TLP Young Adult 18-Month Survey
STARS [insert logo]
Young Adult 18-Month Survey
Section A: Housing Experiences 14
Section C: TLP and Service Experiences 34
Section D: Your Feelings and Health 43
Supportive Relationships with Adults 50
Supportive Peer Relationships 51
Section E: Education and Training 58
Display “back” “next” “or " buttons and on each screen.
Display a reminder not to use the forward and back buttons in the internet browser but to use the survey forward and back buttons.
Display a progress bar on each screen.
Time out after 7 minutes of inactivity. Display a one- minute timeout warning enabling user to extent time out period another 7 minutes.
Unless otherwise specified (by “select all that apply”), only one answer is permitted per item.
Participants may skip any item.
For each question, if a response/answer is not provided, after respondent clicks “continue,” the following pop-up warning should appear confirming that they want to skip. It should read: “Oops - we didn’t get an answer to one or more of the last questions. Are you sure you want to move forward?” and provide two options: “Yes - next question” and “No - go back to last question.”
Code a legitimate (planned) skip as -101
Item-specific programming notes appear in Blue Font throughout the survey.
Notations regarding the construct being measured and/or its source are shown in Red Font. These must NOT be displayed on the programmed survey.
Section headings (in black font) may be displayed if desired.
[insert study logo]
You are part of an important study called STARS (Successful Transitions to Adulthood Research Study). You signed up for it at [insert TLP name].
What’s the study about?
The study is learning about how communities can help young adults like you develop the skills they need to build strong futures.
What will happen?
When you joined STARS, you were asked to take part in several surveys over 18 months. Now, we’re asking you to take the last survey. You will get a [$xx] electronic gift card to for completing it.
The questions in this survey take about 30 to 45 minutes to answer. You will be asked to check and update your contact information. You will be asked about the places you’ve stayed, your experiences, thoughts and feelings. You may skip questions or stop answering questions at any time.
What happens to my answers?
Only the research team will be able to see your answers. Your name will not be attached to your answers. Your answers will be combined and reported with the answers of over 1,200 other young adults.
Who should I contact if I have any questions about the study?
If you have any questions about the [insert informal study name], you can call the people who are doing the study at (XXX) XXX-XXXX. This is a free call.
To help us make sure we are giving you the right survey, please enter your name and date of birth below.
Name. : First Name: ______________ Middle Initial: _____ Last Name: ______________
Date of birth: __/__/____ [MM/DD/YYYY format, provide dropdown]
Where were you born? _________________________________
City State Country
[Use name and DOB or birthplace to confirm respondent’s identity, check for match in sample file, and confirm ID match with prior wave(s) of data.]
The Paperwork Reduction Act Burden Statement: An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB control number for this collection is xxxx-xxxx, and it expires xx/xx/xxxx. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to [Contact Name]; [Contact Address]; Attn: OMB-PRA (xxxx-xxxx).
First, we want to make sure we know where to send your electronic gift card after you complete this survey and future surveys.
Gift1. After you finish and submit your survey, we will email or text you an electronic gift card to How would you like us to send you the gift card?
(Select only one answer)
Email it to me [ ] 01
Text it to my cell phone [ ] 02
I do not have an email address or cell phone you can text to [ ] 00
[If Gift1 = 0, present Gift1b. Else skip to Contact1]
Gift1b. Instead of emailing or texting you your electronic gift card, we can send the information by mail. We will ask for the address to send it to a little later in the survey.
[Display Contact1 and Contact2 on the same screen]
Contact1. Is your contact information shown below correct?
Yes [ ] 01
No [ ] 00
[Insert current contact info from sample file.]
First Name _________________ Middle Initial ______ Last Name ________________
Street Address
City State Zip Code
Cell Phone Number Other Phone Number
Twitter Handle ___________________________________________________________
Facebook Screen Name ___________________________________________________
Follow us on Twitter: [insert study Twitter handle]
[If Contact1=0, allow to correct contact info Change Information : Continue ]
Contact Info Check: If missing any piece of contact information across Contact1 and Contact2, present a pop-up that reads: We do not seem to have a <contact info item> for you. Would you like to go back and provide that information so we can be sure to reach you for future surveys and to provide you with your electronic gift card from completing this survey? Go Back Continue ]
[Check that email in standard form, containing @ and .com, .net, .biz, .edu, etc. If not, present error message that reads: “The email address you entered is not in standard form. Please re-enter you email address.”]
[If Gift1 = 0, ask Gift3.]
[If Gift1 = 1 or 2, ask Gift2]
Gift2. Earlier you told us to send your electronic gift card to you by [if Gift1 = 1 insert “email” if Gift1 = 2 insert “text”]. Please confirm where to send your electronic gift card
Yes (01) |
No (00) |
[if Gift1 = 1 present:
[if Gift1 = 2 present:
[If Gift2a or gift 2b = 0, ask Gift2c, else skip to Contact 3]
Gift2c. If not, please tell us how to send you your electronic gift card:
(Select only one answer)
Enter the [email address/ cell phone number] we should use here: |
Email it to me: |
Text it to my cell phone: |
[If Gift1 = 0, ask Gift3, else skip to Contact 3]
Gift3. Earlier you told us that you do not have an email address or a cell phone where we can text your electronic gift card. We can mail it to you instead.
[If has address in Contact1 or Contact 2, present Gift3a]
Gift3a. Is the address below where we should send it?
[Insert contact info from above.]
Street Address
City ____________________ State ________ Zip Code
Yes [ ] 01
No [ ] 00
[If Gift3a =0, allow to correct contact info Change Information : Continue
[If NO address in Contact1 or Contact2, present Gift3b]
Gift3b. Please tell us where to mail your electronic gift card:
Street Address |
_______________________________ |
City |
_______________________________ |
State |
_______________________________ |
Zip Code |
_______________________________ |
[Ensure that address is complete and in valid format]
[If cell phone provided in Contact1 or Contact2, ask Contact3 and Contact4, else skip to Contact5]
Contact3. Is it OK for us to text your cell phone about [insert informal study name]?
(Please keep in mind that your cell phone carrier may charge a fee to receive or send text messages, depending on your plan.)
Yes [ ] 01
No [ ] 00
Contact4. Is it OK for us to leave a message on your cell phone about [insert informal study name]?
Yes [ ] 01
No [ ] 00
[If other phone provided in Contact1 or Contact2, ask Contact5, else skip to Contact6]
Contact5. Is it OK for us to leave a message on your other phone about [insert informal study name]?
Yes [ ] 01
No [ ] 00
[If Twitter handle provided in Contact1 or Contact2, ask Contac6a-6b, else skip to Contact7]
Contact6a. Is it OK for us to contact you about [insert informal study name] on Twitter? We would only contact you on Twitter with a private message and never Tweet at you publicly.
Yes [ ] 01
No [ ] 00
Contact6b. If you would like us to contact you on Twitter, you will need to follow us. Now’s a
great time to do that! Our Twitter Handle is: [insert study Twitter handle]
[If Facebook screen name provided in Contact1 or Contact2, ask Contact6, else skip to Contact7a]
Contact7. Is it OK for us to contact you about [insert informal study name]on Facebook? We would only contact you on Facebook with a private message and never post anything to your wall.
Yes [ ] 01
No [ ] 00
To be sure we can reach you about future surveys, we ask you to provide contact information for people who will always know where you are and how to reach you. We will NOT discuss or share any of your personal information or survey answers with anyone you list as a contact. Your personal information and answers are strictly confidential.
Contact8. Below is the information you gave us for a trusted friend, family member, or other person who will always know where you are and how to reach you in the future in case we have difficulty. Is the contact information we have correct?
Yes [ ] 01
No [ ] 00
[Insert current contact info from sample file.]
First name of parent/legal guardian
Last name of parent/legal guardian
Email address of parent/legal guardian
Home address of parent/legal guardian
Cell phone number of parent/legal guardian
Home phone number of parent/legal guardian
[If Contact8=0, allow to correct contact info Change Information : Continue ]
Contact9. Below is the information you gave us for another trusted friend, family member, or other person who will always know where you are and how to reach you in the future in case we have difficulty. Is the contact information we have correct?
Yes [ ] 01
No [ ] 00
[Insert current contact info from sample file.]
First name of family member
Last name of family member
Relationship to you
Email address of family member
Home address of family member
Cell phone number of family member
Home phone number of family member
[If Contact9=0, allow to correct contact info Change Information : Continue ]
We want to start by asking about the places you’ve stayed and your experiences with homelessness By homeless we mean that you had a period of time in your life when you:
A1. Since [insert RA date], have you ever been homeless?
Yes [ ] 01
No [ ] 00
[If A1 =1 (homeless since RA), ask A2, else skip to Section B]
A2. Since [insert RA date], including right now, about how many nights in total have you been homeless? Your best guess is fine.
About 1 to 3 nights [ ] 01
More than 3 nights but less than a week [ ] 02
About a week (7 nights) [ ] 03
More than a week, but less than a month [ ] 04
About a month [ ] 05
2 to 6 months [ ] 06
More than 6 months, but less than a year [ ] 07
A year or more [ ] 08
The next questions ask about the places you have stayed in the time from [insert RA date] to today. This includes times when you were in a shelter or residential program for homeless people or homeless in an unsheltered location (for example outside, on the street, in a car, bus terminal or abandoned building).
For each place that you have stayed, we will ask you about when you started and stopped staying there and what kind of a place it was.
We will ask you to think backwards in time – from last night until [current date minus 12 months].
B1a. Where did you stay last night? If the place has a name please tell us the name.
________________ [open ended, tag response as: name situation #a, used in later items]
B2a. When did you start staying at [name situation #a]?
Click here to see a calendar of the past few months. Calendar
[Present calendar for reference]
Month |
Day |
Year |
[Items B3a – B4a intentionally removed]
B5a. How would you describe [name situation #a]?
(Select only one answer.)
The [insert TLP name] Transitional Living Program (TLP) [ ] 01
Another Transitional Living Program (TLP) [ ] 02
Another residential program for homeless people that provides a long-term
place to stay and services [ ] 03
In a shelter (for example, emergency shelter or basic center program) [ ] 04
In an unsheltered location (for example, staying outside, on the street,
in a car, bus terminal or abandoned building) [ ] 05
Foster home or group home [ ] 06
Room, apartment or house (not as part of a homeless program) [ ] 07
Institution (for example, hospital, mental health facility, drug or alcohol treatment facility,
prison, jail, detention center) [ ] 08
School or college dormitory (or dorm) [ ] 09
Military setting (for example, base camp, deployment, combat zone) [ ] 10
Other (please specify) [ ] 94
B6a. When you started staying in [name situation #a], did you think it would be temporary? By temporary, we mean it would only last a short time (for example, couch surfing, crashing, or just passing through).
Yes, I thought it would be temporary [ ] 01
No, I thought I would be there a while [ ] 00
I was not sure [ ] 02
I don’t remember [ ] -98
[If B5a = 7 (room/apt/house), present B7a – B8a, else skip to B9a]
B7a. At [name situation #a], are you staying…
(Select all that apply.)
Alone [ ] 01
With one or more family members [ ] 02
With one or more friends [ ] 03
Other (please specify) [ ] 94
[Logic check: If B7a = 1 (alone), R cannot also select 2 (friends) or 3 (family)]
B8a. At [name situation #a], are you paying rent or part of the rent?
(Select only one answer.)
Yes, I always paid (pay) rent [ ] 02
Yes, I sometimes paid (pay) rent [ ] 01
No, I never paid (pay) rent [ ] 00
B9a. Do you feel safe in [name situation #a]?
Yes [ ] 01
No [ ] 00
Don’t know……………………………………………………………………………………… .[ ] -98
[Item B10a intentionally removed]
B11a. Have you stayed anywhere else in the time from [insert RA date] to today?
Yes [ ] 01
No [ ] 00
[If B11a = 1, continue to housing history loop. If B11a = 0, skip to next section]
Note the questions asked in the loop are (nearly) identical to B1a – B11a
[B1b begins Housing History Loop: First turn through loop is B1b – B11b and occurs if B11a = 1 (stayed somewhere else since RA). The loop is repeated again (B1c-B11c) if B11b = 1 (stayed somewhere else since RA). The loop continues to be repeated until B11# = 0 with a maximum of 3 times through the loop (ending with A11d). Thus, we capture up to 4 living situations in the housing history series.]
B1b. What is the name of the place you stayed just before [name situation #a]? If this is a program, please use its official name.
Remember you can include times when you were in a shelter or residential program for homeless people or homeless in an unsheltered location (for example outside, on the street, in a car, bus terminal or abandoned building).
________________ [open ended, tag response as: name situation #b, used in later items]
B2b. When did you start staying at [name situation #b]?
Click here to see a calendar of the past few months. Calendar
[Present calendar for reference]
Month |
Day |
Year |
B3b. Are you still staying there?
Yes [ ] 01
No [ ] 00
[If B3b = 1 skip to B5b, else continue to B4b]
B4b. When did you stop staying there? Your best guess is fine.
Month |
Day |
Year |
B5b. How would you describe [name situation #b]?
(Select only one answer.)
The [insert TLP name] Transitional Living Program (TLP) [ ] 01
Another Transitional Living Program (TLP) [ ] 02
Another residential program for homeless people that provides a long-term
place to stay and services [ ] 03
Homeless in a shelter (for example, emergency shelter or basic center program) [ ] 04
Homeless in an unsheltered location (for example, staying outside, on the street,
in a car, bus terminal or abandoned building) [ ] 05
Foster home or group home [ ] 06
Room, apartment or house (not as part of a homeless program) [ ] 07
Institution (for example, hospital, mental health facility, drug or alcohol treatment facility,
prison, jail, detention center) [ ] 08
School or college dormitory (or dorm) [ ] 09
Military setting (for example, base camp, deployment, combat zone) [ ] 10
Other (please specify) [ ] 94
B6b. When you started staying in [name situation #b], did you think it would be temporary? By temporary, we mean it would only last a short time (for example, couch surfing, crashing, or just passing through).
Yes, I thought it would be temporary [ ] 01
No, I thought I would be there a while [ ] 00
I was not sure [ ] 02
I don’t remember [ ] -98
[If B5b = 4 (room/apt/house), present B7b – B8b, else skip to B9b]
B7b. In [name situation #b], were you staying…
(Select all that apply.)
Alone [ ] 01
With one or more family members [ ] 02
With one or more friends [ ] 03
Other (please specify) [ ] 94
[Logic check: If B7b = 1 (alone), R cannot also select 2 (friends) or 3 (family)]
B8b. In [name situation #b], were you paying rent or part of the rent?
(Select only one answer.)
Yes, I always paid rent [ ] 02
Yes, I sometimes paid rent [ ] 01
No, I never paid rent [ ] 00
B9b. Did you feel safe in [name situation #b]?
Yes [ ] 01
No [ ] 00
Don’t know……………………………………………………………………………………… .[ ] -98
B10b. Why did you leave [name situation #b]?
(Select all that apply.)
[If B5b = in {1, 2, 3} (TLP) present response options a – i & m.]
[If B5b = in {7, 6, 9, 10 } (room/apt/house, foster, school, military), present response options a–i & m.]
[If B5b = 4 (homeless sheltered), present response options a, c, e - i, & m.]
[If B5b = 5 (homeless sheltered or unsheltered), present response options c, e - i, & m.]
[If B5b = 8 (institution), present response options a, c, e - h & j – m.]
[If B5b = 94, present response options a – m.]
[Randomly order/rotate all options presented for B10b]
I was no longer eligible to stay there (for example, I became too old or
reached my time limit) [ ] 01
I graduated or successfully completed the program [ ] 02
I went back home [ ] 03
I was evicted or kicked out for not keeping up with my rent/mortgage [ ] 04
I was evicted or kicked because of problems with alcohol or drugs [ ] 05
I was evicted or kicked because of problems getting along or fighting [ ] 06
I was evicted or kicked out for some other reason [ ] 07
I left because my living situation was unsafe [ ] 08
I found somewhere else to live that I liked better [ ] 09
I completed my sentence in a corrections facility/jail or detention center [ ] 10
I left a residential treatment facility after completing a substance abuse recovery plan [ ]11
I left a mental health hospital or psychiatric residential treatment facility after
completing treatment [ ] 12
Other (Please specify) [ ] 94
B11b. So far, you have told us about [insert name(s) of previously identified situation(s), name situation #a, name situation #b, etc.].
Have you stayed anywhere else in the time from [insert RA date] to today?
Yes [ ] 01
No [ ] 00
[End of Loop. If B11b = 1, loop back and begin with B1c. If B11b = 0, exit loop and continue to next question. Looping continues until B11#=0 with a maximum of 3 times through the loop, ending with B11d. (Thus, we capture up to 4 living situations in the housing history series.) After 3 times through the loop, if B11d = 1 then, present B12 - B13.]
[If B11d = 1 then present B12, Else if B11d=0 skip to next section]
B12. How many other places have you stayed from [insert RA date] to today?
________________ # places
B13. What types of places were they?
(Select all that apply)
[Randomly order/rotate all options presented for B13]
Yes (01) |
[Items C1-C3 intentionally removed]
The next few questions are about programs and services you may have participated in.
C4. At any time from [insert RA date] to today, have you participated in or received any of the following assessments?
Yes (01) |
No (00) |
Don’t Know (-98) |
C5. At any time from [insert RA date] to today, have you received any of the following services?
(Select all that apply)
[Items have been partitioned into four groupings. Present the main question stem before each grouping. Randomly order/rotate the items within each grouping.]
[C5 Grouping #1.]
Yes (01) |
[C5 Grouping #2.]
Yes (01) |
[C5 Grouping #3.]
Yes (01) |
[C5 Grouping #4.]
Yes (01) |
[If two or more services in C5 = Yes, then ask C6]
C6. Of the services you received in the time from [insert RA date] to today, which three (3) were most helpful to you?
(Please select up to three (3) services.)
[Only present services selected in C5 (=Yes). Do not group – simply list those selected in C5. Randomly order/rotate the items.]
Yes (01) |
Yes (01) |
[If ‘no’ (i.e., not selected) to any services in C5, ask C7]
C7. You said you did not receive any of the following services, in the time from [insert RA date] to today, have you been offered any of them but decided not to participate?
[Only list services in C5 = No. Randomly order/rotate the items within each grouping. Present the main question stem before each grouping.].
[Grouping #1.]
Yes (01) |
[Grouping #2.]
Yes (01) |
[Grouping #3.]
Yes (01) |
[Grouping #4.]
Yes (01) |
C8. People have different goals. On a scale of 1 to 3, where 1 = Not At All Important to Me and 3 = Very Important to Me, how important are each of the following goals for you?
[Randomly order/rotate the items]
Not at all important to me 1 |
Somewhat important to me 2 |
Very important to me 3 |
Does not apply to me (-99) |
C9. In the time from [insert RA date] to today, how much progress do you feel you’ve made toward your goals? To answer, please use a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 = None and 5 = A Whole Lot.
[Randomly order/rotate the items]
None 1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
A Whole Lot 5 |
The next few questions are about your feelings.
D1. Thinking about yourself, how accurate is each of these statements?
To answer, please use a scale of 1 to 4, where 1 = Not at All True and 4 = Exactly True.
Not at all true 1 |
Hardly true 2 |
Moderately true 3 |
Exactly true 4 |
D2. Below is a list of the ways you might have felt or behaved. How often you have felt this way during the past week?
During the past week… |
Hardly ever or never (00) |
Some of the time (01) |
Much or most of the time (02) |
D3. The next questions are about problems and complaints that people sometimes have in response to stressful life experiences. Please indicate how much you have been bothered by each problem in the past month. For these questions, the response options are: “not at all”, “a little bit”, “moderately”, “quite a bit”, or “extremely”.
Not at all 1 |
A little bit 2 |
Moderately 3 |
Quite a bit 4 |
Extremely 5 |
Supportive Relationships with Adults
D4. Currently, in your life, are there responsible adults or mentors who…
(Select yes or no for each).
Yes (01) |
No (00) |
D5. Currently, in your life, are there people about your same age who...
(Select yes or no for each).
Yes (01) |
No (00) |
[Present D6 and D7 on the same screen]
D6. How many friends would you consider to be close friends? These are friends who you see more than once a week. These are friends who you spend time with and enjoy doing things with.
_______ # friends
D7. Now, in the past 3 months how many of these friends have…
None of them 0 |
Very few of them 1 |
Some of them 2 |
Most of them 3 |
All of them 4 |
The next few questions are about your health and the health care you may have received.
D8. At any time from [insert RA date] to today, did you THINK YOU SHOULD SEE a doctor, nurse, or other health professional for any of the following reasons?
By THINK YOU SHOULD SEE, we mean you thought about, needed or wanted to see a doctor, nurse, or other health professional – even if you never actually went.
(Select yes or no for each).
Yes (01) |
No (00) |
D9. At any time from [insert RA date] to today, did you RECEIVE care from a doctor, nurse, or other health professional for any of the following reasons?
(Select yes or no for each.)
Yes (01) |
No (00) |
The next few questions are about your education and training experiences.
E1a. What is the highest level of education you have completed? (By completed we mean the grade or level you have actually finished, not the grade or level you are currently in. If you are in high school, and it is summer, what grade did you complete this spring?)
(Select one response.)
6th grade or less [ ] 01
7th grade [ ] 02
8th grade [ ] 03
9th grade [ ] 04
10th grade [ ] 05
11th grade [ ] 06
GED or high school equivalency [ ] 07
High school diploma (12th grade) [ ] 08
Some vocational or trade school after graduating high school or getting your GED [ ] 09
Earned a credential from a vocational or trade school after graduating high school
or getting your GED [ ] 10
Associate's degree (community or two-year college) [ ] 11
Some college [ ] 12
Four-year college degree or higher [ ] 13
E1b. In the time from [insert RA date] to today, have you received any training certificate, trade license, diploma, degree, or passed any type of qualifying exam?
Yes [ ] 01
No [ ] 00
[If E1b = 0 (no) skip to E2]
E1c. Which have you received since [insert RA date]?
Regular High School Diploma [ ] 01
GED [ ] 02
Trade License/Certificate [ ] 03
Associates Degree [ ] 04
College Degree [ ] 05
E2. In the time from [insert RA date] to today, have you repeated a grade or been held back?
Yes [ ] 01
No [ ] 00
Does not apply to me [ ] 00
E3. In the time from [insert RA date] to today, have you been suspended from school?
Yes [ ] 01
No [ ] 00
[if in high school since RA ask:]
E4. In the time from [insert RA date] to today, have you been expelled from school?
Yes [ ] 01
No [ ] 00
E5. In the time from [insert RA date] to today, have you dropped out of school?
Yes [ ] 01
No [ ] 00
[Begin with E6a- then follow skip patterns]
E6. At any time from [insert RA date] to today have you taken…? |
E7. While you were taking… |
E8. Altogether for how many… |
E9. Which months were you enrolled in… |
E6a.Adult Basic Education (ABE) By adult basic education (ABE), we mean classes to improve basic reading and math skills. This is not high school or college classes Yes [Go to E7a] No [Go to E6b] |
E7a. Adult basic education, how many hours per week did you attend during a normal week? ____# hours Don’t Know
[If “Don’t Know” selected, present: Would you say… Less than 5 hours per week 6 to 10 hours per week 11 to 15 hours per week 16 to 20 hours per week 21 to 30 hours per week More than 30 hours per week]
[Once response selected present E8a] |
E8a. Months since [month, year of RA] have you taken those classes? ____# months Don’t Know
[If “Don’t Know” selected, present: Would you say… Less than 1 month 1 or 2 months 3 to 6 months 7 to 12 months
[Once response selected present E9a] |
E9a. adult basic education? (Select all that apply) [current month, year] [current month, year minus 1 month] [current month, year minus 2 months] [current month, year minus 3 months] […Continue subtracting 1 until reach current date minus 12 months …]
[Once response selected present E6b] |
E6b. English as a Second Language (ESL) classes Yes [Go to E7b] No[Go to E6c] |
E7b. ESL classes, how many hours per week did you attend during a normal week? ____# hours Don’t Know
[If “Don’t Know” selected, present: Would you say… Less than 5 hours per week 6 to 10 hours per week 11 to 15 hours per week 16 to 20 hours per week 21 to 30 hours per week More than 30 hours per week]
[Once response selected present E8b] |
E8b. Months since [month, year of RA] have you taken those classes? ____# months Don’t Know
[If “Don’t Know” selected, present: Would you say… Less than 1 month 1 or 2 months 3 to 6 months 7 to 12 months
[Once response selected present E9b] |
E9b. ESL classes? (Select all that apply) [current month, year] [current month, year minus 1 month] [current month, year minus 2 months] [current month, year minus 3 months] […Continue subtracting 1 until reach current date minus 12 months …]
[Once response selected present E6c] |
E6c. GED classes By GED classes, we mean classes to prepare for the GED test Yes [Go to E7c] No [Go to E6d] |
E7c. GED classes, how many hours per week did you attend during a normal week? ____# hours Don’t Know
[If “Don’t Know” selected, present: Would you say… Less than 5 hours per week 6 to 10 hours per week 11 to 15 hours per week 16 to 20 hours per week 21 to 30 hours per week More than 30 hours per week]
[Once response selected present E8c] |
E8c. Months since [month, year of RA] have you taken those classes? ____# months Don’t Know
[If “Don’t Know” selected, present: Would you say… Less than 1 month 1 or 2 months 3 to 6 months 7 to 12 months
[Once response selected present E9c] |
E9c. GED classes? (Select all that apply) [current month, year] [current month, year minus 1 month] [current month, year minus 2 months] [current month, year minus 3 months] […Continue subtracting 1 until reach current date minus 12 months …]
[Once response selected present E6d] |
E6d. High school or classes toward a regular high school diploma (do not include ABE, GED, or ESL classes) Yes [Go to E7d] No [Go to E6e] |
E7d. High school or classes toward a regular high school diploma, how many hours per week did you attend during a normal week? ____# hours Don’t Know
[If “Don’t Know” selected, present: Would you say… Less than 5 hours per week 6 to 10 hours per week 11 to 15 hours per week 16 to 20 hours per week 21 to 30 hours per week More than 30 hours per week]
[Once response selected present E8d] |
E8d. Months since [month, year of RA] have you taken those classes? ____# months Don’t Know
[If “Don’t Know” selected, present: Would you say… Less than 1 month 1 or 2 months 3 to 6 months 7 to 12 months
[Once response selected present E9d] |
E9d. High school or classes toward a regular high school diploma? (Select all that apply) [current month, year] [current month, year minus 1 month] [current month, year minus 2 months] [current month, year minus 3 months] […Continue subtracting 1 until reach current date minus 12 months …]
[Once response selected present E6e] |
E6e. College or classes toward an Associates degree or Bachelors degree at a 2-year or 4-y college (Do not count recreational classes like exercise or hobbies, courses for the GED, or any courses that don’t provide credit toward a degree) Yes [Go to E7e] No [Go to E6f] |
E7e. College or classes toward an Associates degree or Bachelors degree at a 2-year or 4-y college, how many hours per week did you attend during a normal week? ____# hours Don’t Know
[If “Don’t Know” selected, present: Would you say… Less than 5 hours per week 6 to 10 hours per week 11 to 15 hours per week 16 to 20 hours per week 21 to 30 hours per week More than 30 hours per week]
[Once response selected present E8c] |
E8e. Months since [month, year of RA] have you taken those classes? ____# months Don’t Know
[If “Don’t Know” selected, present: Would you say… Less than 1 month 1 or 2 months 3 to 6 months 7 to 12 months
[Once response selected present E9c] |
E9e. College or classes toward an Associates degree or Bachelors degree at a 2-year or 4-y college? (Select all that apply) [current month, year] [current month, year minus 1 month] [current month, year minus 2 months] [current month, year minus 3 months] […Continue subtracting 1 until reach current date minus 12 months …]
[Once response selected present E6d] |
E6f. Vocational, career, or technical training at a community or private college By vocational, career, or technical training, we mean training for a specific job, trade, or occupation. This is not training you get in college courses. It is also not on-the-job training or unpaid work experience Yes [Go to E7f] No [Go to next section] |
E7f. Vocational, career, or technical training at a community or private college, how many hours per week did you attend during a normal week? ____# hours Don’t Know
[If “Don’t Know” selected, present: Would you say… Less than 5 hours per week 6 to 10 hours per week 11 to 15 hours per week 16 to 20 hours per week 21 to 30 hours per week More than 30 hours per week]
[Once response selected present E8f] |
E8f. Months since [month, year of RA] have you taken those classes? ____# months Don’t Know
[If “Don’t Know” selected, present: Would you say… Less than 1 month 1 or 2 months 3 to 6 months 7 to 12 months
[Once response selected present E9f] |
E9f. . Vocational, career, or technical training at a community or private college? (Select all that apply) [current month, year] [current month, year minus 1 month] [current month, year minus 2 months] [current month, year minus 3 months] […Continue subtracting 1 until reach current date minus 12 months …]
The next few questions are about your work experiences.
F1. At any time from [insert RA date] to today, have you worked at a job or business for pay?
By worked at a job or business for pay, we mean working at a job where you get paid money for the work you do or working for someone besides yourself and getting paid for it. It does not include odd jobs, informal work, illegal or “off-the-books” work, or work where you did not get paid.
Yes [ ] 01
No [ ] 00
[If F1=1 (yes) skip to employment history series (F3a), If F1=0 (not employed) ask F2a]
F2a. Which of the following best describes the reason you have not worked in the time from [insert RA date] to today
(Select one)
I was in school [ ] 01
I was looking for work but could not find it [ ] 02
I did not want to work [ ] 03
I was not able to work [ ] 04
I was working informally, illegally, “off-the-books,” or not for pay [ ] 05
[If F2a=04 (unable to work), then ask F2b]
F2b. Why have you been unable to work?
Physical or other type of disability [ ] 01
Other (Please specify) [ ] 94
[If F1=1 (employed) present employment history series, else skip to next section]
We’d like to ask you about work or employment
since [insert RA date].
We will ask you to think backwards in time from now until [insert
RA date]. Sometimes people
have more than one job at a time. If you had more than one job at a
time, please answer the following questions for each job
separately—one at a time
F3a. Thinking about the time from [insert RA date], what is the name of the place you currently work or most recently worked?
Remember we mean working at a job where you get paid money for the work you do or working for someone besides yourself and getting paid for it. This does not include odd jobs, informal, illegal, or “off-the-books” work, volunteer work, or work where you did not get paid
________________ [open ended, tag response as: employer #a, used in later items]
F4a. What did you do at [insert employer #a]?
________________ [open ended, tag response as: occupation #a]
F5a. When did you start working at [insert employer #a]?
Click here to see a calendar of the past few months. Calendar [Present calendar for reference]
Month |
Day |
Year |
F6a. Are you still working at [insert employer #a]?
Yes [ ] 01
No [ ] 00
[If F6a=0, ask F7a, else skip to F8a]
F7a. When did you stop working at [insert employer #a]?
Click here to see a calendar of the past few months. Calendar [Present calendar for reference]
Month |
Day |
Year |
F8a. In an average week, how many hours do you or did you usually work at [insert employer #a]?
________________ # hours per week
F9a. Have you worked anywhere else in the time from [insert RA date] to today?
Yes [ ] 01
No [ ] 00
[If F9a=1, continue to employment history loop, else skip to next section]
Note the questions asked in the loop are (nearly) identical to F3a – F9a
[F3b begins Housing History Loop: First turn through loop is F3b – F9b and occurs if F9a = 1 (worked somewhere else since RA). The loop is repeated again (F3c-F9c) if F9b = 1 (worked somewhere else since RA). The loop continues to be repeated until F9# = 0 with a maximum of three times through the loop (ending with F9d). Thus, we capture up to 4 jobs in the employment history series.]
F3b. What is the name of the place you worked just before [insert name of previously identified employer]? You can give it any name that makes sense to you.
Remember we mean working at a job where you get paid money for the work you do or working for someone besides yourself and getting paid for it. This does not include odd jobs, informal, illegal, or “off-the-books” work, volunteer work, or work where you did not get paid
________________ [open ended, tag response as: employer #b, used in later items]
F4b. What did you do at [insert employer #b]?
________________ [open ended, tag response as: occupation #b]
F5b. When did you start working at [insert employer #b]?
Click here to see a calendar of the past few months. Calendar [Present calendar for reference]
Month |
Day |
Year |
F6b. Are you still working at [insert employer #a]?
Yes [ ] 01
No [ ] 00
[If F6b=0, ask F7b, else skip to F8b]
F7b. When did you stop working at [insert employer #b]?
Click here to see a calendar of the past few months. Calendar [Present calendar for reference]
Month |
Day |
Year |
F8b. In an average week, how many hours did you usually work at [insert employer #b]?
________________ # hours per week
F9b. So far, you have told us about [insert names of all previously identified employers, employer #a, employer #b, etc].
Have you worked anywhere else in the time from [insert RA date] to today?
Yes [ ] 01
No [ ] 00
[End of Loop. If F9b = 1, loop back and begin with F3c. If F9b = 0, exit loop and continue to next section. Looping continues until F9#=0 with a maximum of three times through the loop, ending with F9d. Thus, we capture up to 4 jobs in the employment history series]
F10. At the end of the month do you usually have…
(Select One.)
Some money left over [ ] 03
Just enough money to make ends meet [ ] 02
Not enough money to make ends meet [ ] 01
F11. Do you currently have a savings account?
Yes [ ] 01
No [ ] 00
F12. Do you currently have a checking account?
Yes [ ] 01
No [ ] 00
The next few questions are about things you do or activities you’ve participated in
G1. In the time from [insert RA date], to today, have you volunteered to help local community organizations or groups?
Yes [ ] 01
No [ ] 00
[If enrolled in HS or college since RA), ask G2; else skip to G3]
G2. In the time from [insert RA date], to today, have you participated in any organized activities sponsored by your school or college, such as sports teams, band, or clubs?
Yes [ ] 01
No [ ] 00
G3. In the time from [insert RA date], to today, have you participated in any organized activities or groups that meet on a regular basis [If enrolled in HS or college since RA insert the following: and are not sponsored by your school or college]?These could be organizations or clubs, such as Boy or Girl Scouts, or community service groups.
Yes [ ] 01
No [ ] 00
The next few questions ask things like drug use, sex, and violence. Remember your answers are strictly confidential, and you don't have to answer any question you don't want to.
H1. During the past 18 months, that is since [calculate current date minus 18 months], how often did each of the following things happen?
Never [0] |
Once [1] |
More than Once [2] |
H2. In the past 18 months, that is since [calculate current date minus 18 months], how often did you do each of the following things?
Never [0] |
1 or 2 Times [1] |
3 or 4 Times [2] |
5 or More Times [3] |
The next two questions are about CIGARETTES and OTHER TOBACCO PRODUCTS.
Think back over the past 30 days and record on how many days, if any, you used cigarettes and/or other tobacco products. |
H3a. During the past 30 days, on how many days did you smoke part or all of a cigarette? (Include menthol and regular cigarettes and loose tobacco rolled into cigarettes)
[Present Options 0-30 days, Don’t know or Can’t say]
Days |
H3b. During the past 30 days, on how many days did you use other tobacco products? (Include any tobacco product other than cigarettes such as snuff, chewing tobacco, and smoking tobacco from a pipe)
[Present Options 0-30 days, Don’t know or Can’t say]
Days |
The next question is about ALCOHOL. By alcohol, we mean BEER, WINE, WINE COOLERS, MALT BEVERAGES, or HARD LIQUOR.
Different groups of people in the United States may use alcohol for religious reasons. However, this may not be true for your religious, cultural, or ethnic group. For example, some churches serve wine during a church service. If you drink wine at church or for some other religious reason, do not count these times in your answers to the questions below.
Think back over the past 30 days and record on how many days, if any, you consumed alcohol. |
H4a. During the past 30 days, on how many days did you drink one or more drinks of an alcoholic beverage?
[Present Options 0-30 days, Don’t know or Can’t say]
Days |
The next question is about MARIJUANA or HASHISH. Marijuana is sometimes called weed, blunt, hydro, grass, or pot. Hashish is sometimes called hash or hash oil.
Think back over the past 30 days and record on how many days, if any, you used marijuana or hashish. |
H4b. During the past 30 days, on how many days did you use marijuana or hashish?
[Present Options 0-30 days, Don’t know or Can’t say]
Days |
The next question is about OTHER ILLEGAL DRUGS, excluding marijuana or hashish, which include substances like inhalants or sniffed substances such as glue, gasoline, paint thinner, cleaning fluid, or shoe polish (used to feel good or to get high), heroin, crack or cocaine, methamphetamine, hallucinogens (drugs that cause people to see or experience things that are not real) such as LSD (sometimes called acid), Ecstasy (MDMA), PCP, peyote (sometimes called angel dust), and prescription drugs used without a doctor’s orders, just to feel good or to get high.
Think back over the past 30 days and report on how many days, if any, you used other illegal drugs. |
H5a. During the past 30 days, on how many days did you use any other illegal drug?
[Present Options 0-30 days, Don’t know or Can’t say]
Days |
Now we would like to ask about your use of several specific drugs. |
H5b. During the past 30 days, on how many days did you use cocaine or crack?
[Present Options 0-30 days, Don’t know or Can’t say]
Days |
H5c. During the past 30 days, on how many days did you use methamphetamine? (Also called meth, crystal meth, crank, go, and speed)
[Present Options 0-30 days, Don’t know or Can’t say]
Days |
H5d. During the past 30 days, on how many days did you inject any drugs? (Count only injections without a doctor’s orders, those you had just to feel good or to get high.)
[Present Options 0-30 days, Don’t know or Can’t say]
Days |
The next questions are about your sexual behaviors and experiences.
H6. Sexual intercourse is when a male puts his penis into a female’s vagina.
At any time from [current date minus 3 months] to today, have you had sexual intercourse, even once?
Yes [ ] 01
No [ ] 00
Don't know [ ] -98
H7. At any time from [current date minus 3 months] to today, have you had sexual intercourse without you or your partner using a condom, even just once?
Yes, I have had sexual intercourse without using a condom [ ] 01
No, I have used a condom each time I had sexual intercourse [ ] 00
Don't know [ ] -98
H8. Anal sex is when a male puts his penis in someone else’s anus, or their butt, or someone lets a male put his penis in their anus or butt.
At any time from [current date minus 3 months] to today, have you had anal sex, even once?
Yes [ ] 01
No [ ] 00
Don't know [ ] -98
H9. In the time from [current date minus 3 months] to today, have you had anal sex without you or your partner using a condom, even just once?
Yes, I have had anal sex without using a condom [ ] 01
No, I have used a condom each time I had anal sex [ ] 00
Don't know [ ] -98
[If H6=1 or H8=1 ask H10a]
H10a. At any time from [current date minus 3 months]. to today, have you received anything in exchange for having sexual relations with another person, such as money, food, drugs, or shelter? By sexual relations we mean sexual intercourse, anal sex, or oral sex.
Yes [ ] 01
No [ ] 00
Don't know [ ] -98
[If H10a=1 ask H10b]
H10b. In the time from [current date minus 3 months] to today, how many times have you received something in exchange for having sexual relations with another person, such as money, food, drugs, or shelter? Your best guess is fine.
______ # times [valid range 1 – 99]
H11. In the time from [insert RA date], to today, have you ever gone to civilian or military court for any criminal offense (not including court appearances for minor traffic violations)?
Yes [ ] 01
No [ ] 00
H12. In the time from [insert RA date], to today, have you been convicted of a criminal offense?
Yes [ ] 01
No [ ] 00
H13. In the time from [insert RA date], to today, have you spent one or more nights in jail, a correctional facility, or a juvenile detention center?
Yes [ ] 01
No [ ] 00
[Item H14 intentionally removed]
The next questions are about situations that may have happened during your life and the ways your caregivers may have mistreated you in the past. By caregivers, we mean the adults who were responsible for taking care of you in the past. Remember, your answers are strictly confidential, and you don't have to answer any question you don't want to.
H15. In the time from [insert RA date] to today, did any of your caregivers fail to give you regular meals so that you had to go hungry or ask other people for food?
Yes [ ] 01
No [ ] 02
Don’t Know [ ] -98
Decline to answer [ ] -99
H16. In the time from [insert RA date] to today, did any of your caregivers ever throw or push you? For example, push you down a staircase or push you into a wall?
Yes [ ] 01
No [ ] 02
Don’t Know [ ] -98
Decline to answer [ ] -99
H17. In the time from [insert RA date] to today, did any of your caregivers ever hit you hard with a fist, or kick you or slap you really hard?
Yes [ ] 01
No [ ] 02
Don’t Know [ ] -98
Decline to answer [ ] -99
H18. In the time from [insert RA date] to today, did any of your caregivers ever beat you up such as hitting or kicking you repeatedly?
Yes [ ] 01
No [ ] 02
Don’t Know [ ] -98
Decline to answer [ ] -99
H19. In the time from [insert RA date] to today, did you ever have a serious illness or injury or physical disability, but your caregivers ignored it or failed to get you medical care or other treatment for it?
Some examples are an infection that became serious because it was not treated soon enough, an broken bone that did not get fixed, or problems seeing or hearing that were not treated with glasses or hearing aids?
Yes [ ] 01
No [ ] 02
Don’t Know [ ] -98
Decline to answer [ ] -99
H20. In the time from [insert RA date] to today, did any of your caregivers ever abandon you?
By “abandon,” we mean leave you, walk out on you, ditch or dump you.
Yes [ ] 01
No [ ] 02
Don’t Know [ ] -98
Decline to answer [ ] -99
H21. In the time from [insert RA date] to today, did any of your caregivers ever touch or kiss you against your will?
By “against your will,” we mean when you did not want them to or without your permission.
Yes [ ] 01
No [ ] 02
Don’t Know [ ] -98
Decline to answer [ ] -99
H22. In the time from [insert RA date] to today, did any of your caregivers ever have sexual intercourse, oral sex, or anal sex with you against your will?
By “against your will,” we mean when you did not want them to or without your permission
Yes [ ] 01
No [ ] 02
Don’t Know [ ] -98
Decline to answer [ ] -99
We’re almost done. There are just a few more questions about your background.
I1a. What is your current marital status?
(Select only one answer.)
Never Married [ ] 01
Married [ ] 02
Separated [ ] 03
Divorced [ ] 04
Widowed [ ] 05
[If I1a=1, ask I1b, else skip to I2a]
I1b. Are you currently living with a romantic partner (boyfriend or girlfriend), spouse (husband or wife) or someone who is like a spouse to you?
(Select only one answer.)
Yes [ ] 01
No [ ] 00
I1c. At any time from [insert RA date] to today, has your marital status changed?
(Select all that apply.)
No change [ ] 00
Yes, I got married [ ] 01
Yes, I separated from my wife/husband [ ] 02
Yes, I got divorced [ ] 03
Yes, I got became widowed (my wife/husband died) [ ] 04
Yes, I stopped living with a romantic partner [ ] 05
I2a. Do you have any children (even if they don’t live with you)?
Yes [ ] 01
No [ ] 00
[If I6a=0, skip to I7]
I2b. At any time from [insert RA date] to today, have you had any new biological children or adopted any children?
Yes [ ] 01
No [ ] 00
I2c. How many children do you have (even if they don’t live with you)?
________# children
I3. Are you currently pregnant or expecting to become a father in the next 9 months?
Yes [ ] 01
No [ ] 00
Don’t know……………………………………………………………………………………… .[ ] -98
Thank you for taking this survey and being part of STARS!
After you submit your survey, we will [insert mode selected: email/text] your electronic gift card to:
[insert gift card contact]
Closing1a. If this information is wrong, click here: CHANGE INFORMATION
Closing 1b. If this information is correct, click here to submit your survey: SUBMIT
(Once you submit your survey, you cannot go back and change your answers.)
Closing1c. You will receive your electronic gift card within [xx] days.
If you have any questions about STARS, you can call the people who are doing the research at (XXX) XXX-XXXX. This is a free call.
Thanks again!
You are a very important part of STARS!
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Jessica Walker |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-21 |