Supporting Statement 1660-0085 FINAL

Supporting Statement 1660-0085 FINAL.docx

Crisis Counseling Assistance and Training Program

OMB: 1660-0085

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January 21, 2021

Supporting Statement for

Paperwork Reduction Act Submissions

OMB Control Number: 1660-0085

Title: Crisis Counseling Assistance and Training Program

Form Number(s): FEMA Form 003-0-1; Immediate Services Program (ISP) and FEMA Form 003-0-2; Regular Services Program (RSP)

General Instructions

A Supporting Statement, including the text of the notice to the public required by 5 CFR 1320.5(a)(i)(iv) and its actual or estimated date of publication in the Federal Register, must accompany each request for approval of a collection of information. The Supporting Statement must be prepared in the format described below, and must contain the information specified in Section A below. If an item is not applicable, provide a brief explanation. When Item 17 or the OMB Form 83-I is checked “Yes,” Section B of the Supporting Statement must be completed. OMB reserves the right to require the submission of additional information with respect to any request for approval.

Specific Instructions

A. Justification

  1. Explain the circumstances that make the collection of information necessary.

Identify any legal or administrative requirements that necessitate the collection. Attach a copy of the appropriate section of each statute and regulation mandating or authorizing the collection of information. Provide a detailed description of the nature and source of the information to be collected.

The Crisis Counseling Assistance and Training Program (Section 416 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (the Act), Public Law 93-288, as amended), authorizes the President to provide professional counseling services, including financial assistance to State, Tribal,local agencies or private mental health organizations for the provision of professional counseling services to survivors of major disasters to relieve mental health problems caused by or aggravated by a major disaster or its aftermath. Under the provision of Section 416 of the Act, FEMA issued the Crisis Counseling Assistance and Training Program Regulations (44 CFR §206.171).

Section 416 of the Act is the authority under which the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), through the Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS) within the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), coordinates with FEMA in administering the Crisis Counseling Assistance and Training Program (CCP). U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), FEMA and HHS/CMHS/SAMHSA have signed an interagency agreement under which HHS-CMHS provides program oversight, technical assistance and training to States applying for CCP funding.

The respondent collects the information to demonstrate that (1) existing resources are inadequate to meet the behavioral health needs of disaster survivors and (2) supplemental funds for counseling services are necessary. These counseling services are necessary in order to relieve mental health problems caused or aggravated by a major disaster or its aftermath. The nature of the information being collected is to ensure that the goals of the program are met; to identify special problems in the areas where technical assistance and guidance as they relate to crisis counseling assistance are necessary and to ensure that the grants are properly administered in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations.

2. Indicate how, by whom, and for what purpose the information is to be used. Except for a new collection, indicate the actual use the agency has made of the information received from the current collection. Provide a detailed description of: how the information will be shared, if applicable, and for what programmatic purpose.

The Crisis Counseling Assistance and Training Program (CCP) consist of two grant programs: the Immediate Services Program (ISP) and the Regular Services Program (RSP). The CCP provides supplemental funding to States, U.S. Territories and Federally Recognized Tribes after a Presidential major disaster declaration. The ISP program is available for a limited period of time and is not to exceed 60 days from the date of declaration, unless an RSP application for longer-term funding is submitted. In that case, immediate services funding may be continued for an additional 30 days. The RSP provides funding for up to nine months from the date of award. The information submitted in the application is disaster-specific and is for the consideration of funding to provide services for community outreach, consultation and public education, group and individual crisis counseling, referral and resource linkage and coping techniques.

FEMA Form 003-0-1, Crisis Counseling Assistance and Training Program, Immediate Services Program (ISP) Application - FEMA requires that the respondent complete an ISP Application for the CCP that includes the following: (i) Application for Federal Assistance (SF-424), Budget Information for Non-Construction Programs (SF-424A), Assurances for Non-Construction Programs (SF-424B), Certifications (PHS-5161-1), Checklist (HHS-5161-1), Disclosure of Lobbying Activities (SF–LLL), Project/Performance Site Location (OMB Number: 4040-0010); (ii) The geographical areas within the designated disaster area for which services will be provided; (iii) An estimate of the number of disaster survivors requiring assistance; (iv) A description of local resources and capabilities, and an explanation of why these resources cannot meet the need; (v) A description of response activities from the date of the disaster to the date of application; and (vi) A plan of services to meet the identified needs.

Final Report Narrative, (Immediate Services Program) - Administrative and fiscal reporting during the ISP are included as a mid-program report in the RSP application if the respondent applies for an RSP. Regardless of the submission of an RSP application, the program must submit a final program and fiscal report to FEMA and CMHS within 90 days following the ISP program period end date.

FEMA Form 003-0-2, Crisis Counseling Assistance and Training Program, Regular Services Program Application - FEMA requires that the respondent complete an RSP Application for the CCP that includes the following:

  1. Description of response activities from the date of the disaster to the date of application;

  2. Information about the scope and overall impact of the disaster and the characteristics of the affected communities;

  3. Description of activities undertaken since the completion of the RSP assessment and a brief description of the impacted population;

  4. Description of State, Tribal and local resources and capabilities, and an explanation of why these resources cannot meet the need;

  5. Plan of Services to meet the identified needs, that includes an organizational chart, program management administrative oversight, service provision, and training;

  6. Application for Federal Assistance (SF-424), Budget Information for Non-Construction Programs (SF-424A), Assurances for Non-Construction Programs (SF-424B), Certifications (PHS-5161-1), Checklist (HHS-5161-1), Disclosure of Lobbying Activities (SF–LLL), Project/Performance Site Location (OMB Number: 4040-0010).

Quarterly Report Narrative, (Regular Services Program) – Quarterly progress reports, as requested by the Regional Administrator or the Secretary, are due 30 calendar days after the end of each three month reporting period. This is consistent with 2 CFR 200, Monitoring and Reporting Program Performance.

Final Report Narrative, (Regular Services Program) – The respondent must submit a final narrative program report that explains how funds were expended during the program performance period. The respondent must also submit the SF-425 Federal Financial Report (OMB Approval Number: 0348-0061) to show final expenditures. The Final Report Narrative and the Federal Financial Report (SF-425) are due 90 calendar days after the last day of Regular Services funding. An accounting of funds, in accordance with 2 CFR 200, Financial Reporting, which includes the submission of the SF-425 Federal Financial Report, is to be submitted with the Final Report.

CCP also uses five Standard Forms in this collection. The standard forms are accounted for under OMB Collection 1660-0025. However, in order to provide more transparency and avoid conflicting collection renewal periods and to capture the burden for this program; CCP now includes these Standard Forms in this collection. To download a copy of each form below, go to the following website and search by name:

Application for Federal Assistance, (SF-424) OMB Control#: 4040-0004, expires 10/31/2019; the SF-424 is the official application for federal assistance that the respondent is required to complete to request federal funding.

Budget Information for Non-Construction Programs, (SF-424A) OMB Control#: 4040-0006, expires 1/31/2019; the SF-424A is required to show the amount of Federal funding requested for each cost category within a line-item budget.

Assurances for Non-Construction Programs (SF-424B), OMB#: 4040-0007, expires 01/31/2019

Certifications (PHS-5161-1), OMB#: 0920-0428

Disclosure of Lobbying Activities (SF–LLL), OMB#: 0348-0046

Federal Financial Report, (SF-425) OMB Control#: 4040-0014, expires 01/31/2019; this form may be found at The SF-425 is the Federal Financial Report that the respondent is required to fill out to provide accountability for all Federal expenditures through the end of the grant performance period.

HHS Checklist/08-2007, expires 06/30/2020; The HHS Checklist is to assure that proper signatures, assurances, and certifications have been submitted. The HHS Checklist also ensures that pertinent information has been addressed and included in the application and that the name and contact information for the business official and program director are recorded.

HHS Project/Performance Site Locations Form (OMB 4040-0010) - expires 10/31/2019. The HHS Project Performance Site Location Form is used to indicate the primary site where the work will be performed.

3. Describe whether, and to what extent, the collection of information involves the use of automated, electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection techniques or other forms of information technology, e.g., permitting electronic submission of responses, and the basis for the decision for adopting this means of collection. Also, describe any consideration of using information technology to reduce burden.

When a State, U.S. territory or Tribal Government receives a presidentially declared disaster declaration that includes Individual Assistance, the Disaster Technical Assistance Center (DTAC) will forward the respondent the following link via email:

Information found on the website include (1) the ISP application (FEMA Form 003-0-1), (2) the RSP application (FEMA Form 003-0-2), (3) the Final Report Narrative (ISP) template, (4) the Final Report Narrative (RSP) template and (5) the Quarterly Report Narrative (RSP) template.

A project officer from SAMHSA will contact the respondent to share information about the CCP grant and answer any questions. The respondent will fill out the appropriate application on-line (with technical support provided from SAMHSA and FEMA) and email the completed copy to SAMHSA and FEMA HQ for review and approval. The email address used will be determined by the assigned recipients in SAMSHA (Project Officer) and FEMA (Program Specialist).

4. Describe efforts to identify duplication. Show specifically why any similar information already available cannot be used or modified for use for the purposes described in Item 2 above. 

The information collected is disaster-specific and only applies to the specific event designated by a Presidentially-declared major disaster declaration. This information relates to the specific results of that disaster, including extent of damages, injuries, deaths, and the associated impact on designated counties and specific populations (children, nursing home residents, etc.). Therefore, the information is not collected or duplicated elsewhere.

5. If the collection of information impacts small businesses or other small entities (Item 5 of OMB Form 83-I), describe any methods used to minimize.

This information collection does not have an impact on small businesses or other small entities.

6. Describe the consequence to Federal/FEMA program or policy activities if the collection of information is not conducted, or is conducted less frequently as well as any technical or legal obstacles to reducing burden.

Information needs to be collected in order for FEMA and CMHS to assess the respondent’s need for the program and to provide adequate oversight and assure compliance with the terms of the grant. The consequences of not collecting this data would be the inability for FEMA and CMHS to collect appropriate justification of grant need therefore being unable to provide grant funds to meet the needs of disaster survivors.

7. Explain any special circumstances that would cause an information collection to be conducted in a manner:

  1. Requiring respondents to report information to the agency more often than quarterly.

There are no reporting requirements to the agency more often than quarterly.

 (b) Requiring respondents to prepare a written response to a collection of information in fewer than 30 days after receipt of it.

A written response may be required in fewer than 30 days, if FEMA in consultation with CMHS determines that the mental health needs of disaster survivors are not being adequately served or for noncompliance with the terms of the grant.

  1. Requiring respondents to submit more than an original and two

copies of any document.

Respondents are not required to submit more than an original and two copies of any document.

  1. Requiring respondents to retain records, other than health,

medical, government contract, grant-in-aid, or tax records for more than three years.

Respondents are not required to retain records for more than 3 years.

  1. In connection with a statistical survey, that is not designed to

produce valid and reliable results that can be generalized to the universe of study.

This information collection does not involve statistical survey.

 (f) Requiring the use of a statistical data classification that has not

been reviewed and approved by OMB.

This information collection does not use statistical data classification.

 (g) That includes a pledge of confidentiality that is not supported by authority established in statute or regulation, that is not supported by disclosure and data security policies that are consistent with the pledge, or which unnecessarily impedes sharing of data with other agencies for compatible confidential use.

This collection does not include a pledge of confidentiality that is not supported by authority established in statute or regulation.

 (h) Requiring respondents to submit proprietary trade secret, or other confidential information unless the agency can demonstrate that it has instituted procedures to protect the information’s confidentiality to the extent permitted by law. 

This collection does not require respondents to submit proprietary trade secret, or other confidential information.

8. Federal Register Notice: 

 a. Provide a copy and identify the date and page number of publication in the Federal Register of the agency’s notice soliciting comments on the information collection prior to submission to OMB. Summarize public comments received in response to that notice and describe actions taken by the agency in response to these comments. Specifically address comments received on cost and hour burden.

A 60-day Federal Register Notice inviting public comments was published on January 30, 2018, 83 FR 4234. No comments were received.

A 30-day Federal Register Notice inviting public comments was published on April 2, 2018, 83 FR 14021. No comments were received.

 b. Describe efforts to consult with persons outside the agency to obtain their views on the availability of data, frequency of collection, the clarity of instructions and recordkeeping, disclosure, or reporting format (if any), and on the data elements to be recorded, disclosed, or reported.

FEMA and CMHS provide annual CCP trainings and workshops for respondents at the Emergency Management Institute in Emmitsburg, Maryland. The objective of the workshop is to train respondents on how to complete an application for the RSP, FEMA Form 003-0-2 and the ISP, FEMA Form 003-0-1. Anecdotal feedback is collected from respondents during general discussions in this training class. A formal feedback form is not used. In addition, FEMA in coordination with SAMSHA informally obtains feedback from respondents on overall application, reporting, program strengths and weaknesses during routine grantee monitoring conference calls and emails.

c. Describe consultations with representatives of those from whom information is to be obtained or those who must compile records. Consultation should occur at least once every three years, even if the collection of information activities is the same as in prior periods. There may be circumstances that may preclude consultation in a specific situation. These circumstances should be explained.

FEMA and HHS/CMHS/SAMHSA have signed an interagency agreement under which CMHS provides technical assistance and consultation to respondents applying for CCP funding. FEMA trains, mentors and provides guidance to a cadre of Project Officers responsible for providing the respondent with on-site technical assistance and guidance. CMHS and FEMA also developed a series of program guidance, training materials and other publications available electronically through CMHS’s website.

9. Explain any decision to provide any payment or gift to respondents, other than remuneration of contractors or grantees.

FEMA does not provide payments or gifts to respondents in exchange for a benefit sought.

10. Describe any assurance of confidentiality provided to respondents. Present the basis for the assurance in statute, regulation, or agency policy. Re:

A Privacy Threshold Analysis (PTA) was completed by FEMA and adjudicated by the DHS Privacy Office on January 4, 2018.

This collection is covered by an existing Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA), DHS/FEMA/PIA-013 – Grant Management Programs, dated February 19, 2015.

There are no assurances of confidentiality provided to the respondents for this information collection.

11. Provide additional justification for any question of a sensitive nature (such as sexual behavior and attitudes, religious beliefs and other matters that are commonly considered private). This justification should include the reasons why the agency considers the questions necessary, the specific uses to be made of the information, the explanation to be given to persons from whom the information is requested, and any steps to be taken to obtain their consent.

There are no questions of a sensitive nature.

 12. Provide estimates of the hour burden of the collection of information. The statement should:

 a. Indicate the number of respondents, frequency of response, annual hour burden, and an explanation of how the burden was estimated for each collection instrument (separately list each instrument and describe information as requested). Unless directed to do so, agencies should not conduct special surveys to obtain information on which to base hour burden estimates. Consultation with a sample (fewer than 10) of potential respondents is desired. If the hour burden on respondents is expected to vary widely because of differences in activity, size, or complexity, show the range of estimated hour burden, and explain the reasons for the variance. Generally, estimates should not include burden hours for customary and usual business practices.

 b. If this request for approval covers more than one form, provide separate hour burden estimates for each form and aggregate the hour burdens in Item 13 of OMB Form 83-I.

c. Provide an estimate of annualized cost to respondents for the hour burdens for collections of information, identifying and using appropriate wage rate categories. NOTE: The wage-rate category for each respondent must be multiplied by 1.46 and this total should be entered in the cell for “Avg. Hourly Wage Rate”. The cost to the respondents of contracting out or paying outside parties for information collection activities should not be included here. Instead this cost should be included in Item 13.

FEMA is proposing to revise the collection by removing option A from question 8 on the CCP/ISP Crisis Counseling Assistance and Training Program, Immediate Services Program Application /FEMA Form 003-0-1.

FEMA receives an average of 15 ISP applications (FEMA form 003-0-1) annually for funding consideration. FEMA assumes half of all applicants use option A and will save 15 minutes by using option B instead. For calculation purposes the 15 min was spread over all 15 applicants for a reduction of 7.5 minutes (0.13 hours) each. (15 respondents x 7.87 avg. burden hours per response = 118.05 annual burden hours).

Each respondent will also submit a final ISP report narrative, which is due within 90 days after the end of the program performance period. (15 respondents x 8 avg. burden hours per response = 120 total annual burden hours).

It is estimated that 15 respondents will complete FEMA Form 003-0-2 or RSP application. Each respondent will spend approximately 20 hours completing the application. The total annual burden in hours is 15 x 20 hours = 300 hours).

It is estimated that 15 respondents will complete two Quarterly Report Narratives during the RSP performance period. Each respondent will spend approximately 15 hours per report (3 hours per day for 5 business days) preparing each report. The total annual hour burden is 15 (respondents) x 2 (reports) x 15 (hours) = 450 hours).

It is estimated that 15 respondents will complete a Final RSP Report Narrative due within 90 days after the end of the performance program period. Each respondent will spend approximately 30 hours (2 hours per day for 15 business days) compiling programmatic and fiscal data. The total annual hour burden is 15 (respondents) x 30 (hours) = 450 hours).

Each respondent participating in the CCP must submit an application for federal assistance SF-424. (15 respondents x 1 avg. burden hours per response = 15 annual burden hours for each form).

Each respondent participating in the CCP must submit Budget Information for Non-Construction Programs / Standard Form 424A (15 respondents x 1 avg. burden hours per response = 15 annual burden hours for each form).

Each respondent participating in the CCP must submit a Federal Financial Report or SF-425 form. (15 respondents x 1 avg. burden hours per response = 15 annual burden hours for each form).

Each respondent must also complete the HHS Checklist and Project Performance Site Location Form. (15 respondents x 1 avg. burden hours per response = 15 annual burden hours for each form for total of 15 hours).

The total annual burden hours for all required forms is 118.05 + 120 + 298.05 + 450 + 450 + 15 + 15 + 15 + 15 + 15= 1,511.1hours

Type of Respondent

Form Name / Form Number

No. of Respon-dents

No. of Respon-ses per Respon-dent

Total No. of Responses

Avg. Burden per Response (in hours)

Total Annual Burden (in hours)

Avg. Hourly Wage Rate

Total Annual Respondent Cost

State, local or Tribal Government

CCP/ISP Crisis Counseling Assistance and Training Program, Immediate Services Program Application /

FEMA Form 003-0-1




7.87 hours




State, local or Tribal Government


Final Report Narrative, (Immediate Services Program) /

No Form #




8 hours




State, local or Tribal Government

CCP/RSP Crisis Counseling Assistance and Training Program, Regular Services Program Application / FEMA Form 003-0-2




20 hours




State, local or Tribal Government


Quarterly Report Narrative, (Regular Services Program) /

No Form #




15 hours




State, local or Tribal Government


Final Report Narrative, (Regular Services Program) /

No Form #




30 hours




State, local or Tribal Government

Application for Federal Assistance / Standard Form 424




1 hour




State, local or Tribal Government

Budget Information for Non-Construction Programs / Standard Form 424A




1 hour




State, local or Tribal Government

Federal Financial Report / Standard Form 425




1 hour




State, local or Tribal Government

Project / Performance Site Location(s) Form




1 hour




State, local or Tribal Government

Standard HHS Checklist Form




1 hour










  • Note: The “Avg. Hourly Wage Rate” for each respondent includes a 1.46 multiplier to reflect a fully-loaded wage rate.

According to the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics website ( using the “Wage Data by Area and Occupation” for May 2016, the wage rate category for Medical and Health Service Managers (SOC Code 11-9111), estimated to be $52.58 per hour, with the 1.46 wage rate multiplier this comes to $76.77, therefore, the estimated burden hour respondent cost is estimated to be $116,160.

13. Provide an estimate of the total annual cost burden to respondents or record-keepers resulting from the collection of information. The cost of purchasing or contracting out information collection services should be a part of this cost burden estimate. (Do not include the cost of any hour burden shown in Items 12 and 14.)

The cost estimates should be split into two components:

a. Operation and Maintenance and purchase of services component. These estimates should take into account cost associated with generating, maintaining, and disclosing or providing information. Include descriptions of methods used to estimate major cost factors including system and technology acquisition, expected useful life of capital equipment, the discount rate(s), and the time period over which costs will be incurred.

b. Capital and Start-up-Cost should include, among other items, preparations for collecting information such as purchasing computers and software, monitoring sampling, drilling and testing equipment, and record storage facilities.

There are no record keeping, capital, start-up or maintenance costs associated with this information collection.

14. Provide estimates of annualized cost to the federal government. Also, provide a description of the method used to estimate cost, which should include quantification of hours, operational expenses (such as equipment, overhead, printing and support staff), and any other expense that would have been incurred without this collection of information. You may also aggregate cost estimates for Items 12, 13, and 14 in a single table.

Annual Cost to the Federal Government


Cost ($)

Contract Costs [Describe]


Crisis Counseling Specialist/CMHS Project Officer - Salaries [one GS-12 Step 1 ($81,548 annually, fully loaded - $119,060 ($81,548 x 1.46 = $119,060) with a full loaded hourly rate of $57.05 ($119,060/2,087 hours = $57.05), and one GS-13 ($96,970 annually, fully loaded - $141,576 ($96,970 x 1.46 = $141,576)) with a fully loaded for an hourly rate of $67.84 ($141,576/2,087 hours = $67.84) 20 hours each per ISP] $57.05 x 20 x 15 = $17,115; + $67.84 x 20 x 15 = $20,351; $17,115+ $20,351= $37,466; ‘ISP’


Crisis Counseling Specialist/CMHS Project Officer Salaries [one GS-12 Step 1 ($81,548 annually, fully loaded - $119,060 ($81,548 x 1.46 = $119,060) with a full loaded hourly rate of $57.05 ($119,060/2,087 hours = $57.05), and one GS-13 ($96,970 annually, fully loaded - $141,576 ($96,970 x 1.46 = $141,576)) with a fully loaded for an hourly rate of $67.84 spending 40 hours each per RSP. $57.05 x 40 x 15 = $34,229; $67.84 x 40 x 185 = $40,702; $34,229 + $40.702 = $74,931- 'RSP'


Computer Hardware and Software [cost of equipment annual lifecycle]


Equipment Maintenance [cost of annual maintenance/service agreements for equipment]




Printing [number of data collection instruments annually]


Postage [annual number of data collection instruments x postage]


Other: FEMA GS-12 ($57.05 per hour) and one FEMA GS -13 ($67.84 each per hour) and two CMHS Project Officer GS-13s ($67.84 each per hour x 2 =$135 .67) spend 32 hours each per course training at this workshop. ($57.05 + $67.84 + $135.67) x 32 = $8,338 'Workshop'





* Note: The “Salary Rate” includes a 1.46 multiplier to reflect a fully-loaded wage rate. (For the locality pay area of Washington-Baltimore-Arlington, DC-MD-VA-WV-PA “” Also the number of worked hours in a year comes from OPM’s ‘Fact Sheet: Computing Hourly Rates of Pay using 2,087 Hour Divisor’

The FEMA Crisis Counseling Specialist and the CMHS Project Officer provide technical assistance on completing the Immediate Services application. Technical assistance is provided on-site and/or off-site by telephone and electronic correspondence. The duration of an on-site visit depends on the size and scope of the disaster and the individual needs of the respondent. The FEMA Regional Crisis Counseling Specialist also monitors and closes out the Immediate Services Program. It is estimated that one FEMA Crisis Counseling Specialist GS-12 ($57.05 per hour) spends approximately 20 hours per ISP x 15 Immediate Services grants during a calendar year for on and off-site technical assistance = $17,115. A CMHS Project Officer GS-13 ($67.84 per hour) spends approximately 20 hours per ISP x 15 ISP grants during a calendar year for on and off site technical assistance = $20,351. The total cost for technical support to the ISP is estimated to be $37,466.

The FEMA Crisis Counseling Specialist and the CMHS Project Officer provide technical assistance on the development of the Regular Services Application. Technical assistance is provided on-site and/or off-site by telephone and electronic correspondence. The duration of an on-site visit depends on the size and scope of the disaster and the individual needs of the respondent. The FEMA Region Crisis Counseling Specialist also monitors and closes out the Regular Services Program.

It is estimated that one FEMA Crisis Counseling Specialist GS-12 ($57.05 per hour) spends approximately 40 hours per RSP x 15 Regular Services grants during a calendar year for on and off-site technical assistance = $34,229. A CMHS Project Officer GS-13 ($67.84 hour) spends approximately 40 hours per RSP x 15 Regular Services grants during a calendar year for on and off site technical assistance = $40,702. The total cost for technical support to the RSP is estimated to be $74,931.

FEMA/CMHS provides annual CCP training and workshops for respondents, typically located at the Emergency Management Institute in Emmitsburg, Maryland. The objective of the workshop is to train respondents on how to complete an application successfully and obtain their feedback on the strengths and weakness of the application process. One FEMA GS-12 ($55.77 per hour) and one FEMA GS -13 ($66.31 each per hour) and two CMHS Project Officer GS-13s ($66.31 each per hour x 2 =$132.62) spend 32 hours each per course training at this workshop ($57.05 + $67.84 + $135.67) x 32 = $8,338. The cost for the training is estimated to be $8,338.

Therefore, the total cost for the Immediate and Regular Services Program staff salaries, including training is estimated to be $120,735. There is no other government program cost involved with this information collection.

15. Explain the reasons for any program changes or adjustments reported in Items 13 or 14 of the OMB Form 83-I in a narrative form. Present the itemized changes in hour burden and cost burden according to program changes or adjustments in Table 5. Denote a program increase as a positive number, and a program decrease as a negative number.

A "Program increase" is an additional burden resulting from a federal government regulatory action or directive. (e.g., an increase in sample size or coverage, amount of information, reporting frequency, or expanded use of an existing form). This also includes previously in-use and unapproved information collections discovered during the ICB process, or during the fiscal year, which will be in use during the next fiscal year.

A "Program decrease", is a reduction in burden because of: (1) the discontinuation of an information collection; or (2) a change in an existing information collection by a Federal agency (e.g., the use of sampling (or smaller samples), a decrease in the amount of information requested (fewer questions), or a decrease in reporting frequency).

"Adjustment" denotes a change in burden hours due to factors over which the government has no control, such as population growth, or in factors which do not affect what information the government collects or changes in the methods used to estimate burden or correction of errors in burden estimates.

Itemized Changes in Annual Burden Hours

Data collection Activity/Instrument

Program Change (hours currently on OMB Inventory)

Program Change (New)


Adjustment (hours currently on OMB Inventory)

Adjustment (New)


FEMA form 003-0-1




ISP report narrative




FEMA Form 003-0-2 or RSP application




Quarterly Report Narratives




Final RSP Report Narrative




F-424 form Application for Federal Assistance




Budget Information for Non-Construction Programs / Standard Form 424A




Federal Financial Report or SF-425 form




HHS Checklist




Project Performance Site Location Form









FEMA is proposing to revise the collection by removing the option A from question 8 on CCP/ISP Crisis Counseling Assistance and Training Program, Immediate Services Program Application /FEMA Form 003-0-1. The removal of this option from both forms will result in a minor hour burden reduction of 1.95 hours.

Itemized Changes in Annual Cost Burden

Data collection Activity/Instrument

Program Change (cost currently on OMB Inventory)

Program Change (New)


Adjustment (cost currently on OMB Inventory)

Adjustment (New)





There is no cost burden for this collection.

16. For collections of information whose results will be published, outline plans for tabulation and publication. Address any complex analytical techniques that will be used. Provide the time schedule for the entire project, including beginning and ending dates of the collection of information, completion of report, publication dates, and other actions.

FEMA does not intend to employ the use of statistics or the publication thereof for this information collection.

17. If seeking approval not to display the expiration date for OMB approval of the information collection, explain reasons that display would be inappropriate.

FEMA will display the expiration date for OMB approval of this information collection.

18. Explain each exception to the certification statement identified in Item 19 “Certification for Paperwork Reduction Act Submissions,” of OMB Form 83-I.

 FEMA does not request an exception to the certification of this information collection.

B. Collections of Information Employing Statistical Methods.

There is no statistical methodology involved in this collection.


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