Form 0920-0953 Cross-Sector Survey

Generic Clearance for the Collection of Qualitative Feedback on Agency Service Delivery

Attachment 2_CRC Cross-Sector Survey final

NORA CRC Cross-Sector Council Questionnaire

OMB: 0920-0953

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CRC Cross Sector Council Web-Survey
Form Approved
OMB No. 0920-0953
Exp. Date 8/31/2021
The purpose of this questionnaire is to collect information from NIOSH CRC Cross Sector Council members to understand preferences
and ideas for how to address the NORA CRC Cross Sector Research Agenda through implementation projects including research to
practice (r2p) activities, information exchange, networking, and dissemination and implementation activities in the upcoming year.

The results from this survey will serve as a basis for upcoming Council meetings and activities, and inform a plan for the Council to
move forward with addressing the NORA CRC Cross Sector Research Agenda.

The questions have been organized into four main sections. Within each section, there are questions that address cancer, reproductive
health, cardiovascular disease, and other chronic diseases as subsectors. You may skip subsections or particular questions for which
you do not want to give your feedback. Your responses are confidential and will be reported in aggregate and anonymously to the
upcoming NORA CRC Cross Sector meeting. Your responses will not be linked to any identifiers including your name or email address
or disseminated to the public.

Thank you for your time.

Please click Next to start the questionnaire.

Public reporting burden of this collection of information is estimated to average 25 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions,
searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not
conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send
comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to - CDC/ATSDR
Reports Clearance Officer; 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS D-74, Atlanta, Georgia 30333 ATTN: PRA (0920-0953).


CRC Cross Sector Council Web-Survey
Which of the following CRC Cross Sector objectives are most aligned with your interests/expertise? (select one or multiple)

1. Cancer
Objective 1: Improve the ability to assess the burden
associated with occupational cancer.
Objective 2: Assess the magnitude and characteristics of
worker exposures and associated control technologies.
Objective 3: Conduct analytic epidemiology and toxicology
studies of prioritized populations and exposures to identify (or
rule out) potential occupational carcinogens.

Objective 4: Develop laboratory-based research, including
new assays or methodologies to evaluate or understand
potential mechanisms/carcinogenic potential.
Objective 5: Perform research to investigate the effectiveness
of workplace screening for early detection of occupational
Objective 6: Develop new methods for and conduct
quantitative cancer risk assessments in support of
authoritative recommendations for preventing occupational

2. Adverse Reproductive Outcomes (ARO)
Objective 7: Improve understanding of mechanisms by which hazardous agents and workplace factors are related to adverse
reproductive outcomes.
Objective 8: Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of systems to identify adverse reproductive outcomes, potential workplace
risk factors, and workers at risk.
Objective 9: Conduct and communicate studies of exposure and outcome; identify and quantify risk of adverse reproductive
health outcomes associated with the workplace.

3. Cardiovascular Disease (CVD)
Objective 10: Understand underlying mechanisms for CVD among workers.
Objective 11: Understand risk factors associated with CVD.
Objective 12: Develop and evaluate workplace interventions for CVD.

4. Other Chronic Disease Prevention
Renal Disease
Neurological Disease
Other (please specify)


5. Would you be interested in being part of a sub-committee of Council members focused on self-selected
activities or projects that contribute to the objective/s selected above?
It depends (please explain)


CRC Cross Sector Council Web-Survey
Questions in this section ask you to identify and prioritize the topics and issues that you believe are the highest priority to improve
prevention and reduction of occupational cancer. You have the option to skip this section.

6. Would you like to . . . .
Continue to questions on r2p priorities for the Cancer Subsector
Skip to the next section on r2p priorities for the Reproductive Subsector
Skip to the next section on r2p priorities for the Cardiovascular Subsector
Skip to the next section on r2p priorities for the Other Chronic Disease Subsector (renal and neurologic)


CRC Cross Sector Council Web-Survey
Section 1 - R2P Priorities for the Cancer Subsector
7. For each Cancer item listed below, select the level of priority with which thebroad goal needs to be
addressed by research-to-practice activities (e.g. providing education, training, and resources). Please
consider that although it is important to address all the issues, some may have a higher priority because of
the magnitude of risk, the population affected, a pressing need for the activity, or some other reason.
Low priority

Medium priority

High priority

Reduce worker
exposures and
communicate associated
control technologies.
Exposures to potential
carcinogens among
prioritized populations
research efforts
Effectiveness of
workplace screening for
early detection
Prevention of
occupational cancers.
Other (please specify broad goal and level of priority)


8. For each industry sector, select the level of priority with which Cancerrisk, intervention, and/or
surveillance needs to be addressed by research-to-practice activities (e.g. providing education, training,
and resources). Please consider that although it is important to address all worker sectors, some may have
a higher priority because of the magnitude of risk, the population affected, a pressing need for new
information, or some other reason.
Low priority

Medium priority

High priority

Service workers
(business admin, bank
tellers, educators,
personal care, etc.)
Healthcare and Social
Assistance workers
(healthcare, childcare,
elder care, etc.)
Manufacturing workers
Mining workers
Public Safety(fire
fighters, corrections, law
enforcement, wildland
fire service, emergency
medical service)
Other (please specify worker group and level of priority)


9. For each item below, please select the priority level with which eachR2P Activity for Cancer needs to
be addressed. Please consider that although it is important to address all goals, some may have a higher
priority because of the magnitude of risk, the population affected, a pressing need for new information, or
some other reason.
Low priority

Medium priority

High priority

Prevent exposure to
drugs/chemicals linked
to cancer in healthcare
Prevent high priority
agent /carcinogen
exposures in
Prevent exposures to
hazardous airborne
contaminants, including
crystalline silica and
diesel exhaust, and lung
cancer in mining workers
Exposures and cancers
among fire service,
corrections, and law
enforcement workers
Effective means to
reduce carcinogen
exposures in fire fighters
Other (please specify activity and level of priority)


CRC Cross Sector Council Web-Survey
Section 1 - R2P Priorities for the Cancer Subsector

10. How much do you agree that we should address occupational Cancer with an r2p activity?
Strongly agree
Somewhat agree
Not at all agree
No vote

11. How aligned are these potential topics with your areas of interests/expertise?
Strongly Aligned
Somewhat Aligned
Not at all Aligned
No vote


12. There are several potential products that might be a good objective for a Council-led activity towards
this potential topic. Of the list provided, check which you think would be the best two options for this
Low priority

Medium priority

High priority

Sponsored Conference
Journal article
Other written
dissemination products
(e.g. blog, fact sheet,
Wikipedia page, disease
prevention, best
Trade Journal Articles
Cross-Sector research
meeting (e.g. with
agriculture, health and
safety, mining, services,
transportation, etc)
dissemination product
(e.g. webinar, video)
Online training tools
Apps (on the phone)
Other (please describe)

13. How willing would you be to work on a subcommittee for an activity on Cancer?
Count me in!
I’ll think about it
Not at all willing
No vote


CRC Cross Sector Council Web-Survey
14. Would you like to...
Continue to questions on r2p priorities for the Reproductive Subsector
Skip to the next section on r2p priorities for the Cardiovascular Subsector
Skip to the next section on r2p priorities for the Other Chronic Disease Subsector


CRC Cross Sector Council Web-Survey
Section 2 - R2P Priorities for the Reproductive Health Subsector
15. For each Reproductive Health item listed below, select the level of priority with which thebroad goal
needs to be addressed by research to practice activities (e.g. providing education, training, and
resources). Please consider that although it is important to address all issues, some may have a higher
priority because of the magnitude of risk, the population affected, a pressing need for the activity, or some
other reason.
Low Priority

Medium Priority

High Priority

Mechanisms by which
hazardous agents and
workplace factors are
related to adverse
Adverse outcomes,
potential workplace risk
factors, and workers at
Communication of
studies of exposure and
risk of adverse
reproductive outcomes
(ARO) associated with
the workplace.
Other (please specify activity and level of priority)


16. For each industry sector, select the level of priority with whichAdverse Reproductive Outcome risk,
intervention, and/or surveillance needs to be addressed by research to practice activities (e.g.
providing education, training, and resources). Please consider that although it is important to address all
worker sectors, some may have a higher priority because of the magnitude of risk, the population affected,
a pressing need for new information, or some other reason.
Low Priority

Medium Priority

High Priority

Service workers
(business admin, bank
tellers, educators,
personal care workers,
food services, beauty,
Manufacturing workers
Healthcare and Social
Assistance workers
(healthcare, childcare,
elder care, etc.)
Other (please specify worker group and level of priority)

17. For each item below, please select the priority level with which eachR2P activity for Adverse
Reproductive Outcomes (ARO) needs to be addressed. Please consider that although it is important to
address all goals, some may have a higher priority because of the magnitude of risk, the population
affected, a pressing need for new information, or some other reason.
Low Priority

Medium Priority

High Priority

Prevent exposure to
hazardous drugs and
chemicals linked to ARO
in healthcare
Control of high priority
agents that cause ARO
in manufacturing
Reduce chemical
exposures associated
with ARO among nail
salon and beauty
Other (please specify activity and level of priority)


CRC Cross Sector Council Web-Survey
Section 2 - R2P Priorities for the Reproductive Health Subsector
18. How much do you agree that we should address occupational ARO with an r2p activity?
Strongly Agree
Somewhat Agree
Not at all Agree
No vote

19. How aligned are these potential topics with your areas of interests/expertise?
Strongly Aligned
Somewhat Aligned
Not at all Aligned
No vote


20. There are several potential products that might be a good objective for a Council-led activity towards
ARO. Of the list provided, check which you think would be the best two options for this product.
Low Priority

Medium Priority

High Priority

Sponsored Conference
Journal article
Other written
dissemination products
(e.g. blog, fact sheet,
NIOSH Wikipedia page,
disease prevention, best
Trade Journal Articles
Cross-Sector research
meeting (e.g. with
agriculture, health and
safety, mining, services,
transportation, etc.)
dissemination product
(e.g. webinar, video)
Online training tools
Apps (on the phone)
Others? Please describe

21. How willing would you be to work on a subcommittee for an activity on ARO?
Count me in!
I’ll think about it
Not at all willing
No vote


CRC Cross Sector Council Web-Survey
22. Would you like to . . .
Continue to questions on r2p priorities for the Cardiovascular Subsector
Skip to the next section on r2p priorities for the Other Chronic Disease Subsector


CRC Cross Sector Council Web-Survey
Section 3 - R2P Priorities for the Cardiovascular Subsector
23. For each Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) item listed below, select the level of priority with which the
broad goal needs to be addressed by research to practice activities (e.g. providing education, training,
and resources). Please consider that although it is important to address all issues, some may have a
higher priority because of the magnitude of risk, the population affected, a pressing need for the activity, or
some other reason.
Low Priority

Medium Priority

High Priority

Underlying mechanisms
for CVD among workers.
Risk factors associated
with CVD.
How heat stress impacts
risk and underlying
mechanisms for CVD
Workplace interventions
for CVD (programs,
policies, legislation,
regulation, or collective
Other (please specify activity and level of priority)


24. For each industry sector, select the level of priority with whichCardiovascular Disease risk,
intervention, and/or surveillance needs to be addressed by research to practice activities (e.g. providing
education, training, and resources). Please consider that although it is important to address all worker
sectors, some may have a higher priority because of the magnitude of risk, the population affected, a
pressing need for new information, or some other reason.
Low Priority

Medium Priority

High Priority

Service workers
(business admin, bank
tellers, educators,
personal care workers,
Healthcare and Social
Assistance (healthcare,
childcare, elder care,
Public Safety (fire
fighters, corrections, law
enforcement, wildland
fire service, emergency
medical service)
TWU workers
(truck/train/bus drivers,
warehouse, utilities)
Other (please specify worker group and level of priority)

25. For each item below, please select the priority level with which eachR2P activity for Cardiovascular
Disease needs to be addressed. Please consider that although it is important to address all goals, some
may have a higher priority because of the magnitude of risk, the population affected, a pressing need for
new information, or some other reason.
Low Priority

Medium Priority

High Priority

How work organization
contributes to CVD in
Exposures to hazardous
airborne contaminants
and CVD in public safety
Mitigate CVD risk factors
among fire service and
wildland firefighters


Low Priority

Medium Priority

High Priority

Effective cardiovascular
health interventions
among fire service and
wildland firefighters
(programs, policies,
legislation, regulation, or
collective bargaining)
Tracking occupational
and non-occupational
CVD risk factors among
public safety workers
Relationship between
CVD, stress, and shift
work among service
Reducing CVD risk
factors in service
Burden of CVD and risk
factors among service
Work organization
factors and CVD among
warehousing, and
utilities (TWU) workers
Decreasing CVD risk
factors among TWU
Other (please specify activity and level of priority)


CRC Cross Sector Council Web-Survey
Section 3 - R2P Priorities for the Cardiovascular Subsector
26. How much do you agree that we should address occupational CVD with an r2p activity?
Strongly Agree
Somewhat Agree
Not at all Agree
No vote

27. How aligned are these potential topics with your areas of interests/expertise?
Strongly Aligned
Somewhat Aligned
Not at all Aligned
No vote

28. There are several potential products that might be a good objective for a Council-led activity towards
CVD. Of the list provided, check which you think would be the best two options for this product.
Sponsored Conference Sessions

Cross-Sector research meeting (e.g. with agriculture, health
and safety, mining, services, transportation, etc.)

Council-authored Journal article
Non-written dissemination product (e.g. webinar, video)
Other written dissemination products (e.g. blog, fact sheet,
NIOSH Wikipedia page, disease prevention, best practices)

Online training tools

Trade Journal Articles

Apps (on the phone)

Others? Please describe

29. How willing would you be to work on a subcommittee for an activity on CVD?
Count me in!
I’ll think about it
Not at all willing
No vote


CRC Cross Sector Council Web-Survey
Section 4 - R2P Priorities for Other Chronic Disease Prevention
30. For each Other Chronic Disease item listed below, select the level of priority with which thebroad
goal needs to be addressed by research to practice activities (e.g. providing education, training, and
resources). Please consider that although it is important to address all issues, some may have a higher
priority because of the magnitude of risk, the population affected, a pressing need for the activity, or some
other reason.
Low Priority

Medium Priority

High Priority

Burden of renal and
neurological diseases
Exposures and control
strategies that lead to
renal and neurological
Heat stress and
dehydration and their
influence on the risk of
renal and neurologic
Prevention of
occupational renal and
neurological disease
Other (please specify activity and level of priority)


31. For each industry sector, select the level of priority with which OtherChronic Disease risk,
intervention, and/or surveillance needs to be addressed by research to practice activities (e.g. providing
education, training, and resources).
Please consider that although it is important to address all worker sectors, some may have a higher priority
because of the magnitude of risk, the population affected, a pressing need for new information, or some
other reason.
Low Priority

Medium Priority

High Priority

Agricultural workers
Manufacturing workers
Public Safety workers
(fire fighters, corrections,
law enforcement,
wildland fire service,
emergency medical
Other (please specify worker group and level of priority)


32. For each item below, please select the priority level with which each R2Pactivity for Other Chronic
Diseases needs to be addressed.
Please consider that although it is important to address all goals, some may have a higher priority because
of the magnitude of risk, the population affected, a pressing need for new information, or some other
Low Priority

Medium Priority

High Priority

Chronic pesticide
exposure and neurologic
Intervention to reduce
pesticide exposure
(programs, policies,
legislation, regulation, or
collective bargaining)
Barriers to protect
against pesticide
Chronic kidney disease
in agricultural workers
High-priority agent
exposures and
neurologic disorders in
Control of high-priority
agents that cause
neurologic disorders in
Other (please specify activity and level of priority)


CRC Cross Sector Council Web-Survey
Section 4 - R2P Priorities for Other Chronic Disease Prevention
33. How much do you agree that we should address occupational Other Chronic Diseases with an r2p
Strongly Agree
Somewhat Agree
Not at all Agree
No vote

34. How aligned are these potential topics with your areas of interests/expertise?
Strongly Aligned
Somewhat Aligned
Not at all Aligned
No vote


35. There are several potential products that might be a good objective for a Council-led activity towards
Other Chronic Disease. Of the list provided, check which you think would be the best two options for this
Low Priority

Medium Priority

High Priority

Sponsored Conference
Journal article
Other written
dissemination products
(e.g. blog, fact sheet,
NIOSH Wikipedia page,
disease prevention, best
Trade Journal Articles
Cross-Sector research
meeting (e.g. with
agriculture, health and
safety, mining, services,
transportation, etc.)
dissemination product
(e.g. webinar, video)
Online training tools
Apps (on the phone)
Others? Please describe

36. How willing would you be to work on a subcommittee for an activity on Other Chronic Disease?
Count me in!
I’ll think about it
Not at all willing
No vote


CRC Cross Sector Council Web-Survey
Section 5 - Additional Questions
37. For each item below, please select the priority level with which eachCross Cutting Issue should be
given attention by the CRC Cross Sector. Please feel free to add and prioritize other issues not listed here.
Low Priority

Medium Priority

High Priority

Chemical and Physical
Psychosocial Stress
Total Worker Health®
(work, family, diet,
exercise, shift work,
organization of work,
Improving our
understanding of
current/emerging issues
(e.g., incorporating I&O
in existing surveillance
Engineering controls and
Use of insurance claims
to improve burden
Early disease detection
Improving dissemination
(research results, control
Develop new
interventions (programs,
policies, legislation,
regulation, or collective
Develop new training
Other (please specify activity and level of priority)


38. Please review the list of communication products below and select those most effective for
disseminating research-based recommendations to safety and health professionals across multiple industry
sectors (Select all that apply).
Short videos

Periodic info emails

Hazard Alerts

Website and webinars

Online training tools


Apps (on the phone)

Scientific articles

Disease prevention rules

Trade journal articles

Virtual reality tools

Conference presentations

Other (please specify)

39. From the Selections below, please select the best representation of your organization or group.

Academic Researcher

Other Federal Government Agency


State/Local Health Department

Union or Trade Association

Non-Profit Organization
Other (please specify)

40. Please specify the length of experience (in years) in occupational safety and health that you have in
each subsector.
0-1 year

2-5 years

6-15 years

More than 15 years



CRC Cross Sector Council Web-Survey
Council Activities
41. Please choose the one information sharing activity for which you would like to see the greatest focus of
the Council in the coming year.
Sharing of relevant information such as meetings or conferences, training opportunities, funding sources, community survey data,
programs, or updates about their organization’s work
Coordination and production of webinar presentations that are relevant, high quality, and done by a variety of organizations (not
just NIOSH)
Helping members keep up to date on information about occupational safety and health in the CRC Cross-Sector through periodic
virtual meetings/conference calls
Helping members keep up to date on information about occupational safety and health in the CRC Cross-Sector through activities
other than webinars or virtual meetings
Please describe your ideas or suggestions for how the Council can work on this activity in the coming year.

42. Please check the one networking activity for which you would like to see the greatest focus of the
Council in the coming year.
Council members build and maintain relationships with one another
The Council builds and maintains meaningful collaborations with other organizations.
Please describe your ideas or suggestions for how the Council can work on this activity in the coming year.

43. Please check the one dissemination and implementation activity for which you would like to see the
greatest focus of the Council in the coming year.
The Council engages in implementation activities/projects that contribute to strategic objectives
The Council engages in dissemination activities/projects that contribute to strategic objectives
Please describe your ideas or suggestions for how the Council can work on this activity in the coming year.

44. Please describe any additional ideas or suggestions you have for ways in which the CRC Cross-Sector
Council can work to address the NORA CRC Cross-Sector Research Agenda in the coming year.


45. Please rank order these three Council activities based on which you would like to see the greatest
focus of the Council in the coming year, where 1=Greatest focus and 3=Least focus.


Information sharing




Disseminating/implementing solutions


CRC Cross Sector Council Web-Survey
46. Check the day/s of the week that typically work best for you for attending a Council meeting, virtual
meeting, or webinar: (Select all that apply)





47. Check the time/s of the day that typically work best for you for attending a Council meeting or webinar:
(Select all that apply)
11:00am EDT

3:00pm EDT

1:00pm EDT

4:00pm EDT

2:00pm EDT

48. Do you prefer many short virtual meetings or fewer long ones?
Many short webinars (e.g., monthly, one-hour)

Fewer long webinars (e.g., quarterly, 3-hour)
Other (please specify)

49. Would you be able to travel to Cincinnati in 2019 or 2020 for an in-person Council meeting at your own
Depends (please explain)

50. Please list any other face-to-face meetings (e.g., conferences, professional associations) you plan on
attending (or are likely to attend) in the upcoming year. Please list the name, location, and date/s for each


51. Please list any recommendations you have for future CRC Cross Sector Council webinar topics and


File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleView Survey
File Modified2019-09-06
File Created2019-09-06

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