Memo regarding changes to progress reporting form

Memo_Revised OVW Rural Progress Report Form_Dec 2017.pdf

Semi-annual Progress Report for the Rural Domestic Violence and Child Victimization Enforcement Grant Program

Memo regarding changes to progress reporting form

OMB: 1122-0013

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All	Rural	Program	Grantees	


Ginger	Baran	Lyons,	Program	Analyst	
The	Office	on	Violence	Against	Women	
December	1,	2017	


Updates	to	the	Rural	Semi‐annual	Progress	Report		

This	memo	is	to	inform	grantees	of	changes	made	to	OVW’s	Semi‐annual	Progress	Report	for	the	Rural	
Domestic	Violence,	Dating	Violence,	Sexual	Assault,	and	Stalking	Assistance	Program.		
The	2013	Reauthorization	of	the	Violence	Against	Women	Act	(VAWA)	made	enhancements	to	some	OVW	
grant	programs	and	revised	or	clarified	certain	definitions	and	grant	conditions	that	cut	across	programs.	
OVW	has	revised	the	Rural	Semi‐annual	Progress	Report	to	reflect	the	changes	made	by	VAWA	2013	and	to	
improve	the	quality	and	utility	of	the	data	the	form	collects.	
Changes	made	to	the	Rural	Semi‐annual	Progress	Report	

Description	of	Change	

Section	A1:	Grant	Information	
Question	5.	Type	of	lead	agency	

Addition	of	“Legal	services	organization”	category	

Section	B:	Purpose	Areas	
Question	11.	Purpose	areas/strategies	

Updated	to	reflect	the	changes	made	by	VAWA	2013	

Section	C1:	Training	
Question	14.	People	trained	

Removal	of	“Military	command	staff”	and	
“Multidisciplinary”	categories	

Question	15.	Training	content	areas	

Addition	of	“Homicide	prevention	(lethality	
assessment)”	category	

Section	C3:	Coordinated	Community	Response	
Question	20.	Coordinated	community	
response	activities	

Addition	of	“DV	Homicide	Prevention	Team”	and	
“Sexual	Assault	Response	Team”	columns	

Section	C4:	Policies	
Question	22.	Protocol	or	policies	

Addition	of	“Homicide	prevention	(lethality	
assessment)”	category	

Section	C5:	Products	
Question	24.	Product	development	or	
substantial	revision	

Removal	of	“Number	used	or	distributed”	column	

Section	C8:	System	Improvement	
Question	28.	Use	of	Rural	funds	for	system	

Addition	of	“Fatality	review”	and	“Language	access	
plan”	categories	

Page	1	|	December	2017	

Section	D:	Victim	Services/Legal	Services	
Question	30.	Number	of	new	
victims/survivors	served	and	partially	served	

NEW	QUESTION	‐	Report	the	number	of	
victims/survivors	who	began	receiving	services	during	
the	current	reporting	period	

Question	31.	Number	of	victims/survivors	
served	for	all	types	of	victimizations		

NEW	QUESTION	‐	Report	additional	types	of	
victimizations	victims/survivors	received	services	for,	
including	trafficking	

Question	33.	Reasons	victims/survivors	
Revised	table	to	have	two	columns	of	check	boxes	–	
seeking	services	were	partially	served	or	were	 one	for	not	served	and	one	for	partially	served	
not	served	
Question	34.	Demographics	

Race:		Addition	of	“Some	other	race,	ethnicity,	or	
origin”	category	
Gender:		Addition	of	“Transgender	or	gender	
nonconforming”	category	
Age:		Revised	age	categories	
Other	demographics:		Addition	of	“Lesbian,	gay,	
bisexual,	transgender,	or	queer	(LGBTQ)	individuals”	
and	“People	who	are	D/deaf	or	hard	of	hearing”	

Question	36a.	Victim	services	

Updated	to	include	a	new	column	to	report	the	number	
of	times	a	service	was	provided	

Legal	Services	subsection:		Questions	40‐43	

NEW	SUBSECTION	‐	includes	questions	regarding	the	
number	of	legal	issues	addressed,	the	number	of	
victims/survivors	receiving	assistance	with	legal	
issues,	and	legal	outcomes	

Section	E1:	Law	Enforcement	
Question	45.	Law	enforcement	activities	

Addition	of	“Lethality	assessment”	category	

Section	E3:	Courts	
Question:	Number	of	criminal	cases	

Removal	of	“Number	of	criminal	cases”	question	
(previously	question	49)	

Section	E4:	Probation	and	Parole	
Question	63.	Monitoring	activities	

Addition	of	“Electronic	monitoring”	category	

For	more	information	
The	VAWA	MEI	website	(	provides	information,	data	
summaries,	forms	and	instructions,	technical	assistance,	and	other	resources	related	to	OVW	grant	
VAWA	MEI	Contact:		
Tel:	(800)	922‐VAWA	(8292)	
E‐mail:	[email protected]	

OVW	Contact:		
Tel:	(202)	305‐2093	
E‐mail:	[email protected]	


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File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleMicrosoft Word - RuralProgressReport_UpdatesMemo
File Modified2017-12-04
File Created2017-12-01

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