OMB Control Number xxxx Expiration Date xxxx
The purpose of this application is to provide some basic information about the Tribe to the TAP team. It will help the Tribe describe some of the current processes and tools that are in place and help the Tribe articulate how they envision implementing TAP and what information gaps TAP may help to fill. TAP provides access to Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) databases for the following purposes:
Criminal Justice
Law Enforcement
Criminal Courts
Sex Offender Registry
Prosecutor’s Office
Pretrial Services
Non-Criminal Justice/Civil
Civil Courts (limited)
Tribal Housing
Child Protective Services
Child Social Services (Foster Care)
Child Support Enforcement (limited)
Human Resources (limited)
TAP is limited by federal law to allowing access to only specific agencies for specific purposes. TAP is not authorized to provide access to any other department such as gaming, elections, general human resources, and others. TAP also does not yet have a mobile capability for patrol cars.
The TAP application is divided into the following four sections, (I) Demographic Information, (II) Community Resources and Using TAP, (III) Other TAP Requirements, and (IV) Required Resolution and Signatures.
It is important that all sections are completed as thoroughly as possible. Section II contains agency specific questions and if the Tribe does not have that particular type of agency respond “No” and proceed to the next agency.
The signature pages in Section IV can be signed electronically, by inserting a scanned image of a signature, or printed and routed for signature. If scanned images of signatures are inserted, it is advised that the signature pages be submitted as a PDF.
There is a checklist at the end of this application to assist with planning and marking items as complete.
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 60 minutes including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (0348-0043), Washington, DC 20503.
The final application can be submitted as a PDF or saved as a word document and submitted no later than Monday, October 1, 2018 by 12 midnight EST to [email protected]. Please include the Tribe name as part of the file name (e.g. [Tribe Name] – TAP Application).
Demographic Information
Federally Recognized Tribal Name: Click here to enter text.
Mailing Address: Click here to enter text.
Current Tribal Leader: Click here to enter text.
General Form of Tribal Government: Click here to enter text.
Tribe’s Land Base: Click here to enter text.
Number of Enrolled Members: Click here to enter text.
Total Population Living on Tribal Land: Click here to enter text.
Number of Enrolled Members Living on Tribal Land: Click here to enter text.
Does the Tribe have a significant number of visitors to Tribal Land:
☐ Yes
☐ No
Describe the Tribe’s current public safety challenges and concerns: (please limit to 500 words)
Click here to enter text.
How will TAP help improve public safety for the Tribe? (please limit to 500 words)
Click here to enter text.
Community Resources and Using TAP
Criminal Justice
Law Enforcement
Does the Tribe have law enforcement?
☐ No (if no, go to B, Criminal Courts)
Name of law enforcement agency(s): Click here to enter text.
Is the law enforcement agency composed of:
☐ Hybrid/Both
☐ Other Click here to enter text.
Does the law enforcement agency have dispatch services?
☐ Yes
☐ No
If yes, please check all that apply and indicate number of dispatch personnel:
☐ Tribal Click here to enter text.
☐ BIA Click here to enter text.
☐ Hybrid/Both Click here to enter text.
☐ Other Click here to enter text.
Does the law enforcement agency have sworn patrol officers?
☐ Yes
☐ No
If yes, please check all that apply and indicate number of sworn patrol officer personnel:
☐ Tribal Click here to enter text.
☐ BIA Click here to enter text.
☐ Hybrid/Both Click here to enter text.
☐ Other Click here to enter text.
Does the law enforcement agency have sworn Criminal Investigators/Detectives?
☐ Yes
☐ No
If yes, please check all that apply and indicate number of criminal investigator/detective personnel:
☐ Tribal Click here to enter text.
☐ BIA Click here to enter text.
☐ Hybrid/Both Click here to enter text.
☐ Other Click here to enter text.
Does the law enforcement agency have management/administration personnel?
☐ Yes, how many of these are sworn? Click here to enter text.
☐ No
Does the law enforcement agency(s) currently have access to FBI CJIS databases?
☐ Yes
☐ No
If yes, which personnel have access to FBI CJIS databases (check all that apply):
☐ Dispatchers
☐ Patrol Officers
☐ Criminal Investigators/Detectives
☐ Management/Administrative Personnel
If yes, describe which databases and how the Tribe accesses them (i.e., through County, State, Local systems) and the type of access the Tribe has (query/entry).
Click here to enter text.
Does the Tribe intend to have law enforcement agency(s) use TAP?
☐ Yes
☐ No
If yes, indicate which personnel intend to use TAP:
☐ Dispatch
☐ Sworn Patrol Officers
☐ Criminal Investigators/Detectives
☐ Management/Administrative Personnel
If yes, please indicate the Point of Contact (POC) for the law enforcement agency:
Name/Title: Click here to enter text.
Phone and Email: Click here to enter text.
Criminal Courts
Does the Tribe have a criminal court?
☐No (if no, go to C, Sex Offender Registry)
Does the Tribe have a criminal code?
☐ Yes
☐ No
Does the criminal court currently have access to FBI CJIS databases?
☐ Yes
☐ No
If yes, please describe which databases and how the Tribe accesses them (i.e., through County, State, Local systems) and the type of access the Tribe has (query/entry).
Click here to enter text.
Does the Tribe intend to have the criminal court use TAP?
☐ Yes
☐ No
If yes, please indicate the Point of Contact (POC) for the criminal court:
Name/Title: Click here to enter text.
Phone and Email: Click here to enter text.
Sex Offender Registry
Does the Tribe have a sex offender registry?
☐No (if no, go to D, Prosecutor’s Office)
How many employees work with the registry: Click here to enter text.
Which system does the Tribe use as their electronic sex offender management system and sex offender registry public facing website?
☐ Tribe and Territory Sex Offender Registry System (TTSORS)
☐ State System such as Offender Watch
☐ Other Click here to enter text.
How does the Tribe submit sex offender fingerprints and palm prints to the FBI?
☐ Inked Card sent to State
☐ Electronic Scan sent to State
☐ Inked Card sent directly to FBI
☐ Electronic Scan sent directly to FBI
☐ Not at all
☐ Other Click here to enter text.
How does the Tribe submit sex offender entries to the National Sex Offender Registry (NSOR), which is part of the National Criminal Information Center (NCIC)?
☐ Through State system via access to a State terminal
☐ Form sent to State, County, Local for entry into NCIC/NSOR on Tribe’s behalf
☐ Tribe does not submit to NSOR
☐ Other Click here to enter text.
Do tribally registered sex offenders appear in FBI CJIS databases under the Tribe’s State Issued Tribal ORI or the servicing agency’s (State, County, Local) ORI?
☐ State Issued Tribal ORI (Attributable to the Tribe)
☐ Servicing Agency ORI (Attributable to the State, County or Local Law Enforcement Agency)
☐ Don’t Know/Unsure
Does the Tribe intend to use TAP to support the sex offender registration process? Check all that apply:
☐ Yes, to submit fingerprints
☐ Yes, to enter NCIC NSOR
☐ No
If yes, please indicate the Point of Contact (POC) for the sex offender registry:
Name/Title: Click here to enter text.
Phone and Email: Click here to enter text.
Prosecutor’s Office
Does the Tribe have a prosecutor’s office?
☐No (if no, go to E, Pretrial Services)
Does the prosecutor’s office currently have access to FBI CJIS databases?
☐ Yes
☐ No
If yes, please describe which databases and how the Tribe accesses them (i.e., through County, State, Local systems) and the type of access the Tribe has (query/entry).
Click here to enter text.
Does the Tribe intend to have the prosecutor’s office use TAP?
☐ Yes
☐ No
If yes, please indicate the Point of Contact (POC) for the prosecutor’s office:
Name/Title: Click here to enter text.
Phone and Email: Click here to enter text.
Pretrial Services
Does the Tribe have a pretrial services office?
☐No (if no, go to F, Corrections/Detention)
Do pretrial services personnel currently have access to FBI CJIS databases?
☐ Yes
☐ No
If yes, please describe which databases and how the Tribe accesses them (i.e., through County, State, Local systems) and the type of access the Tribe has (query/entry).
Click here to enter text.
Does the Tribe intend to have pretrial service office use TAP?
☐ Yes
☐ No
If yes, please indicate the Point of Contact (POC) for pretrial services:
Name/Title: Click here to enter text.
Phone and Email: Click here to enter text.
Does the Tribe have a correctional/detention/jail facility?
If yes, is the facility a
☐Tribally Operated Facility
☐BIA Operated Facility
If yes, does every prisoner undergo a fingerprint-based booking?
☐ Yes
☐ No
If yes, what booking system does the Tribe use? Click here to enter text.
☐No, indicate where tribal arrestees are held (e.g. contract with local jail)
Click here to enter text. (If no, go to G, Probation/Parole)
Does the Tribe’s correctional/detention/jail facility currently have access to FBI CJIS databases, such as NCIC?
☐ Yes
☐ No
If yes, please describe which databases and how the Tribe accesses them (i.e., through County, State, Local systems) and the type of access the Tribe has (query/entry).
Click here to enter text.
At the correctional/detention/jail facility, are fingerprint-based bookings currently submitted to FBI CJIS databases?
☐ Yes, all bookings are entered
☐ Yes, but only a subset of bookings are entered
Describe method of how bookings are entered:
Click here to enter text.
☐ No
If the Tribe does not have its own tribal detention facility, do tribal arrestees undergo a fingerprint-based booking at the facility used?
☐ Yes
☐ No
In that detention facility, under which ORI are tribal arrestees booked?
☐ State Issued Tribal ORI (Attributable to the Tribe)
☐ State/County/Local ORI (Attributable to the State or Local Law Enforcement Agency)
Does the Tribe intend to have the tribal correctional/detention/jail facility use TAP?
☐ Yes
☐ No
If yes, please indicate the Point of Contact (POC) for the correctional/detention facility:
Name/Title: Click here to enter text.
Phone and Email: Click here to enter text.
Does the Tribe have a probation/parole department?
☐No (if no, go to the Non-Criminal Justice/Civil Section)
Does the probation/parole department currently have access to FBI CJIS databases?
☐ Yes
☐ No
If yes, please describe which databases and how the Tribe accesses them (i.e., through County, State, Local systems) and the type of access the Tribe has (query/entry).
Click here to enter text.
Does the Tribe intend to have the probation/parole department use TAP?
☐ Yes
☐ No
If yes, please indicate the Point of Contact (POC) for the probation/parole department:
Name/Title: Click here to enter text.
Phone and Email: Click here to enter text.
Non-Criminal Justice/Civil
Civil Courts (limited)
Does the Tribe have a civil court that issues orders of protection in domestic violence/stalking cases and/or adjudicates cases of mental health issues?
☐No (if no, go to B, Indian Tribes or Tribally Designated Housing Entities)
Does the civil court currently have access to FBI CJIS databases?
☐ Yes
☐ No
If yes, please describe which databases and how the Tribe accesses them (i.e., through County, State, Local systems) and the type of access the Tribe has (query/entry).
Click here to enter text.
Does the Tribe intend to have the civil court use TAP for this limited purpose?
☐ Yes
☐ No
If yes, please indicate the Point of Contact (POC) for the civil court:
Name/Title: Click here to enter text.
Phone and Email: Click here to enter text.
Indian Tribes or Tribally Designated Housing Entities (Tribal Housing)
Does the Tribe have a tribally designated housing entity that receives funds under the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act of 1996, 25 U.S.C. Section 4111, et seq and need to perform background checks on adult applicants for employment or current and prospective tenants for purposes of applicant screening, lease enforcement, and/or eviction?
☐No (if no, go to C, Child Protective Services)
Does the tribally designated housing entity have a policy on how and when background checks are performed?
☐ Yes
☐ No
If yes, describe the policy: Click here to enter text.
Briefly describe how the tribally designated housing entity currently conducts background checks.
Click here to enter text.
Does the tribally designated housing entity currently have access to FBI CJIS databases?
☐ Yes
☐ No
If yes, please describe which databases and how the Tribe accesses them (i.e., through County, State, Local systems) and the type of access the Tribe has (query/entry).
Click here to enter text.
Does the Tribe intend to have the tribally designated housing entity use TAP?
☐ Yes
☐ No
If yes, please indicate the Point of Contact (POC) for the tribally designated housing entity
Name/Title: Click here to enter text.
Phone and Email: Click here to enter text.
Child Protective Services (responsible for child abuse/neglect investigations)
Does the Tribe have a child protective services agency?
☐No (if no, go to D, Child Social Services – Foster/Relative Care)
Does the child protective services agency currently have access to FBI CJIS databases?
☐ Yes
☐ No
If yes, please describe which databases and how the Tribe accesses them (i.e., through County, State, Local systems) and the type of access the Tribe has (query/entry).
Click here to enter text.
Does the Tribe intend to have the child protective services agency use TAP?
☐ Yes
☐ No
If yes, please indicate the Point of Contact (POC) for the child protective services agency:
Name/Title: Click here to enter text.
Phone and Email: Click here to enter text.
Child Social Services (Foster/Relative Care)
Does the Tribe have a child social services agency?
☐No (if no, go to E, Child Support Enforcement)
Does the child social services agency currently have access to FBI CJIS databases?
☐ Yes
☐ No
If yes, please describe which databases and how the Tribe accesses them (i.e., through County, State, Local systems) and the type of access the Tribe has (query/entry).
Click here to enter text.
Does the Tribe intend to have the child social services agency use TAP?
☐ Yes
☐ No
If yes, please indicate the Point of Contact (POC) for the child social services agency:
Name/Title: Click here to enter text.
Phone and Email: Click here to enter text.
Child Support Enforcement (limited)
Does the Tribe have a child support enforcement agency?
☐No (if no, go to F, Human Resources)
Does the child support enforcement agency currently have access to driver’s license and vehicle registration information through Nlets?
☐ Yes
☐ No
If yes, please describe how the Tribe accesses Nlets (i.e., through county, state, etc. systems)
Click here to enter text.
Does the Tribe intend to have the child support enforcement agency use TAP for this limited purpose?
☐ Yes
☐ No
If yes, please indicate the Point of Contact (POC) for the child support enforcement agency:
Name/Title: Click here to enter text.
Phone and Email: Click here to enter text.
Human Resources (limited)
Does the Tribe have a Human Resources agency that conducts background checks on tribal agency employees, prospective employees, or volunteers, who have contact with or control over Indian Children?
☐No (if no, go to Section III, Other TAP Requirements)
Does the Human Resources agency currently have access to FBI CJIS databases?
☐ Yes
☐ No
If yes, please describe which databases and how the Tribe accesses them (i.e., through County, State, Local systems) and the type of access the Tribe has (query/entry).
Click here to enter text.
If yes, please describe how the Tribe submits fingerprints now?
Click here to enter text.
Does the Tribe intend to have the Human Resources agency use TAP for this limited purpose?
☐ Yes
☐ No
If yes, please indicate the Point of Contact (POC) for the Human Resources agency:
Name/Title: Click here to enter text.
Phone and Email: Click here to enter text.
Other TAP Requirements
Adherence to the CJIS Security Policy
We agree that we will adhere to the FBI CJIS Security Policy and understand that misuse may result in access being discontinued.
We agree that low or non-use of TAP may result in access being discontinued.
Tribal Point of Contact
We agree to assign a tribal point of contact who will remain involved in the TAP onboarding and vetting process through final deployment and continued use of the program. That person is identified below:
POC Name/Title: Click here to enter text.
Phone and Email: Click here to enter text.
We agree to execute a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with FBI CJIS and pay the standard national User Fees associated with fingerprint-based background checks for non-criminal justice/civil purposes.
Documentation and Policies
We agree to provide necessary documentation and establish appropriate policies during the onboarding and vetting period.
Individual User Requirements
We agree to ensure individual users of TAP establish appropriate accounts, take required training, successfully complete fingerprint-based background checks, and obtain necessary certification during the onboarding and vetting period.
Participation in Deployment Day Training
We agree to ensure users of TAP participate in deployment day training.
Compliance with Policy Requirements
We agree to comply with, and adhere to, all auditing and policy requirements as well as all personnel, physical, and technical security requirements.
High Speed Internet Access
We agree to provide high-speed Internet access.
Tribally Owned Personal Computer (PC)
We agree to provide a Tribally owned PC(s) that meets the necessary specifications for the installation of OpenFox Messenger to access NCIC.
☐ Tribe agrees to all of the requirements in Section III. This application will not considered without the Tribe agreeing to all of the above requirements.
Required Resolution and Signatures
This application requires the consent of the governing body of the Tribe and a resolution authorizing this application. The Tribe’s application will not be considered without these two items.
Does the Tribe have consent of the Tribe’s governing body? ☐ Yes
Proof of consent is shown by the signatures below (e.g., must include the Chairperson, President, Governor, CEO, Chief Sachem, or other head of the Tribe).
Is the Tribe’s resolution attached? ☐ Yes
Tribal Governing Body Signatures for Consent
________________________ Name |
_________________ Signature |
_________________________________ Title
________________________ Name |
_________________ Signature |
_________________________________ Title
________________________ Name |
_________________ Signature |
_________________________________ Title
________________________ Name |
_________________ Signature |
_________________________________ Title
________________________ Name |
_________________ Signature |
_________________________________ Title
________________________ Name |
_________________ Signature |
_________________________________ Title
Agency Signatures for Consent
All agency heads or POCs that plan to use TAP must sign below.
________________________ Name |
_________________ Signature |
_________________________________ Law Enforcement/Title
________________________ Name |
_________________ Signature |
_________________________________ Criminal Courts/Title
________________________ Name |
_________________ Signature |
_________________________________ SORNA Officer/Title
________________________ Name |
_________________ Signature |
_________________________________ Prosecutor’s Office/Title
________________________ Name |
_________________ Signature |
_________________________________ Pretrial Services/Title
________________________ Name |
_________________ Signature |
_________________________________ Corrections/Detention Title
________________________ Name |
_________________ Signature |
_________________________________ Probation/Parole/Title
________________________ Name |
_________________ Signature |
_________________________________ Civil Courts/Title
________________________ Name |
_________________ Signature |
_________________________________ Housing/Detention/Title
________________________ Name |
_________________ Signature |
_________________________________ Child Protective Services/Detention/Title
________________________ Name |
_________________ Signature |
_________________________________ Child Social Services/Detention/Title
________________________ Name |
_________________ Signature |
_________________________________ Child Support Enforcement/Title
________________________ Name |
_________________ Signature |
_________________________________ Human Resources/Title
TAP Application Checklist
☐ Section I: Demographic Information
☐ Section II: Community Resources and Using TAP
Criminal Justice Agencies
☐ Law Enforcement
☐ Criminal Courts
☐ Sex Offender Registry
☐ Prosecutor’s Office
☐ Pretrial Services
☐ Corrections/Detention
☐ Probation/Parole
Civil Agencies
☐ Civil Courts (limited)
☐ Indian Tribes or Tribally Designated Housing Entities (Tribal Housing)
☐ Child Protective Services
☐ Child Social Services (Foster/Relative Care)
☐ Child Support Enforcement (limited)
☐ Human Resources (limited)
☐ Section III: Other TAP Requirements
☐ Section IV: Required Resolution and Signatures
The final application can be submitted as a PDF or saved as a word document and submitted no later than Monday, October 1, 2018 by 12 midnight EST to [email protected]. Please include the Tribe name as part of the file name (e.g. [Tribe Name] – TAP Application).
TAP Application
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | Tribal Access Program Application |
Author | Lee, Emma K (JMD) |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-21 |