Published 60 Day Federal Register Notice for 0917-0014, Loan Repayment Program

60 day FR Publication 04-28-15 (2).pdf

Indian Health Service Loan Repayment Program

Published 60 Day Federal Register Notice for 0917-0014, Loan Repayment Program

OMB: 0917-0014

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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 81 / Tuesday, April 28, 2015 / Notices

be accomplished by contacting Caroline
Talev at [email protected] by close
of business on May 13, 2015. Members
of the public will have the opportunity
to provide comments at the meeting on
May 21, 2015. Any individual who
wishes to participate in the public
comment session must register with
Caroline Talev at [email protected]
by close of business on May 13, 2015;
registration for public comment will not
be accepted by telephone. Individuals
are encouraged to provide a written
statement of any public comment(s) for
accurate minute taking purposes. Public
comment will be limited to two minutes
per speaker. Any members of the public
who wish to have printed material
distributed to PACHA members at the
meeting are asked to submit, at a
minimum, 1 copy of the material(s) to
Caroline Talev, no later than close of
business on May 13, 2015.
Dated: April 16, 2015.
B. Kaye Hayes,
Executive Director, Presidential Advisory
Council on HIV/AIDS.
[FR Doc. 2015–09823 Filed 4–27–15; 8:45 am]

Indian Health Service
Office of Tribal Self-Governance
Program; Negotiation Cooperative
Agreement; Correction
Indian Health Service, HHS.
ACTION: Notice; correction.

The Indian Health Service
published a document in the Federal
Register on February 18, 2015, for the
FY 2015 Office of Tribal SelfGovernance Program, Negotiation
Cooperative Agreement Announcement.
The notice contained incorrect


Paul Gettys, Grant Systems Coordinator,
Division of Grants Management, Indian
Health Service, 801 Thompson Avenue,
Suite TMP 360, Rockville, MD 20852,
Telephone (301) 443–2114. (This is not
a toll-free number.)

asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES


In the Federal Register of February
18, 2015, in FR Doc. 2015–03235, on
page 8670, in the third column, from the
heading ‘‘Universal Entity Identifier
(UEI) Numbering System,’’ to just before
‘‘V. Application Review Information,’’
the correct language should read as

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18:18 Apr 27, 2015

Jkt 235001

Dun and Bradstreet (D&B) Data Universal
Numbering System (DUNS)
All IHS applicants and grantee
organizations are required to obtain a DUNS
number and maintain an active registration
in the SAM database. The DUNS number is
a unique 9-digit identification number
provided by D&B which uniquely identifies
each entity. The DUNS number is site
specific; therefore, each distinct performance
site may be assigned a DUNS number.
Obtaining a DUNS number is easy, and there
is no charge. To obtain a DUNS number,
please access it through http://, or to expedite the
process, call (866) 705–5711.
All HHS recipients are required by the
Federal Funding Accountability and
Transparency Act of 2006, as amended
(‘‘Transparency Act’’), to report information
on subawards. Accordingly, all IHS grantees
must notify potential first-tier subrecipients
that no entity may receive a first-tier
subaward unless the entity has provided its
DUNS number to the prime grantee
organization. This requirement ensures the
use of a universal identifier to enhance the
quality of information available to the public
pursuant to the Transparency Act.
System for Award Management (SAM)
Organizations that were not registered with
Central Contractor Registration (CCR) and
have not registered with SAM will need to
obtain a DUNS number first and then access
the SAM online registration through the SAM
home page at (U.S.
organizations will also need to provide an
Employer Identification Number from the
Internal Revenue Service that may take an
additional 2–5 weeks to become active).
Completing and submitting the registration
takes approximately one hour to complete
and SAM registration will take 3–5 business
days to process. Registration with the SAM
is free of charge. Applicants may register
online at
Additional information on implementing
the Transparency Act, including the specific
requirements for DUNS and SAM, can be
found on the IHS Grants Management, Grants
Policy Web site: https://www.ihs.go.
Dated: April 16, 2015.
Robert McSwain,
Acting Director, Indian Health Service.
[FR Doc. 2015–09820 Filed 4–27–15; 8:45 am]

Indian Health Service
Request for Public Comment: 60-Day;
Proposed Information Collection:
Indian Health Service; Loan
Repayment Program (LRP)
Indian Health Service, HHS.
Notice and request for
comments. Request for extension of


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In compliance with section
3506(c)(2)(A) of the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501
et. seq.), which requires 60 days for
public comment on proposed
information collection projects, the
Indian Health Service (IHS) invites the
general public to take this opportunity
to comment on the information
collection Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) Control Number 0917–
0014, titled, ‘‘IHS Loan Repayment
Program (LRP).’’
This previously approved information
collection project was last published in
the Federal Register (77 FR 27467) on
May 10, 2012, and allowed 30 days for
public comment. No public comment
was received in response to the notice.
This notice announces our intent to
submit this collection, which expires
May 31, 2015, to OMB for approval of
an extension and solicit comments on
specific aspects for the proposed
information collection.
A copy of the draft supporting
statement is available at (see Docket ID
Proposed Collection: Title: 0917–
0014, ‘‘Indian Health Service Loan
Repayment Program.’’ Type of
Information Collection Request:
Extension of currently approved
information collection, 0917–0014,
‘‘Indian Health Service Loan Repayment
Program.’’ The LRP application is
available in an electronically fillable
and fileable format. Form(s): The IHS
LRP Information Booklet contains the
instructions and the application
formats. Need and Use of Information
Collection: The IHS LRP identifies
health professionals with pre-existing
financial obligations for education
expenses that meet program criteria and
who are qualified and willing to serve
at, often remote, IHS health care
facilities. Under the program, eligible
health professionals sign a contract
through which the IHS agrees to repay
part or all of their indebtedness in
exchange for an initial two-year service
commitment to practice fulltime at an
eligible Indian health program. This
program is necessary to augment the
critically low health professional staff at
IHS health care facilities.
Any health professional wishing to
have their health education loans repaid
may apply to the IHS LRP. A two-year
contract obligation is signed by both
parties, and the individual agrees to
work at an eligible Indian health
program location and provide health
services to American Indian and Alaska
Native individuals.
The information collected via the online application from individuals is





Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 81 / Tuesday, April 28, 2015 / Notices
analyzed and a score is given to each
applicant. This score will determine
which applicants will be awarded each
fiscal year. The administrative scoring
system assigns a score to the geographic
location according to vacancy rates for
that fiscal year and also considers

whether the location is in an isolated
area. When an applicant accepts
employment at a location, the applicant
in turn ‘‘picks-up’’ the score of that
location. Affected Public: Individuals
and households. Type of Respondents:

The table below provides: Types of
data collection instruments, Estimated
number of respondents, Number of
responses per respondent, Annual
number of responses, Average burden
hour per response, and Total annual
burden hour(s).

asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

Data collection instrument(s)

Number of

Number of
responses per

burden per
(in hours)

Total annual
(in hours)

LRP Application ...............................................................................................





There are no Capital Costs, Operating
Costs, and/or Maintenance Costs to
Requests For Comments: Your
comments and/or suggestions are
invited on one or more of the following
(a) Whether the information collection
activity is necessary to carry out an
agency function;
(b) whether the agency processes the
information collected in a useful and
timely fashion;
(c) the accuracy of public burden
estimate (the estimated amount of time
needed for individual respondents to
provide the requested information);
(d) whether the methodology and
assumptions used to determine the
estimates are logical;
(e) ways to enhance the quality,
utility, and clarity of the information
being collected; and
(f) how the newly created online
application assists the applicant
efficiently and effectively.
ADDRESSES: Submit comments to Jackie
Santiago by one of the following
• Mail: Jackie Santiago, Chief, Loan
Repayment Program, 801 Thompson
Avenue, TMP, STE 450, Rockville, MD
• Phone: 301–443–2486.
• Email: [email protected].
• Fax: 301–443–4815.
To Request More Information On The
Proposed Collection, Contact: Jackie
Santiago through one of the following
• Mail: Jackie Santiago, Chief, Loan
Repayment Program, 801 Thompson
Avenue, TMP, STE 450, Rockville, MD
• Phone: 301–443–2486.
• Email: [email protected].
• Fax: 301–443–4815.
Comment Due Date: June 29, 2015.
Your comments regarding this
information collection are best assured
of having full effect if received within
60 days of the date of this publication.

VerDate Sep<11>2014

18:18 Apr 27, 2015

Jkt 235001

Dated: April 13, 2015.
Robert G. McSwain,
Acting Director, Indian Health Service.
[FR Doc. 2015–09824 Filed 4–27–15; 8:45 am]

Indian Health Service
Office of Tribal Self-Governance
Program; Planning Cooperative
Agreement; Correction
Indian Health Service, HHS.
Notice; correction.


The Indian Health Service
published a document in the Federal
Register on February 20, 2015, for the
FY 2015 Office of Tribal SelfGovernance Program, Planning
Cooperative Agreement. The notice
contained incorrect guidance.
Paul Gettys, Grant Systems Coordinator,
Division of Grants Management, Indian
Health Service, 801 Thompson Avenue,
Suite TMP 360, Rockville, MD 20852,
Telephone (301) 443–2114. (This is not
a toll-free number.)

In the Federal Register of February
20, 2015, in FR Doc. 2015–03206, on
page 9275, in the second column, from
the heading ‘‘Universal Entity Identifier
(UEI) Numbering System,’’ to just before
‘‘V. Application Review Information,’’
the correct language should read as
Dun and Bradstreet (D&B) Data
Universal Numbering System (DUNS)
All IHS applicants and grantee
organizations are required to obtain a
DUNS number and maintain an active
registration in the SAM database. The
DUNS number is a unique 9-digit
identification number provided by D&B

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which uniquely identifies each entity.
The DUNS number is site specific;
therefore, each distinct performance site
may be assigned a DUNS number.
Obtaining a DUNS number is easy, and
there is no charge. To obtain a DUNS
number, please access it through http://, or to expedite
the process, call (866) 705–5711.
All HHS recipients are required by the
Federal Funding Accountability and
Transparency Act of 2006, as amended
(‘‘Transparency Act’’), to report
information on subawards. Accordingly,
all IHS grantees must notify potential
first-tier subrecipients that no entity
may receive a first-tier subaward unless
the entity has provided its DUNS
number to the prime grantee
organization. This requirement ensures
the use of a universal identifier to
enhance the quality of information
available to the public pursuant to the
Transparency Act.
System for Award Management (SAM)
Organizations that were not registered
with Central Contractor Registration
(CCR) and have not registered with SAM
will need to obtain a DUNS number first
and then access the SAM online
registration through the SAM home page
at (U.S.
organizations will also need to provide
an Employer Identification Number
from the Internal Revenue Service that
may take an additional 2–5 weeks to
become active). Completing and
submitting the registration takes
approximately one hour to complete
and SAM registration will take 3–5
business days to process. Registration
with the SAM is free of charge.
Applicants may register online at
Additional information on
implementing the Transparency Act,
including the specific requirements for
DUNS and SAM, can be found on the
IHS Grants Management, Grants Policy
Web site:



File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2015-04-27
File Created2015-04-28

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