2008/18 Baccalaureate and Beyond (B&B:08/18) Full-Scale

2008/18 Baccalaureate and Beyond (B&B:08/18) Full-Scale

Appendix F B&B 2008-2018 Survey

2008/18 Baccalaureate and Beyond (B&B:08/18) Full-Scale

OMB: 1850-0729

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OMB # 1850-0729 v. 13

Appendix F
Interview Facsimile, Including Abbreviated and Mini Interview Items

Submitted by

National Center for Education Statistics

U.S. Department of Education

February 2018

The 2008/18 Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Full-Scale Study Survey Facsimile

This appendix provides the survey facsimile for the B&B:08/18 full-scale study, including the abbreviated survey and mini survey items. Most questions in the B&B:08/18 full-scale survey remain unchanged from the field test. The B&B:08/18 full-scale survey also includes survey revisions based on field test survey results, cognitive interviews conducted in fall 2017, and feedback from the latest B&B:08/18 Technical Review Panel (TRP) meeting held in December 2017. Revisions to the survey are intended to reflect current research goals, reduce respondent burden, and improve data quality.

Table 1 provides a summary of the content of the B&B:08/18 full-scale student survey. A change field and font color coding indicate whether items have remained the same (black) compared to the B&B:08/18 field test survey, were revised (purple), dropped (red), or added (green). In response to recommendations made at the latest B&B:08/18 TRP, a few items have been added to the B&B:08/18 full-scale survey including: items previously tested and included in other federal studies1, items from the B&B:08/12 full-scale survey not included in the B&B:08/18 field test, and new items that will improve survey efficiency or data quality.

To balance the inclusion of the additional items, and based on the field test and cognitive testing results, as well as recommendations by the TRP, other survey questions have been revised or removed to improve efficiency within the survey. The burden estimate of 45 minutes, which was approved for the field test survey, has been reduced to an average respondent burden estimate of 35 minutes for the full-scale survey. In addition to these revisions for efficiency, questions with multiple formats that were used in the questionnaire format experiment during the B&B:08/18 field test have been removed given the experiment results.

As part of the full-scale study, survey respondents will be asked to upload a résumé for an additional incentive. This alternative data source is collected to assess the benefits of using résumés in future data collections, supplement employment information and, potentially, to reduce participant burden in future B&B data collections.

Columns have also been added to Table 1 to indicate which items are included in the abbreviated survey and the mini survey. Additionally, a notation of “(Abbrev)” has been added next to the abbreviated survey items and a notation of “(Mini)” next to the mini survey items in the survey facsimile in this appendix.

The Table of Contents, hyperlinked to the items in the facsimile, has been revised from the B&B:08/18 field test survey and is provided on page F-12.

Table 1. B&B:08/18 Full-Scale Survey

Variable name

Variable label

Add (A)
Revise (R)
Drop (D)





Security: SM name verification

No change




Security: information page for wrong respondents


Revised wording for security forms to align with B&B:16/17 FS survey and improve applicability for all response conditions.




Security: school picklist





Security: contact information challenge





Participation form


Revised question wording (QW) to adjust timing and incentive language.




End form 1

No change




Cell phone number and provider for reminder

No change




End form 2

No change




Continue with survey

No change




Postbaccalaureate Education intro form

No change


Attended for additional degree or certificate program


Per TRP recommendation, revised QW to distinguish occupational or vocational certifications/licenses from educational certificates/diplomas.




Postbaccalaureate school 1: picklist

No change


Postbaccalaureate school 1: school coder

No change


Postbaccalaureate school 1: currently attending

No change


Postbaccalaureate school 1: degree or certificate type


Per TRP recommendation, revised response option to distinguish occupational or vocational certifications/licenses from educational certificates/diplomas.


Postbaccalaureate school 1: program entirely online

No change


Postbaccalaureate school 1: attended because program entirely online

No change


Postbaccalaureate school 1: primary major

No change


Postbaccalaureate school 1: date first attended

No change


Postbaccalaureate school 1: completed degree

No change


Postbaccalaureate school 1: date degree awarded

No change


Postbaccalaureate school 1: received master's en route to doctoral

No change


Postbaccalaureate school 1: date earned master's en route to doctoral

No change


Postbaccalaureate school 1: date last attended

No change


Postbaccalaureate school 1: enrollment intensity

No change


Postbaccalaureate school 1: financial aid type, experimental check-all


Included for forced-choice experiment in the B&B:08/18 FT survey. Given experiment results, removed from full-scale survey and included yes/no grid format.


Postbaccalaureate school 1: financial aid type


Revised response options to include all forms of work-study programs and clarified distinction between personal loans and financial assistance.


Postbaccalaureate school 1: financial aid type, experimental no/yes grid


Included for forced-choice experiment in the B&B:08/18 FT survey. Given experiment results, removed from full-scale survey and included yes/no grid format.


Postbaccalaureate school 1: financial hardship posed


Per survey methodologists’ recommendation, revised QW to be balanced and include both anchors of the scale.


Postbaccalaureate school 1: attended for other degrees/certificates


Revised to update QW for telephone administration.


Postbaccalaureate school 1: attended other schools

No change


Had vocational or technical certification or occupational or industry license


Per TRP recommendation, separated B18CLICFILT into two forms (B18CCERT and B18CLICENSE) to distinguish occupational or vocational certifications/licenses from educational certificates/diplomas.


Had vocational or technical certification


Per TRP recommendation, separated B18CLICFILT into two forms (B18CCERT and B18CLICENSE) to distinguish occupational or vocational certifications/licenses from educational certificates/diplomas and updated QW to align with Current Population Survey (CPS).


Non-degree postbaccalaureate coursework

No change


Financial aid introduction form

No change


Total borrowed in student loans since last survey

No change


Amount of private student loans


Per TRP recommendation, moved help text on screen to clarify distinction between private versus federal loans.


Estimated amount of private student loans


Removed checkbox for "no private loans", given field test results and availability of this option to be selected on B18CPRIVAMT.


Private student loan status

No change


Private student loan status - multiple loans

No change


Monthly private student loan payment

No change


Estimated monthly private student loan payment

No change


Private loan prepayment


Per TRP recommendation, added to capture frequency of loan prepayments.


Missed a private loan payment

No change


Ever defaulted on private loans


Per TRP recommendation, moved help text on screen to clarify the definition of default.


Federal student loan status

No change


Federal student loan status- multiple loans

No change


Federal loan prepayment


Per TRP recommendation, added to capture frequency of loan prepayments.


Missed a federal loan payment

No change


Ever defaulted on federal loans


Per TRP recommendation, moved help text on screen to clarify the definition of default.


Enrolled in income-driven repayment (IDR) program


Per TRP recommendation, revised QW to capture “planning to enroll.”


Awareness of income-driven repayment (IDR) plans


Per TRP recommendation, added “awareness of IDR” as separate form to make the categories of IDR mutually exclusive.


Reasons not enrolled in income-driven repayment (IDR) programs


Per TRP recommendation, reduced number of response options to make the categories of IDR mutually exclusive.


Postbaccalaureate employment introduction form

No change



Mini survey: currently employed

No change



Mini survey: currently working full-time or part-time

No change



Worked for pay since last survey

No change



Number of employers since last survey

No change




Had active professional certification or a state or industry license


Per TRP recommendation, separated B18CLICFILT into two forms (B18CCERT and B18CLICENSE) to distinguish occupational or vocational certifications/licenses from educational certificates/diplomas. Updated QW to align with Current Population Survey (CPS) wording per recommendation.


Previous employer pick list

No change



Employer name

No change



Zip code for primary work location

No change



Month and year first employed

No change



Month and year last employed (or currently employed)

No change



Unpaid breaks while employed


Per expert testing feedback, revised QW to clarify the employment dates of interest.



Months employed


Per expert testing feedback, revised QW to clarify the employment dates of interest.



Employment break activities


Per TRP recommendation, removed because this information is captured in the non-working loop.


Starting hours and salary


Per cognitive interview feedback, updated QW for added clarity on timeframe of interest.



Current/ending hours and salary




Any other employers since last survey

No change



Job loop intro form


Per expert testing feedback, revised QW to accommodate all employment loop scenarios.


Occupation coder: traditional


Removed based upon B&B:08/18 FT survey occupation coder experiment results.


Occupation coder: experimental predictive coder


Per cognitive interview feedback, updated QW for added clarity.



Job organization/company type

No change


Primary industry


Per TRP recommendation, updated industry response options on B18D1IND01 to reflect the B&B:08/12 FS response frequencies, and added all other industries on B18D2IND01.


Primary industry: additional industries



Education industry: level

No change


Job responsibilities

No change


Job level of autonomy


Per expert testing feedback, revised to update response option wording for telephone administration.


Job allows telecommuting


Per expert testing feedback, revised to update response option wording for telephone administration and updated QW to include “work remotely.”


Flexibility of hours at work

No change


Employer offered any benefits

No change


Bachelor's degree required for job

No change


Part of career

No change


License related to current work

No change


License required for current work

No change


Why no longer employed by [employer]: experimental check-all


Included for forced-choice experiment in the B&B:08/18 FT survey. Given experiment results, removed from full-scale survey and included yes/no grid format.


Why no longer employed by [employer]

No change


Why no longer employed by [employer]: experimental no/yes grid


Included for forced-choice experiment in the B&B:08/18 FT survey. Given experiment results, removed from full-scale survey and included yes/no grid format.


Single most important reason no longer working for [employer]

No change


Level of satisfaction


Per survey methodologists’ recommendation, revised QW to be balanced and include both anchors of the scale.


Non-working loop: intro form


Per TRP recommendation, separate B18DNOWRK item two items (B18DNWINTRO and B18DNW01) to replicate the structure of the non-working loop from B&B:08/12 FS survey.


Non-working loop: activity while not employed



Looking for work during specific periods of not working


Per TRP recommendation, separate B18DNOWRK item two items (B18DNWINTRO and B18DNW01) to replicate the structure of the non-working loop from B&B:08/12 FS survey.


Primarily student or employee while enrolled

No change


More than one career in past ten years

No change


Number of years in career

No change


Negotiated salary/benefits since BA degree


Per TRP recommendation, updated QW to capture any negotiating behavior since completing bachelor’s degree.


Received higher salary/benefits because of negotiation

No change


Job search Intro

No change


Looking for a job

No change




Ever looked for work

No change


Activity while not currently employed

No change


Received unemployment compensation or disability benefits

No change




Teaching intro form


Per post-TRP design meeting, added introductory form due to new teaching gate (B18EANYTCHX) and B18EANYTCH QW revisions.


Taught at K-12 level


Per B&B:08/18 FT results, due to high level of missingness on checkbox list (B18EANYTCH) and cognitive interview feedback, added the yes/no gate (B18EANYTCHX).




Type of K-12 level teacher


Per post-TRP design meeting, updated QW based upon the addition of B18EINTRO and B18EANYTCHX.




Teaching influences

No change


First teaching job: participated in a teacher internship program

No change


First teaching job: participated in teacher induction/mentor program

No change


First teaching job: felt adequately prepared

No change


First teaching job: received help from school/district

No change


Currently certified as K-12 teacher

No change


Date of teacher certification

No change


Entered teaching through an alternative route

No change


Certification level

No change


Teaching job intro form

No change


Teaching job: employer picklist

No change


Teaching job: school coder

No change


Currently working in teaching position

No change



Teaching job: months worked per year

No change


Subjects taught in teaching


Per B&B:08/12 FS and B&B:08/18 FT survey response frequencies, revised response options. Per cognitive interview feedback, revised QW to reference school name to provide clarity.


Other subjects taught in teaching


Per B&B:08/12 FS and B&B:08/18 FT survey response frequencies, revised response options for mutually exclusive categories.


Field of teacher certification

No change


Grade levels taught


Per cognitive interview feedback, revised QW to reference school name to provide clarity.


Length of time principal at school


Per TRP recommendation, removed based upon poor performance in cognitive interviews and B&B:08/18 FT survey.


Level of support from school leadership


Per TRP recommendation, revised reference of "principal" to "school leadership.” Per survey methodologists’ recommendation, revised QW to be balanced and include both anchors of the scale.


Union representation


Per TRP recommendation and cognitive interview feedback, simplified QW for concept clarity.


Main reason left school

No change


Reasons dissatisfied with school

No change


Any additional schools since last survey

No change


Teacher mobility loop: school name

No change


Teacher mobility loop: main reason left school

No change


Teacher mobility loop: reasons dissatisfied with school


Per TRP recommendation, revised QW to reference school leadership and refined response options. Per B&B:08/18 FT forced-choice survey experiment, revised format from check-all to yes/no grid format.


Teacher mobility loop: any additional schools


Per expert testing feedback, revised QW to list other schools as a bulleted list to match other school end gate forms (B18CENR01).


Teacher satisfaction


Per cognitive interview feedback, updated QW to reference “current teaching position” to improve clarity.


Reason stayed in teaching


Per B&B:08/18 FT data and TRP recommendation, revised response options to include work life balance. Response option wording comes from the 2012-13 Teacher Follow- Up Survey (TFS).



Plan to move into non-teaching job in K-12 education

No change


Main reason left teaching

No change



Reasons dissatisfied with teaching


Per TRP recommendation, revised QW to reference school leadership and refined response options to remove school specific options. Per B&B:08/18 FT forced-choice survey experiment, revised format from check-all to yes/no grid format.



New education position type


Per TRP recommendation, added to capture information about career trajectory in the K-12 education pathway.


Aware of TEACH Grant Program

No change


Aware of teacher loan forgiveness programs

No change


Teacher loan forgiveness programs influential

No change


Participated in teacher loan forgiveness program

No change


Background introduction

No change


Mother's level of education

No change


Father's level of education

No change


Date of birth


Not necessary for B&B:08/18 FS survey, DOB known for sample.


Respondent born in the United States

No change


Citizenship status

No change


High school type

No change


High school coder

No change




English as native language

No change


Military status: experimental check-all


Included for forced-choice experiment in the B&B:08/18 FT survey. Given experiment results, removed from full-scale survey and included yes/no grid format.


Military status

No change


Military status: experimental no/yes grid


Included for forced-choice experiment in the B&B:08/18 FT survey. Given experiment results, removed from full-scale survey and included yes/no grid format.


Current marital status

No change




Month/year separated, divorced or married

No change


Other adult in household sharing financial responsibilities

No change


Type of adult in household sharing financial responsibilities

No change


Current household composition

No change


Current household composition: experimental yes/no grid


Included for forced-choice experiment in the B&B:08/18 FT survey. Given the content collected and form administration, removed from full-scale survey and included the check-all format.


Current household composition: experimental no/yes grid


Included for forced-choice experiment in the B&B:08/18 FT survey. Given the content collected and form administration, removed from full-scale survey and included the check-all format.


Sex assigned at birth

No change


Gender identity

No change


Sexual orientation

No change


Employment discrimination


Per TRP recommendation and cognitive interview feedback, added "religion" as a response option.


Employer acceptance


Per cognitive interview feedback, specified "current workplace" to improve clarity.


Any dependent children

No change




Number of dependent children

No change




Date of birth of dependent children

No change


Date of dependency the same as date of birth


Per cognitive interview feedback, added as a gated question for B18FDEPDAT to clarify the type of information collected for dependents.


Date of financial dependency

No change


Monthly daycare costs

No change


Since 2012 ever taken child-related leave


Per TRP recommendation, revised QW to include a parameter for the duration of child related leave. Six consecutive weeks of child leave is a reasonable policy benchmark and aligns with B&B:08/18 FT results.


Since 2012 total time taken child-related leave


Per TRP recommendation, removed given low analytic utility due to no connection to employment periods.


Amount of time that was paid child-related leave



Has other dependents

No change


Date of dependency of other dependents

No change


Pay off or carry over credit card balances

No change


Total amount owed on credit cards

No change


Retirement accounts: experimental check-all


Included for forced-choice experiment in the B&B:08/18 FT survey. Given experiment results, removed from full-scale survey and included yes/no grid format.


Retirement accounts


Retirement accounts: experimental no/yes grid


Included for forced-choice experiment in the B&B:08/18 FT survey. Given experiment results, removed from full-scale survey and included yes/no grid format.


Contributed to retirement accounts in last 12 months

No change


ZIP code for primary residence


Per expert testing feedback, added for analytic utility.




Own home or pay rent

No change



Monthly rent or mortgage payment amount

No change


Current value of primary residence

No change


Current amount owed on mortgage for primary residence

No change


Had car loan or lease

No change


Car payment amount

No change


Respondent's income in 2017

No change




Household income ranges 2017

No change


Spouse employed in 2017

No change


Spouse's income in 2017

No change


Spouse's income ranges 2017

No change


Spouse's education level

No change


Spouse in college or graduate school

No change


Spouse took out student loans

No change


Spouse's student loans: amount borrowed

No change


Spouse's student loans: amount owed

No change


Spouse's student loans: monthly payment

No change


Result of the sale of all major possessions

No change


Financial difficulty in past 12 months

No change



Satisfaction with NPSAS

No change


Satisfaction with undergraduate major

No change


Results of undergraduate financial costs: experimental check-all


Included for forced-choice experiment in the B&B:08/18 FT survey. Given experiment results, removed from full-scale survey and included yes/no grid format.


Results of undergraduate financial costs

No change


Results of undergraduate financial costs: experimental no/yes grid


Included for forced-choice experiment in the B&B:08/18 FT survey. Given experiment results, removed from full-scale survey and included yes/no grid format.


Undergraduate education worth the cost 

No change


Community service/volunteer in last year

No change


Number of hours volunteered per month

No change


Voted in 2016 presidential election

No change


Registered to vote in U.S. elections

No change


Upload résumé


Revised QW to account for the incentive language based upon OFAC matching.




Résumé upload

No change




How up-to-date is résumé

No change




Incentive type

No change




PayPal email address

No change




Incentive address

No change




Phone number

No change





No change




Incent end form

No change




General feedback on survey

General feedback not collected in full-scale survey.




Willingness to login via LinkedIn


Collected willingness to provide LinkedIn access in B&B:08/18 FT survey and not pursued for full-scale.


End form of survey

No change



Table of Contents

RESPCONF (Abbrev) (Mini) 16

RESPCONFFAIL (Abbrev) (Mini) 16

SECSCHPKLST (Abbrev) (Mini) 16

SECCHALLENGE (Abbrev) (Mini) 16

INFOPAGE (Abbrev) (Mini) 17

END1 (Abbrev) (Mini) 17

END1TEXT (Abbrev) (Mini) 17

END2 (Abbrev) (Mini) 18

RETRNFRM (Abbrev) (Mini) 18


B18CPSTGRD (Abbrev) (Mini) 18


B18CSCH01 19

B18CCREN01 20

B18CDEG01 20



B18CMAJ01 22

B18CFENR01 22

B18CCOMP01 22

B18CDGMY01 23



B18CLENR01 23

B18CENST01 24



B18COTH01 26

B18CENR01 26






















B18DINTRO (Abbrev) 36

B18DCUREMP (Mini) 36

B18DEMPFTPT (Mini) 36

B18DANYJOBS (Abbrev) 37

B18DNUMEMP (Abbrev) (Mini) 37


B18DPRVEMP01 (Abbrev) 38

B18DEMPLOY01 (Abbrev) 38

B18DEMPZIP01 (Abbrev) 39

B18DSTART01 (Abbrev) 39

B18DEND01 (Abbrev) 39

B18DWKCONT01 (Abbrev) 40

B18DWKMON01 (Abbrev) 40

B18DEMPLOYA01 (Abbrev) 41

B18DEMPLOYC01 (Abbrev) 41

B18DOTHJOB01 (Abbrev) 42


B18DOCCEX01 (Abbrev) 42


B18D1IND01 43

B18D2IND01 43

B18DEDIND01 44






B18DNSFA01 46

B18DCURL01 46



B18DCHNG01 47


B18DJSAT01 47


B18DNW01 48







B18DSEARCH (Abbrev) (Mini) 50



B18DUNCM (Abbrev) (Mini) 51


B18EANYTCHX (Abbrev) (Mini) 51

B18EANYTCH (Abbrev) (Mini) 51


B18EINT 53

B18EIND 53

B18EPRP 53

B18EHLP 54








B18ESTWK (Abbrev) 56



B18EJBFD2 57













B18ETCHSTAY (Abbrev) 62


B18ETCHLEVA (Abbrev) 62

B18ETCHLEVB (Abbrev) 62












B18FHSCDR (Abbrev) (Mini) 67



B18AMARR (Abbrev) (Mini) 68





B18FSEX 70





B18FDEPS (Abbrev) (Mini) 72

B18FDEP2 (Abbrev) (Mini) 72












B18FDISTNC (Abbrev) (Mini) 76

B18FHOUSE (Abbrev) 77






B18FINCOM (Abbrev) (Mini) 79












B18FSTRESS (Abbrev) 84









RESUME1 (Abbrev) (Mini) 86

RESUPLOAD (Abbrev) (Mini) 86

RESUMEDESC (Abbrev) (Mini) 87

INCTYP (Abbrev) (Mini) 87

PAYPAL (Abbrev) (Mini) 87

INCENTADDR (Abbrev) (Mini) 87

PHONE (Abbrev) (Mini) 88

EMAIL (Abbrev) (Mini) 88

INCENT1 (Abbrev) (Mini) 88

B18HGENDB (Abbrev) (Mini) 88

END (Abbrev) (Mini) 89


RESPCONF (Abbrev) (Mini)

Before you continue, it is important to verify that we are surveying the correct person. Are you [Y_FNAME] [Y_MNAME] [Y_LNAME] [Y_SNAME]?



Help Text:
Answer "Yes" if this is your name. If you are not [Y_FNAME] [Y_MNAME] [Y_LNAME] [Y_SNAME], please log out and call 1-877-262-4440 to reach our Help Desk.

RESPCONFFAIL (Abbrev) (Mini)

Please log out and call 1-877-262-4440 to reach our Help Desk.


SECSCHPKLST (Abbrev) (Mini)

Please select the school you were attending for your bachelor's degree during the 2007-08 academic year from the list below.
[NPSAS school]
None of the above

Help Text:

If you do not see the school you attended for a bachelor's degree during the 2007-08 academic year or if you are unsure about the answers you see presented to you, please select "None of the above."

SECCHALLENGE (Abbrev) (Mini)

In order to verify that we are surveying the correct person, please provide the following information:
Please provide the name of the school or schools you attended during the 2006-07 academic year:
Please provide your e-mail address:
Phone number:
Additional phone:
Other phone:
Date of Birth (MM):
Date of Birth (YYYY):
Select this box if you would like us to send you a text message reminder

Help Text:

Please provide your information so that we can confirm we are surveying the correct person. If we are unable to do so now, we will review your responses and contact you again if we determine you are eligible to participate in the survey. Please call our Help Desk at 1-877-262-4440 if you have any questions.

INFOPAGE (Abbrev) (Mini)

Recently, we sent you material about the U.S. Department of Education's Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study (B&B). This survey is being conducted to better understand the education, employment, financial, and personal choices and issues facing college graduates ten years after earning their bachelor's degrees. The survey takes about [{if full interview} 35 {else if abbreviated interview} 15 {else} 5] minutes [{if Y_OFACNOPAY = 0} , and as a token of our appreciation, you will receive $[{if flash period} [flash incentive] + [baseline incentive] {else} [baseline incentive]] for participating]. You may decline to answer any question or stop the survey at any time. If you have any questions about this study, you may contact the study's director, Melissa Cominole, at 877-225-8470. (To learn more about your rights as a participant, click here.) To review the letter that we mailed, click here (PDF letter). To review the study brochure, click here (PDF brochure). Do you want to begin the survey now?

Yes, I agree to participate now.

Not now, but I want to participate at a later time.

No, I do not want to participate at all.

Help Text:

You are one of approximately 17,000 college graduates who will be taking part in this study.

In addition to your survey responses, we collect financial aid, student records and related information from your school and sources such as student loan databases and admissions testing agencies.

• All of the information you provide may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C. §151).

Your participation is voluntary and will not affect any aid or other benefits that you may receive. The risk of participating in this study is small and relates to data security. However, there are strict security procedures in place.


END1 (Abbrev) (Mini)

Thank you. We look forward to your participation. We will send you a reminder message in a few weeks if you have not yet completed your B&B survey. We can send you an e-mail message and a text message reminder.
Please provide your email address
Select this box if you would like us to send you a text message reminder

Help Text:

Please provide an e-mail address so that we can send you a reminder message about taking the survey at a later time. Your participation is very important to the success of this study.

END1TEXT (Abbrev) (Mini)

Please provide a cell phone number and the name of your cell phone service provider so that we can send you a text message reminder to complete the B&B survey.
-Select one-
Assurance Wireless
Boost Mobile
Verizon Wireless
Virgin Mobile

Help Text:

Please enter a 10-digit mobile phone number, do not enter a landline telephone number. Select a provider from the drop-down menu.

END2 (Abbrev) (Mini)

We hope that you will reconsider participating in this important education study, for which we are offering an incentive. Your participation is vital to the success of this study.
If you decide you would like to participate, click "Next" to continue with the survey, or call 1-877-262-4440.
If you decide not to participate, please help us to improve our survey by telling us more (in the box below) about your reasons for choosing not to participate.

Help Text:

Please call 1-877-262-4440 if you decide you would like to participate or click "Next" to continue with the survey.

RETRNFRM (Abbrev) (Mini)

If you would like to continue with the survey now, click the "Next" button. To close out of the survey now, simply close your browser.

Help Text:

This is an informational screen only. Please select "next" to continue.


[If B&B:12 respondent] [{if CATI mode} I'd {else} We'd] like to ask you some questions about any additional education you've had since the last time we spoke to you in [last interview date].
[else] [{if CATI mode} I'd {else} We'd] like to ask you some questions about any additional education you've had since completing your bachelor's degree at [NPSAS school].

Help Text:

This is an introductory screen. Please select "next" to continue.

B18CPSTGRD (Abbrev) (Mini)

[If B&B:12 respondent] Have you attended a college, university, or trade school for a degree or certificate since [last interview date]? (Do not include certificates of completion such as those earned through participation in short-term training.)
[else] Have you attended a college, university, or trade school for a degree or certificate since completing your bachelor's degree at [NPSAS school]? (Do not include certificates of completion such as those earned through participation in short-term training.)



Help Text:

Indicate "yes" if you have attended a college, university, or trade school for any degree or certificate since the date in question. This education may include other undergraduate degrees or certificates, or graduate-level degrees or certificates.

Indicate "no" if you attended school for coursework that is not part of a degree or certificate program. Do not include certificates of attendance or participation in a short-term training.

An associate's degree (AA, AS, AAS, AGE, etc.) normally requires at least 2, but less than 4 years, of full-time equivalent college work. 
A bachelor's degree (BA, BS, etc.) is usually awarded by a 4-year college or university and usually requires at least 4 years of full-time, college-level work.
A master's degree (MA, MS, MBA, MFA, etc.) usually requires at least 2 years of full-time graduate-level work and may require a thesis or a practicum. For the purposes of this study, Education Specialist degrees (EdS) are considered master's degrees. 
A research/scholarship doctoral degree (PhD, EdD, etc.) usually requires at least 4 years of full-time graduate-level work and usually requires a dissertation. 
A professional doctoral degree is a formal award certifying the satisfactory completion of a postsecondary education program in the following areas: chiropractic, dentistry, law, medicine, optometry, osteopathic medicine, pharmacy, podiatry, ministry or divinity, or veterinary medicine. 
An undergraduate certificate or diploma is a formal award certifying the satisfactory completion of a postsecondary education program. Undergraduate certificates and diplomas are designed to equip people with the skills needed for direct entry to employment, and for progression to higher education or training. Examples include undergraduate certificates in administrative support, computer programming, and medical records. 
A postbaccalaureate certificate provides students who already hold a bachelor's degree with new or additional training in an area of specialization. Certificates typically require fewer course hours than do master's or doctoral degrees, and do not require a thesis or dissertation. Examples of this include certificates in accounting, computer science, and human resource management. 
A post-master's certificate usually requires completion of 24 semester credit hours beyond the master's degree but does not meet the requirements of academic degrees at the doctoral level.



[If loop = 1] Last time we contacted you, you provided us with the [{if more than 1 school left on pick list} schools {else} school] you attended since completing your bachelor's degree at [NPSAS school]. Have you attended [{if more than 1 school left on pick list} any of these schools {else} this school] since [last interview date]?
[else] Have you attended [{if more than 1 school left on pick list} any of these schools {else} this school] since [last interview date]?

[Fill Y_B12SCH1]

[Fill Y_B12SCHX]

Did not attend [{if more than 1 school left on pick list} any of these schools {else} this school] since [last interview date]

Help Text:
When answering this question, only consider attendance since the date in question.


What is the name of the school that you have attended since [{if B&B:12 respondent} [last interview date] {else} completing your bachelor's degree]? ([{If loop = 1} If you have attended more than one other school since [{if B&B:12 respondent} [last interview date] {else} completing your bachelor's degree at [NPSAS school], tell us about the most recent school first.] If you can't find your school, click "School not listed.")

School name:


Help Text:

Only colleges, universities, and trade schools within the United States and Puerto Rico are included in the database.

To search for your school, start typing in the school name; a list of schools matching your entry will be displayed. From the responses displayed, select the school that most closely matches your entry and click "Next."

If you can't find your school from among the responses returned, click "School not listed."



[If B18COTH0* = 1 from previous valid loop] Are you currently attending [post-BA school] for this additional degree or certificate?
[else] Are you currently attending [post-BA school]?



Help Text:

Indicate whether you are currently attending [post-BA school].

Answer "No" if you are on a break between semesters, terms, or quarters such as summer break and not currently attending classes or you are currently studying abroad.

Answer "Yes" if you are on a spring or fall break in the middle of the term or semester or you are enrolled and actively working on something for credit at [post-BA school] like a thesis or field work, even if you do not currently attend classes.



[If currently enrolled = 1] What [{if B18COTH0* = 1 in previous valid loop} other] degree or certificate are you currently working on at [post-BA school]? (You can select only one degree here. You will have an opportunity to tell us about other enrollment later.)
[else] What was the [{if B18COTH0* = 1 in previous valid loop} other] type of degree or certificate you worked on at [post-BA school]? (You can select only one degree here. You will have an opportunity to tell us about other enrollment later.)

Undergraduate certificate or diploma, including those leading to a certification or license

Associate's degree

Bachelor's degree

Postbaccalaureate certificate

Master's degree

Post-master's certificate

Doctoral degree - professional practice (e.g., chiropractic, dentistry, law, medicine, optometry, pharmacy, podiatry, or veterinary medicine)

Doctoral degree - research/scholarship (e.g., PhD, EdD, etc.)

Doctoral degree - other

Help Text:

Indicate the degree or certificate you were working on at [post-BA school].
An associate's degree (AA, AS, AAS, AGE, etc.) normally requires at least 2, but less than 4 years, of full-time equivalent college work.
A bachelor's degree (BA, BS, etc.) is usually awarded by a 4-year college or university and usually requires at least 4 years of full-time, college-level work.
A master's degree (MA, MS, MBA, MFA, etc.) usually requires at least 2 years of full-time graduate-level work and may require a thesis or a practicum. For the purposes of this study, Education Specialist degrees (EdS) are considered master's degrees.
A research/scholarship doctoral degree (PhD, EdD, etc.) usually requires at least 4 years of full-time graduate-level work and usually requires a dissertation.
A professional doctoral degree is a formal award certifying the satisfactory completion of a postsecondary education program in the following areas: chiropractic, dentistry, law, medicine, optometry, osteopathic medicine, pharmacy, podiatry, ministry or divinity, or veterinary medicine.
An undergraduate certificate or diploma is a formal award certifying the satisfactory completion of a postsecondary education program. Undergraduate certificates and diplomas are designed to equip people with the skills needed for direct entry to employment, and for progression to higher education or training. Examples include undergraduate certificates in administrative support, computer programming, and medical records.
A postbaccalaureate certificate provides students who already hold a bachelor's degree with new or additional training in an area of specialization. Certificates typically require fewer course hours than do master's or doctoral degrees, and do not require a thesis or dissertation. Examples of this include certificates in accounting, computer science, and human resource management.
A post-master's certificate usually requires completion of 24 semester credit hours beyond the master's degree but does not meet the requirements of academic degrees at the doctoral level.



[If currently enrolled = 1] Is your entire [degree name] program at [post-BA school] online?
[else] Was your entire [degree name] program at [post-BA school] online?



Help Text:

Online programs deliver the majority or all of the content online. These programs typically have no face-to-face meetings.

If the instructional portions are entirely online, the program is considered to be exclusively online distance education.



If your [degree name] program at [post-BA school] was not available in an online format, how likely is it that you would have enrolled in an on campus or in-person program?

Not at all likely

Somewhat likely


Very likely

Help Text:

When answering this question, consider how much your program being offered online impacted your decision to enroll in [degree name] at [post-BA school]. Considerations about online programs could include things such as convenience, cost, flexibility in schedule, etc.


What [{if currently enrolled = 1} is {else} was] your primary major or field of study for your [degree name] at [post-BA school]? (If you can't find your major or field of study, click "Major not listed".)

Help Text:

To search for your major or field of study, start typing in your major at this school; a list of majors matching your entry will be displayed. From the responses displayed, select the major that most closely matches your entry and click "Next."

If you can't find your major or field of study from among the responses returned, click "Major not listed" and select a major from the additional options that appear in the dropdowns.



In what month and year did you first attend [post-BA school] for your [degree name]?
-Select one-
January - December
-Select one-
Before 2008 - 2019

Help Text:

Indicate the month and year that you first attended [post-BA school] for your [degree name].
If you are unsure, provide your best estimate of the date.



[if B18CCREN01 = 1 in current loop] Have you completed your program of study and received your [degree name] from [post-BA school]?
[else] Did you complete your program of study and receive your [degree name] from [post-BA school]?



Help Text:

Indicate "Yes" if you have already completed your program and received your [degree name].
Indicate "No" if have not received your [degree name].



In what month and year was your [degree name] awarded by [post-BA school]?
-Select one-
January - December
-Select one-
Before 2008 - 2019

Help Text:

Indicate the month and year in which you were awarded your [degree name] from [post-BA school].

If you are unsure of the date, provide your best estimate.



[{If currently enrolled = 1} Have you received {else} Did you receive] a master's degree from [post-BA school] while enrolled in your [degree name] program? (Answer "no" if you received a master's degree through a separate program for which the ultimate objective was a master's degree.)



Help Text:

Some doctoral degree programs award master's degrees on the way to the doctoral degree.

Indicate whether you have already been awarded a master's degree at [post-BA school] as part of your [degree name] program. Do not include master's degrees earned as part of programs for which a master's degree was the ultimate objective.



In what month and year did you receive the master's degree that you earned on the way to your [degree name]?
-Select one-
January - December
-Select one-
Before 2008 – 2019

Help Text:

Some doctoral degree programs award master's degrees on the way to the doctoral degree. Indicate the month and year in which you were awarded a master's degree at [post-BA school] as part of your [degree name] program.

If you are unsure of the date, provide your best estimate.


In what month and year did you last attend [post-BA school] for your [degree name]?

-Select one-
January - December
-Select one-
Before 2008 - 2019

Help Text:

Indicate the month and year that you last attended [post-BA school] for your [degree name].

If you are unsure, provide your best estimate of the date.



[If currently enrolled = 1] For the period of time you have been attending [post-BA school] for your [degree name], have you been mainly a full-time or part-time student, or an equal mix of both?
[else] For the period of time you attended [post-BA school] for your [degree name], were you mainly a full-time or part-time student, or an equal mix of both?



Equal mix of full-time and part-time

Help Text:

Students who are enrolled as a full-time student typically carry at least:

12 semester or quarter hours per term at the undergraduate level or 9 credit hours per term at the graduate level;

24 semester hours or 36 quarter hours per academic year for an educational program using credit hours for a program of less than one academic year; or

24 clock hours per week for an educational program using clock hours.

Part-time attendance is any credit load less than the full-time load for a given school or program.
If enrolled at the full- and part-time levels about equally often throughout your degree or certificate program, indicate
"Equal mix of full-time and part-time."



[If currently enrolled = 1] Please indicate whether or not you have used any of the following to pay for your [degree name] at [post-BA school].
[else] Please indicate whether or not you used any of the following to pay for your [degree name] at [post-BA school].
Federal student loans
Private student loans
Grants or scholarships
Work-Study (i.e., federal, state, or institution work-study)
Employer assistance
Veterans education benefits
Financial assistance from anyone
Personal loan from a bank or other source (e.g., family, friend, etc.)
Your own money (e.g., earnings from employment, savings, etc.)
Other sources

Help Text:

Indicate the type of aid you have use to help pay for your [degree name] at [post-BA school].

The list below provides examples of types of aid:

Federal student loans, such as subsidized and unsubsidized Direct Loans (also known as Stafford Loans), are from the federal government.

Private student loans are borrowed from a private lender, such as a bank, credit union, or state, and usually require a co-signer. Unlike federal student loans, private loans are credit-based and therefore often require a cosigner if the student does not have an established credit history.

Grants or scholarships do not have to be repaid. Most scholarships are restricted to paying all or part of tuition expenses, though some also cover room and board.

Assistantships are work appointments that provide financial support for graduate studies. Examples of graduate assistantships include graduate teaching assistantships and graduate research assistantships.

Fellowships are often sponsored by a specific organization or association and are accompanied by a monetary award for study or research.

Work-study jobs are offered to students with financial need, allowing them to work part-time to earn money to help pay their education expenses. Students must file a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) in order to be considered for the Federal Work-Study (FWS) program. Work-study jobs are often located on the campus of a student's school and may or may not be related to a student's course of study.

Employer assistance is any monetary assistance that your employer contributes towards your educational costs.

Veterans education benefits can include participation in programs such as the Post-9/11 GI Bill, the Montgomery Bill, and the Reserve Educational Assistance Program (REAP).

Financial assistance from anyone is money that does not have an expectation to be paid back.

A personal loan from a bank of other source is loan from an entity that has an expectation of being paid back. Do not include federal or private student loans in this category.

Your own money refers to your own finances including earnings from employment from past or current jobs, savings accounts, retirement accounts, etc.



Please indicate how much you disagree or agree with the following statement. The financial cost of obtaining my [degree name] at [post-BA school] [{if currently enrolled = 1} poses {else} posed] a significant hardship for me. Financial cost includes tuition, fees, books, and lost income due to not working or working less. Would you say...

Strongly disagree


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Help Text:

Please indicate your level of disagreement or agreement with the statement in the question.



[If B&B:12 respondent] Besides the [degree name] you just told [{if CATI mode} me {else} us] about, have you attended [post-BA school] for any additional degrees or certificates since the last time we spoke to you in [last interview date]?
[else] Besides the [degree name] you just told [{if CATI mode} me {else} us] about, have you attended [post-BA school] for any additional degrees or certificates since completing your bachelor's degree at [NPSAS school]?



Help Text:

Indicate "Yes" if you attended [post-BA school] after your bachelor's degree, but have not yet told us about that enrollment.

Indicate "No" if you have no additional enrollment at [post-BA school] or you only attended [post-BA school] for coursework that is not part of a degree or certificate program.

Only report enrollment for a degree or certificate program. This enrollment may include other undergraduate degrees or certificates, or graduate-level degrees or certificates.



[If loop = 1] Besides the [degree name] at [post-BA school] you just told [{if CATI mode} me {else} us] about, have you attended any other schools for additional degrees or certificates since [{if B&B:12 respondent} [last interview date] {else} since completing your bachelor's degree requirements]?
[else] You've told [{if CATI mode} me {else} us] that you have attended the following schools since [{if B&B:12 respondent} [last interview date] {else} since completing your bachelor's degree requirements]: [post-BA school from loop 1] [post-BA school from loop x] Have you attended any other schools for a degree or certificate program since [{if B&B:12 respondent} [last interview date] {else} completing your bachelor's degree requirements]?



Help Text:

Indicate "Yes" if you have had additional enrollment at any other schools since earning your bachelor's degree, but have not yet told us about that enrollment.

Indicate "No" if you have no additional enrollment or only had enrollment in coursework that is not part of a degree or certificate program.

Only report enrollment for a degree or certificate program. This enrollment may include other undergraduate degrees or certificates, or graduate-level degrees or certificates.



Do you have a vocational or technical certificate or diploma? (Examples of vocational or technical certificates and diplomas include a digital arts certificate, a cosmetology diploma, or a motorcycle mechanics diploma.)



Help Text:

There is no time frame associated with this question. We are interested in whether you have ever earned any vocational or technical certificates or diplomas.
A vocational or technical certificate or diploma is awarded by an educational institution (e.g., a college or university, a community college, or a trade school) based on completion of all requirements for a program of study, including coursework and test or other performance evaluations. Certificates are typically awarded for life (like a degree), but do not lead to an associate's, bachelor's or graduate degree. Examples of vocational or technical certificates and diplomas include a digital arts certificate, a cosmetology diploma, or a motorcycle mechanics diploma.
Do not answer "yes" for any certificates of attendance or participation in a short-term training (e.g., 1 day), these are not considered a vocational or technical certificate for the purposes of this question.


[If B&B:12 respondent] Since we last spoke to you in [last interview date], have you attended a college, university, or trade school for any coursework that is not part of a degree or certificate program? (Non-degree coursework may be for transfer credit, or for recreation, or personal enjoyment.)
[else] Since completing your bachelor's degree at [NPSAS school], have you attended a college, university, or trade school for any coursework that is not part of a degree or certificate program? (Non-degree coursework may be for transfer credit, or for recreation, or personal enjoyment.)



Help Text:

Examples of non-degree coursework include taking courses for credit that may often be transferred and/or applied to a degree or certificate program, or taking non-credit courses for recreation or personal enjoyment, such as cooking or dance classes.



Next, [{if CATI mode} I {else} we] will be asking you questions about your education loans and loan repayment.

Help Text:

This is an introductory screen. Please select "next" to continue.


[If Y_B12RESP = 1] Including all federal and private student loans, how much have you borrowed for your education since the last time we spoke to you in [Y_B12START]?

[else] Including all federal and private student loans, how much have you borrowed for your education since completing your bachelor’s degree requirements?
Did not have any federal or private student loans

Help Text:

When calculating your total amount, only consider federal and private loans you have taken since the date in question.
Do not include Parent PLUS loans, grants or scholarships, or money borrowed from family or friends.

Federal student loans:

Subsidized and Unsubsidized Direct Loans
Students must file a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) in order to receive a Direct Loan- subsidized or unsubsidized. Both undergraduate and graduate students are eligible to receive Direct Loans.
Perkins Loan
Awarded to undergraduate and graduate students with exceptional financial need. This is a campus-based loan program, with the school acting as the lender using a limited pool of funds provided by the federal government.
Private student loans:

Private loans are offered by private lenders. With private loans there are no federal application forms to complete. Some students and parents use private loans as a supplement when their federal loans do not provide enough money. Unlike federal student loans, private loans are credit-based and may require a cosigner if the student does not have an established credit history.
Some examples of commonly used private loans include:
Sallie Mae Smart Option Loan
Wells Fargo Collegiate Loan
Discover Student Loan
Loans from credit unions
Loans from states such as Minnesota’s SELF loan
States with private loan programs include Alaska, Connecticut, Georgia, Hawaii, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, North Carolina, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas, Vermont, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin.
Home equity loans are not considered private loans.



How much of that [{if B18CLOANAMT ne missing} $[B18CLOANAMT] {else} total amount] was in private loans? Private loans are offered by private lenders, and no federal application forms are needed. Private loans are credit-based and may require a cosigner if the student does not have an established credit history.
Did not have any private student loans

Help Text:

If you are unsure of the amount of your private loans, provide your best guess. Do not include any money borrowed from family or friends.

Private loans are offered by private lenders. With private loans there are no federal application forms to complete. Some students and parents use private loans as a supplement when their federal loans do not provide enough money. Unlike federal student loans, private loans are credit-based and may require a cosigner if the student does not have an established credit history.

Some examples of commonly used private loans include:

Sallie Mae Smart Option Loan

Wells Fargo Collegiate Loan

Discover Student Loan

Loans from credit unions

Loans from states such as Minnesota’s SELF loan

States with private student loan programs include Alaska, Connecticut, Georgia, Hawaii, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, North Carolina, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas, Vermont, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin.

Home equity loans are not considered private loans.



Please indicate the range for how much of that [{if B18CLOANAMT ne missing} $[B18CLOANAMT] {else} total amount] was in private loans. Would you say it was...


$1 - $9,999

$10,000 - $19,999

$20,000 - $29,999

$30,000 - $39,999

$40,000 - $49,999

$50,000 - $59,999

$60,000 - $69,999

$70,000 - $79,999

$80,000 - $89,999

$90,000 - $99,999

$100,000 or more

Don't know

Help Text:

If you are unsure of the amount of your private loans, provide your best guess. Do not include any money borrowed from family or friends.

Private loans are offered by private lenders. With private loans there are no federal application forms to complete. Some students and parents use private loans as a supplement when their federal loans do not provide enough money. Unlike federal student loans, private loans are credit-based and may require a cosigner if the student does not have an established credit history.

Some examples of commonly used private loans include:

Sallie Mae Smart Option Loan

Wells Fargo Collegiate Loan

Discover Student Loan

Loans from credit unions

Loans from states such as Minnesota’s SELF loan

States with private student loan programs include Alaska, Connecticut, Georgia, Hawaii, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, North Carolina, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas, Vermont, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin.

Home equity loans are not considered private loans.



What is the official status of your private student loan(s)?
(Please answer based on any private student loans including loans for your bachelor's degree and for any education since your bachelor's degree.)

Already paid off

In repayment

Temporarily deferring payment

In default

Multiple loans in different repayment statuses

Help Text:

Respond based on the current status of any private student loan(s) you have taken out for your education.

Choose "Already paid off" if you no longer have an outstanding balance for your private loans, meaning you do not owe any money to your private loan provider.

Choose "In repayment" if your private loan is currently in a scheduled repayment plan with your private loan provider or lender, regardless of whether you are making the payments or not. Also choose "In repayment" if payments are currently being made on your private student loans, but you are not yet required to be making payments.

Choose "Temporarily deferring payment" if you currently have a deferment or forbearance arrangement with your private loan provider. A deferment postpones payment of a loan per an official agreement with the lender/servicer. Forbearance lets you suspend or reduce your loan payments under certain circumstances for specified periods of time.

Choose "In default" if you are currently in default on your private loan(s). Default typically occurs when payments are not made for a certain length of time specified by the lender and arrangements (e.g., deferment or forbearance) have not been made to postpone payments.

Choose "Multiple loans in different repayment statuses" if you have ever had more than one private loan, and the private loans are currently in different statuses.



You just indicated that you have multiple private student loans. Please indicate the official status for your private student loans.
(Please choose all that apply)
At least one loan has been paid back in full
At least one loan in repayment
At least one loan in deferment
At least one loan in default

Help Text:

Respond based on the current status of any private student loans you have taken out for your education. Select all statuses that apply to your private student loans.

Choose "At least one loan has been paid back in full" if at least one of your private loans no longer have an outstanding balance, meaning you do not owe any money to your private loan provider.

Choose "At least one loan in repayment" if at least one of your private loans is currently in a scheduled repayment plan with the private loan provider or lender, regardless of whether you are making the payments or not. Also choose repayment if you are currently making any payments on any of your private student loans, but you are not yet required to be making payments.

Choose "At least one loan in deferment or forbearance" if you currently have a deferment or forbearance arrangement with at least one private loan provider. A deferment postpones payment of a loan per an official agreement with the lender/servicer. Forbearance lets you suspend or reduce your loan payments under certain circumstances for specified periods of time.

Choose "At least one loan in default" if you are currently in default with at least one of your private loans. Default typically occurs when payments are not made for a certain length of time specified by the lender and arrangements (e.g., deferment or forbearance) have not been made to postpone payments.



How much do you typically pay each month on your private loans, even if it is different from your minimum monthly payment? (Please answer based on any private student loans you have, including loans for your bachelor's degree and for any education since your bachelor's degree.)
$|.00 per month

Help Text:

Respond based on the private student loans you have taken out for undergraduate and graduate programs. Please provide the typical amount you pay each month, even if that amount differs from your expected monthly payment.

If you are unsure of the exact amount, provide your best guess.


Please indicate the range that best represents the total current monthly payment for your private loans. Would you say it was...


$0.01 - $49.99

$50.00 - $99.99

$100.00 - $149.99

$150.00 - $199.99

$200.00 - $249.99

$250.00 - $499.99

$500.00 - $749.99

$750.00 - $999.99

$1,000.00 or more

Don't know

Help Text:

Respond based on the private student loans you have taken out for undergraduate and graduate programs. Choose the option that best describes the typical amount you pay each month, even if that amount differs from your expected monthly payment.


When repaying student loans, you can pay more than the minimum monthly payment in order to reduce the interest you pay and the total cost of your loan over time.
In the last 12 months, have you paid more than the minimum monthly payment for your private student loans?

No, have not paid more than the minimum amount

Yes, paid more than the minimum amount 1 or 2 times

Yes, paid more than the minimum amount 3 or more times

Help Text:

Paying a little extra each month can reduce the interest you pay and reduce the total cost of your loan over time. Answer according to your payment behavior in the past twelve months.
Do not include times when the extra amount you paid was to be put towards future payments.


In the last twelve months, have you missed a private student loan payment?

No, all payments were made on time

Yes, missed 1 or 2 payments

Yes, missed 3 or more payments

Help Text:

"Missing a payment" can include making a late payment or skipping a payment entirely. Answer according to your payment behavior in the past twelve months.
A late payment for the purposes of this question is defined as any payment made to your private loan lender that is
after the due date, or "past due." Answer according to your payment behavior, regardless of whether or not you incurred any late fees due to a missed payment.
A skipped payment for the purposes of this question is defined as any payment that is never paid. Each private loan lender varies on their policy for "grace periods," or the ability to occasionally skip payments. Answer this question according to your payment behavior, regardless of whether you incurred any penalties, fees, or established an allowance of a "grace period" with your lender to forestall payments.



Have you ever defaulted on a private student loan? (Default typically occurs when payments are not made for a certain length of time specified by the lender and arrangements [e.g., deferment or forbearance] have not been made to postpone payments. Students in default are contacted by a collection agency and defaults are often reported on a person's credit history.)



Don't know

Help Text:

Answer "Yes" if any of your private student loans have ever been turned over to a collection agency due to non-payment. Do not include loans that are delinquent, but have not been turned over to a collection agency.


What is the official status of your federal student loan(s)?
(Please answer based on any federal student loans including loans for your bachelor's degree and for any education since your bachelor's degree.)

Already paid off or forgiven

In repayment

Temporarily deferring payment

In default

Multiple loans in different repayment statuses

Help Text:

Respond based on the current status of any federal student loans you have taken out for your education.

Choose "Already paid off or forgiven" if you no longer have an outstanding balance for your federal loans either through paying off your entire balance or through a loan forgiveness program.

Choose "In repayment" if your federal student loans are currently in a scheduled repayment plan with your federal loan servicer, regardless of whether you are making the payments or not. Also choose "In repayment" if payments are currently being made on your federal student loans, but you are not yet required to be making payments.

Choose "Temporarily deferring payment" if you are currently in a deferment or forbearance arrangement with your federal loan servicer. A deferment postpones payment of a loan per an official agreement with the lender/servicer. Forbearance lets you suspend or reduce your student loan payments under certain circumstances and for specified periods of time.

Choose "In default" if you are currently in default from not making any payments and have no arrangement with your lender or servicer. Default typically occurs when payments are not made for a certain length of time specified by the lender and arrangements (e.g., deferment or forbearance) have not been made to postpone payments. Federal loans are typically considered to be in default if no payments are made for 270 days.

Choose "Multiple loans in different repayment statuses" if you have multiple federal student loan servicers and your loans are in different statuses. Your loans could be in different statuses if you have multiple federal loans that are not consolidated into one monthly payment plan.

Note: Although federal student loans come from the US Department of Education, your payments are made to a loan servicer. A few examples of servicers for federally held loans are: Cornerstone, FedLoan Servicing, Granite State, and Great Lakes Educational Loan Services.



You just indicated that you have multiple federal student loans. Please indicate the official status for your federal student loans.
(Please choose all that apply)
At least one loan has been paid back in full or forgiven
At least one loan in repayment
At least one loan in deferment
At least one loan in default

Help Text:

Respond based on the current status of any federal student loans you have taken out for your education. Select all statuses that apply to your federal student loans.

Choose "At least one loan has been paid back in full or forgiven" if you no longer have an outstanding balance for any of your federal loans either through paying off your entire balance or through a loan forgiveness program.

Choose "At least one loan in repayment" if at least one of your federal loans is currently in a scheduled repayment plan with the federal loan servicer, regardless of whether you are making the payments or not. Also choose repayment if you are currently making any payments on any of your federal student loans, but you are not yet required to be making payments.

Choose "At least one loan in deferment or forbearance" if you are currently in a deferment or forbearance arrangement with your federal loan servicer(s). A deferment postpones payment of a loan per an official agreement with the lender/servicer. Forbearance lets you suspend or reduce your student loan payments under certain circumstances and for specified periods of time.

Choose "At least one loan in default" if you are currently in default from not making any payments and have no arrangement with your lender or servicer(s). Default typically occurs when payments are not made for a certain length of time specified by the lender and arrangements (e.g., deferment or forbearance) have not been made to postpone payments. Federal loans are typically considered to be in default if no payments are made for 270 days.

Note: Although federal student loans come from the US Department of Education, your payments are made to a loan servicer. A few examples of servicers for federally held loans are: Cornerstone, FedLoan Servicing, Granite State, and Great Lakes Educational Loan Services.



When repaying student loans, you can pay more than the minimum monthly payment in order to reduce the interest you pay and the total cost of your loan over time.
In the last 12 months, how often have you paid more than the minimum monthly payment for your federal student loans?

No, have not paid more than the minimum amount

Yes, paid more than the minimum amount 1 or 2 times

Yes, paid more than the minimum amount 3 or more times

Help Text:

Paying a little extra each month can reduce the interest you pay and reduce the total cost of your loan over time. Answer according to your payment behavior in the past twelve months.
Do not include times when the extra amount you paid was to be put towards future payments.



In the last 12 months, have you missed a federal student loan payment?

No, all payments were made on time

Yes, missed 1 to 2 payments

Yes, missed 3 or more payments

Help Text:

"Missing a payment" can include making a late payment or skipping a payment entirely. Answer according to your payment behavior in the past twelve months.

Do not include postponed payments due to enrollment in a deferment or forbearance agreement. Under certain circumstances, you can receive a deferment or forbearance that allows you to temporarily postpone or reduce your federal student loan payments.

A late payment for the purposes of this question is defined as any payment made to your federal loan servicer after the due date, or "past due." Answer according to your payment behavior, regardless of whether or not you incurred any late fees due to a missed payment.

A skipped payment for the purposes of this question is defined as any payment that is never paid. Each federal loan servicer varies on their policy for "grace periods," or the ability to occasionally skip payments. This also may vary depending upon which repayment plan you are enrolled in. Answer this question according to your payment behavior, regardless of whether you incurred any penalties or fees.

Note: Although federal student loans come from the US Department of Education, your payments are made to a loan servicer. A few examples of servicers for federally held loans are: Cornerstone, FedLoan Servicing, Granite State, and Great Lakes Educational Loan Services.



Have you ever defaulted on a federal student loan? (Default typically occurs when payments are not made for a certain length of time specified by the lender and arrangements [e.g., deferment or forbearance] have not been made to postpone payments. Students in default are contacted by a collection agency and defaults are often reported on a person's credit history.)



Don't know

Help Text:

Federal loans are typically considered to be in default if no payments are made for 270 days.

Answer "Yes" if any of your federal student loans have ever been turned over to a collection agency due to non-payment. Do not include loans that are delinquent, but have not been turned over to a collection agency.



Are you enrolled in an income-driven repayment (IDR) plan, or in the process of enrolling in an IDR plan for your federal student loans?
(An income-driven repayment plan sets your monthly student loan payment at an amount that is intended to be affordable based on your income and family size. These plans include the Revised Pay As You Earn Repayment Plan [REPAYE Plan], Pay As You Earn Repayment Plan [PAYE Plan], Income-Based Repayment Plan [IBR Plan], and Income-Contingent Repayment Plan [ICR Plan].)



Help Text:

Please indicate whether you are enrolled, or in the process of enrolling in an income-driven repayment plan for your federal student loans.
Income-driven repayment plans are designed to make student loan debt more manageable by reducing the monthly payment amount. Generally, your payment amount under an income-driven repayment plan is a percentage of your discretionary income. Depending on your income and family size, you may have no monthly payment at all.
Some examples of income-driven repayment plans are:
Revised Pay As You Earn Repayment Plan (REPAYE Plan)
Income-Based Repayment Plan (IBR Plan)
Pay As You Earn Repayment Plan (PAYE Plan)
Income-Contingent Repayment Plan (ICR Plan)
The IBR Plan and PAYE Plan have income eligibility requirements in order to enroll in the plan, as it compares your income to the amount of your eligible federal student loan debt. The REPAYE and ICR Plan do not have income eligibility requirements in order to enroll in the plan.



Have you heard of income-driven repayment (IDR) plans for your federal student loans?



Help Text:

Answer "Yes" if you have heard of, or are aware of income-driven repayment (IDR) plans for your federal student loans before you began this survey.



What are the reasons why you are not enrolled in an income-driven repayment plan for your federal student loans?
Did not think I was eligible
Thought applying would take too much time or effort
Did not need lower monthly loan payments
Did not like terms of these plans (i.e., time to repayment)

Help Text:

Please choose all options that apply to you. If there is an additional reason other than those listed, please select "Other".

B18DINTRO (Abbrev)

[If B&B:12 respondent] In the next section, [{if CATI mode} I {else} we] would like to ask some questions about your employment since we last spoke to you in [last interview date]. We are interested in all paid employment, including full-time and part-time employment, self-employment, [{if B18CDEG0* > 3 in any loop} graduate assistantships,] and paid internships.
[else] In the next section, [{if CATI mode} I {else} we] would like to ask some questions about your employment since July 2012. We are interested in all paid employment, including full-time and part-time employment, self-employment, [{if B18CDEG0* > 3 in any loop} graduate assistantships,] and paid internships.

Help Text:

This is an introductory screen. Please select "next" to continue.


Are you currently employed?



Help Text:

Indicate "yes" if you are currently working for pay. Please consider any jobs for pay, including: full-time and part-time employment, self-employment, and paid internships.

For employment while in graduate school, please consider jobs such as assistantships and fellowships as having worked for pay.



Are you currently employed full-time or part-time?



Both full-time and part-time

Help Text:

Indicate whether your current employment situation is full-time or part-time. If you currently have one or more positions that are full-time and one or more positions that are part-time, indicate "both full-time and part-time employment."

Full-time is considered to be 35 hours per week or more. Part-time is less than 35 hours per week.


B18DANYJOBS (Abbrev)

[If B&B:12 respondent] Have you been employed at any time since [last interview date]?
[else] Have you been employed at any time since July 2012?



Help Text:

Please consider any jobs for pay, including: full-time and part-time employment, self-employment, and paid internships.

For employment while in graduate school, please consider jobs such as assistantships and fellowships as having worked for pay.


B18DNUMEMP (Abbrev) (Mini)

[If B&B:12 respondent] How many employers have you had since [last interview date]? (If you have been self-employed at any point since [last interview date] include yourself as an employer.)
[else] How many employers have you had since July 2012? (If you have been self-employed at any point since July 2012 include yourself as an employer.)
| employer(s)

Help Text:

Enter the number of employers from whom you have received a paycheck since the date in question. Include all full-time and part-time employment and self-employment.

Employment that is per event or performance should be considered one employer. For example, if you are a musician all events or performances as a musician would be considered one employer.

If you have had different jobs or job titles at the same employer, please count those jobs as one employer.

Do not report any employers where you have only applied for work or any employer where you have not accepted a paid position.



Do you have an active professional certification or a state or industry license? (Examples of professional certifications or state or industry licenses include a real estate license, a medical assistant certification, an elementary or secondary education license, or an IT certification.)



Help Text:

We are interested in whether you have an active professional certification or a state or industry license.
A professional certification or license shows you are qualified to perform a specific job. Examples include a real estate license, a medical assistant certification, a teacher's license, or an IT certification. Only include certifications or licenses obtained by an individual.
Do not include business licenses, such as a liquor license or vending license.
Certification: A credential awarded by a certification body based on an individual demonstrating through an examination process that he or she has acquired the designated knowledge, skills, and abilities to perform a specific job. The examination can be either written, oral, or performance-based. Certification is a time-limited credential that is renewed through a recertification process.
License: A credential awarded by a government agency that constitutes legal authority to do a specific job. Licenses are based on some combination of degree or certificate attainment, certifications, assessments, or work experience; are time-limited; and must be renewed periodically.

B18DPRVEMP01 (Abbrev)

[If loop = 1] Last time we spoke with you, you provided us with the [{if 1 employer on pick list} name of the employer {else} names of all employers] you had since completing your bachelor's degree.] Did you continue to work for [{if 1 employer on pick list} this employer {else} any of these employers] at any time since [{if B&B:12 respondent} [last interview date] {else} July 2012]?
[else] Did you continue to work for [{if 1 employer on pick list} this employer {else} any of these employers] at any time since [{if B&B:12 respondent} [last interview date] {else} July 2012]?

[Fill B&B:08/12 Employer 1]

[Fill B&B:08/12 Employer X]

Did not work for [{if 1 employer on pick list} this employer {else} any of these employers] since [last interview date]

Help Text:

When answering this question, only consider employment since the date in question.

B18DEMPLOY01 (Abbrev)

[If loop = 1] What is the name of your current or most recent employer? (If you are not currently employed, please provide the name of the employer where you were last employed. If you have more than one employer, tell [{if CATI mode} me {else} us] about only one of them now. [{If CATI mode} I {else} We] will collect the names of any other employers later.)
[else] What is the name of another employer you have worked for at any time since [{if last interview date ne missing} [last interview date] {else} July 2012]? (If you have more than one additional employer, tell [{if CATI mode} me {else} us] about only one of them now. [{If CATI mode} I {else} We] will collect the names of any other employers later.)
Check here to indicate self-employment

Help Text:

Your employer is the entity that issues your paychecks. If you work through a temporary agency, your employer would be the temporary agency, not the company you are assigned to.

If you are self-employed at a business with a name, please select the checkbox for self-employment and provide an employer name. If you are independently self-employed and not associated with a specific employer (for example, a babysitter), only select the checkbox.

If you work for a public school, your employer would be the school district issuing your paycheck, not the specific school in which you work.


B18DEMPZIP01 (Abbrev)

[If employer ne missing] What is the ZIP code for the primary location where you work(ed) with [employer]? (If you do not know the ZIP code you can enter the city name. If you are still unable to find your ZIP code, click "ZIP Code not listed.")
[else] What is the ZIP code for the primary location where you work(ed)? (If you do not know the ZIP code you can enter the city name. If you are still unable to find your ZIP code, click "ZIP Code not listed.")
Location not in the United States or a US territory

Help Text:

If your employer has multiple locations or you travel(ed) regularly, please provide the 5 digit ZIP code, city and state of the primary location that you work(ed).

If you relocated primary locations with this employer, enter the ZIP code for the most recent location.

If you primarily work(ed) from home, please indicate the ZIP code of your home office.

To search for your ZIP code, start typing in your 5-digit ZIP code (or city); a list of cities matching your entry will be displayed. From the responses displayed, select the ZIP code that most closely matches your entry and click "Next." If you can't find your ZIP code from among the responses returned, click "ZIP Code not listed" then click "Next."


B18DSTART01 (Abbrev)

[If employer ne missing] In what month and year were you first employed by [employer]?
[else if B18DEMPSLF01 = 1] In what month and year were you first self-employed?
[else] In what month and year were you first employed by this employer?
-Select one-
January - December
-Select one-
Before 2008 - 2019

Help Text:

Please provide the month and year of when you were first employed by this employer.

If you are unsure of the date, provide your best estimate.


B18DEND01 (Abbrev)

[If employer ne missing] In what month and year were you last employed by [employer]? (If you are currently employed by [employer] select the checkbox below.)
[else if B18DEMPSLF01 = 1] In what month and year were you last self-employed? (If you are currently self-employed select the checkbox below.)
[else] In what month and year were you last employed by this employer? (If you are currently employed by this employer select the checkbox below.)
[If employer ne missing] Currently employed by [employer]
[else if B18DEMPSLF01 = 1] Currently self-employed
[else] Currently employed by this employer
-Select one-
January - December
-Select one-
Before 2008 - 2019

Help Text:

Please provide the month and year when your employment ended with this employer. If currently employed by this employer, please select the checkbox.

If you are unsure of the date, provide your best estimate.


B18DWKCONT01 (Abbrev)

[{If start date ne Unspecified Date and end date ne Unspecified Date} Between {else if end date ne Unspecified Date} Between {else} Since] [{if start date before last interview date} [last interview date] {else if start date ne Unspecified Date} [start date] {else} [last interview date]] [{if B18DCUR01 = 1} and today {else if end date ne Unspecified Date]} and [end date] {else} [display nothing]], did you have any periods where you were not [{if employer ne missing] employed by [employer] {else if B18DEMPSLF01 = 1} self-employed {else} employed by this employer] that lasted longer than one month (i.e., your employment was not one continuous period)?



Help Text:

Indicate "yes" if there were any periods lasting longer than one month in which you were not employed by the employer in question.


B18DWKMON01 (Abbrev)

[{If B18DWKCONT01 = 1} You just indicated having a period of at least one month where you were not [{if employer ne missing] employed by [employer] {else if B18DEMPSLF01 = 1} self-employed {else} employed by this employer].] [{If start date ne Unspecified Date and end date ne Unspecified Date} Between {else if end date ne Unspecified Date} Between {else} Since] [{if start date before last interview date} [last interview date] {else if start date ne Unspecified Date} [start date] {else} [last interview date]] [{if B18DCUR01 = 1} and today {else if end date ne Unspecified Date]} and [end date] {else} [display nothing]], which months [{if B18DCUR01 = 1} have been {else} were] [{if employer ne missing} employed by [employer] {else if B18DEMPSLF01 = 1} self-employed {else} employed by this employer]? ([{If start date ne Unspecified Date and end date ne Unspecified Date} The starting and [{if B18DCUR01 = 1} current {else} ending] month of your [{if employer ne missing} employment at [employer] {else if B18DEMPSLF01 = 1} self-employment {else} employment at this employer] have been selected.] Selected months will be shaded blue. If you [{if B18DCUR01 = 1} have been {else} were] employed for any portion of a month by this employer, select that month.)
July 2012 – June 2019

Help Text:

Please use the calendar to select the months, including partial months, in which you have been employed by this employer. Any month that has been selected will be shaded blue. Months that are not selected will remain shaded gray.
If you would like to select all visible months within a given year, check the "select / unselect" button. To unselect these months, check the button once again.


B18DEMPLOYA01 (Abbrev)

We are interested in learning more about your [{if employer ne missing} employment with [employer] {else if B18DEMPSLF01 = 1} self-employment {else} employment with this employer] and how it may have changed.
What was your starting salary (including bonuses, tips, and commissions)?

Per hour

Per week

Per month

Per year

What were your starting average hours worked per week?
| hours

Help Text:

Enter your starting salary for your employment with this employer. You can enter this amount per hour, week, month, or year. If you are unsure of the exact amount, please provide your best guess.

Enter the number of hours you worked at the start of your employment with this employer. If the number of hours you are contracted or scheduled to work was or is different than the number of hours that you actually work(ed), enter the number of hours you actually worked.


B18DEMPLOYC01 (Abbrev)

What [{if B18DCUR01 = 1} is your current {else} was your ending] salary (including bonuses, tips, and commissions)?
Starting salary and [{if B18DCUR01 = 1} current salary are {else} ending salary were] the same

Per hour

Per week

Per month

Per year

What [[if B18DCUR01 = 1} is your current {else} was your ending] average hours worked per week?
Starting hours per week and [{if B18DCUR01 = 1} current hours per week are {else} ending hours per week were] the same
| hours

Help Text:

Enter your current or ending salary for your employment with this employer. You can enter this amount per hour, week, month, or year. If you are unsure of the exact amount, please provide your best guess.

Enter the number of hours you currently work or the number of hours you worked at the end of your employment with this employer. If the number of hours you are contracted or scheduled to work is different than the number of hours that you actually work(ed), enter the number of hours you actually worked.


B18DOTHJOB01 (Abbrev)

[If last interview date ne missing] Aside from the [{if loop = 1} employer {else} employers] you already told [{if CATI mode} me {else} us] about, have you worked for any other employers since [last interview date]? (Answer "Yes" for any additional full-time and part-time employment, self-employment, [{if B18CDEG0* > 3 in any loop} graduate assistantships,] and paid internships.)
[else] Aside from the [{if loop = 1} employer {else} employers] you already told [{if CATI mode} me {else} us] about, have you worked for any other employers since July 2012? (Answer "Yes" for any additional full-time and part-time employment, self-employment, [{if B18CDEG0* > 3 in any loop} graduate assistantships,] and paid internships.)



Help Text:

Please indicate whether you've had additional paid employment since the date in question.


[If abbreviated interview] Now, we have a question that will focus on your [employer].

[else if loop = 1] We have some [{if GRIDNUMTOTAL = 1} more questions about the employer {else if number of employers selected = 1} questions about one employer {else} questions about some of the employers] that you reported. The next questions will focus on your [employer].
[else] Next, we have some questions that will focus on your [employer].

Help Text:

This is an introductory screen. Please select "next" to continue.

B18DOCCEX01 (Abbrev)

[If JOBCUR = 1] What is your current job title for your [employer] [{if CATI mode} so I can try to select the closest match from the options returned]?
[else] When you were last [{if this employer = 'self-employment'} self-employed {else} employed by [this employer]], what was your job title [{if CATI mode} so I can try to select the closest match from the options returned]? ([{If usermode = WEB} Select the closest match from the options returned.] If you are unable to find a close match for [{if CATI mode] this {else} your] job title, click "Job title not listed.")

Job title

General area

Specific area

Detailed occupation classification

Help Text:

To search for your job title, start typing in your title at this employer; a list of job titles matching your entry will be displayed. From the responses displayed, select the title that most closely matches your entry and click "Next."

If you can't find your job title from among the responses returned, click "Job title not listed" and select a job title from the additional options that appear in the dropdowns.



In this job, what type of company or organization [do / did] you work for? [{If JOBCUR = 1} Is {else} Was] it...

The school where you are currently enrolled as a student

A for-profit company

A nonprofit organization

A local, state, or federal government agency (including public schools and universities)

The military (including civilian employees of the military)


Help Text:

Select the category which best describes your employer.
A for-profit company is one that has the primary purpose of generating a profit. Owners and shareholders can benefit financially from such profits. Examples of for-profit companies include (but are not limited to) most grocery stores, fast food restaurants, and clothing retail companies.
A nonprofit organization is an incorporated organization which exists for educational or charitable reasons, and for which its shareholders or trustees (owners) do not benefit financially. Examples of nonprofit organizations include museums and agencies helping the disadvantaged.
Local government refers to the agencies governing a city or town.
State government refers to agencies governing one of the 50 U.S. states and Puerto Rico.
Federal government refers to any agency of the U.S. or a foreign government.

The military refers to the five branches of the U.S. armed services and the National Guard and includes civilian employees working for the armed services.



Would you classify the primary industry for [{if this employer = 'self-employment'} your self-employment {else} [this employer]] as...

Accommodations and food service

Education or education services

Finance and insurance

Healthcare, social assistance, or childcare

Professional, scientific, and technical services

Retail sales or retail trade

Something else

Help Text:

Please indicate the primary industry for this employer. Consider the type of business or commercial sector of the employer.


Would you say the primary industry for [{if this employer = 'self-employment'} your self-employment {else} [this employer]] is...

Administrative and support services

Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting

Arts, entertainment, and recreation

Automotive repair and maintenance


Information, motion pictures, Internet, and telecommunications

Management of companies or enterprises



Personal care services

Public administration, government, public safety, and military

Real estate, rental and leasing

Transportation and warehousing


Waste management and environmental remediation

Wholesale trade

Other industry not listed

Help Text:

Please indicate the primary industry for this employer. Consider the type of business or commercial sector of the employer.


In which level of the education industry [{if JOBCUR = 1} is {else} was] this job?


K-12 school

College, university, trade school, other postsecondary institution

Education support services (non-government)


Help Text:

Indicate the level within the education industry to which this employer corresponds.


As a(n) [job title at employer], [do / did] you...
Supervise the work of others?
Participate in hiring and/or firing decisions?
Participate in setting salary rates for other employees?

Help Text:

Please indicate whether or not you participate in or are the sole supervisor or decision maker in the listed job duties.

Supervising the work of others typically includes directing, organizing, or monitoring the daily tasks or workflow of your colleagues and coworkers.



Which of the following statements best describes your job as a(n) [job title at employer]?

Someone else [{if JOBCUR = 1} decides {else} decided] what [{if CATI mode} you {else} I] [do / did] and how [{if CATI mode} you {else} I] [do / did] it

Someone else [{if JOBCUR = 1} decides {else} decided] what [{if CATI mode} you {else} I] [do / did], but [{if CATI mode} you {else} I] [{if JOBCUR = 1} decide {else} decided] how [{if CATI mode} you {else} I] [do / did] it

[{if CATI mode} You {else} I] [{if JOBCUR = 1} have {else} had] the freedom in deciding what [{if CATI mode} you {else} I] [do / did] and how [{if CATI mode} you {else} I] [do / did] it

[{if CATI mode} You {else} I] [{if JOBCUR = 1 and CATI mode} are {else if CATI mode} were {else if JOBCUR = 1} am {else} was] basically [{if CATI mode} your {else} my] own boss

Help Text:

Please select the statement that most closely describes your job.


In your job as a(n) [job title at employer], [are / were] you allowed to telecommute or work remotely?


No, it [does / did] not make sense for [(if CATI mode} your {else) my] job

No, it [is / was] possible but not offered for [{if CATI mode} your {else} my] job

Help Text:

Telecommuting is when you work from a location other than your employer's specified office, making use of the Internet, e-mail, and the telephone.


[{If JOBSELFEMP ne 1} Some employers allow their employees flexibility in the hours they work, that is, they do not have to work a set schedule as long as a minimum number of hours are worked in a pay period.]
Would you say your [{if JOBCUR = 1} current schedule {else} schedule for your [employer]] [is / was] very flexible, somewhat flexible, or not flexible?

Very flexible

Somewhat flexible

Not flexible

Help Text:

A flexible work schedule allows employees to vary when they start and end their typical work day as long as they work a set number of hours in a pay period. Please indicate the level of flexibility in your work schedule allowed at the job in question.


[{If JOBCUR = 1} Does {else} Did] [{if this employer = 'self-employment'} your self-employment {else} [this employer]] offer you any of the following benefits? Do not include salary, hourly pay, bonuses, tips, etc.
Health insurance
Retirement plans
Paid vacation, holidays, or sick leave

Help Text:

Benefits are a type of non-monetary employee compensation provided in addition to salary.


[{If JOBCUR = 1} Do {else} Did] your duties in this job require a bachelor's degree or higher?



Help Text:

Indicate whether the responsibilities for your job at [employer] required a bachelor's degree or higher. Answer “No” if you could have been hired for this job even if you did not have a bachelor’s degree.
Degrees higher than a bachelor's degree include: Postbaccalaureate certificate, master's degree, post-master's certificate, and doctoral degrees (research/scholarship, professional practice, and other).



[If JOBCUR = 1] Do you consider this [{if this employer = 'self-employment'} self-employment {else} job at [this employer]] to be part of a career you are pursuing in your occupation or industry?
[else] When you were [{if this employer = 'self-employment'} self-employed {else} employed at [this employer]], did you consider this job to be part of a career you were pursuing in your occupation or industry?



Help Text:

Please indicate whether you consider your job with this employer to be a part of your ultimate career goal.
You should consider your job with this employer to be a part of your career even if it is the first of many jobs you plan to hold in the occupational field or the first of many years you plan to spend working in the occupational field.



[If JOBCUR = 1] Is your certification or license related to the work you do at your job?
[else] Was your certification or license related to the work you did at your job?



Help Text:

Indicate "yes" if your certification or license is related to the work you do at your job.


[If JOBCUR = 1] Is your certification or license required for the work you do at your job?
[else] Was your certification or license required for the work you did at your job?



Help Text:

Indicate "yes" if your certification or license is required for the work you do at your job.


For each of the following, please indicate whether or not it is a reason you are no longer [{if this employer = 'self-employment'} self-employed {else} employed by [this employer]].
Wanted better salary or benefits
Wanted a different job in the same or similar field
Wanted a job in a different field
Wanted better opportunities (e.g. career advancement or job security)
Position was temporary or seasonal
Laid off, terminated, or contract not renewed
Relocated to another area
Care for children, family members, and other dependents
Health reasons
Other reason(s)

Help Text:

Indicate why you are no longer working for this employer. You may select all the options that are applicable.
If the available options are not applicable to your specific situation, then select "Other reason(s)".


Which of the following is the most important reason you are no longer [{if this employer = 'self-employment'} self-employed {else} employed by [this employer]]?

Wanted better salary or benefits

Wanted a different job in the same or similar field

Wanted a job in a different field

Wanted better opportunities (e.g. career advancement or job security)

Position was temporary or seasonal

Laid off, terminated, or contract not renewed

Relocated to another area

Care for children, family members, and other dependents

Health reasons

Other reason(s)

Help Text:

This question displays all of the reasons for which you previously indicated you are no longer working for [employer]. Please select one reason from the list that was your most important reason.


On a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 means "very dissatisfied" and 5 means "very satisfied", please indicate your level of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with each of the following areas of this job.
Wages and bonuses
Opportunities for promotion
Importance of your work
Challenge of your work
Job security
Ability to balance work and family obligations
Commute time

Very dissatisfied
Somewhat dissatisfied
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Very satisfied

Help Text:

Indicate how satisfied or dissatisfied you are with each aspect of this job. Your responses may range from "very dissatisfied" to "very satisfied."


Based on the employment dates you entered, it appears that there [{if periods of not working = 1} was one time {else} were [periods of not working] times] you were not employed since [{if B&B:12 respondent} [last interview date] {else} July 2012]. To better understand the employment paths of graduates, we would like to know what you were doing during each of the time periods you were not employed.

Help Text:

This is an introductory screen. Please select "next" to continue.


What were you doing when you were not working from [[start and end month of period of not working] from current loop]?
Looking for work
Taking a break from work
Enrolled in school
Not working due to personal health issues (e.g., disabled)
Caring for children
Caring for other family members
Something else

Help Text:

Indicate what you were doing during this period that you were not working. You may answer "Yes" to all the options that are applicable. If the available options are not applicable to your specific situation, then answer "Yes" to "Something else."


Since you are currently enrolled as a student and also working, would you say you are primarily...

A student working to meet expenses, or

An employee who decided to enroll in school

Help Text:

An example of a student who works to meet expenses would be someone who is enrolled full-time, but also holds a part-time job to earn additional money.
An example of an
employee who also attends school is someone who considers his/her primary focus to be employment but is attending school in order to further his/her career.



Would you say that you have had more than one career in the last ten years?



Help Text:

Generally, one chooses a path or line of work to follow in a specific field of interest over the course of their working life.
If you have worked in more than one specific field of interest over the past ten years, select "yes." Otherwise, select "no."


About how many years have you been working in your current career?
| year(s)

Help Text:

When answering this question, consider how long you have been involved in your current line of work or specific field of interest.


Since completing your bachelor's degree requirements, have you ever negotiated salary or benefits with any employer?



Not applicable

Help Text:

Negotiation is the process of reaching an agreement on what an employer will pay for your skills, knowledge, and experience.
Benefits are a type of non-monetary employee compensation provided in addition to salary. Examples of benefits are health, vision, or dental insurance, paid vacation or holidays, etc.

Select “Not Applicable” if conditions of the hiring process or job does not allow for negotiation of starting benefits and wages (e.g., some public school teachers, employment through a temporary staffing agency, etc.).



Have you ever received a higher salary or additional benefits as a result of your negotiations?



Help Text:

Negotiation is the process of reaching an agreement on what an employer will pay for your skills, knowledge, and experience.
Benefits are a type of non-monetary employee compensation provided in addition to salary. Examples of benefits are health, vision, or dental insurance, paid vacation or holidays, etc.


The next questions will focus on your job search experiences.

Help Text:

This is an introductory screen. Please select "next" to continue.

B18DSEARCH (Abbrev) (Mini)

[If currently employed = 1] Are you currently looking for a different job? (Indicate "yes" if you are looking for full-time or part-time jobs [{if B18CDEG01 > 3 in any loop}, or graduate school jobs such as assistantships and fellowships].)
[else] Are you currently looking for a job? (Indicate "yes" if you are looking for full-time or part-time jobs [{if B18CDEG01 > 3 in any loop}, or graduate school jobs such as assistantships and fellowships].)



Help Text:

If you are currently unemployed and looking for a job, OR if you are currently employed but looking for a different job, respond "yes."
If you are currently unemployed but are not looking for a job, OR if you are currently employed and not looking for a different job, respond "no."



[If B&B:12 respondent] Since [last interview date], have you ever looked for employment?
[else] Since July 2012, have you ever looked for employment?



Help Text:

Indicate whether you have ever looked for a job, including looking for a different or additional job.


According to the information that you have provided, it does not appear you are currently employed.
Are you...
Traveling (trip longer than two weeks)?
Volunteering or participating in an unpaid internship?
A full-time homemaker?
Unable to work because of a disability?
Temporarily laid off, on leave, or waiting to report to work for other reasons?
Enrolled in school?

Help Text:

Indicate "Yes" if any of these options describe your current situation.
If you have been laid off of your job but are waiting to return, are on strike, or on any type of leave from your job, please indicate "Yes" to "Temporarily laid off, on leave, or waiting to report to work for other reasons."
If you have an injury or a disability that prevents you from working please indicate "Yes" to "Unable to work because of a disability" even if you do not collect a disability payment.

B18DUNCM (Abbrev) (Mini)

[If B&B:12 respondent] Since [last interview date], have you received either of the following?
[else] Since July 2012, have you received either of the following?
Unemployment compensation
Disability benefits

Help Text:

Unemployment compensation is a collection of benefits that pays for a portion of the salary one earned while working. These programs can vary by state. A person is usually eligible for unemployment compensation for a certain number of weeks or months once becoming unemployed.

Disability benefits often refers to Social Security Insurance (SSI), a federal program that provides monetary benefits to disabled workers and their dependents. States can offer supplemental amounts to the SSI monthly payment. Other disability programs can include employer provided benefits packages to assist disabled workers.



One of the goals of this study is to learn about experiences of teachers at elementary or secondary schools (kindergarten through 12th grade), even among graduates who did not major in an education field.

Help Text:

This is an introductory screen. Please select "next" to continue.

B18EANYTCHX (Abbrev) (Mini)

Have you worked as a teacher at the K-12 level since [{if B&B:12 respondent} [last interview date] {else} July 2012]?
(Indicate "yes" only for teaching positions at elementary or secondary schools. Do not include positions such as preschool teacher, SAT tutor or piano teacher in a non-school setting, guidance counselor or librarian, graduate teaching assistant, and college or university teacher.)



Help Text:

Indicate "yes" if you held a position at an elementary or secondary school since the specified date.
Do not include positions like preschool teacher, SAT tutor or piano teacher in a non-school setting, guidance counselor or librarian, graduate teaching assistant, college or university teacher, etc.

B18EANYTCH (Abbrev) (Mini)

Since [{if B&B:12 respondent} [last interview date] {else} July 2012], have you held any of the following teaching positions at the K-12 level?
(Please choose all that apply)
Regular classroom teacher (full- or part-time)
Substitute, short term
Substitute, long term
Teacher's aide
Support teacher
Itinerant teacher
Student teacher
Other teaching position

Help Text:

Below are examples of teaching positions:
A regular, full- or part-time, elementary or secondary school teacher refers to a teacher who is a regular classroom teacher in any grade level from kindergarten to twelfth grade.
A short-term substitute teacher refers to a certified or non-certified teacher who works as a replacement for a regular teacher when he/she is absent for a short period of time (less than two weeks). He/she may substitute for a regular teacher for as short a period as a portion of a day.
A long-term substitute teacher refers to a certified or non-certified teacher who works as a replacement for a regular teacher when he/she takes a leave of absence for a long-term period of time (two weeks or more). This type of substitute teaches in place of the regular teacher and may create lesson plans, grade papers, etc.
A teacher's aide refers to a certified or non-certified assistant who aids the teacher in preparing classroom materials for instruction and may help with grading and special projects. He/she does NOT assume full responsibility for classroom instruction.
A support teacher may work with other teachers or with students who need additional help. Teacher support activities may include developing curricula, supporting other teachers' use of technology for instruction, analyzing achievement data and helping teachers understand or use those data to improve instruction, or coaching in particular subject areas or instructional methods. Examples of positions include literacy coaches, math coaches, teachers on special assignment with professional development responsibilities, etc. Learning support teachers focus on the provision of supplementary teaching to students who require additional help, either in groups or one-to-one.
An itinerant teacher refers to a teacher who holds one position or assignment, but who teaches in multiple schools.
A student teacher refers to a teacher participating in a supervised instructional experience as fulfillment of a requirement for a teaching degree.


Please indicate whether each of the following factors had a negative influence, no influence, or a positive influence on your thinking about whether to pursue a teaching career.
Financial compensation
Prestige of occupation
Working with kids
Opportunity to contribute to society
Teacher accountability for student achievement
Teachers' working conditions
Possibilities for career advancement
Subject or location (e.g., science or math, poor urban schools)

Negative influence
No influence
Positive influence

Help Text:

Factors that positively influenced your thinking about teaching were things that made you more interested in teaching as a career.
Factors that negatively influenced your thinking about teaching are things that discouraged you from pursuing a career in teaching.


In your first teaching job, did you participate in a teacher internship program?
(By "teacher internship program" we mean a program in which you complete your teacher preparation coursework during your first year or two of teaching after receiving a bachelor's degree. Internship programs provide coursework and support from college or district faculty and result in a regular teaching certificate.)



Help Text:

Internship programs allow individuals to complete their teacher preparation coursework concurrent with their first year or two in a paid teaching position. These programs are led by colleges, universities and by school districts and county offices of education. To qualify for an internship program, an individual must possess a bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited college or university, satisfy the basic skills requirement, meet the subject matter competence and US Constitution requirement, and obtain character and identification clearance. The program provides teacher preparation coursework and an organized system of support from college and district faculty. Completion of an internship program results in the same credential as is earned through a traditional teacher preparation program.
If you participated in a teacher internship program prior to beginning your first job, please indicate "no."


In your first teaching job, did you participate in a formal teacher induction program in which you were assigned a mentor teacher who provided guidance to you in your job?



Help Text:

Induction programs are comprehensive initiations or introductions to a position that provide inexperienced teachers who have undergone traditional training programs with models and tools for beginning their teaching careers and guidance aimed at helping them meet performance standards. Induction may include mentoring, assistance in planning, professional development and evaluation.


In your first teaching job, did you feel adequately prepared to...
Handle a range of classroom management or discipline situations?
Use a variety of instructional methods?
Work with parents and the community?

Help Text:

Indicate whether you felt adequately prepared in each area in your first teaching job.


In your first teaching job, did you receive help from your school or school district in...
Disciplining students?
Selecting and implementing appropriate instructional methods and curriculum?
Working with parents and the community?

Help Text:

Indicate whether your school or school district helped you with each of these aspects of teaching in your first teaching job.


Are you currently certified to teach at the K-12 level?



Help Text:

To be considered currently certified, you must hold a valid license or certificate at the present time. Please indicate whether you are currently certified to teach.
If you currently hold an emergency certificate or waiver, answer "Yes." An emergency certificate or waiver refers to a certificate issued by states or districts to candidates who have bachelor's degrees but little or no professional/teacher education. These are often issued when districts have shortages of certified teachers and are often temporary until a permanent certificate is earned.


In what month and year were you first certified to teach?
(Provide your best estimate of the date if you are unsure.)
-Select one-
January - December
-Select one-
Before 2008 - 2019  

Help Text:

Indicate the month and year you first became certified to teach.
Provide your best estimate of the date if you are unsure.



Did you enter teaching through an alternative route to certification?
(An example is Teach For America, which is a program designed to recruit non-teachers into the teaching field.)



Help Text:

Alternative routes to certification or lateral entry are courses of study that help non-teachers move into teaching careers, often after working in other fields.


Are you certified to teach any grade in...
Kindergarten through 5th grade
6th through 8th grade
9th through 12th grade

Help Text:

Select all levels in which you are certified to teach at least one grade.


Next, we're going to collect information on your current or most recent K-12 regular classroom teacher position.

Help Text:

This is an introductory screen. Please select "next" to continue.


[If web mode] If your current or most recent regular K-12 classroom teaching position is associated with one of the employers you told us about earlier, please select it from the list below.
[else] Is your current or most recent regular K-12 classroom teaching position associated with one of the employers you told us about earlier?

[Fill employer from valid loop 1]

[Fill employer from valid loop X]

This teaching position is not associated with any of these employers

Help Text:

The employers you reported to us earlier in the interview are displayed. If your teaching position is associated with one of the employers you told us about earlier, please select it from the list.


What is the name of the school where you are currently teaching or have most recently taught? (If you are unable to find your school, click "School not listed.")
El/Sec number:

A public school operated by a school/county district

A private Catholic school

A private school--other religious affiliation

A private school--no religious affiliation

A public school operated by state/federal agency (ex: BIA, DOD, prison school)

Other (charter school, hospital school)

Help Text:

To search for your school, start typing in the school name; a list of schools matching your entry will be displayed. From the responses displayed, select the school that most closely matches your entry and click "Next."
If you can't find your school from among the responses returned, click "School not listed."

B18ESTWK (Abbrev)

Are you currently working for [current/most recent school] as a regular classroom teacher?



Help Text:

If you are still working in the position referenced in the question respond "Yes." If you are not still working in the position referenced in the question respond "No."



[If B18ESTWK = 1] How many months per year do you work in this job?
[else] How many months per year did you work in this job?
Number of months:
-Select one-

1 - 12

Help Text:

Indicate the number of months per year spent working in this job. Please report the standard number of months per year for the position, even if you worked fewer than is standard for the position. For example, if you left a position after 6 months but the standard length for that position is 10 months per year, you would indicate 10 months per year.


At [current/most recent school], what subjects [{if B18ESTWK = 1} do {else} did] you teach?
(Please choose all that apply)
Elementary education (general curriculum in elementary or middle grades)
General education in middle or secondary grades
English or language arts
Mathematics or computer science
Natural sciences (e.g., biology, chemistry)
Social sciences (e.g., social studies, psychology)
Special education
{If usermode=web} Other subject {else} Any other subject

Help Text:

Indicate the subject areas taught in the teaching position referenced in the question. Choose all that apply.
Most middle, junior high, or high school teachers teach specific subjects and, therefore, should indicate the specific subjects they teach/taught. Use "general education in middle or secondary grades" only to indicate teaching in general education (i.e., teaching a wide variety of subjects to a single group of students during the day) at the middle grades or secondary level.
Only indicate "other subject" if you teach in a subject area that does not fit into one of the pre-specified fields.


What other subjects [{if B18ESTWK = 1} do {else} did] you teach?
(Please choose all that apply)
Arts and music
English as a second language (ESL)
Foreign languages
Health, physical education
Vocational, career, or technical education
{If usermode=web} Other subject {else} Any other subject

Help Text:

Indicate the subject areas taught in the teaching position referenced in the question. Choose all that apply.
Most middle, junior high, or high school teachers teach specific subjects and, therefore, should indicate the specific subjects they teach/taught. Use "general education in middle or secondary grades" only to indicate teaching in general education (i.e., teaching a wide variety of subjects to a single group of students during the day) at the middle grades or secondary level.
Only indicate "other subject" if you teach in a subject area that does not fit into one of the pre-specified fields.


Are you currently certified to teach...
(Please choose all that apply)
Elementary education (general curriculum in elementary or middle grades)
Special education
Arts and music
English or language arts
English as a second language (ESL)
Foreign languages
Health, physical education
Mathematics or computer science
Natural sciences (e.g., biology, chemistry)
Social sciences (e.g., social studies, psychology)
Vocational, career, or technical education
General education in middle or secondary grades
{If usermode=web} Other subject area {else} Any other subject area
None of the above

Help Text:

Indicate the fields in which you are certified to teach. Choose all that apply.
A license or certificate for a particular field is issued when a teacher has successfully completed a list of requirements which may include but is not limited to successful completion of coursework, exams, and/or a certain number of teaching hours (student teaching).
Most middle, junior high, or high school teachers teach specific subjects and, therefore, should indicate the specific subjects in which they are certified. Use "general education in middle or secondary grades" only to indicate certification in general education (i.e., being certified to teach a wide variety of subjects to a single group of students during the day) at the middle grades or secondary level.
Only indicate "other subject" if your field does not fit into one of the pre-specified fields.


[If B18ESTWK = 1] At [current/most recent school], what are the lowest and highest grades that you teach? (If you only teach one grade level, please select the same grade level for both the lowest and highest grades.)
[else] At [current/most recent school], what were the lowest and highest grades you taught? (If you only taught one grade level, please select the same grade level for both the lowest and highest grades.)
Lowest grade level:
-Select one-
Kindergarten – Twelfth grade
Highest grade level:

-Select one-

Kindergarten – Twelfth grade  
[{If B18ESTWK = 1}Teach {else} Taught] ungraded students

Help Text:

Indicate the lowest and highest grades taught in the teaching position referenced in the question. If you taught only one grade, indicate the same grade level for both the lowest and highest grade.
Report the lowest grade and highest grade you taught in the teaching position referenced in the question, not the lowest and highest grades taught at the school.

Ungraded students refers to students who are not formally classified by grade level. If you teach or taught both graded and ungraded students in this position, please select the lowest and highest grade levels of the graded students and also indicate that you teach or taught ungraded students in this position.


On a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 means "strongly disagree" and 5 means "strongly agree", please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements about [{if B18ESTWK = 1} your current school leadership {else} the school leadership where you last worked]?
[{if B18ESTWK = 1} School leadership supports and encourages staff. {else} School leadership supported and encouraged staff.]

School leadership [{if B18ESTWK = 1} enforces {else} enforced] school rules for students' conduct and [{if B18ESTWK =1} backs [{if CATI mode} you {else} me] up when [{if CATI mode} you {else} I] need it {else} backed [{if CATI mode} you {else} me] up when [{if CATI mode} you {else} I] needed it].

School leadership [{if B18ESTWK = 1} communicates {else} communicated] to the staff what kind of school they [{if B18ESTWK = 1} want. {else} wanted.]

(Strongly disagree)
(Neither agree nor disagree)
(Strongly agree)

Help Text:

Indicate your level of agreement with each of the statements in question about the school leadership of your school.


[If B18ESTWK = 1] Is your current teaching position represented by a teacher union or other labor union?
[else] Was your most recent teaching position represented by a teacher union or other labor union?

Yes, and I [{if B18ESTWK = 1} am {else} was] a dues-paying member

Yes, and I [{if B18ESTWK = 1} am {else} was] not a dues-paying member


Don't know

Help Text:

Indicate whether you are represented by a teacher or some other labor union in your current teaching position.

A labor union is a group of organized workers who are typically in a specific profession like teaching. The union serves to represent workers' collective rights and interests in the employer-employee relationship.

Dues-paying members of labor unions make regular financial contributions (often monthly) to the labor union.



What is the main reason you left [current/most recent school]?

Dissatisfied with [current/most recent school]

Found better opportunities at another school

Laid off or involuntarily transferred

Did not obtain or maintain license

Personal reasons (e.g. relocation, health or disability, to care for children or other dependents)

Another reason not listed

Help Text:

Please indicate the main reason you are no longer teaching at the school in question.


Were you dissatisfied with...
Salary and benefits
Workplace conditions (e.g. class size, grade level or subject area, facilities, classroom resources)
Student discipline and behavior
Class size
Lack of support from students' parents
Lack of support from supervisors and administrators
Too many non-teaching responsibilities
Limited opportunities to advance in career
School safety

Help Text:

Select all options that you were not satisfied with at the school in which your held your current or most recent teaching position.


[If B&B:12 respondent] Not including [current/most recent school], have you taught at any other schools as a K-12 regular classroom teacher since [last interview date]?
[else] Not including [current/most recent school], have you taught at any other schools as a K-12 regular classroom teacher since July 2012?



Help Text:

Indicate "yes" if you have worked as a teacher at any other schools since the date in question.


What is the name of another school where you taught?
(If you are unable to find your school, click "School not listed.")
El/sec number:

A public school operated by a school/county district

A private Catholic school

A private school--other religious affiliation

A private school--no religious affiliation

A public school operated by state/federal agency (e.g. BIA, DOD, prison school)

Other (charter school, hospital school)

Help Text:

To search for your school, start typing in the school name; a list of schools matching your entry will be displayed. From the responses displayed, select the school that most closely matches your entry and click "Next."
If you can't find your school from among the responses returned, click "School not listed."


What is the main reason you left [previous school]?

Dissatisfied with [previous school]

Found better opportunity at another school

Laid off or involuntarily transferred

Did not obtain or maintain license

Personal reasons (e.g. relocation, health or disability, to care for children or other dependents)

Another reason not listed

Help Text:

Please indicate the main reason you are no longer teaching at this school.


Were you dissatisfied with...
Salary and benefits
Workplace conditions (e.g., class size, grade level or subject area, facilities, classroom resources, school safety)
Student discipline and behavior
Lack of support from student's parents
Lack of support from school leadership
Too many non-teaching responsibilities
Limited opportunities to advance in career

Help Text:

Select all options that you were not satisfied with at this school.


[If B&B:12 respondent] Aside from these schools you already told [{if CATI mode} me {else} us] about, have you taught as a K-12 regular classroom teacher at any additional schools since [last interview date]?

[else] Aside from these schools you already told [{if CATI mode} me {else} us] about, have you taught as a K-12 regular classroom teacher at any additional schools since July 2012?

[current/most recent school]

[previous school01 - from loop 1]

[previous school01 - from loop X]



Help Text:

If you have taught at a school that is not listed since the date in question, select "yes."


In your current teaching position, are you satisfied with each of the following...
Student discipline and behavior
Class size(s)
The support you receive from students' parents
The support you receive from administrators
School safety
Requirements for standardized testing
Non-teaching responsibilities
Opportunities to advance in your career

Help Text:

Indicate whether or not you have been satisfied with each of the aspects of your most recent K-12 teaching position.

B18ETCHSTAY (Abbrev)

One of the purposes of B&B is to learn about the teaching profession and what motivates someone to become a teacher and stay in teaching. According to our records, you reported teaching in the past and are currently teaching.
What has motivated you to continue in the teaching profession?
(Please choose all that apply)
Prestige of occupation
Working with children
Opportunity to contribute to society
Ability to balance personal life and work
Relationships with colleagues
Other reason(s)

Help Text:

Please indicate all of the factors that motivated you to stay in the teaching profession.


How likely do you think it is that you will move into a non-teaching job in elementary or secondary education, such as a principal or an administrator?

Not at all likely

Somewhat likely


Very likely

Help Text:

Non-teaching jobs are positions in the education field, but they may not require classroom teaching (for example, principals or school district administrators).

B18ETCHLEVA (Abbrev)

What is the main reason you are no longer teaching as a regular classroom teacher?

Dissatisfied with teaching

Left classroom teaching but remained in education

Left to pursue another career or to enroll in school

Laid off or involuntarily transferred

Did not obtain or maintain license

Personal reasons (e.g. relocation, health or disability, to care for children or other dependents)

Another reason not listed

Help Text:

Please indicate the main reason why you left teaching.

B18ETCHLEVB (Abbrev)

Were you dissatisfied with…
Salary and benefits
Teaching as a career
Student discipline and behavior
Lack of support from student's parents
Lack of support from school leadership
Too many non-teaching responsibilities
Limited opportunities to advance in career
Requirements for standardized testing

Help Text:

Indicate whether you have been dissatisfied with each of these aspects of your teaching position.


You just indicated you left classroom teaching but remained in education. What type of position did you hold after leaving the classroom?

District leader (e.g., school district administrator, chief academic officer)

School leader (e.g., principal or school head, assistant principal)

Academic school specialist (e.g., instructional coordinator, academic coach or specialist)

Other school specialist (e.g., librarian, library technician, counselor or school psychologist)

Other position

Help Text:

Non-teaching jobs are positions in the education field, but they may not require classroom teaching (for example, principals or school district administrators). Please select the option that best describes the position you held in education after leaving K-12 classroom teaching.
District leader: select this option if the position is a leadership role for a school district or system of schools
School leader: select this option if the position is a leadership role at an individual school
Academic school specialist: select this option if the position's primary responsibility is to provide
academic support
Other school specialist: select this option if the position's primary responsibility is to provide
non-academic support
Other position: select this option if the position does not fit into any of the above categories


Have you heard of the TEACH Grant Program?



Help Text:

Through the College Cost Reduction and Access Act of 2007, Congress created the Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant Program that provides grants of up to $4,000 per year to students who intend to teach in a public or private elementary or secondary school that serves students from low-income families.

To learn more about the National TEACH grant, visit this website after you complete the survey:



Are you aware of loan forgiveness programs which allow you to cancel all or part of your student loans in return for service to the community through teaching?



Help Text:

Loan forgiveness programs are offered to certain public service employees, such as those teaching in low-income areas. After the required number of years of service, any remaining loan balance may be forgiven if certain eligibility requirements are met.
Indicate "Yes" if you are aware of a teacher loan forgiveness program.



Did knowing about a teacher loan forgiveness program influence you to become a teacher?



Help Text:

Indicate "Yes" if knowing about a teacher loan forgiveness program influenced you in any way to prepare to become a teacher (even if you are not currently a teacher).


Have you participated in a loan forgiveness program for teachers?



Help Text:

Respond "Yes" if you have participated or are applying to participate or establishing eligibility to participate in a state or federal loan forgiveness program specifically for teachers. For example, individuals who teach in certain elementary and secondary schools that serve low-income families and meet other qualifications such as teaching for a certain amount of time, may be eligible to have part or all of their education loans forgiven. Also, respond "yes" if you are part of a teacher fellowship programs where any education loan amount is forgiven after a certain number of years of teaching service.
Respond "No" if you have not participated in a teacher loan forgiveness program. Also respond "No" if you are participating in another type of student loan forgiveness program, but not in a loan forgiveness program specifically for teachers.



Now, [{if CATI mode} I {else} we] have some additional questions that will help us better understand the experiences of individuals from different backgrounds.

Help Text:

This is an introductory screen. Please select "next" to continue.


What is the highest level of education your mother (or female guardian) completed?

Did not complete high school

High school diploma or equivalent

Vocational/technical training

Some college but no degree

Associate's degree (usually a 2-year degree)

Bachelor's degree (usually a 4-year degree)

Master's degree or equivalent

Doctoral degree (PhD, EdD, etc.)

Professional degree (chiropractic, dentistry, law, medicine, optometry, pharmacy, podiatry, or veterinary medicine)

Don't know

Help Text:

Indicate the highest level of education that your mother (or female guardian) ever completed. If your mother (or female guardian) was in school for a particular degree but has not completed that degree, choose the option for her highest completed degree or level of education.
High school: Completion of the secondary level of education, usually in the form of a high school diploma, high school completion certificate, or General Educational Development (GED) equivalency exam.
Vocational/technical training: Prepares learners for careers that are based in manual or practical activities, traditionally non-academic and related to a specific trade, occupation or vocation.
Associate's Degree: An award that normally requires at least 2 but less than 4 years of full-time equivalent college work.
Bachelor's Degree: A degree, usually awarded by a 4-year college or university, that usually requires at least 4 years of full-time college-level work.
Master's degree (MA, MS, MBA, MFA, etc.): A university-awarded degree that usually requires at least 2 years of full-time graduate-level work, and may require a thesis or a practicum.
Professional degree: A formal award certifying the satisfactory completion of a postsecondary education program in any of the following professional fields: chiropractic, dentistry, law, medicine, optometry, osteopathic medicine, pharmacy, podiatry, divinity/theology, or veterinary medicine.
Doctoral degree (PhD, EdD, etc.): A university-awarded degree that usually requires at least 4 years of full-time graduate-level work and usually requires a dissertation.


What is the highest level of education your father (or male guardian) completed?

Did not complete high school

High school diploma or equivalent

Vocational/technical training

Some college but no degree

Associate's degree (usually a 2-year degree)

Bachelor's degree (usually a 4-year degree)

Master's degree or equivalent

Doctoral degree (PhD, EdD, etc.)

Professional degree (chiropractic, dentistry, law, medicine, optometry, pharmacy, podiatry, or veterinary medicine)

Don't know

Help Text:

Indicate the highest level of education that your father (or male guardian) ever completed. If your father (or male guardian) was in school for a particular degree but has not completed that degree, choose the option for his highest completed degree or level of education.
High school: Completion of the secondary level of education, usually in the form of a high school diploma, high school completion certificate, or General Educational Development (GED) equivalency exam.
Vocational/technical training: Prepares learners for careers that are based in manual or practical activities, traditionally non-academic and related to a specific trade, occupation or vocation.
Associate's Degree: An award that normally requires at least 2 but less than 4 years of full-time equivalent college work.
Bachelor's Degree: A degree, usually awarded by a 4-year college or university, that usually requires at least 4 years of full-time college-level work.
Master's degree (MA, MS, MBA, MFA, etc.): A university-awarded degree that usually requires at least 2 years of full-time graduate-level work, and may require a thesis or a practicum.
Professional degree: A formal award certifying the satisfactory completion of a postsecondary education program in any of the following professional fields: chiropractic, dentistry, law, medicine, optometry, osteopathic medicine, pharmacy, podiatry, divinity/theology, or veterinary medicine.
Doctoral degree (PhD, EdD, etc.): A university-awarded degree that usually requires at least 4 years of full-time graduate-level work and usually requires a dissertation.


Were you born in the United States (including Puerto Rico or another U.S. territory)?



Help Text:

United States territories and outlying areas include American Samoa, the Federated States of Micronesia, Guam, Midway Islands, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. If you were born in any of these, indicate "Yes."
If you were born on a U.S. military base outside of the U.S., please indicate "Yes."


Are you a U.S. citizen?


No - Resident alien, permanent resident, or other eligible non-citizen; hold a temporary resident's card or other eligible non-citizen temporary resident's card

No - Student visa, in the country on an F1 or F2 visa, or on a J1 or J2 exchange visitor visa

No - None of the above

Help Text:

Indicate your citizenship status.
If you are a U.S. citizen or U.S. national, check "yes." If you are a U.S. permanent resident with an Alien Registration Receipt Card (I-151 or I-551), or an eligible noncitizen with an Arrival-Departure Record (I-94), or an eligible noncitizen with a Temporary Resident Card (I-688), check "No - Resident alien."
If you are in the U.S. under any of the following, please mark "No - Student visa, in the country on an F1 or F2 visa, or on a J1 or J2 exchange visitor visa."

F1 visa - an alien having residence in a foreign country which he/she has no intention of abandoning, who is a bona fide student qualified to pursue a full course of study and who seeks to enter the United States temporarily and solely for the purpose of pursuing such a course of study at an educational institution in the United States.
F2 visa - For a spouse and/or dependent children of a student with an F1 visa to enter the U.S.
J1 visa - an alien having residence in a foreign country which he/she has no intention of abandoning who is a bona fide student, scholar, trainee, teacher, professor, research assistant, specialist, or leader in a field of specialized knowledge or skill, or other person of similar description, who is coming temporarily to the United States as a participant in a program
for the purpose of teaching, instructing or lecturing, studying, observing, conducting research, consulting, demonstrating special skills, or receiving training.
J2 visa - For a spouse and/or dependent children of a person with an J1 visa to enter the U.S.

If none of these options apply to you, please select "None of the above."



Was the high school from which you graduated public or private?



Graduated from a foreign high school

Home schooled

Help Text:

Please indicate whether you graduated from a public, private, or foreign high school.
A private school is run and supported by churches, individuals, or a corporation.
A public school is run and supported by the government or a public agency. If you graduated from a charter or magnet school, please select public.

B18FHSCDR (Abbrev) (Mini)

What is the name of the high school from which you graduated? (If you are unable to find your high school, click "School not listed.")

School name

District name

County name

Lowest/highest grade

Help Text:

To search for your school, start typing in the school name; a list of schools matching your entry will be displayed. From the responses displayed, select the school that most closely matches your entry and click "Next."

If you can't find your school from among the responses returned, click "School not listed."



Is English your native language?



Help Text:

Native language refers to the first language that a person learned as a child at home, usually from their parents or guardians.

If you consider English to be your first or native language, indicate "yes," otherwise, indicate "no."


Please indicate whether or not each of the following describes your current military status.
Active duty
National Guard

Help Text:

Indicate whether you are a veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces, are currently serving in the Armed Forces on active duty, or are in the Reserves.
The Armed Forces include the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and the Coast Guard.
A veteran is someone who has served in the U.S. Armed Forces in the past.
Active duty means full-time employment in the uniformed service as an officer or enlisted person. Civilian employees of the military are not included.
In this question, Reserves refers to part-time employment in the Army Reserve, Navy Reserve, Marine Corps Reserve, Air Force Reserve, or Coast Guard Reserve. These reserve components are administered and trained by the corresponding service branch.
In this question, National Guard refers to part-time employment in the Army National Guard or Air National Guard. National Guard personnel operate under a state governor, except when called into federal service.

B18AMARR (Abbrev) (Mini)

What is your current marital status?

Single, never married





Help Text:

Marital status is being asked to help determine the size of your current household and whether a spouse or partner should be included in questions about dependents, assets, and debts for the household.
Provide your current marital status. If you are currently unmarried, be sure to indicate whether you are "single, never married" or "separated" or "divorced" or "widowed."



[If B18AMARR = 3] In what month and year were you separated? [If B18AMARR = 4] In what month and year were you divorced?
[else] In what month and year were you married?
-Select one-
January - December
-Select one-
Before 2008 - 2019

Help Text:

Please indicate the date in which your current marital status occurred. If you have more than one change in marital status, please provide the date of the most recent change.


Is there another adult in your household with whom you are sharing financial responsibilities and decisions, such as income, bills, and budgeting?



Help Text:

Indicate if there is another adult in your household who contributes to the financial responsibilities and helps you make financial decisions (e.g., a domestic partner or spouse, boyfriend or girlfriend, parent, sibling, or friend).
This question is being asked to help determine who should be included in questions about dependents, assets, and debts for the household.


Which best describes this person?
Would you say a…

Domestic partner or spouse

Boyfriend or girlfriend



Friend or roommate


Help Text:

If you share financial responsibilities with a domestic partner or spouse and another person, please select, "Domestic partner or spouse."
If you share financial responsibilities with two or more people (not including a domestic partner or spouse) please select the person for whom you share the greatest percentage of responsibilities and decisions.
This question is being asked to help determine who should be included in questions about dependents, assets, and debts for the household.


Do you currently live with…
(Please choose all that apply)
A spouse or partner
Children and/or other dependents
Parents or in-laws
Another person (e.g., roommate)
Live alone

Help Text:

Describe who lives in your house with you. If you are in a marriage-like relationship with someone, but you are not married, indicate that you live with your "Spouse or partner."
If you live by yourself, with no one else, please indicate "Live alone."


These next few questions will help us better understand the experiences of people of all sexual orientations and gender identities.
What sex were you assigned at birth (what the doctor put on your birth certificate)?



Help Text:

Indicate the sex that you were assigned at birth, that is, what the doctor put on your original birth certificate.


What is your gender?
Your gender is how you feel inside and can be the same or different from your biological or birth sex.
(Please choose all that apply)
Transgender, male-to-female
Transgender, female-to-male
Genderqueer or gender nonconforming
Please describe
A different identity
Please describe

Help Text:

Gender includes gender identity and gender expression. Gender identity means one's inner sense of one's own gender, which may or may not match the sex assigned at birth. Different people choose to express their gender identity differently. For some, gender may be expressed through, for example, dress, grooming, mannerisms, speech patterns, and social interactions. Gender expression usually ranges between masculine and feminine, and some transgender people express their gender consistent with how they identify internally, rather than in accordance with the sex they were assigned at birth.

Transgender: When a person's birth sex and gender do not match, they might think of themselves as transgender.

Gender queer and gender nonconforming: These are terms used to identify people whose gender may not conform to the sex they were assigned at birth. Often these terms may be used by people who identify their gender as something other than "male" or "female." Their gender may fall somewhere between male and female, or may fall outside the traditional male/female gender distinctions.



[If WEB mode] Do you think of yourself as...
[else] Now I will read a list of terms people sometimes use to describe how they think of themselves.

(Bulleted list)

As I read the list again, please say "Yes" when you hear the option that best describes how you think of yourself.

Lesbian or gay, that is, homosexual

Straight, that is, heterosexual


Another sexual orientation

Please describe

Don’t know

Please describe

Help Text:

Sexual orientation is someone's emotional or physical attraction to the same and/or opposite sex.



Discrimination may happen when people are treated unfairly because they are seen as different from others based on a personal characteristic (such as race, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, citizenship status, or some other characteristic).
Do you feel that you have ever been treated unfairly at work because of your...
Race or ethnicity
Sexual orientation
National origin or citizenship status
Gender identity

Help Text:

Select "yes” next to all for which you have felt discriminated against and “no” next to all for which you have not felt discriminated against at work.

For the purposes of this question, consider the U.S. federal laws regarding discrimination. Select "yes" if you have experienced discrimination that resulted in the differential treatment on the basis of your race/ethnicity, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin, and citizenship status in any of the following ways:

hiring and firing;

compensation, assignment, or classification of employees;

transfer, promotion, layoff, or recall;

job advertisements;



use of company facilities;

training and apprenticeship programs;

fringe benefits;

pay, retirement plans, and disability leave;

other terms and conditions of employment.



In general, how accepting would you say your current workplace is of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender employees?

Very accepting

Somewhat accepting

Not very accepting

Not at all accepting

Help Text:

Please indicate whether your current work environment is very accepting, somewhat accepting, not very accepting, or not at all accepting of those who identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender.

B18FDEPS (Abbrev) (Mini)

One of the goals of this study is to learn about the household characteristics of people after they earn a bachelor's degree. Do you [{if B18AMARR = 2} or your spouse {if B18AFINWHO = 1} or your partner] have any dependent children? (Dependent children need not live with you. Include any children for whom you [{if B18AMARR = 2} or your spouse {if B18AFINWHO = 1} or your partner] provide 50% or more of their financial support.)



Help Text:

Dependent children do not have to live with you, but have to receive 50% or more of their financial support from you or your spouse. Do not include yourself or your spouse as a dependent.


B18FDEP2 (Abbrev) (Mini)

[If B18AMARR = 2] How many dependent children do you or your spouse support financially?
[else if B18AFINWHO = 1] How many dependent children do you or your partner support financially?
[else] How many dependent children do you support financially?
| dependent(s)

Help Text:

Dependent children do not have to live with you, but have to receive 50% or more of their financial support from you or your spouse. Do not include yourself or your spouse as a dependent.



[If B18FDEP2 = 1] In what month and year was your dependent child born?
[else] In what month and year were your dependent children born?

-Select one-
January - December
-Select one-
Before 1985 - 2019

Help Text:

Knowing about family responsibilities can be important in understanding a person's education and employment history.
Please provide the dates of birth for any dependent children you have.


[If B18FDEP2 = 1] Did you become financially responsible for your dependent at the same time as his or her birth? (Answer "no" if you started to financially support [{if B18FDEP2 = 1} your dependent {else} any of your dependents] at a time other than [{if B18FDEP2 = 1} his or her {else} their] birth, such as through adoption, foster care, etc.)
[else] Did you become financially responsible for all of your dependents at the same time as their birth? (Answer "no" if you started to financially support [{if B18FDEP2 = 1} your dependent {else} any of your dependents] at a time other than [{if B18FDEP2 = 1} his or her {else} their] birth, such as through adoption, foster care, etc.)



Help Text:

If the date of financial dependency for your dependent(s) differs from their date of birth, please select "No." Otherwise, choose "Yes."


[If B18FDEP2 = 1] We would like to know when your child became financially dependent upon you. If he or she became dependent upon you at a time other than his or her birth (through adoption, foster care, etc.) please indicate the month and year he or she became your dependent.
[else] For each dependent child, we would like to know when he or she became financially dependent upon you. If he or she became dependent upon you at a time other than his or her birth (through adoption, foster care, etc.) please indicate the month and year he or she became your dependent.

-Select one-
January - December
-Select one-
Before 1985 - 2019

Help Text:

Please indicate when your dependent child(ren) became financially dependent upon you.
If he or she became financially dependent on the same date as their birth, please check the box "Same as date of birth."
If their date of financial dependency differs from their date of birth, please select that date from the month and year options provided.


How much (on average) do you pay each month for childcare?
Don't know

Help Text:

Indicate the average monthly amount that you (or your spouse, if applicable) pay for childcare. If you are not sure, provide your best guess. Consider childcare to be a place, program, or organization that takes care of children while their family members are not present.


Since [{if B&B:12 respondent} [last interview date] {else} July 2012], have you taken paid or unpaid leave that lasted six consecutive weeks or longer for the birth or adoption of a child, to raise your children, or the medical care of your children?



Help Text:

Paid or unpaid leave includes any planned or unplanned absences from your job specifically for the care of your child (biological or adopted). Leave could include absences under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) or your employer's parental leave policy and vacation time.

Do not include paid or unpaid leave for the care of your child that was less than six consecutive weeks. For example, if you took one week of leave per year for the last 6 years, you would answer "No".



Do you [{if B18AMARR = 2} or your spouse {if B18AFINWHO = 1} or your partner] have any other dependents that you support financially or are their primary caregiver? (Dependents need not live with you [{if B18AMARR = 2} or your spouse {if B18AFINWHO = 1} or your partner]. They may include siblings, parents, other relatives, or other individuals for whom you [{if B18AMARR = 2} or your spouse {if B18AFINWHO = 1} or your partner] provide 50% or more of their financial support or are considered to be the primary caregiver.)



Help Text:

If you provide more than 50% of the financial support for another individual, other than a spouse/domestic partner or a child, please answer, "Yes."
Also answer "Yes" if you are the primary caregiver for that person.
Other dependents can include parents, siblings, other relatives, or other unrelated individuals. They do not have to be living with you.


In what month and year did you [{if B18AMARR = 2} or your spouse {if B18AFINWHO = 1} or your partner] begin providing financial support or became the primary caregiver to your other dependent(s)?
-Select one-
January - December
-Select one-
Before 1990 - 2019

Help Text:

Please provide the date in which the other dependent became dependent upon you, either because you provide financial support or are the primary caregiver to that person.
Knowing about family responsibilities can be important in understanding a person's education and employment history.


Now we have some questions for you about your general financial situation. This information is important to understanding how individuals with a bachelor's degree have transitioned into life outside of college. Do you usually pay off your credit card balances each month, or carry balances over from month to month?

No credit cards

Pay off balances

Carry balances

Help Text:

Credit cards allow cardholders to carry debt from month to month. Examples of amounts on credit cards to include in your answer are balances on VISA, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, retail store credit cards, gas cards, etc.

Do not include the following:

Cards that have your name on them but the account has been issued to a parent, spouse, or other relative, or the bill is paid by someone else.

Debit cards or ATM (Automatic Teller Machine) cards. Debit cards are tied directly to a checking or savings account so that the amount charged is taken directly out of the account.

Company cards that are billed directly to a department within a business or organization.

A balance on your credit card(s) means that there is an amount owed on your credit card(s) that is not usually paid off in full each month. Paying off your credit card balance(s) each month means there is $0 owed on your credit card(s) after your bill has been paid.



What was the total amount you owed on all your credit cards combined according to your last month's statements?

Help Text:

Estimate the total amount that you owe from your most recent statements--or current outstanding balance--on all credit cards in your name.

If you are unsure of the amount, provide your best guess.



For each of the following please indicate whether or not you have each type of retirement savings account, either provided by an employer, your own savings, or a combination.
Other retirement savings account

Help Text:

Please indicate whether you have any of the following types of retirement accounts.
An IRA is an individual retirement account (IRA) that allows individuals to direct pretax income, up to specific annual limits, toward investments that can grow tax-deferred (no capital gains or dividend income is taxed). Contributions to the traditional IRA may be tax-deductible depending on the taxpayer's income, tax-filing status and other factors. There are several variations of an IRA, including: the
Roth IRA, Simple IRA and SEP IRA.
A 401(k) is a qualified plan established by employers to which eligible employees may make salary deferral (salary reduction) contributions on a post-tax and/or pretax basis. Employers offering a 401(k) plan may make matching or non-elective contributions to the plan on behalf of eligible employees and may also add a profit-sharing feature to the plan.
A 403(b) is a retirement plan for certain employees of public schools, tax-exempt organizations and certain ministers. The features of a 403(b) plan are very similar to those of a 401(k) plan.
A Pension is a retirement plan provided by an employer that provides the employee with an income when they are no longer earning a regular income from their employment. U.S. government Social Security is not considered a Pension.
Any other retirement savings account includes an employer based retirement account not listed above.


Not counting any contributions made on your behalf, in the past 12 months did you contribute to your...
Other retirement savings account

Help Text:

Please indicate whether you have contributed to each of your retirement savings accounts in the past 12 months. Please only answer "Yes" if you have contributed your money into the account.
not include money contributed into the account solely from your employer.

B18FDISTNC (Abbrev) (Mini)

What is the 5-digit ZIP code of your permanent address? Your permanent address is usually your legal residence, such as where you maintain your driver's license or are registered to vote.

Help Text:

To search for your ZIP code, start typing in your 5-digit ZIP code (or city); a list of cities matching your entry will be displayed. From the responses displayed, select the ZIP code that most closely matches your entry and click "Next." If you can't find your ZIP code from among the responses returned, click "ZIP Code not listed" then click "Next."

B18FHOUSE (Abbrev)

[If B18AMARR = 2] Do you own a home or pay rent? (If someone other than your spouse makes housing payments on your behalf, please select, "None of the above.")
[else if B18AFINWHO = 1] Do you own a home or pay rent? (If someone other than your partner makes housing payments on your behalf, please select, "None of the above.")
[else] Do you own a home or pay rent? (If someone makes housing payments on your behalf, please select, "None of the above.")
(Please choose all that apply)
Pay mortgage
Pay rent
Own home(s) outright
None of the above

Help Text:

Indicate if pay rent, pay a mortgage, own a home outright, or none of the above.
If you rent your home from another person or organization, please select, "Pay rent."
If you purchased your home, but are making mortgage payments, please select, "Pay mortgage."
If you purchased your home, and have finished paying all of the payments, please select, "Own home(s) outright."
If someone other than you and/or a spouse pays your mortgage or your rent on your behalf, select "None if the above."



[If B18FMORTG = 1 and B18FRENT = 1] How much (on average) is your total monthly housing payment (including both rent and mortgage payments)? Please indicate only the amount that you [{if B18AMARR = 2} or your spouse {else if B18AFINWHO = 1} or your partner] are responsible for paying. If someone else pays your total monthly housing payment on your behalf, please indicate "0."
[else if B18FMORTG = 1] How much (on average) is your total monthly mortgage payment? Please indicate only the amount that you [{if B18AMARR = 2} or your spouse {else if B18AFINWHO = 1} or your partner] are responsible for paying. If someone else pays your total monthly mortgage payment on your behalf, please indicate "0."
[else if B18FRENT = 1] How much (on average) is your total monthly rent payment? Please indicate only the amount that you [{if B18AMARR = 2} or your spouse {else if B18AFINWHO = 1} or your partner] are responsible for paying. If someone else pays your total monthly rent payment on your behalf, please indicate "0."
[else] How much (on average) is your total monthly rent or mortgage payment? Please indicate only the amount that you [{if B18AMARR = 2} or your spouse {else if B18AFINWHO = 1} or your partner] are responsible for paying. If you do not have a monthly housing payment or someone else pays your monthly housing payment on your behalf, please indicate "0."
$|.00 per month
Don't know

Help Text:

Indicate the amount of your total monthly mortgage and/or rent payment(s). Expenses directly related to your monthly housing payments, such as multiple mortgages payments, construction loans, and homeowner's association fees, etc., should be included in this amount. Do not include amounts for household expenses such as utilities.
Indicate only the amount paid by you or a spouse or partner. Do not include payments made by anyone else on your behalf.
If you have no mortgage payment (for example, mortgage is paid off) enter "0."
Enter "0" if someone else, other than your spouse or your partner, pays your rent and/or mortgage entirely.


What is the approximate current value of your home(s)?

Help Text:

Please provide your best estimate of the current value of your home(s) regardless of the amount that you may owe. If you both own a home and pay rent, please answer about the home that you own.


About how much do you [{if B18AMARR = 2} or your spouse {else if B18AFINWHO = 1} or your partner] owe on the mortgage(s) for your home(s)?
(If you owe nothing for your mortgage(s), please enter "0.")

Help Text:

Please indicate how much you and/or your spouse currently owe on the mortgage of your home(s). If you are unsure, please provide your best estimate.


Do you [{if B18AMARR = 2} or your spouse {if B18AFINWHO = 1} or your partner] have a loan or a lease for a vehicle (car, truck, motorcycle, or other vehicle)? If someone makes vehicle loan or lease payments on [{if B18AMARR = 2} behalf of you or your spouse {if B18AFINWHO = 1} behalf of you or your partner {else} your behalf], please answer, "No."



Help Text:

Please indicate whether you (and your spouse/domestic partner) have a monthly vehicle loan or lease. Vehicles can include cars, trucks, and motorcycles.


What is the total amount you [{if B18AMARR = 2} or your spouse {if B18AFINWHO = 1} or your partner] pay each month for your vehicle loan(s) or lease(s)?
$|.00 per month

Help Text:

Indicate the amount of your monthly loan or lease payment(s) for all vehicles (car, truck, motorcycle, etc.) owned by you. Do not add your car insurance payment to the loan or lease amount. Only indicate the amount of your loan or lease payment.
Please provide the amount paid by you or your spouse or partner only. Do not include payments made by anyone else on your behalf.


B18FINCOM (Abbrev) (Mini)

What was your income for calendar year 2017, prior to taxes and deductions? (Calendar year 2017 includes January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017. Include all income you paid taxes on, including work, investment income, or alimony. Do not include [{if B18AMARR = 2} your spouse's income, {if B18AFINWHO = 1} partner’s income,] any grants or loans you may have used to pay for school, or any money given to you by your family.)

Help Text:

Knowing about financial assets and obligations is important in understanding the benefits and outcomes for college graduates.
Estimate your gross income for calendar year 2017 (January 2017-December 2017).
Gross income is the full amount earned before taxes, Social Security, and other deductions. If you are unsure, provide your best estimate.
Please include earned income from assistantships, work-study, trust funds, or a similar source. Do not include money from scholarships, grants or loans, or any money given to you by your family.


[If B18AMARR = 2] Excluding your spouse's income, please indicate the range that best estimates your income from all sources (including income from work, investments, alimony, etc.), prior to taxes and deductions, for calendar year 2017 (January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017).
[else if B18AFINWHO = 1] Excluding your domestic partner's income, please indicate the range that best estimates your income from all sources (including income from work, investments, alimony, etc.), prior to taxes and deductions, for calendar year 2017 (January 1, 2017 December 31, 2017).
[else] Please indicate the range that best estimates your income from all sources (including income from work, investments, alimony, etc.) prior to taxes and deductions for calendar year 2017 (January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017).

Less than $20,000










$150,000 or more

Don't know

Help Text:

Knowing about financial assets and obligations is important in understanding the benefits and outcomes for college graduates.
Using the ranges provided, estimate your gross income for calendar year 2017 (January 2017-December 2017).
Gross income is the full amount earned before taxes, Social Security, and other deductions. If you are unsure, provide your best estimate.
Please include earned income from assistantships, work-study, trust funds, or a similar source. Do not include money from scholarships, grants or loans, or any money given to you by your family.


[If B18AFINWHO = 1] Did your partner work for pay in calendar year 2017 (January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017)?
[else] Did your spouse work for pay in calendar year 2017 (January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017)?



Help Text:

If your spouse has been employed for pay at any time from January 2017 to December 2017, please select "Yes." If not, please select "No."


[If B18AFINWHO = 1] What was your partner's income for calendar year 2017, prior to taxes and deductions? (Calendar year 2017 includes January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017. Include all income your partner paid taxes on, including work, investment income, or alimony. Do not include any grants or loans your partner may have used to pay for school, or any money given to your spouse by family.)
[else] What was your spouse's income for calendar year 2017, prior to taxes and deductions? (Calendar year 2017 includes January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017. Include all income your spouse paid taxes on, including work, investment income, or alimony. Do not include any grants or loans your spouse may have used to pay for school, or any money given to your spouse by family.)
[If B18AFINWHO=1] Check here if you were not living with your partner in 2017
[else] Check here if you were not married to your spouse in 2017

Help Text:

Knowing about financial assets and obligations is important in understanding the benefits and outcomes for college graduates.
Estimate your spouse's gross income for calendar year 2017 (January 2017-December 2017).
Gross income is the full amount earned before taxes, Social Security, and other deductions. If you are unsure, provide your best estimate.


[If B18AFINWHO = 1] Please indicate the range that best estimates your partner's income from all sources (including income from work, investments, alimony, etc.), prior to taxes and deductions, in calendar year 2017 (January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017).
[else] Please indicate the range that best estimates your spouse's income from all sources (including income from work, investments, alimony, etc.), prior to taxes and deductions, in calendar year 2017 (January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017).

Less than $20,000










$150,000 or more

Don't know

Help Text:

It is important to this study to learn about the general socioeconomic background of persons who are enrolled in higher education. Using the ranges provided, estimate your spouse's gross income for calendar year 2017 (January 2017-December 2017).
Gross income is the full amount earned before taxes, Social Security, and other deductions. If you are unsure, please use the ranges given to provide your best estimate.


[If B18AFINWHO = 1] What is the highest level of education that your partner has completed?
[else] What is the highest level of education that your spouse has completed?

Did not complete high school

High school diploma or equivalent

Vocational or technical training

Less than 2 years of college

Associate's degree

2 or more years of college but no degree

Bachelor's degree

Graduate degree (Master's, Ph.D., Ed.D., or professional degree such as dentistry, law, medicine, pharmacy, divinity/theology)

Help Text:

Indicate your spouse's highest level of education.
If your spouse did not finish high school or a high school equivalency program, select "did not complete high school."
High school diploma or equivalent: Completion of the secondary level of education, usually in the form of a high school diploma, high school completion certificate, or General Educational Development (GED) equivalency exam.
Vocational or technical training: Prepares learners for careers that are based in manual or practical activities, traditionally non-academic and related to a specific trade, occupation or vocation.
If your spouse has attended college without receiving specific vocational or technical training or a degree of any kind, select "less than two years of college" or "two or more years of college but no degree," depending on the length of time he or she spent in college.
Associate's degree: An award that normally requires at least 2 but less than 4 years of full-time equivalent college work.
Bachelor's degree: A degree, usually awarded by a 4-year college or university, that usually requires at least 4 years of full-time college-level work.
Graduate degree: Any degrees earned beyond a bachelor's degree, such as a master's, Ph.D., Ed.D., or a professional degree (dentistry, law, medicine, pharmacy, divinity/theology, etc.).


Is your spouse attending college or graduate school during the 2018-19 school year? (Answer yes if she or he has attended or will attend at any time between July 1, 2018 and June 30, 2019.)


Yes, full time

Yes, part time

Help Text:

Indicate whether your spouse has attended or will attend any college or graduate school during the 2018-19 school year (July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019).


[If B18AFINWHO = 1 and B18FSPLV in 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] Did your partner ever take out any student loans for his or her undergraduate education?
[else if B18AFINWHO = 1] Did your partner ever take out any student loans for his or her undergraduate and/or graduate education?
[else if B18FSPLV in 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] Did your spouse ever take out any student loans for his or her undergraduate education?
[else] Did your spouse ever take out any student loans for his or her undergraduate and/or graduate education?



Help Text:

If your spouse took out any kind of loan (federal or private) in any amount for his or her undergraduate or graduate education, please choose "yes" for this question.
Federal student loans, such as subsidized and unsubsidized Direct Loans (also known as Stafford Loans), are from the federal government.
Private student loans are borrowed from a private lender, such as a bank, credit union, or state, and usually require a co-signer.
Do not include Parent PLUS loans, grants or scholarships, or money borrowed from family or friends.


[If B18AFINWHO = 1] What is the total amount your partner has borrowed in student loans?
[else] What is the total amount your spouse has borrowed in student loans?

Help Text:

Indicate the total amount borrowed by your spouse in student loans. If you are unsure, provide your best estimate.


[If B18FSPAMT missing and B18AFINWHO=1] How much of your partner's student loans are still owed? Would you say all, some, or none?
[else if B18FSPAMT ne missing and B18AFINWHO=1] How much of the $[B18FSPAMT] in total student loans does your partner still owe? Would you say all, some, or none?
[else if B18FSPAMT missing] How much of your spouse's student loans are still owed? Would you say all, some, or none?
[else] How much of the $[B18FSPAMT] in total student loans does your spouse still owe? Would you say all, some, or none?




Help Text:

Respond based on the student loans that your partner has borrowed. If some of the loans are paid off, but not all, select "Some."
If your partner is participating in a loan forgiveness program, only consider loans to be paid off if they have satisfied all conditions of the forgiveness program.


[If B18AFINWHO = 1] How much does your partner pay each month for his or her student loans?
[else] How much does your spouse pay each month for his or her student loans?
$| per month
Not yet in repayment

Help Text:

Indicate the amount your spouse pays monthly to repay his/her student loans.
If your spouse has multiple school loans, please consider them all in your response by adding the monthly payments together and entering the sum in the box.
Include only your spouse's student loans in your response.
If your spouse is not yet in repayment, select "Not yet in repayment."
If you are not sure of your spouse's monthly payments, please estimate to the best of your ability.


[If B18FMORTG = 1 or B18FOWNHM = 1] Suppose you [{if B18AMARR = 2} and your spouse {if B18AFINWHO = 1} and your partner] were to sell all your major possessions, including your home, turn all of your investments and other assets into cash, and pay off all your debts. Do you think you would have something left over, break even, or be in debt?
[else] Suppose you [{if B18AMARR = 2} and your spouse {if B18AFINWHO = 1} and your partner] were to sell all your major possessions, turn all of your investments and other assets into cash, and pay off all your debts. Do you think you would have something left over, break even, or be in debt?

Have something left over

Break even

Be in debt

Help Text:

Please provide your best estimate of your combined debts subtracted from the combined value of all of your possessions. Possessions can include homes, cars, furniture, collectibles, personal belongings, etc.

B18FSTRESS (Abbrev)

During the past 12 months, has there been a time when you did not meet all of your essential expenses, such as mortgage or rent payments, utility bills, or important medical care?



Help Text:

Select "Yes" if you have been unable to meet essential expenses in the past 12 months. Otherwise, please select "No."
Essential expenses include any expenses that you have to pay in order to maintain a basic standard of living. These include mortgage or rent payments, utility bills, or medical care.



Are you satisfied with the quality of the undergraduate education you received at [NPSAS school]?



Help Text:

If the quality of education received at met your expectations, respond “Yes.” Otherwise, respond “No.”



Are you satisfied with your choice of undergraduate major(s) or course(s) of study?



Help Text:

If you were able to do it over and would choose the same undergraduate major(s) or course of study again, respond "Yes." Otherwise, respond "No."


Please indicate whether or not you had to do any of the following as a result of your financial cost for your undergraduate [{if B18CDEG01 in (5 6 7 8 9) in any loop or Y_B12CPSTGRD = 1} and graduate] education.
Worked more than desired
Took a job outside your field of study or a less desirable job
Took a job instead of enrolling for additional education
Delayed buying a home
Delayed getting married
Delayed having children

Help Text:

Please indicate how your educational costs have affected your plans and decisions.


Do you think your undergraduate education was worth its financial cost?



Do you think your graduate education was worth its financial cost?



Help Text:

The question helps us understand how college graduates perceive the value of their education relative to its costs.

Since you incurred costs in order to pay for your education, you made a financial investment in that education. Do you think that the benefits you will gain from your college education are greater than the financial costs of paying for it? If so, answer "Yes."



Have you performed any community service or volunteer work in the last 12 months?
Please do not include paid community service, court-ordered service, or charitable donations (such as food, clothing, money, etc.).



Help Text:

Indicate whether you participated in any community service or volunteer activities in the past year, including service through a group such as AmeriCorps or the Peace Corps.
Please exclude court-ordered service and donations (such as blood, money, or other items such as clothing). Community service and volunteer work only include activities for which you were not paid.



About how many hours did you volunteer during the last year?
| hour(s)

Per year

Per month

Per week

One time event

Help Text:

Indicate the average number of hours that you volunteered during the last 12 months. Please include the hours for all volunteer activities in which you participated.
For example, if you volunteer at a hospital a couple of times a month and you volunteer at a dog shelter once a month, enter the average number of hours you volunteered at both organizations in the box given and select the appropriate time frame below.
If you participated in a one-time special event or project (such as a Habitat for Humanity house-building), leave the text box blank and select one-time event.


Did you vote in the November 2016 presidential election?



Help Text:

Indicate whether you voted in the last presidential election, either by going to a polling station or by absentee ballot.


Are you registered to vote in U.S. elections?



Help Text:

Indicate whether or not you are currently registered to vote. Select "yes" if you have submitted a voter registration application, usually to the county in which you reside. It does not matter if you have voted in any recent elections, only whether your registration is still active.

RESUME1 (Abbrev) (Mini)

In addition to your survey responses, we would like to learn more about your employment experiences by offering you the option to upload your resume [{if Y_OFACNOPAY = 1}. {else} for an additional $[resume incentive amount].] Your resume will not be disclosed, or used, in any personally identifiable form outside of this survey. [If TIO MODE and Y_OFACNOPAY = 1] Would you be willing to upload your resume later?
[else if TIO MODE] For an additional $[resume incentive amount], would you be willing to upload your resume later?
[else if WEB mode and Y_OFACNOPAY = 1] Will you upload your resume?
[else] For an additional $[resume incentive amount], will you upload your resume?

Yes, upload my résumé now

[{If CATI mode} Yes {else} Yes, upload my résumé later]

[{If CATI mode} No {else} No, I do not want to upload my résumé

I do not have a résumé

Help Text:

Your resume may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in personally identifiable form for any other purpose, unless otherwise required by law. There are strict security procedures in place to maintain your anonymity.

If you choose, "Yes, upload my resume later," you will be contacted in order to log back in to the survey and upload the document.

RESUPLOAD (Abbrev) (Mini)

Please click the "Choose File" button to locate your resume and start the upload process.
Once your resume has been uploaded, click "Next."

Help Text:

Please select your resume file from your computer's location and click, "Choose File."

Your resume may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in personally identifiable form for any other purpose, unless otherwise required by law. There are strict security procedures in place to maintain your anonymity.

RESUMEDESC (Abbrev) (Mini)

Thank you for uploading your resume. Thinking about your employment since completing your bachelor's degree, which of the following best describes your resume?
Up to date and accurately reflects employment history
Mostly up to date and reflects a general employment history
Not up to date or excludes several employers

Help Text:

Some people have multiple versions of their resume. Answer this question based only on the version of your resume that you uploaded.

Choose "Up to date and accurately reflects employment history" if your resume includes your current or most recent employer.

Choose "Mostly up to date and reflects a general employment history" if your resume does not include your current or most recent employer, or if it excludes employment history unrelated to your current or most recent career field.

Choose "Not up to date or excludes several employers" if your resume does not include your current or most recent employer, and does not account for major changes in your employment history.

INCTYP (Abbrev) (Mini)

To show our appreciation for completing the survey today [{if RESUME1 = 1 and RESVALID = 1} and uploading your resume], we would like to send you $[total incentive amount], payable by PayPal or check. Please indicate your preferred payment type.

PayPal. The $[total incentive amount] PayPal transfer will be sent via e-mail within the next few hours.

Check. Please allow up to 4 weeks for processing and delivery of the $[total incentive amount] check.

No, thanks. Decline the incentive.

Help Text:

If you select PayPal, you will receive an e-mail from PayPal notifying you of the transfer. If you do not have a PayPal account, you will be prompted to create an account to claim the funds. There is no fee to create a PayPal account or receive funds.

If you do not want to receive the incentive, indicate No, thanks. I decline the incentive.

PAYPAL (Abbrev) (Mini)

Please provide the e-mail address to which you would like the PayPal payment sent.

Help Text:

If you do not have a PayPal account, enter your preferred e-mail address.
You will receive an e-mail from PayPal notifying you of the transfer and you will be prompted to create an account to claim the funds.
There is no fee to create a PayPal account or to receive funds.

INCENTADDR (Abbrev) (Mini)

Please provide the address to which you would like the $[total incentive amount] check mailed. (Allow 4 weeks for delivery.)
First Name:
Last Name:
Please check here if the address is an international address.
Address (street address or PO box):
Address Line 2:
Zip code:
Foreign Address:
Foreign City:
Foreign State/Province:
Foreign Country:
Foreign Zip/Postal Code:

Help Text:

Please enter the information for the address to which you would like your check mailed. Verify the spelling of the street and city.
If the address is an international address, indicate this option and the international address fields will be displayed.


PHONE (Abbrev) (Mini)

Please provide your phone number:

Help Text:

Please provide a phone number so that we may contact you if needed regarding the delivery of your check.

EMAIL (Abbrev) (Mini)

Please provide your e-mail address:

Help Text:

Please provide an e-mail address so that we may contact you if needed regarding the delivery of your check.

INCENT1 (Abbrev) (Mini)

[If user chooses payment by check and provides full address] Thank you for providing your address information. Your check should arrive in about 4 weeks.
[else if user chooses PayPal and the submission was successful] Your incentive was successfully submitted. Please check your e-mail for more information.
[else if user chooses PayPal and the submission was unsuccessful] There was an issue submitting your incentive via PayPal. We apologize for the inconvenience. We will attempt to resubmit your incentive and will contact you if the problem persists. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at 1-877-262-4440 or [email protected].
[else] Thank you.

Help Text:

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at 1-877-262-4440 or [email protected].

B18HGENDB (Abbrev) (Mini)

If you have any additional comments about your overall experience participating in the B&B interview, please provide them now.

Help Text:

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at 1-877-262-4440 or [email protected].


END (Abbrev) (Mini)

[If END_FLAG = 1] Thank you.
[else] On behalf of the U.S. Department of Education, thank you for your time and cooperation. We greatly appreciate your participation in this study.

Help Text:

If you have any questions, please contact our Help Desk at 1-877-262-4440.

1 Items from the following studies have been added to the B&B:08/18 full-scale survey: Current Population Survey (OMB# 1220-0100), and the 2012-13 Teacher Follow-up Survey (TFS) of the Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS) (OMB# 1850-0598).

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorHaynes, Harper
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-21

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