NOAA Community-based Restoration Program Progress Reports - Initial report

NOAA Community-based Restoration Program Progress Reports

OMB NO. 0648-0472_CRP_Performance Progress Report_Guidance_2018 FINAL v2 (1)

NOAA Community-based Restoration Program Progress Reports - Initial report

OMB: 0648-0472

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Performance Progress Report

OMB #0648-0472 Expiration
Date: 10/31/2018

Performance Progress Report (PPR) Instructions
The purpose of the Performance Progress Report form is to track implementation, monitoring,
and expenditures. It will be used to collect information on projects, funded by the NOAA
Restoration Center. Awards implementing multiple projects may complete a form for each
The following instructions provide guidance for completing this form. The data elements from
the form are in bold, followed by line item instructions for completing the box on the report
1. Federal Agency to Which Report is Submitted: this is pre-filled by the awarding Federal
agency with the name of the Federal agency and the sub-agency identified in the award
document (e.g. NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service)
2. Award or Sub-Award Number: Enter the NOAA award or sub-award number, if applicable,
used to track the award by the awarding organization.
3. Federal Program Officer-Name: Enter the name of the NOAA Federal Program Officer with
responsibility for monitoring this award.

Project Information
4. Project Name: Enter the name of the project
5. Recipient or Sub-recipient Organization: Enter the name of the award recipient or subaward recipient organization and address, including zip code.
6. Is this the Final Report? Check the appropriate box. Check “yes” only if this is the final
comprehensive report for the project.
7. Award or Project Period Dates: Enter the start and end date of the project. When an
extension is approved, update the end date to the approved date.
8. Reporting Period Dates: Enter the start and end dates of the reporting period. The
reporting period is usually semi-annual, and ends 30 days prior to the report due date. For
final reports, the reporting period is the entire award period, project start date to end date.
9. Report Frequency: Select the appropriate term: annual, semi-annual, quarterly, or other.
“Other” may be used when more frequent reporting is required for high-risk sub-grantees,
as specified in OMB Circular 2 CFR 200.
10. Main Project Contact- Name: Enter the name of the person who is the main point of
contact for this project.
11. Main Project Contact- Title and Organization: Enter the title and organization of the person
who is the main point of contact for this project.
12. Main Project Contact- Email: Enter the phone number of the person who is the main point
of contact for this project.
13. Main Project Contact- Phone Number: Enter the phone number of the person who is the
main point of contact for this project.
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Performance Progress Report

OMB #0648-0472
Expiration Date: 10/31/2021

14. Project City: Enter the name of the City where the project is located.
15. Project State: Enter the name of the State where the project is located.
16. Number of Project Sites: Select the number of project sites associated with the project. If
there are more than six sites, add the locations to the narrative section of the form.
17. Project Site Coordinates: Enter the geographic coordinates in decimal degrees for the
project location. Contact NOAA for help identifying project coordinates.
18. Project Landowner Permission Received: Check appropriate box, Yes or No.
19. Monitoring Contact- Name: Enter the name of the person who is the monitoring contact for
this project, if applicable. This is not necessarily the same person as the main point of
contact for the project.
20. Monitoring Contact- Title and Organization: Enter the title and organization of the person
who is the monitoring contact for this project.
21. Monitoring Contact- Email: Enter the email address of the person who is the monitoring
contact for this project.
22. Monitoring Contact- Phone Number: Enter the phone number of the person who is the
monitoring contact for this project.
23. Monitoring Level: Check box(es) Tier I, Tier II or None: NOAA will pre-fill this box for each
award after discussing requirements with the recipient. Tier I is implementation monitoring.
Tier II is effectiveness monitoring. Tiered monitoring data will only be collected for select
fish passage, hydroreconnection, shellfish, or coral restoration projects. None will apply to
all other projects.
24. List of Target Species: List the target species under NOAA jurisdiction that will directly
benefit from this project (e.g., Central California Coast coho salmon).
25. List of Project Partners: Enter the full names of organizations contributing to or involved
with this project.
26. Problem the Project Addresses: Describe the historic and current status of the project area
and target species. Describe how the project activities will enhance the habitat and NOAA
trust species populations at the project site.
27. Other Attachments: List required or optional documents (e.g. data sharing plan, monitoring
plan, monitoring reports, articles/news clippings, before, during, and after high resolution
project photographs, and project maps or geographic/spatial data files) submitted with the
report in Grants Online.
28. Authorized Representative – Name and Title: Enter the name and title of the Authorized
Representative of the recipient organization certifying the report.
29. Authorized Representative-Email: Enter the Authorized Representative's email address.
30. Authorized Representative- Phone Number: Enter the Authorized Representative's phone
31. Performance Narrative (No page limit):
a. For the Initial and then all Interim Performance Progress Reports, describe the goals and
objectives of the project. All narratives should provide a detailed description of project
activities (e.g. construction and monitoring) to date, not just the reporting period. A
description may include: progress achieved towards milestones, an updated timeline of
remaining tasks, changes to proposed project activities and budget (e.g. construction
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Performance Progress Report

OMB #0648-0472
Expiration Date: 10/31/2021

design plans or alternate project activities), a description of roadblocks to future
progress, and lessons learned.
b. For Final Performance Progress Reports, discuss in detail the following project
components including the goals and objectives of the project, a description of project
activities implemented to complete the project over the award period. Highlight
partner's roles in project implementation.
i. State if the project was implemented and monitored as proposed. Describe
activities completed during implementation and monitoring.
ii. Describe materials and methods used to complete project implementation and
outreach tasks;
iii. For projects with a monitoring plan, describe the methods used in data
collection and data analysis, assumptions for data analysis, and key findings.
iv. Describe results and outcomes;
v. Describe in detail deviations from proposed in the implementation of methods,
achievements of performance metrics, and/or object class expenditures. Include
why the deviations were made and how they impacted the outcomes of the
proposed project.
vi. Describe lessons learned (e.g., new techniques, innovative partnerships, and
community engagement); and
vii. Describe future plans, such as restoration and monitoring next steps, and/or
plans for sharing/publishing results or description of other outreach activities
and products.

Project Activities
1. Activity Description: These activities are outlined in the project's final milestones, work
plan, or award conditions agreed to by the recipient and NOAA. If overall activities or
methods change, document changes in the performance narrative and communicate
them to the Federal Program Officer.
2. Activity status: From the drop down, choose if the activity is: not started, in-progress,
completed, or terminated if the action will no longer be completed.
3. Explanation of Progress: Include a brief description of your progress towards
completing the activity. Include anticipated start and end dates with the activity
description. Once the activity is completed, list the actual start and end date. If you
terminate an activity, describe why. Further details can be provided in the Performance
Narrative section.

Performance Measures:
1. Objective/Goal Description: Each measure corresponds to a project goal, objective, or
monitoring parameter specified in the final work plan and/or monitoring plan. Subrecipients and recipients discuss and identify these measures during award negotiations
with NOAA program staff.
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OMB #0648-0472
Expiration Date: 10/31/2021

2. Measure (Unit): Enter the unit of measure. This can be quantitative or qualitative. For
example, it can include counts, percentages, targeted dates, time periods, or levels. It
could also describe a condition, a result, or status.
3. Baseline: Enter the initial starting point or average amount or condition related to each
measure at the start of the award period.
4. Target Year: Enter the year you expect to accomplish the specified project targets.
Different target years may appear in the same report, as project accomplishments may
not all be realized in the same year.
5. Target: Enter the expected amount or condition to be achieved for each objective or
measure. Do not change the Target, unless specifically discussed with NOAA program
6. Actual to Date (cumulative): State the actual cumulative amount, condition or status
achieved by the end of the reporting period. If you want to identify the progress toward
a target during a specific reporting period, detail this in the Performance Narrative.
7. Explanation: Describe progress toward the target. If you do not expect to meet the
target, briefly explain any differences between the Target and Actual. Further details
can be provided in the Performance Narrative.
a. Final Report: If you did not meet the target, briefly explain any differences between
the Target and Actual. Further details can be provided in the Performance Narrative.
Make sure that all columns are complete. If they are not applicable, discuss them
with program staff prior to submitting the final report.

NOAA Award Funding
1. Object Class Expenditures: SF-424A object classes.
2. Year 1 NOAA Approved Funds: Enter the amount of NOAA funds budgeted for a single
funding period for each object class expenditure listed, as stated in the original award or
most recently approved budget revision.
3. Year 2 NOAA Approved Funds: If Year 2 funding is awarded, enter the amount of NOAA
funds budgeted for a single funding period for each object class expenditure listed, as
stated in the original award or most recently approved budget revision.
4. Year 3 NOAA Approved Funds: If Year 3 funding is awarded, enter the amount of NOAA
funds budgeted for a single funding period for each object class expenditure listed, as
stated in the original award or most recently approved budget revision.
5. Total Approved Funds: This column automatically sums the annual funding amounts
entered in columns 2-4. This column should match the total NOAA funds budgeted for
the entire award period for each object class expenditure listed. Ensure rows total
NOAA approved funds in the SF-424A original award and all funding amendments.
6. Total NOAA Funding Expended: Enter the cumulative amount, this reporting period plus
all previous periods, of NOAA funding expended by the end of the current reporting
period for each object class expenditure listed.
7. Notes: Enter notes about the budget by object class, as needed, for the purposes of
tracking funds.
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Performance Progress Report

OMB #0648-0472
Expiration Date: 10/31/2021

8. Budget Deviations Description: Explain any differences between the approved budget
and actual object class expenditures of NOAA funding. Note that some budget changes
require prior approval, as described in your award documents and 2 CFR Part 200.
Please note if your budget has been officially amended, and the date of the approved
award amendment.

Non-Federal Share Recipient Share Funds:
1. Object Class Expenditures: SF-424A object classes.
2. Year 1 Match Funds Approved: Enter the amount of Non-Federal Recipient Share
budgeted for a single funding period for each object class expenditure listed, as stated in
the original project award or most recently approved budget revision.
3. Year 2 Match Funds Approved: If Year 2 funding is awarded, enter the amount of NonFederal Recipient Share budgeted for a single funding period for each object class
expenditure listed, as stated in the original project award or most recently approved
budget revision.
4. Year 3 Match Funds Approved: If Year 3 funding is awarded, enter the amount of NonFederal Recipient Share budgeted for a single funding period for each object class
expenditure listed, as stated in the original project award or most recently approved
budget revision.
5. Total Approved Match Funds: This column automatically sums the amount of NonFederal Recipient Share amounts entered in columns 2-4. The total should match the
Non-Federal Share budgeted for the entire project period for each object class
expenditure listed, as stated in the final project application or contract.
6. Total Expended Match Funds: Enter the cumulative amount, this reporting period plus
all previous periods, of Non-Federal Recipient Share expended by the end of the current
reporting period for each object class expenditure listed.
7. Non-federal Recipient Share (Match Funds) Sources: List the type of match (In-kind or
Cash) and sources of Non-Federal Recipient Share contributions (the entity providing
cash, goods, or services) for each object class expenditure line.
8. Budget Deviations Description: Explain any differences between the approved budget
and actual Non-Federal Recipient Share. Note that some budget changes require prior
approval, as described in your award documents and 2 CFR Part 200. Please note if your
budget has been officially amended, and the date of the amendment.

Project Leverage (Funds beyond committed Match)
1. Leverage Task Description: If applicable, describe the activity supported with leveraged
funds. Include the partner implementing the supported activities. Acronyms are
appropriate. Full names of all partners should be in Box 25 of Award Information.
Contact NOAA Program staff for help with descriptions.
2. Type of Funds (Federal or Non-federal): Select the appropriate type of funds. Funds
should be classified as Federal or Non-Federal.
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Performance Progress Report

OMB #0648-0472
Expiration Date: 10/31/2021

3. Funding Source (Name of Organization): Enter the name of the organization providing
the leveraged funds.
4. Total Funds: Enter the amount of leveraged funds that contributed to the completion of
the project. This should include all funds not used to meet matching requirements (nonFederal recipient share) of the current award.

Monitoring Funds (Include all funding supporting monitoring activities)
1. Monitoring Task Description: If applicable, enter a short description of pre- and postconstruction monitoring activities. List the project partner that conducted the
monitoring, if it differs from the funding organization. Acronyms are appropriate. Full
names of all partners should be in Box 25 of Award Information. Contact NOAA Program
Staff for help with descriptions.
2. Type of Funds (Federal or Non-Federal): Select the appropriate type of funds. Funds
should be classified as Federal or Non-Federal.
3. Funding Source (Name of Organization): Enter the name of the organization providing
funding for pre or post-construction monitoring described in Box 1. If you have received
NOAA funding outside of the current award, please note if the NOAA funding source
referenced is from the current award or from a previous NOAA award.
4. Total Funds: Enter the amount of funding received from the organization in Box 3 of this
section that was expended on pre- and post-construction monitoring activities.

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File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2018-10-18
File Created2018-10-17

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