USDA Information Systems Security (DR 3140-001)

DR3140-001-Information Systems Security.pdf

Financial Information Security Request Form

USDA Information Systems Security (DR 3140-001)

OMB: 0596-0204

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U.S. Department of Agriculture
Washington, D.C. 20250

SUBJECT: USDA Information Systems Security





May 15, 1996
OPI: Policy Analysis and Coordination
Center, Information Resources

This regulation establishes policies to ensure comprehensive protections are in place to
safeguard all information technology resources. PACC-IRM, and USDA managers must
ensure that protections are in place to protect against accidental or deliberate,
unauthorized alteration, destruction, delay, theft, access, use or damage to systems, data,
applications, equipment, and telecommunications. This regulation also defines USDA's
information and telecommunications security missions, goals, scope, and responsibilities.
This regulation cancels DR 3140-1, "USDA ADP Security Policy," dated July 19, 1984.
This regulation applies to all USDA organizational elements and their employees, other
Federal agencies, State agencies, contractors, and sub-contractors who are involved in
development of systems, obtaining, transmitting, using, and processing USDA
information, data, on behalf of USDA. This regulation also applies to USDA computers
operated on behalf of the USDA by State and local government or other private
organizations to accomplish a USDA function. Finally, it includes anyone involved in the
design, development, acquisition, installation, operation, maintenance and use of USDA
ADP, telecommunications, LANs, and WANs.
The Computer Security Act of 1987, (Public Law 100-235) and OMB Circular No. A130, Appendix III, dated February 8, 1996, "Security of Federal Automated Information
Resources" require all Federal agencies (Departments) to plan for the security of all
sensitive information systems throughout their life cycle.
OMB Circular No. A-130, Appendix III establishes a minimum set of controls to be
included in Federal AIS security programs; and assigns Federal agencies the
responsibilities for security of automated information. It also links agency automated
information system security programs and agency management control systems
established in accordance with

DR 3140-001

May 15, 1996
OMB Circular No. A-123, "Management Accountability and Control." The ISSP is
designed to meet the requirements of Federal Laws and guidance. It also ensure the
availability of telecommunications, ADP resources, and Word processing (WP) services,
and to provide adequate physical protection to all IT resources.
All responsible officials must assume that controls are placed and administered where
they are most effective. Local procedures must be developed, documented, implemented,
and monitored to ensure reasonable and effective management of both traditional and
new technology.

All USDA entities shall organize, implement, and maintain an information systems
security program that ensures adequate security of all USDA information. It applies to all
USDA agencies, programs, teams, organizations, contractors, consultants, appointees,
employees of USDA funded councils, associations, State, local as well as other
government agencies, and committees that use, process, manage USDA information or
meet the requirements of the definition of "operator of Federal computer system (The
Computer Security Act of 1987)."
The USDA Agency ADP Security Officer title is changed to ISSPM. This title is directly
in line with titles used by NIST to address the Federal Information Systems Security
community. The new title reflects the expanded role of the ADP Security Officer, a role
which no longer focusses on the ADP environment only.
Security must be addressed in the System life-cycle (Planning Phase). It must be applied
where it can be the most effective and with the least cost to the agencies. Ensure most
cost effective and reasonable security approaches by including the ISSPM in the early
stages of planning and technical reviews.
Establishment of security controls in all general support systems are hereby required in
accordance with OMB Circular No. A-130, Appendix III.
The following public laws and Federal guidance are applicable to the USDA ISSP:
a External
(1) OMB Circular No. A-130, "Management of Federal Information
Resources," revised February 8, 1996;
(2) OMB Bulletin No. 90-08, "Guidance for Preparation of Security
Plans for Federal Computer Systems that Contain Sensitive
Information," dated July 9, 1990;
(3) OMB Circular No. A-123, "Management Accountability and
Control" dated June 29, 1995
(4) OMB Circular No. A-127, "Financial Management Systems," dated
July 30, 1993;


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(5) Public Law 97-255, "Federal Manager's Financial Integrity Act of
(6) Public Law 93-502, "Freedom of Information Act of 1980;"
(7) Public Law 93-579, "Privacy Act of 1974;"
(8) Public Law 99-474, "Computer Fraud and Abuse Act;"
(9) Public Law 100-235, "The Computer Security Act of 1987," dated
January 8, 1988;
(10) Executive Order 10450, "Security Requirements for Government
(11) Copyright Act of 1980;
(12) Public Law 104-13, "The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995;"
(13) National Information Infrastructure (NII) The Federal Role, June
5, 1995; and
(14) "Information Technology Management Reform Act of 1996."
b USDA Internal Regulations
(1) DR 3140-2, "USDA Internet Security Policy," dated March 7, 1995;
(2) DR 3300-1, "Telecommunications, Section 4, Appendix I," dated
March 20, 1996.

AIS Automated Information Systems
ADP Automated Data Processing
ART Acquisition Review Team
DISSPM Departmental Information System Security Program Manager
DOS Disk Operating System
FOISM Field Office Information Security Managers
GAO General Accounting Office
IRM Information Resources Management
ISPO Information Service Processing Organization


DR 3140-001

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IS Information System
ISSPM Information Systems Security Program Manager
ISSP Information System Security Program
IT Information Technology
LAN Local Area Network
NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology
NSA National Security Agency
OIG Office of the Inspector General
OMB Office of Management and Budget
PACC-IRM Policy Analysis and Coordination Center
Information Resources Management
SIRMO Senior IRM Official
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
WAN Wide Area Network
WP Word Processing
USDA United States Department of Agriculture

a Access to Information. Refers to providing the public, upon their request, access to
government information to which they are entitled under appropriate law.
b Adequate Security. Security commensurate with the risk and magnitude of the harm
resulting from the loss, misuse, unauthorized access to, or modification, of information.
This includes ensuring that systems and applications used by the agency operate
effectively and provide appropriate confidentiality, integrity, and availability through the
use of cost-effective management, personnel, operational, and technical controls.
c Application. The use of information resources (information and information
technology) to satisfy a specific set of user requirements.
d Confidentiality. The assurance that only properly authorized persons can view
particular information. This refers to the treatment of data; confidentiality is achieved
when specific information is not available or transmitted beyond those with an authorized
need-to-know. A requirement that private or confidential information not be disclosed to
unauthorized individuals.


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e Critical Information. Information necessary for the continued operation of any USDA
agency or organization, its automated information resources and services. This
information may not be sensitive. However, the loss, denial, or modification of such
information may cause grave damage to the operation of the organization. For example:
the determination and prioritization of the critical information is necessary for emergency
preparedness and disaster recovery. Critical information may be transmitted via E-Mail,
without being encrypted. It's audience can be strictly controlled.
f Discretionary Access. The automated restricting of accesses to files, programs,
protocols, resources, and information based on each user's need-to-know and least
privilege requirement. Discretionary Access uses either built in system security
capabilities or "third party" security enhancement products.
g Dissemination of Information. Refers to distributing government information to the
public, whether through printed documents, or electronic or other media. "Dissemination
of information" does not include intra-agency use of information, interagency sharing of
information, or responding to requests for "access to information."
h Firewalls. It is a security policy and technology that define the services and access to be
permitted, and an implementation of that policy in terms of a network configuration, one
or more host systems and routers, and other security measures such as advanced
authentication in place of static passwords. The main purpose of a firewall system is to
restrict access to or from a protected network (i.e., a site). It implements a network access
policy by forcing connections to pass through the firewall, where they can be examined
and evaluated.
i General Support System. An interconnected set of information resources under the same
direct management control, sharing common functionality. A general support system
normally includes hardware, software, information, data, applications, and people. For
example: a local area network (LAN), or a system can include smart terminals that
support a branch office, an Agency-wide backbone, a communications network, a
departmental data processing center, including its operating system and utilities, a tactical
radio network, or a shared information processing service organization (IPSO).
j Granularity. The relative fineness or courseness by which a mechanism such as access
controls can be adjusted to implement discretionary access requirements.
k Information. Any communication or reception of knowledge, such as facts, data, or
opinions, including numerical, graphic, or narrative forms, whether oral or maintained in
any medium, including computerized data bases, paper, microfilm, or magnetic tape.
l Information Resources Management (IRM). The planning, budgeting, organizing,
directing, training, and control associated with government information. The term
encompasses both information itself and the related resources, such as personnel,
equipment, funds, and technology.
m Information Security. The protection of information resources and technology from
intentional or accidental unauthorized destruction, alteration, disclosure, denial, or delay.
n Information System (IS). The organized collection, processing, maintenance,
transmission, and dissemination of information in accordance with defined procedures,
whether automated or manual.


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o Information Technology. The hardware and software operated by a Federal agency or
by a contractor of a Federal agency or other organization that processes information on
behalf of the Federal Government to accomplish a Federal function, regardless of the
technology involved, whether computers, telecommunications, or others. It includes
automatic data processing equipment as that term is defined in Section 111(a)(2) of the
Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949. Automatic data processing
and telecommunications activities related to certain critical national security missions, as
defined in 44 U.S.C. 3502(2) and 10 U.S.C. 2315, are excluded.
p Information Technology Facility. An organizationally defined set of personnel,
hardware, software, and physical facilities, a primary function of which is the operation
of information technology.
q Least privilege. Refers to the information systems security objective and requirement of
granting users only those accesses they need to perform their official duties. It requires
that users be granted the lowest level of computer/system access that is consistent with
job authority. Increases in privileges shall be requested and granted by written
r Major Application. An application that requires special attention to security due to the
risk and magnitude of harm resulting from the loss, misuse, unauthorized access to, or
modification of the information in the application. Note: All Federal information requires
some level of protection. Certain applications, however, require special management
oversight and should be treated as major. Adequate security for other applications should
be provided by redundant systems in which they operate.
s Major Information System. Information system that requires special continuing
management attention because of its importance to an agency mission; its high
development, operating or maintenance costs; or its significant impact on the
administration of agency programs, finances, property, or other resources.
t Mandatory Access Controls. Consist of those access controls mandated in documented
policies, procedures, system protocols, and systems parameters which serve as the
mandatory minimum standards for all users regardless of their discretionary access
requirements. The required protection functions and assurances that must be bound
together to create a protection profile. For example: All users shall be required to have a
unique, authorized userid and password assigned to them by the ISSPM before they can
access the system.
u Need-to-Know. The necessity for access to, knowledge of, or possession of classified or
other sensitive information in order to carry out officially sanctioned duties.
Responsibility for determining whether a person's duties require possession or access to
this information rests upon the individual having current possession (or ownership) of the
information involved, and not upon the prospective recipient.
v Non-Discretionary Access Controls. Policies, procedures, practices, instructions or
system options that are implemented or activated to counter periodic, nonrecurring or
unique threats, such as Trojan horses, viruses, logic bombs, or improperly tested
software. Non-Discretionary access controls are determined by ISSPMs and cannot be
changed or deleted by unprivileged users, systems administrators or privileged users.
Unprivileged users may utilize very limited discretionary administrative controls over
these controls. These controls serve to enhance and strengthen Mandatory and
Discretionary controls.


DR 3140-001

May 15, 1996
w Position Sensitivity. The determination by the organizations's management with the
Support and consultation of the ISSPM of the potential for each position accessing the
information system resource to cause great harm. System managers/administrators and
privileged users shall require a higher level of sensitivity than a system operator. Systems
which do not have separation of duties between system administrators/managers and IS
ISSPMs require the highest position sensitivity.
x Preauthentication. A protocol or process for proving that a user knows her/his password
before access to a system with a password is allowed. Preauthentication can be completed
by the use of pin numbers, smart cards, biometrics or tokens.
y Privileged User. A user of a computer who is authorized to bypass normal access
control mechanisms, usually to be able to perform system management functions.
Policies shall clearly state limits to privileges and separation of duties.
z Reverse Intent. Is the name given to a common hacker technique offlipflopping a piece
of security knowledge to identify a potential weaknesses. It is also the development and
adoption of Information Systems Security policies, which by their wording,
unintentionally and inadvertently reveal system vulnerabilities and capabilities that can
be exploited by attackers. For example: a policy, which states: "System administrators
shall not leave modems attached to the server in 'auto answer' or 'auto response' condition
after normal working hours, during weekends and holidays" indicates to an attacker that
the network has modems and is vulnerable to attack.
aa Separation of Duties. Refers to dividing roles and responsibilities so that a single
individual cannot subvert a system or critical process. For example, ISSPMs shall
perform security functions on systems, whole systems managers perform systems
management functions. It is a form of checks and balances.
bb Sensitive Information. Any information, the loss, misuse, unauthorized access to, or
modification of, which could adversely affect the national interest or the conduct of
Federal programs, or the privacy to which individuals are entitled under section 552a of
title 5, United States Code (the Privacy) Act, but which has not been specifically
authorized under criteria established by an Executive Order or an Act of Congress to be
kept secret in the interest of national defense or foreign policy.
cc Threat. Something in the system environment which, if paired with a corresponding
vulnerability, could cause a harmful event to occur. The means through which the
evidenced ability or intent of a threat agent to adversely affect an ADP system, facility, or
operation may be manifested. The four basic threats are: (1) Denial of Service, (2)
Unauthorized Use, (3) Unauthorized Manipulation, and (4) Unauthorized Disclosure of

The goals of the USDA ISSP:
a Identify, protect and secure critical and sensitive USDA information, systems,
applications, and data;
b Ensure that managers at all levels and entities provide adequate security for information
resources and automated information systems (AIS) supporting their missions;


DR 3140-001

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c Ensure annual information systems security awareness training and that employees and
contractors at all levels of USDA are provided with sufficient guidance to discharge their
responsibilities relating to AIS security;
d Ensure individual accountability for use of all automated information resources and
e Ensure audit ability and availability of all AIS;
f Ensure that all USDA ISSPMs have comprehensive and current information systems
security training;
g Allocate sufficient resources to manage Information Systems Security needs in all
USDA organizations, including Field Offices;
h Empower ISSPMs throughout USDA to have the authority equivalent to their
i Establish minimum mandatory information systems security standards that are
applicable to all USDA and USDA funded organizations;
j Establish authority and guidelines for enforcement; and
k Provide authorization for disciplinary actions for Information Systems Security Noncompliance.

Information systems security responsibilities and accountability shall be explicit. The
primary responsibility for security relating to all information technology resources is that
of the end-user. The responsibilities and accountability of owners, providers, and users of
computer systems and other parties concerned with the security of information systems
shall be documented. The assignment of responsibilities may be internal to a USDA
organization or may extend across organizational boundaries. (Source: An Introduction to
Computer Security: The NIST Handbook).
a The Director of PACC-IRM will ensure that USDA:
(1) Is in compliance with all Public Laws relating to Information
Systems Security, ethics, privacy and communications;
(2) Has defined and authorized the USDA Information Systems
Security Program;
(3) Has staffed and budgeted the USDA Information Systems Security
Program with resources commensurate with its responsibilities;
(4) Empower ISSPM to lead and assist USDA organizations in
Information Systems Security Program development;
(5) Ensure thorough reviews of USDA organizations' ISSP that USDA
agencies are in compliance with Federal and Departmental regulations;


DR 3140-001

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(6) Ensure enough Deputy ISSPMs sufficient to meet the needs of the
ISSP, critically and sensitivity of data; and
(7) Acknowledge that the ISSP is an integral part of the USDA

b The Departmental ISSPM will:
(1) Manage the Departmental ISSP throughout the USDA, consistent
with this policy document, and other Federal policies issued to protect
AIS within USDA;
(2) Monitor and report on compliance and guidance with Departmental
and Federal security policies to PACC-IRM Management, OIG, OMB,
GAO, NIST, and any other oversight agency requesting information
and serve as principal information systems security consultant to
USDA senior management;
(3) Develop, coordinate, and maintain information systems security
policies, procedures, and guidelines for the protection of all information
resources within the Department;
(4) Represent USDA to other Federal Government organizations and
specialized groups on information systems security activities;
(5) Establish criteria for computer security awareness training and
ensuring a training program is implemented to meet the requirements of
the Computer Security Act of 1987; and
(6) Assist Agency ISSPM in developing and improving their ISSP.

c The Director of the Office of Operations will:
(1) Assure close cooperation between her/his operational security
elements and PACC-IRM Information Systems Security Policy
(2) Ensure the development and implementation of physical security
policies, practices and guidance that accounts for the increasing
dependency on information technology in all USDA offices and
(3) Direct compliance with all Government and USDA policies and
regulations for all information technology operational units; and
(4) Provide advice and suggestions to PACC-IRM, which shall improve


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d The Director, Human Resources Management (HRM) will:
(1) Be aware of and consider the criticality, privacy, confidentiality and
sensitivity of information under her/his domain which is processed,
transmitted and stored using information technology;
(2) Provide guidance and direction to PACC-IRM in the development
of Information Systems Security guidelines and policies, which serve,
support and protect the mission of HRM;
(3) Develop job descriptions for personnel, which include requirements
for the protection of critical, confidential, privacy or sensitive
information as performance elements;
(4) Develop job description standards for all USDA entities which are
uniform and consistent with the requirements to protect critical,
confidential, privacy and sensitive information.
(5) Administer a personnel security program that identifies, categorizes
and defines personnel security requirements for USDA entities,
requires appropriate background investigations/security clearances for
employees and contractors alike;
(6) Ensure that DM 3440-1 is updated regularly to reflect changing
environment in which Classified Information is processed;
(7) Advise the USDA ISSPM of any personnel regulation changes that
can affect the ISSP; and
(8) Designate an HRM ISSPM.

e The Director of the Office of Civil Rights Enforcement will:
(1) Assure that the USDA ISSPM is aware of all requirements to
protect and secure Civil Rights Enforcement & Adjudication
information in order to prepare and develop specific ISSP policies;
(2) Assure coordination of and compliance with all procurement actions
with information systems security requirements;
(3) Lead a Technology Management program which includes the ISSP;
(4) Designate an ISSPM with responsibility for OO.
f Director, Administrative Management Services will:
(1) Cooperate and collaborate with the PACC-IRM ISSPM to ensure
coordination of administrative duties with ISSP requirements;


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(2) Designate a DAMS ISSPM; and
(3) Develop and maintain inventory of all Information Technology
within the scope of DAMS authority and responsibility.
g Agency Administrators will:
(1) Ensure that information systems security policies and procedures
are in place to support this policy and the ISSPM;
(2) Ensure that the ISSP function is properly staffed and resources
allocated to allow effective implementation and continuance of a
comprehensive and proactive Agency ISSP;
(3) Ensure that the ISSPM is a permanent member of the Agency
parallel review process and serves on the ARTs;
(4) Ensure that the ISSPM is a permanent member of all Agency
application development, telecommunications, and IRM life-cycle
management planning processes;
(5) Ensure that all field and headquarters offices are covered under the
responsibilities of the ISSPM;
(6) Ensure assignments of personnel who will be designated as Deputy
ISSPMs and persons who will have security as their collateral duties;
(7) Ensure that security of information technologies in field locations
has priority as an assignment of the security managers;
(8) Ensure that ISSPMs are assigned to a level within the organization
that can independently report to the appropriate program and/or
departmental officials. The ISSPM must be able to apply security
across the entire agency's programs. It may be necessary to place them
in the Deputy Administrators' or Administrators' offices rather than
assign them to the agency SIRMO;
(9) Ensure that training opportunities are provided to the ISSPM and
security staff in he security field;
(10) Provide for the integrity, availability and confidentiality of
information that is critical to USDA to meet its missions;
(11) Protect and secure all USDA information resources;
(12) Ensure that managers provide appropriate security of all
information resources supporting their functional activities;
(13) Ensure individual accountability for data, information, all IT
resources, to which individuals have access;
(14) Ensure auditability of all AIS;


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(15) Ensure that employees are provided sufficient guidance for the
discharge of responsibilities regarding information systems security;
(16) Establish guidelines for information systems security enforcement;
(17) Ensure individuals have the least amount of access necessary to
accomplish authorized activities;
(18) Ensure that Agency annual Information System Security Plans are
developed in accordance with PACC-IRM guidelines and OMB
Bulletin 90-08, "Guidance for Preparation of Security Plans for Federal
Computer Systems that Contains Sensitive Information." These plans
are due to PACC-IRM on April 14, of each year; OMB Circular A-130,
Appendix III supersedes OMB Bulletin 90-08 and expands the cover of
security plans from Bulletin 90-08 to include rules of individual
behavior as well as technical security;
(19) Ensure that each annual information systems security plan contains
an agency status report which is comprehensive and documents all
aspects of their Information Systems Security Program;
(20) Ensure security is included in all stages of systems life cycle as
defined in DM 3140-1, "Management of the Information Systems
Security Program;"
(21) Ensure each USDA General Support System shall have assigned to
it an individual knowledgeable in all the system's features and
capabilitilies, including understanding and implementing all security
options or parameters necessary to protect the information and provide
auditability; and
(22) Ensure that each major application is assigned a management
official knowledgeable in the nature of the information and process
supported by the application including management, personnel,
operational, and technical controls used to protect it.
h System Security Manager General Support System will:
(1) Cooperate and collaborate with the organizational ISSPM in
planning, developing, implementing and documenting security;
(2) Provide access to the ISSPM in compliance with the Separation of
Duties principle;
(3) Not exceed her/his Need-To-Know authority;
(4) Support auditing and accountability;
(5) Report violations of policy and security vulnerabilities;
(6) Advocate and support the organization's information systems
security program;


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(7) Keep the Agency's ISSPM informed on all security matters relating
to that general support system; and Additional control features for
general support ystem are identified in OMB Circular No. A-130,
Appendix III, page 35, under "Controls for General Support Systems."
i System Security Manager Major Applications will:
(1) Assure that effective security products and techniques are
appropriately used in the application, and shall be contacted when a
security incident occurs concerning the application; and
(2) Work with the Agency's ISSPM and keep the Agency's ISSPM
informed on all security matters relating to the major application; and
Additional control features for major applications are identified in
OMB Circular No. A-130, Appendix III, page 37, under "Controls for
Major Applications."
j Senior IRM Officials (SIRMO) will:
(1) Develop and maintain a comprehensive and effective ISSP that
ensures compliance with established Federal mandates and
Departmental policies; and
(2) Exercise responsibility for the ISSP through the activities of the
k Directors, Associate Directors, Division Chiefs, and other Managers throughout USDA
(1) Have the primary responsibility for the security of data supporting
their functions;
(2) Implement established security policies within their areas of
(3) Identify Agency sensitive systems and develop security plans for
those systems;
(4) Develop, maintain, and test contingency and disaster recovery
(5) Participate in Agency security risk analyses;
(6) Appoint and train security representatives, ISSPM'S, LAN security
officers, and facility/installation security officers;
(7) Promote information systems security awareness and the ethical use
of information resources; and
(8) Issue appropriate instructions needed to implement provisions of
computer security policies and standards established in Agency
directives, Departmental Regulations, and Federal laws.


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l USDA Agency ISSPMs Additional ISSPM responsibilities which relate to specific areas
of security may be found in DM 3140-2, "Duties and Responsibilities of the Information
Systems Security Program Manager." Agency ISSPMs will:
(1) Manage the information systems security programs throughout their
agencies including field offices;
(2) Provide overall leadership and direction for the Agency ISSP, by
planning and developing agency specific information system security
policies, and procedures;
(3) Report agency compliance with Departmental and Federal security
policies and guidance to Agency management, PACC-IRM
management, OIG, OMB, GAO, NIST, and any oversight agencies
requesting information;
(4) Develop, coordinate and maintain information system security
policies, procedures, and guidelines for the protection of Agency
information resources;
(5) Develop and implement a comprehensive risk management program
which ensures that security risks are identified and evaluated; and
appropriate counter measures are implemented; This includes the
development of information system security plans, contingency plans,
certification and accreditation of sensitive systems, and physical
security to include access control;
(6) Serve as principal information systems security specialist to Agency
senior management, contracting officers, field office information
systems security managers, and users;
(7) Represent the Agency at other Federal Government organizations
and specialized groups on ISS activities;
(8) Develop and conduct computer security awareness training for
security personnel, employees, and contractors to meet the training
program requirements of the Computer Security Act of 1987;
(9) Serves as a member of the ART, and reviews proposed procurement
requests to ensure adequate security and safety provisions;
(10) Participate in internal or external reviews, conduct inspections for
compliance with policies and procedures, and monitor measures to
correct deficiencies identified in audits or inspections;
(11) Develop the Agency annual Information System Security Plan, in
accordance with PACC-IRM guidelines and OMB Bulletin 90-08,
"Guidance for Preparation of Security Plans for Federal Computer
Systems that Contains Sensitive Information." Submission is due April
14, of each year;
(12) Investigate and report all suspected and actual computer security
breaches that may indicate a computer security incident, violation or


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attempt to gain unauthorized access to computers, information systems
or data, and resident on Agency information resources;
(13) Participate as a permanent member of all agency application
development, telecommunications, and IRM life-cycle management
planning processes; and
(14) Identify, protect and secure critical and sensitive USDA
information, systems, applications, and data.
m ADP Facility ISSPMs will:
(1) Perform the primary duties of the ISSPM as defined in DM 3140-2,
"Duties and Responsibilities of the Information Security Program
Manager;" and
(2) Take on a heightened level of physical security to protect the
physical environment of the facility.
n ADP Facility Managers will:
(1) Designate an individual as the Facility ISSPM for the facility when
it meets the criteria specified in DM 3140-1;
(2) Maintain adequate security measures required to protect the Agency
data that are maintained or processed at the facility;
(3) Develop and update ADP security and contingency plans;
(4) Develop and implement procedures to back up user programs and
data; and
(5) Ensure that procedures are in place and tested for disaster recovery.
o Field Office Information Security Managers will:
(1) Provide adequate security for those in single location space or those
FOISM that share offices space;
(2) Provide the same level of security protection that is required of the
Agency ISSPM in the protection of the Agency information;
(3) Provide physical security protections from intruders or persons
unauthorized to have access to the Agency resources;
(4) Establish an Agency approved security policy, contingency plan
and disaster recovery plan that all persons working at the location are
aware of and adhere to;
(5) Implement established security policies within their areas of


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(6) Identify Agency sensitive systems and assist in the development of
security plans for those systems;
(7) Test contingency and disaster recovery plans for their field location;
(8) Participate as required by their Agency in developing risk analyses;
(9) Promote information systems security awareness and the ethical use
of information resources within their field office; and
(10) Issue appropriate instructions needed in their field location to
implement provisions of computer security policies and standards
established in Agency directives, Departmental Regulations, and
Federal laws.
p Users, Contractors and Sub-contractors will:
(1) Comply with all security requirements pertaining to the information
resources they use;
(2) Refrain from using trivial and obvious passwords;
(3) Ensure that passwords are held in strict confidence and properly
safeguarded from unauthorized access and use;
(4) Employ available and approved safeguards to protect the
confidentiality, integrity and availability of data, applications, and
information resources;
(5) Comply with all licensed software agreements; and
(6) Report any suspected security incidents observed to the ISSPM and
your immediate supervisor.

The USDA shall have a full-time ISSPM located in PACC-IRM. PACC-IRM shall staff
the program office, as necessary, to ensure national and USDA computer security
requirements can be met. Agencies shall have a ISSPM position which may be filled with
a collateral-duty ISSPM. Agencies shall determine whether the position will be full-time
or part time. Each agency shall determine the size of any security support staff, but must
ensure personnel resources for security are adequate to meet national and USDA
computer security requirements.
The USDA and Agencies ISSPMs shall ensure that information systems security
requirements, procedures, and practices are included in computer security training
materials. Each new employee will receive an orientation outlining their security
responsibilities. Thereafter, the program managers shall ensure training is provided to
their employees on a regular basis.


DR 3140-001

May 15, 1996
All USDA agencies must make security awareness and training mandatory for all
employees that use, operate, supervise, or manage computer systems or use output from
computer systems. Each USDA employee that uses computers or output from computers
must be:
a Provided awareness of their security responsibilities;
b Provided periodic security training (minimum once a year) in how to
fulfil the responsibilities of security; and
c Informed of requirements as stated in OMB Circular A-130 relating
to awareness and training.

USDA employees, consultants, contractors, and sub- contractors working for USDA
a Not attempt to gain access to systems, applications, or data for which
they have not been authorized;
b Not assist others in attempting to gain unauthorized access to
systems, applications, or data;
c Not knowingly destroy or modify data without permission, nor
introduce malicious software (viruses or worms) or infected files;
d Not make illegal copies of software; and
e Not use USDA computer systems for personal use or gain.
The ISSPM will ensure that anti-virus software is installed and used to check
microcomputer systems, LAN servers, new software packages, and diskettes for viruses
before use.
All USDA host computer systems capable of being accessed by communications
connections, including local area networks and stand-a-lone systems, after completion of
system booting procedures, must display a warning message at login. This message at a
minimum must address the following, "The user has accessed a United States
Government computer which requires prior authorization to access. Any person or
computer assisted access is deemed to be unauthorized and can result in fines or
USDA systems will employ robust authentication measures for dial in and Internet
access. Use of a firewall or router when the system uses TCP/IP to prevent intrusions is a
centralized and convenient method of protecting USDA systems and networks. The use


DR 3140-001

May 15, 1996
of passwords alone is not an adequate method of protecting systems that are connected to
the Internet. This policy is not intended to deny access to public data. Rather, it is
intended to protect data that has not been identified for public disclosure.
PACC-IRM has responsibility for determining the adequacy of security measures in place
in systems used as gateways to the Internet. All such systems will be regularly reviewed
by the Agency ISSPM for vulnerabilities from known threats. It is the responsibility of
USDA agencies and staff offices that have or plan a gateway to the Internet to fund,
implement, and maintain the prescribed protective features.
All USDA agencies and staff offices using the Internet must follow the guidance in DR
3140-2, "USDA Internet Security Policy," and DR 3300-1, "Telecommunications."

In accordance with OMB Circular No. A-130, Appendix III, each general support system
and major application will have developed a security plan consistent with guidance issued
by NIST as a MINIMUM. The current guidance is published in OMB Bulletin 90-08.
PACC-IRM requires as a part of the OMB Bulletin 90-08 submission an annual IRM
Security Program Status Report. The following topics are to be addressed in the status
report part of the security plan submission:
a Accomplishments
b Security awareness program
c Reviews
d Disaster recovery
e Improvements to agency security
f Number of sensitive systems
g Number of systems recertified during the year
h Telecommunications
i Protection for Local Area Network
j Agency security policy development
k Description of audits performed
l List of any audits conducted by outside agencies which included
aspects of computer security


DR 3140-001

May 15, 1996
Report security breaches to the address listed below:
Departmental ISSPM
Room 427-W Jamie L. Whitten Federal Building
14th & Independence Ave. SW
Washington, D.C. 20250
Internet: [email protected]
Phone: 202-720-4301 FAX: 202-690-0574
All reports will be forwarded to the Office of The Inspector General.

All users of information and AIS, including contractors working for USDA, are
responsible for complying with this information systems security policy as well as
procedures and practices developed in support of this policy. Any contractor handling
sensitive USDA data is subject to the security requirements specified in this
Departmental Regulation.
Anyone suspecting misuse or attempted misuse of USDA information systems resources
are responsible for reporting such activity to their management officials and to the
Violations of standards, procedures, or practices in support of this policy will be brought
to the attention of management officials for appropriate action which will result in
disciplinary action, that could include termination of employment.
Signed By:


File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleInformation Systems Security Policy
File Modified2018-02-27
File Created2001-09-19

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