30 Day FRN 1601 0004 Published

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Case Assistance Form (Ombudsman Form DHS-7001) and Instructions (Form DHS-7001)

30 Day FRN 1601 0004 Published

OMB: 1601-0004

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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 9 / Wednesday, January 14, 2015 / Notices

Agency Information Collection
Activities: Case Assistance Form
(Ombudsman Form DHS–7001 and
Office of the Citizenship and
Immigration Services Ombudsman,
ACTION: 30-Day Notice and request for
comments; Extension without change of
a currently approved collection, 1601–

The Department of Homeland
Security, Office of the Citizenship and
Immigration Services Ombudsman, will
submit the following Information
Collection Request (ICR) to the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) for
review and clearance in accordance
with the Paperwork Reduction Act of
1995 (Pub. L. 104–13, 44 U.S.C. Chapter
35). DHS previously published this
information collection request (ICR) in
the Federal Register on Friday, October
17, 2014 at 79 FR 62450 for a 60-day
public comment period. No comments
were received by DHS. The purpose of
this notice is to allow additional 30days for public comments.
DATES: Comments are encouraged and
will be accepted until February 13,
2015. This process is conducted in
accordance with 5 CFR 1320.1.
ADDRESSES: Interested persons are
invited to submit written comments on
the proposed information collection to
the Office of Information and Regulatory
Affairs, Office of Management and
Budget. Comments should be addressed
to OMB Desk Officer, Department of
Homeland Security and sent via
electronic mail to oira_submission@
omb.eop.gov or faxed to (202) 395–5806.
Citizenship and Immigration Services
(CIS) Ombudsman was created under
section 452 of the Homeland Security
Act of 2002 (Pub. L. 107–296) to: (1)
Assist individuals and employers in
resolving problems with the U.S.
Citizenship and Immigration Services
(USCIS); (2) to identify areas in which
individuals and employers have
problems in dealing with USCIS; and (3)
to the extent possible, propose changes
in the administrative practices of USCIS
to mitigate problems. This form is used
by an applicant who is experiencing
problems with USCIS during the
processing of an immigration benefit.
The information collected on this
form will allow the CIS Ombudsman to
identify the problem such as: (1) A case
problem which is a request for
information about a case that was filed

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with USCIS (‘‘case problem’’); or (2) the
identification of a systemic issue that
may or may not pertain to an individual
case which the individual, attorney or
employer is seeking to bring to the
attention of the CIS Ombudsman
(‘‘trend’’). For case problems, the CIS
Ombudsman will refer case specific
issues to the Customer Assistance Office
for USCIS for further research, and
For trends received, the CIS
Ombudsman notes the systemic issue
identified in the correspondence which
may or may not be incorporated into
future recommendations submitted to
the Director of USCIS pursuant to
section 452(d)(4) of Public Law 107–
The use of this form provides the
most efficient means for collecting and
processing the required data. The CIS
Ombudsman is now employing the use
of information technology in collecting
and processing information by offering
the option for electronic submission of
the DHS Form 7001 through the
Ombudsman Case Assistance Online
System. Per PRA requirements, a fillable
PDF version of the form is provided on
the Ombudsman’s Web site. The PDF
form can be completed online, printed
out and sent to the Ombudsman’s office
at the address indicated on the form. It
is noted on the form that using the
paper method can result in significant
processing delays for the Ombudsman’s
office to provide the requested case
assistance. After approval of the changes
to form detailed in this supporting
statement, the online form will be
updated and posted on the
Ombudsman’s Web site at http://
www.dhs.gov/case-assistance for
electronic online submission of the
The assurance of confidentiality
provided to the respondents for this
information collection is provided by:
(a) The CIS Ombudsman statute and
mandate as established by Homeland
Security Act Section 452; (b) the Privacy
Impact Assessment for the Office of the
Citizenship & Immigration Services
Ombudsman (CISOMB) Virtual
Ombudsman System (March 19, 2010)
and the (c) Systems of Records Notice:
9110–9B Department of Homeland
Security, Office of the Secretary [Docket
No. DHS–2009–0146] Privacy Act of
1974; Department of Homeland Security
Citizenship and Immigration Services
Ombudsman—001 Online Ombudsman
Form DHS–7001 System of Records. The
DHS Privacy Office will receive the
entire package of documents for this
information collection to assure
authorization for renewal of the

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The CISOMB Form DHS–7001 and the
Online Ombudsman Form DHS–7001
system is constructed in compliance
with all applicable DHS Privacy Office,
DHS CIO, DHS Records Management,
and OMB regulations regarding data
collection, use, storage, and retrieval.
The proposed public use data collection
system is therefore intended to be
distributed for public use primarily by
electronic means with limited paper
distribution and processing of paper
The CISOMB Form DHS–7001 (PDF)
and the Online Ombudsman Form
DHS–7001 (Ombudsman Case
Assistance Online System) has been
constructed in compliance with
regulations and authorities under the
purview of the DHS Privacy Office, DHS
CIO, DHS Records Management, and
OMB regulations regarding data
collection, use, sharing, storage,
information security and retrieval of
In accordance with the Privacy Act of
1974, the Department of Homeland
Security is giving notice that it proposes
to renew the Department of Homeland
Security system of records notice titled,
‘‘Department of Homeland Security
Citizenship and Immigration Services
Ombudsman—001 Online Ombudsman
Form DHS–7001 and Ombudsman Case
Assistance Online System of Records.’’
This system of records will continue to
ensure the efficient and secure
processing of information to aid the
Citizenship and Immigration Services
Ombudsman in providing assistance to
individuals, employers, and their
representatives in resolving problems
with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration
Services; identify areas in which
individuals, employers, and their
representatives have problems working
with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration
Services; and to the extent possible,
propose changes to mitigate problems
pursuant to 6 U.S.C. 272. This system
will continue to be included in the
Department of Homeland Security’s
inventory of record systems.
There has been an increase of 6,200 in
the estimated annual burden hours
previously reported for this information
collection. The increase in burden hours
is a reflection of agency estimates. There
is no change in the information being
collected, however there have been
cosmetic changes to the form including
punctuation, formatting, sequencing of
information, and text changes to make
the form more understandable and
streamlined for use by respondents. The
number of response fields has been
reduced from 13 to 12 and arranged in
a way that streamlines completion,
submission and processing of the form.



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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 9 / Wednesday, January 14, 2015 / Notices
The title of the form has changed from
‘‘Case Problem Submission Worksheet
(CIS Ombudsman Form DHS–7001)’’ to
‘‘Case Assistance Form (Ombudsman
Form DHS–7001)’’. The name of the
system has changed from ‘‘Virtual
Ombudsman System’’ to ‘‘Ombudsman
Case Assistance Online’’. The following
narrative explains the changes made on
the form and the corresponding
The Original 7001 form had the
sections arranged in the following order:
1—Name: Please identify the
individual or employer encountering
difficulties with USCIS (applicant/
2—Contact Information: Please
provide information on the individual
or employer encountering difficulties
with USCIS (applicant/beneficiary/
3—Date of Birth.
4—Country of Birth and Citizenship.
5—Alien Registration Number (A–
Number); The A–number appears in the
following format: A123–456–789.
6—Person Preparing This Form:
Please indicate who is completing this
7—Applications/Petitions Filed: List
all applications and/or petitions
pending with USCIS related to your case
8—Type of Immigration Benefit:
Please provide the type of immigration
benefit sought from USCIS.
9—Reason for Inquiry: Please indicate
if any of the options apply. Provide a
description in section 10.
10—Description: Describe the
difficulties experienced with USCIS.
Attach additional pages if needed.
11—Prior Actions Taken: Check all
that apply: Please describe the response
USCIS provided and attach any relevant
12—Consent: If you are the
beneficiary of an immigration petition,
consent of the individual who
submitted the petition on your behalf is
required. The petitioner must sign.
13—Attorney or Accredited
Representative: Please complete this
section if you are an attorney, a
representative of an organization, an
accredited representative, or anyone
else preparing this form on behalf of the
individual or employer encountering
difficulties with USCIS.
The Amended 7001 has the sections
arranged in the following order:
1. Name: Please identify the name of
the individual or employer (applicant/
beneficiary/petitioner) encountering or
difficulties with USCIS. Do not enter the
attorney/law firm’s name here.
2. Date of Birth: Country of Birth:
Country of Citizenship:

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3. Alien Registration Number (A–
Number); The A–number appears in the
following format: A123–456–789.
4. Contact Information: Please provide
the contact information of the
individual or employer (applicant/
beneficiary/petitioner) encountering
difficulties with USCIS. Please include
the primary E-Mail address for the
Ombudsman to provide updates.
5. Applications/Petitions Filed: List
all applications and/or petitions
pending with USCIS related to your case
6. Type of Immigration Benefit
Sought: Please provide the type of
immigration benefit sought from USCIS.
7. Reason for Inquiry/Case Assistance
Request: Check all that apply. Provide a
description in section 8 and add
documentation related to your inquiry.
8. Description of your Case Problem:
Describe the difficulties experienced
with USCIS including all responses
USCIS provided. Attach relevant
correspondence concerning actions
taken to resolve the issue before
submitting with the Ombudsman’s
Office including: Receipt notices;
requests for evidence; decisions; notices
and any other correspondence from
USCIS about your case. Attach
additional pages if needed.
9. Prior Actions Taken to Remedy the
Problem: Check all that apply and
provide the additional information
requested for each selection in the space
provided. Note that if selecting Option
a ‘‘Visited USCIS My Case Status at
www.uscis.gov’’, you must indicate what
additional actions (b through g) were
taken to remedy the problem before
submitting the form to the Ombudsman
a. Visited USCIS My Case Status at
www.uscis.gov and
b. Contacted the National Customer
Service Center (NCSC) for information
and/or assistance regarding this case at
their toll-free number 1–800–375–5283.
Provide SRMT Number:
c. Attended an InfoPass Appointment
with USCIS.
Provide InfoPass Number:
d. Sent an Email to USCIS. Provide
date email sent: Provide USCIS Email
e. Contacted a U.S. Government
Department or Agency for assistance.
Provide name and contact information:
f. Contacted a U.S. Congressional
Representative for assistance. Provide
name and contact information:
g. Other. Please describe.
10. Person Preparing This Form:
Please indicate who is completing this
11. Attorney or Accredited
Representative: Please complete this
section if you are an attorney, a

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representative of an organization, an
accredited representative, or anyone
else preparing this form on behalf of the
individual or employer encountering
difficulties with USCIS. Please attach
copy of your Form G–28
12. Consent: Please note that if you
are the beneficiary of an immigration
petition, consent of the individual or
employer that submitted the petition on
your behalf is required. The petitioner
must sign.
The instructions have been updated to
reflect the electronic submission options
as detailed in the previous paragraphs.
Instructions for electronic submission
will be posted on the CIS Ombudsman
Web site at www.dhs.gov/
cisombudsman. The electronic version
of the form will be developed by DHS
OCIO (Office of the Chief Information
Officer) based upon the approved
version of the amended 7001 as
described herein.
There is no change in the terms of
clearance from the previously approved
collection have been addressed by
updates to the: (a) Privacy Impact
Assessment for the Office of the
Citizenship & Immigration Services
Ombudsman (CISOMB) Virtual
Ombudsman System (March 19, 2010);
and the (b) Systems of Records Notice:
9110–9B Department of Homeland
Security, Office of the Secretary [Docket
No. DHS–2009–0146] Privacy Act of
1974; Department of Homeland Security
Citizenship and Immigration Services
Ombudsman—001 Virtual Ombudsman
System (March 2010) to reflect the name
change to Online Ombudsman Form
DHS–7001 System of Records.
The Office of Management and Budget
is particularly interested in comments
1. Evaluate whether the proposed
collection of information is necessary
for the proper performance of the
functions of the agency, including
whether the information will have
practical utility;
2. Evaluate the accuracy of the
agency’s estimate of the burden of the
proposed collection of information,
including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used;
3. Enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and
4. Minimize the burden of the
collection of information on those who
are to respond, including through the
use of appropriate automated,
electronic, mechanical, or other
technological collection techniques or
other forms of information technology,
e.g., permitting electronic submissions
of responses.




Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 9 / Wednesday, January 14, 2015 / Notices

Agency: Office of the Citizenship and
Immigration Services Ombudsman,
Title: Case Assistance Form
(Ombudsman Form DHS–7001and
OMB Number: 1601–0004.
Frequency: Annually.
Affected Public: Individuals or
Number of Respondents: 8,800.
Estimated Time per Respondent: 1
Total Burden Hours: 8,800.
Dated: January 5, 2015.
Carlene C. Ileto,
Executive Director, Enterpirse Business
Management Office.
[FR Doc. 2015–00404 Filed 1–13–15; 8:45 am]

[Docket No. DHS–2014–0077]

The Critical Infrastructure Partnership
Advisory Council
National Protection and
Programs Directorate, DHS.
ACTION: Notice of renewal of the Critical
Infrastructure Partnership Advisory
Council Charter.

The Department of Homeland
Security (DHS) announced the
establishment of the Critical
Infrastructure Partnership Advisory
Council (CIPAC) in a Federal Register
Notice (71 FR 14930–14933) dated
March 24, 2006, which identified the
purpose of CIPAC, as well as its
membership. This notice provides the
revised charter signed by Secretary Jeh
Johnson on December 7, 2014.
Renee Murphy, Designated Federal
Officer, Critical Infrastructure
Partnership Advisory Council, Sector
Outreach and Programs Division, Office
of Infrastructure Protection, National
Protection and Programs Directorate,
U.S. Department of Homeland Security,
245 Murray Lane, Mail Stop 0607,
Arlington, VA 20598–0607; telephone:
(703) 603–5083; email: [email protected].
Responsible DHS Official: Renee
Murphy, Designated Federal Officer for
the CIPAC.
CIPAC Charter Revisions: The Secretary
of Homeland Security extended the
CIPAC Charter on March 18, 2014 for a
period of two years. This charter has
now been revised to further clarify the
participation by federally registered

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lobbyists per the guidance released by
the Office of Management and Budget in
Federal Register Notice 79 FR 47482
released on August 13, 2014. The
revised charter was signed by the
Secretary of Homeland Security on
December 7, 2014. The current CIPAC
charter is available on the CIPAC Web
site (http://www.dhs.gov/cipac).
Purpose and Activity: The CIPAC
facilitates interaction between
government officials and representatives
of the community of owners and/or
operators for each of the critical
infrastructure sectors defined by
Presidential Policy Directive 21 and
identified in National Infrastructure
Protection Plan 2013: Partnering for
Critical Infrastructure Security and
Resilience (NIPP 2013). The scope of
activities covered by the CIPAC
includes: Planning; coordinating among
government and critical infrastructure
owner and operator security partners;
implementing security program
initiatives; conducting operational
activities related to critical
infrastructure protection security
measures, incident response, recovery,
and infrastructure resilience;
reconstituting critical infrastructure
assets and systems for both manmade
and naturally occurring events; and
sharing threat, vulnerability, risk
mitigation, and infrastructure continuity
Organizational Structure: The NIPP
2013 organizes the critical infrastructure
community into 16 critical
infrastructure sectors. Each of these
sectors has a Government Coordinating
Council (GCC) whose membership
includes: (i) A lead Federal agency that
is defined as the Sector-Specific
Agency; (ii) all relevant Federal, State,
local, tribal, and/or territorial
government agencies (or their
representative bodies) whose mission
interests also involve the scope of the
CIPAC activities for that particular
sector; and (iii) a Sector Coordinating
Council (SCC) whose membership
includes critical infrastructure owners
and/or operators or their representative
trade associations.
CIPAC Membership: CIPAC
Membership may include:
(i) Critical Infrastructure (CI) owner
and operator members of a DHSrecognized Sector SCC, including their
representative trade associations or
equivalent organization members of an
SCC as determined by the SCC.
(ii) Federal, State, local, and tribal
governmental entities comprising the
members of the GCC for each sector,
including their representative
organizations; members of the State,
Local, Tribal, and Territorial

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Government Coordinating Council; and
representatives of other Federal agencies
with responsibility for CI activities.
CIPAC membership is organizational.
Multiple individuals may participate in
CIPAC activities on behalf of a member
Dated: January 7, 2015.
Renee Murphy,
Designated Federal Officer for the CIPAC.
[FR Doc. 2015–00405 Filed 1–13–15; 8:45 am]

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration
[CIS No. 2550–14; DHS Docket No. USCIS–
RIN 1615–ZB36

Extension of the Designation of El
Salvador for Temporary Protected
In notice document 2015–00031
beginning on page 893 in the issue of
Wednesday, January 7, make the
following correction:
On page 893, in the third column, in
the 7th line, ‘‘March 9, 2015March 9,
2015’’ should read ‘‘March 9, 2015’’.
[FR Doc. C1–2015–00031 Filed 1–13–15; 8:45 am]

[Docket No. FR–5654–N–02]

Section 8 Housing Assistance
Programs Proposed Management and
Occupancy Review Schedule
Office of the Assistant
Secretary for Housing—Federal Housing
ACTION: Notice.

Through this notice, FHA
solicits comment from interested
members of the public on HUD’s
proposed Management and Occupancy
Review (MOR) schedule for the seven
project-based Section 8 programs
administered by the Office of
Multifamily Housing. This proposed
schedule will reduce the frequency of
unnecessary MORs, thereby minimizing
interruptions in property operations
created by onsite reviews, preserving
staff time, and reducing costs. The
proposed schedule ties the project’s
annual MOR rating with HUD’s new




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File Modified2015-01-14
File Created2015-01-14

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