16 USC 824e

16 USC 824e.pdf

FERC-516G (RM17-2-000 Final Rule) Electric Rates Schedules and Tariff Filings

16 USC 824e

OMB: 1902-0295

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§ 824e


(B) cease any practice in connection with
the clause,
if such clause or practice does not result in the
economical purchase and use of fuel, electric energy, or other items, the cost of which is included in any rate schedule under an automatic
adjustment clause.
(4) As used in this subsection, the term ‘‘automatic adjustment clause’’ means a provision of
a rate schedule which provides for increases or
decreases (or both), without prior hearing, in
rates reflecting increases or decreases (or both)
in costs incurred by an electric utility. Such
term does not include any rate which takes effect subject to refund and subject to a later determination of the appropriate amount of such
(June 10, 1920, ch. 285, pt. II, § 205, as added Aug.
26, 1935, ch. 687, title II, § 213, 49 Stat. 851; amended Pub. L. 95–617, title II, §§ 207(a), 208, Nov. 9,
1978, 92 Stat. 3142.)
1978—Subsec. (d). Pub. L. 95–617, § 207(a), substituted
‘‘sixty’’ for ‘‘thirty’’ in two places.
Subsec. (f). Pub. L. 95–617, § 208, added subsec. (f).
Section 207(b) of Pub. L. 95–617 directed chairman of
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, in consultation with Secretary, to conduct a study of legal requirements and administrative procedures involved in
consideration and resolution of proposed wholesale
electric rate increases under Federal Power Act, section 791a et seq. of this title, for purposes of providing
for expeditious handling of hearings consistent with
due process, preventing imposition of successive rate
increases before they have been determined by Commission to be just and reasonable and otherwise lawful,
and improving procedures designed to prohibit anticompetitive or unreasonable differences in wholesale
and retail rates, or both, and that chairman report to
Congress within nine months from Nov. 9, 1978, on results of study, on administrative actions taken as a result of this study, and on any recommendations for
changes in existing law that will aid purposes of this

§ 824e. Power of Commission to fix rates and
charges; determination of cost of production
or transmission
(a) Unjust or preferential rates, etc.; statement of
reasons for changes; hearing; specification of
Whenever the Commission, after a hearing
held upon its own motion or upon complaint,
shall find that any rate, charge, or classification, demanded, observed, charged, or collected
by any public utility for any transmission or
sale subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission, or that any rule, regulation, practice, or
contract affecting such rate, charge, or classification is unjust, unreasonable, unduly discriminatory or preferential, the Commission
shall determine the just and reasonable rate,
charge, classification, rule, regulation, practice,
or contract to be thereafter observed and in
force, and shall fix the same by order. Any complaint or motion of the Commission to initiate
a proceeding under this section shall state the
change or changes to be made in the rate,

Page 1278

charge, classification, rule, regulation, practice,
or contract then in force, and the reasons for
any proposed change or changes therein. If, after
review of any motion or complaint and answer,
the Commission shall decide to hold a hearing,
it shall fix by order the time and place of such
hearing and shall specify the issues to be adjudicated.
(b) Refund effective date; preferential proceedings; statement of reasons for delay; burden
of proof; scope of refund order; refund orders in cases of dilatory behavior; interest
Whenever the Commission institutes a proceeding under this section, the Commission
shall establish a refund effective date. In the
case of a proceeding instituted on complaint,
the refund effective date shall not be earlier
than the date of the filing of such complaint nor
later than 5 months after the filing of such complaint. In the case of a proceeding instituted by
the Commission on its own motion, the refund
effective date shall not be earlier than the date
of the publication by the Commission of notice
of its intention to initiate such proceeding nor
later than 5 months after the publication date.
Upon institution of a proceeding under this section, the Commission shall give to the decision
of such proceeding the same preference as provided under section 824d of this title and otherwise act as speedily as possible. If no final decision is rendered by the conclusion of the 180-day
period commencing upon initiation of a proceeding pursuant to this section, the Commission
shall state the reasons why it has failed to do so
and shall state its best estimate as to when it
reasonably expects to make such decision. In
any proceeding under this section, the burden of
proof to show that any rate, charge, classification, rule, regulation, practice, or contract is
unjust, unreasonable, unduly discriminatory, or
preferential shall be upon the Commission or
the complainant. At the conclusion of any proceeding under this section, the Commission may
order refunds of any amounts paid, for the period subsequent to the refund effective date
through a date fifteen months after such refund
effective date, in excess of those which would
have been paid under the just and reasonable
rate, charge, classification, rule, regulation,
practice, or contract which the Commission orders to be thereafter observed and in force: Provided, That if the proceeding is not concluded
within fifteen months after the refund effective
date and if the Commission determines at the
conclusion of the proceeding that the proceeding
was not resolved within the fifteen-month period primarily because of dilatory behavior by
the public utility, the Commission may order refunds of any or all amounts paid for the period
subsequent to the refund effective date and prior
to the conclusion of the proceeding. The refunds
shall be made, with interest, to those persons
who have paid those rates or charges which are
the subject of the proceeding.
(c) Refund considerations; shifting costs; reduction in revenues; ‘‘electric utility companies’’
and ‘‘registered holding company’’ defined
Notwithstanding subsection (b), in a proceeding commenced under this section involving two
or more electric utility companies of a reg-

Page 1279

istered holding company, refunds which might
otherwise be payable under subsection (b) shall
not be ordered to the extent that such refunds
would result from any portion of a Commission
order that (1) requires a decrease in system production or transmission costs to be paid by one
or more of such electric companies; and (2) is
based upon a determination that the amount of
such decrease should be paid through an increase in the costs to be paid by other electric
utility companies of such registered holding
company: Provided, That refunds, in whole or in
part, may be ordered by the Commission if it determines that the registered holding company
would not experience any reduction in revenues
which results from an inability of an electric
utility company of the holding company to recover such increase in costs for the period between the refund effective date and the effective
date of the Commission’s order. For purposes of
this subsection, the terms ‘‘electric utility companies’’ and ‘‘registered holding company’’ shall
have the same meanings as provided in the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935, as
(d) Investigation of costs
The Commission upon its own motion, or upon
the request of any State commission whenever
it can do so without prejudice to the efficient
and proper conduct of its affairs, may investigate and determine the cost of the production
or transmission of electric energy by means of
facilities under the jurisdiction of the Commission in cases where the Commission has no authority to establish a rate governing the sale of
such energy.
(e) Short-term sales
(1) In this subsection:
(A) The term ‘‘short-term sale’’ means an
agreement for the sale of electric energy at
wholesale in interstate commerce that is for a
period of 31 days or less (excluding monthly
contracts subject to automatic renewal).
(B) The term ‘‘applicable Commission rule’’
means a Commission rule applicable to sales
at wholesale by public utilities that the Commission determines after notice and comment
should also be applicable to entities subject to
this subsection.
(2) If an entity described in section 824(f) of
this title voluntarily makes a short-term sale of
electric energy through an organized market in
which the rates for the sale are established by
Commission-approved tariff (rather than by contract) and the sale violates the terms of the tariff or applicable Commission rules in effect at
the time of the sale, the entity shall be subject
to the refund authority of the Commission under
this section with respect to the violation.
(3) This section shall not apply to—
(A) any entity that sells in total (including
affiliates of the entity) less than 8,000,000
megawatt hours of electricity per year; or
(B) an electric cooperative.
(4)(A) The Commission shall have refund authority under paragraph (2) with respect to a
voluntary short term sale of electric energy by
1 See

References in Text note below.

§ 824e


the Bonneville Power Administration only if the
sale is at an unjust and unreasonable rate.
(B) The Commission may order a refund under
subparagraph (A) only for short-term sales made
by the Bonneville Power Administration at
rates that are higher than the highest just and
reasonable rate charged by any other entity for
a short-term sale of electric energy in the same
geographic market for the same, or most nearly
comparable, period as the sale by the Bonneville
Power Administration.
(C) In the case of any Federal power marketing agency or the Tennessee Valley Authority,
the Commission shall not assert or exercise any
regulatory authority or power under paragraph
(2) other than the ordering of refunds to achieve
a just and reasonable rate.
(June 10, 1920, ch. 285, pt. II, § 206, as added Aug.
26, 1935, ch. 687, title II, § 213, 49 Stat. 852; amended Pub. L. 100–473, § 2, Oct. 6, 1988, 102 Stat. 2299;
Pub. L. 109–58, title XII, §§ 1285, 1286, 1295(b), Aug.
8, 2005, 119 Stat. 980, 981, 985.)
The Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935, referred to in subsec. (c), is title I of act Aug. 26, 1935, ch.
687, 49 Stat. 803, as amended, which was classified generally to chapter 2C (§ 79 et seq.) of Title 15, Commerce
and Trade, prior to repeal by Pub. L. 109–58, title XII,
§ 1263, Aug. 8, 2005, 119 Stat. 974. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Tables.
2005—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 109–58, § 1295(b)(1), substituted ‘‘hearing held’’ for ‘‘hearing had’’ in first sentence.
Subsec. (b). Pub. L. 109–58, § 1295(b)(2), struck out ‘‘the
public utility to make’’ before ‘‘refunds of any amounts
paid’’ in seventh sentence.
Pub. L. 109–58, § 1285, in second sentence, substituted
‘‘the date of the filing of such complaint nor later than
5 months after the filing of such complaint’’ for ‘‘the
date 60 days after the filing of such complaint nor later
than 5 months after the expiration of such 60-day period’’, in third sentence, substituted ‘‘the date of the
publication’’ for ‘‘the date 60 days after the publication’’ and ‘‘5 months after the publication date’’ for ‘‘5
months after the expiration of such 60-day period’’, and
in fifth sentence, substituted ‘‘If no final decision is
rendered by the conclusion of the 180-day period commencing upon initiation of a proceeding pursuant to
this section, the Commission shall state the reasons
why it has failed to do so and shall state its best estimate as to when it reasonably expects to make such decision’’ for ‘‘If no final decision is rendered by the refund effective date or by the conclusion of the 180-day
period commencing upon initiation of a proceeding pursuant to this section, whichever is earlier, the Commission shall state the reasons why it has failed to do so
and shall state its best estimate as to when it reasonably expects to make such decision’’.
Subsec. (e). Pub. L. 109–58, § 1286, added subsec. (e).
1988—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 100–473, § 2(1), inserted provisions for a statement of reasons for listed changes,
hearings, and specification of issues.
Subsecs. (b) to (d). Pub. L. 100–473, § 2(2), added subsecs. (b) and (c) and redesignated former subsec. (b) as
Pub. L. 100–473, § 4, Oct. 6, 1988, 102 Stat. 2300, provided
that: ‘‘The amendments made by this Act [amending
this section] are not applicable to complaints filed or
motions initiated before the date of enactment of this
Act [Oct. 6, 1988] pursuant to section 206 of the Federal
Power Act [this section]: Provided, however, That such

§ 824f


Page 1280

complaints may be withdrawn and refiled without prejudice.’’

(June 10, 1920, ch. 285, pt. II, § 208, as added Aug.
26, 1935, ch. 687, title II, § 213, 49 Stat. 853.)


§ 824h. References to State boards by Commission

Pub. L. 100–473, § 3, Oct. 6, 1988, 102 Stat. 2300, provided
that: ‘‘Nothing in subsection (c) of section 206 of the
Federal Power Act, as amended (16 U.S.C. 824e(c)) shall
be interpreted to confer upon the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission any authority not granted to it
elsewhere in such Act [16 U.S.C. 791a et seq.] to issue an
order that (1) requires a decrease in system production
or transmission costs to be paid by one or more electric
utility companies of a registered holding company; and
(2) is based upon a determination that the amount of
such decrease should be paid through an increase in the
costs to be paid by other electric utility companies of
such registered holding company. For purposes of this
section, the terms ‘electric utility companies’ and ‘registered holding company’ shall have the same meanings
as provided in the Public Utility Holding Company Act
of 1935, as amended [15 U.S.C. 79 et seq.].’’
Pub. L. 100–473, § 5, Oct. 6, 1988, 102 Stat. 2301, directed
that, no earlier than three years and no later than four
years after Oct. 6, 1988, Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission perform a study of effect of amendments
to this section, analyzing (1) impact, if any, of such
amendments on cost of capital paid by public utilities,
(2) any change in average time taken to resolve proceedings under this section, and (3) such other matters
as Commission may deem appropriate in public interest, with study to be sent to Committee on Energy and
Natural Resources of Senate and Committee on Energy
and Commerce of House of Representatives.

§ 824f. Ordering furnishing of adequate service
Whenever the Commission, upon complaint of
a State commission, after notice to each State
commission and public utility affected and after
opportunity for hearing, shall find that any
interstate service of any public utility is inadequate or insufficient, the Commission shall determine the proper, adequate, or sufficient service to be furnished, and shall fix the same by its
order, rule, or regulation: Provided, That the
Commission shall have no authority to compel
the enlargement of generating facilities for such
purposes, nor to compel the public utility to sell
or exchange energy when to do so would impair
its ability to render adequate service to its customers.
(June 10, 1920, ch. 285, pt. II, § 207, as added Aug.
26, 1935, ch. 687, title II, § 213, 49 Stat. 853.)
§ 824g. Ascertainment of cost of property and depreciation
(a) Investigation of property costs
The Commission may investigate and ascertain the actual legitimate cost of the property
of every public utility, the depreciation therein,
and, when found necessary for rate-making purposes, other facts which bear on the determination of such cost or depreciation, and the fair
value of such property.
(b) Request for inventory and cost statements
Every public utility upon request shall file
with the Commission an inventory of all or any
part of its property and a statement of the original cost thereof, and shall keep the Commission
informed regarding the cost of all additions, betterments, extensions, and new construction.

(a) Composition of boards; force and effect of
The Commission may refer any matter arising
in the administration of this subchapter to a
board to be composed of a member or members,
as determined by the Commission, from the
State or each of the States affected or to be affected by such matter. Any such board shall be
vested with the same power and be subject to
the same duties and liabilities as in the case of
a member of the Commission when designated
by the Commission to hold any hearings. The
action of such board shall have such force and
effect and its proceedings shall be conducted in
such manner as the Commission shall by regulations prescribe. The board shall be appointed by
the Commission from persons nominated by the
State commission of each State affected or by
the Governor of such State if there is no State
commission. Each State affected shall be entitled to the same number of representatives on
the board unless the nominating power of such
State waives such right. The Commission shall
have discretion to reject the nominee from any
State, but shall thereupon invite a new nomination from that State. The members of a board
shall receive such allowances for expenses as the
Commission shall provide. The Commission
may, when in its discretion sufficient reason exists therefor, revoke any reference to such a
(b) Cooperation with State commissions
The Commission may confer with any State
commission regarding the relationship between
rate structures, costs, accounts, charges, practices, classifications, and regulations of public
utilities subject to the jurisdiction of such State
commission and of the Commission; and the
Commission is authorized, under such rules and
regulations as it shall prescribe, to hold joint
hearings with any State commission in connection with any matter with respect to which the
Commission is authorized to act. The Commission is authorized in the administration of this
chapter to avail itself of such cooperation, services, records, and facilities as may be afforded
by any State commission.
(c) Availability of information and reports to
State commissions; Commission experts
The Commission shall make available to the
several State commissions such information and
reports as may be of assistance in State regulation of public utilities. Whenever the Commission can do so without prejudice to the efficient
and proper conduct of its affairs, it may upon request from a State make available to such State
as witnesses any of its trained rate, valuation,
or other experts, subject to reimbursement to
the Commission by such State of the compensation and traveling expenses of such witnesses.
All sums collected hereunder shall be credited to
the appropriation from which the amounts were
expended in carrying out the provisions of this

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