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pdfPilot Study Design for the SOII Employee Study
Lou Rizzo, Ph.D.
Cynthia Helba, Ph.D.
J. Michael Brick, Ph.D.
September 1, 2015
Prepared for:
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
2 Massachusetts Avenue, N.E.
Washington, DC 20212-0001
Prepared by:
An Employee-Owned Research Corporation®
1600 Research Boulevard
Rockville, Maryland 20850-3129
(301) 251-1500
Table of Contents
Introduction ........................................................................................................
Summary of Cost-Benefit Analysis ..................................................................
Face-to-Face Sample Design.............................................................................
Telephone Survey Sample Design ....................................................................
Integration of the Employee Study with Larger National Studies ..............
Questionnaire Development and Proxies .......................................................
Weighting and Estimation .................................................................................
Information to Collect from the Pilot Study and Preliminary
Illustration of design and design effect calculations ......................................
Possible face-to-face design with twelve-month recall period .....................
Possible telephone design with twelve-month recall period ........................
Pilot Study Design for the SOII Employee Study
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses (SOII) is
the primary source of information on injuries and illnesses that take place in the workplace in the
United States. The SOII is collected yearly from a sample of employers who report information
from their OSHA logs and other documentation. There has been concern on the part of BLS
researchers and outside researchers that the SOII is systematically undercounting the number of
these injuries and illnesses. Therefore, BLS has decided to pursue a supplementary data collection of
information directly from a nationally representative sample of employees (called the “SOII
Employee Study” below). A literature review is provided in “SOII Research on Data Collection
from Employees Literature Review” by Helba, Leonard and Bernstein at Westat (dated December
29, 2014) under this contract (this is called the ‘Literature Review’ below). A cost-benefit analysis of
the various possible options is provided in “Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses Employee
Survey cost Benefit Analysis Criteria” by Rizzo, Helba, Brick, Bernstein, and Leonard at Westat
(dated May 12, 2015), also under this contract (this is called the ‘Cost-Benefit Analysis’ below).
The starting point for this document is the Cost-Benefit Analysis, which discusses the relative costs
and benefits of a wide range of possible designs for the SOII Employee Study. Section 2 of this
report summarizes these results, and discusses some choices made by BLS based on the CostBenefit Analysis with regard to moving forward. The primary substance of this document is the
development of two full-scale sample designs for the pilot study for the SOII Employee Study.
The goal of the pilot study is to provide a full-scale dress rehearsal of an employee survey. This pilot
study will be designed to provide nationally representative estimates of prevalence of occupational
injuries and illnesses over a year period (to compare to the SOII employer study). The pilot study is
intended primarily to differ from the main version of this study only in terms of sample size– the
pilot will not be large enough to give sufficient precision for domains (see Section 2 of the CostBenefit Report for a listing of these domains). The main version of this study will be a ‘scale-up’ of
the pilot study. Another difference is that we recommend that the pilot study have embedded
experiments to compare possible detailed methods, and that more extensive information might be
collected to inform the main study.
Pilot Study Design for the SOII Employee Study
Section 2 of this document summarizes the Cost-Benefit Analysis, and the decisions made based on
that document and other considerations. Section 3 presents a face-to-face design for the SOII
Employee Study. Section 4 provides a telephone design. Section 5 discusses issues of the integration
of the SOII Employee Study with larger national surveys. Section 6 discusses questionnaire
development. Section 7 discusses estimation and variance estimation. Section 8 discusses
information that should be collected from the pilot study to facilitate future studies.
Pilot Study Design for the SOII Employee Study
Summary of Cost-Benefit Analysis
The Cost-Benefit Analysis set an effective sample size benchmark of 5,100 employee/years (5,100
employees and a one-year time window per employee). This is the sample size necessary, assuming
simple random sampling, to detect a prevalence difference of 20 percent with 80 percent power (e.g.,
a difference between 3.5 injuries per 100 employees per year and 4.2 injuries per 100 employees per
year). We will continue to utilize this benchmark in this report.
The Cost-Benefit Analysis provided two main branches: a household-based study and an employerbased study. The employer-based study is thoroughly explored in Section 6 of the Cost-Benefit
Analysis. BLS has chosen not to move forward with the employer-based design due to fears of low
response rates (both on the employer part and on the employee part), and because it has many of
the same features as the current SOII. The employer-based design is not discussed in this report.
The two designs developed in this report are household-based studies.
Three different designs were studied in the Cost-Benefit Analysis for the household-based survey:
stand-alone, module, and follow-on. The stand-alone study is a direct national sample of households
for this SOII employee study. The module option puts the relevant questions as a module in a larger
study such as the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS). The follow-on option also piggy-backs
on a larger household study, but in this case a subsample of cooperative households from the larger
study is targeted for followup interviews for the SOII.
The mode of data collection is a critical tradeoff between cost and quality. Data collection can be
face-to-face (in-person), by telephone, or by mail. There are mixtures of these as well: for example
mail followed by telephoning of nonrespondents. Face-to-face interviews are likely to have the
highest response rates and allow for more complex instruments, probing, and other attributes that
are possible in this setting. Of course, face-to-face interviews are very expensive per interview.
Telephone interviewing allows for interviewer administration with a trained interviewer and is much
less expensive than face-to-face interviews. Response rates have been in decline for years and may
not be acceptable to all stakeholders. Mail interviewing is relatively inexpensive and has response
rates that are generally higher than telephone interviewing, but the interviews must be selfadministered and that places constraints on the complexity of the instrument and features such as
within household sampling and probing are not available. BLS decided against mail interviews as an
Pilot Study Design for the SOII Employee Study
option as they do not include the careful probing from direct interaction with a trained interviewer
that questions about occupational injuries and illnesses require. The idea of using mail only to
determine eligibility of the household was entertained, but given the relatively high eligibility rate for
the SOII Westat does not see many benefits to this type of screening approach using mail.
The distinction between prospective and retrospective interviews is another important branching for
both the household-based study and the employer-based study. This is discussed in detail in
Section 4.1 in the Cost-Benefit Analysis. In that report, it was argued that the prospective panel
approach helped reduce the correlation between incidence and response (as in the prospective
approach injuries will be in the future, and cannot influence response at the time of the survey
contact). This is a much larger issue in the employer-based study than the household-based study.
Since we are only considering a household-based study, the response propensity tradeoff between
the prospective and retrospective studies reduces in importance, and the nonresponse associated
with a followup interview under the prospective option pushes the advantage towards retrospective
The time window is an important determinant of both quality and cost. Current research on recall
error as discussed in the Section 3.1 of the Cost-Benefit Analysis shows that having a time window
wider than three months will likely incur measurement error, especially for more minor injuries and
illnesses. But having a short time window will mean a large number of required interviews (e.g., for a
three-month time interval, four times as many interviews are required as for a twelve-month time
interval). Based on these findings, BLS tentatively decided that a window shorter than three months
(e.g., one month, two months) may not be economically feasible. The range of possible time
windows for the SOII Employee Study that is deemed feasible is three months to twelve months.
Pilot Study Design for the SOII Employee Study
Face-to-Face Sample Design
This section proposes a face-to-face design option. Given the expense of recruiting and fielding the
households under this mode, a retrospective sample design is the most cost-effective (i.e., asking
about incidences in the most recent time window up to the interview date). If a twelve-month
window is used (all events in the past year), then the effective sample size of working adults should
be 5,100. If a three-month window is used (all events in the past three months), then an effective
sample size of working adults will be 20,400.
A face-to-face national probability design requires a multi-stage design. We recommend as a
benchmark the design for the National Health Interview Survey, which is a three-stage design.1 The
goals of this study are similar to that of NHIS, making NHIS a good exemplar (if not in fact the
parent survey for a modular or follow-on design), although some features may differ. The Primary
Sample Units (PSUs) are counties or groups of counties. The sample of PSUs should be a stratified
probability proportionate to size (PPS) sample, with the estimated number of workers as the
measure of size for each PSU. The larger metropolitan PSUs will be self-representing (SR) and will
be selected with certainty. The smaller PSUs will be placed into strata, and will be selected PPS
without replacement. A systematic selection is common, but other methodologies can be used. The
stratification structure for the first stage of selection should be selected carefully. The strata should
be homogeneous in the primary characteristic being measured within strata, and heterogeneous in
this characteristic across strata. In this case, the primary characteristic of interest is prevalence of
occupational injuries and illnesses. An analysis of prevalence by geography using the SOII employer
survey data may provide the right stratification structure. It may or may not be the case that
prevalence varies across county-level PSUs in some kind of systematic way. It may even be possible
to draw from the NHIS PSU sample (something that can be considered to save on development
costs). The number of sampled noncertainty PSUs (NSRs) for the employee study should be large
enough to guarantee adequate degrees of freedom for variance estimation. Sixty noncertainty PSUs
The source for the NHIS design is Parsons, V. L, C. Moriarity, K. Jonas, et al. “Design and Estimation for the National
Health Interview Survey, 2006-2015, National Center for Health Statistics. Vital Health Stat 2(165), 2014. Parsons, V.L.
(2014), “Designing Flexibility for State Samples into the 2016 NHIS”, Proceedings of the Survey Research Methods
Section, American Statistical Association, 3037-3043, provides an overview of the still unfinished sample design for the
next decade NHIS cycle 2016-2025.
Pilot Study Design for the SOII Employee Study
sampled from 30 strata is probably a minimum for the NSR PSU sample size (providing 30 degrees
of freedom in variance estimation for this component of variance).2
An alternative ‘exemplar’ or even a source of final sample units is the Current Population Survey.
The questionnaire for the SOII Employee Study will certainly deviate from the CPS questionnaire,
but the target population for this study is very similar to that of the CPS (CPS targets the workingage population: employed and unemployed workers). The PSU structure is similar to that of NHIS
(counties and groups of counties). CPS and the new cycle of NHIS have separate samples by states.
This would also need to be ‘undone’ by subsampling if CPS or NHIS PSUs were used for the SOII
Employee Study, as the SOII Employee Study should not have oversampling of small states. Of
course, there are administrative details associated with using the CPS that BLS knows very well.
The next stage of selection is of second-stage units (SSUs) which are intermediate between the
county-level PSUs and the households which are the final stage of selection. SSUs can be block
groups, tracts, blocks, or modifications thereof. The choice of SSU should be determined by a tradeoff between intra-SSU correlation and cost of fielding the sample. Smaller SSUs tend to have higher
intra-SSU correlations, but lower costs. A full-scale optimality analysis could measure intra-SSU
correlations and relative costs. NHIS and CPS both use Census blocks. In this case, NHIS or CPS
can probably provide a sufficiently efficient exemplar that can be used for the pilot study. The
information gathered from the pilot study about intra-stage correlations and cost ratios would then
inform future employee studies. Alternatively, relevant intra-stage correlation coefficients can be
computed at the NHIS PSU level by using data on prevalence of occupational injury and illness by
PSU from a recent NHIS survey. This will require securing the files with all the needed data on
geography (there may be confidentiality restrictions on getting PSU and SSU identifiers) and carrying
through the appropriate analysis.
Westat would recommend exploring the possibility of using block groups rather than the traditional
blocks. Block groups are less homogeneous, reducing the intra-cluster correlation. The larger listing
cost can be offset by using address lists from the Postal Service (an ABS procedure) as the entire
frame or with supplementation for missing data. For the urban block groups, the address lists from
the post office will cover the block group quite well. The block groups will also increase data
collection costs due to travel within the PSU for interviewers, but our experience is that this increase
is not great in many surveys.
Note that there needs to be certainty PSUs as well in addition to the minimum sixty noncertainty PSUs.
Pilot Study Design for the SOII Employee Study
Table 3-1 illustrates a possible design based on CPS and NHIS designs. It assumes that 65 percent
of the population falls into self-representing PSUs (the actual percentage varies based on the exact
design and cannot be determined until frame development). A total of 1,348 SSUs are assumed, with
78 NSR PSUs. The NSR within-PSU correlation is assumed to be low, 0.005. This is likely realistic
of occupational injury and illness prevalence, but an empirically based estimate should be computed
eventually. The mean number of sampled SSUs per NSR PSU is assumed to be 6, with the mean
number of interviewed households in both SR and NSR SSUs assumed to be 4. The within-SSU
correlation is assumed to be 0.05. The cluster design effect for the NSR SSUs is approximately given
by3 1 + 𝑎𝑏𝜌1 + (𝑏 − 1)𝜌2 , where 𝜌1 is the intra-PSU correlation, 𝜌2 is the intra-SSU correlation,
b is the average number of responding households per SSU, and a is the average number of SSUs
per PSU. For the SR PSUs it is simply 1 + (𝑏 − 1)𝜌2 , as the first stage of selection is eliminated.
With all of these parameters defined, the overall design effect from clustering is 1.2. This is probably
realistic for this study for the effect of clustering.
Table 3-1.
Illustration of design and design effect calculations
Percent of population
Number of PSUs
Within-PSU correlation
Number of SSUs
Number of SSUs per PSU
Number of intvd households
Number of intvd households per SSU
Within SSU correlation
Design effect
Effective HH sample size
Table 3-2 illustrates a possible design which achieves the goal of an effective sample size of at least
5,100 (note this assumes a twelve-month recall period: a three-month recall will require a 4 times
larger sample size). We adjust for the assumed design effect from clustering from Table 3-1, and also
include an assumed design effect of 1.2 from weighting adjustments (e.g., nonresponse adjustments,
adjustments from variable cluster sizes). The sample design assumed here includes interviewing up
to two working adults per household, resulting in a mean number of 1.6 adults per household
(see Section 5.1.1 in the Cost-Benefit Report). The adult response rate (conditional on the screener
being completed) is assumed to be 85 percent, and the screener response rate 75 percent. The
Hansen, M. H., Hurwitz, W. N., and Madow, W. G. (1953), Sample Survey Methods and Theory, Volume I, Equation (3.1),
p. 370. New York: Wiley Classics Library.
Pilot Study Design for the SOII Employee Study
household eligibility rate (households with at least one working adult) is assumed to be 80 percent,
as in Section 5-1-1 of the Cost-Benefit Report. A total of 9,000 initially sampled households will lead
to the desired effective sample size of 5,100.
Table 3-2.
Possible face-to-face design with twelve-month recall period
Household sample size
Household response rate
Household screener size
Household eligibility rate
Eligible screener households
Mean sampled adults/eligible HHs
Sampled adults
Adult response rate
Adult prevalence interviews
Design effect from weighting
Design effect from clustering
Effective sample size
Pilot Study Design for the SOII Employee Study
Telephone Survey Sample Design
A telephone survey design at the national level can be a one-stage design (no PSUs or SSUs).
Landline numbers should be sampled from an RDD list-assisted frame, and cellphone numbers
from a cellphone exchange frame. There are relatively inexpensive commercial vendors who can
provide access to the most recent versions of these frames, and allow for the draw of valid samples.
Each cellphone interview is more expensive to collect, as each call has to be by a live interviewer.
With the landlines, a ‘half-ring’ call can be made by automated dialers to establish that the number is
a working number, and then a live interviewer only calls numbers which have been initially screened
by the automatic dialer. The optimal design would not draw cellphone numbers in proportion to the
population, but draw somewhat fewer cellphone numbers because of their higher cost. There is no
clustering from PSUs and SSUs, but the sample sizes must be larger to offset the low response rates
that are typical (20-25%).
Lohr and Brick (2014)4 present two types of dual-frame designs: a ‘screener design’ and an ‘overlap
design’. The screener design screens out any cellphone numbers where the screener respondent
indicates that the household has a landline number. The overlap design takes these numbers and
interviews a sampled adult (usually there is only one adult associated with a cellphone number).
Under the overlap design, there needs to be an adjustment for the multiple chances of selection of
the household. The optimal design depends on the following factors:
The percentages of households which are cellphone-only, landline-only, and both
cellphone and landline (these numbers are in the series of papers published by
Blumberg and Luke5 based on NHIS);
The relative OII prevalence levels for cellphone-only, landline-only, and both cellphone
and landline households;
Lohr, S., and J. M. Brick (2014). “Allocation for dual frame telephone surveys with nonresponse”. Journal of Survey
Statistics and Methodology 2 (4), 388-409.
The most recent reference in this series is Blumberg, S.J., and J. V. Luke (2014). “Wireless substitution: early release of
estimates from the National Health Interview Survey, January-June 2014”. National Center for Health Statistics.
Available at
Pilot Study Design for the SOII Employee Study
The relative costs of cellphone and landline screeners and cellphone and landline
completed interviews; and
The relative response rates for cellphone and landline screeners and cellphone and
landline completed interviews.
Based on the values of these key parameters and the relative prevalence levels in the three domains,
Lohr and Brick (2014) can provide a methodology for choosing an optimal design. In the pilot
study, rough guesses can be made for the relative prevalence levels, relative costs, and relative
response rates.
We recommend a retrospective design here with a three-month or twelve-month window. A
prospective design has a strong rationale in the context of an employer-based study as it decouples
the response from prevalence (very important). In a household study, the nonresponse will not likely
be correlated to prevalence if the questionnaire is worded carefully and the potential respondents
can be convinced that their confidentiality will be protected. Any followup interviews in the context
of telephone interviewing will likely simply be a source of considerable panel nonresponse on top of
the considerable initial nonresponse. Thus we recommend the retrospective design over the
prospective design for the telephone survey as well as the face-to-face survey.
Table 4-1 illustrates a telephone design for a retrospective design with a twelve-month window. A
three-month window would require a four times larger sample size. The design effect from
weighting is assumed to be the relatively large value of 1.3 as the nonresponse adjustments will need
to be considerable in this case. We assume that one sampled adult will be sampled for prevalence
interviews, in-person or by proxy. Unlike the face-to-face design, we take only one sampled adult
because of the difficulty of reaching other household adults through cellphone numbers, which tend
to be personal. A screening interview will be required to specify the working adults within the
household, and to draw a sample of those adults. Another option is to sample only one working
adult within the household. This will simplify the questionnaire and protocol for each sampled
household, but will then require a larger sample size of households.
Pilot Study Design for the SOII Employee Study
Table 4-1.
Possible telephone design with twelve-month recall period
Household sample size
Household response rate
Household screener size
Household eligibility rate
Eligible screener households
Mean sampled adults/eligible HHs
Sampled adults
Adult response rate
Adult prevalence interviews
Design effect from weighting
Effective sample size
We recommend a vigorous adaptive design approach for minimizing nonresponse bias under the
telephone mode, to the extent this is possible. Incentives and extensive mailings preceding the initial
telephone contact, and mailings following an unsuccessful initial telephone contact, for households
in which there is an address linked to the (largely landline) telephone number.6 Noncontacts and
initial nonrespondents should be followed up intensively. We also recommend an approach in which
sampled households or persons who are nonrespondents after a given period of time are
subsampled at a 50 percent rate for more intensive followup, dropping the other sample numbers
from further followup. The concentration of interviewer efforts on a subsample of the initial
nonrespondents and the other added field procedures discussed elsewhere should increase the
response rate, appropriately weighted, over the response rate that would have been obtained with a
non-adaptive design. We have used all of these methods but response rates are still relatively low as
indicated earlier. The approach also results in an additional design effect from doubling the weights
of the subsampled converted initial nonrespondents, but this can be limited by not subsampling
until reasonable efforts are made on all cases. The technique of drawing followup subsamples from a
set of initial nonrespondents dates back to Hansen and Hurwitz (1946).7
An excellent up-to-date, comprehensive meta-analysis of this is given in Mercer, A., Caporaso, Cantor, D. and
Townsend, R. (2015), How much gets you how much? Monetary incentives and response rates in household surveys.
Public Opinion Quarterly 79, 105-129. This is also discussed in Section 3.3 of the Cost-Benefit Report.
Hansen, M. H., and Hurwitz, W. N. (1946). The problem of nonresponse in sample surveys. Journal of the American
Statistical Association, 41, 517-529.
Pilot Study Design for the SOII Employee Study
Integration of the Employee Study with Larger
National Studies
There are three plans which the Cost-Benefit Report had put forward for the SOII Employee
household survey option: a stand-alone study, a module option, and a follow-on option. In the case
of the module and follow-on options, a larger study needs to be the ‘host’ for the SOII Employee
Study. As discussed in the Cost-Benefit Report, the best option for this appears to be the National
Health Interview Survey (NHIS). NHIS is a face-to-face survey, so a face-to-face option for the
SOII employee study is a good fit. It should be noted that NHIS for recent cycles had about 37,000
interviewed households.8 Our best information about the next decade’s NHIS cycle (2016-2025) is
that there will be a ‘core’ national sample of about 25,000 interviewed households with no
oversampling that can be used as a host for the SOII Employee Study. This provides enough NHIS
households in one cycle for a national study to cover SOII Employee Study household sample of
about 9,000 for a twelve-month recall period (see Table 3-2), but not quite enough for a threemonth recall period (which requires 36,000 households).
If the telephone survey option is chosen for the SOII employee study, then only the stand-alone or
follow-on options are available for the linking. The follow-on option becomes a telephone followup
to the CPS or NHIS face-to-face interview. Table 4-1 indicates a household sample size of about
40,000, which would likely be beyond the available sample size from NHIS for one cycle. But this
presupposes a response rate of 25 percent, which is what would be expected currently for standalone telephone surveys. But in this case, the household pool would be NHIS respondents, so the
likely follow-on response rate might be higher. If the follow-on response rate can be edged up to
50 percent, then a household sample size base of 20,000 is sufficient, and this could be covered by
NHIS. The telephone numbers of the respondents in the CPS or NHIS are collected but there will
be some loss due to the delay in processing the data from that survey and not all the telephone
numbers are captured in the NHIS.
All of the sample sizes in Sections 1 through 4 presuppose a simple national estimate of overall
prevalence of occupational injuries and illnesses over a particular year period. If particular industries,
occupational groups, or types of injuries/illnesses are specified to receive smaller CVs, then all of
See for example Parsons, V. L, C. Moriarity, K. Jonas, et al. “Design and Estimation for the National Health Interview
Survey, 2006-2015, National Center for Health Statistics. Vital Health Stat 2(165), 2014, page 9.
Pilot Study Design for the SOII Employee Study
the sample sizes will increase to meet these requirements. For example, if ‘Case 1’ and ‘Case 2’
injuries are designated to allow for 80 percent power for 20 percent differences in prevalence
between the employer and the employee studies, then the sample sizes will need to be twice as large
(effective sample sizes of 10,730), as given in Table 2-4 of the Cost-Benefit Report. A study on this
scale will likely be too much for NHIS as a host survey (depending on the specified recall period),
but CPS can still provide the necessary households. If there are enough small subgroups which are
designated with high power requirements it may be too large even for CPS as a host survey.
One option is to combine samples across cycles for subgroups (adding together the samples for the
subgroup from two, three, four cycles). This achieves the power goal, but the estimate now refers to
a mean value of prevalence over several years, rather than a single year’s estimate.
While the mechanics of setting up and operating with a study like the NHIS is an administrative
detail outside of our area, we expect that the pilot study will be stand-alone, even if the final SOII
employee household survey may be a module or a follow-on option. This provides some
complications in the development of the questionnaire and protocols. The pilot study will have
differences with the later main household survey that will impact the questionnaire and protocols.
This seems unavoidable.
Pilot Study Design for the SOII Employee Study
Questionnaire Development and Proxies
Primary issues in questionnaire development are the need to specify the type of injury or illness,
which will require a complex branching questionnaire structure, with probes and clarifications
required to lead the sampled person (or proxy) to the appropriate answers. Also required is a
specification of both the industry and the occupational subgroups. Specifying industry and
occupational subgroup is necessary to allow for post-survey weighting adjustments in addition to
being needed by analysts.
Another important issue is recall. If a twelve-month window is utilized, prompting recall becomes
very important. There is an extensive literature regarding the prompting of recall of calendar-based
events that should be explored. It is important to maximize recall on the part of the respondent as to
their occupational injuries and illnesses, and to make sure the events do in fact fall within the time
window. This is even of greater concern when proxies need to be utilized, as proxies may forget
quickly about less serious occupational injuries and illnesses, or more readily get the time of the
occurrence wrong. One possible option would be to randomize the sample into two subsamples:
one to receive a twelve-month recall time-window and one to receive a three-month recall timewindow. Ideally, each branch should have an effective sample size of 5,100 on its own to support a
national estimate on its own.
It is important to allow for ‘family respondents’ (proxy response) to allow for those persons who are
in hospitals or rehabilitation facilities due to injuries and illnesses suffered in the time window to be
covered in the retrospective interview.
The Cost-Benefit Analysis Report discusses the ‘prevalence’ and ‘incidence’ interviews. The
prevalence interview specifies that an occupational injury or illness has likely occurred to a sampled
adult in the time window. The incidence interview then confirms this and asks for details about it. In
some cases, the incidence interview can follow directly as another module in the face-to-face or
telephone contact. In other cases, the incidence interview will need to be scheduled as a separate
interview. The key design decision is whether to accept household respondent reports as proxies for
reporting of incidents of other members. We encourage this approach in the pilot test, but would
propose a large enough subsample of adults who have no reported incidents as reported by a proxy
to be sampled for estimating the error rates associated with the proxies. Given the low prevalence
Pilot Study Design for the SOII Employee Study
rate we can expect among the persons reported for by proxies, this subsample unfortunately needs
to be quite large to provide any kind of power to distinguish prevalence. This needs to be worked
out carefully in the questionnaire and protocol development.
Pilot Study Design for the SOII Employee Study
Weighting and Estimation
Sampling weights should be developed for unbiased estimation from the pilot study. These sampling
weights should begin with base weights: reciprocals of the probability of selection of each sampled
adult. For the face-to-face mode, this includes PSU, SSU, household, and adult sampling
probabilities. For the telephone mode, this includes household and adult sampling probabilities, and
adjustments for multiple household telephone numbers. Since the telephone survey is a dual frame
survey a composite estimation scheme is needed to deal with the overlap (if screening for cell
phones is not done). The composite estimation scheme we would recommend is described in detail
in Brick et al, (2011).9
Nonresponse adjustments will be necessary for both the face-to-face and the telephone modes,
though the stakes will be higher for the telephone mode with its lower response rates. Nonresponse
weighting adjustment cells should be defined based on characteristics known at the sample level
which are both related to response propensity and to prevalence. Calibration adjustments should be
considered so that the weights match control totals for total employees by industry and occupational
group. This will minimize biases from getting too many or too few employees in particular industries
or occupational groups. Control totals can come from other BLS employment studies. The
questionnaire needs to accurately assign sampled working adults to their industry and occupational
group for this adjustment to be accurate.
We prefer replicate weights be generated using balanced repeated replication (BRR) or the jackknife.
The replicate structure is considerably different between face-to-face and telephone modes, given
the very different sample designs. Taylor series method variance estimation should also be
accommodated even though it may not capture all the components of variance associated with
nonresponse and calibration.
Brick, J. M., I. F. Cervantes, , S. Lee, & G. Norman (2011). Nonsampling errors in dual frame telephone surveys. Survey
Methodology, 37(1), 1-12.
Pilot Study Design for the SOII Employee Study
Information to Collect from the Pilot Study and
Preliminary Activities
The key information that will be collected from the pilot study is the national occupational injury
and illness prevalence rate for the time window covered by the study, and this can then be compared
to the SOII Employer Survey prevalence. This is the primary purpose of the SOII Employee Study,
and its success or failure will be determined by how well it achieves this primary purpose.
Other information of importance that should be collected from the pilot includes:
Computation of response rates and response rate differences across subgroups
Differences between recall periods: whether three-month and twelve-month recall
periods give systematically different prevalence rates, and how these differentials differ
by injury type and by other subgroups;
Correlation coefficients for prevalence: within household;
For the face-to-face option, within-PSU and within-SSU correlations for prevalence;
For the face-to-face option, relative costs for PSUs, SSUs, and households;
For the telephone option, relative costs for landline and cellphone numbers;
For the telephone option, relative prevalence rates for landline and cellphone numbers;
For the telephone option, relative response rates for landline and cellphone numbers;
Effects of proxy interviews: how well proxies report on prevalence as compared to the
sampled adult themselves.
In some cases, information can be collected from preliminary activities preceding the pilot study
(pre-pilots, focus studies, etc.). It is likely that the sample sizes will be small for these preliminary
activities, but they can shed some light on some of the issues. The gold standard for evaluating
competing options is a fully randomized approach. Under full randomization, a randomly selected
set of sample units receive one branch, and the complement set receives another branch. (Note that
here can be more than two branches.). Randomization can be used for example to determine effects
of differing time windows for recall periods (three months vs. twelve months), and to determine
Pilot Study Design for the SOII Employee Study
differences from proxies. Randomization can also be utilized to decide upon the working adult
sample size within each sampled household (one, two, or more working adults as a maximum
sample size). The sample sizes need to be large enough however to provide for sufficient power.
The pilot study itself will have these large sample sizes.
Pilot Study Design for the SOII Employee Study
File Type | application/pdf |
File Modified | 2017-06-19 |
File Created | 2015-10-09 |