Form FR Y-8 FR Y-8 Holding Company Report of Insured Depository Institution

Holding Company Report of Insured Depository Institutions' Section 23A Transactions with Affiliates


Institutions with covered transactions

OMB: 7100-0126

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FR Y- 8
OMB Number 7100-0126
Approval expires April 30, 2018
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Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

The Bank Holding Company Report of Insured Depository
Institutions' Section 23A Transactions with Affiliates—FR Y- 8
Report at the close of business as of the last calendar day of the quarter
This Report is required by law: Section 5(c) of the Bank Holding
Company Act (12 U.S.C. § 1844(c)) and Section 225.5(b) of
Regulation Y (12 C.F.R. § 225.5(b)). The Federal Reserve System
regards the individual bank information provided by each
respondent as confidential. If it should be determined subsequently
that any information collected on this form must be released,
respondents will be notified.

NOTE: The Bank Holding Company Report of Insured Depository
Institutions' Section 23A Transactions with Affiliates must be
signed by an authorized officer of the bank holding company.

The Federal Reserve may not conduct or sponsor, and an
organization (or a person) is not required to respond to, a collection
of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.
The Bank Holding Company Report of Insured Depository
Institutions' Section 23A Transactions with Affiliates should be
prepared in accordance with the instructions provided by the
Federal Reserve System.
Date of Report:
Month / Day / Year (BIDI 9999)

I, the undersigned officer of the bank holding company, attest
that the Bank Holding Company Report of Insured Depository
Institutions' Section 23A Transactions with Affiliates for this report
date have been prepared in conformance with the instructions
issued by the Federal Reserve System and are true and correct
to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Printed Name of Officer

Legal Title of the Top-Tier Bank Holding Company (TEXT 9010)


(Mailing Address of the Bank Holding Company) Street / PO Box (TEXT 9110)

Signature of Officer

Date of Signature

City (TEXT 9130)

State (TEXT 9200)

Zip Code (TEXT 9220)

Person to whom questions about this report should be directed:

Name / Title (TEXT 8901)

Area Code / Phone Number (TEXT 8902)

For Federal Reserve Bank Use Only

Area Code / FAX Number (TEXT 9116)

E-mail Address of Contact (TEXT 4086)

Public reporting burden for this information collection is estimated at an average of 7.8 hours per response, including time to gather and maintain data in the required form and to review
instructions and complete the information collection. Comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this information collection, including suggestions for reducing the
burden, may be sent to Secretary, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 20th and C Streets, NW, Washington, DC 20551, and to the Office of Management and Budget,
Paperwork Reduction Project (7100-0126), Washington, DC 20503.


FR Y-8
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Legal Name of Insured Depository Institution (TEXT 9012)

(Mailing Address of Insured Depository Institution) Street / PO Box (TEXT 9013)

City (TEXT 9024)

State (TEXT 9026) Zip Code (TEXT 9027)

The insured depository institution does not have to complete Page 3 or Page 4 of this report if the insured
depository institution meets all of the criteria in Part A or B below.

Part A
1. The insured depository institution did not make a loan or other extension of credit to any affiliate during the quarter, and does not
have outstanding a loan or other extension of credit to any affiliate as of the end of the quarter.
2. The insured depository institution did not purchase any asset from any affiliate during the quarter, and does not own or control any
asset that was purchased from an affiliate as of the end of the quarter.
3. The insured depository institution did not make a loan or other extension of credit to any nonaffiliate during the quarter that was
secured by securities issued by any affiliate, and does not have any outstanding loan or extension of credit to any nonaffiliate that is
secured by securities issued by any affiliate as of the end of the quarter.
4. The insured depository institution did not purchase or invest in securities issued by an affiliate during the quarter, and does not own
or control any securities issued by an affiliate as of the end of the quarter.
5. The insured depository institution did not issue a guarantee, acceptance, or letter of credit on behalf of an affiliate during the quarter,
and does not have any outstanding guarantees, acceptances, or letters of credit that were issued on behalf of an affiliate as of the
end of the quarter.
6. The insured depository institution did not engage in any of the above transactions with a nonaffiliate where the proceeds of those
transactions were transferred to, or used for the benefit of, an affiliate.
7. The insured depository institution does not control any financial subsidiaries as of the end of the quarter (as defined in the glossary of
this report).
8. The insured depository institution does not have any outstanding derivative transactions with affiliates as of the end of the quarter.

Part B
1. The insured depository institution did engage in the transactions described in Part A above, but those transactions are exempt
pursuant to sections 223.41 and 223.42 of Regulation W.
2. The insured depository institution does not control any financial subsidiaries as of the end of the quarter (as defined in the glossary of
this report).
3. The insured depository institution does not have any outstanding derivative transactions with affiliates as of the end of the quarter.

If the insured depository institution meets all of the criteria in Part A or B above, the appropriate officer must sign in the
space below and return page 1 of the report and the declaration page to the appropriate Federal Reserve Bank each

Name of Officer of the Insured Depository Institution


Signature of Officer of the Insured Depository Institution


FR Y-8
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Legal Name of Insured Depository Institution (TEXT 9012)

(Mailing Address of Insured Depository Institution) Street / PO Box (TEXT 9013)
City (TEXT 9024)

State (TEXT 9026) Zip Code (TEXT 9027)

Report at the close of business
Month / Day / Year

This report is to be completed by the bank holding company for each insured depository institution.

Part I
Please check this box if the insured depository institution has covered transactions
with financial subsidiaries only. Do not complete items 1 and 2.
All bank holding companies (including financial holding companies) with insured depository institutions that have covered transactions
with affiliates other than financial subsidiaries must report items 1 and 2 and Memorandum item 1.
(Column A)
Aggregate Amount at the
End of the Calendar

Dollar Amounts in Thousands



1. Covered transactions subject to section 23A collateral requirements
(Exclude transactions between the insured depository institution and
financial subsidiaries) ....................................................................... B968
2. Covered transactions not subject to section 23A collateral requirements
(Exclude transactions between the insured depository institution and
financial subsidiaries) ...................................................................... B970

(Column B)
Maximum Aggregate
Amount during the
Calendar Quarter






Please check this box if the insured depository institution does not control a financial subsidiary.
Do not complete items 3 through 7.
All bank holding companies (including financial holding companies) with insured depository institutions that control a financial
subsidiary must report items 3 through 7 and Memorandum item 1.
Dollar Amounts in Thousands
3. Covered transactions subject to section 23A collateral requirements
between the insured depository institution and financial subsidiaries
(Exclude transactions reported in items 5 and 6) ....................................
4. Covered transactions not subject to section 23A collateral requirements
between the insured depository institution and financial subsidiaries
(Exclude transactions reported in items 5 and 6) ....................................
5. Purchase of, or investment in, securities issued by financial subsidiaries of
insured depository institutions by the insured depository institution:
a. Equity securities (Exclude retained earnings) .....................................
b. Debt securities .............................................................................
6. Purchase of, or investment in, securities issued by financial subsidiaries of
insured depository institutions by affiliates of the insured depository
a. Equity securities (Exclude retained earnings) .....................................
b. Debt securities .............................................................................
7. Loans or other extensions of credit by affiliates of the insured depository
institution to the financial subsidiaries of the insured depository institution
(not subject to section 23A) ................................................................



















Dollar Amounts in Thousands


1. Maximum aggregate amount for all covered transactions included in items 1 through 6 for any single
day during the calendar quarter .......................................................................................... C450




FR Y-8
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Part II
All bank holding companies (including financial holding companies) with insured depository institutions that engage in derivative
transactions with affiliates must report items 1 through 3. (Exclude credit derivatives that are included in Part I.)
Aggregate Amount at the
End of the Calendar

Dollar Amounts in Thousands


1. Positive fair value of derivative contracts between the insured depository institution and its affiliates ...... C451
2. Amount of collateral pledged to the insured depository institution to secure derivative contracts
between the insured depository institution and its affiliates ............................................................ C452
3. Notional amount of derivative contracts between the insured depository institution and its affiliates........ C453




File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleFR Y-8
SubjectThe Bank Holding Company Report of Insured Depository ..Institutions' Section 23A Transactions with Affiliates
AuthorFederal Reserve Board
File Modified2018-06-22
File Created2016-03-31

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