Form 1120-19 Bureau of Land Management Resource Advisory Council Appl

Bureau of Land Management Resource Advisory Council Application (43 CFR Subpart 1784)


Bureau of Land Management Resource Advisory Council Application

OMB: 1004-0204

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Bureau of Land Management
Resource Advisory Council
Resource Advisory Councils (RAC) were established by the Federal Land Policy and Management Act (43
U.S.C. 1739), as citizen advisory groups to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). These citizen-based
groups provide an opportunity for individuals from all backgrounds and interests to have a voice in the
management of America's public lands, and to help improve their health and productivity. RAC
recommendations address all public land issues, including: land use planning, recreation, noxious weeds,
and wild horse and burro herd management areas, to name just a few.
Members are appointed by the Secretary of the Interior to serve 3-year terms and may be re-appointed.
Each RAC consists of 10 to 15 members from diverse interests in local communities, including ranchers,
environmental groups, tribes, State and local government officials, academics, and other public land users.
An individual may not serve concurrently on more than one RAC. Council members must reside in the
states within the geographic jurisdiction of the RAC.
RAC members serve without salary, but are reimbursed for travel and per diem expenses at current rates for
government employees. To be eligible for appointment to a RAC, a person must be qualified through
education, training, knowledge, or experience. A RAC generally meets two-to-four times annually, or as
needed to accomplish RAC business.
RAC members are generally expected to do the following:
· Attend meetings and field trips that have been scheduled in advance and participate in public

discussion of issues during the meeting.
· Provide advice to the BLM officials on

an informal basis, regarding issues that arise between formal

· Maintain up-to-date knowledge of

issues affecting the RAC's geographic area.

· Provide BLM officials with opinions and advice that represents the point-of-view of the category

represented by the RAC member, the member's experience and knowledge about the issue, and his/her
reflection on data presented to the RAC by the public, BLM staff, or other sources.
· Provide feedback from the RAC

meetings and interaction with the BLM staff and managers to
specific interest groups. Provide the BLM with input and overview from interest groups.

The RACs have been successful in bringing diverse and often competing interests to the table to deal with
matters of mutual concern. This inclusive approach has shown great promise as a means to successfully
deal with long-standing issues of public land management. The RACs have demonstrated that consensusdriven recommendations often lead to sustainable outcomes that benefit natural resources and often enjoy a
high level of public support.

Form 1120-19
November 2015

Bureau of Land Management
Resource Advisory Council

OMB Control No. 1004-0204
Expires: 11/30/2018

All Fields Required
Attach additional pages if necessary
Name of Committee to be considered for:

First Name

Full Middle Name

Last Name

Date of Birth

Home Address


Zip Code


Zip Code


Zip Code

Home Phone Number

Mailing Address
(if different than home)

Business Address
Business Phone Number

Email Address

Education: including colleges, degrees, major fields of study (or attach a resumé)

Work history (or attach a resumé)

List significant related experience, previous advisory committee experience, civic and
professional activities, education, and training that qualifies you to serve on this committee.
If applying as an elected official, please also include dates of service.

Describe your experience of knowledge of the committee's geographic area of jurisdiction.

Describe your experience working with disparate groups.


Indicate the specific area(s) of interest you seek to represent:
Category 1:
I hold a Federal grazing permit within the committee's area of jurisdiction.
I represent transportation or rights-of-way interests.
I represent developed outdoor recreation, off-highway vehicle users, or commercial recreation activities. I
represent the commercial timber industry.
I represent energy and mineral development interests.
Category 2:
I represent a nationally or regionally recognized environmental organization.
I represent dispersed recreation interests.
I represent archaeological and historical interests.
I represent wild horse and burro interest groups.
Category 3:
I hold State, county, or local elected office.
I am an employee of a State agency responsible for management of natural resources, land, or water. I
represent an Indian tribe within or adjacent to the Committee's area of jurisdiction.
I am an academician involved in natural resource management or the natural sciences.
I represent the affected public-at-large.
Indicate any BLM permit, leases, or licenses that you hold personally or are held by your employer:

Are you a federally registered lobbyist?



Is at least one letter of
recommendation attached or has a
letter been sent on your behalf by
the interest group or organization
that you wish to represent?




NOTE: Although applications are submitted to the BLM office within the RAC's area of
jurisdiction, appointments are ultimately conferred by the Secretary of the Interior. Applications will
be reviewed and nomination packages will be completed at the local level. Governors of affected
States will be consulted during this process. Recommendations will be endorsed by the appropriate
BLM State Director and forwarded to the BLM Washington Office. Following the BLM Director's
endorsement, recommendations will be forwarded to the Department of the Interior for background
checks, ethics, and other reviews before presentation to the Secretary. The time between submission
of application and receipt of member appointment letter may take 4-5 months.
The Privacy Act and the regulation at 43 CFR 2.48 (d) require that you be furnished the following
information in connection with information required by this form.
AUTHORITY: The authority to request this information is contained in 5 U.S.C. App. 2, the
Federal Advisory Committee Act; 5 U.S.C. 1739, the Federal Land Policy and Management Act;
and 43 CFR Subpart 1784, Bureau of Land Management advisory committee regulations.
PURPOSE: The information will be used by the appointment officer to determine the qualifications
such as education, training, and experience of candidates related to qualifications to serve on a
Resource Advisory Council of the Bureau of Land Management.
ROUTINE USES: This information will be maintained in the Interior Volunteer Service File
System (Interior/DOI-05) and is subject to routine uses of that system of records. These routine
uses can be found at 66 FR 28536.
DISCLOSURES: Failure to submit this information will inhibit full consideration of a prospective
advisory council member's qualifications, and could result in non-selection. If you are appointed as
an advisor, the information will be retained by the appointing official as long as you serve.
Otherwise, it will be destroyed 2 years after termination of your membership or returned (if
requested) following announcement of the Council appointments.
THE PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT requires us to inform you that:
This collection is in accordance with the clearance requirements of 5 U.S.C. 3507. Completion of
this form is required to obtain or retain a benefit. You do not have to respond to this or any other
Federal agency-sponsored information collection and no Federal agency may conduct or sponsor
such a collection, unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The information is used to
determine qualifications, suitability, and availability for service on resource advisory councils.
Failure to submit this information will inhibit full consideration of a prospective advisory council
member's qualifications, and could result in non-selection.
BURDEN HOURS STATEMENT: The estimated public reporting burden for this form is 4 hours
per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, gathering and maintaining data, and
completing and reviewing the form. You may submit comments regarding the burden estimate or
any other aspect of this form to: U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management
(1004-XXXX), Bureau Information Collection Clearance Officer (WO-630), 1849 C Street, N.W.,
Room 2134LM, Washington, D.C. 20240.


File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorPurdy, Mark E
File Modified2016-02-05
File Created2015-12-14

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