmental benchmarks rather than
curriculum-based ones.
How Will the Information Be Used?
Results from the Teacher Survey or
the Early Development Instrument (EDI) will be used to measure the
comprehensive school readiness of kindergarten children at the school
and community level. Results will be compared to those of schools and
communities with similar demographic characteristics. All information
collected from kindergarten teachers about their students will be
de-identified and reported in aggregate. In other words, no names or
other identifying information will be included in our analysis or
reports and no individual teacher’s or child’s scores
will be released.
How Are the EDI Data Collected?
After receiving an hour-long training
and orientation to the survey, kindergarten teachers complete an EDI
on each child using an easy online platform. Teachers report that
because the EDI is based on observational recall, it is quick and
easy to complete. This will not interfere with classroom time because
your school principal will either ask selected teachers to complete
the training and survey during a professional training day or hire
substitute teachers to teach your classes on the day you will
complete the EDI. Teachers report that the assessment is easy to use,
averaging between 10-15 minutes but no more than 30 min per
individual EDI assessment.
How Long Will This Survey Take?
The survey is estimated to take up to
30 minutes per student to complete. Teachers will likely be able to
complete it in less time as they get more comfortable with the survey
and online data collection.
Will Participants Receive Anything for Completing the EDI?
Teachers will receive $50 for
completing the survey. They will also receive their usual wages from
their school for the day taken to complete the EDI.
Who Do I Contact If I Have Questions or Concerns?
If you have any questions or
concerns, you may contact the research team at
[email protected] or by calling 1-415-315-2006.
An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. OMB number: 0970-0373; Expiration date: XX/XX/XXXX.
COMPARISON COMMUNITY Hello my name is ____________, and I am calling from the Project LAUNCH Multi-Site Evaluation, which is being conducted under contract to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and the Administration for Children and Families at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. OMB number: 0970-0373; Expiration date: XX/XX/XXXX. OMB approval for this data request was received ___ under OMB number 0970-0373.
You should have recently received an email explaining the study and asking for your cooperation. Do you recall receiving an email?
If the email was not received, confirm email address and offer to email another copy of the advance letter to superintendent and/or director of assessment/research.
To start, I’d like to tell you a little bit about the study. Project LAUNCH is a federally sponsored program that promotes the wellness of young children from birth to 8 years by addressing the physical, social, emotional, cognitive and behavioral aspects of their development. Project LAUNCH is designed to have a community-wide impact by enhancing the way early childhood systems work together, integrating child behavioral health services with other health services, and implementing evidence-based programs. As part of this evaluation, we are reaching out to communities that participate in the Project LAUNCH program as well some that do not for purposes of comparison.
I am calling you because of your role as [insert role] of [insert district name here].You may have heard that [insert community name here] was selected as one of the communities to participate in this study. In each selected community, we are recruiting two elementary schools to participate in surveys with parents, teachers, and administrators. It is important to note that, for our study, no information will be collected directly from children nor will any children be identified by name as part of this research. Would this be a good time to explore if your school district would be interested in participating in this evaluation?
yes, proceed to Main Script.
there a different time to call that would work better?
yes, update calendar with call back date/time. Thank them for their
time, and conclude the call.
there someone else from your school district who would be an
appropriate person to discuss participating in this evaluation?
yes, prompt them to provide contact information;
them for their time, and conclude the call.
If no, thank
them for their time, and conclude the call.
LAUNCH COMMUNITY Hello my name is ____________, and I am calling from the Project LAUNCH Multi-Site Evaluation, which is being conducted under contract to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and the Administration for Children and Families at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. OMB number: 0970-0373; Expiration date: XX/XX/XXXX. OMB approval for this data request was received ___ under OMB number 0970-0373.
As you may know, your community currently receives funds for Project LAUNCH, a federally sponsored program that promotes the wellness of young children from birth to 8 years by addressing the physical, social, emotional, cognitive and behavioral aspects of their development. You should have recently received an email explaining the study and asking for your cooperation. Do you recall receiving an email?
If the email was not received, confirm email address and offer to email another copy of the advance letter to superintendent and/or director of assessment/research.
have been working closely with [NAME
OF LOCAL Project LAUNCH Young Child Wellness Coordinator]
to support their local Project LAUNCH evaluation, which includes
examples of LAUNCH programs in the community or county].
am calling you because of your role as [insert
of [insert
district name here].You
may have heard that [insert
community name here]
was selected as one of the communities to participate in this study.
In each selected community, we are recruiting two elementary schools
to participate in surveys with parents, teachers, and administrators.
It is important to note that for our study, no information will be
collected directly from children nor will any children be identified
by name as part of this research. Would this be a good time to
explore if your school district would be interested in participating
in this evaluation?
yes, proceed to Main Script.
there a different time to call that would work better?
yes, update calendar with call back date/time. Thank them for their
time, and conclude the call.
there someone else from your school district who would be an
appropriate person to discuss participating in this evaluation?
yes, prompt them to provide contact information;
them for their time, and conclude the call.
If no, thank
them for their time, and conclude the call.
this is [insert
Thank you again for agreeing discuss with me your school district’s
participation in the Multi-Site
Evaluation of Project LAUNCH.
to Main Script.
I’d like to begin by talking briefly about the data collection efforts that would be required if your school district elects to participate in the study. First, we would need the two selected elementary schools to appoint a School Coordinator to serve as a point person. This individual would be responsible for helping our team recruit parents and teachers to complete surveys, compile lists of interested parent and teacher respondents, and help us identify potential respondents for a survey about expulsion and suspension rates in kindergarten through third grade. To mitigate burden, we will offer the School Coordinator a $100 gift card for his/her assistance in this very important evaluation.
From each elementary school, we would attempt to recruit approximately 15 parents to participate in a web survey that we estimate will take 30 minutes to complete. The survey is designed to collect information about children’s health, social-emotional health, parent-child relationships, parental well-being, home environment, and parental social support, and we request that parents complete the survey once annually for two years. We would also like to conduct a survey with up to four kindergarten teachers per elementary school, just one time, in the second year of data collection. This survey is designed to collect information about physical health and well-being; social competence; emotional maturity; language and cognitive development; and communication skills and general knowledge of kindergarten children. We estimate that the teacher survey will take up to 30 minutes per child to complete, and are prepared to reimburse your schools for the cost of a substitute teacher (up to $300 for one day) for each teacher who completes the survey. The final data collection element is a survey to be completed by school administrators about school suspension and expulsion rates in kindergarten through third grade, which we anticipate will take no longer than one hour to complete. We ask that school administrators complete this survey once annually for two years. Again, we would like to stress that no information will be collected directly from children for this study.
Do you have any questions at this point? Refer to study FAQs to respond to questions.
Now, I would like to discuss incentives that will be offered to those who participate in the study as we appreciate how busy your staff, teachers, and parents are. As previously mentioned, the School Coordinator, who will assist us in our efforts and serve as our point person, will receive a $100 online gift card each year. Kindergarten teachers will receive an online gift card for $50 for completing the teacher survey for all students in their class. All materials used to publicize and recruit for the study will be provided by the study team, and we will work with your schools to minimize the burden on and disturbances to your schools, staff, teachers, and parents.
Do you have any questions about the study or the incentives that will be offered? Refer to study FAQs to respond to questions.
this study sound like something your district and schools would be
interested in participating in?
If yes, Can you walk me through the next steps in terms of reaching out to elementary schools in your district and securing the necessary approvals to collect data?
yes, record this information, obtaining email addresses and phone
numbers of those you should contact next.
no, prompt them to provide contact information of someone who can
discuss next steps;
them for their time, and conclude the call.
no, thank them for their time, and conclude the call.
you. Can you please provide the email address you would like me to
use for future communication about the study, if different from the
one we currently have on file?
is all that I was hoping to discuss with you today. Do you have any
questions for me? Refer
to study FAQs to respond to questions.
Thank you for your time today. I really appreciate it, and I look forward to working with your district in the future. You have been very helpful. Have a good day.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Mallory Kennedy |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-21 |