Expedited Review Form

HMTSExpeditedReviewForm_DSMESConcept Testing june222020rev.pdf

CDC and ATSDR Health Message Testing System

Expedited Review Form

OMB: 0920-0572

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Health Message Testing System Expedited Review Form
1. Title of Study: (Please append screener and questionnaire)

Brand Concept Testing for Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support (DSMES) Services
Marketing Support
2. Study Population: (Discuss study population and explain how they will be selected/recruited.)

The study population will consist of people with diabetes and health care providers. Participants for the
focus groups and in-depth interviews will be recruited through a professional market research firm.
Participants for the survey portion will be recruited through an opt-in online panel managed by a
professional market research firm.
Respondent characteristics:
Number of subject: 3144

Number of males:

Age range: 18-75

Number of females: 50%


Racial/ethnic composition: A mix will be recruited from different racial/ethnic groups.
Special group status: (e.g., risk group, health care providers)
Type of group(s): People with diabetes (PWD) and health care providers (HCP)
Geographic location(s): Participants will be geographically dispersed throughout the
United States.
3. Incentives: (State what incentive will be offered and justify proposed incentives to be used in study.)

Survey, focus groups and in-depth interview participants will be awarded monetary incentives. Health care
providers have multiple responsibilities and limited time to participate. PWD have competing work and
family responsibilities. Incentives are needed to obtain sufficient numbers to participate. PWD completing
focus group receive $75; completing survey receive $10. HCPs receive $150 for completing IDI and $45
(PCP, APN, PA) completing survey; endocrinologists completing the survey receive $65.

4. Study method: (Please check one below)
Central location intercept interview:
Online Interview:
Telephone interview:

Focus group:
Individual in-depth interview (cognitive interview):

(CATI used: yes or no): No

Other (describe): online survey

5. Purpose of the overall communication effort into which this health message(s) will fit:
(Please provide 2-3 sentences below.)
CDC's Division of Diabetes Translation is collaborating with national diabetes organizations to increase
health care provider referral to evidence-based diabetes self-management education and support services
and greater use of the services by people with diabetes. Effective promotion of these services will include
development of a consistent and compelling brand, messages addressing all relevant audiences, and a guide
for DSMES service providers (accredited or recognized programs) to use in promoting the services.
6. Category of time sensitivity: (Please check one below)
Health emergency:
Time-limited audience access:
Press coverage correction:
Time-limited congressional/administrative mandate:
Trend Tracking
Ineffective existing materials due to historical event/social trends:
7. Describe nature of time sensitivity: (Please provide 2-3 sentences below.)
Health care provider referral to DSMES services, enrollment and attendance by people with diabetes
remains low, despite evidence of effectiveness. A complicating factor is that existing accredited/recognized
DSMES services have recently expanded to include additional support services. This data collection will
identify and test key attributes of the new DSMES services valued by our major audiences to ensure that
brand messages are memorable and motivating to increase referrals and enrollment.

8. Number of burden hours requested: 477

No. of
Respondents Time

Category of Respondent


People with diabetes and health care providers - survey screeners


5 min.


People with diabetes and health care providers - survey


15-60 min.



5-60 min.


9. Are you using questions from the approved question bank?


If yes, please list the item number(s) for questions used from the question bank separated by a comma.
(e.g., 1a, 3c, 130d)

*** Items below to be completed by Office of Associate Director for Communication (OADC)***
1. Number of burden hours remaining in current year's allocation: 3255
2. OADC confirmation of time-sensitivity:

Dawn B. Griffin
Project Officer
Print Form

File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2020-07-08
File Created2012-02-22

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