Burden Tables


Federal Implementation Plans under the Clean Air Act for Indian Reservations in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington (40 CFR Part 49, Subpart M) (Renewal)

Burden Tables

OMB: 2060-0558

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Sheet 1: Tables

74.33 Note: "Original FARR" numbers reflect current ICR; hidden lines contain future proposed FARR revisions, not applicable to current ICR.

See Wage_rate tab for basis of composite hourly wage rate

Table 1a. Labor Costs per Respondent for the Rule for Partial Delegation of Administrative Authority to a Tribe - Original FARR (49.122) (2017$)


Current Recurring Labor Recurring Number of New Labor Cost Total

Number of Hours per Year Labor Cost New Respondents Labor Hours Per Year Labor Cost

Per Source Per Year Per Year Per Source Per Year

Apply for Delegation
0 0 $0 1 180 $13,379 $13,379
Five tribes have already received delegation under 49.122 and few additional tribes are expected to request delegation. For purposes of this ICR, it is assumed that one additional tribe will request delegation in the next 3 years.

Total All Respondents
0 0 $0 1 180 $13,379 $13,379

Table 2a. Labor Costs per Respondent for the Fugitive Particulate Matter Rule - Original FARR (49.126) (2017$)

New Source

Current Recurring Labor Recurring Number of New Source Labor Cost Total

Number of Hours per Year Labor Cost New Sources Labor Hours Per Year Labor Cost

Per Source Per Year Per Year Per Source Per Year

46 2 $149 1 6 $446 $595
Used the same proportion of sources (simple, moderately complex) from the previous ICR, and applied to the revised total of 60 sources.

Moderately Complex
14 10 $743
20 $1,487 $2,230


$0 39 6 $446 $446

Total All Respondents
60 232 $17,245 40 240 $17,839 $35,084

Table 3a. Labor Costs per Facility for the Sulfur in Fuels Rule - Original FARR (49.130) (2017$)

New Source

Recurring Number of New Source Labor Cost Total

Number of Recurring Labor Labor Cost New Sources Labor Hours Per Year Labor Cost

Respondents Hours per Year Per Source Per Year Per Year Per Source Per Year

All Affected Facilities
115 10 $743 2 10 $743 $1,487

Total All Respondents
115 1150 $85,480 2 20 $1,487 $86,966

Table 4a. Labor Costs per Respondent for the Open Burning Rule - Original FARR (49.131) (2017$)


Number of Recurring Labor Recurring

Respondents Hours per Year Labor Cost

Fire Protection Services
3 3 $223

Although no sources are currently listed under section 49.131, we conservatively assume the number of requests for permission to perform open burning for firefighting training to be 3 per year under the original FARR

Total All Respondents
3 9 $669

Table 5a. Labor Costs per Facility and Total Costs for the General Open Burning Permits Rule - Original FARR (49.132) (2017$)

Number of Recurring Labor Recurring

Respondents Hours per Year Labor Cost

Apply for Large Permit
177 0.5 $37

Total All Respondents
177 89 $6,578

Number of Recurring Labor Recurring

Respondents Hours per Year Labor Cost

Apply for Small Permit
863 0.5 $37

Total All Respondents
863 432 $32,073

Table 6a. Labor Costs per Facility and Total Costs for the Agricultural Burning Permits Rule - Original FARR (49.133) (2017$)

Number of Recurring Labor Recurring

Respondents Hours per Year Labor Cost

Apply for Permit
200 0.45 $33

Total All Respondents
200 90 $6,690

Table 7a. Labor Costs per Facility and Total Costs for the Forestry and Silvicultural Burning Permits Rule - Original FARR (49.134) (2017$)

Number of Recurring Labor Recurring

Respondents Hours per Year Labor Cost

Apply for Permit
25 0.6 $45

Total All Respondents
25 15 $1,115

Table 8a. Labor Costs per Facility for the Registration Rule - Original FARR (49.138) (2017$)


Number of New Source New Source Total

Number of Recurring Labor Recurring New Sources Labor Hours Labor Cost Labor Cost

Respondents Hours per Year Labor Cost Per Year Per Year Per Year Per Year


3 10 $743 $743

No Modifications
115 4 $297

Used the same proportion of sources (simple, moderately complex, etc.) from the previous ICR, and applied to the revised total of 152 sources.

5 8 $595

Moderately Complex & Title V

1 41 $3,048 $3,048

No Modifications
24 14 $1,041

2 20 $1,487

Administrative Modificationsb
6 2 $149

Total All Respondents
152 888 $66,005 4 71 $5,277 $71,282

b Administrative modifications could be made by simple facilities, moderately complex facilities, or Title V facilities, but there is no obvious way to assign

these costs to particular categories. These costs could be incurred by any facility in addition to the costs specific to the category they are in. The

administrative mods do not get counted in the total all respondents since they are already counted elsewhere.

Table 9a. Labor Costs per Facility for the Operating Permits Rule - Original FARR (49.139) (2017$)

# of Respond.
Average Number of New Source New Source Total

by end of ICR Recurring Labor Recurring New Sources Labor Hours Labor Cost Labor Cost

timeframe Hours per Year Labor Cost Per Year Per Year Per Year Per Year

Apply for Permit
16 50 $3,717 0 250 $18,583 $22,299
Revised number of respondents based on information in latest list of registered sources

Total All Respondents
16 800 $59,464 0 0 $0 $59,464

Table 10a. Total Cost of the Federal Air Rules for Reservations - Original FARR (2017$)

New Source Total
New Source Total Total Number


Rule Title Recurring Labor Cost Labor Cost Recurring Labor Hours Labor Hours of

Labor Hours

Labor Costs Per Year Per Year Labor Hours Per Year Per Year Respondants No. responses Hrs/response $/response Reporting Recordkeeping

Section 49.122 Partial Delegation of Administrative Authority to a Tribe $0 $13,379 $13,379 0 180 180 1 1 180 $13,379

Section 49.126 Fugitive Particulate Matter $17,245 $17,839 $35,084 232 240 472 100 100 4.7 $351

Section 49.130 Sulfur Content of Fuels $85,480 $1,487 $86,966 1150 20 1170 117 468 2.5 $186

Section 49.131 Open Burning $669 $0 $669 9 0 9 3 3 3 $223

Section 49.132A Large Open Burning Permits $6,578 $0 $6,578 89 0 89 177 177 0.5 $37

Section 49.132B Small Open Burning Permits $32,073 $0 $32,073 432 0 432 863 863 0.5 $37

Section 49.133 Agricultural Burning Permits $6,690 $0 $6,690 90 0 90 200 200 0.45 $33

Section 49.134 Forestry Burning Permits $1,115 $0 $1,115 15 0 15 25 25 0.6 $45

Section 49.138 Registration of Air Pollution Sources and the Reporting of Emissions $66,005 $5,277 $71,282 888 71 959 156 156 6.1 $457

Section 49.139 Operating Permits for Non-Title V Sources $59,464 $0 $59,464 800 0 800 16 16 50 $3,717

$275,318 $37,983 $313,301 3,704 511 4,215 1,658 2,009 2.10 $156 2,093 2,122
Total labor hours include 320 hours for non-title V reporting and 480 hours for non-title V recordkeeping

Cost/response $156
Hours/response 2.10

Cost/respondent $189
Hours/respondent 2.54

Basic Rules $228,862 $37,983 $266,845 3079 511 3590 393

Additional Rules $46,456 $0 $46,456 625 0 625 1265

respondent+EPA $1,052,048

respondent+EPA 16,071

Sheet 2: Wage_rate

Determination of 2017 Industry Wage Rates 1

Professional staff @ $53.80/hr 1


Management support @ $71.12/hr 1

Allocation Factor: 0.091 2

x 0.091



Office / administrative support @ $26.10/hr 1

Allocation factor: 0.125 3

x 0.125


Composite Wage Rate of Staff

associated Management / Clerical support


General Overhead @ 17% of wage rate


Total Composite Hourly Wage Rate $71.46


1 Wage Rates (including benefits) by Employment Cost Trends, June 2017. Available at http://stats.bls.gov/news.release/ecec.t02.htm.

2 Represents a manager overseeing a staff of 10 technicians and one support person, e.g., a manager to staff ratio of 1:11, or 1/11 or 0.091 .

3 Represents one administrative support person assisting 7 professional staff and a manager, e.g., a support person to professional staff and manager ratio of 1:8, or 1/8 or 0.125.

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