OMB Control No.: 0970-0409 Expiration Date: XX/XX/20XX
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Administration for Children and Families
Office of Child Care
Tribal Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood
Home Visiting Program
Guidance for Submitting an
or Final Report to the Secretary
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Administration for Children and Families
Office of Child Care
330 C Street SW
Washington, DC 20447
Tribal Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program
Background Information:
Guidance for Submitting an Annual or Final Report to the Secretary
Section 511(e)(8)(A) of the Social Security Act requires that grantees under the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) program for states and jurisdictions submit an annual report to the Secretary of Health and Human Services regarding the program and activities carried out under the program, including such data and information as the Secretary shall require. Section 511 (h)(2)(A) further states that the requirements for the MIECHV grants to tribes, tribal organizations, and urban Indian organizations are to be consistent, to the greatest extent practicable, with the requirements for grantees under the MIECHV program for states and jurisdictions. Tribal MIECHV grantees have been notified by the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) that in each year of their grant, except the first year, they must comply with the requirement for submitting an Annual Report to the Secretary that should describe activities carried out under the program during the past reporting period, or, in the case of the final report, throughout their project period.
This document provides guidance to grantees when submitting their annual or final report to the Secretary. The guidance is divided into two parts, one for submitting an annual report, the second for submitting a final report. Reports shall be submitted via per instructions given to each grantee by ACF as part of their cooperative agreement.
Any questions and comments regarding this guidance may be addressed to:
Anne Bergan
Senior Policy Analyst
Tribal Home Visiting Program
Administration for Children and Families, HHS
Mary E. Switzer Building
330 C Street, SW, Suite 3014F
Washington, DC 20201
(202) 260-8515
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average of 50 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and reviewing the collection of information.
An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.
Each year following the first year of the grant, Tribal Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting grantees must provide a written report to the Secretary regarding the program and activities carried out under their cooperative agreement during the previous reporting period. Below are six Sections that represent the primary grant activities on which to report.
A reminder:
The audience for this report is the Secretary of Health and Human Services. As such, it is critical that you provide a comprehensive, well-written response that is responsive to each of the items below. Your report should tell the story of your program, your community, and the people you serve, providing valuable information to HHS regarding your assessment of challenges, successes, and lessons learned.
Please discuss how you are meeting the goals and objectives you set out to accomplish when you developed your Implementation Plan.
List each program goal and objective identified in your Implementation Plan and describe the progress made towards achieving each goal and objective during the most recent reporting period.
If you have met any of your goals and objectives, please describe how you achieved them.
For each goal and objective, if you encountered any challenges, describe barriers to progress that you encountered and the strategies and steps you have taken to overcome them.
Please discuss the planning and implementing of your home visiting program, as described in your Implementation Plan. Please address each of the items listed below. Where applicable, discuss any barriers or challenges you encountered and the steps taken to overcome these barriers and challenges.
Please describe your progress in engaging with the broader community(ies) (e.g., partner agencies, local advisory committee, stakeholders within your community, tribal leadership, leadership within your organization, partner agencies, the families you serve) around your home visiting program.
Please describe your work to-date with the developer of the implemented home visiting model(s), including:
A description of any technical assistance and support provided during the reporting period from the model(s)
A description of your use or access to curriculum and other materials needed to implement the home visiting model and whether these materials were useful.
A description of any training and professional development supports you may have obtained from the home visiting model(s) developer and whether the training helped when implementing your program.
Please describe your efforts to provide support and professional development to staff. Describe activities implemented over the past year and outcomes related to:
Staff recruitment and hiring
Professional development
Staff retention
Trainings to ensure well-trained, competent staff beyond model developer provided activities
High quality reflective, clinical, and administrative supervision
Infant and early childhood mental health consultation
Please describe your efforts to recruit, engage, and retain program participants, including progress on meeting objectives related to :
Recruitment of families
Engaging families
Retention of families
Participant completion of the program
Please describe your activities related to providing high quality home visiting program services, including:
Ensuring the selected home visiting model(s), adaptations, enhancements, and supplements are being implemented with fidelity
Making sure all staff delivers home visits the way the model was intended
Developing and documenting program operations, policies, and procedures to support implementation fidelity and program quality
Please describe steps taken toward the development of a coordinated early childhood system, including coordination and collaboration between your home visiting program and other programs and resources for pregnant women, expectant fathers, young children, and families in the community(ies).
Describe the actions you have taken to improve referrals and services between your program and others in the community.
Describe the partnerships you have developed and provide any updates on these collaborations.
If applicable, please provide any testimonials, success stories, photos, and videos you would like to share regarding the implementation of your home visiting program.
Technical Assistance Needs and Outcomes
Please describe any barriers or challenges you experienced related to the topics above during the reporting period, for which you needed technical assistance or training support.
Please describe any technical assistance or training you requested and/or received from Tribal MIECHV programmatic or evaluation technical assistance providers, model developers, or any other source related to the topics above.
Were your technical assistance and training needs met? If not, what additional supports would be helpful to you?
Please provide a narrative discussing the performance measurement data collection efforts, including a summary of barriers/challenges encountered during data collection efforts and steps taken to overcome them. Please address each of the items listed below:
Please describe your program’s process for monitoring data collection and entry and describe your team’s progress towards collecting complete and high-quality performance data. These activities could include refresher trainings for home visitors on data collection, regular data quality checks, and reviewing data during staff meetings.
For any particular measures for which there is a considerable amount (i.e., 50 percent or more) of missing data, please describe, explain, and discuss steps your program has taken to improve the completeness and accuracy of data collection.
Please discuss how you are using performance data your program collects to monitor and assess the quality of program implementation and service delivery.
Please describe any successes your team has experienced related to the collection, analysis, federal reporting, and use of performance data during the reporting period.
Please describe any challenges your team has experienced with performance data collection and reporting during the reporting period. How have you addressed these challenges?
Technical Assistance Needs and Outcomes
Please describe any barriers or challenges you experienced related to the topics above during the reporting period, for which you needed technical assistance or training support.
Please describe any technical assistance or training you requested and/or received from Tribal MIECHV programmatic or evaluation technical assistance providers, model developers, or any other source related to the topics above.
Were your technical assistance and training needs met? If not, what additional supports would be helpful to you?
Please provide an update on rigorous evaluation activities, and report on the following:
For those grantees not participating in the multi-site implementation evaluation of Tribal MIECHV (MUSE):
Please list your evaluation questions.
Please describe the team’s progress conducting the evaluation and any evaluation activities that took place during the reporting period. Please note the following (if applicable):
Progress developing the evaluation plan (if not already approved)
Progress submitting to the IRB or updating the IRB protocol
The number of participants to be enrolled in the evaluation and progress towards enrolling your targeted sample
Data collected, including the number of participants for whom data were collected, the response rate, and the type of data collected/measures used
Progress conducting analyses of data collected
Activities conducted to engage and inform community members of the evaluation’s progress
Please list key evaluation successes or accomplishments during this reporting period. Accomplishments may be related to: 1) Design (planning and coordination with the evaluation team and program staff), and/or 2) Implementation (launch of evaluation activities, including data collection and preliminary reporting).
Please describe any challenges to the evaluation experienced during this reporting period. How have you addressed these challenges? Did these challenges affect the program or evaluation plan?
Please describe any interim evaluation findings.
Please list any evaluation dissemination activities conducted during the reporting period. Evaluation dissemination activities could include reports or presentations provided to program stakeholders and community members; presentations at research, evaluation, or practitioner conferences; and work on articles for scholarly journals or other publications.
For those grantees participating in the multi-site implementation evaluation of Tribal MIECHV (MUSE):
Please describe your program’s activities around participation in the MUSE study during the reporting period.
Please list key successes or accomplishments related to your program’s participation in MUSE during this reporting period. Accomplishments may be related to: 1) Design (planning and coordination with the evaluation team and program staff), and/or 2) Implementation (launch of evaluation activities, including data collection and preliminary reporting).
Please describe any challenges experienced around your program’s participation in MUSE during this reporting period. How have you addressed these challenges?
Please list any dissemination activities related to MUSE conducted by your program during the reporting period. Evaluation dissemination activities could include reports or presentations provided to program stakeholders and community members; presentations at research, evaluation, or practitioner conferences; and work on articles for scholarly journals or other publications.
Technical Assistance Needs and Outcomes
Please describe any barriers or challenges you experienced related to the topics above during the reporting period, for which you needed technical assistance or training support.
Please describe any technical assistance or training you requested and/or received from Tribal MIECHV programmatic or evaluation technical assistance providers, model developers, or any other source related to the topics above.
Were your technical assistance and training needs met? If not, what additional supports would be helpful to you?
Please provide an update on your efforts regarding planning and implementing continuous quality improvement activities during the reporting period, including CQI opportunities, changes implemented, data collected, and results obtained. Please discuss any CQI activities or projects that took place during the reporting period. CQI activities could include PDSA cycles, CQI collaborative activities, CQI team meetings, use of CQI tools, implementation of tests or solutions, collection and analysis of data, sharing of results, etc.
Please describe the team’s progress on your CQI activities.
Please describe any CQI accomplishments experienced by your team during the reporting period. For example, did the tests you implemented result in any improvements?
Please describe any challenges encountered during the CQI process. How did you address these challenges?
What has your team learned in your CQI projects during the reporting period?
What are your team’s next steps in your CQI work?
Technical Assistance Needs and Outcomes
Please describe any barriers or challenges you experienced related to the topics above during the reporting period, for which you needed technical assistance or training support.
Please describe any technical assistance or training you requested and/or received from Tribal MIECHV programmatic or evaluation technical assistance providers, model developers, or any other source related to the topics above.
Were your technical assistance and training needs met? If not, what additional supports would be helpful to you?
Please describe your program’s dissemination plan and efforts over the reporting period.
What are your dissemination purposes and goals? Which of these goals did you prioritize this year?
Who are your target audiences for dissemination and information sharing? Which audiences did you disseminate to in the past year? Target audiences could include tribal council, the community, families, and funders (local, state, federal, foundations) or others.
What types of information (qualitative, quantitative) did you prioritize for dissemination during the reporting period?
What products and materials did you develop and what methods did you use to share them? Please list these and identify which audiences you targeted and how they were disseminated. For instance, did you give a presentation for tribal council? Did you create brochures or marketing materials to recruit families?
Relevant dissemination materials and products could include:
Newsletters (electronic or print)
Pamphlets, brochures, or fact sheets
Web- and social media-based products (blogs, podcasts, video clips, etc.)
Digital stories or videos
Presentations and posters
Press communications (TV/radio interviews, newspaper interviews, public service announcements, and editorial articles)
Electronic products (DVDs, audio or videos, CD-ROMs)
Reports and monographs (including policy briefs and best practices reports)
Books and book chapters
Peer-reviewed publications in scholarly journals – published and submitted
Academic course development and distance learning modules
Doctoral dissertations/Master’s theses
What were the outcomes of your dissemination efforts? Did they achieve the goals and purposes you intended? Please describe any notable successes or challenges.
Please provide copies of or links to reports or materials developed for dissemination during the reporting period.
Technical Assistance Needs and Outcomes
Please describe any barriers or challenges you experienced related to the topics above during the reporting period, for which you needed technical assistance or training support.
Please describe any technical assistance or training you requested and/or received from Tribal MIECHV programmatic or evaluation technical assistance providers, model developers, or any other source related to the topics above.
Were your technical assistance and training needs met? If not, what additional supports would be helpful to you?
In the final year of the grant, Tribal Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting grantees must provide a written report to the Secretary regarding the program and activities carried out under their cooperative agreement during the entire project period. Below are six Sections that represent the primary grant activities on which to report.
A reminder: The audience for this report is the Secretary of Health and Human Services. As such, it is critical that you provide a comprehensive, well-written response that is responsive to each of the items below. Your report should tell the story of your program, your community, and the people you serve, providing valuable information to HHS regarding your assessment of challenges, successes, and lessons learned.
Please describe how you met the goals and objectives you set out to accomplish when you developed your Implementation Plan.
List each program goal and objective identified in your Implementation Plan and provide a final summary of the progress made towards achieving each goal and objective during the grant period. Please describe how each goal and objective was accomplished. Describe barriers to achievement, or challenges you faced, and the strategies used to overcome them. If a goal or objective was revised or not accomplished, please explain why.
Please provide final information and reflections regarding the planning and implementation of your home visiting program, as identified in your Implementation Plan. Please address each of the items listed below. Where applicable, discuss any barriers or challenges you encountered and the steps taken to overcome these barriers and challenges.
Thinking back to when you conducted your community needs and readiness assessment for your home visiting program, and the years of implementation afterwards, please provide a summary that includes:
Was conducting a needs assessment useful? If so how? If the needs assessment was not useful, why do you think that is?
What do you see as your biggest successes related to the needs assessment and its use to support and shape program implementation?
What do you see as your biggest challenges related to the needs assessment and its use to support and shape program implementation?
What lessons have you learned that may serve you in implementing similar programs moving forward?
Please describe lessons learned around engaging with the broader community(ies) (e.g., partner agencies, local advisory committee, stakeholders within your community, tribal leadership, leadership within your organization, partner agencies, the families you serve) around your home visiting program. How have these partners’ involvement helped or hindered the implementation of your program?
Please describe how your community’s involvement will help sustain your program.
Please report on the work with the developer of the home visiting model(s) during the project period, including:
A summary of any technical assistance and support, curriculum and materials, and professional development received from the model(s). How did the support of the model developer(s) impact the implementation of your home visiting program?
If the model developer(s) did not provide the support or involvement you needed, please describe the challenges you encountered and how you think that may have impacted the implementation of your program.
Please summarize your efforts to provide support and professional development to staff. Describe activities implemented over the project period and outcomes related to:
Staff recruitment and hiring (if the ending of your grant has impacted recruiting staff please describe)
Professional development
Staff retention (if the ending of your grant has impacted retaining staff please describe)
Trainings to ensure well-trained, competent staff beyond what the model developer provided and any other activities during the life of this grant
High quality reflective, clinical, and administrative supervision
Infant and early childhood mental health consultation
Please describe your efforts to recruit, engage, and retain program participants, including progress on meeting objectives related to the following. Please provide summary data about family recruitment, retention, and program completion over the project period.
Recruitment of families
Engaging families
Retention of families
Participant completion of the program
If you did not meet your objectives, please provide reflections on the possible reasons why this may have occurred and the lessons learned that you can use when thinking about the future.
Please summarize your activities related to maintaining quality and fidelity of the home visiting program. How did you:
Ensure the selected home visiting model(s), adaptations, enhancements, and supplements are being implemented with fidelity
Make sure all staff delivers home visits the way the model was intended
Develop and document program operations, policies, and procedures to support implementation fidelity and program quality
Please describe the actions you took throughout the project period related to developing a coordinated early childhood system that includes home visiting programs, including coordination and collaboration between your home visiting program and other existing programs and resources for pregnant women, expectant fathers, young children, and families in the community(ies).
Describe the actions you took throughout the project to maximize referrals and services between your program and others in the community.
Describe the partnerships you developed and provide any updates on these collaborations. How you will continue to partner with them beyond this grant?
Technical Assistance Feedback
It would be very helpful to ACF if you could offer feedback on the quality of the technical assistance you received.
Please describe any barriers or challenges you experienced related to the topics above during the project period, for which you needed technical assistance or training support.
Please describe any technical assistance or training you requested and/or received from Tribal MIECHV programmatic or evaluation technical assistance providers, model developers, or any other source related to the topics above.
What methods of technical assistance were most useful (i.e. targeted TA, webinars, site visits, meetings, etc.)? What methods were least useful?
What additional supports would have been helpful?
The MIECHV legislation for tribal grantees had strong requirements for grantees to create performance measurement plans, to collect data on benchmarks and for reporting. The purpose of this section is to learn about grantees’ experiences with the performance measurement process.
Please describe your team’s experience with performance measurement before receiving the home visiting grant.
How did your organization engage in data collection prior to receiving the home visiting grant? If applicable describe any prior data collection protocols and databases.
Was data collection a completely new process to your home visiting staff, or had they done some in the past?
How comfortable did you expect families to be with data collection?
Please describe what you learned from going through the entire performance data collection, analysis, and reporting process.
What did you learn in developing the performance measurement plan?
What did you learn in collecting performance data?
How comfortable was home visiting staff with data collection?
How comfortable were families?
What did you learn through the reporting process?
If you had it to do all over again, what would you do differently in terms of your local performance data collection, analysis, and reporting process?
In looking at your Tribal Home Visiting Form 2 data, what do you think were your program’s biggest achievements?
Which of your performance measures best capture these achievements?
What did you learn about your program achievements that surprised you?
Were there any achievements that were not well represented in the data? If so, what were they?
What data would your program want to collect that you did not collect? What would this new data help to inform?
Which aspects of your Tribal Home Visiting Form 2 data indicated a need for improvement from your perspective?
In what ways do you think that data accurately reflect your program’s implementation or data collection challenges in this area?
Please describe any challenges that made improvement in this area particularly difficult.
Were there challenges related to data collection itself (e.g., data collection burden; supervision or support for data collectors; making data collection more meaningful for families; better systems)?
How do you plan to overcome these challenges in the future?
How will you use these data to inform your program implementation in this area?
Now that you have reported your program’s performance data:
What would you recommend HHS do to support effective performance measurement by grantees in the future?
What would you change about the performance measurement requirements?
Technical Assistance Feedback
It would be very helpful to ACF if you could offer feedback on the quality of the technical assistance you received.
Please describe any barriers or challenges you experienced related to the topics above during the project period, for which you needed technical assistance or training support.
Please describe any technical assistance or training you requested and/or received from Tribal MIECHV programmatic or evaluation technical assistance providers, model developers, or any other source related to the topics above.
What methods of technical assistance were most useful (i.e. targeted TA, webinars, site visits, meetings, etc.)? What methods were least useful?
What additional supports would have been helpful?
The purpose of evaluating home visiting in your community was to learn how well it worked in your community and to add to body of evidence about effective interventions in AIAN communities. The information you provide about your evaluation experience will also help the federal program to learn how it can best support the development of knowledge about what works in home visiting in tribal communities.
Evaluation Question(s) and Community Considerations:
Please describe your evaluation question(s) using the REP format.
Evaluation Question
R |
The relationship(s) in the logic model that will be studied
E |
The elements you plan to measure to understand the relationship(s)
P |
The prediction for how you think the relationship(s) will work
Discuss what you learned from the Evaluation Capacity and Readiness (ECR) assessment that informed your formative evaluation question?
Please discuss how your evaluation question is relevant to your community. What were some of the considerations your team discussed as you were developing your evaluation questions? For example:
Community priorities
Selected model
Community experiences with and perceptions of evaluation
Please describe how your community engaged in planning and conducting the evaluation study.
Evaluation Design and Methods:
Evaluation Diagram: Please briefly diagram in a visual form how your evaluation approach will help clarify and/or explain aspects of your logic model.
Were there any changes to your evaluation design during the project period? If so, what were those changes and why were they made?
List your quantitative and/or qualitative measures and instruments (please provide in a table format).
Measure/Instrument & Source Information |
Logic Model element to be measured (e.g., input, activity, output, outcome ) |
Describe your final sample including demographic characteristics in a table (number of families, age of parent/guardian, age of target child (if applicable), race/ethnicity of participants, marital status/relationship status, education level, poverty status, etc.)
Data Analysis Methods and Results:
Please describe the data analysis methods you used to test your hypothesis (e.g., both quantitative and qualitative analysis methods).
Please present your data from your results using tables and/or graphs as necessary.
Were there any unexpected results? If so, please describe these results.
Findings and Implications:
What are the key findings from your evaluation? Which of these findings are most salient to your community and program stakeholders?
What do your findings mean for your future practice? What, if anything, might you do differently in your program in light of this evaluation?
What are the implications for future evaluation work within your program and community?
How will your evaluation inform the field of tribal home visiting?
What were the limitations of your evaluation?
Reflections on the Evaluation Process:
Please consider the strengths and challenges you encountered in planning for and conducting your evaluation.
What parts of the ECR assessment process did you find most helpful and why?
What parts of the ECR process did you find challenging and why?
What parts of the formative evaluation process did you find most helpful?
What parts of the formative evaluation process did you find challenging and why?
Technical Assistance Feedback
It would be very helpful to ACF if you could offer feedback on the quality of the technical assistance you received.
Please describe any barriers or challenges you experienced related to the topics above during the project period, for which you needed technical assistance or training support.
Please describe any technical assistance or training you requested and/or received from Tribal MIECHV programmatic or evaluation technical assistance providers, model developers, or any other source related to the topics above.
What methods of technical assistance were most useful (i.e. targeted TA, webinars, site visits, meetings, etc.)? What methods were least useful?
What additional supports would have been helpful?
The Multisite Implementation Evaluation of Tribal Home Visiting (MUSE) is a 5-year study of how home visiting programs are implemented in American Indian Alaska Native (AIAN) communities. As a grantee partner, you joined other Tribal MIECHV grantees in working with researchers and tribal communities to better understand how home visiting is delivered, and what drives service delivery. The information you provide about your evaluation experience will help ACF better understand what the benefits were to individual sites participating in this study and learn how to promote research across tribal grantee sites to continue to learn about what works in home visiting in tribal communities.
Please reflect on the experiences of peer sharing and collaboration in MUSE:
What were your experiences collaborating with other grantees and the MUSE study team to shape study design?
What were your experiences collaborating with other grantees and the MUSE study team to shape study data collection?
What were your experiences collaborating with other grantees and the MUSE study team to shape study data analysis?
What were your experiences collaborating with other grantees and the MUSE study team to shape study data interpretation?
What were your experiences collaborating with other grantees and the MUSE study team to shape study dissemination?
To what degree did you feel like the needs/interests of your program and community were represented by the Technical Workgroup (TWG)?
Please discuss how participation in MUSE did and/or did not provide the opportunity:
To contribute to question development and study design
To get generalizable answers to questions of interest to your program
As a participant in MUSE, your program received interim findings on a quarterly basis. Please describe what was most helpful and the least helpful about the following reports:
Site-specific reports of implementation log data
Site visit summaries
Interim multi-site aggregate reports
What other information would have been useful for your program and community to receive from the MUSE study team?
Thinking about the MUSE findings:
To what extent do findings represent how home visiting programs function across diverse tribal and urban Indian communities?
To what extent do findings reflect how your local program functions?
To what extent can findings be useful for your local program?
Section 5: Report on Continuous Quality Improvement Activities
All Tribal MIECHV grantees conduct CQI activities, whether through individual CQI projects or as part of CQI Collaboratives. In this section, we would like to know about grantees’ experience learning about and using CQI processes with their teams.
Before receiving this grant and/or participating in Tribal MIECHV CQI training:
What was your team’s experience with continuous quality improvement?
In particular, had you used PDSA cycles prior to the grant? What was that experience?
Since the CQI training, have you engaged in individual PDSA cycles or other tests of change to inform quality improvement within your program?
Please describe these tests, including your targeted improvement areas, improvement theories, data used to assess improvement, the results of your tests, and how the results changed your team’s practice/policies in the targeted areas.
Which of the following CQI tools have you used? For example:
___ Team Charter
___Creating an Aim Statement
___Process Mapping
___Root Cause Analysis (fishbone diagram)
___Affinity Diagram
___Developing Improvement Theory (If/then statement)
___Work plan for QI project
___Other (please describe)
Please describe your team’s participation in the CQI Collaboratives.
What topic area did your team focus on?
What were some significant tests of change your program implemented?
What were the results of these tests?
How did results change your program’s practice and policies?
What was your team’s experience participating in the collaboratives, including your experience with peer learning? What were some of the successes and challenges you experienced?
What were your major lessons learned from participating in the collaboratives?
Please describe how the CQI activities worked within your program and tribal community.
How (if at all) did you need to adapt CQI processes to fit your tribal community?
How might CQI processes, such as the PDSA cycle, need to be adapted for tribal communities in general?
What aspects of CQI fit within your community context, and what did not?
What (if any) impact do you think CQI activities had on perceptions about data collection amongst your team?
Technical Assistance Feedback
It would be very helpful to ACF if you could offer feedback on the quality of the technical assistance you received.
Please describe any barriers or challenges you experienced related to the topics above during the project period, for which you needed technical assistance or training support.
Please describe any technical assistance or training you requested and/or received from Tribal MIECHV programmatic or evaluation technical assistance providers, model developers, or any other source related to the topics above.
What methods of technical assistance were most useful (i.e. targeted TA, webinars, site visits, meetings, etc.)? What methods were least useful?
What additional supports would have been helpful?
Throughout the entire project period, there may have been many opportunities to share valuable information and engage with multiple stakeholders and target audiences through dissemination. Below, please summarize the dissemination activities of your program in each of the elements listed below.
What were your dissemination purposes and goals?
Who were your target audiences for dissemination and information sharing? Which audiences did you disseminate to? Target audiences could include tribal council, the community, families, and funders (local, state, federal, foundations) or others.
What types of information (qualitative, quantitative) did you prioritize for dissemination?
What products and materials did you develop and what methods did you use to share them? Please list these and identify which audiences you targeted and how they were disseminated. For instance, did you give a presentation for tribal council? Did you create brochures or marketing materials to recruit families?
Relevant dissemination materials and products could include:
Newsletters (electronic or print)
Pamphlets, brochures, or fact sheets
Web- and social media-based products (blogs, podcasts, video clips, etc.)
Digital stories or videos
Presentations and posters
Press communications (TV/radio interviews, newspaper interviews, public service announcements, and editorial articles)
Electronic products (DVDs, audio or videos, CD-ROMs)
Reports and monographs (including policy briefs and best practices reports)
Books and book chapters
Peer-reviewed publications in scholarly journals – published and submitted
Academic course development and distance learning modules
Doctoral dissertations/Master’s theses
What were the outcomes of your dissemination efforts? Did they achieve the goals and purposes you intended? Please describe any notable successes or challenges.
Please provide copies of or links to key reports or materials developed for dissemination during the project period.
Technical Assistance Feedback
It would be very helpful to ACF if you could offer feedback on the quality of the technical assistance you received.
Please describe any barriers or challenges you experienced related to the topics above during the project period, for which you needed technical assistance or training support.
Please describe any technical assistance or training you requested and/or received from Tribal MIECHV programmatic or evaluation technical assistance providers, model developers, or any other source related to the topics above.
What methods of technical assistance were most useful (i.e. targeted TA, webinars, site visits, meetings, etc.)? What methods were least useful?
What additional supports would have been helpful?
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | Affordable Care Act Tribal Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program Guidance for Submitting an Annual Report |
Author | Moushumi Beltangady;[email protected] |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-21 |