OSTLTS Generic Data collection Request
OMB No. 0920-0879
Submitted: December 4, 2018
Program Official/Project Officer
Eric Carbone
Office of Applied Research, Office of Public Health Preparedness Centers for Disease Control and Prevention US Department of Health and Human Services
Atlanta, GA 30329
Section B – Data collection Procedures 3
1. Respondent Universe and Sampling Methods 3
2. Procedures for the Collection of Information 3
3. Methods to Maximize Response Rates Deal with Nonresponse 4
4. Test of Procedures or Methods to be Undertaken 5
5. Individuals Consulted on Statistical Aspects and Individuals Collecting and/or Analyzing Data 5
The respondent universe for this information collection consists of 562 public health emergency preparedness directors/coordinators, acting in their official capacities, from state, territorial, and local health departments. If a health department does not employ a public health emergency preparedness director/coordinator, the health department director will designate a staff person who has direct knowledge and/or primary responsibility for PHPR activities to complete the assessment. The respondent organizations will include: 50 state health departments, 8 territorial health departments, and 504 local health departments (Please see Attachment A – Respondent Breakdown).
A subset of 62 of these respondent organizations are directly funded by the CDC Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response (OPHPR) through the Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP) Cooperative Agreement (CDC-RFA-TP17-1701) The PHEP Cooperative Agreement awardees represent a total population sample that includes the 50 state health departments, 8 territorial health departments within the territories/freely associated states (American Samoa, Guam, U.S. Virgin Islands, Northern Mariana Island, Puerto Rico, Federal States of Micronesia, Republic of the Marshall Islands, and Republic of Palau), and 4 city health departments (Chicago, Los Angeles County, New York City, and Washington, D.C.). NORC has subcontracted with the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) who will conduct outreach and support recruitment for the total population sample of 62 PHEP Cooperative Agreement awardees.
The remaining 500 local health departments will be identified through a stratified, random sample of local health departments selected by NORC’s subcontractor, the National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO). NACCHO will develop the sample from a sampling frame of 2,083 member local health departments. The sample of 500 local health departments is stratified by the population size served by the health department (<50,000; 50,000 – 499,999; and 500,000+) and by the U.S. Census Bureau’s four major region classifications (Northeast; Midwest; South; and West), resulting in 12 strata for the sample. NACCHO will conduct outreach and support recruitment for the 500 local health departments in the sample.
Data will be collected via a web-based assessment (Attachment B – Assessment Instrument Word Version and Attachment C – Assessment Instrument Web Version). Respondents will be recruited through notification emails, described below, to the respondent universe. The notification email will explain:
The purpose of the data collection, and why their participation is important
Instructions for participating
Method to safeguard their responses
That participation is voluntary
The expected time to complete the instrument
Contact information for the project team
Respondents will receive an initial advance email from either ASTHO or NACCHO. ASTHO will send an initial advance email to the total population sample of 62 PHEP Cooperative Agreement awardee respondents (Attachment D – ASTHO Advance Email), and NACCHO will send an initial advance email to the sample of 500 local health department respondents (Attachment E – NACCHO Advance Email) informing them of the upcoming assessment. Following the advance email, NORC will send an invitation email to all respondents (Attachment F – NORC Invitation Email) that includes a written explanation of the purposes of the assessment, a contact for questions, a link to the web-based assessment, and an indication that participants can choose not to respond to all the questions or complete the assessment.
The assessment will remain open for six weeks. This will ensure that respondents have adequate time to complete the web-based assessment at their convenience and will also encourage a high response rate. NORC will send three email reminders (Attachment G – NORC Email Reminder 1; Attachment H – NORC Email Reminder 2; and Attachment I – NORC Final Email Reminder) throughout the six-week data collection period to non-responders and those who have partially completed the assessment. The first email reminder will be sent two weeks following the initial invitation email from NORC, the second email reminder will be sent at four weeks, and the final email reminder will be sent at five weeks. Those who do not respond by the close of data collection will be considered non-responders.
The information will be collected from respondents via the web-based assessment instrument programmed in NORC's proprietary software, "Liberty." The data will be stored on the internal NORC secure file server which NORC owns. The data will be stored in this server and will be maintained by NORC and hosted on the NORC network. The server controls rights and permissions to access the data files, and access to the file server is authorized only for designated project staff. CDC will receive an aggregate summary of the data analysis via analytic tables and a written summary report.
Although participation in the data collection is voluntary, the project team will make every effort to maximize the rate of response. The data collection instrument was designed with particular focus on streamlining questions to allow for skipping questions based on responses to previous questions, thereby minimizing response burden.
Following the distribution of the invitation to participate in the data collection, respondents will have 6 weeks to complete the instrument. Those who do not respond within 10, 20, and 25 business days will receive a reminder (e.g., email reminders, see Attachments G, H, and I) urging them to complete the instrument. Those who do not respond within 30 business days from the reminder email will be considered non-responders.
The estimate for burden hours is based on a pilot test of the data collection instrument by eight public health professionals. In the pilot test, the average time to complete the instrument including time for reviewing instructions, gathering needed information and completing the instrument, was approximately 30 minutes (range: 20 to 35 minutes). For the purposes of estimating burden hours, the upper limit of this range (i.e., 35 minutes) is used.
Eric Carbone, PhD, MBA, Director of Applied Research, OPHPR, CDC
Phone: 770.488.8131; Email: [email protected]
Erin Thomas, PhD, ORISE Fellow, OPHPR, CDC
Phone: 404.579.0844; Email: [email protected]
Michael Meit, MA, MPH, NORC Senior Fellow
Phone: 301-634-9324; Email: [email protected]
Alexa Siegfried, MPH, NORC Research Scientist
Phone: 301-706-0139; Email: [email protected]
Mallory Kennedy, MPH, NORC Senior Research Analyst
Phone: 908-489-6002; Email: [email protected]
Deborah Backman, MPH, NORC Senior Research Analyst
Phone: 301-634-9351; Email: [email protected]
Tori Nadel, NORC Research Analyst
Phone: 301-634-9479; Email: [email protected]
James Blumenstock, ASTHO
Phone571-527-3134; Email:
[email protected]
Dekker, NACCHO
Phone: 202-640-4924; Email: [email protected]
Biesiadecki, NACCHO
Phone: 202-507-4205; Email:
[email protected]
Phonharath, NACCHO
Phone: 202-888-0441; Email:
[email protected]
Attachment A – Respondent Breakdown
Attachment B – Assessment Instrument Word Version
Attachment C – Assessment Instrument Web Version
Attachment D – ASTHO Advance Email
Attachment E – NACCHO Advance Email
Attachment F – NORC Invitation Email
Attachment G – NORC Email Reminder 1
Attachment H – NORC Email Reminder 2
Attachment I – NORC Final Email Reminder
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Gilliam, Adzua H. (CDC/OSTLTS/DPHPI) |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-20 |