Form PC-2178 2018-19 Campus Ambassador Application

2018-19 Campus Ambassador Application

Updated 12.5.17 - 2018-19 Campus Ambassador Application Questions

2018-19 Campus Ambassador Application

OMB: 0420-0565

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Public reporting burden for this information collection is estimated to average 20 minutes. This includes the time for reviewing instructions and completing the information. This is voluntary information collection. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and persons are not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to: the FOIA Officer, Peace Corps, 1111 20th Street, NW, Second Floor, Washington, DC 20526.

2018-19 Campus Ambassador Application Questions

Audience: 2018-19 Campus Ambassadors

Timeframe for quiz release: March 2018

Text at the beginning the application with a “I agree” button to check at the end

Thank you for your interest in the Peace Corps Campus Ambassador program!

Here are a few key points to understand before submitting this application:

-- This is an unpaid, two-semester experience, spanning from the Fall 2018 through the Spring 2019 semesters (or the quarters/blocks therein).

-- Serving as an Ambassador will not guarantee that you will be accepted as a Peace Corps Volunteer if you later choose to apply.

-- Being affiliated with Peace Corps in any way may adversely impact your ability to pursue an internship or career with a U.S. intelligence agency (FBI, CIA, etc). This policy is founded on the premise that it is crucial to the Peace Corps in carrying out its mission that there is a complete and total separation of Peace Corps from the intelligence activities of the United States government, both in reality and appearance.

-- This is a peer-to-peer outreach position, so -- among other activities -- you will need to give short presentations about Peace Corps to various student groups on campus.

-- In this position, you will work with a Peace Corps Recruiter and will have a variety of duties and deliverables to produce. But it will require a lot of initiative and self-drive, as you will rarely (if ever) see the Recruiter, and you probably won't have a Peace Corps office out of which to work.

-- The application deadline is TBD. We anticipate informing all applicants of their status by June.

I agree

General Information

  • Full Name (first and last)

  • Email (the one you will be checking this summer)

  • Phone Number

  • Are you a current Peace Corps Campus Ambassador? Y/N

  • What recruitment region are you in? [include regional map]

    • East

    • Central

    • West

College and University Information

  • College or University Name

  • Who is the Peace Corps recruiter at your school? Not sure? Find your recruiter at

  • What is your anticipated graduation month and year?

  • Do you plan to study abroad or otherwise be off campus at any point next year? If so, when and to where?

  • From September through May, how many hours per week are you available to work as a Campus Ambassador?

  • Please list all the campus groups and activities are you involved in. Please include any positions you hold in these campus groups or activities.

Experience and Motivation

  • Please highlight any experience you have in marketing, outreach and/or event planning.

  • List all the social media accounts you have and how often you post on each per week. E.g. For example - Instagram - 5 posts per week; Twitter - 10 tweets per week.

  • Share a few words about your interest in international service, such as the work that Peace Corps Volunteers do.

  • Who could you collaborate with on campus to get the word out about Peace Corps? E.g. Academic and/or social clubs, partnering with college offices or departments, sports team, etc.

  • Service is one of the pillars of the Peace Corps. With that in mind, please list a service project you are currently involved in and/or a service project you plan on participating in next year.

  • One of Peace Corps’ strategic objectives is to make its volunteer corps reflective of the rich diversity of the United States. As a Campus Ambassador, how would you share Peace Corps with diverse populations on campus? E.g. Our definition of diversity includes racial/ethnic minorities, Sexual Orientation Gender Identity (SOGI), first generation (to college), New Americans (naturalized U.S. citizens), veterans, Older Americans (50+), and Pell Grant-eligible students.

Finishing Touches

  • What does your ideal relationship with your supervisor look like?

  • Anything else you'd like us to know about you?

  • How did you hear about the Campus Ambassador Program? Multiple choice:

    • A Peace Corps Recruiter

    • A current Campus Ambassador

    • Career Center at my school

    • A poster or flyer at my school

    • Peace Corps website

    • Other

Text at the end of the application with an “I agree” button to check at the end to the following statement

I agree to post content about Peace Corps on my personal social media accounts a few times per month as requested by my Peace Corps supervisor.

I agree

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File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorHyde, Chrissy
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-21

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