2019_ACS_OMB_Part B_v1.5

2019_ACS_OMB_Part B_v1.5.docx

The American Community Survey

OMB: 0607-0810

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U.S. Department of Commerce

U.S. Census Bureau

The American Community Survey

OMB Control No. 0607-0810

  1. Collections of Information Employing Statistical Methods


Housing Units

The ACS employs a two-phase, two-stage sample design. The first-phase sample consists of two separate address samples: Period 1 and Period 2. These samples are chosen at different points in time. Both samples are selected in two stages of sampling, a first-stage and a second-stage. Subsequent to second-stage sampling, the majority of sample addresses are randomly assigned to one of the twelve months of the sample year (the exception is for addresses in remote Alaska, which are assigned to either January or September). The second-phase of sampling occurs when the CAPI sample is selected.

The Period 1 sample is selected during September and October of the year prior to the sample year (the 2016 Period 1 sample was selected in September and October of 2015). Approximately half of a year’s sample is selected at this time. Sample addresses that are not in remote Alaska are randomly assigned to one of the first six months of the sample year; sample addresses in remote Alaska are assigned to January.

Period 2 sampling occurs in January and February of the sample year (the 2016 Period 2 sample was selected during January and February of 2016). This sample accounts for the remaining half of the overall first-phase sample. Period 2 sample addresses that are not in remote Alaska are randomly assigned to one of the last six months of the sample year; Period 2 sample addresses in remote Alaska are assigned to September.1

A sub-sample of non-responding addresses and of any addresses deemed unmailable is selected for the CAPI data collection mode.2

The following steps are used to select the first-phase and second-phase samples in both periods.

First-Phase Housing Unit Sample Selection

First-Stage Sampling for Housing Units

First stage sampling defines the universe for the second stage of sampling through three steps. First, all addresses that were in a first-phase sample within the past four years are excluded from eligibility. This ensures that no address is in sample more than once in any five-year period. The second step is to select a 20 percent systematic sample of “new” units, i.e., those units that have never appeared on a previous MAF extract. Each new address is systematically assigned either to the current year or to one of four back-samples. This procedure maintains five equal partitions (samples) of the universe. The third step is to randomly assign all eligible addresses to a period.3

Assignment of Blocks to a Second-Stage Sampling Stratum for Housing Units

Second-stage sampling uses 16 sampling strata in the United States.4 The stratum-level rates used in second-stage sampling account for the first-stage selection probabilities. These rates are applied at a block level to addresses in the United States by calculating a measure of size for each of the following geographic entities:

    • Counties

    • Places

    • School Districts (elementary, secondary, and unified)

    • American Indian Areas

    • Tribal Subdivisions

    • Alaska Native Village Statistical Areas

    • Hawaiian Homelands

    • Minor Civil Divisions – in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Wisconsin5

    • Census Designated Places – in Hawaii only

The measure of size for all areas except American Indian Areas, Tribal Subdivisions, Alaska Native Village Statistical Areas, and Hawaiian Homelands is an estimate of the number of occupied HUs in the area. This is calculated by multiplying the number of ACS addresses by an estimated occupancy rate at the block level. A measure of size for each Census Tract is also calculated in the same manner.

For American Indian, Tribal Subdivisions, and Alaska Native Village Statistical Areas, the measure of size is the estimated number of occupied HUs multiplied by the proportion of people reporting American Indian or Alaska Native (alone or in combination) in the 2010 Census.

For Hawaiian Homelands, the measure of size is the estimated number of occupied HUs multiplied by the proportion of people reporting Native Hawaiian (alone or in combination) in the 2010 Census.

Each block is then assigned the smallest positive, non-zero measure of size from the set of all entities of which it is a part. The 2016 second-stage sampling strata and the overall first-phase sampling rates are shown in Table 1 below.

Calculation of the Second-Stage Sampling Rates for Housing Units

The overall first-phase sampling rates are calculated using the distribution of ACS valid addresses by second-stage sampling stratum in such a way as to yield an overall target sample size for the year of 3,540,000 (1,770,000 for each period) in the United States. The first-phase rates are adjusted for the first-stage sample to yield the second-stage selection probabilities.

Table 1. First-phase Sampling Rate Categories for the United States


Type of Area

Rate Definitions

2016 Sampling Rates


Period 1

Period 2


0 < MOS1 < 200





200 ≤ MOS < 400





400 ≤ MOS < 800





800 ≤ MOS < 1200

2.80 × BR




1200 ≤ MOS and 0 < TRACTMOS2 < 400

3.50 × BR




1200 ≤ MOS and 0 < TRACTMOS < 400 HR3

0.92 × 3.50 × BR




1200 ≤ MOS and 400 ≤ TRACTMOS < 1000

2.80 × BR




1200 ≤ MOS and 400 ≤ TRACTMOS < 1000 HR

0.92 × 2.80 × BR




1200 ≤ MOS and 1000 ≤ TRACTMOS < 2000

1.70 × BR




1200 ≤ MOS and 1000 ≤ TRACTMOS < 2000 HR

0.92 × 1.70 × BR




1200 ≤ MOS and 2000 ≤ TRACTMOS < 4000





1200 ≤ MOS and 2000 ≤ TRACTMOS < 4000 HR

0.92 × BR




1200 ≤ MOS and 4000 ≤ TRACTMOS < 6000

0.60 × BR




1200 ≤ MOS and 4000 ≤ TRACTMOS < 6000 HR

0.92 × 0.60 × BR




1200 ≤ MOS and 6000 ≤ TRACTMOS

0.35 × BR




1200 ≤ MOS and 6000 ≤ TRACTMOS HR

0.92 × 0.35 × BR



1MOS = measure of size (estimated number occupied housing units) of the smallest governmental entity

2TRACTMOS = the measure of size (MOS) at the Census Tract level

3HR = areas where predicted levels of completed mail and CATI interviews are > 60%

4BR = base sampling rate

Second-Stage Sample Selection for Housing Units

After each block is assigned to a second-stage sampling stratum in each period, a systematic sample of addresses is selected from the second-stage universe (first-stage sample) within each county and county equivalent.

Sample Month Assignment for Housing Units

After the second stage of sampling, sample addresses selected during Period 1 sampling that are not in remote Alaska are allocated to one of the first six months of the sample year. Sample addresses selected during Period 2 sampling that are not in remote Alaska are assigned to a month between July through December, inclusive. Sample addresses in remote Alaska are assigned to January or September in Period 1 and Period 2 sampling, respectively.

Second-Phase Housing Unit Sample Selection – CAPI Subsampling

The addresses from which CAPI sub-samples are selected can be divided into two groups. One group includes addresses that are not eligible for any other data collection operation – these consist of unmailable addresses and those in remote Alaska areas. The second group includes addresses that are eligible for the other data collection operations but for which no response was obtained prior to CAPI sub-sampling – these consist of mailable addresses not in a remote Alaska area.

All sample addresses in remote Alaska are sent to the CAPI data collection operation. Most unmailable addresses are selected for CAPI at a rate of 2-in-3 – the exception is when they are in a Hawaiian Homeland area (HH), Alaska Native Village Statistical area (ANVSA), or certain American Indian areas (AI), where all are selected for CAPI.

With one exception, mailable addresses from which a response was not obtained by the time of the CAPI operation are sampled at rates of 1-in-2, 2-in-5, and 1-in-3 – these rates are set at the tract level. The exception is for addresses in HH, ANVSA, and AI areas, where all are selected for CAPI. Table 2 shows the CAPI sub-sampling rates that are associated with each group of addresses.

Table 2. Second-Phase (CAPI) Subsampling Rates for the United States

Address and Tract Characteristics

CAPI Subsampling Rate

Addresses in Remote Alaska*

Take all (100.0%)

Addresses in Hawaiian Homelands, Alaska Native Village Statistical areas and a subset of American Indian areas*

Take all (100.0%)

Unmailable addresses that are not in the previous two categories


Mailable addresses in tracts with predicted levels of completed mail and CATI interviews prior to CAPI subsampling between 0% and 35%, inclusive


Mailable addresses in tracts with predicted levels of completed mail and CATI interviews prior to CAPI subsampling greater than 35% and less than or equal to 50%


Mailable addresses in all other tracts


*The full CAPI follow-up procedure for these two categories began in 2011.

Group Quarters

The 2016 group quarters (GQ) sampling frame was divided into two strata: a small GQ stratum and a large GQ stratum. Small GQs have expected populations of fifteen or fewer residents, while large GQs have expected populations of more than fifteen residents.

Samples were selected in two phases within each stratum. In general, GQs were selected in the first phase and then persons/residents were selected in the second phase. Both phases differ between the two strata. Each sampled GQ was randomly assigned to one or more months in 2016 – it was in these months that their person samples were selected.

Small GQ Stratum

First Phase of Sample Selection for Small GQs

There were two stages of selecting small GQs for sample.

  1. First stage

The small GQ universe is divided into five groups that are approximately equal in size. All new small GQs are systematically assigned to one of these five groups on a yearly basis, with about the same probability (20 percent) of being assigned to any given group. Each group represents a second-stage sampling frame, from which GQs are selected once every five years. The 2016 second-stage sampling frame was used in 2011 as well, and is currently to be used in 2021, 2026, etc.

  1. Second stage

GQs were systematically selected from the 2016 second-stage sampling frame. Each GQ had the same second-stage probability of being selected within a given state, where the probabilities varied between states. Table 3 below shows these probabilities.

Table 3. 2016 Group Quarter State Targeted Sampling Rates for the U.S.


Targeted Rate


Targeted Rate


Targeted Rate





North Dakota






























Rhode Island






South Carolina






South Dakota


District of Columbia


























New Hampshire






New Jersey






New Mexico


West Virginia




New York






North Carolina




Second Phase of Sample Selection for Small GQs

Persons were selected for sample from each GQ that was selected for sample in the first phase of sample selection. If fifteen or fewer persons were residing at a GQ at the time a field representative (interviewer) visited the GQ, then all persons were selected for sample. Otherwise, if more than fifteen persons were residing at the GQ, then the interviewer selected a systematic sample of ten persons from the GQ’s roster.

Targeted Sampling Rate (Probability of Selection) for Small GQs

The targeted state-level sampling rates are the probabilities of selecting any given person in a GQ; it is around these probabilities that the sample design is based. These probabilities reflect both phases of sample selection, and they varied by state. The probabilities for 2016 are shown in Table 3.

The sample was designed so that the second-phase sampling rate would be one-hundred percent for small GQs (i.e., select the entire expected population of fifteen or fewer persons for sample in every small sampled GQ). This means the probability of selecting any person in a small GQ was designed to equal the probability of selecting the small GQ itself.

Large GQ Stratum

First phase of Sample Selection for Large GQs

All large GQs were eligible for being sampled in 2016, as has been the case every year since the inception of the sampling of GQs in 2006. This means there was only a single stage of sampling in this phase. This stage consists of systematically assigning “hits” to GQs independently in each state, where each hit represents ten persons to be sampled.

In general, a GQ has either Z or Z+1 hits assigned to it. The value for Z is dependent on both the GQ’s expected population size and its within-state target sampling rate, shown in Table 3. When this rate is multiplied by a GQ’s expected population, the result is a GQ’s expected person sample size. If a GQ’s expected person sample size is less than ten, then Z = 0; if it is at least ten but less than twenty, then Z = 1; if it is at least twenty but less than thirty, then Z = 2; and so on. See 2.C. below for a detailed example.

If a GQ has an expected person sample size that is less than ten, then this method effectively gives the GQ a probability of selection that is proportional to its size; this probability is the expected person sample size divided by ten. If a GQ has an expected person sample size of ten or more, then it is in sample with certainty and is assigned one or more hits.

Second Phase of Sample Selection for Large GQs

Persons are selected within each GQ to which one or more hits are assigned in the first phase of selection. There are ten persons selected at a GQ for every hit assigned to the GQ. The persons are systematically sampled from a roster of persons residing at the GQ at the time of an interviewer’s visit. The exception is if there are far fewer persons residing in a GQ than expected – in these situations, the number of persons to sample at the GQ is reduced to reflect the GQ’s actual population. In cases where fewer than ten persons reside in a GQ at the time of a visit, the interviewer will select all of the persons for sample.

Targeted Sampling Rate (Probability of Selection) for Large GQs

As for small GQs, the targeted state-level sampling rates are the probabilities of selecting any given person in a GQ. The probabilities are shown in Table 3. Note that these rates are the same as for persons in small GQs.

As an example, suppose a GQ in Indiana has an expected population of 250. The target sampling rate in Indiana is 2.29%, meaning any given person in a GQ in Indiana has about a 1-in-43⅔ chance of being selected. This rate, combined with the GQs expected population of 250, means that the expected number of persons selected for sample in this GQ is 5.725 (2.29% × 250). Since this is less than ten, this GQ has either 0 or 1 hits assigned to it (Z = 0). The probability of it being assigned a hit is the GQ’s expected person sample size of 5.725 divided by 10, or 57.25%.

As a second example, suppose a GQ in Idaho has an expected population of 1,000. The target sampling rate in Idaho is 4.30%, meaning any given person in a GQ in Idaho has about a 1-in-23.26 chance of being selected. This rate, combined with the GQ’s expected population of 1,000, means that the expected number of persons selected for sample in the GQ is 43 (4.30% × 1,000); this GQ is assigned either four or five hits (Z = 4).

Group Quarters Sample Month Assignment

All sample GQs are assigned to one or more months (interview months) – these are the months in which interviewers will visit a GQ to select a person sample and conduct interviews. All small GQs, all large GQs that are assigned only one hit, all remote Alaska GQs, all sampled military facilities, and all sampled correctional facilities (regardless of how many hits a military or correctional facility is assigned) are assigned to a single interview month. Remote Alaska GQs are assigned to either January or September; Federal prisons are assigned to September; all of the others are randomly assigned one interview month.

All large GQs that are assigned multiple hits, but are not in any of the categories above, have each hit randomly assigned to a different interview month. If a GQ has more than twelve hits assigned to it, then multiple hits are assigned to one or more interview months for the GQ. For example, if a GQ has fifteen hits assigned to it, then there are three interview months in which two hits are assigned and nine interview months in which one hit is assigned. There are two restrictions to this process. One restriction is applied to college dormitories, whose hits are randomly assigned to non-summer months only, i.e., January through April and September through December. The other restriction is applied to military ships, whose hits are randomly assigned only to the last ten months of the year, i.e., March through December.

Bureau of Prison Group Quarters

Prior to 2016, all GQs were sampled at the same time for a given year. Starting in 2016, Bureau of Prison GQs (Federal prisons) started to be sampled separately from other GQs. They are sampled using the same procedure shown above, and are all assigned to the September interview month as before.

2. Procedures for Collecting Information

ACS Households

The Census Bureau mails survey materials to about 286,000 HU addresses each month. The mailing operations are conducted through the U.S. Postal Service and use first-class postage rates for all pieces. For addresses that were mailed survey materials but did not respond by mail, Internet or by calling our telephone questionnaire assistance line, we select a sub-sample of all households and assign them to the CAPI nonresponse followup data collection mode. Unmailable household addresses are sampled and included in the CAPI data collection mode.

In 2016, the HU sample yielded approximately 133,000 self-response interviews, or 63 percent of the household addresses in sample, each month. The HU CAPI nonresponse followup yielded an estimated response rate of approximately 88 percent in 2016. The 2016 final weighted response rate for ACS was 95 percent.

ACS Group Quarters

In addition to the ACS data collection from households, the data are also collected from a sample of group quarters (GQ) facilities and residents. The Field Representatives (FRs) use the CAPI Group Quarters Facility questionnaire (GQFQ) in English or Spanish when making initial telephone contact to schedule an appointment to conduct a personal visit at the sample GQ and also to generate the sub-sample of persons for ACS interviews. An introductory letter is mailed to the sample GQ approximately two weeks prior to the period when an FR may begin making contact with the GQ. The Spanish GQFQ instrument is used for ACS data collection at Puerto Rico GQs. A subset of the ACS HU questions are used for the interviews with sample residents in GQs. Resident-level personal interviews with sampled GQ residents are conducted using CAPI, but bilingual paper questionnaires can also be used for self-response. The GQ CAPI and paper questionnaires contain questions for one person. FRs may call or conduct additional personal visits to the GQ and/or sample residents to obtain missing or incomplete ACS GQ forms until the closeout of each sample panel.

3. Methods to Maximize Response

We maintain high levels of data accuracy and response rates through interviewer instruction, training, and close monitoring of the data.

During the development of the household self-administered paper and Internet questionnaire and the interviewer/self-administered GQ questionnaire, we have made efforts to clarify item wording and placement, to improve the format of the overall questionnaire, and to be sensitive to questionnaire content effects.

Historically, the ACS had employed a tri-modal data collection strategy for household data collection—mail, telephone and personal visit. In 2011, the Census Bureau conducted two tests to assess the feasibility of providing an internet response option to households that receive survey materials by mail. Based on the results of these tests, the Census Bureau implemented an internet response option for the ACS for the start of the 2013 data collection. In May 2017, the Census Bureau conducted a Pressure Seal Test for some of the mailings. Based on the results of this test, we plan to change the format of the second mailing to utilize pressure sealed envelopes, and change the fifth mailing from a postcard to a letter and utilize pressure sealed envelopes. In October 2017, to ensure the ACS program was executed in the most efficient and cost-effective manner, the Census Bureau discontinued conducting nonresponse followup operations via computer-assisted telephone interviewing (CATI). Several ACS operations continue to make use of the telephone mode: Telephone Questionnaire Assistance (TQA), Failed Edit Followup (FEFU), and centralized reinterview operations.

For households eligible to receive survey materials by mail, the first contact (Attachment A) includes a letter and instruction card explaining how to complete the survey online. Also included are a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) brochure and a brochure that provides basic information about the survey in English, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Korean, and provides a phone number to call for assistance in each language. The instruction card provides the information on how to respond in English and Spanish. The letter explains that if the respondent is unable to complete the survey online, a paper questionnaire will be sent later. The Internet version of the questionnaire is available in English and Spanish and includes questions about the HU and the people living in the HU. The Internet questionnaire (Attachment B) has space to collect detailed information for twenty people in the household.

The second mailing is a letter (Attachment C) that reminds respondents to complete the survey online, thanks them if they have already done so, and informs them that a paper form will be sent at a later date if we do not receive their response. This letter includes clear instructions to log in, including an explicit reference to the user identification number. We plan to utilize pressure sealed envelopes for this letter.

In a third mailing (Attachment D), the American Community Survey Household (HU) Questionnaire Package is sent only to those sample addresses that have not completed the online questionnaire within two weeks. The content includes a follow up letter, a paper copy of the questionnaire, an instruction card for completing the survey online, an FAQ brochure, and a return envelope. The cover letter with this questionnaire package reminds the household of the importance of the ACS, and asks them to respond soon either by completing the survey online or by returning a completed paper questionnaire.

The fourth mailing (Attachment E) is a postcard that reminds respondents that “now is the time to complete the survey,” informs them that an interviewer may contact them if they do not complete the survey, and reminds them of the importance of the ACS.

A fifth mailing (Attachment F) is sent to respondents who have not completed the survey within five weeks. This postcard reminds these respondents to return their questionnaires and thanks them if they have already done so. We plan to change this mailing from a postcard to a letter and utilize pressure sealed envelopes.

For sample housing units in Puerto Rico, a different mail strategy is employed. Based on the results of testing in 2011 and concerns with the resulting internet response rates from that testing, we deferred the introduction of an internet response option in order to further assess the best implementation approach.. Therefore, we continue to use the previously used mail strategy with no references to an internet response option (Attachment H).

Nonresponse followup operations are conducted to ensure a final high weighted response rate. The nonresponse followup operations are conducted via CAPI for a sample of addresses for which we have not obtained a mail or Internet response. The HU CAPI instrument is available to interviewers in English and Spanish. Beginning in June 2016, we implemented a burden reduction initiative for the HU CAPI operation to prevent excessive attempts to complete ACS interviews. For that initiative, we assign a burden score to each contact a household receives and the score accumulates through each mailing and CAPI visit. When the score reaches a pre-determined threshold, the case is removed from the CAPI operation and closed out. While this initiative has had a slight, negative impact on CAPI response rates, it has been a successful effort to address concerns from internal and external stakeholders about the amount of respondent burden associated with the ACS.

We conduct the FEFU operation to focus on households with coverage problems (such as mail respondents with more than 5 people, mail respondents with more people listed on the cover than in the basic demographic section, or questionnaires returned for vacant units). We will also use the FEFU operation to collect missing data from some survey respondents that did not finish their response to the Internet survey, but rather broke off before completion; to confirm the status of Internet responses classified as businesses or vacant units; and to possibly collect the minimum amount of information needed to further process the questionnaire. If funding allows, we would resume FEFU for mail and Internet returns for missing responses to critical questions. The FEFU instrument (Attachment J) is available to interviewers in both English and Spanish.

Bilingual ACS paper questionnaires are used to conduct personal interviews with sampled GQ residents. The GQ resident data collection packages (Attachment P) include an introductory letter, a bilingual Confidentiality Notice, a paper questionnaire, and a copy of the ACS GQ FAQ brochure. For Puerto Rico sample GQ residents, we will use PR data collection packages (Attachment J) to collect the GQ data. We will also conduct a separate operation to collect ACS GQ data from sampled GQs in remote Alaska.

4. Testing Procedures

The content of the American Community Survey is similar to the Census 2000 long-form questionnaire and reflects questions tested from 2004-2016. The 2019 ACS will feature content changes as a result of the findings of the 2016 Content Test.

2016 ACS Content Test

The Census Bureau periodically conducts tests of new and improved survey content to ensure the ACS is meeting the data needs of its stakeholders. The primary objective of content tests is to test whether changes to question wording, response categories, and definitions of underlying constructs improve the quality of data collected. In preparation for the 2016 Content Test, in which the Census Bureau tested new and modified questions for the American Community Survey, the Census Bureau conducted cognitive testing.  The cognitive testing of the proposed changes to question wording and categories was conducted in two rounds in 2014, in both Spanish and English, for four modes of data collection (paper, Internet, CATI, and CAPI).   Respondents were paid for their participation in the cognitive testing.

In Feburary through June 2016, the 2016 Content Test was conducted and focused on the following topics:

  • Telephone Service

  • Health Insurance

  • Journey to Work

  • Weeks Worked

  • Class of Worker

  • Industry and Occupation

  • Retirement Income

  • Relationship

  • Race and Hispanic Origin

The findings of the Content Test support implementation of the test version of the question for all topics, except Health Insurance. Decisions about Race and Hispanic Origin will be made based on results of tests conducted in preparation for the 2020 Census. The ACS will adopt the versions that are used for the 2020 Census.

5. Contacts for Statistical Aspects and Data Collection

The Census Bureau will collect and process these data. Within the Census Bureau, the following individuals should be consulted for further information on their area of expertise.

Statistical Aspects

Mr. Steven Hefter Chief, ACS Sample Design Branch

Decennial Statistical Studies Division

Phone: (301) 763-4082

Overall Data Collection

Dr. Victoria A. Velkoff Chief, American Community Survey Office

Phone: (301) 763-3609


Collection Materials

A American Community Survey Household (HU) First Mailing:

  • ACS-13(L)(2017)(6-2017), ACS Introductory Letter

  • ACS-34IM(08-08-2013), Internet Response Instruction Card

  • ACS-10SM(2017)(August 2017), ACS Frequently Asked Question Brochure

  • ACS-9(2017)(September 2017), Multilingual Brochure

  • ACS-46IM(2013)(12-2012), ACS Stateside Outgoing Envelope

B American Community Survey Internet Screen Capture Guide:

  • ACS-400C(January 2019), ACS Internet Data Collection Instrument Screen Capture Guide

C American Community Survey Household (HU) Second Mailing:

  • ACS-20L(2018)(2-2018) ACS HU Reminder Letter (Pressure seal mailer)

D American Community Survey HU Third Mailing:

  • ACS-14L(2017)(6-2017), ACS Follow-Up Letter

  • ACS-1(2019)(02-01-2018), ACS Stateside Questionnaire

  • ACS-34RM(2017)(11-15-2016), ACS Instruction Card Replacement Mailing

  • ACS-10SM(2017)(8-2017), ACS Frequently Asked Questions Brochure

  • 6385-47(2014)(10-2013), Business Reply Envelope

  • ACS-46(2012)(5-2011), ACS Outgoing Envelope Stateside Replacement Mailing

E American Community Survey HU Fourth Mailing:

  • ACS-29(2017)(6-2017), ACS Reminder Postcard

F American Community Survey HU Fifth Mailing:

  • ACS-23(L)(2018)(2-2018), ACS Additional Mailing Letter (Pressure seal mailer)

G American Community Survey HU Spanish Mailing Package:

  • ACS-13L(SP)(2017)(6-2017), ACS Spanish Introductory Letter

  • ACS-1(2019)(SP)(02-08-2018),ACS Stateside Questionnaire in Spanish

  • ACS-34RM(2017)(11-15-2016), ACS Instruction Card Replacement Mailing

  • ACS-10SM(SP)(2017)(8-2017), ACS Spanish Frequently Asked Questions Brochure

  • ACS -14L(SP)(2017)(6-2017), ACS Spanish Follow-Up Letter

  • 6385-47(2014)(10-2013), Business Reply Envelope

  • ACS-29(2017)SP(6-2017), ACS Spanish Reminder Postcard

  • ACS-23(2017)SP(8-2017), ACS Bilingual Additional Mailing Postcard

  • ACS-46(2012)SP(6-2011), Stateside Spanish Outgoing Envelope

H Puerto Rico Community Survey HU Mailing Forms:

  • ACS-12L(PR)(2019)(8-2017), PRCS Bilingual Prenotice Letter

  • ACS-40PR(2012)(6-2011), Prenotice Envelope

  • ACS-13L(PR)(2017)(6-2017), PRCS Bilingual Introductory Letter

  • ACS-10SMPR(2017)(7-2017), PRCS Bilingual Frequently Asked Questions Brochure

  • ACS-1(2019)PR(SP)(02-07-2018), PRCS Spanish Questionnaire in Spanish

  • 6385-47(2014)(10-2013)), Business Reply Envelope

  • ACS-20PR(2018)(8-2017), PRCS Bilingual Reminder Postcard

  • ACS-14L(PR)(2017)(6-2017), PRCS Bilingual Follow-Up Letter

  • ACS-23PR(2017) (8-2017), PRCS Bilingual Additional Mailing Postcard

  • ACS-46(2012)PR(6-2011), PRCS Outgoing Envelope

I Puerto Rico Community Survey HU Mailing Forms in English:

  • ACS-13L(PR)(2017)(6-2017), PRCS Bilingual Introductory Letter

  • ACS-10SMPR(2017)(7-2017), PRCS Bilingual Frequently Asked Questions Brochure

  • ACS-1(2019)PR(12-19-2017), PRCS Questionnaire in English

  • 6385-47(2014)(10-2013)), Business Reply Envelope

J American Community Survey Failed Edit Follow up Questions

K American Community Survey Vacant Unit Questions

L American Community Survey Housing Unit Reinterview Questions

M American Community Survey CAPI Tools

  • ACS-16(L) (1-2018) Introductory Letter in Multiple Languages

  • ACS-26(L) (1-2018) ACS Thank You Letters in Multiple Languages

  • ACS-50(HU) January 2018, Informational Brochure in Multiple Languages

  • ACS-51(HU) January 2018, Q&A Brochure in Multiple Languages

  • ACS-613R(L)(Language)(June 2017) Refusal Letters in Multiple Languages

N American Community Survey Group Quarters Facilities Data Collection Package

  • ACS-18(L)(C)(GQ)(RO name)(2019)(8-2017) ACS GQ Student Housing Introductory Letter

  • ACS-18(L)(H)(RO name)(2019)(8-2017) ACS GQ Health Care Introductory Letter

  • ACS-18(L)(GQ)(RO name)(2019)(8-2017), ACS GQ Facility Manager Introductory Letter

  • ACS-18(L)(GQ)(PR)(2019)(8-2017) PRCS GQ Introductory Letter (English)

  • ACS-18(L)(GQ)(PR)(S)(2019)(6-2017) PRCS GQ Introductory Letter (Spanish)

  • ACS-51(GQ)(F)(September 2017) ACS GQ Facility FAQ

  • ACS-26(L)(GQ)(F)(2019)(5-2017), ACS Facility Thank You Letter (English/Spanish)

  • ACS-26(L)(GQ)(PR)(F)(2019)(8-2017), PRCS Facility Thank You Letter (English/Spanish)

O American Community Survey Group Quarters Facility Questionnaire and Listing Sheets

  • GQFQ Facilities Questionnaire

  • ACS-290(GQ)(7-16-2014) ACS GQ Listing Sheet

  • ACS-290(GQ)(PR)(SP)(8-15-2017) PRCS GQ Listing Sheet

  • ACS-290B(GQ)(8-1-2011) ACS GQ Control List

  • ACS-290B(GQ)(PR)(SP)(8-14-2017) PRCS GQ Control List (Spanish)

P American Community Survey Group Quarters Resident Data Collection Package

  • ACS-17(L)(GQ)(2015)(6-2014), ACS Resident Introductory Letter (English)

  • ACS-17(L)(GQ)(S)(2015)(6-2014), ACS Resident Introductory Letter (Spanish)

  • ACS-21(GQ) (7-2011), ACS GQ Confidentiality Notice (English/Spanish)

  • ACS-1(GQ)(2016) (1-27-2015), ACS GQ Questionnaire (English/Spanish)

  • ACS-30(GQ)(2019)(1-2018), ACS GQ Instruction Guide (English/Spanish)

  • ACS-26(L)(GQ)(R)(2015)(6-2014), ACS GQ Resident Thank You Letter (English/Spanish)

  • ACS-50(GQ) (September 2017) ACS Brochure

  • ACS-51(GQ)RA (September 2017) ACS GQ Remote Alaska FAQ

  • 6385-46(GQ) (8-2017) ACS Business Reply Mail Envelope

Q Puerto Rico Community Survey – Group Quarters Resident Questionnaire Package:

  • ACS-17(L)(GQ)(PR)(2019)(8-2017), PRCS Resident Introductory Letter (English/Spanish)

  • ACS-21(GQ)(PR)(8-2017), PRCS GQ Confidentiality Notice (English/Spanish)

  • ACS-1(GQ)(PR)(2019) (2-2-2018), PRCS GQ Questionnaire (English/Spanish)

  • ACS-30(GQ)(PR)(2019)(1-2018) PRCS GQ Instruction Guide (English/Spanish)

  • ACS-26(L)(GQ)(PR)(R)(2019)(8-2017), PRCS Resident Thank You Letter (English/Spanish)

  • ACS-51(GQ)PR (September 2017) PRCS GQ Puerto Rico FAQ

  • 6385-46(GQ)(PR)(8-2017) PRCS GQ Business Reply Mail Envelope

R American Community Survey Group Quarters Reinterview Questions

S Comments on the Federal Register Notice received by the Census Bureau

1 Remote Alaska assignments are made so that the sample addresses are approximately evenly distributed between the two data collection periods.

2 Beginning in August 2011, all non-mailable and non-responding addresses in the following areas are now sent to CAPI: all Hawaiian Homelands, all Alaska Native Village Statistical areas, American Indian areas with an estimated proportion of American Indian population ≥ 10%.

3 Most of the period assignments are made during Period 1 sampling. The only assignments in Period 2 sampling are made for addresses that were not part of the process in Period 1, e.g., new addresses.

4 Beginning with the 2011 sample the ACS implemented a change to the stratification, increasing the number of sampling strata and changing how the sampling rates are defined. Prior to 2011 there were seven strata; there are now 16 sampling strata. Table 1 gives a summary of these strata and the rates.

5 These are the states where MCDs are active, functioning governmental units.

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