Indian Health Service (IHS) Tele-Behavioral Health Center of Excellence (TBHCE)
Licensed Healthcare Professional
Behavioral Health Training & Education Needs Assessment Survey
The Indian Health Service (IHS) Tele-Behavioral Health Center of Excellence (TBHCE) is committed to equipping licensed healthcare professionals working in IHS, Tribal, and Urban Indian Health Programs with the culturally sensitive training and education they need to deliver excellent behavioral health patient care.
TBHCE creates and provides behavioral health training and we want to ensure that the new courses we develop over the next few years are relevant, timely, high quality, and meet your needs.
Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts about educational opportunities the IHS TBHCE could offer that would be the most beneficial to you.
This survey is voluntary. All responses will be anonymous. This survey will take about 10 minutes to complete.
Provider Information (Section 1)
Are you a licensed healthcare professional?
(Survey continues “yes” or ends “no”)
Select one of the following categories that would best describe your licensed profession:
Alcohol & Drug Counselor
Marriage and Family Therapist
Mental Health Counselor
Nurse Practitioner
Physician (Psychiatrist)
Physician Assistant
Prescribing Psychologist
Professional Counselor
Psychiatric Nurse
Social Worker
Other: Please specify
What accrediting body can you receive continuing education credits from?
(Check all that apply)
Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME)
Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE)
American Academy of Physician Assistants (AAPA)
American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC)
American Psychological Association (APA)
Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB)/National Social Work Boards (NASW)
National Association for Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors (NAADAC)
National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC)
Other: Please specify
Select one of the following categories that would best describe the setting of your practice:
(Check all that apply)
Adult Residential Treatment Center (substance use and co-occurring treatment)
Emergency Room
Inpatient Clinic
Medical Setting/Integrated Behavioral Health Setting
Intensive Outpatient Clinic
Outpatient/Ambulatory Clinic
School-Based Health Clinic
TeleBehavioral Health
Youth Regional Treatment Center (substance use and co-occurring treatment)
Other: Please specify
For which type of institution/organization do you currently work?
Urban Indian Health Program
What IHS geographic area is your organization/institution located?
Alaska Area
Albuquerque Area
Bemidji Area
Billings Area
California Area
Great Plains Area
Nashville Area
Navajo Area
Oklahoma City Area
Phoenix Area
Portland Area
Tucson Area
Behavioral Health Training & Education Needs (Section 2)
Please identify what you consider to be the top 5 clinical topics that you would like to learn more about:
Anxiety Disorders
Autism Spectrum Disorders
Behavioral Health Integration
Child Maltreatment Response/Prevention
Disruptive/Conduct Disorders
Eating Disorders
FASD/ Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Human Trafficking
Intimate Partner Violence
LGBTQI/Two Spirit Topics
Medication-Assisted Treatment (Opioid Addiction, etc.)
Medication Benefits and Risks
Mood Disorders (Bipolar, Depression, etc)
Obsessive Compulsive Disorders
Personality Disorders
Provider burnout/prevention
Schizophrenia Spectrum/Psychotic Disorders
School Mental Health
Sexual Assault Response/Prevention
Suicide Prevention/Intervention/Treatment
Trauma and Stress Related Disorders (PTSD, etc)
Trauma Informed Care
Other: please specify
What areas do you need more skills in?
Brief Interventions
Child/Adolescent Therapy
Adult Therapy
Couples Therapy
Family Therapy
Experiential Therapy
Group Therapy
Crisis counseling/intervention
Medication Management
Medications for Children/Adolescents
Medications for Geriatric Patients
Organizing community crisis response (suicide postvention/homicide postvention)
Behavioral Health Leadership
Other: please specify
What patient populations would you like to expand your clinical skill set with?
(Check all that apply)
Children (ages 0-12)
Adolescents (ages 13-24)
Adults (24+)
Seniors (65+)
LGBTQI/Two Spirit
What training and education activities would you find most useful and relevant to your practice?
(Check All that Apply)
1:1 Provider Case Consultation
ECHO Clinics
Live Webinars
Web-based On Demand Training (self-paced)
In person “Hands On” Skill Building Workshops
In Person Conferences
Peer Support
Other: Please specify
What are your most preferred learning formats?
(Check all that Apply)
Case Discussion/Presentations
Panel Discussions
Participant Role Play or Rehearsal
Participant Roundtable Discussions
Video Vignettes
Other: Please specify
How do you use Continuing Education (CE) Activities?
(Check All that Apply)
To enhance patient care/Improve patient outcomes
To enhance clinical skills
Keep up-to-date on emerging clinical developments
To meet licensure requirements
Other, Please specify
What three agencies/programs do you currently utilize the most to obtain your CE credits?
IHS Area/Regional Trainings
IHS Clinical Support Center (CSC)
National Conferences (not sponsored by IHS)
National IHS Conferences
Private Company
Through my national professional association (i.e. APA, ASWB, NASW)
Through my state licensing board
Tribe/Tribal Organization
Urban Indian Health Program
Other: Please specify
What is your average (annual) out of pocket expense for CE credits?
How much does your place of employment (on average) pay annually for CE training for you?
TBHCE Training Activities (Section 3)
Are you aware of the TBHCE Tele-Education program?
How many TBHCE webinars, ECHO clinics, or on demand trainings have you attended in the past year?
What would make TBHCE trainings more appealing or relevant for you?
(Check All that Apply)
More diverse clinical topics
More on demand (self-paced) training options
More culturally sensitive trainings
Different learning formats, other than lectures
More in person training opportunities
Identify content level as beginning, intermediate, advanced
Other, specify
What barriers prevent you from attending TBHCE Education activities?
(Check All that Apply)
Does not address my learning style/needs
Does not meet my licensure jurisdiction requirements
Lack of time in my workday
Not enough advanced notice of when activities will occur
Not offering CE credits for my discipline
Technology connectivity issues
Other, specify
How can the tele-education program assist with overcoming barriers or what solutions would you recommend?
If you have any needs or concerns that were not addressed in this survey, please feel free to tell us about them.
Thank you!
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Bass, Skye C. (IHS/HQ) |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-16 |