Letters for fiscal agents

Attachment B_Letters for Bona Fide Fiscal Agents.pdf

Information Collections to Advance State, Tribal, Local and Territorial (STLT) Governmental Agency System Performance, Capacity, and Program Delivery

Letters for fiscal agents

OMB: 0920-0879

Document [pdf]
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Matthew G. Bevin

275 East Main Street, HS1GWA
Frankfort, KY 40621
Fax: 502-564-9377

Vickie Yates Brown Glisson
Hiram C. Polk, Jr., MD

January 7, 2017
Thomas C. Tucker, PhD, MPH
Jennifer Redmond Knight, DrPH
University of Kentucky
Markey Cancer Control Program
2365 Harrodsburg Rd., Suite A230
Lexington, KY 40504
Dear Drs. Tucker and Knight,
I am writing this letter to continue the designation of the University of Kentucky as the agent of the Kentucky Department
for Public Health for the Kentucky National Comprehensive Cancer Control Program (NCCCP) funding, under Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Program Announcement CDC-RFA-DP17-1701. As you are aware, this
designation has been in place for the past 15 years, from 2002-2017. The program facilitates policy, systems and
environmental change approaches as well as strengthening community-clinical linkages in cancer control at the state level.
The University of Kentucky College of Public Health, in partnership with the Markey Cancer Control Program, have
demonstrated consistent leadership in facilitating collaboration among state and regional partners to implement
comprehensive cancer control in Kentucky. The Kentucky Department for Public Health has a long standing relationship
with the University of Kentucky and views the University as the bona fide state agent for responding to the CDC NCCCP
The disease burden associated with cancer in Kentucky continues to be well documented. In order to further reduce this
burden, there remains a need for ongoing coordination, integration and collaboration of efforts. We look forward to
continued work with the University of Kentucky once they receive continued funding for this important endeavor.




Connie Ga
Senior Dep sioner
Kentucky Department for Public Health


An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/D

Puerto Rico Bona Fide Fiscal Agent Documents: Original Spanish and English translations

On the following pages are copies of a memorandum of understanding between the Comprehensive
Cancer Center of the University of Puerto Rico and the Puerto Rico Health Department regarding
programs of CDC’s Division of Cancer Prevention and Control (DCPC), in which the Comprehensive
Cancer Center of the University of Puerto Rico is named as the bona fide agent for all CDC-funded
cancer prevention and control programs in Puerto Rico.
The first letter is the original letter, which is in Spanish. The second letter is the English translation of the





Este Memorando constituye un acuerdo de colaboraci6n entre el Centro Comprensivo de Cancer
de la Universidad de Puerto Rico (CCCUPR), representado por el Presidente de la Junta de
Directores, licenciado Jose E. Rosario Albarran, y el Departamento de Salud del Estado Libre
Asociado de Puerto Rico (Departamento), representado por su Secretario, Dr. Lorenzo Gonzalez
Feliciano, en adelante denominadas colectivamente Las Partes.

El presente MEMORANDO tiene como objetivo designar al Centro Comprensivo de Cancer de
la Universidad de Puerto Rico como agente fiscal y administrativo (agente bona fide) ante el
Centro para el Control y Prevenci6n de Enfermedades (CDC por sus siglas en ingles) para los
Programas de la Divisi6n de Prevenci6n y Control de Cancer del CDC: Registro de Cancer de
Puerto Rico, Programa de Control Comprensivo de Cancer de Puerto Rico, el Programa de
Prevenci6n y Detecci6n Temprana de Cancer de Mama y Cuello Uterino de Puerto Rico, y
futuras oportunidades de fondos de la Divisi6n de Prevenci6n y Control de Cancer del CDC en
adelante denominadas colectivamente Los Programas de Prevenci6n y Control de Cancer.
Disponiendose que dicha delegaci6n administrativa no se interpretani como una renuncia a la
obligaci6n del Departamento de Salud de ser lideres en la vigilancia de salud publica frente al

POR CUANTO, el 26 de agosto de 2004, la Gobernadora de Puerto Rico firm6 la Ley Num. 230,
enmendada por Ley Num. 141 del 13 dejulio de 2011, mediante la cual se crea una corporaci6n
publica, a denominarse "Centro Comprensivo de Cancer de la Universidad de Puerto Rico".
POR CUANTO, a tenor con la Ley 230, enmendada por Ley Num. 141 del 13 de julio de 2011,
el Centro Comprensivo de Cancer de la Universidad de Puerto Rico debera estar domiciliado en
San Juan, Puerto Rico y funcionara como una entidad independiente y separada de cualquier otra
agencia o instrumentalidad del Gobierno del Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico.
POR CUANTO, la Ley 230, enmendada por Ley Num. 141 del 13 de julio de 2011, segun
expresamente dispone que durante su existencia, el Centro estara afiliado mediante acuerdos, a la
Universidad de Puerto Rico, para la consecuci6n de los prop6sitos de esta Ley.



Memorando de Entendimiento entre el Centro Comprensivo de Cancer de la
Universidad de Puerto Rico y el Departamento de Salud

POR CUANTO, el Centro Comprensivo de Cancer de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, por su
misi6n y meta seg(m deftnidas por su ley organica, comparte muchos de los objetivos e intereses
del Departamento de Salud, lo que implica una convergencia de intereses entre ambas
POR CUANTO, el Centro Comprensivo de Cancer de la Universidad de Puerto Rico debera
ejecutar la poHtica publica con relaci6n a la prevenci6n, orientaci6n, investigaci6n y prestaci6n
de servicios cHnicos y tratamientos relacionados, con el cancer en Puerto Rico, obligaci6n que le
impone la Ley Num. 230 de 26 de agosto de 2004.
POR CUANTO, la Ley 49 del 11 de abril de 201 l, la ''Ley de Polftica Publica del Gobiemo de
Puerto Rico para el Control Comprensivo de Cancer en Puerto Rico'' establece que el Gobiemo de
Puerto Rico, mediante el liderazgo del Departamento de Salud y su agente bona tide para el control
de cancer, el Centro Comprensivo de Cancer de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, dirigiran todos los
esfuerzos gubemamentales y aquellos que en conjunto se pudiesen realizar con organismos
privados interesados, de manera coordinada e integral para el control comprensivo de cancer con
el objetivo de reducir la incidencia, morbilidad y mortalidad mediante la prevenci6n, la detecci6n
temprana, el mejor tratamiento disponible, la rehabilitaci6n y el cuidado paliativo.
POR CUANTO, la Ley 230 de 26 de agosto de 2004, enmendada por Ley Num. 141 del 13 de
julio de 2011, en el Articulo 5, inciso (t) ordena al Centro Comprensivo de Cancer de la
Universidad de Puerto Rico mantener un registro actualizado de incidencia y mortalidad de cancer
en Puerto Rico.
POR CUANTO, Ley Num. 113 de 30 de julio de 2010 conocida como la "Ley del Registro Central
de Cancer de Puerto Rico" establece que el Registro Central de Cancer de Puerto Rico estara
adscrito al Centro Comprensivo de Cancer de la Universidad de Puerto Rico y sera la entidad
encargada de manejar y mantener un sistema 6ptimo de vigilancia de cancer con el fin de procesar,
analizar y divulgar la infonnaci6n sobre la incidencia y mortalidad de cancer en nuestra Isla, dentro
de los mas altos parametros de calidad y cumplimiento segun establecidos por las agencias
nacionales y estatales reguladoras de datos e infonnaci6n de cancer. Este Registro mantendra una
base de datos de todos los casos de cancer diagnosticados, tratados o que fallezcan debido a esta
enfennedad en Puerto Rico.
POR CUANTO, Esta convergencia de obligaciones y coyuntura de intereses le pennite a Las
Partes aunar esfuerzos y recursos en beneficio de objetivos y metas comunes, con el fin de evitar
el desarrollo de mayor burocracia gubernamental y como una maximizaci6n de la utilizaci6n de
fondos publicos.
POR CUANTO, Las Partes, cumpliendo y reafinnando los objetivos para los que fueron creados,
habran de beneficiarse del establecimiento de un vfnculo mas estrecho que redunde en beneficio
de la comunidad puertorriqueiia.
POR CUANTO, un enfoque coordinado de salud publica es indispensable para la planificaci6n
del control integral del cancer.





" .

Memoranda de Entend imiento entn: el Centro Comprensivo de Cancer de la
Umversidad de Puerto Rico y el Departammto de Salud
Pagina 3

POR CUANTO, el control integral del cancer se logra mediante una amplia alianza entre las
entidades publicas y privadas interesadas cuya misi6n comun es reducir los efectos del cancer en
POR TANTO, Las Partes suscriben el presente Memoranda de Entendimiento con el objetivo de
designar al Centro Comprensivo de Cancer de la Universidad de Puerto Rico para continuar como
agente fiscal y administrativo de los programas establecidos bajo esta iniciativa, de manera que
ambas partes puedan cumplir con las obligaciones que le imponen sus respectivas !eyes organicas
sin necesidad de duplicar esfuerzos y en aras de maximizar los recursos del Estado.

Para lograr el objetivo de este Memoranda, las Partes convienen en llevar a cabo las siguientes
acciones y/o gestiones:
1. Sera responsable de someter al Centro para el Control de Enfermedades
y Prevenci6n (CDC, por sus siglas en ingles) las propuestas y solicitudes
de fondos requeridas para implantar y sostener Los Programas de
Prevenci6n y Control de Cancer: el Registro de Cancer de Puerto Rico.
Programa de Control Comprensivo de Cancer de Puerto Rico, y el
Programa de Prevenci6n y Detecci6n Temprana de Cancer de Mama y
Cuello Uterino de Puerto Rico.
2. Sera responsable de negociar con el CDC el apoyo econ6mico federal
necesario de aprobarse las propuestas sometidas para la implantaci6n de
los programas propuestos bajo esta iniciativa.
3. Coordinara y administrara todas las actividades inherentes a los
Programas de Prevenci6n y Control de Cancer en Puerto Rico, seg(m
definido por las !eyes estatales y federates y los estandares nacionales
que rigen dichas actividades.
4. Proveera personal administrativo adicional pero sin limitarse a las
siguientes posiciones: Director, Director Asociado y Director de
Operaciones y cualquier otro personal que sea necesario para mantener
la eficacia de Jos Programas de Prevenci6n y Control de Cancer, cuyos
nombramientos dependeran de la disponibilidad de fondos de estos
programas. Tanto la designaci6n de los Directores como el Directores
Asociados de los Programas de Prevenci6n y Control de Cancer tendran
la aprobaci6n del Centro Comprensivo de Cancer de la Universidad de
Puerto Rico como del Departamento de Salud.
5. El Centro proveera espacio y equipo necesario para mantener la
operaci6n eficaz y agil de los Programas de Prevenci6n y Control de
Cancer de Puerto Ric o.



... . . .

Memomndo de Entendimiento entre el Centro Comprensivo de Cancer de la
Univer;1dad de Puerto Rico y el Departamento de Salud

6. Asegurara el cumplimiento de las !eyes que rigen la practica de reporte
y registro de casos de cancer en Puerto Rico, imponiendo las sanciones
que estas definen. Los fondos producidos por multas por no cumplir las
!eyes iran al Centro Comprensivo de Cancer para la administraci6n del
7. Rendira al CDC y otras agencias reguladoras de la practica todos los
informes y documentos requeridos bajo esta iniciativa.
8. El Registro de Cancer de Puerto Rico rendira al Departamento de Salud
de Puerto Rico los informes conteniendo los datos sobre el programa
seg(m este lo requiera.
9. El Registro de Cancer de Puerto Rico proveera al Departamento de
Salud copia de la base de datos actualizada regularmente para los
analisis que este interese conducir.
I 0. El Registro de Cancer de Puerto Rico mantendra un Comite Asesor
seg(m establecido en los estandares nacionales.
11. Asegurara el cumplimiento con todos los requisitos legates y de
seguridad para asegurar la confidencialidad de los datos del Registro de
Cancer de Puerto Rico y de los otros Programas de Prevenci6n y
Control de Cancer en Puerto Rico.
l 2. El Centro creara un sistema para allegar fondos suplementarios a los
Programas de Prevencion y Control de Cancer como donaciones,
asignaciones de fondos de investigaciones que utilicen datos o recursos
del Registro y otros.
I. Nombrara al Centro Comprensivo de Cancer de la Universidad de
Puerto Rico agente bona fide para fines de Los Programas de
Prevenci6n y Control de Cancer en Puerto Rico.
2. Proveera al Centro la informaci6n y los datos de salud necesarios para
el adecuado funcionamiento del registro y de los otros Programas de
Prevenci6n y Control de Cancer, tales como datos de mortalidad,
estadisticas vitales, Puerto Rico-Behavioral Risk Factors Surveillance
System (PR-BRFSS), datos de proveedores de servicios de salud, entre
otros, y para la preparaci6n de propuestas, establecimiento de
prioridades, implantaci6n de programas y evaluaci6n de resultados de
estas iniciativas.
3. Formara parte permanente del Comite Asesor del Registro mediante el
Secretario de Salud o el funcionario que este designe.
4. Facilitara la comunicaci6n con las divisiones y los programas de l
Departamento y con otras entidades que producen y manejan bases de
datos de salud, de estadisticas vitales. y de profesionales de salud, con
instituciones o entidades que por ley tienen que reportar al Regis tro, y
con entidades que producen o mane jan datos poblacio nales, con los

'· •.



Memoranda de Entend1miento entre el Centro Comprensivo de Cancer de la
L'ni ersidadde Puerto Rico y e l Departamento de Salud

Pagina 5

que el Registro necesita enlazar para poder cumplir con los estandares
5. Establecera la politica publica de salud que sea recomendada en
conjunto con el Centro y los demas colaboradores, para lograr el
cumplimiento de los objetivos de los Programas de Prevenci6n y
Control de Cancer impuestos por los estandares nacionales.
6. Facilitara la registraci6n de cancer y la participaci6n en los Programas
de Prevenci6n y Control de Cancer a traves de todo Puerto Rico y el
cumplimiento de las !eyes que rigen dicha practica.
I . Ambas partes se consideraran mutuamente como colaboradores
(.. partners'') en estas iniciativas.
2. Por lo menos dos veces en cada ai'io de los proyectos llevaran a cabo
una revision y actualizaci6n de las actividades planificadas en acuerdo
con las entidades firmantes.
A. Las Partes deberan actuar de una manera razonable y no arbitraria con relaci6n a los
asuntos objeto de este Memorando.
B. Cada Parte sera responsable individualmente de aquella reclamaci6n judicial o
extrajudicial y de proveer indemnizaci6n por concepto de dai'ios y perjuicios o angustias
mentales o morales que pueda sufrir, o alegue sufrir, cualquier persona natural o jurfdica
donde los daflos y perjuicios aleguen haber sido causados por acciones, actuaciones u
omisiones negligentes, descuidadas o culposas de sus propios contratistas, agentes o
empleados, cuando tales dafios y perjuicios hubieran ocurrido total o parcialmente
durante las actividades y/o gestiones de cooperaci6n bajo este Memorando, eximiendo,
relevando y exonerando a la otra parte de toda responsabilidad en tat eventu alidad.
C. El presente Memoranda podra ser modificado si las partes lo solicitan, de mutuo acuerdo
y por escrito. La solicitud de modificaci6n se presentara ante la persona designada por la
otra parte, segun aplique.
D. Este Memorando prevalece sobre acuerdos previos entre las partes, escritos o verbales,
que sean inconsistentes con los tenninos y condiciones aqui contenidos. Disponiendose
que nada en este memorando limite la capacidad de las partes para suscribir nuevos
acuerdos. o enmiendas a este memorando. En cualquier caso, ninguna enmienda a este
memorando o nuevo acuerdo tendra efecto a menos que conste expresamente en un
acuerdo escrito suscrito por las partes.


Memoranda de Entendimiento entre el Centro Comprensivo de Cancer de la
Umvenidad de Puerto Rico y el Departamento deSalud

Las partes hacen constar que no habra discriminaci6n por razones de sexo, raza, color, nacimiento,
origen o condici6n social, impedimento fisico o mental, creencias politicas o religiosas o estatus
de veterano en cualquier gesti6n efectuada bajo los terminos de este memoranda.
Las partes se comprometen a conservar los infonnes y demas documentos relacionados con los
servicios objeto de este memorando, para que puedan ser examinados o copiados por la Oficina de
una firma de auditores extemos contratados por el Centro Comprensivo de Cancer de la
Universidad de Puerto Rico o por la Oficina del Contralor de Puerto Rico, en sus intervenciones al
Centro de Cancer de la Universidad de Puerto Rico. Las auditorias se realizaran en fechas
razonables durante el transcurso de los servicios o con posterioridad a los mismos, conforme las
practicas de auditoria generalmente reconocidas. Dichos documentos se conservaran por un
periodo no menor de seis (6) ai'los o hasta que se efectue una investigaci6n por la Oficina del
Contralor de Puerto Rico, lo que ocurra primero.
Este memorando estara vigente a partir de su firma por las partes.
Leido el presente instrumento, enteradas las partes del contenido y alcance de cada una de sus
clausulas e indicando que en su celebraci6n no existe dolo. mala fe o cualquier otro motivo que
vicie su consentimiento, lo firman de confonnidad.

En San Juan, Puerto Rico, hoy J] de

1,v,A ..- 0

de 2012.

L5"0, Jose E'. Rosario Albarran
Preside nte
Jun ta de Directores
Centro Compren sivo de Cancer de la
U niv ersidadde Pue rto Rico

Departamento de Salud



This Memorandum constitutes a collaborative agreement between the Comprehensive Cancer Center of
the University of Puerto Rico (CCCUPR), represented by the President of the Board of Directors, Mr. Jose
E. Rosario Albarran, and the Department of Health of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico (Department),
represented by its Secretary, Dr. Lorenzo Gonzalez Feliciano, hereinafter collectively referred to as the
The purpose of this MEMORANDUM is to designate the Comprehensive Cancer Center of the University
of Puerto Rico as a fiscal and administrative agent (bona fide agent) before the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC) for the Programs of the CDC Cancer Prevention and Control Division:
Puerto Rico Cancer Registry, Puerto Rico Comprehensive Cancer Control Program, the Puerto Rico
Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Prevention and Detection Program, and future opportunities for cancer
funds from the Cancer Prevention and Control Division of the CDC hereinafter collectively referred to as
the Cancer Prevention and Control Programs. Recognizing that said administrative delegation shall not
be construed as a waiver of the obligation of the Department of Health to be leaders in public health
surveillance against cancer.
WHEREAS, on August 26, 2004, the Governor of Puerto Rico signed Act No. 230, as amended by Act No.
141 of July 13, 2011, through which a public corporation is created, to be called the "Comprehensive
Cancer Center of the University of Puerto Rico"
WHEREAS, according to Law 230, as amended by Act No. 141 of July 13, 2011, the Comprehensive
Cancer Center of the University of Puerto Rico must be domiciled in San Juan, Puerto Rico and function
as an independent entity and separate from any other agency or institution of the Government of the
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
WHEREAS, Law 230, as amended by Law No. 141 of July 13, 2011, expressly provides that, during its
existence the Center will be affiliated, through agreements with the University of Puerto Rico, for the
purpose of completion of this Law.
WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Cancer Center of the University of Puerto Rico, for its mission and goal
defined by its organic law, shares many of the objectives and interests of the Health Department, which
implies a convergence of interests between the two institutions

Memorandum of Understanding between the Comprehensive Cancer Center of the University of Puerto
Rico and the Puerto Rico Department of Health
WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Cancer Center of the University of Puerto Rico shall execute public policy
in relation to the prevention, training, research and provision of medical services and treatments related
to cancer in Puerto Rico, a requirement imposed by the Law. Num. 230 of August 26, 2004.
WHEREAS, Law 49 of April 11, 2011, the “Law of Public Policy of the Government of Puerto Rico for the
Comprehensive Control of Cancer in Puerto Rico” establishes that the Government of Puerto Rico,
through the leadership of the Department of Health and its bona fide agent for cancer control, the
Comprehensive Cancer Center of the University of Puerto Rico, will direct all government efforts and
those efforts carried out with private organizations, in a coordinated and comprehensive manner for the
comprehensive control of cancer with the aim of reducing the incidence, morbidity and mortality
through prevention, early detection, the best available treatment, rehabilitation and palliative care.
WHEREAS, Law 230 of August 26, 2004, as amended by Law No. 141 of July 13, 2011, in Article 5,
subsection (t) orders the Comprehensive Cancer Center of the University of Puerto Rico to keep an
updated record of incidence and mortality of cancer in Puerto Rico.
WHEREAS, Law No. 113 of July 30, 2010 known as the "Central Cancer Registry Law of Puerto Rico"
states that the Central Cancer Registry of Puerto Rico will be linked to the Comprehensive Cancer Center
of the University of Puerto Rico and will be the entity in charge of managing and maintaining an optimal
cancer surveillance system in order to process, analyze and disseminate the information on the
incidence and mortality of cancer on our Island, using the highest quality and compliance parameters as
established by the national and state agencies that regulate cancer data and information. This Registry
will maintain a database of all cases of cancer diagnosed, treated or deaths due to this disease in Puerto
WHEREAS, this convergence of obligations and jointed interests allows the Parties to join efforts and
resources for the benefit of common objectives and goals, in order to avoid the development of greater
government bureaucracy and as a maximization of the use of public funds.
WHEREAS, the Parties, fulfilling and refining the objectives for which they were created, shall benefit
from the establishment of a narrower link that will benefit the Puerto Rican community.
WHEREAS, a coordinated public health approach is indispensable for the comprehensive cancer control
WHEREAS, the comprehensive cancer control is achieved through a broad alliance between interested
public and private entities whose common mission is to reduce the effects of cancer in general.
THEREFORE, the Parties sign this Memorandum of Understanding with the objective of designating the
Comprehensive Cancer Center of the University of Puerto Rico to continue as a fiscal and administrative
agent for the programs established under this initiative, so that both parties can comply with the
obligations imposed by their respective organic laws without the need to duplicate efforts and in order
to maximize the resources of the State.


Memorandum of Understanding between the Comprehensive Cancer Center of the University of Puerto
Rico and the Puerto Rico Department of Health
To achieve the objective of this Memorandum, the Parties agree to carry out the following actions and /
or steps:
1. Will be responsible for submitting to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
the proposals and requests for funds required to implement and sustain the Cancer
Prevention and Control Programs: the Puerto Cancer Registry, Comprehensive Cancer
Control Program of Puerto Rico, and the Prevention and Early Detection Program for Breast
and Cervical Cancer of Puerto Rico.
2. Will be responsible for negotiating with the CDC the federal economic support necessary to
approve the proposals submitted for the implementation of the programs proposed under
this initiative.
3. Will Coordinate and administer all the activities inherent to the Cancer Prevention and
Control Programs in Puerto Rico, as defined by the state and federal laws and the national
standards governing these activities.
4. Will provide additional administrative staff, including but not limited to the following
positions: Director, Associate Director, and Director of Operations and any other personnel
necessary to maintain the effectiveness of Cancer Prevention and Control Programs, whose
appointments will depend on the availability of funds of these programs. Both the
designation of the Directors and the Associate Directors of the Cancer Prevention and
Control Programs shall be approved by the Comprehensive Cancer Center of the University
of Puerto Rico and the Health Department.
5. The Center will provide space and equipment necessary to maintain the efficient and agile
operation of the Cancer Prevention and Control Programs of Puerto Rico.
6. Will ensure compliance with the laws that govern the practice of reporting and registering
cases of cancer in Puerto Rico, applying the sanctions that those define. Funds produced for
fines for failing to comply will go to the Comprehensive Cancer Center for the administration
of the Registry.
7. Will yield to the CDC and other regulatory agencies in the area all reports and documents
required under this initiative.
8. The Cancer Registry of Puerto Rico shall submit to the Department of Health of Puerto Rico
the reports containing the data on the program as required.
9. The Puerto Rico Cancer Registry will provide the Department of Health a copy of regular
updates to the database for the analyzes that it is of interest to conduct.
10. The Cancer Registry of Puerto Rico will maintain an Advisory Committee according to the
national standards.
11. Will ensure compliance with all legal and security requirements to ensure the confidentiality
of the data of the Cancer Registry of Puerto Rico and of the other Cancer Prevention and
Control Programs in Puerto Rico.
12. The Center will create a system to raise supplementary funds to Cancer Prevention and
Control Programs such as donations, allocations of research funds that use data or resources
from the Registry, and others.

Memorandum of Understanding between the Comprehensive Cancer Center of the University of Puerto
Rico and the Puerto Rico Department of Health
1. Will appoint the Comprehensive Cancer Center of the University of Puerto Rico as a bona
fide agent for the purposes of Cancer Prevention and Control Programs in Puerto Rico.
2. Will provide the Center with the information and health data necessary for the proper
functioning of the registry and other Cancer Prevention and Control Programs, such as
mortality data, vital statistics, Puerto Rico’s Behavioral Risk Factors Surveillance System (PR BRFSS), data from health service providers, among others, and for the preparation of
proposals, priority setting, program implementation and evaluation of results of these
3. Will be a permanent part of the Advisory Committee of the Registry through the Health
Secretary or an official designated by him.
4. Will facilitate communication with the divisions and programs of the Department and with
other entities that generate and manage health vital statistics databases and of health
professionals, with institutions or entities that by law have to report to the Registry, and
with entities that generate or manage population data, with that the Registry needs to link
in order to comply with national standards.
5. Will establish the public health policy that is recommended in conjunction with the Center
and other collaborators to achieve compliance with the objectives of the Cancer Prevention
and Control Programs imposed by national standards.
6. Will facilitate the registration of cancer and participation in Cancer Prevention and Control
Programs throughout Puerto Rico and compliance with the eyes that govern such practice.
1. Both parties will consider each other as collaborators (... partners '') in these initiatives.
2. At least twice in each year of the projects they will carry out a review and update of the
planned activities in agreement with the signing entities.
A. The Parties shall act in a reasonable and non-arbitrary manner in relation to the matters covered
by this Memorandum.
B. Each Party shall be individually liable for that judicial or extrajudicial claim and for providing
compensation for or mental or moral anguish damages that may occur, or alleged occur, any
natural or juristic person to which the damages claim to have occurred by actions, omissions or
negligent actions, of carelessness or fault their own contractors, agents or employees, when
such damages had occurred totally or partially during the activities and / or cooperative efforts
under this Memorandum, exempting relieving and exonerating the other party of all
responsibility in such eventuality.
C. This Memorandum may be modified if the parties request it, by mutual agreement and in
writing. The request for modification shall be submitted to the person designated by the other
party, as applicable.
D. This Memorandum prevails over prior agreements between the parties, written or verbal, that
are inconsistent with the terms and conditions contained herein. Provided that nothing in this
memorandum limits the ability of the parties to sign new agreements or amendments to this

Memorandum of Understanding between the Comprehensive Cancer Center of the University of Puerto
Rico and the Puerto Rico Department of Health
memo. In any case, no amendment to this memorandum or new agreement will take effect
unless specifically stated in a written agreement signed by the parties.
The Parties state that there will be no discrimination based on sex, race, color, birth, social origin or
condition, physical or mental impairment, political or religious beliefs, or veteran status in any conduct
made under the terms of this memorandum.
The Parties undertake to keep the reports and other documents related to the services object of this
memorandum, so that they can be examined or copied by the Office of external auditors hired by the
Comprehensive Cancer Center of the University of Puerto Rico or by the Office of the Comptroller of
Puerto Rico, in his interventions to the Cancer Center of the University of Puerto Rico. The audits will be
carried out on reasonable dates during the course of the services or after them, according to the
generally recognized audit practices. Said documents shall be kept for a period of not less than six (6)
years or until an investigation is carried out by the Office of the Comptroller of Puerto Rico, whichever
occurs first.
This memorandum will be effective upon signature by the parties.
Having read this instrument, knowing the parts of the content and scope of each of its clauses and
indicating that there is no intent at its conclusion, bad intentions or any other reason that vows your
consent, sign it in confidence.

In San Juan, Puerto Rico, today: [date in original copy] of 2012.
[signature image in original copy]

[signature image in original copy]

Board of Directors
Comprehensive Cancer Center of
the University of Puerto Rico

Department of Health

John Bel Edwards

Rebekah E. Gee MD, MPH



State of Louisiana
Louisiana Department of Health
Office of the Secretary

January 9, 2017

Donna L. Williams, DrPH
Principal Investigator
Associate Dean for Public Health Practice
LSUHSC School of Public Health
2020 Gravier St., 3"1 Floor
New Orleans, LA 70112
Dear Dr. Williams:
The Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center School of Public Health ( LSUHSC‐SOPH) has been
operating as the bona fide agent for the Louisiana Department of Health Office of Public Health for all
components of the National Cancer Prevention and Control Programs (NCPCP) for the period from June 30,
2007 through June 29, 2017. These programs include overall program management for Louisian a’ s
p rogra ms of the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program, the National
Comprehensive Cancer Control Program, and the National Program of Cancer Registries. State law designates
that LSUHSC‐SOPH operate the Louisiana Tumor Registry, therefore no further action is needed for the
National Program of Cancer Registries.
You and your team have planned and developed statewide strategies to reduce the burden of cancer, to
provide overall state coordination of cancer prevention and control activities among partners, to lead and
direct communities, to direct and oversee interventions within overarching state policies, and to monitor
critical aspects of cancer. We have generally been pleased with the work of your team and continue to
support your designation as the bona fide agent for the NCPCP and all components therein for the period
from June 30, 2017 through June 29, 2023 under CDC‐RFA‐DP17‐1701.
Our expectation is that we continue our open relationship and collaborations to find the right solutions for
our residents. We look forward to continuing our work together to reduce the burden of cancer in Louisiana.


Rebekah Gee, MD, MPH
Louisiana Department of Health

Bienville Building ▪ 628 N. Fourth St. ▪ P.O. Box 629 ▪ Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70821-0629
Phone: (225) 342-9500 ▪ Fax: (225) 342-5568 ▪ www.dhh.la.gov
An Equal Opportunity Employer

File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorKatie Bathje
File Modified2020-02-24
File Created2019-11-14

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