Adjusting the June Area Survey Estimate of the Number of US Farms for Missclassification and Non-response

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Agricultural Surveys Program

Adjusting the June Area Survey Estimate of the Number of US Farms for Missclassification and Non-response

OMB: 0535-0213

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United States
Department of

Research and
Development Division
Washington DC 20250
RDD Research Report
Number RDD-11-04

Adjusting the June Area
Survey Estimate of the
Number of U.S. Farms
for Misclassification and
Kenneth K. Lopiano
Andrea C. Lamas
Denise A. Abreu
Pam Arroway
Linda J. Young

November 2011

This report has been prepared for limited distribution to the research community
outside the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). The views expressed herein are
not necessarily those of NASS or USDA.

The National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) conducts many surveys, two of which are
the June Area Survey (JAS) and the Census of Agriculture. The JAS is based on an area frame
and is conducted annually. The Census of Agriculture is a dual-frame survey conducted every
five years (in years ending in 2 and 7). The Census of Agriculture employs the area frame from
the JAS as well as a list frame composed of all known agricultural operations. Both surveys
provide an estimate of the number of farms in the United States. Following each census, previous
annual number of farms estimates are revised, if necessary, based on intercensal trends. The JAS
annual estimate showed a decline in number of farms from 2003-2006 prior to the 2007 Census.
In addition, results from the 2007 Census indicated that the 2007 JAS was underestimating the
number of farms. This led to an intercensal trend adjustment to the number of farms estimates
that was larger than could be attributed to sampling error alone.
Previous studies conducted by NASS indicated that one possible source of the underestimate in
the JAS is misclassification (Abreu, Dickey and McCarthy, 2009; Johnson 2000).
Misclassification occurs when an operating arrangement with agricultural activity present is
incorrectly identified as a non-farm, or when a non-farm arrangement is incorrectly identified as
a farm.
Another potential factor associated with the JAS undercount is the estimation of agricultural
activity for sampled tracts. When a tract operator is either inaccessible for a JAS interview or
refuses to participate in the JAS, enumerators are instructed to estimate the tract-level
agricultural items. As a result, farm-level items are left to be imputed. When calculating the total
number of farms for the JAS, the tract-to-farm ratio (the tract acreage divided by the total farm
acreage) is used to represent the proportion of a farm that is present in a tract. For agricultural
tracts that are estimated, the tract-to-farm ratio is imputed. For non-agricultural tracts, the tractto-farm ratio is 0.
Recent research has identified misclassification and estimation as two sources of error in the JAS
(Abreu et. al, 2010; Lamas et. al, 2010; Lopiano et. al, 2010; Appendix A). This research report
presents methodologies to adjust the JAS number of farms indication for both misclassification
and non-response.
In years when a census is conducted, JAS records can be matched to the census respondents list
and misclassification can be adjusted for directly. In this context, the census information is
considered a follow-up. More broadly, if the JAS can be matched to any validation source, then
misclassification can be accounted for directly. When matching to another source is not
possible, the effect of misclassification can be estimated using data from a previous year for
which follow-up was conducted. Here, generalized linear models are used to model the processes
associated with misclassification and to obtain an estimated tract-to-farm ratio for the non-farm
tracts. Because the information available for non-agricultural tracts is limited, only covariates

that were observed for all non-agricultural tracts (land-use stratum and a description of the tract)
were used in the model.
The misclassification model assumes that the misclassification process (i.e., rates and behavior
of misclassification) are independent of time. Another implicit assumption of the model is the
tract-to-farm ratio is 0 when no follow-up was done.
The resulting adjusted estimator based on these modeled tract-to-farm ratios includes a designbased portion (the traditional JAS estimator) and a model-based portion (the adjustment for
misclassification). Although estimates of the variances associated with each portion of the
estimator are derived, the two portions are correlated. An estimator of the variance that accounts
for this correlation merits further research.
When the agricultural activity in a tract is estimated for the JAS, the tract-to-farm ratio is
imputed using either previously reported/administrative data or a median imputation approach.
Because the JAS does not currently identify the imputation method used to complete estimated
records, the quality of the imputed values cannot be assessed. Thus, each estimated tract was
treated as a non-respondent. The probability of obtaining a response for a tract is modeled as a
function of covariates and design variables, and observations are reweighted based on their
response probability. Given the response model, the response weight is the inverse of the
estimated probability of response.
By combining the methodologies for misclassification and non-response, an estimator of the
number of farms adjusted for both non-response and misclassification is constructed when a
follow-up is possible. In addition, an estimator of the variance associated with this estimator is
provided. The estimator still potentially represents an undercount because it is possible that some
of the JAS non-farm records that did not match to a census record could be farms. Combining
non-response and misclassification when misclassification is modeled merits further research.


1. Thoroughly evaluate current JAS imputation procedures and develop appropriate
imputation methodology. Currently, the quality of imputed values for estimated tracts
cannot be determined. The quality of the imputed data for total farm acreage is likely
related to the method of imputation. The quality could be better assessed if the
information regarding the source or method of imputation was retained. This
recommendation is currently being addressed. An office use box has been added to the
2011 JAS survey instrument which will collect the source of the farm acreage item
reported on the questionnaire. Upon completion of the 2011 data collection processes,
the data will be analyzed and various imputation approaches should be tested as per this
2. Develop non-response methodology that reflects a combination of a revised
imputation methodology (noted in the first recommendation) and a rigorous nonresponse methodology for estimated tracts that have no quality information
available for imputation.
3. A final JAS survey indication should include adjustments for non-response,
imputation, and misclassification. In addition, future research is needed to develop a
methodology that accounts for these three sources of error in the farm number indication
and provides an appropriate measure of uncertainty associated with the final JAS


Adjusting the June Area Survey Estimate of the Number of U.S. Farms for
Misclassification and Non-response
Kenneth K. Lopiano1, Andrea C. Lamas2, Denise A. Abreu2, Pam Arroway3,
Linda J. Young1

Each year, the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) conducts the June Area Survey
(JAS), which is based on an area frame. The JAS provides information on U.S. agriculture,
including an estimate of the number of farms in the U.S. NASS also conducts the Census of
Agriculture every five years in years ending in 2 and 7. The census, which uses both a list and
the JAS area frame, also produces an estimate of the number of U.S. farms. In 2007, the two
estimates were further apart than could be attributed to sampling error alone. Previous studies of
the JAS identified misclassification of JAS sampled units as a source leading to an undercount in
the number of farms in the U.S. Using data from the 2007 JAS and the 2007 Census,
misclassification of tracts as agricultural or non-agricultural were identified. Research has also
identified the estimation of agricultural activities for sampled tracts as another factor that
contributes to the discrepancy in the JAS number of farms estimate. This research report
presents methodology that adjusts for two known sources of error on the JAS: misclassification
and estimation (which later will be addressed as non-response).
KEY WORDS: June Area Survey, Misclassification, Non-response, Generalized Linear Models


Department of Statistics, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611
National Agricultural Statistics Service, USDA, 3251 Old Lee Hwy, Fairfax VA 22030
Department of Statistics, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695


The National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) conducts many surveys, two of which are
the June Area Survey (JAS) and the Census of Agriculture. The JAS is based on an area frame
and is conducted annually. The Census of Agriculture is a dual-frame survey conducted every
five years (in years ending in 2 and 7). The Census of Agriculture employs the JAS area frame
as well as a list frame composed of all known agricultural operations. Both surveys provide an
estimate of the number of farms in the United States. A farm is defined as a place from which
$1,000 or more of agricultural products were produced and sold, or normally would have been
sold, during the year. Any government agricultural payments received are included in
determining whether an operation is a farm. Following each census, previous JAS annual number
of farms estimates are revised, if necessary, based on intercensal trends.
Figure 1 depicts the published number of farms in the United States from 2000 to 2009. Before
2007, the number of farms is shown to be decreasing. However, results from the 2007 Census
indicated that the 2007 JAS estimate of the number of farms was low, resulting in a large
intercensal trend adjustment to the number of farms estimates.

Figure 1: Published estimates of the number of U.S. farms from 2000 to 2009 and bars with
length of one standard error (in either direction).


Previous studies conducted by NASS indicated that a possible source of this underestimate is
misclassification. Misclassification occurs when an operating arrangement that meets the
definition of a farm is incorrectly classified as a non-farm, or when a non-farm arrangement is
incorrectly classified as a farm. One such study is the Classification Error Survey (CES)
conducted in 2007, which was based on a final set of 67 respondents (Abreu, Dickey and
McCarthy, 2009). The CES results suggested that, during the screening procedures of the JAS,
some agricultural operations were incorrectly classified as non-agricultural, leading to more
intensive efforts to understand the source and extent of misclassification in the JAS. The Farm
Numbers Research Project (FNRP), based on an intensive post-June survey re-screening was
conducted in 2009 (Abreu, McCarthy and Colburn, 2010) to address misclassification as it
relates to the farm numbers indication. Concurrently, through a collaborative agreement with the
National Institute of Statistical Sciences (NISS), a team of researchers was formed to review the
methodology associated with the JAS and to recommend improvements. The team consisted of
two NASS researchers, two university faculty members, a post-doctoral fellow, and a graduate
student. The team evaluated several measures to address misclassification on the JAS. By
matching the 2007 JAS to the 2007 Census of Agriculture list frame, the team evaluated
misclassification on the JAS (Abreu, et al. 2010). In addition, the team identified the estimation
of agricultural activities for sampled tracts as another factor contributing to the discrepancy in
the JAS number of farms estimate (See Appendix A). Note a tract is a unique land operating
arrangement. All land in sampled areas is divided into tracts. When a tract operator is either
inaccessible for a JAS interview or refuses to participate in the JAS, enumerators are instructed
to estimate the tract-level agricultural items whenever possible. This research report presents
methodology that adjusts for two known sources of error on the JAS: misclassification and
The June Area Survey (JAS) is conducted annually utilizing an area frame. It collects
information on U.S. crops, livestock, grain storage capacity and type and size of farms. Land
within the JAS area frame is divided into homogeneous strata, such as intensively cultivated
land, urban areas and range land. The general strata definitions are similar from state to state,
however, minor definitional adjustments may be made depending on the specific needs of a state.
Each land-use stratum is further divided into substrata by grouping areas that are agriculturally
similar, providing greater precision for state-level estimates of individual commodities. Within
each substratum, the land is divided into primary sampling units (PSUs). A sample of PSUs is
selected and smaller, similar-sized segments of land are delineated within these selected PSUs.
Finally, one segment is randomly selected from each selected PSU to be fully enumerated.
Through in-person canvassing, field interviewers divide all of the land in the selected segments
into tracts, where each tract represents a unique land operating arrangement. Each tract is
screened and classified as agricultural or non-agricultural. Non-agricultural tracts belong to one
of three categories: (1) non-agricultural with potential, (2) non-agricultural with unknown
potential, or (3) non-agricultural with no potential. A tract is considered agricultural if the total
operating arrangement, which includes land both inside and outside of the JAS-selected tract, has
qualifying agricultural activity. Otherwise, the tract is defined as non-agricultural.

In addition to the JAS, NASS conducts a Census of Agriculture every five years (for years
ending in 2 and 7). The Census of Agriculture is a complete enumeration of U.S. farms and
ranches and the people who operate them. The census collects data on land use and ownership,
operator characteristics, production practices, income and expenditures, and many other
characteristics. The outcome, when compared to earlier censuses, helps to measure trends and
new developments in the agricultural sector of our nation’s economy. Census forms are sent to
all known and potential agricultural operations in the U.S. The census provides the most
uniform, comprehensive agricultural data in the nation. It employs a dual frame: an independent
list frame of all known agricultural operators and the area frame from the JAS. The area frame is
used as a measure of incompleteness of the census list frame. In this work, it is shown that the
census list frame can also be used as a follow-up to the JAS to assess potential misclassification
of the JAS tracts defined as non-agricultural during the JAS.
NASS’s area frame is complete because the population of interest (land in the U.S.) is entirely
covered by the sampling frame with no overlaps or gaps. Therefore, it has long been assumed
that estimates derived from the JAS, using the area frame, are unbiased. However, recent
research conducted by the NISS-NASS team (Abreu, et al. 2010) indicated two sources of error
in the JAS: misclassification and estimation. Misclassification occurs when a tract, which has
some portion of a farming operation inside it, is identified as a non-farm or when a non-farm
tract is classified as a farm. Agricultural activity in the tract is estimated when the tract operator
is either inaccessible for or refuses an interview. The failure to adjust for these sources of error
contributes to the undercount of the number of farms in the JAS. This research report considers
methodologies to adjust the JAS number of farms indication for misclassification and estimation.


Because the census list frame is created independently from the JAS area frame, it can be used to
assess misclassification in the JAS. To do this, the 2007 JAS and 2007 Census reports were
matched, farm/non-farm status compared, and farm status disagreement identified (Abreu et. al,
2010). Disagreement in farm status occurred when (1) tracts identified as non-farms in the JAS
were identified as farms in the census or (2) tracts identified as farms in the JAS were identified
as non-farms in the census. If the tract was identified as a farm in the JAS and a non-farm in the
census, then the tract was considered a farm. If the tract was identified as a non-farm in the JAS
and a farm in the census, then the tract was considered a farm. In other words, if the tract was
identified as a farm in either the JAS or the census, then the tract was considered a farm. The
assumption ignores the potential overcount in the JAS that can arise from non-farm tracts being
identified as farms. Historically, the overcount, although important, is known to be negligible.
As a result, the focus here is only on the undercount.
3.1.1 Quantifying Misclassification

In years when a census is conducted (i.e., years ending in 2 and 7), the JAS records can be
matched to the records of census respondents, allowing a direct adjustment for misclassification.
More broadly, if the JAS can be matched to any validation source, then misclassification can be
accounted for directly. However, when matching to another source is not possible, the effect of
misclassification can be estimated if it is reasonable to assume that misclassification behaves
similarly in years when a follow-up is conducted. Under that assumption, a model of
misclassification can be developed from the follow-up year’s matched data and used to adjust for
misclassification in the year for which no follow-up information is available. The process of
developing a model is described in the next section.
3.1.2 Modeling Misclassification of Non-Farms
Because the focus here is in adjusting the JAS indication for an undercount, misclassification of
JAS non-farm tracts is modeled.
The current NASS estimate for the number of farms is defined as

where and
are the inclusion probability and the expansion factor associated with farm i,
respectively, ti is the tract-to-farm ratio (tract acres divided by total farm acres) and F is the set of
sampled farm tracts. However, to adjust for misclassification, consider the following estimate

where NF is the set of sampled non-farm tracts.
The tract-to-farm ratio is unobserved in non-farm tracts; that is, ti is missing in the second sum. If
the tract is correctly classified as a non-farm the tract-to-farm ratio is zero. If it is incorrectly
classified as a non-farm, then the tract-to-farm ratio should be greater than zero but less than or
equal to one. Because some tracts are misclassified, an estimate of the tract-to-farm ratio for
tracts misclassified as non-farms is needed. Here, ti is estimated with a modeled estimate defined

where is the estimated tract-to-farm ratio of a misclassified tract. The challenge is to obtain a
good estimate of ti for all non-farm tracts. To do this, a hierarchical model was developed that
accounts for the process used to identify misclassification.
Consider a tract that was identified as a non-farm. Let X be a set of covariates. Let u be an
indicator of whether or not a tract had census follow-up. Furthermore, suppose

u ~ Bernoulli (πu)

where πu depends on X. Let f be an indicator that a farm is present in the tract. Conditional on u
being 1, let
(f |u = 1) ~ Bernoulli (πf),

where πf also depends on X. Thus f|u has the following density.

where I() is an indicator function. Let z be an indicator that the tract-to-farm ratio is not equal to
1 (z=1 if the tract-to-farm ratio is less than 1 and 0 if the tract-to-farm ratio is 1). Thus,
conditional on u and f being 1,
(z|f = 1, u = 1) ~ Bernoulli(πz)
where πz depends on X. Thus, z|f,u has the following density.

Finally, let t denote the true tract-to-farm ratio. Conditional on z, f and u all being 1, let
(t|z = 1, f = 1, u = 1) ~ Beta(µ, ),
where µ and  depend on X. It is important to note that Beta(µ, ) has the following density,

Under this parameterization, the mean is µ. Thus, t|f,z,u has the following density,

The first term in the above sum corresponds to tracts with a tract-to-farm ratio less than 1 (i.e., z
= 1), while the second part of the sum corresponds to when the tract to farm ratio is 1 (i.e., z =
The unobserved tract-to-farm ratio of a non-agricultural tract, t, is of primary interest. Here, E(t)
is used to estimate a tract’s unobserved tract-to-farm ratio, t. Based on the hierarchy defined
above, the expected value of t is calculated as follows:

An implicit assumption of this model is that the tract-to-farm ratio is 0 when no follow-up was
done. This assumption is partially justified because follow-up was an attempt to match a JAS
tract to a census record. Failure of a JAS tract to match a census record is assumed to result from
that tract not being a farm. Thus, the unobserved tract-to-farm ratio would be 0. If all JAS tracts
had a census follow up (πu = 1), this assumption would not be necessary. However, because πu is
less than 1, it is likely this adjustment will still be an underestimate.
Given the model, the next step is to develop an estimator for E(t). Suppose ˆ , ˆ z , ˆ f , and

ˆ u are independent estimates of µ, πz, πf, and πu. An estimate of E(t) would therefore be,

Based on the distributional assumptions, generalized linear models are used to estimate each of
the unknown parameters. Data for all non-farm tracts are used to develop the model, but only
data available for all types of non-farm tracts can be used. The information available for nonagricultural tracts is limited; other non-farm tracts have additional information available. Thus,
only covariates that were collected for non-agricultural tracts can be considered in model
development. The two covariates included were land-use stratum and tract description.
Cultivated land is divided into several land-use strata based on the distribution of cultivation in a
state. The strata take on one of four values indicating whether or not the tract falls into a land use
stratum between 10 and 19 (> 50% cultivated), 20 and 29 (15-50% cultivated), 30 and 39
(agricultural urban/commercial), or 40 and 49 (<15% cultivated or non-agricultural). Tract
description is a variable identifying the tract as 1. Agricultural (i.e., an agricultural tract that did
not qualify as a farm); 2. Non-Agricultural with Potential; 3. Non-Agricultural with Potential
Unknown; or 4. Non-Agricultural with No Potential. Note, i indexes the tract’s stratum and j
indexes the tract’s description.
To estimate µ, the following beta regression model with a logit link was used


To estimate πf, πu and πz, the following logistic regression models were used

In all levels of each model, the parameters were estimated using maximum likelihood estimation
under the constraint that
(Ferrari and Cribari 2004,
McCullagh and Nelder 1989). The estimated parameters were used to estimate the probabilities
πz, πu, πf, and µ which in turn are used to estimate
as in formula (1) above.
The model-adjusted indication for the total number of farms is

that is, it is the sum of expanded observed tract-to-farm ratios for farm tracts plus the sum of
expanded estimated tract-to-farm ratios for tracts identified as non-farms. The first term is the
traditional JAS indication. The second term compensates for the undercount resulting from the
misclassification of some tracts identified as non-farms during the JAS. Let

which is the part of the indication based on the JAS farm tracts, and let

which is the modeled part of the model-adjusted indication.


3.1.3 Uncertainty
A measure of uncertainty provides a measure of the error associated with a given estimator.
Here, the variances of estimators are the uncertainty measure and in practice, the variances of
estimators are often estimated as well. Here, an estimate of variance for the model-adjusted
indication is considered.
The estimator
is design-based. Thus, the estimator of its variance is also based on
the design. In contrast,
is a model-based estimator, and the estimator of its
variance is based on the asymptotic normality of the parameter estimate. From maximum
likelihood theory,


are the asymptotic covariance matrices of the parameters associated with
estimating u, f, z, and t, respectively.
If the parameter values are known, the modeled-based adjustment to the JAS estimator of farms,
, written as a function of p is

Note eijk is the expansion factor for the kth tract with stratum i and tract status j. Thus, based on
the multivariate delta method, the estimated variance of this function is


is the gradient function evaluated at

An overall

estimate of the variance of
is difficult to obtain. The modeled and designbased portions of the estimator are correlated, and this correlation is not accounted for by simply
adding the two variances of the two terms. With this in mind, a bootstrap/multiple imputation
procedure could potentially be used to estimate the variability associated with the model-based
components and the covariance between the design-based and the model-based components.
Additional research is needed to fully assess the viability of this approach.
3.2 Estimation
The estimation of agricultural activity for sampled tracts contributes to the discrepancy between
the JAS design-based and the model-adjusted estimators. During the sample selection process,
tracts of land are selected to be surveyed for agricultural activity. When a tract operator is either
inaccessible for a JAS interview or refuses to participate in the JAS, enumerators are instructed

to estimate the tract-level agricultural items based on a physical observation of the tract.
Consequently, farm-level items are left to be imputed using other sources (other NASS surveys,
previous year JAS, Farm Service Agency information, etc.) or imputation methodologies.
One farm-level item that is imputed is total farm acreage, which together with the estimated tract
acreage, is used to compute the tract-to-farm ratio. When calculating the total number of farms,
the tract-to-farm ratio (the tract acreage divided by the total farm acreage) is used to represent the
proportion of a farm that is present in a tract. When the agricultural activity in a tract is
estimated, enumerators accurately calculate the tract acreage in person and Field Office (FO)
staff are instructed to hand impute the total farm acreage using either previously reported or
administrative data. If this information is not available, they are instructed to use strata-level
median tract-to-farm ratios calculated for each state. FOs multiply these state/strata median
tract-to-farm ratios by the tract acres to estimate the total farm acreage. Although median
imputation was a common solution when this problem was first addressed, more recent research
has illustrated its limitations. Therefore, estimation of total farm acreage for non-response tracts
is a potential area of improvement in the process of estimating the number of farms in the United
In 2009, NASS conducted the Farm Numbers Research Project (FNRP). In this study, 595
estimated tracts’ farm-level items from the JAS and the FNRP were compared. Substantial
discordance was observed for a number of variables, including total farm acreage and
consequently tract-to-farm ratio (See Appendix A). The quality of the imputed data for total
farm acreage is likely related to the method of imputation. However, prior to 2011, the source
used for imputation was not recorded. The quality of the imputed farm-level values could be
assessed if the information was known. Here, quality is an overall measure of the validity and/or
properties of the imputed value based on either the imputation source or the imputation
methodology. The specific definition of quality and subsequent quantification merits further
research. Because the quality of imputed values for estimated tracts cannot currently be
determined, an intermediate solution is to treat each estimated tract as a unit non-respondent.
Then, the JAS-based estimate of the number of farms can be adjusted using unit non-response
methodologies. Such an approach, although statistically viable, is not able to fully utilize the
information collected from estimated tracts, but it is used here. Note: For 2011, the JAS survey
instrument has been amended so that the quality of the sources used for farm-level imputation
can be assessed. Thus, in the future, tracts with quality information can be treated as
respondents, and those remaining will be treated as unit non-respondents.
3.2.1 Non-Response
Non-response Model
The current estimate for the number of farms based on the JAS can be simplified to the following


where R denotes the set of respondents, πi denotes the inclusion probability of respondent i, yi=1
if the tract contains a farm and is 0 otherwise, and ti = tract-to-farm ratio. If ϕi denotes the
probability of response for unit i, then the non-response weighted estimate for the total number
of farms would be

where ϕi is the probability the ith tract responds. In practice, ϕi is unknown and must be
estimated. i can be estimated in several ways.
Although sampling weights have often been incorporated in non-response methodologies (Platek
and Gray, 1983), Little and Vartivarian (2003) show that “weighting response rates by sampling
weights to adjust for design variables is either incorrect or unnecessary.'' (pp. 1589) Further,
they recommend modeling non-response as a function of covariates and design variables. Given
the model, the response weight is the inverse of the estimated probability from this model.
3.2.2 Estimating the Probability of Response: Logistic Regression
A logistic regression model was developed to estimate the probability of responding to the JAS.
The model is based on the assumption that each tract has a probability  i of having a response
recorded during the JAS. Further, the probability a tract has a response is independent of the
probability that a response is obtained for any other JAS tract. Finally, the probability a tract has
a response can be predicted using available tract, state and land-use stratum items.
During the JAS, tract-level items are recorded for both respondents and non-respondents. Here,
for tract-level items, a simple binary indicator of the presence or absence is used as a covariate.
For example, if an enumerator observes corn in a tract, then the corn indicator for that tract is 1.
In addition, state and land-use strata are used as covariates. State and land-use strata are common
to both respondents and non-respondents, and are design variables used in the sample selection
procedure. The land-use strata may be defined slightly differently from state to state. Here, strata
were combined as necessary to form a land-use strata variable that takes one of five values:
greater than or equal to 50% cultivated, 15 to 50% cultivated, agricultural urban/commercial, less
than 15% agricultural or non-agricultural. The final logistic regression model can be expressed as
follows. For a given tract,
Zi ~ Bernoulli(



where  i is the probability that a JAS response is obtained for tract i, Zi is 1 if a response was
obtained from the ith tract and is 0 otherwise, Xi is the vector of covariates for the ith tract and β is
a vector of unknown regression coefficients.
Based on the logistic regression model, is estimated for each respondent and incorporated in
the non-response model. That is, the estimated non-response adjusted estimate is given by


is the estimated response probability for tract i.

3.2.3 Variance Estimation
The additional uncertainty due to non-response must be accounted for when estimating the
variance of the estimator. Moreover, the error in estimating the response propensity must be
accounted for in the variance calculations. The methodology of Kim and Kim (2007) provides a
framework for estimating the variance of design-based estimates adjusted for non-response.
Recall, the usual estimate of the number of farms is given by

The non-response adjusted estimate of the number of farms is given by,

Finally, the estimated non-response adjusted estimate is given by,

is the estimated response probability for tract i. Kim and Kim (2007) show that under
certain assumptions, the variance of this estimate is estimated using the following formula,



is the joint inclusion probability of tract i and tract j,


3.3 Adjusting for Both Non-response and Misclassification
The JAS farm numbers estimate can be adjusted for both non-response and misclassification
when a follow-up to the JAS is conducted using census records. Let U denote the set of
respondents to the JAS after the records are updated using the information obtained from
matching to census records. That is, U contains records that were classified as non-farms in the
JAS but were identified to be part of a farming operation in the census. Note: Records identified
as non-respondents are not considered in the matching process; they are accounted for using the
non-response weights.
The response probability for each tract in U is estimated under the modeling framework as
described in the previous section. With
for all records in U, the non-response,
misclassification adjusted estimate for the number of farms in the U.S. is given by

Note: This estimate still potentially represents an undercount because it is possible that some of
the JAS non-farm records that did not match to a census record could be farms. Recall here it is
assumed that a tract identified as a farm in either the JAS or the census is a farm. If
misclassification of JAS farms were considered, a different framework would need to be
The variance of this estimator is (Kim and Kim, 2007),

Further research is needed to develop the variance of a JAS estimator of farm numbers that
accounts for both non-response and misclassification when misclassification is modeled as in
Section 3.1.2.
Recent research identified misclassification and estimation as two sources of error in the June
Area Survey (JAS). Three methods have been developed in this report: (1) an adjustment for
JAS misclassification when a follow-up is conducted and in the case for which a follow-up is not

possible, when the effect of misclassification is modeled, (2) an adjustment for JAS nonresponse, and (3) an adjustment for both misclassification and non-response.
The adjustment for JAS for misclassification requires relevant follow-up data. When a follow-up
is conducted, such as when census records are matched to JAS records, misclassification on the
JAS can be adjusted for directly. If, as in non-census years, a follow-up is not conducted, the
modeling framework described in Section 3.1 provides an approach to estimating
misclassification. For this framework, the final JAS estimate of the number of farms consists of a
design-based portion for farm tracts and a model-based portion for non-farm tracts. An estimator
of the variance for the adjusted number of farms estimator for this approach has yet to be
determined. The modeled and design-based terms of the estimator are correlated, and this
correlation impacts the variance of the estimator. A bootstrap procedure could potentially
provide an estimate of the variability associated with the model-based component and the
covariance with the design-based components. This and alternative methodologies for estimating
the variance of the farm numbers estimator merit further research.
For the second method, a framework for adjusting the JAS for non-response was developed by
assuming that each tract has a certain probability of responding to the survey. The probabilities
were estimated using logistic regression. The estimated probabilities were used to calculate farm
number estimates with appropriate measures of uncertainty.
Because misclassification and non-response are both concerns for the JAS, a unified framework
was developed to account for misclassification and non-response. The effect of misclassification
is quantified based on a follow-up, and the probability of response is modeled and used to adjust
for non-response. An estimator of the variance using the methods of Kim and Kim (2007) was
presented. Combining non-response and misclassification where both components are modeled
merits future research.
1. Thoroughly evaluate current JAS imputation procedures and develop appropriate
imputation methodology. Currently, the quality of imputed values for estimated tracts
cannot be determined. The quality of the imputed data for total farm acreage is likely
related to the method of imputation. The quality could be better assessed if the
information regarding the source or method of imputation was retained. This
recommendation is currently being addressed. An office use box has been added to the
2011 JAS survey instrument which will collect the source of the farm acreage item
reported on the questionnaire. Upon completion of the 2011 data collection processes,
the data will be analyzed and various imputation approaches should be tested as per this
2. Develop non-response methodology that reflects a combination of a revised
imputation methodology (noted in the first recommendation) and a rigorous non15

response methodology for estimated tracts that have no quality information
available for imputation.
3. A final JAS survey indication should include adjustments for non-response,
imputation, and misclassification. In addition, future research is needed to develop a
methodology that accounts for these three sources of error in the farm number indication
and provides an appropriate measure of uncertainty associated with the final JAS

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In 2009, NASS conducted the Farm Numbers Research Project (FNRP). As a result, 595 tracts
estimated in the June Area Survey were rescreened, yielding a dataset that contained both the
estimated farm level information and the actual farm level information. The estimated June
values were compared to the actual values obtained during FNRP.
For brevity, the results are summarized for three variables that play an important role in
estimating the number of farms: the tract-to-farm ratio, the total land, and the edited value of
sales. A scatter plot of the June tract-to-farm ratio versus the FNRP tract-to-farm ratio for 595
tracts indicates substantial discordance between the two (Figure 2). In addition, a scatter plot of
the June total land versus the FNRP total land illustrates similar discordance (Figure 3). The
results indicate the estimation procedure does not accurately estimate the two variables that are
needed to calculate the number of farms.
Finally, the edited value of sales were compared (Table A). The number of off-diagonal elements
indicates discordance between the FNRP and estimated June values. A large number of offdiagonal values confirm the inaccuracy of the estimation procedure. Due to the inability to
determine the quality of estimated values, it is assumed that estimated tracts are non-respondents.
The methodology in the report describes the consequences of this assumption and provides a
framework for estimating the number of farms in the presence of non-response.

Figure 2



Figure 3
Table A. A Comparison of Sales Class Values for Matched FNRP and JAS Frame Records
JAS Sales Class

FNRP Sales Class
$1,000- $2,500- $5,000- $10,000- $25,000- $50,000- $100,000- $250,000- $500,000- $1,000,000- $2,500,000$2,499 $4,999 $9,999 $24,999 $49,999 $99,999 $249,999 $499,999 $999,999 $2,499,999 $4,999,999 $5M+ Total


File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorKenneth Lopiano
File Modified2011-11-09
File Created2011-11-09

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